Émission de radio L'Autre Monde

Émission de radio L'Autre Monde

dimanche 10 septembre 2006

Video:Terror Storm et Operation Northwoods: terrorisme d'etat

Video: Terror Storm et Operation Northwoods: terrorisme d'etat

Est-ce que la notion d'un gouvernement qui utilise des actes de terrorisme contre sa propre population vous surprend ou meme declenche un reaction de deni immediat?

Etes-vous de ceux qui pensent que nos gouvernements ne veulent que notre bien, qu'ils n'oseraient jamais aller jusqu'a trahir et terroriser, ou meme utiliser des actes violents contre sa propre population?

Si c'est le cas, je ne pense pas que vous aurez le courage ni la volonte de consulter les documents que contient cet article ni de faire vos propres recherches. Par contre, si vous avez un esprit critique, vous douterez peut-etre mais vous allez quand meme verifier les informations que je vous soumets ici, question de verifier leur validite et de vous faire votre propre idee sur la question. Si vous etes de cette categorie, je salut votre curiosite, sens critique, votre courage et responsabilite. En choisissant de s'eduquer et de faire passer l'information on peut et on va avoir un meilleur futur. C'est la devise du site Want to Know dont vous trouverez deux liens d'articles pertinents plus bas.

Toutes ces informations sont choquantes et provocatives.

Dans le video Terror Storm, Alex Jones nous detaille et documente comment et pourquoi les attaques et alertes terroristes que nous avons veecu dernierement sont toutes connectes aux services secrets gouvernementaux, incluant les attaques a Londres et aux USA 9/11.

Ce video est une archive incroyable du terrorisme d'etat. A voir sans faute!

Ensuite vous trouverez les informations relatives a l'Operation Northwoods, qui etait un plan secret maintenant declassifie des militaires americains en 1962, qui avait comme objectif de simuler une attaque cubaine sur des cibles soit militaires ou civiles dans le but manipuler le publique a supporter une intervention militaire impopulaire contre Castro et l'ile de Cuba.

Ce n'est qu'un exemple flagrant parmis tant d'autres de conspiration REEL de l'appareil militaro-industrio-politique utilisant le terrorisme d'etat contre sa propre population pour avancer leur agenda peu populaire aupres des gens, qui souvent en souffre.

Ces documents gouvernementaux ne peuvent pas etre denie! Tout comme dans le cadre de l'Operation Gladio en Europe qui faisait sauter des autobus scolaire pleins d'enfants, ils sont des cas officiels, documentes et indeniables.

Je sais que c'est difficile pour plusieurs de comprendre et d'accepter cette realite, car elle contrevient directement a leur vision du monde et leurs illusions mentales qu'ils se sont monte au fil des annees. C'est bien la tout le danger et tout le pouvoir que l'elite possede: jamais personne n'irait jusqu'a penser que leur gouvernement occidentaux supposement tellement democratique et bon ne tuerait volontairement leur population. Il faut etre fou pour croire ca!

Moi je dis qu'il faut etre fou de faire confiance aveuglement a tout pouvoir.

Comme le disait si bien "V" dans "V for Vendetta": "Ce n'est pas les gens qui devraient avoir peur de leurs gouvernements, mais plutot les gouvernements qui devraient avoir peur des gens!"

Le plus troublant c'est de voir les mass medias entierement controle par la meme elite et qui repandent en long et en large toute la desinformation et propagande ainsi que les campagnes de peurs gouvernementales sans jamais rechercher la verite et poser les bonnes questions, sans vraiment rechercher la verite. Toute l'information est filtre. Noam Chomsky l'a bien demontre dans ses livres Manufacturing Consent et Necessary illusions. Une etude de la realite mediatique le revele assez rapidement aussi.

On a plus de chance de mourrir en tombant d'une echelle ou d'etre frappe par la foudre que d'etre attaque par des "terroristes". Tout ce show est la pour nous divertir des vrais terroristes, pour nous tenir dans la peur, la confusion et la soumission.

Par contre, le complexe militaro-industrio-politique a beaucoup a gagne d'un climat de peur et de guerre. Pensez-y.

TerrorStorm Delxue High Quality (Alex Jones) - Google Video

From the great mind that brought you documentaries such as "Martial Law 9/11: The Rise of the Police State" and "Dark Secrets Inside ...
all » Bohemian Grove" comes a new movie to awaken the masses. TerrorStorm goes into documented cases of government-sponsored terror before exposing the 7/7 bombings as an orchestrated event and brings another update on the current state of the 9/11 Truth Movement. This video is copyrighted but is allowed for non-profit, educational distribution.

