Émission de radio L'Autre Monde

Émission de radio L'Autre Monde

jeudi 10 juin 2010

L'Autre Monde 10 juin 2010: Dans le la-la land et le chaos fabriqué 1/2


L'Autre Monde 10 juin 2010: Dans le la-la land et le chaos fabriqué 1/2

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L'Autre Monde 10 juin 2010

90 min / Radio de l'UQAM, CHOQ FM

Diffusion en direct : Jeudi à 11:00h
Animation : François Marginean
Archives d'émission

Au programme cette semaine, 10 juin 2010:

Émission bourrée d'informations: Économie et le prochain crash, conflits éventuels dans le monde pour détourner l'attention des populations des vrais responsables des multitudes de crises fabriquées, Israël et la flottille de la liberté, Palestine, Irak, Iran, Pakistan, Liban, Syrie, militarisme dans le monde, mise à jour du dossier de la catastrophe pétrolière, le la-la land et le monde à l'envers, les armes nucléaires, les glaces qui prennent de l'expansion ainsi que la couverture de neige, les magouilles internationales et plus!

Soyez de la partie les jeudis dès 11h sur les ondes de CHOQ FM, la radio officielle de l'UQÀM, l'alternative à Montréal et dans le monde!

***Hyperliens vers les sources des informations discutées sur l'émission d'aujourd'hui:



Les corps policiers du Québec se lancent dans un nouveau programme de renseignement sur les activités terroristes. Et pour recueillir leurs informations, ils feront appel aux ambulanciers, pompiers et autres, qui deviendront en quelque sorte les yeux et les oreilles de la police. Le projet, piloté par la Gendarmerie royale du Canada (GRC), est déjà fonctionnel en Colombie-Britannique et en Ontario.

Que ce soit pour éviter des attentats comme celui qui a visé une succursale de la Banque Royale à Ottawa le mois passé, ou d'autres formes de terrorisme, la GRC lance au Québec le programme de coordination d'informations sur la menace terroriste.

Tous les corps policiers seront appelés à participer à une formation dès cet automne. Puis, ambulanciers, pompiers et gardiens de prison seront mis à contribution.

Le renseignement, nerf de la guerre contre le terrorisme

Le but est que chaque intervenant détecte et rapporte le moindre signe d'activité terroriste, que ce soit des photos ou des drapeaux sur les murs d'une résidence, un ordinateur ouvert sur une page d'organisation terroriste, des propos suspects, etc.

En Colombie-Britannique, 150 personnes ont suivi une formation dans ce sens depuis 2007.

L'information est transmise au service de la sécurité nationale de la GRC. Le Sergent Steve Corcoran reconnaît que les premiers répondants sont les oreilles et les yeux de la police.

Ces informations sont cruciales, selon lui. Certaines ont déjà conduit à l'ouverture d'enquêtes, d'autres permettent d'identifier des tendances suspectes.

Tim Leeman, superviseur ambulancier en Colombie-Britannique, ne pense pas pour autant être au service de la police. Il y voit surtout un avantage, car la police s'engage aussi à informer les ambulanciers des lieux potentiellement dangereux.

Au Québec, la coordination du programme se fera en partenariat entre la GRC, la Sûreté du Québec (SQ) et la police de Montréal.

Affaire délicate

L'affaire est délicate et rappelle le fameux centre d'analyse et de documentation mis sur pied par l'ex-premier ministre Robert Bourassa, et qui détenait des informations sur 30 000 citoyens.Les fiches avaient été détruites en 1976 après l'élection du Parti québécois.

La Sûreté du Québec a refusé de nous accorder une entrevue avant que tous les détails de l'organisation soient décidés. Une porte-parole nous a tout de même confirmé que la SQ allait participer au programme.

D'après un reportage de Benoît Giasson


Le reportage de Benoît Giasson

Welcome to la-la land

Israël se défend contre la flottille du terrorisme en route vers Gaza: massacre humanitaire et acte de paix en eaux internationales

Dans ce monde merveilleux et irréel, un pays neutre comme le Canada, sous la gouverne de Stephen Harper, se métamorphose en « pauvre caniche de l’État sioniste d’Israël » et souligne la venue du premier ministre israélien en visite au Canada dans la foulée d’une autre tuerie d’Israël envers des militants d’une flottille de la liberté apportant de l’aide humanitaire à des citoyens emprisonnés dans un camp de concentration des temps modernes, la Bande de Gaza. Des personnes comme Stéphane Gendron s’en étonne peut-être, mais c’est la réaction normale d’un étranger lorsqu’il débarque à la-la land.

Bienvenue au Canada! C’est en ces termes que Stephen Harper a souligné la venue du premier ministre israélien [...] Dégueulasse et répugnant. J’ai jamais eu honte à ce point d’être Canadien. [...] Un gouvernement digne des plus grands criminels contre l’Humanité. Dix-neuf personnes tout juste exécutées, l’odeur de sang encore sur le bras d’Israël qui nous déverse depuis hier sa désinformation à travers les micros du monde entier : «Nous avons dû agir envers ces terroristes infiltrés par l’Iran et le Hamas». Mensonge et démagogie meurtrière.

Stephen Harper -au lieu de convoquer l’ambassadeur d’Israël à son bureau et lui demander des comptes -en rajoute : «Je suis désolé que cet événement porte ombrage à votre visite. Mais je suis ravi que nous ayons pu nous rencontrer dimanche soir et aujourd’hui. Nous avons eu des discussions importantes. Bienvenue au Canada encore une fois.» J’ai mal d’entendre ces paroles aussi stupides de la bouche d’un chef d’État comme le nôtre.

Puisque le blocus israélien contre la bande de Gaza viole la loi internationale, Israël a perpétré un acte illégal de guerre en attaquant la flottille d’aide humanitaire en eaux internationales, peut importe qui a attaqué en premier. Donc si l’état de siège médiéval est illégal, chaque action qu’Israël entreprend pour faire respecter ce blocus est nécessairement un crime.

La Haute-Commissaire aux droits de l’homme de l’ONU affirme que le blocus israélien imposé à la bande de Gaza est « illégal et doit être levé ». La fonctionnaire des Nations Unies, Navi Pillay, a déclaré « qu’il est interdit par le droit international humanitaire d’affamer des civils comme méthode de guerre, et… qu’il est également interdit d’imposer une punition collective contre les civils ». (Source)

La loi internationale

Mais dans le la-la land, cela ne tient pas la route. La loi internationale n’est qu’une illusion, un mirage holographique. Punition collective, un crime de guerre? Pour qui? Si les tribunaux de Nuremberg ont monté chapiteau pour juger les crimes de guerre et contre l’humanité des nazis, les beaux rideaux cachaient les ficelles du vainqueur pour produire un beau spectacle de poudre aux yeux et travestir ce qui aurait pu devenir une vraie loi internationale uniformément appliquée. Bien sûr, quelques individus durent être torturés pour les aider à avouer leurs crimes, alors que les plus éminents cerveaux de la machine nazis furent rapatriés tranquillement aux États-Unis sous le projet Paperclip pour fourbir les rangs de la future CIA et de la Nasa et que les plus grands crimes de la guerre commis par les Alliés étaient simplement ignorés: le massacre par le feu et les bombes des civils de Dresde et l’anéantissement par deux bombes atomiques de deux villes japonaises (largement chrétiennes) remplies de civils .

Loi internationale? Voici d’autres valeureux exemples de son application dans le monde du la-la land:

La falsification de la réalité

Similairement au fantastique monde orwellien de 1984, si les faits du passé ne concordent pas avec la version édulcorée de la réalité qu’on veut façonner dans la tête des gens, il suffit de les truquer et de les contrôler. Dans le cas d’Israël, nul besoin de se gêner de fabriquer de faux enregistrements des communications radio entre les commandos israéliens et le Mavi Marmara pour faire mal paraitre les activistes humanitaires, de produire de fausses photos d’armes saisies et de faux liens avec l’Al-Qaïda pour faussement incriminer sa victime et justifier son terrorisme alors que ces photos datent de 2006, même si tout cela doit être admis plus tard par le Tsahal.

Dans cette folle contrée, Israël peut posséder clandestinement des armes nucléaires depuis les années ’60s et en faire la prolifération auprès de l’élite tyrannique imposant jadis l’apartheid à l’Afrique du Sud, alors que les articles suivants sont bannis d’entrer à Gaza parce que jugés dangereux et susceptibles d’être utiles au terrorisme:

Articles interdits: la sauge, la cardamome, le cumin, la coriandre, le gingembre, confiture, halva, le vinaigre, la muscade, le chocolat, conserves de fruits, graines et noix, des biscuits et des bonbons, des croustilles, du gaz pour les boissons gazeuses, fruits secs, viande fraîche, du plâtre, le goudron, le bois de construction, ciment, fer, glucose, sel industriel, plastique / emballages en verre / métal, de la margarine industrielle, bâches pour des huttes, tissus pour vêtements, cannes à pêche, filets de pêche, des bouées, des cordes pour de pêche, des filets en nylon pour les serres, les couveuses et les pièces de rechange pour les couveuses, les laiteries pour les étables, les systèmes de tuyaux d’irrigation, cordes pour attacher les serres, les planteurs pour les jeunes arbres, appareils de chauffage pour élevages de poules, des instruments de musique, du papier de format A4, matériel pour écrire, carnets, journaux, jouets, rasoirs, machines à coudre et pièces de rechange pour automobile. (Source)

Israel eases Gaza blockade on some banned foods

Palestinian official Raed Fattouh, who coordinates the flow of goods into Gaza with Israel, said soda, juice, jam, spices, shaving cream, potato chips, cookies and candy were now permitted.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Meaning that soda, juice, jam, spices, shaving cream, potato chips, cookies and candy were banned by Israel from reaching Gaza. I dare just one of the Megaphones to explain to the rest of us what possible military benefit comes from banning soda, juice, jam, spices, shaving cream, potato chips, cookies and candy in Gaza!

The blockade of Gaza by Israel is a repeat of the blockade of West Berlin by the USSR. The goal is to starve the people into abandoning their elected government and accepting foreign rule.

Cookies, for crying out loud; how petty and mean can you get?

Clairement, il est inutile de se fier à Israël pour acheminer l’aide humanitaire vers Gaza. D’ailleurs, l’ancien Secrétaire général des Nations Unies, Ban Ki-moon, reprochait à Israël de bloquer la majorité de l’aide humanitaire et les implorait de laisser celle-ci se rendre à bon port. Mais en vain. Stationner trois sous-marins israéliens munis d’armes nucléaires le long de la côte iranienne risquant de déclencher une 3e guerre mondiale est acceptable, mais acheminer du matériel scolaire et médicale est diabolique dans le la-la land.

Il suffit d’en parler avec ce jeune Américain de 19 ans, Furkan Dogan, qui a sommairement été exécuté par les commandos israéliens à bord de la flottille de la liberté de quatre balles dans la tête et une dans le dos, à bout portant. Selon le résultat des autopsies pratiquées sur les neuf Turques tués, cinq d’entre eux ont été abattus à bout portant, de projectiles dans la tête et les autres dans le dos. Tout ce que les États-Unis trouvent à dire, c’est « d’exhorter Israël à faire preuve de prudence et de retenue avec des bateaux d’aide en direction de Gaza« . Six de ces neuf passagers tués l’ont été par un seul commando israélien qui lui, attend déjà une médaille d’honneur pour sa bravoure incontestée.

Netanyahou : les pays qui critiquent Israël seront les prochaines cibles

Par JP, 8 juin 2010

C’est officiel, Benjamin Netanyahou est complètement cinglé. Un article du Washington Post rapporte une citation plutôt révélatrice du Premier ministre d’Israël sur sa vision des choses pour ce qui est des relations étrangères et de la critique envers l’état hébreux. La citation de l’article:

« The same countries that are criticizing us today should know that they will be targeted tomorrow, » he said, just a day after Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton called Israel’s policy toward Gaza « unsustainable. »


Les mêmes pays qui nous critique aujourd’hui devraient savoir qu’ils seront les cibles de demain.

Heureusement que l’on a rien à craindre dans notre merveilleux pays du Canada!

En effet, le coût des guerres colonialistes américaines en Irak et en Afghanistan viennent de passer la cap du trillion de dollars ($1 000 000 000 000) et le Canada se prépare à demeurer en Afghanistan passé la date butoir de 2011, malgré la volonté de la majorité des Canadiens. Le pays de la justice et de la liberté, les États-Unis, a été identifié par l’ONU le n°1 mondial de l’utilisateur d’assassinats ciblés, essentiellement en raison de sa dépendance à l’égard des attaques de drones sans pilote au Pakistan et en Afghanistan.

Malgré la crise financière mondiale, les dépenses militaires mondiales ont presque doublées au cours des dix dernières années, pour atteindre 1,53 trillions de dollars en 2009, selon un think-tank suédois. Dans son édition 2010 Annuaire, le Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, ou SIPRI, a déclaré que les dépenses entre 2008 et 2009 ont augmenté de 5,9 pour cent. Les États-Unis demeurent les plus grands dépensiers, eux qui représentent environ 54 pour cent de l’augmentation, selon le rapport. Les données montrent également que l’Asie et l’Océanie sont en rapide augmentation dans leurs dépenses militaires. Les turbulences financières mondiales ont peu d’effet sur les gouvernements qui continuent de vouloir moderniser leurs forces armées, même dans les pays dont les économies ont été les plus durement touchées, selon le porte-parole du SIPRI, Sam Perlo-Freeman. Il poursuit en expliquant que « pour les grandes et moyennes puissances – comme les États-Unis, la Chine, la Russie, l’Inde et le Brésil – les dépenses militaires représentent un choix stratégique à long terme qu’ils sont prêts à faire même dans une conjoncture économique difficile ».

Peut-être est-ce plus facile d’oublier le passé lorsque la moitié des juges fédéraux ont des conflits d’intérêts dans les poursuites judiciaires traitant de déversement de pétrole. Cela aide aussi surement le gouvernement à approuver de nouveaux puits en haute-mer, tout juste après qu’un désastre se produit, lorsqu’on apprend que les officiels se font payer des repas, des voyages pour aller voir des ours polaires dans le grand nord. Cela fait moins mal au coeur et à la conscience après, lorsqu’on doit entreprendre de cacher l’étendue du désastre dans le golfe, à l’aide du Corexit, qui est un pesticide neurotoxique quatre fois plus mortel, si absorbé, que le pétrole et onze fois plus toxique lorsqu’utilisé pour disperser le pétrole dans l’eau. C’est à se demander si cette catastrophe avait même été prévue, étant donné l’empressement de Goldman Sachs à vendre massivement 44% ses actions de BP seulement trois semaines avant le début de la catastrophe, et de Halliburton d’acheter Boots & Coots – qui se spécialise dans le nettoyage du pétrole – pour le coût de $232 millions, une semaine précédente.

La-la land: L’OMS, le H1N1 et les compagnies pharmaceutiques

Un rapport conjoint sur le traitement de la grippe H1N1 a constaté que certains scientifiques qui ont conseillé aux gouvernements de stocker des vaccins et médicaments, avaient déjà été à la solde de grandes compagnies pharmaceutiques. Tandis que ceux qui avaient décidé de se servir de leur cerveaux, de faire leurs propres recherches et exercices de la pensée critique, le reste de la population les ridiculisait en les traitant de conspirationnistes. Pourtant, il s’avère aujourd’hui que ces recherches étaient fiables et légitimes:

Les scientifiques qui ont rédigé les directives essentielles de l’Organisation mondiale de la Santé pour conseiller les gouvernements à stocker des médicaments en prévoyance d’une pandémie de grippe, avaient dans le passé été payés par les compagnies pharmaceutiques qui allaient profiter de façon très lucrative de l’hystérie, selon un rapport publié aujourd’hui.

Une enquête menée par le British Medical Journal et le Bureau du journalisme d’enquête, [...] montre que les recommandations de l’OMS publiées en 2004, ont été rédigées par trois scientifiques qui avaient déjà reçu un paiement pour d’autres travaux de Roche, qui fabrique le Tamiflu, et de GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), fabricant de Relenza. (Source)

Voici un autre dossier à lire dans la revue Protégez-vous de mai 2010. Un dossier québécois sur la collusion entre l’industrie pharmaceutique et le monde médical, sur les études bidons réalisées par des équipes de scientifiques financées par les compagnies elles mêmes, rédigées par des « écrivains fantômes » et cautionnées par des éminents scientifiques qui n’ont jamais participé aux études.

« Coïncidence troublante, 95 des 170 experts qui ont participé à l’édition la plus récente du DSM (manuel diagnostique et statistique des troubles mentaux) de l’Association américaine de psychiatrie, la « bible » des psychiatres en Amérique du Nord et en Europe, entretenaient des liens financiers avec l’industrie. »

« Il n’est donc pas étonnant, relève-t-il, que « certains nouveaux médicaments, notamment pour traiter l’hypertension et la schizophrénie, s’avèrent en fin de compte cliniquement moins efficaces que leurs prédécesseurs bien qu’ils soient vendus jusqu’à 10 fois plus cher. »

« Au total, les pharmas investissent plus de 60 000$ dans chacun des quelques 700 000 médecins étasuniens; au pays, ce montant serait de l’ordre de 20 000$. »

« Cela va du financement commercial des universités aux essais cliniques biaisés, des pseudo-publications scientifiques à l’abaissement régulier des seuils de facteurs de risque pour certaines maladies, de l’éducation continue des médecins aux visites incessantes des représentants pharmaceutiques, qui nous apportent des échantillons gratuits. Sans oublier le financement des congrès, les repas payés à l’hôpital ou au cabinet, les réunions commanditées et les soupers-conférences dans de grands restaurants. »

« Même le médecin le plus compétent n’est plus en mesure d’obtenir des informations neutres et objectives lui permettant de prescrire les produits les plus efficaces pour ses patients. » Marc-André Gagnon, Université McGill

« À l’arrivée, on finit donc par se retrouver avec une littérature biaisée ».

