L'Autre Monde 7 novembre 2011: En route vers la troisième guerre mondiale... (suite des sources)

L'Autre Monde 7 novembre 2011: En route vers la troisième guerre mondiale...
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L'Autre Monde 7 novembre 2011
120 min / Radio de l'UQAM, CHOQ FM
***Hyperliens vers les sources des informations discutées sur l'émission d'aujourd'hui:
New International Report Shreds Japan's Carefully Constructed Fukushima Scenario
Needless to say, in the aftermath of the disaster, both TEPCO and the Japanese government were at pains to minimize the disaster’s consequences, hardly surprising given the country’s densely populated regions.
But now, an independent study has effectively demolished TEPCO and the Japanese government’s carefully constructed minimalist scenario. Mainichi news agency reported that France’s l’Institut de Radioprotection et de Surete Nucleaire (Institute for Radiological Protection and Nuclear Safety, or IRSN) has issued a recent report stating that the amount of radioactive cesium-137 that entered the Pacific after 11 March was probably nearly 30 times the amount stated by Tokyo Electric Power Co. in May.
Japan lawmaker drinks water from Fukushima plant
A Japanese lawmaker has drunk a glass of water taken from a radioactive puddle inside a reactor building at the stricken Fukushima nuclear plant in a bid to prove decontamination efforts are working.
Television footage showed a visibly nervous Yasuhiro Sonoda gulping down water that he said had been decontaminated after being scooped up from inside the plant.
“Just drinking (decontaminated water) doesn’t mean safety has been confirmed, I know that,” Sonoda told reporters. “Presenting data to the public is the best way.”
Webmaster's Commentary:
One would hope that this man had a will fully in place before he did this.
Top 25: NRC’s internal documents from Fukushima made public after FOIA request from Enformable.com
Listed in no particular order
- March 14th, 2011 – NRC ONLY Update – All 3 Reactor cores likely damaged
- March 15th, 2011 UPDATE: 2000 EDT Telecon on Fukushima Daiichi – Unit 4 New Fire Broken Out – Doses in Area around 30R/hr
- March 15th 2011 – Unit 2 Containment Probably Breached – Loud Explosion – Containment Pressure Drop – Radiation Spike – Spent Fuel Fire
- March 15th, 2011 – All 3 Reactors have known fuel damage – 50 Staff on site – 5 may have received fatal radiation doses
- March 15th, 2011 – Fukushima Daiichi Units Degrading – Zirconium Fire at Reactor 4 SFP – Reactor 2 Possible Reactor Vessel Breach & Ex-Vessel Core Reaction
- March 12th 2011 12:52 PM FOAI Communication – Reactor 1 Water level was known to be below top of active fuel
- March 11th, 2011 – BBC is reporting radiation levels at reactor are 1000x normal. I feel like crying.
- March 15th, 2011 – Core Exposed at #2 Fukushima Daiichi
- March 15th, 2011 – Responding to inaccurate information in the news media – HELP CORRECT INACCURATE AND/OR MISLEADING NEWS REPORTS
- March 15th, 2011 – The fire’s back in unit 4 – Unit 4 pool has a full core load in it and needs full attention – Holes in the upper structure from the earlier hydrogen explosion in unit 4
- March 16th, 2011- ABC News Wants confirmation that things are definitely taking a turn for the worse – Per Holly – ignoring media calls
- March 17th, 2011 – RadNet isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. We should be careful
- March 17th, 2011 – This is a marathon, not a sprint – Take time to go outside and enjoy the spring
- March 18th, 2011 – There’s Got to be a ton of loose materials floating in the SFP – I would not be surprised if the top 10 feet or so of the sfp was sloshed out
- March 16th, 2011 – Assessing SFP Damage – SOARCA – Uncovered Spent Fuel Reports – Leak at Unit 4 SFP
- April 2nd, 2011 – Estimated 10-30%/daily drywell turnover leakage from failed penetrations – Please delete after reading
- March 30, 2011 – Reactor 2 Core Melted Through Containment Vessel – Workers “Lost the race” to save one of the reactors
- April 6th, 2011 – Japan just said there was a zirc fire in Unit 4 SFP. Did we know this? – Depends what is meant by “know.”
- March 20th, 2011 – The band of elevated dose rates up to 18 mi from plant to the northwest seems to coincide with “Lube Oil Fire” in Reactor 4 SFP
- March 14th, 2011 – Indications of Breach of Containment at Reactor 2
- March 12th, 2011 – To me it looked like a containment building disappearing in an explosive cloud. WTF.
- March 11th, 2011 – Fukushima Daiichi fuel could have been broken because iodine concentration in air began to be increased at the site boundary
- March 14th, 2011 – NRC Asked About Extra Security In Case of Mass Demonstrations at Meetings
- March 24th, 2011 – California Coastal Commission – Preliminary Report on Implications for Coastal California
- March 12th 2011 – Core Damage at Unit 1 Prior to Explosion
Webmaster's Commentary:
Short version: TEPCO was lying. The blogs had the straight dope.
Tepco Detects Nuclear Fission at Fukushima Station
Tokyo Electric Power Co. detected signs of nuclear fission at its crippled Fukushima atomic power plant, raising the risk of increased radiation emissions. No increase in radiation was found at the site and the situation is under control, officials said.
Webmaster's Commentary:
But we saw a major spike in radiation here on Oahu last Sunday.
Breaking: New Hole In Fukushima Reactor 2?
According to a breaking story on Enformable.com, there appears to be a new hole in Fukushima Unit 2 even as TEPCO is reporting that fission is happening there. Please stay tuned to FukushimaUpdate and Enformable for more on this developing story.
Radioactive Silver-110m detected at over 10,000 Bq/m² outside 30km evacuation zone (MAP)
Oct. 31 — “The Ministry of Education and Science announced on October 31 the ‘result’ of the survey they did in June. Much like announcing the result in July of the survey they did in March about radioactive fallout in Tohoku and Kanto, where radioactive iodine, cesium tellurium and silver were found in abundance in Tokyo,” reports EX-SKF.
See maps from the Ministry’s announcement on October 31 here: http://radioactivity.mext.go.jp/ja/distribution_map_around_FukushimaNPP/0002/5600_103120.pdf
The half life of Silver is about 250 days.
“Silver-110m probably came from melted control rods, and went all the way to Tokyo,” notes EX-SKF.
Read More: Ministry of Education Map on Tellurium-129m, Silver-110m in Soil in Fukushima
SOURCE: mext.go.jp
Title: Radiation Causing Unusual Changes: What’s Happening to Children Now? (July 14, 2011)
Uploader: tokyobrowntabby
Upload Date: Oct 20, 2011
“Please click on “cc” button to show English subtitles. This video is from a webcast program called “ContAct,” webcasted on July 14, 2011 by OurPlanet-TV. OurPlanet-TV is an alternative media/non profit webcast station with no religious or political affiliations. It was founded by a small group of producers, video journalists and other media professionals who questioned the way mainstream media covered 9.11 and the events that followed.
OurPlanet-TV English website: http://www.ourplanet-tv.org/?q=node/287
Translation by tokyobrowntabby, with a help from EX-SKF blog (http://ex-skf.blogspot.com/).”