False Flag Operations: Declassified Military Documents Show How US Government Planned Terrorist Attacks Against its Own Citizens

April 30, 2001

In his new exposé of the National Security Agency entitled Body of Secrets, author James Bamford highlights a set of proposals on Cuba by the Joint Chiefs of Staff codenamed OPERATION NORTHWOODS. This document, titled “Justification for U.S. Military Intervention in Cuba” was provided by the JCS to Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara on March 13, 1962, as the key component of Northwoods. Written in response to a request from the Chief of the Cuba Project, Col. Edward Lansdale, the Top Secret memorandum describes U.S. plans to covertly engineer various pretexts that would justify a U.S. invasion of Cuba. These proposals - part of a secret anti-Castro program known as Operation Mongoose - included staging the assassinations of Cubans living in the United States, developing a fake “Communist Cuban terror campaign in the Miami area, in other Florida cities and even in Washington,” including “sink[ing] a boatload of Cuban refugees (real or simulated),” faking a Cuban airforce attack on a civilian jetliner, and concocting a “Remember the Maine” incident by blowing up a U.S. ship in Cuban waters and then blaming the incident on Cuban sabotage. Bamford himself writes that Operation Northwoods “may be the most corrupt plan ever created by the U.S. government.”

Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, Justification for US Military Intervention in Cuba [includes cover memoranda], March 13, 1962, TOP SECRET, 15 pp.

U.S. Military Wanted to Provoke War With Cuba
Book: U.S. Military Drafted Plans to Terrorize U.S. Cities to Provoke War With Cuba

By choosing to educate ourselves and to spread the word, we can and will build a brighter future.

Government Scare Tactics September 8, 2006, San Francisco Chronicle (San Francisco's leading newspaper)

The latest "let's scare everyone" campaign is in full swing now, because the president's approval ratings go up every time the threat level reaches red. With the enthusiastic cooperation of the media, the government has managed to convince us that we are surrounded on every side by crazed bomb throwers and that we must at all times be vigilant and allow the government "to do its job," which is code for "anything it wants." Here's a headline from the Houston Chronicle: "Latest terror scares show airport threat lingers."
That's like saying, "Latest false alarms show fire threat lingers."
Since the object of terrorism is to spread terror, the "latest terror scares" demonstrate only that the government is abetting the work of terrorists. Here's my favorite story, as reported by the Associated Press: "A United Airlines flight...was delayed because a small boy said something inappropriate, according to a government official speaking on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the information. 'He didn't want to fly,' the official said." I hope that small boys do not hear about this. Mad at Mommy? You can turn her airplane around! Listen to the people interviewed at airports. "It's worth it," they say, patiently standing in line. Is it worth it to, say, raise taxes to pay for better veterans benefits?
Maybe it's easier to be afraid. Maybe it's easier to blame the shadowy forces of international terrorism for everything that's scary or evil or mean. Maybe it's easier than saying that poverty has killed more people than the terrorists have; that preventable diseases have killed more children than the terrorists have; that the rights we don't fight for are the rights we lose.

Alerts aid terror goals, study finds September 6, 2006, San Francisco Chronicle

Three things can be expected from Bush's speech, according to a new study by three Columbia University researchers: The media will repeat the president's remarks. Public fear of terrorism will increase. And the president's poll numbers will rise. Those have been the effects of presidential pronouncements on terrorism since the Sept. 11 attacks, according to political scientists. "These are interesting findings, and confirm what many of us had suspected," said Mark Juergensmeyer, director of Global and International Studies at UC Santa Barbara. "This public panic benefits the terrorists whose work is made easier by an overactive government response that magnifies their efforts.

In an odd way this puts the government and the terrorists in league with one another," he said. "The main loser, alas, is the terrified public." [The study's author said terrorists] "want to intimidate, they want to spread fear and anxiety."
Larry Beutler, director of the National Center on the Psychology of Terrorism in Palo Alto, who reviewed the Columbia team's research [commented] "There are findings suggesting that the administration's use of the alert system increased inordinately before the election and each time it did, Bush's numbers went up about 5 percent." The research is also a "damning indictment of the media's bloodlust," said Matthew T. Felling, media director for the Center for Media and Public Affairs in Washington.

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