« Plusieurs études indiquent que les essais financés par l’industrie sont de trois à cinq fois plus susceptibles de fournir des résultats favorables que ceux qui sont réalisés avec des fonds indépendants. »

« Les abus sont si fréquents que la plupart des grandes pharmas doivent régulièrement répondre d’accusations de pratiques commerciales frauduleuses. En 2004, par exemple, Pfizer a accepté de payer 450 millions de dollars pour mettre fin à des poursuites engagées à son encontre aux États-Unis. »

« De 2004 à 2009, Pfizer, Eli Lilly, Bristol-Myers Squibb et quatre autres compagnies ont ainsi déboursé plus de sept milliards en amendes et pénalités de toutes sortes. »

« Les pharmas débordent d’imagination. L’an dernier, à l’occasion d’un procès en Australie, on a découvert que pour faire mousser les ventes de son très controversé anti-inflammatoire Vioxx, Merck avait créé un faux journal médical, publié sous le label d’Elsevier, un éditeur scientifique réputé. »

Bienvenue à la-la land… le monde du n’importe quoi.

General Motors recalls 1.5 million cars over fire concerns

Every Google search to be logged and saved for two years under new Euro MP plan


Every Google web search could be stored for up to two years under a controversial new EU plan that has the backing of more than 300 Euro-MEPs.

'Written Declaration 29' is intended to be used as an early warning system to stop paedophiles by logging what they look for using search engines.

But civil liberty groups have hit out at the proposal which they say is a 'completely unjustifiable' intrusion into citizens' privacy.

And they claim that there is no evidence that it would even be effective in trapping paedophiles who would never use search engines like Google to look for child pornography.

Japanese Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama Will Announce His Resignation

The main cause of the collapse in polls was the result of his backtracking last month on a pledge to relocate U.S. troops stationed on Okinawa.

Bilderberg Agenda Revealed: Globalists In Crisis, Supportive Of Attack On Iran

The 2010 Bilderberg agenda has been revealed by veteran Bilderberg sleuth Jim Tucker and it paints a picture of crisis for the globalists, who are furious at the increased exposure their gatherings have received in recent years, as well as being dismayed at their failure to rescue both the euro and the failing carbon tax agenda, but more alarmingly according to Tucker, the majority of Bilderberg members are now in favor of military air strikes on Iran.

Bilderberg See People With Income As “A Threat” To Their Agenda

Paul Joseph Watson

Friday, June 4, 2010
An astounding exchange between Bilderberg conference organizers overheard by a London Guardian journalist reveals that the elitists currently gathering at the Hotel Dolce Sitges in Spain see people with income as “a threat” to their agenda, highlighting the fact that the globalists are intent on eviscerating the middle class and lowering living standards.

The details of the conversation were revealed in Charlie Skelton’s latest Bilderberg blog for the Guardian website. Skelton was the last journalist to leave the Hotel Dolce Sitges.

US attendees at ‘world government’ meeting may be breaking law: activists

Activists protesting outside this year's meeting of the secretive Bilderberg Group say American citizens attending the meeting may be breaking the law.

The 56-year-old group, which hosts some of the world's most influential financiers and politicians on annual basis, is alleged to have been the driving force behind the launch of several wars and behind a push to create a single global government -- a claim that many observers describe as not credible.
Daniel Estulin, an investigator who has written two books about Bilderberg, told RT that the big question at this year's meeting is whether the Euro will survive the continent's fiscal crisis.

But Estulin said people are mistaken to think the Bilderberg Group is working towards a world government. "Their plan is not about creating one world government, as so many people mistakenly believe, but rather creating what they call themselves the 'aristocracy of purpose' between North American and European elites. ... In other words, the creation of 'One World Company Ltd.' And to have one world company, you can't have countries, you need to have economic blocks."

Bilderberg Wants Americans Disarmed And Dependent On Government

Webmaster's Commentary:

You know, that same government that wrecked the economy, ignored safety on bridges, mines, and oil wells, lied us into a few wars, and turns a blind eye when Israel attacks Americans in international waters. THAT Government!

Leaked attendee list Bilderberg Conference June 3-6, 2010 in Hotel Dolce, Sitges (Barcelona, Spain)

Final List of Participants

Webmaster's Commentary:

Okay now here is your homework, kiddies; identify everyone on this list who is NOT a supporter of Israel!

Adam Rothschild calls the Prime Minister of Canada a slave!

Thursday, June 3, 2010
Canada Is Zionist Jewish Occupied Territory: Member Of Rothschild Empire Calls Canadian Prime Minister, Stephen Harper, A Slave! (Truth Comes Out!)
Adam Rothschild calls the Prime Minister of Canada a slave!
June 1, 2010
“CJPAC owns your country; Stephen harper is like a slave”.
CJPAC is the Canadian Jewish Political Affairs Committee, and Stephen Harper is the Prime Minister of Canada. At the bottom of the screenshot Adam Rothschild makes another post:
“May Yahweh bless the CJPAC with control of the Canadian Government just like the AIPAC controls the United States
-Adam R.”

US schools switching to 4-day weeks to save money amid sluggish economy

Many districts that have the shortened schedule say they've seen students who are less tired and more focused, which has helped raise test scores and attendance. But others say that not only did they not save a substantial amount of money by being off an extra day, they also saw students struggle because they weren't in class enough and didn't have enough contact with teachers.

Webmaster's Commentary:

We are coming to a point in US history where we will soon see the complete privatization of education, because neither states nor the Federal government can afford it.

Additionally, the Federal Government will consider education and critical thinking impediments to teaching those drafted 17 year old young men and women (yes, the next draft - or whatever they call it - will include our young women) how to hold a rifle to pursue their stated path of endless war.

Teachers Encourage Kids to Work to Donate to Teachers

The Boston Herald reports:

Her daughter came home from school with instructions to “accomplish chores around the house with the goal of being paid by me for those chores the sum of $20,” Wellington wrote on her blog. “She would then have to hand the full $20 over to the school to make up for the shortfall in their overall budget.”

Webmaster's Commentary:

See "Israel demands more US military aid".

Estimates OK for speeding tickets, court rules

The Associated Press


The Ohio Supreme Court ruled Wednesday that an officer's visual estimation of speed is enough to support a conviction if the officer is trained, certified by a training academy, and experienced in watching for speeders. The court's 5-1 decision says independent verification of a driver's speed is not necessary.

Webmaster's Commentary:


The Looting of Greece begins!


Now that the Greek debt crisis has been solved with
even more debt--the bankers are now moving in for
the kill--the final takedown of infrastructure,
public utilities and natural resources.

Greece begins to sell off the National Post Office, Utilities,
Casinos, Natural Gas Pipelines, Ports, Water Works, Airports,
and Railroads...

Summer Streets Of Rage Predicted For Europe & U.S.

Top historians, social and financial analysts, along with police bodies are all predicting that Europe and America are set to experience a summer of rage, with scenes mirroring the chaos we have seen unfold in Greece in reaction to draconian austerity measures now being imposed by governments in the west.

Although many predicted that last summer would be a period of social unrest, British historian Simon Schama notes that there is usually a lag between economic hardship and the subsequent social fury it engenders.

“Far be it for me to make a dicey situation dicier but you can’t smell the sulphur in the air right now and not think we might be on the threshold of an age of rage,” wrote Schama in his Financial Times column.

Schama forecasts that not just Europe but America too faces “a distinct possibility of a long hot summer of social umbrage,” making comparisons to how rich plutocrats bore the brunt of the common man’s rage during the French Revolution.

A Reuters report echoes similar fears, noting that the level of violence will take a backseat to the amount of coverage it receives on television, and that this will dictate how badly the turmoil affects markets.

Mood of resistance sweeps continent

The British protests against cuts on 22 June will be part of a cross?European fightback. There are moves towards a day of coordinated strikes and demonstrations across the continent.

Analyst: Buy Barbed Wire and Guns

Anthony Fry, senior managing director at Evercore Partners, said on CNBC this morning, “The current problems will be with us for 5 years or more and uncertainty is very high."

“Look at the current situation. You have Greece, now you have Hungary and huge issues surrounding Spain and Portugal,” he said.

“You can have lower rates and deflation, higher rates and higher inflation or the nightmare scenario of higher rates and deflating asset prices,” he said.

“I don’t want to scare anyone but I am considering investing in barbed wire and guns, things are not looking good and rates are heading higher,” he said.

Webmaster's Commentary:

The reason for the economic disaster is simple. When you allow a privately owned central bank to issue the public currency at interest, the moment that first pretty printed piece of paper goes into circulation, more money is owed to that central bank than is actually in existence. The system is a pyramid, and as long as you can find a new and larger pool of borrowers with each generation the system will kite itself along. As the new generation goes into debt, new money is created to pay the interest on the old money.

Swiss take next step to end bank secrecy

Switzerland moved a step closer to ending its centuries-old laws which have protected the secrecy of the country's banks on Thursday after a key parliamentary vote.
The upper house of the Swiss parliament ratified an agreement made by the Swiss government to hand over the names of thousands of UBS clients to the US.

The vote is seen as a major step forward in the US taxman's attempts to get his hands on the names of 4,450 of UBS's American clients as part of a wider investigation into tax avoidance.

Obama secretly deploys US special forces to 75 countries across world


President Obama has secretly sanctioned a huge increase in the number of US special forces carrying out search-and-destroy missions against al-Qaeda around the world, with American troops now operating in 75 countries.

The dramatic expansion in the use of special forces, which in their global span go far beyond the covert missions authorised by George W. Bush, reflects how aggressively the President is pursuing al-Qaeda behind his public rhetoric of global engagement and diplomacy.

When Mr Obama took office US special forces were operating in fewer than 60 countries. In the past 18 months he has ordered a big expansion in Yemen and the Horn of Africa — known areas of strong al-Qaeda activity — and elsewhere in the Middle East, central Asia and Africa.

According to The Washington Post, Mr Obama has also approved pre-emptive special forces strikes to disrupt terror plots, and has given the units powers and authority that was not granted by Mr Bush when he occupied the White House.

It also emerged yesterday that Robert Gates, the US Defence Secretary, has ordered the Pentagon to find savings of more than $100 billion (£68 billion) over the next five years to redistribute more funds for combat forces — including special operations units. Mr Gates has called on all departments to come up with proposals by July 31, and is initially demanding $7 billion in cuts and efficiencies for the 2012 fiscal year, and further cuts each year up to 2016.

The effort to provide more money for combat forces in Afghanistan and Iraq — including special operations units — is likely to lead to a clash with Congress, and also with the defence industry if favoured equipment programmes are scrapped.

The aggressive secret war against al-Qaeda and other radical groups has coincided with a surge in the number of US drone attacks in the lawless border region between Pakistan and Afghanistan, an al-Qaeda and Taleban haven, since Mr Obama took office.

CIA's Favorite Newspaper Says: U.S. 'secret war' expands globally as Special Operations forces take larger role under Sociopaths


Beneath its commitment to soft-spoken diplomacy and beyond the combat zones of Afghanistan and Iraq, the Obama administration has significantly expanded a largely secret U.S. war against al-Qaeda and other radical groups, according to senior military and administration officials.

Special Operations forces have grown both in number and budget, and are deployed in 75 countries, compared with about 60 at the beginning of last year. In addition to units that have spent years in the Philippines and Colombia, teams are operating in Yemen and elsewhere in the Middle East, Africa and Central Asia.

Commanders are developing plans for increasing the use of such forces in Somalia, where a Special Operations raid last year killed the alleged head of al-Qaeda in East Africa. Plans exist for preemptive or retaliatory strikes in numerous places around the world, meant to be put into action when a plot has been identified, or after an attack linked to a specific group.

The surge in Special Operations deployments, along with intensified CIA drone attacks in western Pakistan, is the other side of the national security doctrine of global engagement and domestic values President Obama released last week.

One advantage of using "secret" forces for such missions is that they rarely discuss their operations in public.

'More access'
Special Operations commanders have also become a far more regular presence at the White House than they were under George W. Bush's administration, when most briefings on potential future operations were run through the Pentagon chain of command and were conducted by the defense secretary or the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

"We have a lot more access," a second military official said. "They are talking publicly much less but they are acting more. They are willing to get aggressive much more quickly."

The White House, he said, is "asking for ideas and plans . . . calling us in and saying, 'Tell me what you can do. Tell me how you do these things.' "

The Special Operations capabilities requested by the White House go beyond unilateral strikes and include the training of local counterterrorism forces and joint operations with them. In Yemen, for example, "we are doing all three," the official said.

USNORTHCOM Gears Up For Potential Attack On U.S. Soil

USNORTHCOM admits that they are preparing military operations within the United States.

Sad milestone: Cost of US wars ‘passes $1 trillion’

The cost of the United States' wars in Afghanistan and Iraq have cost taxpayers more than one trillion dollars, a Massachusetts nonprofit said Sunday, marking a grim milestone on the eve of the Memorial Day holiday.

The group, National Priorities Project, conveyed the size of US war spending by highlighting other things that could have been bought with the money. For example, for the price of America's two wars, the US could give $5,500 in Pell grants to all of America's 19 million college students for the next nine years. One trillion would also pay the entire healthcare bill for 294 million people, or 440 million children, the group says.

Doctors 'helped test waterboarding technique on terror suspects in U.S. custody'


Doctors helped to test and refine waterboarding and other interrogation methods on terror suspects in U.S. custody, a prominent physicians group has claimed.

EU TImes - Alert: Russia Orders Troops To Prepare For War With US

Reports circulating in the Kremlin today state that Prime Minister Putin has ordered Russian military forces to prepare to confront American military forces in Afghanistan over what Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Ivanov warns is the “greatest threat to International peace and security”, Afghanistan’s thriving drug trade supported by the US and NATO.

World arms spending soars
June 1, 2010, Seattle Times/Associated Press

Despite the global financial crisis, world military spending almost doubled in the past decade to reach $1.53 trillion in 2009, a Swedish think-tank said Wednesday. In its 2010 yearbook, the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, or SIPRI, said that spending between 2008 and 2009 grew 5.9 percent. The United States remains the biggest spender, accounting for some 54 percent of the increase, the report said. China, which became the second biggest military spender in 2008, retained that position last year. Data also showed that Asia and Oceania are increasing their military expenditures the fastest. The global financial turmoil had little effect on governments upgrading their armed forces, even in countries whose economies were hit the hardest, SIPRI spokesman Sam Perlo-Freeman said. Perlo-Freeman, who heads the think-tank's military-expenditure project [commented] "For major or intermediate powers — such as the USA, China, Russia, India and Brazil — military spending represents a long-term strategic choice, which they are willing to make even in hard economic times."

The US-NATO "Arc of War" Stretches From Afghanistan to the Caspian Sea and the Caucasus


That Baku replaced Beijing on the Pentagon chief’s way to the NATO meeting indicates the importance that the comparatively small nation – with a population of under nine million while China’s is over 1.3 billion – has in American global geostrategic plans.

Gates’ main concentration – or at least that of most immediate importance – was on the expanding war in South Asia, where he will soon have 100,000 U.S. troops serving with another 50,000 NATO forces.

Western and local reports have recently divulged that 25 percent of U.S. and NATO supplies and equipment for the Afghan war pass through what is referred to as the Caucasus Spur – Azerbaijan and Georgia – and that “100,000 troops have flown through Azerbaijani airspace in the past year en route to Afghanistan.” [7]

Defense Dollars Building Boom: Pentagon Looks to Construct New Military Bases in Central Asia


The Pentagon is preparing to embark on a mini-building boom in Central Asia. A recently posted sources-sought survey indicates the US military wants to be involved in strategic construction projects in all five Central Asian states, including Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.

According to the notice posted on the Federal Business Opportunities (FBO) website in mid-May, the US Army Corps of Engineers wants to hear from respondents interested in participating in “large-scale ground-up design-build construction projects in the following Central South Asian States (CASA): Kazakhstan; Kyrgyzstan; Tajikistan; Turkmenistan; and Uzbekistan.”

Webmaster's Commentary:

Take a look at a map:


Looks like the US military is placing a "supply chain arc" to enable it to continue its war in Afghanistan, ringing Russia from the south(with the base in Kazakhstan), China to the east (with bases in Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan), Pakistan to the north (with the base in Tajikistan), and Iran and Afghanistan to the north, with these bases in Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.

This is the US's new "Maginot Line", which is ultimately doomed to fail.

US used cluster bombs on Yemen civilians: Amnesty

A US cruise missile carrying cluster bombs was behind a December attack in Yemen that killed 55 people, most of them civilians, Amnesty International (AI) said on Monday.

The London-based rights group released photographs that it said showed the remains of a US-made Tomahawk missile and unexploded cluster bombs that were apparently used in the December 17, 2009 attack on the rural community of Al-Maajala in Yemen's southern Abyan province.

Webmaster's Commentary:

The people of the Middle East do not "hate us because we are free"; they hate us because we are killing their mothers, dads, brothers, sisters, and friends indiscriminately.

US cruise missile parts found in Yemeni village where 52 died

A US cruise missile armed with cluster ammunition was used in an attack in Yemen in December which resulted in the deaths of 52 people, more than half of them women and children, according to a human rights watchdog.

Freedom Watch - Gitmo Suicides Were Actually Homicides?

U.S. is world's top user of targeted killings, U.N. says

The United States was identified Wednesday as the world's No. 1 user of targeted killings, largely as a result of its dependence on unmanned drone attacks in Pakistan and Afghanistan.

Report: WHO overstated H1N1 threat

A joint report into the handling of the H1N1 outbreak has found that some scientists who advised governments to stockpile drugs, had previously been on the payroll of big drug companies.

The report, published in the British Medical Journal, found World Health Organisation (WHO) guidelines on the use of medicine to treat the virus were prepared by experts who had received consulting fees from the top two manufacturers of the drugs - Roche and GlaxoSmithKline.

The WHO's decision to name the flu a "pandemic" is also coming under scrutiny from European investigators, and stands accused of exaggerating the dangers of the H1N1 outbreak, which emerged in April last year.

Laboratory tests have confirmed more than 18,000 deaths from H1N1 infection, according to WHO figures, but the virus has turned out to be less deadly than feared.

Also, symptoms suffered by most people infected with the virus have been mild.

'Exaggerated scare story'

A report by the Council of Europe, also released on Friday, accused the WHO of a lack of transparency over the pandemic announcement - saying it wasted huge sums of money and provoked "unjustified fears".

Report condemns swine flu experts’ ties to big pharma


Scientists who drew up the key World Health Organisation guidelines advising governments to stockpile drugs in the event of a flu pandemic had previously been paid by drug companies which stood to profit, according to a report out today.