Transcript Summary
At 15:30 in
GUEST, Mika Noro, President of NPO ‘The Bridge to Chernobyl’ which has helped to bring Chernobyl survivors to Japan:
- There are innumerable children who have such minor symptoms as say fatigue.
- Fatigue is a symptom of thyroid disorder. … Or eye swelling.
- I frequently heard from mothers their children suffered from eye swelling after they fell in the contaminated places.
HOST: I hear there’s a similar case recently.
NORO: Yes. I often hear the story of how children fell in a sandpit with high radiation and their eyes got swollen the next day.
See also: Japanese kitten with deformed eye -- Similar to Chernobyl victims (VIDEO)
…Even more to come about this informative program…
Radiation Causing Unusual Changes: What's Happening to Children Now? (July 14, 2011)
SOURCE: 630musasi
Title: Radiation Causing Unusual Changes: What’s Happening to Children Now? (July 14, 2011)
Uploader: tokyobrowntabby
Upload Date: Oct 20, 2011
“Please click on “cc” button to show English subtitles. This video is from a webcast program called “ContAct,” webcasted on July 14, 2011 by OurPlanet-TV. OurPlanet-TV is an alternative media/non profit webcast station with no religious or political affiliations. It was founded by a small group of producers, video journalists and other media professionals who questioned the way mainstream media covered 9.11 and the events that followed.
OurPlanet-TV English website: http://www.ourplanet-tv.org/?q=node/287
Translation by tokyobrowntabby, with a help from EX-SKF blog (http://ex-skf.blogspot.com/).”
Introduction Summary
- An Increasing number of people are worried about their health…
- We asked the viewers to report any unusual changes in their health…
- These are the reports from the viewers. This many. (holds up two massive binders).
GUEST, Mika Noro, President of NPO ‘The Bridge to Chernobyl’ which has helped to bring Chernobyl survivors to Japan:
- Symptoms similar to the Chernobyl children are being reported…
- So I came to suspect there might be more health damages than had been reported on TV…
- I started investigating the situation and felt it was really dangerous… around the end of March…
- Everywhere I go I hear stories similar to the Chernobyl cases…
- I strongly feel similar symptoms are occurring in our Children…
HOST: The health damages we are seeing haven’t been reported in the mainstream media yet…
…More to come about this informative program…
8 year old girl has 3,000 disintegrations of radioactive cesium every second (Bq) inside her body
Google Translation of Inspection of school children who have small amounts of cesium Minamisoma 274 (private news friend, Fukushima)
Minamisoma City の — [...] Inspection was conducted from October 11 until August 1. In this examination, the majority of school children living in the city that ended the inspection. 8 years was highest in the 45-50 girls becquerels per kilogram, 1192 becquerels of cesium-134, -137 at 1,723 as Becquerel. That translates to 0.41 mSv radiation dose in sievert is expected to be exposed before age 70.
h/t Fukushima Diary
BBC: Belgium agrees to end nuclear power
Oct. 31 — “Belgium plans to phase out nuclear power,” reports the BBC.
The country’s main political parties agreed on a plan to shut down all seven nuclear reactors.
Three of the reactors could be closed as early as 2015.
Recall the plutonium mishap in Belgium from earlier this month: Nuclear workers dosed with Plutonium during mishap
Japanese kitten with deformed eye — Similar to Chernobyl victims (VIDEO)
Title: Near the の Pye cat (Family?) (Google Translation)
Uploader: 630musasi
Upload Date: Sep 9, 2011
Description: I cat kitten in front of the house parents in the neighborhood. Would be the bright red left eye towards the children. Chatter and I would do? No pain but wants look pretty in the tail of a cat playing with my mother.
h/t Whoopie via Fukushima Diary
SOURCE: 630musasi
Commenter Mikkai at Fukushima Diary provides some interesting links:
Mutations by the Italian nuclear reactor “Garigliano” – Photos starting @ minute 00:40: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eMCyD8sPXR4
Teratological effects and mutations through radiation – ignored by IAEA, OECD, ICRP, UNSCEAR, SCIENCE – proven by Étienne Wolff in the 1930ies: http://books.google.com/books/about/Th%C3%A8ses_pr%C3%A9sent%C3%A9es_%C3%A0_la_Facult%C3%A9_des.html?id=MQvwcQAACAAJ and: http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,862623,00.html and: http://www.ijdb.ehu.es/web/paper.php?doi=041944cg&a=f
1927 Herman J Mueller discovered in 1927 (!) the following: ARTIFICIAL TRANSMUTATION OF THE GENE by radiation – he got the The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1946 for this! http://www.esp.org/foundations/genetics/classical/holdings/m/hjm-1927a.pdf
Mainichi has a report featuring radiochemical expert Michiaki Furukawa, professor emeritus at Nagoya University:
- He says that some reports about plutonium have been misleading.
- “When the disaster first happened, there were media reports saying ‘plutonium won’t make it far because it’s a large and heavy element,’ but no one who’s done serious research in environmental radioactivity would say such a thing.”
- “At the very least, plutonium-238 had to have come from the explosions (at the plant). The plutonium that had heated up inside the reactors turned into fine particles when it came in contact with water, and was dispersed with the water vapor released in the explosions.
Yet, Furukawa says, “Since the plutonium takes the form of particles — unlike the gaseous radioactive iodine — it probably didn’t fly 100 kilometers.”
Some previous reports, however, appear to refute Furakawa’s claim:
- Takashi: Plutonium evaporated and spread around as gas after Fukushima meltdowns
- "Very high concentrations" of hot particles in Pacific NW during April, May -- Includes plutonium and americium (AUDIO)
- Nuclear expert says Americium has been found in New England -- Element even heavier than Uranium (VIDEO)
- Neutron ray measured in Tokyo -- Uranium-235 found in Chiba -- Can't be detected by most geiger counters (PHOTO & VIDEO)
- Uranium-234 detected in Hawaii, Southern California, and Seattle
Also in the Mainichi article, Hiroshi Ishihara, who heads the Medical Treatment for the High Dose Exposure Research Group at the National Institute of Radiological Sciences (NIRS) in Chiba, speaks about plutonium:]
- He says that “inhaling 910 becquerels or more of plutonium-238 is believed to slightly raise the possibility of cancer.”
- He adds that this will equal a cumulative radiation exposure of 100 millisieverts in 50 years… just from the plutonium-238.
- “Even if one were to have inhaled plutonium soon after the explosions took place, it’s hard to think that the amount was enough to have any effects health-wise.”
Even the Nuclear Safety Commission of Japan disagrees, saying “We do not take the position that plutonium is safe in amounts up to 910 becquerels.”
Read More: Unknowns about radioactive materials warrant vigilance amid delayed gov’t action
Truth & Consequences: A guide to the triple melt-throughs at Fukushima (VIDEOS)
Oct. 30 — “Tepco announced they started building the impermeable wall (SOURCE: Sankei, MSN) on the sea side of reactor 1~4 on 10/28/2011. They say it takes 2 years to build,” according to Fukushima Diary.
In a recent press release TEPCO said, “On October 28, we started installation of the water proof wall at the sea side, in front of the existing shore protection, Units 1-4, in order to contain marine pollution by underground water.”
