L'Autre Monde 8 avril 2010: Les sadiques en Irak, le terrorisme d'État et le Québec se fait voler


L'Autre Monde 8 avril 2010: Les sadiques en Irak, le terrorisme d'État et le Québec se fait voler
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L'Autre Monde 8 avril 2010
90 min / Radio de l'UQAM, CHOQ FM
Diffusion en direct : Jeudi à 11:00h
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Au programme cette semaine, 8 avril 2010:
- Actualité: Les sadiques en Irak, l'Iran, l'Afghanistan, Pakistan, Palestine et Israël. Nous discutons aussi du terrorisme d'État et des services secrets, de la Russie sous les attaques terroristes, Amérique du sud, les bases militaires US dans le monde, le dossier des abus sexuels par les prêtres catholiques, notre génocide canadien contre les Amérindiens et beaucoup plus, sans oublier de la bonne musique!
Soyez de la partie les jeudis dès 11h sur les ondes de CHOQ FM, la radio officielle de l'UQÀM, l'alternative à Montréal et dans le monde!
***Hyperliens vers les sources des informations discutées sur l'émission d'aujourd'hui:
Un site Internet diffuse les images d'une bavure américaine en Irak
Un site Internet diffuse les images d'une bavure américaine en Irak
12 juillet 2007. Deux hélicoptères Apache de l'armée américaine survolent Bagdad. Un groupe d'hommes marche dans une rue déserte. Deux d'entre eux sont visiblement armés. Depuis l'un des hélicoptères, un soldat demande l'autorisation de tirer. Permission accordée. En moins de cinq minutes, plusieurs salves balaient la rue. Deux enfants sont blessés et une dizaine de personnes tuées. Parmi elles, deux employés de l'agence de presse Reuters : Saeed Chmagh, chauffeur de 40 ans, et Namir Noor-Eldeen, photographe de 22 ans.
Les faits Un site Internet diffuse les images d'une bavure américaine en Irak
Les faits Le plan de l'armée américaine contre Wikileaks publié... sur Wikileaks
La scène a été entièrement filmée de l'un des hélicoptères. A l’époque, un porte-parole de l’armée américaine déclare que les victimes ont été tuées dans un combat opposant l’armée américaine et des "insurgés". La vidéo classifiée que s'est procurée le site WikiLeaks, spécialisé dans la publication anonyme de documents confidentiels, prouve qu’il n’en était rien. Il s'agit bel et bien d'une bavure. Et l'armée américaine a tout fait pour la garder secrète.
Le 16 juillet 2007, Reuters a réclamé l'ouverture d'une enquête sur la mort de ses deux employés. Les autorités militaires avaient refusé, estimant que les soldats engagés en Irak avait respecté les lois de la guerre et leurs règles d'engagement. Au nom du Freedom of Information Act, loi qui autorise les citoyens à consulter tout document édité par l'Etat, l'agence de presse a essayé, en août 2007, de se procurer une copie de la vidéo. Une fois encore, l'armée s'y est opposée.
"Ces images n'ont jamais été diffusées... jusqu'à aujourd'hui", note WikiLeaks. Le site avait annoncé via Twitter, le 20 février, qu'il avait "finalement réussi à décrypter le fichier vidéo de l'armée, dans lequel des journalistes, parmi d'autres, se font tuer". Les documents ont été transmis par des informateurs (whistleblowers, littéralement "lanceurs d'alertes") au sein de l'armée. WikiLeaks précise qu'ils ont été analysés et recoupés avec les récits de témoins et de journalistes directement impliqués dans l'incident.
Le site n'en est pas à son premier fait d'armes. Depuis sa création, en 2006, il affiche un impressionnant palmarès. Rapports gouvernementaux, projets de loi, comptes divers... Si une grande partie du million de documents rendus publics n'ont pas fait la "une" de la presse, WikiLeaks a été à l'origine de nombreux scandales politiques et financiers. Il a notamment publié une liste des adhérents du BNP, le parti d'extrême droite anglais, des documents de travail sur les négociations secrètes autour de l'accord commercial anticontrefaçon (Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement, ACTA), de nombreuses informations concernant le krach bancaire islandais de 2008 ou encore plus de 500 000 messages texte échangés le 11 septembre 2001.
Victime de sa popularité, le site a fait l'objet d'une centaine de procès et attiré l'attention de plusieurs agences de renseignements. En mars, il a diffusé une note du service de contre-espionnage de l'armée américaine étudiant le fonctionnement du site et concluant que WikiLeaks représente "une menace potentielle". Depuis l'annonce de la diffusion de la vidéo de la fusillade, le site a fait l'objet d'une surveillance accrue. Une pression, qu'il s'est empressé de relayer sur Twitter : "S'il nous arrive quoi que ce soit, vous savez pourquoi : c'est le film du 5 avril. Et vous connaissez les responsables."