An investigation by the British Medical Journal and the Bureau of Investigative Journalism, the not-for-profit reporting unit, shows that WHO guidance issued in 2004 was authored by three scientists who had previously received payment for other work from Roche, which makes Tamiflu, and GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), manufacturer of Relenza.

Charlotte TV Station Blows Lid Off Swine Flu H1N1 (Pharma) Pandemic Hoax

This Friday will mark the one year anniversary of the start of the H1N1 pandemic. But a new joint report from the British Medical Journal and the Bureau of Investigative Journalism questions the pandemic and alleged conflicts of interest between confidential World Health Organization advisors and their reported financial ties to pharmaceutical companies producing the vaccines.

Dossier à lire dans la revue Protégez-vous de mai 2010


Un dossier québécois sur la


sur les études bidons réalisées par des équipes de scientifiques financées par les compagnies elles mêmes,

rédigées par des "écrivains fantômes" et cautionnées par des éminents scientifiques qui

n'ont jamais participé aux études...

Journaliste responsable du dossier: Rémi Maillard pour l'édition de mai 2010.

"Voire à l'apparition de nouvelles pathologies créées de toutes pièces et popularisées par des "campagnes d'information" souvent alarmistes à la télévision et dans les grands journaux."

"Une maladie pour chaque pilule".

"La timidité, par exemple, est devenue un "trouble d'anxiété sociale",

la brûlure d'estomac a été rebaptisée "maladie du reflux gastro-oesophagien",

et la tension prémenstruelle s'est métamorphosée en "trouble dysphorique prémenstruel".

Quant à l'impuissance, elle porte désormais le nom savant de "dysfonction érectile"...

Le but? Faire de chacun de nous un consommateur de pilules en puissance, si possible sur une longue durée, estime Dr. Marc Zafran."

"Cette stratégie fonctionne: les dépenses en médicaments des Canadiens ont été multipliées par quatre en 20 ans, pour atteindre 30 milliards de dollars en 2009. Dans le seul domaine de la psychiatrie, le nombre de maladies mentales officiellement reconnues aux États-Unis est passé de 26 à 395 depuis la Seconde Guerre mondiale, rapporte le journaliste scientifique allemand Jörg Blech, auteur d'un livre-enquête sur les dérives de l'industrie pharmaceutique (voyez www.protegez-vous.ca/medicaments)."

"Coïncidence troublante, 95 des 170 experts qui ont participé à l'édition la plus récente du DSM (manuel diagnostique et statistique des troubles mentaux) de l'Association américaine de psychiatrie, la "bible" des psychiatres en Amérique du Nord et en Europe, entretenaient des liens financiers avec l'industrie."

"Il n'est donc pas étonnant, relève-t-il, que "certains nouveaux médicaments, notamment pour traiter l'hypertension et la schizophrénie, s'avèrent en fin de compte cliniquement moins efficaces que leurs prédécesseurs bien qu'ils soient vendus jusqu'à 10 fois plus cher."

"Au total, les pharmas investissent plus de 60 000$ dans chacun des quelques 700 000 médecins étasuniens; au pays, ce montant serait de l'ordre de 20 000$."

"Cela va du financement commercial des universités aux essais cliniques biaisés, des pseudo-publications scientifiques à l'abaissement régulier des seuils de facteurs de risque pour certaines maladies, de l'éducation continue des médecins aux visites incessantes des représentants pharmaceutiques, qui nous apportent des échantillons gratuits. Sans oublier le financement des congrès, les repas payés à l'hôpital ou au cabinet, les réunions commanditées et les soupers-conférences dans de grands restaurants."

"Même le médecin le plus compétent n'est plus en mesure d'obtenir des informations neutres et objectives lui permettant de prescrire les produits les plus efficaces pour ses patients." Marc-André Gagnon, Université McGill

"Les laboratoires financent des essais cliniques dont ils analysent eux-mêmes les résultats. Ils font ensuite appel à des "ghoswriters", des "auteurs fantômes", pour écrire des articles qu'ils font souvent revoir et signer par des "leaders d'opinion", c'est-à-dire des chercheurs reconnus pour leur expertise. Puis ils s'arrangent pour les faire publier, si possible dans des revues prestigieuses. Finalement, ils obtiennent une masse critique de littérature scientifique qui détaille les bienfaits du médicament pour diverses utilisations, mais omet, ou mentionne à peine, ses effets secondaires. Ils envoient alors leurs représentants montrer cette documentation aux médecins afin de les convaincre que leur produit est le meilleur."

"À l'arrivée, on finit donc par se retrouver avec une littérature biaisée".

"Plusieurs études indiquent que les essais financés par l'industrie sont de trois à cinq fois plus susceptibles de fournir des résultats favorables que ceux qui sont réalisés avec des fonds indépendants."

"Les médecins ont beau protester qu'ils sont autonomes et insensibles aux pressions extérieures ou à la publicité, toutes les études montrent que ces visites modifient leurs habitudes de prescription."

"Des documents internes d'Eli Lilly, le fabricant du célèbre antidépresseur Prozac, montrent qu'au début des années 2000 ses représentants avaient pour mission d'inciter les médecins de première ligne à établir un diagnostic de "trouble bipolaire"... et à prescrire à leurs patients son antipsychotique Zyprexa."

"Les abus sont si fréquents que la plupart des grandes pharmas doivent régulièrement répondre d'accusations de pratiques commerciales frauduleuses. En 2004, par exemple, Pfizer a accepté de payer 450 millions de dollars pour mettre fin à des poursuites engagées à son encontre aux États-Unis."

"De 2004 à 2009, Pfizer, Eli Lilly, Bristol-Myers Squibb et quatre autres compagnies ont ainsi déboursé plus de sept milliards en amendes et pénalités de toutes sortes."

"Les pharmas débordent d'imagination. L'an dernier, à l'occasion d'un procès en Australie, on a découvert que pour faire mousser les ventes de son très controversé anti-inflammatoire Vioxx, Merck avait créé un faux journal médical, publié sous le label d'Elsevier, un éditeur scientifique réputé."

"Lorsque les facultés sont massivement financées par des sociétés privées, que celles-ci s'associent à tous les évènements organisés sur les campus, le risque est grand qu'elles finissent par faire partie de l'univers mental et culturel des étudiants."

"En 2008, un article du New England Journal of Medecine a passé en revue 74 essais cliniques d'antidépresseurs. Ses conclusions sont édifiantes: 37 études positives sur 38 avaient été publiées tandis que 33 des 36 études négatives ne l'avaient jamais été, ou seulement sous une forme mettant en évidence un résultat positif."

"Une fois sur cinq, d'importantes informations concernant l'innocuité d'un médicament n'apparaissent qu'après sa mise en marché, affirmait en 2006 le Dr. Robert Peterson, directeur général de la Direction des produits thérapeutiques à Santé Canada de 2000 à 2005."

"Mais quand vient le temps de vérifier qu'ils n'ont pas d'effets indésirables, il n'y a plus d'argent".


Gulf Oil Spill-Bioremediation Solution Restores Environment in Just Six Weeks

Paul Stamets: 6 ways mushrooms can save the world


Current Oil Spill Images



Webmaster's Commentary:

Looks like the leakage is getting worse.

Infographic: Tallest Mountain to Deepest Ocean Trench

Webmaster's Commentary:

Includes the Deepwater Horizon bore hole prior to the disaster

Devastation: You Can Smell The Oil From A Helicopter And Birds Are Frying!


1G2U&color1=0xb1b1b1&color2=0xd0d0d0&hl=en_US&feature=player_embedded&fs=1">1G2U&color1=0xb1b1b1&color2=0xd0d0d0&hl=en_US&feature=player_embedded&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="385">

Oil slick spotted 12 miles off Ft Lauderdale coast by yacht captain

Footage BP didn't want the public to see

Senator confirms reports that wellbore is pierced; oil seeping from seabed in multiple places

Senator Bill Nelson was interviewed by Andrea Mitchell this morning on MSNBC and confirmed reports of oil seeping up from additional leak points on the seafloor.

Senator Bill Nelson (D-FL): Andrea we’re looking into something new right now, that there’s reports of oil that’s seeping up from the seabed… which would indicate, if that’s true, that the well casing itself is actually pierced… underneath the seabed. So, you know, the problems could be just enormous with what we’re facing.

Attorney: Deepwater Horizon Managers Knew About Oil Rig Problem Before Explosion

Top Houston attorney Tony Buzbee says he has new evidence which indicates that Deepwater Horizon’s managers knew that the BP oil rig had major problems before its explosion on April 20, citing the eyewitness account of a crew member who rescued burning workers on the rig of a conversation between Deepwater Horizon installation manager Jimmy Harrell and someone in Houston. According to the witness, Harrell was screaming, “Are you fucking happy? Are you fucking happy? The rig’s on fire! I told you this was gonna happen.”

BP suffers $1bn setback in Siberia

The political storm engulfing BP intensified yesterday as the group came under renewed pressure on its Russian front.

Gazprom, the Kremlin-controlled gas monopoly, has raised new questions over the future of a giant gasfield in Siberia controlled by the British group’s Russian joint venture TNK-BP.

Webmaster's Commentary:

The pipeline catastrophe in the Gulf of Mexico is going to have governments around the world re-think their relationship with BP.

Senator confirms reports that wellbore is pierced; oil seeping from seabed in multiple places

Senator Bill Nelson was interviewed by Andrea Mitchell this morning on MSNBC and confirmed reports of oil seeping up from additional leak points on the seafloor.

Gulf of Mexico oil leak sparks price rise warning

There are warnings that oil prices could rise substantially because of stricter regulations brought in to prevent another oil spill like that in the Gulf of Mexico.

Contracts to buy oil are already rising in price, with a 10% increase in cost for those which end next year compared to those ending next month.

Webmaster's Commentary:

This oil disaster in the Gulf will not only impact the price of gasoline; it will impact the prices on everything.

The Bushbama administration has shown itself totally impotent to deal with this, for all the world to see.

The Cover-up: BP's Crude Politics and the Looming Environmental Mega-Disaster

WMR has been informed by sources in the US Army Corps of Engineers, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), and Florida Department of Environmental Protection that the Obama White House and British Petroleum (BP), which pumped $71,000 into Barack Obama's 2008 presidential campaign -- more than John McCain or Hillary Clinton, are covering up the magnitude of the volcanic-level oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico and working together to limit BP's liability for damage caused by what can be called a "mega-disaster."

BP accused of judge-shopping for seeking Republican judge to handle lawsuits

BP has been accused of “judge shopping” after pushing for a specific judge in Houston, Texas — the centre of America’s oil and gas industry — to handle the lawsuits against it.

In a move condemned yesterday by several legal experts as indicative of corporate arrogance but defended by others as accepted tactical manoeuvring, the British energy group has filed papers requesting that all pre-trial matters in litigation relating to the Deepwater Horizon disaster be assigned to US District Judge Lynn Hughes.

BP Indirectly Funded Rahm Emanuel's Rent-Free (and Tax-Free) Use of Capitol Hill Townhouse

Now, we learn the details of a connection of Rahm Emanuel, the Chicago mayoral wannabe, current Obama chief of staff, ex-representative, ex-Clinton money man and ex-Windy City political machine go-fer.

Shortly after Obama's happy inaugural, eyebrows rose slightly upon word that, as a House member, Emanuel had lived the last five years rent-free in a D.C. apartment of Democratic colleague Rep. Rosa DeLauro of Connecticut and her husband, Stanley Greenberg.

For an ordinary American, that would likely raise some obvious tax liability questions. But like Emanuel, the guy overseeing the IRS now is another Obama insider, Tim Geithner, who had his own outstanding tax problems but skated through confirmation anyway by the Democratic-controlled Congress. ...

Top PR firm for BP tied to White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel Read more at the Washington Examiner

Over at The Next Right, the've pieced together some interesting connections about the White House's ties to British Petroleum, better known as the company currently polluting the Gulf of Mexico. We all know Obama was the biggest recipient of BP's campaign cash in Washington, but it seems BP's ties to the White House run even deeper.

According to The Next Right, PR firm Greenberg Quinlan Rosner "helped BP plan and evaluate its successful re-branding campaign, focusing the company's branding on energy solutions, including the development of solar and other renewable energy sources."

BP paid for officials’ meals, airfare and polar bear trip

The embattled oil and gas giant BP paid for a slew of travel and dining arrangements for senior government officials in the years leading up to the massive oil leak in the Gulf. Critics say BP got too close with regulators, neutering the government's safety watchdogs.

Webmaster's Commentary:

This is standard operating procedure between large corporations and regulators in the US; because of the catastrophe in the Gulf, however,BP (which now stands for Biohazard Provocateurs) simply got caught.

Many Gulf federal judges have oil links

More than half of the federal judges in districts where the bulk of Gulf oil spill-related lawsuits are pending have financial connections to the oil and gas industry, complicating the task of finding judges without conflicts to hear the cases.

Goldman Sachs Sold 44% of its BP stock three weeks before the Deepwater Horizon explosion

And Wells Fargo increased their holdings by 112%.

Another Gulf oil spill: Well near Deepwater Horizon has leaked since at least April 30

View full sizeA crew boat appears to be spraying dispersant on a slick emanating from the Diamond Offshore drilling rig Ocean Saratoga, working in deepwater about 12 miles off the tip of Louisiana. Skytruth, which monitors environmental problems via satellite, discovered the apparent leak three weeks ago in a satellite image.The Deepwater Horizon is not the only well leaking oil into the Gulf of Mexico for the last month.

A nearby drilling rig, the Ocean Saratoga, has been leaking since at least April 30, according to a federal document.

While the leak is decidedly smaller than the Deepwater Horizon spill, a 10-mile-long slick emanating from the Ocean Saratoga is visible from space in multiple images gathered by Skytruth.org, which monitors environmental problems using satellites.

Federal officials did not immediately respond when asked about the size of the leak, how long it had been flowing, or whether it was possible to plug it.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Once in an accident, two a coincidence, but three a decayed and neglected infrastructure!

As a side note, some people had pointed to the dumping of oil stocks prior to the Deepwater Horizon explosion as evidence of a conspiracy, but it seems more likely that the sell-off was triggered by the expected publicity fallout from this other lea, which was ultimately overshadowed by the Deepwater Horizon disaster.

Latest Oil Containment effort hits snag

I thought they said this for sure was gonna work?

The Amount Of Neurotoxin Pesticide Corexit Sprayed By BP Tops 1 Million Gallons

Corexit is lethal in as little as 2.6 parts per million where oil is lethal in 11 parts per million meaning that Corexit is over 4 times more toxic than oil.

Furthermore scientific studies show that oil dispersed with Corexit is 11 times more lethal than oil alone.

In fact the study referenced showed that crude oil was lethal at 4250 parts per million to killifish but combination of oil mixed with Corexit was lethal in as little as 317.7 ppm.

CEO: BP will make good on $10 billion in profit payouts to shareholders, despite spill

BP's shareholders may receive more this year from the company's coffers than those affected by the spill in the Gulf of Mexico will receive in their lifetime.

BP CEO Tony Hayward has indicated that he will go ahead with massive dividend payouts to shareholders in the aftermath of the worst oil spill in US history. $10 billion in payouts are scheduled for this year. The cost of the spill has been estimated in the tens of billions, but ExxonMobil only ended up paying a $507 million settlement for the 1994 Exxon Valdez spill after 20 years of appeals.

Webmaster's Commentary:

As reported this morning at:


"If the cap doesn't work, we're going to have three times the amount of oil in the Gulf of Mexico," conservationist Rick Steiner told MSNBC's Keith Olbermann Thursday.

As much as 46 million gallons have already leaked into the Gulf. If the "cut and cap" operation fails there could be more than 138 million gallons of oil spilled before a relief well is finished in August."

That BP is allowed to cavalierly "cap" their losses on this catastrophe while paying out this kind of dividend is criminal.

It's Official - Another BP Failure - Efforts To End Flow From BP Well Are Over, Coast Guard Says

BP Plc’s failure since April to plug a Gulf of Mexico oil leak has prompted forecasts the crude may continue gushing into December in what President Barack Obama has called the greatest environmental disaster in U.S. history.

BP’s attempts so far to cap the well and plug the leak on the seabed a mile below the surface haven’t worked, while the start of the Atlantic hurricane season this week indicates storms in the Gulf may disrupt other efforts.

“The worst-case scenario is Christmas time,” Dan Pickering, the head of research at energy investor Tudor Pickering Holt & Co. in Houston, said. “This process is teaching us to be skeptical of deadlines.”

Ending the year with a still-gushing well would mean about 4 million barrels of oil spilled into the Gulf, based on the government’s current estimate of 12,000 to 19,000 barrels leaking a day. That would wipe out marine life deep at sea near the leak and elsewhere in the Gulf, and along hundreds of miles of coastline, said Harry Roberts, a professor of Coastal Studies at Louisiana State University.

So much crude pouring into the ocean may alter the chemistry of the sea, with unforeseeable results, said Mak Saito, an Associate Scientist at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in Massachusetts.

BP Plc has given up trying to plug its leaking well in the Gulf of Mexico any sooner than August, laying out a series of steps to pipe the oil to the surface and ship it ashore for refining, said Thad Allen, the U.S. government’s national commander for the incident.

Feds Approve New Gulf Oil Well off La

Webmaster's Commentary:


BP, Coast Guard withheld video showing massive scope of oil spill

Inside the unified command center, where BP and federal agencies were orchestrating the spill response, video monitors had already displayed hours of footage they did not make public," ABC News' veteran investigative reporter Brian Ross reports. "The images showed a far more dire situation unfolding underwater. The footage filmed by submarines showed three separate leaks, including one that was unleashing a torrent of oil into the Gulf."

BP told the network they'd turned the video over to the Feds, and the decision to release the video was on the Feds alone

Webmaster's Commentary:

Neither BP nor the Federal government wanted the public to see the horrendous extent of the damage they knew was happening.

Caught in the oil

AP Photographer Charlie Riedel just filed the following images of seabirds caught in the oil slick on a beach on Louisiana's East Grand Terre Island.