According to the 2006 film The Battle of Chernobyl, which appeared on the Discovery Channel, Soviet officials were extremely concerned — not only with contamination of the water supply — but that a massive explosion would occur when the melted nuclear fuel came into contact with water underneath the reactors.
This explosion “would have wiped out half of Europe,” an official interviewed for the film says — a fact governments around the world kept secret for decades. Minsk, 320 km away, would have been razed and Europe rendered uninhabitable. Tokyo, the world’s most populated city, is only 250 km from the Fukushima meltdowns.
Here is a 5-minute video of relevant clips from ‘The Battle of Chernobyl’:
The Japanese government made a video simulating what melted fuel burning through the containment looks like:
Here’s the complete (hopefully) list of ENENEWS reports on Fukushima’s melted nuclear fuel burning through containment, and what the result of that may be:
ABC FLASHBACK: Fukushima Melt-Through - Situation escalates to worse-case possibility
Underground Information
- Radioactive lava hitting pool of underground water at Chernobyl could have caused 2nd explosion like a "gigantic atomic bomb" -- Major city 320 km away would have been destroyed (VIDEO)
- Japanese professor: Melted fuel has gone through containers and is on concrete foundations sinking into ground below, as far as I can tell -- Underground dam was being prepared, but TEPCO resisting
- Mainichi: "The melted nuclear fuel is sinking toward water under the ground"
- Report: Workers say ground under Fukushima plant is cracking and radioactive steam is coming up -- Melted core may be moving out of building (VIDEO)
- Report: Gov't source says "I've heard about the steam coming out from the ground, and I am concerned" -- "Some kind of reaction may be occurring underground" writes plant worker
- Japan nuke expert: Melted fuel rods estimated to be 12 meters underground Reactors No. 1-3 -- To be 100 feet deep in a year (AUDIO)
Remember the Melt-Through
- "It's Official: Fukushima Was Hit With a Full-Blown Nuclear Meltdown" -- Pool of radioactive lava could be melting its way out
- Reactor No. 1 core had total meltdown and uranium fuel may be outside containment building -- Nuclear reaction could have restarted
- Time.com: China Syndrome "might just have happened at Fukushima" -- Molten fuel may have "melted through everything into the earth"
- Film foretold Fukushima meltdown -- If reactors could not be kept full of water, fuel would eat through container resulting in "China Syndrome" (VIDEO)
- Fukushima plant "seems to be going through a limited version of the China syndrome"
- "It was even worse than the worst imagination of the media" -- Radiation now "leaking through cracks in the containment and melted holes" after total meltdown (CNN VIDEO)
- BREAKING: More serious than a meltdown -- Japan Gov't now raising possibility that fuel had a "melt through" at all 3 reactors
- Gov't report suggests situation "far worse" than meltdown -- It "is the worst possibility in a nuclear accident"
- "Nuclear fuel has melted through base of Fukushima plant" -Telegraph
- Worse than a 'melt through' - a 'melt out'? -- See Graphic
- Report: Undated animation shows Japan gov't nuke experts must have known Fukushima was a melt-through (VIDEO)
- Experts: Melt-through scenario means even higher radiation readings to come -- Likely many more reports of deadly radiation in future
- TEPCO trying to stop 'leaking radioactive material' from reaching water underground -- Barrier may be complete by 2014
- Report: Gov't paper shows melt-out at Fukushima was predicted on day of quake
- Dr. Koide: Massive amounts of radioactivity may again be released from Fukushima -- Mentions "steam explosion" after melted fuel hits water
- Gundersen's Latest: 60 holes in bottom of Fukushima-type reactors make core melt-through easier -- Fuel only had to get through a thin pipe, not inches of steel (VIDEO)
- Yomiuri on China Syndrome: Gov't secretly figured out how far the melted fuel would burn through reactor pedestals -- "Worst-possible scenario"
- Nuclear Expert Discusses 'Melt-Through' at NRC Meeting: I believe melted nuclear core leaked out of Fukushima reactors onto floor (VIDEO)
- NRC Chairman discusses 'Core on the Floor': It's possible that severely damaged melted nuclear fuel has migrated outside reactor vessel (VIDEO)
- Japan lawmaker: Plutonium certainly went deep within basement of Reactor No. 3 -- Anyone’s guess where it's at now
Tokyo U. Nuke Expert: “Possible that nuclear reaction is STILL taking place inside the reactor” -WSJ
TOKYO, Nov. 1 — According to Satoru Tanaka, a professor of nuclear engineering at Tokyo University, “It is possible that nuclear reaction is still taking place inside the reactor,” reports the Wall Street Journal.
The Journal article also includes statements by a Japan gov’t spokesman at NISA:
- Xenon-133 has a short half-life of five days, and Xenon-135 just nine hours, meaning that they were released only recently
- If Xenon was indeed found, “it would indicate that neutrons still exist inside the reactor, causing fissile reaction”
- But he stressed that this by no means suggests that the fuel is in a condition of criticality
Read More: Japan Says Xenon May Have Been Released at Plant
Nov. 1 — “Xenon was detected in the order of 10^-5 (ten to the power of minus 5) per cubic centimeter, says TEPCO’s Matsumoto in the press conference that is on-going right now in Japan,” reports EX-SKF, “It is significant enough to conclude it is not from March.”
“Matsumoto does think a localized, small-scale, and/or temporary nuclear fission may have occurred in Reactor 2,” the article continues.
Some possibilities put forth by TEPCO to explain the detection of xenon-133 and -135 include:
- “Neutrons that exist inside the reactor hitting uranium or plutonium”
- “Curium-244, -242, causing ‘spontaneous fission’”
Click for full-size TEPCO handout
The TEPCO spokesman said, “It would be difficult to deny that the same thing is not happening in Reactors 1 and 3,” according to EX-SKF.
Nov. 1 — EX-SKF is again kind enough to publish a translation, this time of an NHK report from 6:38 am this morning in Japan:
“Xenon has been detected in the Containment Vessel of Reactor 2 at Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant. Xenon is created when there is nuclear fission.” [...]
“The analysis done on November 1 found xenon-133 and xenon-135, which are created when uranium-235 undergoes nuclear fission.”
“Xenon-133′s half life is 5 days. TEPCO says it could not rule out the possibility of nuclear chain reaction happening again, so the company poured water with boric acid into the reactor to suppress the nuclear chain reaction for one hour starting 3AM [on November 2].” [...]
“[TEPCO says that] if the nuclear chain reaction is happening, it is small-scale.”
“[NISA says that] it is hard to imagine the fuel is melting again. But the Agency says it will monitor the situation to see if xenon continues to be detected after pouring in the water with boric acid.”
EX-SKF also reminds us of the recent report of hydrogen gas concentration rising in Reactor No. 2.
Japan gov’t says 170 uSv/h at Tokyo supermarket from radium… AND BOTTLES (Again)
TOKYO, Nov. 1 — According to NHK, the Japan government says the extremely high radiation dose of 170 microsieverts per hour detected at a supermarket in the residential Tokyo neighborhood of Setagaya is “most likely” caused by radium 226.
Government scientists detected substances “related” to radium 226 at a depth of about 30 centimeters.
Sound familiar? Japan officials has similar things to say about the other extreme hotspot in Setagaya found several weeks ago. Reports at the time indicated that not everyone was convinced.