Elise Barthet
Neo-Cons Defend Massacre Of Iraqi Journalists, Children
Bloodthirsty neo-cons who would defend barbecuing Arab babies on the White House lawn if they were told it was part of the “war on terror” are disgracefully scrambling to defend a shocking video released by Wikileaks which shows U.S. Apache helicopters massacring Iraqi journalists and children in Baghdad while laughing about it.
After waiting a day, CNN finally reports on the Wikileaks video showing US attack on Reuter's journalists.
Webmaster's Commentary:
And it appears my comment on yesterday's radio show was accurate; what the Apache pilots claimed were AK-47's were cameras with telephoto lenses.
“A military investigation concluded that the ‘RPG’ was really a long-range photography lens and the camera looked like an AK-47,” reports Sky News.
Collateral Murder
5th April 2010 10:44 EST WikiLeaks has released a classified
Reuters has been trying to obtain the video through the Freedom of Information Act, without success since the time of the attack. The video, shot from an Apache helicopter gun-site, clearly shows the unprovoked slaying of a wounded Reuters employee and his rescuers. Two young children involved in the rescue were also seriously wounded.
The military did not reveal how the Reuters staff were killed, and stated that they did not know how the children were injured.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Short version
Full version
Maliki Orders Elected Sunni MPs Detained as Vote Dispute Turns Ugly
It is only one day after the results were announced, and already the battle to form the next government in
Earlier today it was revealed that Maliki had quietly sought a ruling from the Iraqi supreme court just before the election results were released that would allow him to bypass Allawi’s plurality through recruiting new bloc members after the election.
Webmaster's Commentary:
We may well be looking at the beginning of a new civil war here in
Maliki Backers Threaten ‘Escalation’ Over Lack of Recount
Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki today reiterated calls for the full manual recount of the votes cast earlier this month, though the Independent High Electoral Commission (IHEC) has insisted repeatedly that it will not allow political pressure to affect its decision to refuse it.
Webmaster's Commentary:
This refusal to honor the election results on the part of al Maliki could result in riots, or worse.
75 Killed, Hundreds Wounded in Baghdad’s Bloody Weekend
With violence already steadily rising over the past several months,
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More "progress" in
Former IAEA chief: Iraq war killed “a million innocent civilians”
The former head of the UN’s chief nuclear agency, Mohammed ElBaradei, said in an interview with the British newspaper Guardian Wednesday that those who launched the war in
CIA may face prosecution for drone's raids in Pakistan
"Prominent voices in the international legal community" were increasingly impatient with
Lawyers at the US State Department and other government agencies were concerned the administration has "not settled on what the rationales are" for the drone strikes, he said.
The drone attacks, which have so far taken the lives of many civilians, have sparked outrage among the Pakistani nation amid
Administration Says Drone Strikes Are Legal and Necessary
Last night, the State Department's legal adviser, Harold Koh, delivered a keynote address to the American Society of International Law's annual meeting in
The bottom line was this: Lethal strikes against terrorists, including those involving unmanned drone aircraft, "comply with all applicable law, including the laws of war," Koh said.
...[I]t is the considered view of this administration...that targeting practices, including lethal operations conducted with the use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), comply with all applicable law, including the laws of war....As recent events have shown, al Qaeda has not abandoned its intent to attack the United States, and indeed continues to attack us. Thus, in this ongoing armed conflict, the United States has the authority under international law, and the responsibility to its citizens, to use force, including lethal force, to defend itself, including by targeting persons such as high-level al Qaeda leaders who are planning attacks....[T]his administration has carefully reviewed the rules governing targeting operations to ensure that these operations are conducted consistently with law of war principles...
Webmaster's Commentary:
Apparently, Harold Koh didn't get the memo.
1. The
2. Therefore, what is happening with the use of US drones is extrajudicial assassination; no judge, no jury, no due process, just assassination, pure and simple.
PS: Everything Nazi Germany did was considered "legal and necessary."
'At war' US justifies drone attacks in Pak as act of 'self-defence'
"What I can say is that it is the considered view of this administration, and it has certainly been my experience during my time as legal adviser that the US targeting practices, including lethal operations conducted with the use of unmanned aerial vehicles, comply with all applicable law, including the laws of war," he said justifying the strikes, a topic which has remained off-limits of US officials.
Koh, who remained a fierce critic of former President George W Bush's policies, said the drone strikes can not be considered as 'assassination', as it is an act of 'self-defence' by
Webmaster's Commentary:
Characterizing the drone attacks as "self defense" is an insult to the intelligence of every thinking person on the planet; these are targeted assassinations, period, end of discussion, and not even the most copious amount of weasel-wording is going to change that.
The United States Takes the Matter of Three-headed Babies Very Seriously.