There's another BP oil spill? - Shhh!! says BP, the Bushs' and Their CIA a Federal Judge Finds Out

In one case, BP's CEO of Alaskan operations hired a former CIA expert to break into the home of a whistleblower, Chuck Hamel, who had complained of conditions at the pipe's tanker facility. BP tapped his phone calls with a US congressman and ran a surveillance and smear campaign against him. When caught, a US federal judge said BP's acts were "reminiscent of Nazi Germany."

MORE LIES: Experts Say Oil Spill Will Have Mild Effect On People

Images of oil-soaked birds and soiled beaches, combined with a general mistrust of industry and government, are making it hard for a skeptical public to believe there won’t be serious health effects from the devastating spill in the Gulf of Mexico...

Contractor: BP Is Trying To Hide Dead Animals, Since The Ocean Will Eventually Wash Away The Evidence

In recent weeks, reporters and photographers for major news organizations around the country have been speaking out about the attempts by BP to prevent them from getting a first-hand look at the Gulf Coast oil spill. A CBS News crew was threatened with arrest when it tried to photograph the spill, and a BP representative in Louisiana told a Mother Jones reporter that she couldn’t visit the Elmer’s Island Wildlife Refuge without a BP escort.

New oil plume evidence uncovered

The University of South Florida recently discovered a second oil plume in the northeastern Gulf. The first plume was found by Mississippi universities in early May.

Gulf coast Birds in Oil: AP video


'It has the smell of death': Experts warn BP could fall after shares tumble another 16%


Analysts today warned BP could collapse as its shares tumbled yet further after the latest bid to plug the oil well leak in the Gulf of Mexico failed.

More than £15billion was wiped off the British oil giant's market value, with its share price down by as much as 16 per cent on the FTSE-100 index.

The company has so far spent almost £690million trying to cap the well. It could also be hit with huge fines from the U.S. government as well as costly legal action.

Such is the damage to its reputation, experts fear it may not survive and with its share price in a downward spiral, it is increasingly likely it could be taken over.

BP: ‘We’re not blaming anyone yet’

General manager says relief well expected to be completed in August is 'end point' for efforts to stop spill

Oil giant BP has said it is responsible for the Gulf oil spill, but now the company seems to be reserving the right to blame someone else.

Webmaster's Commentary:

After the most complete remediations possible have done in the Gulf by BP (an acronym which, by now, should stand for "biohazard provocateurs"), this company should be forbidden from ever doing any offshore drilling anywhere near the US again, period, end of discussion.

BP Live Webcam Working Again.

Webmaster's Commentary:

BP is yammering on about how much oil they are pumping up from the destroyed Deepwater Horizon oil well and into a tanker, soon to be headed for your local gas station, and I am certain from BP's point of view, salvaging saleable product is a great improvement over the last going on fifty days of total losses.

But the issue for America and the world is not how much oil is being pumped into BP's tankers but how much is still flowing into the Gulf of Mexico.

As can be seen here, the problem is actually far worse than it was before. When the old riser pipe was still in place, it restricted the amount of oil flowing out of the broken BOP, but once that pipe was cut off for the LMRT, the flow became unrestricted and the LMRT failed to seal off the pipe as had been the plan.

In other words, the LMRT failed and BP failed and now things are much worse. If the reports of a second botched drilling sight leaking oil nearby are true, and/or if BP's statement about a broken safety valve 1000 feet below the floor of the Gulf of Mexico are true, then together with what we see here on this video there is no way to stop this thing. The drillers, as Tolkien would put it, delved too deeply and too greedily and woke the nameless horror that dwells in the dark. A real-life Balrog wreathed in flame and black smoke has awoken, and lays waste the halls of Moria!

Pictures that tell the truth about the oil spill

Pictures that tell the truth about the oil spill.
look on the right and left of this first picture u will see the color the water should be (i'll prove this by more pictures) this shows underwater oil.. all the grayish white area is underwater oil!
***BUT NASA is ONLY showing only HALF the picture! so you will not figure out what u are seeing! the FULL picture is REALLY hard to find,, after several hours i tracked down one
here it is
notice ALL the blue color clean water that dose not have oil in it ?

here is picture of the water BEFORE the oil spill

Oil Stains Beaches, Beachgoers in Alabama


Webmaster's Commentary:

Are they all time bombs waiting to go off? Remember, the Deepwater Horizon received a safety award from the US Government before it blew up. Does that mean the other rigs are even more at risk of disaster?

Obama to reopen waters for shallow water drilling

Facing an angry tsunami from oil companies, oil company employees and oil company servicers in the Gulf Coast, the Obama Administration is set to quickly reopen drilling sites in the Gulf.

The Administration will release new safety requirements in the wake of a massive BP oil spill. After a rig blew up and sank in April, a drillhole created by BP began leaking tens of thousands of barrels of oil into the sea off the coast of Louisiana.

Webmaster's Commentary:

One has to wonder, considering just how "cozy" the oil companies were with the regulators before the BP blow-up, if these regulations will really be strong enough to prevent yet another catastrophe here.

BP Buys 'Oil' Search Terms to Redirect Users to Official Company Website

BP, the very company responsible for the oil spill that is already the worst in U.S. history, has purchased several phrases on search engines such as Google and Yahoo so that the first result that shows up directs information seekers to the company's official website.

Norwegian oil company struggles to normalize pressure at oil rig

Last Thursday, Norwegian oil company Statoil partly evacuated the Gullfaks oil rig off the western coast after unexpected fluctuations in pressure were encountered while drilling.

The company said all 89 non-essential workers were taken off the rig as a precaution, while the other workers remained to normalize well pressure.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Another "Balrog" about to blow?

UPDATE: Norway has just put all deep water drilling on hold.

Corée du Nord:

US-South Korea exercises may wait for UN diplomacy: Gates

Joint US-South Korean military exercises may be put off to allow time for Seoul to secure diplomatic support at the UN Security Council against North Korea, US Defense Secretary Robert Gates said on Friday.

"I think there's a sequencing involved in this and it may be there's a desire first to see what can be accomplished at the UN and then think about next steps beyond that," Gates told reporters at a security conference in Singapore.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Translation: the US is backing away from confrontation with North Korea because the current South Korean government got its clocks cleaned in the recent elections there; the US will have to wait to see how this shakes out.

Sub attack was near US-SKorea drill

Two months after the sinking, U.S. officials for the first time disclosed details of the joint naval exercise held the same day as the attack on the Cheonan. Forty-six South Korean sailors died on the warship, which was not involved in the exercise. It was on routine patrol near disputed waters.

Military officials said the drill could not have detected the North Korean sub. Officials and defense experts said a minisub would have been difficult for even a nearby ship to track in shallow coastal waters.

What surprised experts was that a 130-ton minisub, without warning, could bring down a warship nine or 10 times its size, a power mismatch called asymmetric warfare.

An South Korean-led investigation into the sinking concluded last month that the evidence overwhelmingly pointed to the North. The North has denied any involvement.

Western experts say there are still questions about exactly what happened that night off Baengnyeong island.

One U.S. official said the sinking may not have been an intentional attack at all, but the act of a rogue commander, an accident or an exercise gone wrong. He spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to discuss the incident publicly.

U.S. to Join South Korean Military Exercise Off North Korea Coast

The U.S. aircraft carrier USS George Washington will participate in a joint naval exercise with South Korea next week in the Yellow Sea, the same waters west of the Korean peninsula where North Korea is accused of sinking a South Korean warship last March, ABC News has learned.

A U.S. official said the carrier, which operates from its home port in Japan, “will be sent to the waters off South Korea within coming days to participate in joint exercises” with the South Korean navy.

Webmaster's Commentary:

It appears that South Korea has pulled back from wanting to formally accuse North Korea at the UN for the sinking of the South Korean ship.

Another factor may be this, as reported yesterday at:


"President Lee Myung-bak’s party has suffered a surprising setback in local elections that were widely seen as a referendum on his handling of North Korea’s alleged torpedoing of a South Korean warship."

Note the language here: "...alleged torpedoing....."

US naval attack group makes for South Korea

A US naval attack group led by the George Washington nuclear-powered aircraft carrier is making for South Korea for holding emergency exercises with a South Korean naval force.

Military manoeuvres with gunnery and missile firing are held one month ahead of schedule. Yet another US-South Korean military exercise is due in late June, the one against enemy submarines.

Webmaster's Commentary:

"This oughta distract the suckers from Israel and that damned oil leak!!!" -- Official White Horse Souse


"Military exercises", my astrolabe!

Even if China votes to veto any censure of the North Korea at the UN security council, it appears that the US is getting ready to provoke North Korea into a military confrontation.

And if that happens, one has to ask; what degree of Chinese military support can North Korea count on should such a US-provoked attack happen?!?!?

China's Wen reveals fears of any Korea conflict spreading

North Korea has been blamed by an international investigation for sinking the South Korean corvette Cheonan in March, killing 46 sailors, but China has refused to join condemnation of its ally Pyongyang and said it is still assessing the evidence.

In a transcript of an interview with Japanese broadcaster NHK posted on the Chinese Foreign Ministry website on Wednesday, Wen declined to say whether China would support any censure of the North by the U.N. Security Council. As a permanent member of the Council, China could veto any such action.

Webmaster's Commentary:

If there is a censure vote at the UN Security Council, one can almost bet on a veto by China as an attempt to ratchet down tensions in the region.

Unfortunately, however, the US government needs a war right now, to distract a very angry populace from its financial woes, and the horrendous mismanagement of both foreign and domestic policy under Obama's watch.

China Tells Defense Secretary Gates Not To Visit

Beijing didn't elaborate, but China leaders were angered by the Obama administration's recent decision to go ahead with arms sales to Taiwan worth more than $6 billion.

Webmaster's Commentary:

My bet would be that this non-invite has nothing to do with the US arms sales to Taiwan, and everything to do with pressure to hold North Korea accountable for the torpedo which sank the South Korean ship last March, for which the US has been blaming North Korea, and wanting to forward the matter to the UN for some kind of sanctions/punishment against North Korea.

L’attaque israélienne de la flottille humanitaire:

The Gaza Blockade Is Illegal and the Flotilla Attack Was an Illegal Act of War

Because the blockade of Gaza itself violates international law, Israel committed an illegal act of war attacking the convoy, regardless of who attacked whom first.

7 Questions for Defenders of Israel's Inhumane Siege of Gaza

Apologists for the brutal siege of Gaza base their defense largely on a single, spectacularly dishonest argument: that Israel is only trying to keep arms out of Gaza -- arms that Hamas might use against Israeli civilians.

It’s a red herring of monstrous proportions, made more pernicious by the brutal effects of the blockade it supports. It’s dishonest because people around the world are not outraged by the idea of Israel keeping weapons out of the hands of Hamas. The entire world (perhaps aside from the United States and Israel) is appalled by the gradual strangulation of the people of Gaza -- young and old, innocent and guilty-- under an intentional man-made humanitarian crisis.

Israel set to OK 'quid pro quo' Gaza deal: report

Israel is set to accept a plan under which it would ease its Gaza blockade in return for the international community agreeing to a limited probe into a deadly flotilla raid, it was reported Wednesday, as Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas was due to hold talks with U.S. President Barack Obama in Washington.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Obama will go along with this, under the excuse of "Hey you got the blockade eased so shaddup already" but in truth the Egyptians have already broken the blockade and intend to keep their border with Gaza open indefinitely.

But Obama is in a panic. Helen Thomas may have been the first to ask why DC turned its back on Americans in their rush to protect Israel, but she will not be the last and crushing her in full public view may have created more problems than it solved. Any international investigation into the attack in the aid flotilla will be a constant reminder to the world at to America that the US Federal Government was more worried about protecting Israel than its own citizens.

That is an impossible issue to deal with in an election year and the incumbents' only chance at holding onto power is to bury the scandal and trick the voters back into thinking that things like immigration and gay marriage are most important to the nation.

Obama needs this scandal to go away as much as Israel does, and so he will make any deal that allows a real investigation to be avoided.

The problem for the Gazans is simple. Right now, with the Egyptian border open, Gaza is free. But if Israel is allowed to resume control over the Gazan borders, no matter how open they are now, eventually the slow strangulation
will start again because that is Israel's history.

The only permanent solution is for Israel to draw its borders and agree to live within them, and to accord to Palestine the same right to exist that Israel demands for itself.

Egypt to keep border with impoverished Gaza Strip open

After three years of cooperating in the Israeli blockade of Gaza, Egypt said that it will leave its border with the Palestinian territory open indefinitely for humanitarian aid and restricted travel. With international pressure building to ease the blockade, an Egyptian security official said on Monday that sealing off Hamas-ruled Gaza has only bred more militancy.

Webmaster's Commentary:

The blockade is finished. There is therefore no need for Obama to make any deals with Israel to limit the scope of an international investigation into the attack on the aid flotilla in international waters.

Obama will make that deal anyway, because any investigation will only remind the American people how the US Government shamelessly turned its back on its own citizens in the rush to protect Israel from criticism.

Israel thumbs nose at world anger

Israel has triggered a new tide of global outrage after it started circulating a video that pokes fun at the Freedom Flotilla activists, recently attacked by armed Israeli commandos.

While world countries and international organizations are up in arms over a deadly Israeli attack on a ship carrying aid for Gazans, Tel Aviv continues to refuse to show any remorse for its violent actions.

Webmaster's Commentary:

It is the arrogant refusal to show any remorse or shame for the crimes it commits that is fanning world anger and revulsion at Israel.

Israel acts like it is answerable to nobody but itself. and maybe that is the giveaway clue we aol need to be looking at.

Those who would subject the world to the yoke of global government are not the Bilderbergers, not the Masons, not the CFR, not the Trilateralists, nor even the United Nations, not some mythic Illuminati.

The slavers of the world are hiding in plain sight in Israel!

The proof occurred just a week ago when Israel sailed out into international waters and hijacked foreign flagged ships, kidnapped and murdered foreign nationals. People of the world wondered what lunacy possessed Israel's leadership to commit such a crime, but it is obvious Israel does not see it that way. To them, it was their ocean and their ships and Israel was simply chastising some of their misbehaving serfs!

Further proof that Israel is the true author of the New World Order was provided by the United States which ignored the seized US-flagged ship and American citizens and almost literally stepped over the still-warm body of a young boy born in New York and gunned down by Israeli forces in cold blood, to rush to that ersatz and impotent pretender to world government the United Nations, to save Israel from the wrath of those other nation-states that have the temerity to imagine they can criticize mighty Israel! Even now we see reports that Ban-Ki Moon, rather than enforce international law against Israel, is hard at work trying to dissuade Turkey from retaliation for the attack on their ship and nationals. Turkey is now reported to have backed away from confronting Israel! The UN, like the US, is not interested in justice, but in protecting Israel.

Yes, Bilderberg is real, but are there any attendees who are not staunch supporters of Israel? Yes, the CFR and the Trilateral Commission are real, but are there any members who are not staunch supporters of Israel? According to Ha-Aretz, Israel's newspaper, all American government officials must pass a pro-Israel background check! Is this also the case in other nations?

For myself, I am opposed to any global government from any source. The global governments of history have been wonderful affairs for the governors, and terrible for the slaves. One need only look at how Israel governs Gaza and the West Bank to see what global government centered on Israel would be like, with the capital city of Jerusalem sheathed in gold and crowned with more jewels than a Mugal Emperor's palace while the rest of the world lives in bomb-enforced squalor and rubble.

Those who would enslave the world are not hidden in some dark corner avoiding your sight but prance and preen in full view of the world, already surrounded by admiring parasitic sycophants as they arrogantly display their divinely ordained ascendancy over all others.

Israel lambasted at Turkey summit as Putin condemns Gaza raid

Israel demands more US military aid

Webmaster's Commentary:

"We used up a lot of bullets attacking your people in international waters!"

Israeli request for more arms from US raises fears of regional violence

Israel has approached the United States for more bombs and asked Washington to increase an emergency arms cache stowed on Israeli soil by 50 per cent, according to the leading newspaper Ha'aretz.

The approach, made by Defence Minister Ehud Barak during a recent visit to Washington, reflects the heightened tensions in recent months between the Jewish state and its neighbours that have given rise to widespread fears within Israel of an imminent regional conflict.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Translation: now that it appears, due to the passage of sanctions against Iran, Israel wants to start a war, any war, which might possibly drag Iran into that war.

Senior Israeli Army Commander: Turkish Attempt To Break The Siege Would Be “Act of War”

A senior commander in the the Israeli military has stated that he believes that action taken by the Turkish government in protecting an upcoming flotilla to Gaza would be considered an act of war.

Major General (Res.) Uzi Dayan stated, whilst speaking with the army radio station that, "If he [Prime Minister Erdogan] comes here with Turkish warships there can be no doubt that it would amount to a declaration of war. We need to draw a clear line and say that whoever crosses it will not be boarded but sunk."

Webmaster's Commentary:

I think that Edrogan may have been bluffing, to bolster his political base back home in Turkey.

But if Israel starts sinking unarmed, non-militarily escorted civilian vessels, attempting to get desperately needed aid to Gaza, this is going to escalate into a whole new, dangerous game.

Shot in the Back - Did the IDF Execute Mavi Marmara Victims?

You want to know why we need independent journalism, and why those of you who are reading this article need to support the publication in which it is appearing and the article in which it originally appeared? Because if you rely for your news on the US corporate media, whether ad-supported or underwriter-supported, you won’t learn that Furkan Dogan, the 19-year-old American citizen slain by Israeli commandos in the raid on the Gaza-bound flotilla May 31, was shot in the back and in the back of the head, as well as multiple times in the face.

This is the conclusion of the autopsy conducted by the Turkish Council of Forensic Medicine, which also did autopsies on the eight other Turkish citizens killed in the Israeli raid on the Mavi Marmara ferry and five other smaller boats in the so-called Freedom Flotilla. Of the other eight dead, the medical examiners found that five had been shot in the back, or in the back of the head.

Turkey to cancel defense agreements with Israel after flotilla attack

A senior government official has said that Turkey is set to cancel military agreements with Israel following the killings of nine Turks on May 31 in an Israeli commando raid on the Mavi Marmara, part of a six-vessel convoy that set out to challenge the blockade of the Gaza Strip.

Erdogan, Putin: Israel won’t get our gas

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin said Tuesday that they don’t plan to export natural gas to Israel via a new pipeline to Turkey.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Turkey and Russia just got Israel where it's really going to hurt: right in the wallet of Israel's corporate businesses!