And maybe this revelation about the most recent hotspot will also ring a bell:
“The ministry says that they also found a bottle of chemical at the same site, about 40 centimeters below surface, and detected radiation of 40 microsieverts per hour nearby. The ministry plans to investigate the link between the bottle and the radiation,” reported NHK.
Contaminated bottles were also put forth as the culprit in the first Setagaya hotspot: Recent reports have linked the radiation to bottles of paint stored underneath the floor of a nearby home. (BBC, Bloomberg)
About the radium-filled bottles at the first hotspot, The Japan Times said, “It remains unclear whether the two radiation finds are linked.”
Hopefully, The Times won’t take too long before publishing their take on radium/bottle today’s news.
Headline: Cesium in pollen not viewed as health risk
Source: The Japan Times Online, By KAZUAKI NAGATA
Date: Nov. 1, 2011
“In June, the education and science ministry studied cedar leaves in the town of Kawamata, located about 45 km from the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant, and determined the cesium-134 and -137 levels ranged from 54,300 to 177,600 becquerels per kilogram.”
“The Forestry Agency used those results to estimate the radiation exposure from pollen grains. If the level of contamination was 177,600 becquerels per kilogram and the concentration of pollen grains — a gauge of pollen density that shows how many grains are floating in 1 cu. meter of air — was 2,207, the exposure would be equal to 0.000132 microsievert per hour.”
“On average, the concentration of pollen grains is 89 in the Kanto region, but the calculation used 2,207, the highest figure recorded in the region in the past eight years.”
“Hiroki Matsumoto, an official at the agency, said cedar pollen is so light it can fly hundreds of kilometers, meaning it can reach densely populated Tokyo and surrounding areas.”
“Weather conditions could bring pollen from Fukushima, he added.”
Read More: Cesium in pollen not viewed as health risk
UPDATE: See also TEPCO: If nuclear chain reaction is happening, it is 'small-scale' -- NHK: Xenon created when there is nuclear fission of uranium-235
Nov. 1 — “Fission restarted at reactor 2,” reports Fukushima Diary.
Citing Jiji Press and NHK (Japanese-only) as sources, Mochizuki says, “Xenon133 and 135 are measured at reactor 2.”
This radioactive xenon is a daughter product of Uranium-235. Xe-133 has a half life of 5.2 days, while Xe-135 has a half life of 9 hours.
“It proves the nuclear fuel is fissioning at reactor 2 still,” concludes Mochizuki.
Also, Tepco has starting injecting boric acid into the reactor.
Here is the Babelfish Translation of the Jiji Press report from Nov. 2, 2 in machine reactor with possibility of boracic acid water fill = fission – Fukushima:
“Tokyo Electric Power Fukushima 1st nuclear accidents, the same company 2 day early dawn, 2 when the gas which from the containment vessel of the machine was picked on the 1st was analyzed, announced that there is a possibility the xenon 133 whose half-life is short and the same 135 being detected.”
“Assuming that the fission reaction of the melted fuel cannot be denied, 2nd 2:50 AM you used the chilled water fill line to the reactor from around, started the fill of the boracic acid water. 2 abnormal fluctuation because it is not, has managed for sense in the radiation dose of the monitoring post of temperature and pressure and around of the reactor of the machine.”
Here is the Babelfish Translation of the November 2 NHK report, When 2 the fission reaction reactor pouring water:
“When 2 from the Containment Vessel of the machine of the Tokyo Electric Power Fukushima first nuclear power plant, the fission reaction occurred, the xenon of the radioactive substance which is produced was detected, Tokyo Electric Power assuming that it cannot deny the possibility the fission reaction occurring filled the boracic acid water which holds down the fission reaction to the reactor.
“2 in the machine of the Fukushima first nuclear plant, last month it sucks out the vapor from midst of the Containment Vessel from 28th, having begun driving the device which removes the radioactive substance through the filter, measuring the type and density of radioactive substance near the exit of this device, it analyzes.
“As a result, with the analysis which does on the 1st, uranium 235 of the nuclear fuel fissioning, it means that xenon 133 of the radioactive substance which is produced and xenon 135 was detected.
“As for xenon 133 because the half-life when the quantity of the radioactive substance becomes half 5 days it is short, as for Tokyo Electric Power, assuming that again it cannot deny the possibility the fission reaction occurring, it filled the boracic acid water which holds down the fission reaction to the reactor 3 o’clock in the morning from before over 1 hours.
“According to Tokyo Electric Power, temperature and pressure of the reactor, as for big fluctuation because it is not, the fission reaction occurring, as for scale we have assumed in value of the monitoring post which measures the radiation dose around the site to that it is small.
“According to the atomic energy safety preservation institute of the economic industrial ministry, we have assumed that from the fact that density of the xenon which is detected is low, is not change in temperature and the like of the reactor, the fuel melts for the present again with is difficult to think, but whether or not after filling the boracic acid water, detection of xenon does not continue, we have assumed that circumstance is ascertained.”
JEC writes in with a link to an Asahi report (Translation via Babelfish), Fukushima first nuclear plant 2 possibility boracic acid water of machine and fission fill
“The Tokyo Electric Power Fukushima first nuclear plant 2 with the machine, the radioactive xenon whose half-life is short from the vapor inside the containment vessel was detected very small amount, from the fact that it is the possibility the fission reaction occurring, Tokyo Electric Power Company 2nd 2:50 AM around, began the fill of the boracic acid water which is the character which holds down fission.”
“As for fluctuation you call to the measurable quantity of the monitoring post which measures the radiation dose inside the nuclear site that it is not seen.”
See also:
TEPCO: If nuclear chain reaction is happening, it is 'small-scale' -- NHK: Xenon created when there is nuclear fission of uranium-235 FOX: Radiation may have been released from Reactor No. 2 -- TEPCO scheduled for 10pm EST press conference
TOKYO, Nov. 1 — EX-SKF on Setagaya, Tokyo’s High Radiation Supermarket: It’s Radium Again, Emitting 40 Millisieverts/Hr Radiation:
“According to the Ministry of Education and Science, a glass bottle was found 40 centimeters below the surface, which was emitting 40 millisievert/hour radiation. Radium-226 is suspected.”
“(How many more radium-226 bottles are there buried in Setagaya-ku?)”
Excerpts from EX-SKF’s translation of a Nov. 1 report from Yomiuri:
“At 40 centimeters below the ground surface, 40 millisieverts (or 40,000 microsievert) per hour radiation was measured, according to the Ministry. 40 millisievert is 40 times the annual radiation exposure limit for the general public.”
“According to the Ministry of Education, there was a glass bottle at 40 centimeter below the surface, and the radiation on the spot was 40 millisieverts/hour. The radiation on the ground surface there was 1 millisievert/hour. The work is proceeding very cautiously because the radiation level is extremely high. The bottle will be removed on November 2 or after.”
Screenshot of Google Translation for the Yomiuri article which mentions 40 millisieverts explicitly several times, converts that to 40,000 microsieverts, and says it is 40 times the 1 millisievert yearly ‘limit’:
Though NHK’s report on this matter says 40 microsieverts per hour, an English-language article from the Japan Times says, “The Setagaya Ward Office said the removal work could take as long as two weeks.” The Times’ makes no mention of a specific radiation dose measurement.