Mike comment: Not so. The US government guarantees Israel's oil and gas supplies even if it causes shortages to the American people.

Minister Ya'alon says Navy raid a failure

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Strategic Affairs Moshe Ya'alon admitted on Tuesday that last week's deadly commando raid on a Gaza-bound flotilla was a failure, saying that "in a place where citations should have been given, someone failed to prepare a standard operating procedure."

Speaking during a meeting with council heads from the Likud party, Ya'alon said that "the decision was right, but there is room for improvement –and I am not going to elaborate."

Webmaster's Commentary:

One has to wonder if what Deputy Prime Minister considers to be the "room for improvement" would have been the killing of every humanitarian aid worker on every ship in the flotilla.

Egypt: Gaza Blockade A Failure

An Egyptian security official declared the blockade of Gaza a failure Monday and said his country will keep its border with the Palestinian territory open indefinitely.

Keeping that crossing point open long term would ease the blockade imposed by Israel three years ago to isolate and punish Gaza's Hamas rulers. It also restores a link to the outside the world for some of Gaza's 1.5 million Palestinians.

Webmaster's Commentary:

The blockade has just now, for all practical intents and purposes, ended.

Good on the Egyptians!

We'll never apologize for bloody commando raid, Israel's U.S. ambassador tells 'Fox News Sunday'

Israel will never apologize for its deadly assault on a Palestinian relief convoy and rejects calls for an international investigation, Israel's U.S. ambassador made clear yesterday.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Memo to Michael Oren: the actions of your commando team did absolutely nothing to enhance the safety of Israel's citizens.

The cold-blooded assassinations of humanitarian aid workers, as testified to by the survivors, brought into sharp focus the immoral and inhumane Israeli siege of Gaza to the world.

The world is infuriated, not only at these assassinations, but also about what this siege has done to Palestinian Gazans, particularly the children.

As reported earlier this year at:


"The number of children under five years of age suffering from acute malnutrition in Gaza almost doubled between 2006 and 2008 from 1.4 to 2.4% (UNICEF). The World Health Organisation (WHO) also noted rising indicators for stunting, wasting, low body weight and anaemia among children and pregnant women. The ongoing blockade of Gaza has limited the availability of healthy foods and fresh fruit and vegetables on the local market and children’s health has further suffered."

Malnutrition destroys future generations; the Israelis are quite well aware of this, and this preventing of the foods coming into Gaza that would forestall malnutrition for this kids has been official Israeli Government policy.

And sir, just in case you didn't get the memo; as of today, Egypt is lifting the blockade from its side of the border permanently.

Ambassador Says Israel Will Do 'Whatever It Takes' to Uphold Blockade

Without elaborating on what actions would be taken in the face of a potential Iranian Revolutionary Guard escort of ships to break through the blockade of Gaza Ambassador Michael Oren said the country needed to defend itself.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Memo to Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren: I really don't think Iran is an issue right now, in light of the fact that Egypt has lifted the blockade on its side of the Gazan border permanently!!

Was the Obama Administration involved in the Planning of the Israeli Attack on the Gaza Freedom Flotilla?

“They even shot those who surrendered. Many of our friends saw this. They told me that there were handcuffed people who were shot,” (quoted by Press TV)

The Israeli Commando had an explicit order to kill.

There are indications that the US was consulted at the highest levels regarding the nature of this military operation. Moreover, in the wake of the attacks, both the US and the UK have unequivocally reaffirmed their support to Israel.

Webmaster's Commentary:

It is very clear, should this information be correct, that the governments of the US and UK are uniformly complicit in the deaths and beatings of those killed or injured by the IDF.

Abbas to send 'reconciliation team' to Hamas in Gaza

Palestinian leader Mahmud Abbas said on Monday that he would send a delegation to the Gaza Strip to seek reconciliation with the Islamist Hamas movement after Israel's deadly aid flotilla raid.

"The best answer to (the raid)... is for Palestinian groups to reconcile and resist Israel hand-in-hand," Abbas told Turkey's NTV news channel in Istanbul where he was to attend a meeting of an Asian security grouping.

"We have put together a delegation from the Palestinian leadership to go to Gaza and persuade Hamas to reconcile," he said with a voice-over translation into Turkish.

Webmaster's Commentary:

If Hamas and Fatah can actually manage to pull this off, it would be a real victory for the Palestinian people, and create some hope that there may yet, in fact, be hope for a Palestinian state.

THE BLOCKADE HAS FALLEN! Egypt: Gaza blockade a failure, border stays open

An Egyptian security official declared the blockade of Gaza a failure Monday and said his country will keep its border with the Palestinian territory open indefinitely.

Webmaster's Commentary:


'Israelis threw 4 injured into the sea'

Activist Idris Simsek, who was on board one of the six ships of the Freedom Flotilla during the Israeli attack, claims that four wounded activists were thrown into the sea.

The Israeli troops also put immense psychological pressure on the activists of the Freedom Flotilla, the Turkish daily Today's Zaman quoted Simsek as saying in an article published on Saturday.

Simsek said they expected some harassment from the Israeli forces but did not expect an armed attack.

He went on to say that he witnessed that the person who waived the white flag to surrender was shot by the Israeli troops.

'Israel Trains Militants In Iraq'

The director of a Turkish think tank says Israel trains the armed men with the anti-Ankara militant group, Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) in northern Iraq.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Recall that it was the PKK that launched a rocket attack on the Turkish naval facility just as Israel attacked the aid flotilla. The rocket attack was timed to inhibit Turkey's ability to intervene when their people are being killed.

IDF admits doctoring audio of raid on Gaza flotilla

The IDF's latest version of the audio is actually the third version the military organization has released. Its first audio version of the incident, a one-minute clip released the day of the raid, did not include any of the controversial comments -- no voices can be heard saying "Go back to Auschwitz" or "remember 9/11."

Critics of Israel have suggested the audio clip -- and the IDF's admission it was edited -- shows the Israeli military is involved in a propaganda campaign to discredit the flotilla as a humanitarian effort. And Blumenthal notes that the IDF audio has already made its way into US media as fact.

Iran Red Crescent to send two aid ships to Gaza

"One ship will carry donations made by the people and the other will carry relief workers. The ships will be sent to Gaza by end of this week," Adibzadeh said.

Webmaster's Commentary:


Gaza blockade is inflammatory, says UN

The UN's humanitarian chief, John Holmes, has described Israel's blockade of Gaza as "inflammatory" and devastating.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Nice words. Gonna do anything about it? Or is the United Nations going to roll over and pretend everything is fine like they did after Israel targeted UN facilities in Gaza and Lebanon? Israel has never complied with the two conditions attached to their membership at the UN. Isn't it time to kick Israel out for not playing by the rules everyone else does?

Or is Israel the real core of the One World Government, because the United Nations certainly seems to treat them like they are!

At least 17 nations summon Israeli ambassadors

As international condemnation over the killing of at least 10 activists by Israeli forces as they raided an aid convoy en route to Gaza, a host of governments have summoned Israeli ambassadors to provide a full explanation on the assault.

Webmaster's Commentary:

And the US, with a hijacked US-flagged ship, 12 kidnapped Americans, one of then dead with four bullets in his skull, rushes to the United Nations to protect Israel from criticism.

No government can serve two masters and a government that serves Israel cannot serve the American people. A friend of Israel is an enemy of America.

I am shocked and appalled at all these supposed American leaders stepping over the still-warm corpse of an American murdered by the Israelis in their rush to serve Tel Aviv. You should be too.

Already ABCNNBBCBS are trying to convince you that this years elections are about gay marriage or immigration or something else they think the parties can win votes with, but I will tell you the issue this election season and I urge you to share this with every voter you know...

America needs leaders who will put America first, second, and third.

America needs leaders who will put America first, second, and third.

America needs leaders who will put America first, second, and third.


Webmaster's Commentary:

This was expected. Israel is trying to float a trial balloon claiming they found massive amounts of military weapons on board the seized Turkish ships, forgetting that the ship and its cargoes were inspected numerous times in the various ports the ships visited on their way to Gaza. Note that they admit the YouTube video of weapons is not dated. Like the doctored audio tape, this is just another Israeli "bay way of deception" propaganda stunt.

UPDATE: The video that is being shown as being weapons found on board the humanitarian aid fleet has been identified as video actually shot during the seizure of the MV Francop in 2009.

BREAKING NEWS: Former US Army Colonel and US Diplomat Joins Gaza Flotilla to Break the Israeli Siege/Blockade of Gaza

Colonel Ann Wright said “the Israeli siege of Gaza is illegal and a violation of international law. We demand that the Israeli, Egyptian, United States and European governments end this siege. If the governments will not stop the siege, it is up to the citizens of the world to break it—and that is what we will do!”.

Read nore:

B.C. activist took photos of deadly Gaza flotilla clash

"I saw one die in front of my face," Neish said. "He had a huge hole in his chest and he was struggling to get his breath. I took a picture and he stopped breathing."

Alors que l'Onu propose une enquête internationale sur la flottille de la Liberté

La Turquie dévoile la lâcheté des soldats israéliens


Etranger (Lundi 07 Juin 2010)

Par : Merzak Tigrine
Lu : (301 fois)

Le secrétaire général des Nations unies Ban Ki-moon a proposé la création d'une commission d'enquête multinationale sur l'arraisonnement sanglant par l'armée israélienne de la flottille de la liberté, l’autopsie des victimes turques a révélé qu’elles ont été tuées à bout portant par balle et dans le dos même, d’où l’ouverture d’une enquête officielle pour poursuivre l’État hébreu.

Une commission que présidera l'ancien Premier ministre néo-zélandais Geoffrey Palmer et comprenant des représentants d'Israël, des États-Unis et de la Turquie, sous le pavillon duquel naviguait le navire, sera mise sur pied par l’ONU, pour enquêter sur cette tuerie. Pour Israël, la présence des États-Unis au sein de cette équipe d'enquêteurs en garantirait l'impartialité. Le secrétaire général de l'ONU a également consulté, samedi, le Premier ministre turc sur les “options pour avancer dans l'enquête voulue par les Nations unies”.
Pendant ce temps, le rapport d'autopsie des autorités turques, révélé samedi par le journal britannique The Guardian, indique que les neuf victimes turques du raid ont été criblées de balles, et plusieurs d'entre elles ont été abattues à bout portant. Les procureurs ont également interrogé la plupart des 24 militants blessés qui sont soignés en Turquie, selon Today's Zaman. Aussi, des procureurs turcs ont lancé une enquête pour d'éventuelles poursuites contre les plus hauts dirigeants israéliens. Un militant grec, qui se trouvait sur le ferry turc de la flottille humanitaire pour Gaza, a accusé les forces israéliennes d'avoir tué l'un des Turcs à bord car il assurait la diffusion sur le Net des images du raid, dans un témoignage publié, hier, par un quotidien grec. “Jusqu'à une demi-heure après l'attaque, et malgré la guerre électronique, le Mavi Marmara continuait à envoyer des images sur Internet grâce à un système hypermoderne que gérait un volontaire turc. Ensuite, je l'ai vu mort, avec une balle dans le front”, a affirmé Dimitris Plionis à Elefthérotypia. Si le bureau du procureur de Bakirköy (Istanbul) réunit des preuves suffisantes, des inculpations seront prononcées contre le Premier ministre, Benjamin Netanyahu, le ministre de la Défense, Ehud Barak, et le chef d'État major des armées, Gabi Ashkenazi, a indiqué le journal Today's Zaman. Ces responsables israéliens seront alors inculpés d'assassinat, coups et blessures, piraterie et attaque contre des citoyens dans les eaux internationales, ajoute le journal.
Les procureurs utiliseront les résultats des autopsies et les témoignages des militants qui ont pris part à l'expédition, affirme le journal libéral Radikal. Une inculpation des dirigeants israéliens pourrait se baser sur le fait que le raid était “illégal”, puisque les bateaux étaient dans les eaux internationales et transportaient de l'aide humanitaire, et que les militants agitaient des drapeaux blancs et ne menaçaient pas Israël.
C’est à la suite des nombreuses plaintes portées devant la justice par plusieurs militants pour les droits de l'homme demandant la comparution des dirigeants israéliens pour crimes, détournement de navires et détention d'innocents, que ces procédures judiciaires ont été lancées.
Il y a lieu de rappeler qu’Ankara a rappelé son ambassadeur à Tel-Aviv après ce raid, qualifié de “massacre sanglant” par le Premier ministre turc Recep Tayyip Erdogan. La presse turque a indiqué également que le ministère de la Justice envisage une action contre Israël, selon les lois nationales et internationales. Enfin, signalons que les 11 passagers, 5 Irlandais et 6 Malaisiens, et l'équipage du cargo d'aide irlandais Rachel Corrie, arraisonné samedi par Israël, ont été expulsés hier, a annoncé la porte-parole du service de l'immigration. “Toutes les personnes à bord du bateau seront expulsées dimanche, après avoir signé un document par lequel elles renoncent à recourir à la justice israélienne contre cette mesure”, a déclaré à l'AFP la porte-parole Sabin Hadad. Parmi les militants du Rachel Corrie, figure le prix Nobel de la paix 1976, la Nord-Irlandaise Mairead Maguire, 66 ans, avocate de la cause palestinienne.

Full English Text Recap of Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan's Speech with Video


Today I do not only want to speak to my dear people but to all of humanity.

I want to call to the conscience and hearts and minds of the whole of humanity, I would like to share courageously my feelings.

Yesterday, in the darkest moment of the night two bloody attacks occurred.

More >>Tayyip Erdogan's Speech with Video

Israel Bans the Basics of Life


Webmaster's Commentary:

Israel claims its blockade of Gaza is to keep weapons out of HAMAS hands. If so, then why are 2000 non-weapon basic necessities of life included on the list of items banned in Gaza?

Please spread this message around.

'Israelis threw 4 injured into the sea'

Activist Idris Simsek, who was on board one of the six ships of the Freedom Flotilla during the Israeli attack, claims that four wounded activists were thrown into the sea.

The Israeli troops also put immense psychological pressure on the activists of the Freedom Flotilla, the Turkish daily Today's Zaman quoted Simsek as saying in an article published on Saturday.

Simsek said they expected some harassment from the Israeli forces but did not expect an armed attack.

Webmaster's Commentary:

There are 17 passengers and crew from the flotilla still unaccounted for.

IDF Shayetet 13 specializes in underwater explosive devices

On Shayetet 13, State Terror and Gaza’s Freedom Flotilla
The unit apparently specializes in placing mines on foreign ships in Israeli ports using underwater personal vehicles (i.e. vehicles with specific gravity equal to the one of sea water); certain subunits of the fleet apparently use what is known in Hebrew as “Toshvei Hutz” (namely “Foreign Residents”) – apparently a military code name for large marine mammals – for the same terrorist activities; the unit apparently employs maritime biologists trained in the Tel Aviv University. Shayetet 13 was the main force used by Israel during the attack on Gaza’s Freedom Flotilla.

More Gaza Flotilla Detainees Released; Larudee Badly Beaten But Now Headed to Greece

Dr. Paul Larudee, a passenger on the Freedom Flotilla that was attacked by Israel before it could deliver its cargo of humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip, was badly beaten and tasered during the Memorial Day commando raid, but according to latest reports he was released from detention late Wednesday night and is now in flight to Greece.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Adding insult to injury, the Israelis were forcing people to sign a paper saying that they entered Israel 'illegaly' after pirating their ships.

Flotilla Raid Fires Up Israel Lobby

Within three days of Israel’s attack on the Gaza Freedom Flotilla Monday, the pro-Israel lobby in Brussels was already seeking to deflect attention from the killing of nine peace activists in international waters.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Israel has committed war crimes. Those members of the Israel lobby not covered by diplomatic immunity and acting as accessories after the fact in protecting the war criminals ought to be arrested and sent to the Hague.

Galloway announces new land and sea convoys to break the siege of Gaza

Speaking at a demonstration in London which organisers estimated to be more than 20,000 strong, George Galloway announced new land and sea convoys to break the siege of Gaza.

“After extensive discussion in Istanbul,” said Galloway, “I can announce that a land convoy will leave Britain shortly after the end of Ramadan in September and travel through Europe, down through Turkey and Syria into Jordan. We will ask the Egyptian government then to ensure passage from the port of Aqaba to Rafah and into Gaza.

“At exactly the same time a flotilla of boats will be leaving to tour the countries of the Mediterranean before heading for Gaza.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Israel will scream about it;s right to exist and a right to self defense and a right to ... whatever, but the fact is that Israel was given AMPLE opportunity to search the cargoes for weapons ahead of time, as well as assurances that authorities in the ports of departure for the aid convoys had already made certain no weapons were aboard the ships. Israel REFUSED the invitation by MV Rachel Corrie to inspect the cargoes and simply seized the ship, and again what Israel is preventing from reaching Gaza are not weapons, but building and school supplies. Israel is blockading Gaza not for defense but to starve the Palestinians into accepting Israeli rule, not unlike when the USSR blockaded West Berlin to starve them into accepting Soviet rule.

Israeli commando who shot six passengers in aid convoy in line for medal


Six of the nine passengers killed in an Israeli raid on an aid convoy bound for Gaza were shot by a single Israeli commando, who is being considered for a medal of valour for saving his injured comrades as passengers attacked them with clubs, knives and even guns they had taken from downed Navy Seals.

Israel got Green Light From U.S. Before The Humanitarian Aid Flotilla was Attacked


Webmaster's Commentary:

The United States conspired with a foreign nation to attack Americans in international waters.

There is no higher treason by any definition of the word.

The Gaza Blockade Is Illegal and the Flotilla Attack Was an Illegal Act of War

Because the blockade of Gaza itself violates international law, Israel committed an illegal act of war attacking the convoy, regardless of who attacked whom first.

UN rights chief says Gaza siege ‘illegal’

Press TV – June 5, 2010

The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights says the Israeli imposed blockade of the Gaza Strip is “illegal and must be lifted.”

The United Nations official, Navi Pillay said on Saturday that “International humanitarian law prohibits starvation of civilians as a method of warfare and … it is also prohibited to impose collective punishment on civilians.”

“I have consistently reported to member states that the blockade is illegal and must be lifted,” she added.

The comments came as Tel Aviv’s siege of the Gaza Strip is about to enter its third year. The Gaza siege has deprived the Palestinians of food, fuel and other necessities.

Pillay also repeated a call for a probe into Israel’s deadly attack on the multinational relief convoy, the Freedom Flotilla, which had set sail to challenge the siege.

The Monday attack in international waters 150 km (90 miles) off the coast of Gaza killed several activists and left scores more injured.

Also on Saturday, the Israeli military seized the Rachel Corrie, the aid ship which neared Gaza five days after the bloodshed.

Webmaster's Commentary:

If the siege is illegal, then every action Israel takes to enforce it is a crime.


Webmaster's Commentary:

Israel's supporters have tried to portray the passengers and crew of the aid flotilla not as humanitarians but as fanatical terrorists who wanted bloodshed. Yet as this photo shows, after the attack by Israel was over the medical staff of the flotilla treated wounded Israelis right alongside the wounded aid workers.

South Portland man: American beaten, bloodied in Gaza flotilla chaos

Hamann said the flotilla was in international waters when it was intercepted by Israeli troops. When they boarded his vessel, Challenger I, they destroyed all video footage and camera memory cards, he said.

Webmaster's Commentary:

If Israel thinks they were in the right why did they try to destroy all the evidence?

"An innocent man wants evidence in, a guilty man wants evidence out."
-- Professor Alan M. Dershowitz [re: O.J. Simpson case]

Citizen's death may push US to review probe options into raid

Although having so far insisted that the Israeli administration is best positioned to lead an investigation into the Israeli naval forces' raid which led to the killing of the nine people on an aid flotilla in the eastern Mediterranean, Washington may have to reconsider its options upon learning that a US citizen was among those nine people.

Webmaster's Commentary:

The more important and bigger question is:

Did people in Obama's administration knew of flotilla raid operation was taking place?

Did they have advance knowledge before the raid took place ?

Were they in touch with Israeli officials while raid was going on?.

If so, then American people and the world need to know what these officials knew and how much support they gave to such operation.

Just to say: " we are sorry of loss of lives " will not do it, specially when a young American was killed in the raid and was shot with so many bullets, and many citizens who were killed are citizens of a NATO member country (Turkey), and ships attacked were sailing also under NATO countries flags..

Therefore America must support an international inquiry.

Pictures of ex US marine Kenneth O'Keefe who was on board Mavi Marmara upon arrival in Istanbul airport.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Israel attacks a US Marine in international waters, and President Pussy does nothing.

Ken O'Keefe: unarmed American ex-Marine that disarmed two Israeli commandos on the Mavri Mamarra

"I said this straight to Israeli agents, probably of Mossad or Shin Bet, and I say it again now, on the morning of the attack I was directly involved in the disarming of two Israeli Commandos. This was a forcible, non-negotiable, separation of weapons from commandos who had already murdered two brothers that I had seen that day.

Passengers grabbed Israeli weapons to stop the killing


Turkish activists' bodies riddled with bullets, says autopsy report

Autopsy results on the nine Turkish activists killed in Monday's raid on a Gaza-bound aid ship showed they had been shot a total of 30 times, many at close range, Britain's Guardian newspaper reported on Saturday.

Erdogan may try to break blockade himself, Arab paper says

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan is considering arriving in Gaza himself to break the blockade of the Strip, Lebanese newspaper Al-Mustaqbal reported Saturday.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Am I too old to join the Turkish Navy? :)


In a harbor in the Mediterranean a small vessel is waiting for a special mission.

She will be sailing to Gaza during the second half of July. In order to avoid sabotage, the exact date and name of the port of departure will be announced only shortly before her launch.

“Our purpose is to call an end to the siege of Gaza, to this illegal collective punishment of the whole civilian population. Our boat is small, so our donations can only be symbolic: we are taking school bags, filled with donations from German school children, musical instruments and art materials“, says Kate Leiterer, one of the organizers.

“For the medical services we are taking essential medicines and small medical equipment, and for the fishermen we are taking nets and tackle. We are liaising with the medical, educational and mental health services in Gaza,” Leiterer said.

Thousands demonstrate in Tel Aviv against blockade

Left-wing groups in Israel organized a demonstration in Tel Aviv Saturday night in support of the international activists on the Rachel Corrie which was boarded by IDF forces earlier in the day and directed to the port in Ashdod.

Members and supporters of NGOs Gush Shalom, Physicians for Human Rights and Peace Now and the political parties Hadash and Meretz organized the event, which started with a march from Rabin Square and culminated with a rally of several thousand protesters at Museum Plaza in Tel Aviv later in the evening.

Webmaster's Commentary:

It is amazingly revelatory that the Israeli press consistently characterizes peace activists within Israel as "left-wing".

People Power! The Swedish dockers' union decides on a blockade against Israeli ships and goods

People ask themselves how to react to Monday's bloodbath on the Mavi Marmara. Svenska hamnarbetarförbundet, the Swedish dockers' union, has made a first contribution to that debate: it has decided on a blockade against Israeli ships and goods from June 15 at 00.00 hour to June 24 at 24.00 hour. Here is their press release, in Swedish and in English translation:

Israeli Flotilla Attack Creates Chaos in the Knesset

All parliamentary decorum was lost in the Israeli Knesset as Haneen Zoabi strode to the podium to address the membership. Zoabi had been on the Mavi Marmara when elite Israeli commandos landed on the flotilla flagship from helicopers. In an earlier press conference in Nazareth following her release, Zoabi intimated that the Israeli government wanted to cause casualties during their interception of the humanitarian aid convoy: “Israel had days to plan this military operation…They wanted many deaths to terrorize us and to send a message that no future convoys should try to break the siege of Gaza.” (quoted by Jonathan Cook, Global Research, June 3, 2010)
Knesset Response to Zoabi’s Statements

According to the Jerusalem Post (June 3), Knesset members heckled Zoabi, called her a traitor and a terrorist, and stopped her from concluding her remarks. At least two bills were submitted for consideration and debate that would allow the removal of any member that was “found to have committed incitement against the State of Israel.” A separate request was filed by Deputy Knesset Speaker Carmel Shama to “block Zoabi from being able to run in any future Knesset election.”

Zoabi’s address declared that the blockade of Gaza was immoral. She also defended her participation in the flotilla. According to Zoabi, there is a “political, human, and moral imperative to oppose the imprisonment of 1.5 million people.” The Israeli government, however, viewed the flotilla very differently. Any compromise on the blockade of Gaza could result in shipments of rockets or other war contraband that would enable Hamas to attack Israeli citizens and its cities.

Israeli Palestinian MK Who Revealed IDF Fired Before Boarding Aid Ships Assaulted in Knesset


Webmaster's Commentary:

Israeli Palestinian MK Chanin Zoabi joined the Gaza flotilla and testified that IDF commandos fired on her boat before landing on it and killing 9 other passengers including a Turkish-U.S. citizen. Today, she bravely returned to the Knesset and attempted unsuccessfully to exercise her right to address the political body of which she is a member.

In case you were wondering, this didn’t earn her any fans on the far right of the political spectrum. In fact there was a veritable cat fight and near fisticuffs, including an episode when one MK approached the rostrum and appeared to try to assault her, before being held back by security. She was called a spy and traitor and told (in very bad Arabic by one rightist) to go back to Gaza where she belonged.

Achille Lauro ship attack, Piracy is an international crime

All At Sea
By Yvonne Ridley
June 01, 2010 "Information Clearing House" -- I wonder how many of you remember the hijacking of the Italian cruise ship the Achille Lauro way back in October 1985?
"- under article 3 of the Rome Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of Maritime Navigation of 1988, it is an international crime for any person to seize or exercise control over a ship by force, and also a crime to injure or kill any person in the process. The treaty necessarily adopts a strict approach. One cannot attack a ship and then claim self-defence if the people on board resist the unlawful use of violence."

UN Human Rights body votes to dispatch independent probe into attack on Gaza aid convoy


Strongly condemning Israel's actions against the humanitarian flotilla bound for the Gaza Strip, the United Nations Human Rights Council voted today to dispatch an independent, international probe into violations of international law resulting from Monday's incident.

Webmaster's Commentary:

The United States cannot veto the UN Human Rights Commission. An independent investigation not under Israel's control will be carried out after all. So Obama showed himself to the world as Israel's stooge for no good reason. He was just another chip played by Israel.

Mark Regev interviewed about Gaza Freedom Flotilla by Jon Snow


Jon Snow gives a lesson in questioning Israeli propaganda.

He leaves Regev looking like a complete turkey.

Other news organisations should take note.



U.N. Report Highly Critical of U.S. Drone Attacks

A senior United Nations official said on Wednesday that the growing use of armed drones by the United States to kill terrorism suspects is undermining global constraints on the use of military force.

Between us and Israel, who needs constraints on the use of military force?

Biden: Israel right to stop Gaza flotilla from breaking blockade

VP Biden tells Charlie Rose that the Israel Navy might not have needed to drop commandos onto the Gaza-bound ship, but insists that Israel is entitled to defend its security.

Brilliant cartoon on Netanyahu!

Commandos used kidnapped captain's child as threat

Thursday3/6/2010June, 2010
Activists tell of ‘barbaric’ attack
“The attack was totally barbaric,” he said by telephone from a bus taking the freed activists to Amman. “They used legitimate and maybe illegitimate weapons: rubber bullets, live ammunition, sound bombs and tear gas bombs. They also used batons as they landed to beat those on board to control the ship.”
“We were not armed. We did not go there to fight,” Brahimi, who said he was the co-ordinator of the Algerian contingent on board the convoy’s ships, said. “We used sticks and all what we could find to defend ourselves to stop the assault. During the second assault, they succeeded in kidnapping the young son of the captain, and then we found ourselves obliged to give up.”

Israel killed more than 9, threw wounded into sea, witnesses say

Activists say some people who were initially on the flotilla are missing. They are also telling stories of horror, carnage and pure barbarism at the hands of Israeli officials. In a shocking account, Humanitarian Aid Foundation (?HH) President Bülent Y?ld?r?m, who returned on Thursday, said a photographer, whose first name was Cevdet, was shot in the forehead by a soldier one meter away from him. “Our Cevdet [K?l?çlar], he is a press member. He has become a martyr. All he was doing was taking pictures. They smashed his skull into pieces.

Partial List of Prohibited Items for Gaza

Prohibited Items: sage, cardamom, cumin, coriander, ginger, jam, halva, vinegar, nutmeg, chocolate, fruit preserves, seeds and nuts, biscuits and sweets, potato chips, gas for soft drinks, dried fruit, fresh meat, plaster, tar, wood for construction, cement, iron, clucose, industrial salt, plastic/glass/metal containers, industrial margarine, tarpaulin sheets for huts, fabric for clothing, flavor and smell enhancers, fishing rods, various fishing nets, buoys, ropes for fishing, nylon nets for greenhouses, hatcheries and spare parts for hatcheries, dairies for cowsheds, irrigation pipe systems, ropes to tie greenhouses, planters for saplings, heaters for chicken farms, musical instruments, size A4 paper, writing implements, notebooks, newspapers, toys, razors, sewing machines and spare par

FLASHBACK - U.N. Chief Says Israel Is Blocking Most Gaza Aid

The United Nations secretary general, Ban Ki-moon, repeated Tuesday his demand that Israel allow significantly more humanitarian aid into the beleaguered Gaza Strip, and he announced that he would send a team to investigate the bombings of United Nations facilities there.

Gaza flotilla: How Israel’s ministry of foreign affairs fakes photos of seized weapons

Webmaster's Commentary:

The EXIF data on the photos presented by Israel as "proof" that the Gaza aid flotilla was smuggling weapons were actually taken in 2006!

Israel busted faking photo to justify their terrorism

Israeli Flotilla Attack Creates Chaos in the Knesset

Jun 3, 2010 Michael Streich

Haneen Zoabi, an Arab member of the Israeli Knesset, ignited a storm of rebukes from colleagues, destroying the decorum of parliamentary protocol.

All parliamentary decorum was lost in the Israeli Knesset as Haneen Zoabi strode to the podium to address the membership. Zoabi had been on the Mavi Marmara when elite Israeli commandos landed on the flotilla flagship from helicopers. In an earlier press conference in Nazareth following her release, Zoabi intimated that the Israeli government wanted to cause casualties during their interception of the humanitarian aid convoy: “Israel had days to plan this military operation…They wanted many deaths to terrorize us and to send a message that no future convoys should try to break the siege of Gaza.” (quoted by Jonathan Cook, Global Research, June 3, 2010)

Knesset Response to Zoabi’s Statements

According to the Jerusalem Post (June 3), Knesset members heckled Zoabi, called her a traitor and a terrorist, and stopped her from concluding her remarks. At least two bills were submitted for consideration and debate that would allow the removal of any member that was “found to have committed incitement against the State of Israel.” A separate request was filed by Deputy Knesset Speaker Carmel Shama to “block Zoabi from being able to run in any future Knesset election.”

Zoabi’s address declared that the blockade of Gaza was immoral. She also defended her participation in the flotilla. According to Zoabi, there is a “political, human, and moral imperative to oppose the imprisonment of 1.5 million people.” The Israeli government, however, viewed the flotilla very differently. Any compromise on the blockade of Gaza could result in shipments of rockets or other war contraband that would enable Hamas to attack Israeli citizens and its cities.

Eye Witness Accounts of Israeli Actions on May 31

The flotilla carried numerous journalists, photographers, and other VIPs aligned to the cause of the Palestinian people. Ironically, one of those on board was American Joe Meadors, who served on the USS Liberty when it was attacked by Israeli forces during the Six Day War. Some commentators are comparing the flotilla attack to that event of June 8, 1967.

Witness statements coming from those deported from Israel confirm Ms. Zoabi’s observations. The Turkish daily, Hurriyet (June 3, 2010), quoted journalist Paul McGeough of the Sydney Morning Herald comparing the Israeli boats to “hyenas hunting animals in the night.” Swedish historian Mattias Gardell was quoted saying, “We were witnesses to premeditated murders.” Al-Jazeerah (June 2) quoted a flotilla passenger that saw two men bound together by Israeli soldiers and thrown into the sea. These accounts confirm MK Zoabi’s statements at her Nazareth news conference: “There were deaths within minutes. The aim was to create an atmosphere of terror.”

The Scale of the Israeli Operation

Israel’s interception of the flotilla was well planned and aimed at sending a very clear message. Any attempt to break the blockage of the Gaza Strip would be thwarted. This is consistent with Prime Minister Netanyahu’s national security measures. Netanyahu stated that “If the blockade had been broken, it would have been followed by dozens, hundreds of boats…Each boat could carry dozens of missiles.” (quoted in Huffington Post, June 2, 2010)

Thus, Netanyahu offers an answer to the issue of proportionality, a subject raised by German Chancellor Angela Merkel: “Proportionality is an important international requirement….we must seriously ask whether it was adhered to.” (Jerusalem Post, June 1, 2010) Netanyahu stated that this was no “love boat” but a boat of hate.

Telling the True Story of Israeli Actions on May 31

Haneen Zoabi was able to tell her story to the press and to the members of the Israeli Knesset because of her parliamentary immunity. After the protests against Israel, most notably in Turkey, and the burial of the dead, the true story of the ordeal of May 31 will be told by the 700-odd passengers that were there.

Additionally, outside inquiries will attempt to discover what really happened. According to the BBC News, the United Nations Human Rights Council voted to “set up an independent international inquiry…” (June 3, 2010) Significantly, no such action has been taken by the United States despite the death of an American citizen during the Israeli attack and the presence of several American citizens, some of them with distinguished service records.

Gaza flotilla: How Israel’s ministry of foreign affairs fakes photos of seized weapons

Publié le par ibnkafka

On the Israeli ministry of foreign affairs’ Flickr page, the pictures of the so-called weapons seized on the ships taking part in the Gaza Freedom Flotilla provide ample evidence of the deviousness of those darned anti-semitic terrorists. Be forewarned: the following pictures are not for the faint-hearted.

Exhibit A: bulletproof vests

Selon l'armée israëlienne, ce sont des armes

A slight snag though: two commentators, probably anti-semitic, point out that this photo really is from February 2006:

Blue says: In addition, IsraelMFA has to be careful with the date settings of their cameras! This picture looks like it was taken on Feb 7, 2006.. Wth?

goplayer2008 says:
EXIF data

Date and Time (Modified): 2010:06:02 10:37:58
YCbCr Positioning: Co-sited
Exposure Program: Aperture-priority AE
Date and Time (Original): 2006:02:07 04:49:57
Date and Time (Digitized): 2006:02:07 04:49:57

Exhibit B: an axe

Ceci est une arme de destruction massive

An axe on board a ship? Good grief.

Another commentator, probably anti-semitic as well, notices that the picture dates from 2003:

Embra says:
Tiff data: Taken on January 1, 2003. Oops!

Horror knows no bounds- exhibit C: pepper spray.

Futés ces Turcs pour utiliser des sprays au poivre toujours sous emballage

The comments display the usual hateful fanaticism one can expect from islamo-fascists:

deepvisual says:
they managed to use them while they were still in their wrappers… damn those Turks are clever..
Posted 3 hours ago.

Embra says:
Tiff data: Taken on January 1, 2003.
Posted 53 minutes ago.

docteur_nic says:
My mom must be a turrurrist. She used to carry one of those in her purse.
Posted 45 minutes ago.

Again, be forewarned: this post isn’t for the faint-hearted. Which leads us to exhibit D: a keffieh, kitchen knives, a Saudi flag, and and some CD-roms.

Do not faint just yet, because here is exhibit E: an electric saw – on a ship! Really, those terrorists really are beyond the pale.

Une scie électrique, arme de guerre

Another anti-semitic commentator spews his hateful bile:

barneygale says:
Hi. Just to confirm that the EXIF metadata points to this photo being taken in 2006:

barney@benchwood:~$ identify -verbose farm5.static.flickr.com/4047/4662965686_a91f8 bab2e_o_d.jpg | grep Date
exif:DateTime: 2010:06:02 10:38:47
exif:DateTimeDigitized: 2006:02:07 05:52:19
exif:DateTimeOriginal: 2006:02:07 05:52:19

Please bear with me, because here comes exhibit F: night vision equipment, of course utterly useless on high seas.

Attention: arme de guerre!