Nov. 2 — “There was a “100-Fold Increase in Krypton-85 from November 1,” reports EX-SKF.
From TEPCO’s Nov. 2 press materials:
Comparison of testing done on Nov. 1 and Nov. 2 in Reactor No. 2′s primary containment vessel
Krypton-85 went from .0036 Bq/cm³ (3.6 x 10-³) to 0.53 Bq/cm³ (5.3 x 10-¹).
That is an increase of over 14,000% in one day.
One might wonder why Krypton-85 was chosen as an isotope to test for, when its half life is over 10 years.
Kr-85 on Nov. 1 @ .0036 Bq/cm³
Kr-85 on Nov. 2 @ 0.53 Bq/cm³
This would seem to make it not the best indicator of recent criticality because it lasts much longer than, for example, xenon-133, xenon-135 and iodine-131.
However, according to a study published in the Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, “Krypton-85 is the best indicator for clandestine plutonium separations” when conducting wide-area atmospheric monitoring.
Also, EX-SKF writes, “According to wiki, ‘About three atoms of krypton-85 are produced for every 1000 fissions (i.e. it has a fission yield of 0.3%)’. It sure looks like a nuclear chain reaction happening, i.e. re-criticality, the possibility of which TEPCO’s Matsumoto has already admitted.”
Here is an excerpt Debito Arudou‘s latest piece for the Japan Times:
“Regardless, the awful truth is: ‘We Japanese don’t lie. We just don’t tell the truth.’”
“This is not sustainable. Post-Fukushima Japan must realize that public acceptance of lying got us into this radioactive mess in the first place.”
“For radiation has no media cycle. It lingers and poisons the land and food chain. Statistics may be obfuscated or suppressed as usual. But radiation’s half-life is longer than the typical attention span or sustainable degree of public outrage.”
“As the public — possibly worldwide — sickens over time, the truth will leak out.”
Nov. 2 — Unexpected bursts of fission “threaten to increase the amount of dangerous radioactive elements leaking from the complex and complicate cleanup efforts, raising startling questions about how much remains uncertain at the plant” in Fukushima, reports the New York Times.
“The three reactors — together with spent fuel rods stored at a fourth damaged reactor — have been leaking radioactive material since the initial disaster, and new episodes of fission would only increase their dangers.”
According to Hiroaki Koide, assistant professor at Kyoto University’s Research Reactor Institute, “Re-criticality would produce more harmful radioactive material, and because the reactors are damaged, there would be a danger of a leak.”
Nov. 2 — “Nuclear workers at the crippled Fukushima power plant raced to inject boric acid into the plant’s No. 2 reactor early Wednesday after telltale radioactive elements were detected there, and the plant’s owner admitted for the first time that fuel deep inside three stricken plants was probably continuing to experience bursts of fission,” reads the opening sentence of today’s New York Times report by Hiroko Tabuchi (Emphasis Added).
According to The Times, a Tepco spokesman said, “Detailed measurements had not yet been taken at two other severely damaged reactors on the Fukushima site, but acknowledged the possibility of episodes of fission there too.”
“Some nuclear experts have debated for months whether nuclear reactions might be continuing, either in the fuel inside the reactors, or in the spent fuel pools at the plant. They have pointed, for example, to the continued reports of short-lived iodine in the spent fuel pool at Reactor No. 3,” notes the article.
Here is a selection of reports from the last two months about the detection of isotopes that indicate a nuclear reaction has occurred:
- Recriticality? Iodine-131 detected in rice samples from late October
- Recriticality? Major Japan paper reports on detection of iodine-131 in Tokyo, Kawasaki
- "Recriticality may be happening continuously" -- Iodine-131 detected in Nagasaki, Miyagi (CHARTS)
- Krypton-85 and xenon-131m detected in samples from Reactor No. 2 -- Xenon-131m has half life of only 12 days
- I think there was a recriticality where melted fuel started a chain reaction again: UCSD researcher -- Largest amount of radioactive materials released since April
- "Fukushima in recriticality"? -- Iodine-131 detected in 4 locations: Tokyo, Iwate, Nagano, Niigata (CHARTS)
Nov. 2 — “Some of the fuel has escaped the vessel, experts believe, and is in spaces underneath, where there is no way to use control rods to interrupt the flow of neutrons,” reports the New York Times.
The Times reporters interviewed Hiroaki Koide, assistant professor at Kyoto University’s Research Reactor Institute:
- “Mr. Koide holds that the nuclear fuel at the three reactors probably melted through containments and into the ground, raising the possibility of contaminated groundwater.”
- “If much of the fuel was indeed in the ground early in the crisis, the “feed and bleed” strategy [...] would not have done anything to reduce danger from fuel already in the soil…”
According to the Times, “Tokyo Electric does not deny the possibility that the fuel may have burrowed into the ground, but its officials say that ‘most’ of the fuel likely remains within the reactor, albeit slumped at the bottom in a molten mass.”
The Times reported on another interview about the location of the fuel, this one with “a former nuclear engineer with three decades of experience at a major engineering firm… who has worked at all three nuclear power complexes operated by Tokyo Electric” who spoke on the condition of anonymity:
- “His main concern was that officials could not pinpoint the exact location of the nuclear fuel — which would greatly complicate the cleanup.”
- “He said that tiny fuel pellets could have been carried to different parts of the plant, like the spaces under the reactor during attempts to vent them in the early days. That would explain several cases of lethally high radiation readings found outside the reactor cores.”
- “If the fuel has been dispersed more widely, then we are far from any stable shutdown.”
For more information on the melt-through see: Truth & Consequences: A guide to the triple melt-throughs at Fukushima (VIDEOS)
Nov. 3, 8:30 pm ET (Emphasis Added) — A report published at 8:30 pm ET by the Japan Times calls on Tepco and the Japan gov’t to “find out true reactor conditions” at Fukushima.
Tepco announced Wednesday that, according to the Times, “There is the possibility that criticality, a sustained nuclear chain reaction, had occurred ‘temporarily’ and ‘locally’ in the No. 2 reactor.”
During it’s testing, Tepco has detected xenon-133 and -135, “Products of uranium or plutonium fission.”
The half life of xenon-135 is about 9 hours, therefore, “Criticality is very likely to have occurred just before the gases were analyzed,” reports the Times.
“Clearly the reactor has not yet been stabilized,” and, according to the Times, “The fact that Tepco cannot deny the possibility of criticality irrespective of its scale is a grave situation.”
And the article notes, “Conditions are similar in the Nos. 1, 2 and 3 reactors.”
Now is the time to get “serious” writes The Times:
- “Tepco should make serious efforts to accurately grasp the conditions of nuclear fuel inside the reactors.”
- “Tepco and the Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency should take a serious view of the fact that radioactive xenon pointing to criticality was detected from the No. 2 reactor. What happened in it can happen in the Nos. 1 and 3 reactors.”
Nov. 3 — Regarding the detection of xenon, TEPCO has “played down the find, saying there was no evidence of a ‘criticality’ in the reactor,” reports the UK’s Channel 4 News, “Now there are concerns that the situation is worse than the authorities believed.”
According to the report, “Nuclear expert John Large* told Channel 4 News that any evidence of fission was a ‘concern’.”