Allow an antisemitic islamo-fascist to point out that picture’s original date:

Finally, the smoking gun as it were: aa butterfly knife of sorts, with a blade slightly shorter than a thumb, a weapon ideally suited for use against marine commandos armed with high-velocity firearms:

If all this hard evidence isn’t enough to convince you of the legitimacy of the Israeli action, I rest my case.

PS: Hurry up visiting that Flickr page, as I fear that some photos might be withdrawn soon…

Israel will not lift Gaza blockade – Netanyahu

Despite the international pressure, Israel is not going to lift the blockade of Gaza, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told reporters on Wednesday. He warned against delivering lethal supplies to the Gaza Strip, which he said remains a hideout for terrorists.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Memo to Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu; what about the infants, children, and pregnant women of Gaza?!? Are they "terrorists" also, because they have the temerity to still be breathing after this brutal, illegal, and immoral blockade?

As reported on 2 June, 2010 in:


"10 percent of children under five are stunted (low height for age, usually attributed to a chronic lack of protein and micronutrients, including iron and essential vitamins), a steadily increasing trend over recent years, according to UNICEF. [5]

More than 10 percent of children are chronically malnourished, according to the World Health Organization, a significant increase since siege began.

The number of children under five suffering from acute malnutrition nearly doubled between 2006 and 2008 from 1.4 to 2.4 percent, according to UNICEF."

65 percent of children aged 9-12 months, and 35 percent of pregnant women are anemic. [6]"

Prime Minister Netanyahu, you and the Knesset must be particularly proud of these numbers, in terms of the health detriments infants, women, and kids, because these numbers are a direct result of your blockade of Gaza.

This is simply one horrific component of your "final solution" for Gazan Palestinians.

Nicaragua cuts ties with Israel

The Nicaraguan government Tuesday suspended the country’s diplomatic ties with Israel in protest of Israel’s deadly raid on the Gaza-bound international aid flotilla on Monday, various media outlets reported.

Turkey is ready to go in war with Israel, according to Erdogan

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has made it clear that Turkey is ready to go in war with Israel.

In his parliamentary address Erdogan accused Israel of a "bloody massacre” as he described Israel's raid on a flotilla, including a Turkish ship, carrying relief supplies to blockaded Gaza.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Memo to the Israeli government: welcome to the wonderful world of unintended consequences.

Captain recounts attack on Flotilla

Captain Huseyin Tokalak said the Israeli Navy had threatened to sink his ship, Gazze, before Israeli commandos took over the vessel at gun point, the Reuters news agency reported.

Freedom fleet 2 to set sail to Gaza in weeks

The "European Campaign to End Siege on Gaza", announced that it already obtain the funding of the first three ships of the new fleet which will go to the Gaza Strip, which will be named "fleet of Freedom 2", related to the name of the First Fleet, who was exposed to piracy and a bloody massacre by Israel against the peace activists on board.

Israel sees no need to apologize for raid

Webmaster's Commentary:

... which is only fanning the world's rage even higher!

Reporters Without Borders: 15 journalists still missing

Reporters Without Borders is urging the Israeli authorities to release a list of the journalists who were arrested during Monday’s raid on the humanitarian flotilla and to say where they are being held.

There were at least 15 foreign journalists travelling with the flotilla who still cannot be reached directly, the Paris-based media watchdog said. These are the names of the journalists known to have been aboard the flotilla:

Source: Hillary asking foreign leaders to `dial down' criticism of Israel

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has been privately asking foreign leaders to "dial down" criticism of Israel until all the facts of the flotilla attack are known, according to a source who personally discussed the matter with her.

"She says she's been working the phones for last 24 hours trying to get people to cool off a little bit, to see what the facts are," the source tells me, adding that she said she was trying to "dial down some of the rhetoric of the inernational community."

"It's difficult," the source adds. "She says people are furious."

Webmaster's Commentary:

Memo to US Secretary of State Clinton: the facts are known, which is why people are furious. And I can guarantee you, Madame Secretary, this issue will not go away.

These ships were grabbed in international waters by Israeli commandos who shot live-fire into them. The ships were unarmed, and attempting to deliver desperately needed aid to Gaza

Unarmed peace activists were killed and maimed in this process, and I can guarantee you, most of the aid earmarked for Gaza will never get there.

What you should be doing is demanding from Israeli official an accounting of all American citizens, find out who have been killed and/or wounded, and have a complete accounting of what has happened to retired Colonel Anne Wright, right the heck now!


I am a Jew and I am outraged and ashamed by the acts Israel has perpetrated. I am not a self hating Jew, not an anti-semite, as some religious extremist Jews have accused me and other Jews who criticize Israel.

Chutzpah Lives Here.

Webmaster's Commentary:

In retaliation for Turkey's expression of anger about its citizens, Israel is considering recognizing the Armenian Massacre of 1915. The same guys PERPETRATING the Palestinian massacre of... well, right now?

Just figured you might want to get a good laugh :)

Netanyahu: “Siege will Continue”

Webmaster's Commentary:

Keeping the Warsaw Ghetto in starvation is necessary for the survival of the Reich!

Israel Confidently Defies World, Rejects Independent Probe Calls

Gaza is an “Iranian-sponsored terrorist state,”

Webmaster's Commentary:

and at this point, the bovine excrement meter exploded, just 2 days out of warranty.

Israel 'underestimated reactions'

Webmaster's Commentary:

No shit!

Egypt allows generators into Gaza

Egypt has allowed a shipment of electric generators into Gaza, the first time it has let in non-food or medical supplies since Israel’s 2008-2009 assault on the strip.

Webmaster's Commentary:

But, but, but, Israel said that the people of Gaza were not suffering any hardships, and now we find out they can't just plug their refrigerators into the walls?????? :)

Israeli ambassador calls raid ‘responsible,’ likens to US attacks in World War II

Michael Oren, Israel's ambassador to the United States, called his country's raid on an aid flotilla en route to Gaza "perfectly legal, perfectly humane and very responsible" in an interview Tuesday with Fox News.

Oren likened the attack to that of the US in World War II.

"The US acted under similar international law when it fought the Germans and the Japanese in World War Two," the ambassador said.

Webmaster's Commentary:

So, let me wrap my head around this; the killing and maiming of volunteer humanitarian aid workers, who were trying to get desperately needed aid to Gaza is "perfectly legal, perfectly humane, and perfectly responsible"?!?!?

It appears that Oren's embrace of the Orwellian use of the English language ranks right up there with that of Netanyahu or Ehud Barak, and that's saying something!


Former United States Army Colonel, Foreign Diplomat, Peace Advocat, Ann Wright is seen in this video being arrested by Israeli commandos onboard the humanitarian aid flotilla “Marmara”, reports Dick Allgire from Honolulu.

Israel has been allowed to get away with anything they want to, any criminal act they want to, any violation of international law, America protects them” says Ann Wright.

Ex-Mossad agent: Gaza flotilla raid ’so stupid it’s stupefying’

The former Mossad agent is Victor Ostrovsky, who enlisted in the Israeli Defense Force at age 18 and has since written two books highly critical of Israel's war-fighting apparatus. His first book, "By Way of Deception," illustrates the brutal and often confusing nature of the Israeli spy service's covert operations, casting the agency as a villain that engages in the drug trade to further their ambitions over the good of Israel.

Glenn Greenwald Destroys MSNBC's Israeli Lapdog Apologist


Webmaster's Commentary:

Israel's latest war crime will reveal who is Israel's slave in the media.


At least four Palestinian/Israelis, Free Gaza Movement board director, Lubna Masarwa, Sheik Raed Salah, leader of the northern branch of the Islamic Movement in Israel, Mohammed Zeidan, Director of International Advocacy Programme for the Arab Association for Human Rights. and Hamed abu Dabis are facing multiple serious criminal offences for their participation in a peaceful voyage to break Israel’s blockade of Gaza.

After a full day in court represented by excellent attorneys from Adalah, they were remanded until June 8, evidence of how seriously the situation is for these four human rights workers.

This illegal incarceration is just another example of Israel’s draconian policies.

Eyewitness and victim recounts Israeli flotilla attack on an American boat and crew


Webmaster's Commentary:

Check this at about the middle where the lady says the Israelis ripped off everything, including money, laptops, backpacks, everything and never gave it back to any of them.

The "Noble" Israelis are common pirates, nothing more.

Israeli Murders, NATO and Afghanistan

NATO HQ in Brussels is today a very unhappy place. There is a strong understanding among the various national militaries that an attack by Israel on a NATO member flagged ship in international waters is an event to which NATO is obliged - legally obliged, as a matter of treaty - to react.

Greta Berlin: Marbles, paint balls and nukes [Videos]

The Israeli military (IDF), has been busy spinning the story of their attack on a civilian convoy trying to deliver aid to the besieged people of Gaza. They’ve had a head start, sending out edited videos, posting ’supposed’ military footage of the passengers attacking them, saying that they confiscated ‘weapons’ which apparently turned out to be marbles, sling shots, kitchen knives and aluminum chairs.

More will be revealed as passengers are released. We already know that Israel shot the captain of the Marmara and the European Campaign boat, maybe hoping that we would no longer be able to hire captains. Several activists have spoken to their respective Consulates and informed of being kicked, beaten, dragged along the ground, tear gassed and bags thrown over their heads.

The Irish are on their way to break the Gaza blockade and Rachel Corrie

Gaza flotilla attack: British activists tell of abuse by Israelis

Paveen Yaqub, from Manchester, was on board the Mavi Marmara, on which nine people were killed when it was stormed by Israeli commandos on Monday.

She said she was later kicked and abused by two Israeli policemen.

"They were kicking my legs to make me fall and mocking me in Hebrew," she said. "They were trying to take trophy pictures with me and they liked laughing in my face.

"They also searched me but I won't go into that. They took pleasure in humiliating us."


An official from Humanitarian Relief Foundation, or ?HH, NGO that organized the flotilla to Gaza, identified the U.S. citizen as 19-year-old Furkan Do?an, originally from the central Turkish town of Kayseri. Do?an had four bullet wounds to the head and one to the chest, Ömer Ya?mur of ?HH, told Anatolia.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Four gunshots to the head!

UPDATE: I am getting emails and tweets stressing that Furkan Doğan is "only" TURKISH-American and therefore does not really count as a US citizen. This idea that there are greater and lesser degrees of being American flies in the face of the Declaration of Independence which declares that All Men Are Created Equal as a founding principle of this nation.

It also smacks of the "Chosen people" versus the cattle mentality seeping into our culture from Israel.

As it turns out, however, Furkan Doğan was born in New York, and there is a great deal LESS confusion over his birth certificate than that of the President.

Israel attacked and hijacked a US flagged ship in international waters.

Israel kidnapped 12 Americans in international waters. One US citizen, AN AMERICAN, was shot four times in the head, obliterating any claims that the attacking Israelis acted in self defense.

I miss the days of John F. Kennedy, who had the balls to stand up face to face with the USSR over the Cuban Missile crisis.

Today we have President Pussy, and President Pussy, you are no John F. Kennedy.


Israel has dismissed a decision by the UN Human Rights Council to launch a probe into its deadly attack on an aid convoy, calling the UN body of no moral authority.

Israel REJECTS International Probe Of Deadly Raid; Obama Administration Says It Urged Restraint

Israel on Thursday rejected calls from the United Nations and others for an international investigation of its deadly raid on a Gaza-bound aid flotilla but left the door open to foreign involvement.

Also on Thursday, the U.S. State Department said that Obama administration officials had warned Israel to use caution and restraint when dealing with the activists as their ships were heading toward Gaza.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Rogue nation Israel again proves that it doesn't care about what anyone in the US government thinks, as long as the checks don't stop.

And whatever "restraint" the US allegedly urged wound up being thrown out the window by the IDF, resulting in dead and injured peace activists, including one American who was shot dead with 4 bullets in his head.


Did the IDF Stage Their New “Flotilla Terrorists” Video?

The IDF and the Israeli propaganda machine would have the world believe (or at least the Americans) videos came from the same camera. I suggest to you that they did not.

Turkey will "never forgive" Israel

The Turkish president has said that Israel's military raid on civilian aid ships bound for the Gaza Strip has caused "irreparable" damage to his country's relations with Israel, and will "never" be forgiven.

Irish ship Rachel Corrie was sabotaged by Israeli intelligence says report

The Irish ship, MV Rachel Corrie, was tampered with by the Israeli Defense Forces according to Colonel Itzik Turgeman.

The Rachel Corrie was planned to be the first ship to arrive into Gazan waters last weekend but was delayed due to mechanical problems now suspected to be a form of sabotage.

An Israel newspaper reported “A senior officer in the Israel Defence Forces hinted that the IDF sabotaged the engines of five ships, saying “they took care of them.” The Colonel also told the newspaper that the army decided not to sabotage the Turkish ferry, Mavi Mamara which was attacked on Monday.

Defending Israel: A How-To Guide

Insane Israeli ambassador: Attack was "perfectly legal, perfectly humane – and very responsible".

Webmaster's Commentary:

Everything that Adolf Hitler did was legal, too. Did that make it right?

Putting Names To Faces: A brief introduction to the nine Turks murdered by the IDF on the Mavi Marmara

Heroes. Every one of them.

Meet the 19-Year-Old American Killed in the Flotilla Attack

For several days, Israel has been able to contain some of the fallout from the flotilla massacre by withholding information about the dead and injured. The object of this exercise has clearly been to slow the flow of information in the hope that by the time the most damning facts become known, the international media’s attention will have turned elsewhere.

But the dead now have names and faces and one turns out to be a nineteen-year-old American: Furkan Dogan.

Dogan is alleged to have been shot with five bullets, four in the head.

Flotilla Massacre: Cynthia McKinney interviewed on CBC's Connect with Mark Kelley


Webmaster's Commentary:

CBC has already deleted this from their web site. After you watch this, you will understand why.

Flotilla detainees 'assaulted in custody'

Dr Lane said Ken O’Keefe, an Irish-American passenger, was beaten by security officials at Tel Aviv airport before boarding.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Our "friend" in the Mideast?

Those British sailors arrested by Iran after sailing into Iran's waters were treated far better than Israel has treated the American aid workers. The Iranians didn't send their prisoners home full of bullet holes.

U.S. urged Israel to use caution and restraint with aid boats heading to Gaza

"We communicated with Israel through multiple channels many times regarding the flotilla," P.J. Crowley, a State Department spokesman, said in a statement issued in response to a question from The Washington Post. "We emphasized caution and restraint given the anticipated presence of civilians, including American citizens."

Webmaster's Commentary:

So, the Obama administration KNEW IN ADVANCE that Israel was going to attack the aid fleet, and chose not to protect a US flagged ship and 12 Americans in international waters.

US to probe American death in Israeli raid

The United States said Thursday it would probe the death of a Turkish-American killed in an Israeli raid on a Gaza-bound aid flotilla, but said the FBI were not involved "at this point."

Webmaster's Commentary:

This is pure damage control.

We don't need an investigation. There are four US taxpayer paid for bullets inside the head of a 19 year old man born in New York, from US taxpayer paid for guns in the hands of Israelis who hijacked a US flagged ship in international waters and kidnapped 12 Americans in the process.

This attack by Israel was an act of war not only against the US, Greece and Turkey but against all of NATO.

I see a pattern here.

The US Government was supposed to keep an eye on the economy, but post Bernie Madoff-with-the-loot we find out that the SEC spent the 12 years the crime was being committed mostly jerking off to porn on their taxpayer-funded computers. Only after the disaster happened does the US Government pose and preen for the cameras and assure us all they will do something about the problem.

The US Government was supposed to keep an eye on the off-shore oil drilling, but post Deepwater Horizon we find out that the MMS spent their time on cocaine and meth and mostly jerking off to porn on their taxpayer-funded computers. Only after the disaster happened does the US Government pose and preen for the cameras and assure us all they will do something about the problem.

The US Government was supposed to protect American lives, but post Gaza Flotilla we find out that the US Government not only knew the Israelis were going to attack but provided the guns and bullets!. Only after the disaster happened does the US Government pose and preen for the cameras and assure us all they will do something about the problem.

Can anyone tell me just one thing this government is good for?

Interior Minister seeks to strip Israeli Arab MK of citizenship

Interior Minister Eli Yishai petitioned Attorney General Yehuda Weinstein to help him revoke the Israeli citizenship of Israeli Arab MK Hanin Zuabi, who took part in efforts to break Israel's blockade of Gaza on a flotilla of aid ships earlier this week.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Freedom of speech is a foundation of Democracy. If Israel punishes a member of the Knesset for a different opinion with revocation of citizenship, then Israel does not have freedom of speech and hence cannot be a Democracy.

Cease all financial aid to Israel immediately. They are not a democracy, they are not our friends, revealed as nuclear-armed they do not need our weapons (and in any event last weekend used those weapons against Americans). Revealed as nuclear-armed and with Israel's attempted sale to South Africa, it is illegal for the US Government to send your tax dollars to Israel under the 1976 Symington Amendment to9 the 1961 Foreign Appropriations act and the Glenn Act.

Nobel laureate: ‘We will sit down,’ if Israeli forces board aid ship

An Irish aid boat steaming towards Gaza still plans to break the Israeli blockade, a Nobel Peace Prize winners who is on board vowed today, saying its passengers and crew "are not afraid".

However, "Irish Nobel Peace Prize laureate Máiread Corrigan-Maguire, who was on the ship with other activists, said they were determined to press on but would offer no resistance if Israeli forces came aboard," the Associated Press reports.

"We will sit down," she told The Associated Press in a telephone interview from the ship. "They will probably arrest us ... But there will be no resistance."

Al Jazeera Reporter: Israel Fired On Gaza-Bound Ship Before Boarding (VIDEO)

A reporter and producer for the Arabic news organization Al Jazeera who was on board the Gaza-bound aid flotilla during Monday's deadly raid gave a firsthand account of the grisly scene aboard the ship to the network Thursday.

According to Jamal ElShayyal's account of the raid, the Israeli military had fired on the Mavi Marmara before boarding the ship. "It was evident there was definitely fire from the air, because one of the people who was killed was clearly shot from above -- he was shot, the bullet targeted him at the top of his head," ElShayyal said. "There was also fire coming from the sea as well." This account differs from the one given by the Israeli military.

The reporter also describes being mistreated by officials alongside other civilians before his Thursday release.