“It shows there are still considerable problems. It’s concerning because it shows they are not in total control of the nuclear processes in the plant – and even a small amount of fission is a concern because it can become a large amount of fission,” said Large.
*Large was invited by the UK gov’t to join the Technical Advisory Panel working on assessing the implications of Fukushima for the country’s nuclear industry.
Nov. 3 — “South Korea’s Institute of Nuclear Safety says it has discovered a patch of pavement in Seoul is emitting radiation at levels 10 times higher than normal,” according to Voice of America News.
“The institute says the pavement is emitting radiation from cesium-137 at 10 times the normal background level,” said the report. [...]
Other Facts:
- Found on Wednesday
- Located in Seoul’s Wolgye-dong neighborhood.
- Researchers say they are not yet able to determine why a significantly higher level of radioactive cesium has turned up.
- INS says a more precise reading will be released in 3-5 days after further evaluation
Be prepared: Japanese government plans backup city in case earthquake cripples Tokyo, Mail Online, November 3, 2011:
PHOTO CAPTION: “The Fukushima power plant that was badly damaged in the tsunami. There are fears another big earthquake would devastate Tokyo and prevent the government from carrying out its business”
“Concerned about the impact a crippling earthquake could have on Tokyo, the Japanese government has unveiled plans to develop an entire backup city in case.” [...]
“It could be home to 50,000 residents and 200,000 workers and will also feature offices, resorts, casinos and parks – as well as essential government facilities in case of disaster.”
“The potential site is on the site of Itami Airport” which is 300 miles west of Tokyo [...]
“It comes after the operators of the nuclear power plant crippled by the tsunami were forced to deny further nuclear incidents today.” [...]
Tweet: Hospital worker leaks information about recent increase in acute leukemia — Tokyo area?
Nov. 3 — Tweets from “a medical staff of a hospital leaks information” about “the case of acute leukemia is unusually increasing,” reports Mochizuki.
Apparently, most of the cases used to be lymphoma malignum, but the recent increase in acute leukemia “is too obvious to ignore” and “not a negligible scale of a change”.
Translation of @jadesurfkent’s tweets, via Google:
Nov. 2: Here’s what you want – friend who works nearby hospital nucleic acid. “In the hospital recently, too many acute leukemia. Bakkari earlier but was malignant lymphoma. Is Seriously.’ll Never feel blame. That would not be scientifically backed them 取Retara fuss. And this is absolutely watching blood disorder I feel everyone should see. “pun not
Nov. 3: Hospital work yesterday (Kanto) friend’s comment. “I really feel nothing but. Are in their 80s from 20s to Iloilo. With acute leukemia certainly stand out in the introduction Toka Toka who come here who become hospitalized recently, but I feel like all staff involved in blood cancer are.”
Fukushima xenon from spontaneous decay, World Nuclear News*, November 3, 2011 at 10:30 am ET:
“Tepco said it considered the source of the xenon to be spontaneous fission on those grounds that it had injected boric acid to the reactor vessel to reduce the likelihood of chain fission reactions but was still able to detect xenon.”
*World Nuclear News “is supported administratively and with technical advice by the World Nuclear Association”; The WNA is “supporting a fast-globalizing nuclear industry”
Nov. 3 — TEPCO said on Thursday that the xenon-135 detected at Reactor No. 2 “was the result of the spontaneous nuclear fission of radioactive curium-242 and -244,” reports NHK.
“The amount of xenon-135 detected almost matched the amount that would have been produced if the radioactive curium in the fuel had undergone spontaneous fission.”
Watch NHK’s video segment here.
Though what about the 147-fold increase in Krypton-85 at the reactor, which is used to detect plutonium separations?
Radiation of 2.27 uSv/hr detected by school in Katsushika, Tokyo (VIDEO)
Title: 2.22μSv/h Tokyo Katsushika junior high school, on roadeside dust, of
Uploader: Birdhairjp
Upload Date: Nov 3, 2011
- On 3 Nov 2011, I measured radiation in front of HIGASHIKANAMACHI junior school in Katsushika, Tokyo, Japan
- Monitoring point is located 220 km from Fukushima Nuclear power plant, 15 km for the center of Tokyo.
- The monitor indicates 0,18 micro Sievert per hour in air at chest hight, 2.22 [appears to actually be 2.27] on sand at ground level, on road side dust.
- I am afraid that studentt’s lung may chatch the dust from this mud in dry and windy days.
- Measuring instrument is made of Ukraine. ECOTEST MKS-05.
SOURCE: Birdhairjp
Nov. 3 — Radioactive materials have been detected in Tokyo Bay, NHK reported yesterday:
- “Waste water discharged into Tokyo Bay from a cement plant has been found to contain radioactive cesium at much higher levels than the government-set limit for disposal.”
- “It found radioactive cesium at levels of 1,103 becquerels per kilogram, and 1,054 becquerels per kilogram respectively.”
- “The levels are 14 to 15 times higher than the limit set by the country’s Nuclear Safety Commission.”
On a related note, Tokyo has started disposing of 500,000 tons of rubble from the disaster area, reports NHK:
- “Freight trains brought the rubble from Iwate Prefecture to a facility in Tokyo.”
- “Officials conducting random radiation checks on the rubble said a sample had a reading below the maximum allowable level set by Tokyo at 0.01 microsieverts per hour.”
- “The rubble will be disposed of on reclaimed land in Tokyo Bay after some of it is burned.”
Nov. 3 — Excerpts and highlights of today’s editorial in Mainichi: Closer monitoring and more explanation of Fukushima reactors needed
- “Xenon was detected in the containment vessel of the plant’s No. 2 reactor, and the finding was confirmed by the semi-governmental Japan Atomic Energy Agency”
- “The finding suggests that nuclear fission is occurring in the reactor”
- “The government and TEPCO need to find out why the fission has occurred and take appropriate responses”
- “The possibility that it might reach criticality has surely caused anxiety to the public”
- “At least one expert says it would be no surprise if nuclear fission has been occurring since well before these latest findings”
- “The gas inside the containment vessels of the Fukushima plant’s No. 1 and 3 reactors has not yet been analyzed”
- “Officials should consider equipment that can detect neutrons, as they can be used as a direct indicator of whether criticality has occurred”
- “The discovery of xenon in the No. 2 reactor’s containment vessel suggests nuclear fission is occurring even though the temperature at the bottom of the pressure vessel is thought to be below 100 degrees Celsius — It raises questions as to whether such a reactor can be considered stable, even if it is under that temperature threshold”
- “The conditions and locations of melted fuel in the plant’s No. 1 to 3 reactors as well as the details of the damage to the reactors remain unclear”
Find out true reactor conditions
Tokyo Electric Power Co. announced Wednesday that there is the possibility that criticality, a sustained nuclear chain reaction, had occurred "temporarily" and "locally" in the No. 2 reactor of the stricken Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant. It detected radioactive xenon-133 and xenon-135, products of uranium or plutonium fission, in gases collected Tuesday from the reactor.
Because the half life of xenon-133 is 5.25 days and that of xeon-135 is 9.14 hours, criticality is very likely to have occurred just before the gases were analyzed.
Although more than seven months have passed since the start of the nuclear fiasco, clearly the reactor has not yet been stabilized. Tepco's plan to achieve "cold shutdown" of the Nos. 1, 2 and 3 reactors by the end of this year may face difficulty.
Title: 21.44μSv/h road side sand, Koriyama city, Koriyama junior high School
Uploaded by: Birdhairjp
Date: Nov 5, 2011
“Please share. Save children.”
“On 5 Nov 2011, I measured radiation in front of a junior high school(Koriyama Daisan junior high school) in Koriyama city, Fukushima pref. Japan.” [...]
“The monitor indicates 0.83 micro Sievert per hour in air at chest hight, 21.44 on the sand ground level, road side.” [...]
h/t http://radioactive.eu.com/
SOURCE: Birdhairjp
Reactor No. 3 at 620 mSv/hr after ‘decontamination’
Nov. 5 — Even after robots were used to sweep away debris on Nov. 2, “They measured 210 mSv/h and 620 mSv/h on the first floor of reactor 3,” reports Fukushima Diary citing Asahi.
UPDATE: Fukushima Diary has the details
- 120,000 Bq/kg of Cesium in the soil near the entrance to Ryugasaki Kubodai elementary school
- At 4 locations beside the pool, they measured 11,720~19,050 Bq/kg
- At the school 1 meter above the ground there were 2 locations with over 2 µSv/h
- And 14 locations with over 1 µSv/h
- After ‘decontamination’ in mid-October they still measure over 1 µSv/h at 6 locations
SOURCE: Tokyo Shimbun
Headline: Tokyo News: Radioactive substances a confirmation Ibaraki (TOKYO Web)
Date: Nov. 5, 2011
Google Translation
Ryugasaki citizen groups that have been detected radioactive material from the soil of high school temporarily 久保台 Ryugasaki City “@ Ryugasaki protect children from radioactive contamination” Investigators found. Decontamination was then four days @ Ryugasaki, have requested a further strengthening of the anti-life mayor of Zhongshan decontamination. [...]
Translation via: http://translate.googleusercontent.com
Ryugasaki citizen groups that have been detected radioactive material from the soil of high school temporarily 久保台 Ryugasaki City “@ Ryugasaki protect children from radioactive contamination” Investigators found. Decontamination was then four days @ Ryugasaki, Further requested the strengthening of anti-life mayor of Zhongshan decontamination.
One becquerel twenty thousand kilograms of soil all around on the asphalt walkway near the main gate howe school 久保台 Radioactive cesium has been detected. Implantation sites, such as soil next four pools ten thousand and one becquerel per kilogram 七 twenty one Becquerel was five hundred and nine hundred overnight.
Regulations for the soil itself is not provided with ash and sludge is a concentration of cesium per kilogram More than eighty hundred Becquerel “designated waste,” stipulates that the country represents the policy process.
Micro sievert per hour over two locations the amount of space radiation in phase height of one meter, at least the same micro-sievert Forty locations were identified. The city has more than decontamination standards • Secondary 三 hundred micro sievert per hour. For this last month, City and decontamination results at school, the number has come down, it is beyond the micro-sievert in the same six places yet.
In addition, it was confirmed that the radiation dose in excess of hundred micro sievert • Secondary 三 eighty-seven 百 same place at the city.
Babelfish Translation
Dragon in citizen group city of promontory decontamination strengthening with demand radioactive physical detection verification 2011 November 5th Lifetime Mayor Nakayama (the right) with surface talks the @ dragon which is done the member = dragon of the promontory with the promontory city hall the photograph
The dragon that the temporarily high radioactive substance is detected from the soil of the promontory municipal Kubo stand small school, the dragon “from citizen group the @ dragon which radiation contamination of the promontory probably will protect the child it understood with investigation of the promontory”.
After that it was decontaminated, but the @ dragon the promontory demanded the fourth and strengthening etc of the single step of decontamination measure in lifetime Mayor Nakayama.
Per one kilogram the radioactive cesium of 120,000 Becquerel’s was detected from the soil on the asphalt of the Kubo stand elementary school front gate nearby passage basin.
Soil of four places such as shrubbery of pool side per one kilogram was 10,009 〇 five 〇 Becquerel from 10,172 〇 Becquerel.
Nov. 4 — “At the terminal in Shinagawa Ward, debris containers were transshipped onto trucks to be carried to a crushing facility in Ota Ward, from where combustibles will be taken to an incinerator in Koto Ward,” reports Kyodo.
“Resulting ash and incombustibles are to be used as landfill in Tokyo Bay,” the report said.
“In light of radiation fears among residents, the metropolitan government plans to monitor and release data weekly on radiation levels in the air at the edge of the crushing premises and once a month on crushed waste, ash and exhaust gas, it said,” according to Kyodo.
Tepco: Possible that radioactive iodine was in gas sample collected at Reactor No. 2′s inlet filter
Title: Detection of Xe135 at Nuclear Reactor of Unit 2, Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station
Author: Tepco
Date: November 4, 2011
Excerpt from Page 6:
“There is a possibility that the gas collected in the inlet filter contain iodine, but because iodine nuclides decayed, and no other nuclides decay.”*
“Thus, It is considered that the measurement in the inlet filter is below the detection limit due to high background level.”
“In addition, it is considered that the measurement of I-131 in the outlet filter is below the detection limit due to adsorption of charcoal filter.”
*This is an original Tepco document, it is not from an online translation.
Radioactive iodine is a product of uranium fission:
SOURCE: Yomiuri
Nov. 4 — “In Totsuka, Maioka park, Yokohama, which is about 250km away from Fukushima (7km away from my home), they announced that the chinese mushroom harvested in late March had 2,770 Bq/kg of cesium,” reports Mochizuki, “Nowhere is safe.”
The mushrooms “were already served to 794 volunteer park keepers who ate it,” according to the report, “258 of them were younger than 12 years old.”
955 Bq/kg of cesium was detected in mushrooms picked in the area during mid-October.
SOURCE: http://www.sponichi.co.jp/society/news/2011/11/04/kiji/K20111104001961520.html
6 uSv/h outside busy shopping mall in Tokyo suburb of Kashiwa (VIDEO)
Title: 5.65μSv/h Kashiwa city, shopping mall parking lot dust, “Tokyo Suburb Hot Spot”
Uploaded By: Birdhairjp
Upload Date: Nov 3, 2011
Description: On 3 Nov., 2011, I measured radiation at “Mallage Kashiwa”, a shopping mall in Kashiwa city, Chiba pref. The monitoring place is 35 km from the center of Tokyo, 200 km from Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear power plant.
At 3:30 in
Nov. 3 — “A rare type of radioactive decay, not a renewed chain reaction, appears to have produced the radioactive xenon gas,” reports CNN.
According to the report, on Thursday Tepco said “it believed the gases were produced by ‘spontaneous fission’ of uranium, since the shorter-lived isotope persisted after the use of boric acid”.
Gary Was, a nuclear engineering professor at the University of Michigan, told CNN that ‘spontaneous’ fission occurs when an element like uranium splits on its own, though it’s an “improbable phenomenon”.
Professor Was noted that the detection of xenon happened less than a week after Japan began taking new gas samples from the reactors.
It is highly coincidental that so soon after the sampling began an “improbable phenomenon” like ‘spontaneous’ fission would occur.
Unfortunately, no report has mentioned the massive increase in Krypton-85 in the same location as the small rise in xenon. Krypton-85 is used to detect plutonium fission.