Webmaster's Commentary:

The Israeli spin machine version (dutifully parroted by Us Corporate media) is imploding faster than the speed of light.


BREAKING NEWS: 'Rachel Corrie': We intend to arrive in Gaza in 24 hours

Audrey Bomse of the Free Gaza Movement said: “The situation is we lost all contact with the boat.

“We assume this was sabotage by the Israelis."

Webmaster's Commentary:

If Israel succeeds in cutting all communications between the Rachel Corrie and the world, then they will move in for the kill and make up any story they want after the fact. Had the Aj Jazeera reporter not been able to transit his video off of the Turkish Passenger ship before the Israelis succeeded in jamming communications, the world would see Only Israel's version of what happened. "Gee, we are sorry but just as we arrived the passengers decided to commit mass suicide and destroyed their own ships. There are no survivors!"

Autopsies reveal 9 men on Gaza aid boat shot, 5 in head

Autopsy results by forensics experts in Istanbul revealed that all nine of the men killed by Israeli commandoes aboard the humanitarian convoy that had planned to dock in Gaza died of gunshot wounds.

The autopsy results give clues about how the violence unfolded after Israeli commandoes stormed the Turkish ship Mavi Marmara in the pre-dawn hours on Monday.

Five of the men died with bullet wounds to the head, said Dr. Haluk Ince, the director of Istanbul's Medical Examination Institute, said Friday.

Webmaster's Commentary:

These actions on the part of the Israeli commandos can only be characterized as cold blooded murder.

Gaza returnees share horror stories from Israel

Activists who were on the flotilla bringing aid supplies to Gaza that was attacked on Monday continued to recount the horror of the attack and its aftermath on Thursday. Many of them speak of a wounded Turkish citizen being shot in the head by an Israeli soldier.

Ali Buhamd, deported from Israel along with 18 other activists, was on the Mavi Marmara, a passenger ship in the flotilla that was attacked by Israeli naval forces in international waters on Monday. There are at least nine dead because of the attack according to Israeli officials, but witnesses, such as Humanitarian Aid Foundation (?HH) President Bülent Y?ld?r?m, say more people were killed and their bodies dumped into the sea.

Webmaster's Commentary:

If Israeli government thought, for one second, that these murders could stop a growing, furious understanding of what the siege of Gaza has done to the Gazan people - and stopping those have the courage to attempt to provide desperately needed humanitarian aid to them, even if those attempts result in more murders - they were and are profoundly mistaken.

Gaza flotilla raid: Joe Biden asks 'So what's the big deal here?'


US Vice President Joe Biden has offered the Obama administration's strongest defence of Israel's Gaza flotilla raid to date, in a interview on US television this evening, saying: "Israel has an absolute right to deal with its security interest."

Appearing on PBS's Charlie Rose Show, Biden defended Israel's action in boarding the Gaza flotilla as "legitimate". After suggesting the flotilla's cargo of aid could have been unloaded elsewhere, Biden appears to brush off the international criticism, asking: "So what's the big deal here? What's the big deal of insisting it go straight to Gaza?"

He then makes it clear that Washington is happy for Israel to conduct its own investigation of the incident that led to nine deaths and dozens of injuries, although Biden added: "but we're open to international participation".

Webmaster's Commentary:

What if it were YOUR teenage kid with four bullets in his skull? Would it be a big deal then?

Under Scrutiny, IDF Retracts Claims About Flotilla’s Al Qaeda Links

"Attackers of the IDF soldiers found to be Al Qaeda Mercenaries"

The IDF distributed this press release on June 2. The following day, it changed the headline, essentially retracting its lurid accusation.

Webmaster's Commentary:

The IDF lies to the world as a matter of standard operating procedure; this time, however, it absolutely got caught, and had to retract its accusations against the humanitarian aid workers, who were trying to deliver desperately needed supplies to Gaza.

Detailed Compiled Eyewitness Accounts Confirm Cold-Blooded Murder and Executions by Israeli Military

After carefully studying the eyewitness accounts, it can be concluded that "the fighting" on the Gaza Peace Flotilla between heavily armed Israeli commandos and unarmed civilians was deliberately instigated by the Israeli military.

The actions of the Israeli commandos ordered by the Israeli government were characterized by cold-blooded murder and executions. According to testimony of the passengers, individuals who surrendered were killed, while a white flag was flying. Because some activists in critical condition were refused aid by the Israelis, they also died.

The Israeli commandos, through their actions, deliberately triggered these acts of self-defence, with a view to demonizing the passengers and justifying Israeli brutality.

SA recalls Israel ambassador after flotilla attack

The Israeli government said it regretted South Africa’s decision to recall its ambassador to that country following the killings of nine activists on a Gaza flotilla.

Israeli War Crimes: From the U.S.S. Liberty to the Humanitarian Flotilla

On June 8, 1967, two squadrons of Israeli warplanes bombed, napalmed and machine-gunned the US intelligence-gathering ship, USS Liberty, in international waters, killing 34 US sailors and wounding another 172.

Almost to the day, 43 years later, on May 31, 2010, Israeli warships, helicopter gun ships and commandos assaulted a convoy of humanitarian ships carrying ten thousand tons of aid to Gaza in international waters.

Israel Rejects Joint Inquiry Into Aid Ship Attack

Following through on last week’s angry rejection of a UN Security Council resolution calling for an international probe into the attack against aid workers on board the Mavi Marmara, Israel has rejected efforts to organize a joint commission of Israel, the US and Turkey into the incident.

Israel has the ability and the right to investigate itself, not to be investigated by any international board,” insisted Michael Oren, Israel’s Ambassador to the United States.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Allowing Israel to investigate the attack on the flotilla is like asking Charlie Manson to investigate the Sharon Tate killings.

Gaza flotilla activists were shot in head at close range

Israel was tonight under pressure to allow an independent inquiry into its assault on the Gaza aid flotilla after autopsy results on the bodies of those killed, obtained by the Guardian, revealed they were peppered with 9mm bullets, many fired at close range.

Webmaster's Commentary:

"We HAD to do it. They had pointy sticks!!!!"

Blinding the witnesses

There is something way too literal about Israel shooting out the eye of a witness to its crimes.

This photograph of Emily Henochowicz’s bandaged face needs to be seen by the world.

video 'Ed Koch and Jeremy Scahill Debate Israel's Justification for Attacking Aid Floatilla'


“No citizenship without loyalty!” Fascism in Israeli society

Neve Gordon detects a disturbing trend in Israeli society, manifested recently in the way pro-government demonstrators reacted to protests by Israeli Jews and Arabs against the murder of peace activists on the Gaza-bound international aid flotilla.

Alan Dershowitz - Israel's Actions Were Entirely Lawful

Webmaster's Commentary:

Everything Hitler did was legal under the laws of Germany. Did that make it right? Should the world not have intervened on humanitarian grounds?

June 4, 2010 4 minutes ago Proof emerges IDF audio of radio communication with Mavi Marmara is fabricated.

Israel attacked with US supplied weaponry, illegal use (AECA).

BIO Become a Fan
Justice for All? A Tale of Two Victims: Leon Klinghoffer and Furkan Dogan.
"It doesn't sound as if the Obama Administration will be scrambling fighter jets anytime soon to arrest Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak for ordering these attacks against U.S. civilians.
Since the Obama Administration is having trouble deciding how to punish Israel for injuring and killing U.S. citizens, here's a suggested first step: launch an investigation into whether Israel violated the Arms Export Control Act (AECA).

Joe Meadors Interviews



Joe Meadors was on the same Free Gaza boat that Israel seized in the Mediterranean on Monday. He is also a survivor of the 1967 attack by Israel on the US military ship the USS Liberty. Meadors says that the attack on the flotilla was illegal and that Israel needs to be held accountable for its actions.

Teargas Paintballs

Webmaster's Commentary:

Israel has made a big deal of the claim that their soldiers were "only" carrying paintball guns, but the fact is that those balls can contain substances other than paint. In film and TV production, paintball guns are used with pyrotechnic materials to simulate bullet hits, and as this web page shows, pain-inducing chemicals are easily delivered using these systems. Of one thing we can therefore be sure; whatever the Israelis had on those paintball guns, it wasn't paint, because no paint splatters can be seen anywhere in the photos of the hijacked ships.

Captured and detained by Israel, an American tells his story

"I have never struck anyone in more than 20 years," he said. "I was beaten. There is black and blue all over my body. They inflicted pain on me on a frequent basis because I did not recognize their authority."

UN chief moving ahead with probe of Israeli raid

An Israeli official said Sunday that U.N. chief Ban Ki-moon is moving ahead with plans for an international commission to investigate Israel's deadly raid on a Gaza-bound aid flotilla.

Ban wants former New Zealand Prime Minister Geoffrey Palmer, a maritime law expert, to head the panel, which would include Israeli, Turkish and U.S. representatives, the Foreign Ministry official said. He spoke on condition of anonymity because Ban has not announced details of his proposal.

Webmaster's Commentary:

The may well be the United Nation's downfall. If they cannot demonstrate to the world that they are able to enforce international laws on their member states, of which Israel is one, then the United Nations will be seen as an impotent waste of time and money, and Israel will stand revealed as the true creator and owner of the New World Order.

Thousands of anti-Israel protesters take to streets across Europe

'We want justice for our comrades killed!' says Berlin protester. 'We insist on an end to the insane blockade of Gaza and freedom for our brother Palestinians.'

Senegal holds anti-Israeli protest, burn Israeli flags

Hundreds of rights activists, academics, students and religious leaders in Senegal on Friday held a mass anti-Israel protest in the capital of Dakar.

The march which started at Dakar's main mosque was to show solidarity with the Palestinians and to protest against Israeli attack on Gaza aid, Flotilla.

Protesters held banners and placards with statements such as "Freedom for Palestine", "Enough is enough". They also chanted anti-Israel songs and called on the Muslim world to 'retaliate for the deliberate murder by Israel.

Anti-US, Israel protests in New Zealand cities

Pro—Palestinian protestors set fire to flags of Israel and the United States, and hurled shoes at the US consulate in Auckland on Saturday to protest against the blockade of Gaza.

The throwing of shoes has become a symbol of opposition to US and Israeli policy in the Middle East, following the example of an Iraqi journalist who threw one at then—president George W Bush during a press conference in December 2008.

Toronto protest against Israeli flotilla attack

A loud anti-Israel protest erupted on Saturday afternoon outside the Israeli consulate on Bloor Street. Protestors waved mostly Palestinian, Turkish, and Canadian flags but some waved Hamas flags as well.

Anti-Israel protests on the streets of Ankara

Fury and defiance hit the streets of Ankara as Turkish demonstrators showed solidarity with the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip and the actions of the government following the Israeli attack on a humanitarian convoy, which left nine people dead.

International protests against Israel: Second Gaza bound ship seized

Anti-Israel protests were seen today in Turkey, Spain, Paris, London, the Israeli embassy and other countries around the world.

Paris: Demonstrators tried to break into the Israeli embassy

During a violent anti-Israel demonstration in Paris on Monday, demonstrators tried to break into the Israeli embassy.

Germany: Tens of thousands protest as Israel hijacks another aid ship

Protesters across Europe on Saturday marched against the deadly Israeli raid on an aid fleet earlier this week. Earlier Saturday, Israeli troops peacefully intercepted and seized another aid ship headed to Gaza.

Tens of thousands protested across Europe on Saturday, marching against Israel's three-year-old blockade of the Gaza Strip and its deadly interception of a Turkish aid ship earlier in the week, as Israeli troops peacefully intercepted another aid ship headed to Gaza earlier in the day.

Thousands protest flotilla deaths, clashes in Athens

In Athens, some 3,500 protesters rallied outside the Israeli embassy, chanting "Hands off Gaza" and "Free Palestine." Several hundreds clashed with police, throwing chunks of marble, stones and bottles. Police fired teargas to disperse them.

Unions act to isolate Israel

The movement for Australian union action against Israel is gaining strength after the apartheid state’s latest murderous attack on the unarmed aid flotilla to Gaza.

The South Coast Labour Council (SCLC) and the New South Wales and Australian Capital Territory branches of the Australian Services Union have joined the Construction Forestry Mining Energy Union in committing to the international boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) campaign against the aggressive Israeli state.

Australian unions and peak bodies have also called on members to attend the many protest actions.

Massive anti-Israel protests across Scandinavia

Thousands of people came out across Scandinavia Monday to demonstrate against Israel's storming of a Gaza-bound aid flotilla that left at least nine pro-Palestinian activists dead.

"Attacking the boats makes Israel a terrorist state. They have attacked civilians," Yasser al-Sayed, in his 30s, angrily told AFP at a demonstration in Stockholm.

Anti-Israeli demos held in France

Hundreds of French citizens have taken to the streets of Paris to protest against the deadly Israeli attack on the Gaza-bound Freedom Flotilla.

Tel Aviv is facing a wave of international criticism and condemnation over the assault on the six ships that left at least 20 peace activists dead and about 50 injured.

Jewish flotilla to break Gaza siege

The German-Jewish organization Jewish Voice for Peace in the Middle East is preparing a Jewish flotilla to the Gaza Strip. "We intend to leave around July," a member of the organization, Kate Leitrer, said to Ynet. "We have one small craft so far, in which there will be between 12 and 16 people, mostly Jews."

Anti-Israel protest in CT

About a thousand demonstrators gathered in the Cape Town city centre to protest against Israel’s attack a Gaza bound flotilla carrying aid workers, police confirmed on Thursday.

The police were monitoring the situation, but told News24 the protest was peaceful.

The anti-Israeli protesters marched to Parliament to voice their condemnation over the attacks.

Anti-Israeli protesters pelt US consulate

Around 250 protesters have pelted the US consulate office in Auckand with shoes in a demonstration against last week's action by Israeli forces against a peace flotilla en route to Gaza.

Activists today marched through Auckland calling for comprehensive sanctions against the Israeli government.

Schumer In Letter To Hillary: Wants Full Investigation Over Flotilla Incident Due To Possible Terror Ties

Today, U.S. Senator Charles E. Schumer, in a personal letter to Secretary Clinton, called for the State Department to immediately conduct an investigation to determine if the Turkish based non-governmental organization (NGO), Insani Yardim Vakfi (IHH), otherwise known as the Foundation for Human Rights and Freedoms and Humanitarian Relief, is currently – or has in the past – provided financial, logistical or material support to any terrorist organizations listed on the State Department’s list of Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTO).

Webmaster's Commentary:

So Israel can hijack a US-flagged ship in international waters, kidnap 12 Americans and gun one of them down with four bullets in the head and Chuckie Schumer could care less. But if it turns out that the Foundation for Human Rights and Freedoms and Humanitarian Relief's stock clerk's girlfriend's hair stylist's accountant's uncle knows anyone at all in Turkey, Chuckie Schumer will have their head on a lance!

Who do you work for, "Senator"? Who do you really work for.

I urge all my readers in New York to work to kick this man out of the office he clearly has abandoned to serve his foreign master.

No Senator can serve two masters, and a Senator that serves Israel cannot serve the American people. A friend to Israel is no friend to America.

America needs leaders who will put America first, second, and third.


Half an hour later, a dozen rightist thugs attacked Gush Shalom’s 86 year old Uri Avnery, when he was on his way from the rally in the company of his wife, Rachel, Adam Keller and his wife Beate Zilversmidt. Avnery had just entered a taxi, when a dozen rightist thugs attacked him and tried to drag him out of the car. At the critical moment, the police arrived and made it possible for the car to leave. Gush spokesman Adam Keller said: “These cowards did not dare to attack us when we were many, but they were heroes when they caught Avnery alone.”

Shot Australian says Israelis left him to bleed

The Australian shot during last week's raid on a Gaza-bound aid flotilla says Israeli soldiers left him to bleed on the deck after a bullet hit an artery in his leg.

Israel forced to apologise for YouTube spoof of Gaza flotilla

The Israeli government press office distributed the video link to foreign journalists at the weekend, but within hours emailed them an apology, saying it had been an error.

More videos of right-wing mob attack on Tel Aviv peace demo

The Aftermath of the Flotilla - by Anna Baltzer

Last night marked one week since Israel's attack in international waters on the Mavi Marmara Turkish humanitarian ship bound for Gaza, killing nine. One by one, the hundreds of witnesses aboard the vessels have been returning home to tell their stories after being stripped of any and all footage. By confiscating all non-military evidence of the incident, Israel has been able to successfully dominate the narrative, at least in the US where news of the attack had begun to dwindle by the time witnesses were released. One wonders, if Israel is conveying the whole story of what happened that night, why eliminate every single other piece of documentation? What does Israel have to hide?

Nailed Again: IDF Description of Suspicious Photo It Distributed Is Retracted

The IDF apparently told Haaretz that the photo was taken immediately after its Naval commandos raided the Mavi Marmara and other flotilla ships — at least, that’s how Haaretz described the photo based on an IDF source. Yet the raid was conducted under the cover of darkness. How could a photo obviously taken during daytime have portrayed an event that took place during the late evening? Do Muslims have magical powers that allow them to turn night into day? And why were reporters standing around, casually taking photos when commandos were supposedly getting "lynched?" Once again, the IDF’s story was highly suspect.

Swiss vessel to join “Fleet of Freedom 2”

The European campaign to End the Siege on Gaza announced that preparations are being conducted on a Swiss vessel to participate in the "fleet of Freedom 2," which is being prepared by the "fleet of freedom" coalition, and expected to launch into the Gaza Strip in the up-coming weeks.

Free Gaza Leader: ‘We’ll Be Back – With Bigger Flotillas’

Q: The Israelis state that violence was only used against the passengers on the Mavi Marmara who resisted. Do you agree with this?

A: This is a lie. The Israelis used excessive force and violence on all the boats even when no resistance was offered. Journalists were attacked, some activists were beaten so badly that they needed to be hospitalized when they arrived in Ashdod.

An Israeli commando stood on my head with his boot and ground my head into the deck until I screamed. I was handcuffed and a hood was put over my head. Later on in Ashkelon I was hit through the face by a policeman, elbowed in the jaw, and dragged by my hair when I refused to get into a police car.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Ah yes, the "magnificently moral" Israeli Navy, and their actions against an unarmed humanitarian FEMALE activist; way to go, Israeli Navy!!

Have you ever shown your true colors better than during this massacre?!? I sincerely doubt it!

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