Additional recent reports of fission at Reactor No. 2
· Tepco: Possible that radioactive iodine was in gas sample collected at Reactor No. 2's inlet filter (16) November 4, 2011
· Japan Times: It is now a "grave situation" at Fukushima -- "Plutonium fission" mentioned for first time -- "Criticality is very likely to have occurred" (60) November 3, 2011
· Ch. 4 UK: Now there are concerns that Fukushima is worse than authorities believe -- New fission "shows there are still considerable problems" says top nuke expert (24) November 3, 2011
· Boric acid apparently not working to stop chain fission reactions because Xenon is still being detected -- Tepco says this is reason why they claim 'spontaneous' fission, not sustained criticality (47) November 3, 2011
· NHK: Curium-242 and -244 to blame for 'spontaneous' nuclear fission at Reactor No. 2, not uranium -Tepco (19) November 3, 2011
Nov. 7 — The operator of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant has begun removing radioactive cesium from water in the No. 2 spent fuel pool, according to NHK.
“There are fears that the metal pipes and walls of the spent fuel pools will erode, as seawater was used after the accident to cool down the spent fuel pools.”
Tepco said removal of cesium from the spent fuel pool water is necessary to remove the salt. “Erosion caused by salt may cause holes to form,” reports NHK.
Watch video here.
Nov. 6 — Radiation expert Christopher Busby’s paper, The significance of Xenon isotope ratios in the Fukushima catastrophe, was posted by Mochizuki on Nov. 5.
He says the activity ratio for xenon isotopes reported by TEPCO can only result from:
1) “An enriched Uranium fission having occurred about 50 hours before the samples were measured”
2) “An explosive criticality which occurred 60 hours before the measurements”
“What these results confirm is that there is on-going fission occurring at the site,” concludes Busby.
h/t Fukushima Diary via Chemfood, Arclight
German radiation professor warns of possible nuclear explosion at Fukushima
Source: Bild.de
Translation by: Google
Date: Nov. 5, 2011
Headline: German radiation expert warns: “Fukushima nuclear bomb in the mini-scale”
Caption: Radiation expert: Fukushima is like mini atomic bomb — The German radiation expert Professor Edmund Lengfelder warns against further nuclear explosion in the nuclear horror. Fukushima was a “kind of atomic bomb in the mini-scale”
How dangerous are the horror Fukushima really is?
Edmund Lengfelder
Tokyo – After an uncontrolled nuclear fission a few days ago, warns the German radiation expert Professor Edmund Lengfelder from further nuclear explosion in Fukushima.
“There is a spontaneous fission – because anything can happen, even if one says, it is not likely. But what is to be kept of statements about probabilities, we have on 11 Seen in March, “said the founder of the Society for Radiological Protection. [...]
In plain language: [xenon] can not originate from the meltdown of the March. In Fukushima, it comes back to uncontrolled meltdowns.
Therefore Lengfelder compares the horror with a nuclear bomb in the mini-scale attacks and the operator: “Tepco is even further than previously claimed, away to get things under control.”
*UPDATE* translated DPA article via BreadAndButter:
In view of reports of an uncontrolled nuclear fission reactor accident in Japan’s Fukushima Munich Radiation expert warns of Prof. Edmund Lengfelder of the possibility of a nuclear explosion.
It would be “a kind of mini-nuclear bomb in the scale,” said Lengfelder the dpa news agency. “The probability, however I can not estimate at all,” said radiation expert. Because nobody knows how much enriched uranium as coalesced into how the derelict nuclear power plant units. It had been found, the radioisotopes 133 and 135 of the xenon gas.
Because these are products of nuclear fission, which have only a half-life of about five days and nine hours, they could not come from the time of the accident in March , “There is there a spontaneous fission – can happen because everything, even if they say, it is not likely. But what is to be kept of statements about probabilities, we have on 11 March seen, Lengfelder said.
At that time had seriously damaged a strength in this unexpected earthquake and a tsunami and the nuclear power plant caused the meltdown. In a functioning reactor is maintained in the words of experts, the chain reaction by control rods under control. “But it is this control in a meltdown so no longer.”
Lengfelder had after the meltdown at Chernobyl 25 years ago the Society for Radiological Protection and the Munich-based Otto Hug Radiation Institute. He cared for people with thyroid cancer today in the former Soviet disaster area. The radiation expert also criticized the crisis management in Japan. “For me, it is also inhumane, that in such a wealthy country like Japan, people still live in the gyms. That there was not even on the Soviets “The evacuation after Chernobyl have worked much better.”
More cracks found at Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station
University Researcher: U.S. topsoil Over 10,000% higher than highest levels found by UC Berkeley
Here are excerpts from the description for his presentation, ‘Radiation Exposure to the Population in Japan After the Earthquake’:
* “The Fukushima nuclear accident dispersed airborne dusts that are contaminated with radioactive particles. When inhaled or ingested, these particles can have negative effects on human health that are different from those caused by exposure to external or uniform radiation fields.”
* “A field sampling effort was undertaken to characterize the form and concentration of radionuclides in the air and in environmental media which can accumulate fallout. Samples included settled dusts, surface wipes, used filter masks, used air filters, dusty footwear, and surface soils.”
Headline: Opinion: Did Fukushima kill the nuclear renaissance No, that renaissance died right here at home
Source: The Tech (MIT’s oldest and largest newspaper)
Author: Keith Yost, Staff Columnist
Date: November 4, 2011
- “The outlook for U.S. nuclear power has worsened considerably in the past five years”
- “There were plans for new reactors at more than 30 different sites”
- “Today there are only five”
- “Even those planned reactors might disappear”
- “Only one is actually under construction, and to credit the industry with breaking ground on a new reactor is overstating its prospects”
- “Cause of this decline is [...] simple economics”
- It’s “not renewed concerns about safety”
- “Or even that old red herring, waste disposal”
- “Other technologies, particularly natural gas, offer much cheaper power than nuclear both today and in the foreseeable future”
- “In reality, credit markets assign a significant risk premium to nuclear power, bringing its total levelized cost of electricity to 8.4 cents/kWh, nearly twice the cost of natural gas power”
- “Nuclear power is down, but not out”
- “Still, it’d be best not to hold your breath”
The only mention of the word Fukushima is the title and opening sentence.
Four days after the 9.0 earthquake the author of this column wrote a piece titled, What happened at the Fukushima reactor? Here’s an excerpt:
“[A]n explosion on Saturday at 15:30 [...] destroyed the outer containment building (the drywall “fourth” layer). The explosion itself was not a serious risk” [...]
“What is the take-away?
“From the information we have, we can draw a conclusion anywhere between “the reactor is undamaged and being cooled” to “the reactor cladding and/or fuel has been partially damaged, but the damage is contained and the reactor is being cooled.”
“The question that should be asked now is whether the reactor has any future value as an electricity-producing asset.
“The widely-hyped possibility of some Chernobyl-like event is inconceivable without a new, catastrophic disaster.
“Coolant flow has been re-established and the public is in no danger.
“Given the magnitude of the precipitating event — a 9.0 earthquake — and the vast property damage it caused, the events at Fukushima are not a serious reason to re-evaluate our own nuclear policy in the United States.”
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