One could fill many large volumes with the details of the environmental and human horrors the United States has brought to Fallujah and other parts of Iraq during seven years of using white phosphorous shells, depleted uranium, napalm, cluster bombs, neutron bombs, laser weapons, weapons using directed energy, weapons using high-powered microwave technology, and other marvelous inventions in the Pentagon's science-fiction arsenal ... the list of abominations and grotesque ways of dying is long, the wanton cruelty of American policy shocking.
Israel could use tactical nukes on Iran: thinktank
Deeply concerned as it is by the risk of a nuclear-armed
But now a respected
Despite the 65-year-old taboo against carrying out -- or, for that matter, mooting -- nuclear strikes, the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) says in a new report that "some believe that nuclear weapons are the only weapons that can destroy targets deep underground or in tunnels."
Webmaster's Commentary:
One wonders if we are supposed to thank CSIS for their magnificent grasp of the obvious; but if
1. There is no such thing as a "clean" nuclear strike.
2. The Iranian military is well-armed and well-supplied. The counter-attack would be fierce.
World War III, anyone?!?
Israel to focus on key Iran nuclear targets in any strike
Webmaster's Commentary:
Like they did in
Canada reassigns warship to fight al Qaeda attacks
Two weeks ago, the
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As reported on 17 March, 2010, in:
One has to wonder if Washington and its allies are in the process of conjuring up some kind of "false flag" operation to be blamed jointly on al Qaeda and
US Special Forces 'Tried to Cover-up' Botched Khataba Raid in Afghanistan
April 05, 2010 "The Times" --
Two pregnant women, a teenage girl, a police officer and his brother were shot on February 12 when US and Afghan special forces stormed their home in Khataba village, outside Gardez in eastern
The claims were made as Nato admitted responsibility for all the deaths for the first time last night. It had initially claimed that the women had been dead for several hours when the assault force discovered their bodies.
“Despite earlier reports we have determined that the women were accidentally killed as a result of the joint force firing at the men,” said Lieutenant-Colonel Todd Breasseale, a Nato spokesman. The coalition continued to deny that there had been a cover-up and said that its legal investigation, which is ongoing, had found no evidence of inappropriate conduct.
A senior Afghan official involved in a government investigation told The Times: “I think the special forces lied to McChrystal.”
“Why did the special forces collect their bullets from the area?” the official said. “They washed the area of the injuries with alcohol and brought out the bullets from the dead bodies. The bodies showed there were big holes.”
The official, who asked not to be named until the results of the investigation have been made public, said that the assault force sealed off the compound from 4am, when the raid started, to 11am, when Afghan officials from Gardez were finally allowed access to the house.
At least 11 bullets were fired during the raid, the investigator said, and the shooting was carried out by two American gunmen positioned on the roof of the compound. Only seven bullets were recovered from the scene.
“I asked McChrystal, ‘why did the Americans clean some of the bullets from the area?’ They don’t have the right to do that,” the official said.
Haji Sharabuddin, the head of the family who were attacked, told The Times last month that troops removed bullets from his relatives’ bodies, but his claims were impossible to verify. The hallway where four of the five victims were killed had been repainted and at least two bullet holes had been plastered over.
U.S. Admits Role in February Killing of Afghan Women
The admission immediately raised questions about what really happened during the Feb. 12 operation — and what falsehoods followed — including a new report that Special Operations forces dug bullets out of the bodies of the women to hide the true nature of their deaths.
A NATO official also said Sunday in an interview that an Afghan-led team of investigators had found signs of evidence tampering at the scene, including the removal of bullets from walls near where the women were killed. A senior NATO official later denied on Monday that any evidence tampering occurred.
The disclosure could not come at a worse moment for the American military: NATO officials are struggling to contain fallout from a series of tirades against the foreign military presence by the Afghan president, Hamid Karzai, who has also railed against the killing of civilians by Western forces.
No joke: Karzai threatens to join the Taliban
Karzai also warned that the Taliban insurgency could become a legitimate resistance movement if foreign meddling in Afghan affairs continues, the Journal said, citing participants in the talks.
During the talks, Karzai, whose government is supported by billions of dollars of Western aid and 126,000 foreign troops fighting the Taliban, said he would be compelled to join the insurgency himself if the parliament does not back his bid to take over
Webmaster's Commentary:
Should this happen, it would be the ultimate, bitter irony, almost 9 years and counting, with all the blood and money which has been spent here, essentially for private profit.
American and NATO diplomats might dismiss this as grandstanding, but I wouldn't necessarily bet that it is.
Tighter Rules Fail to Stem Deaths of Innocent Afghans at Checkpoints
American and NATO troops firing from passing convoys and military checkpoints have killed 30 Afghans and wounded 80 others since last summer, but in no instance did the victims prove to be a danger to troops, according to military officials in
“We have shot an amazing number of people, but to my knowledge, none has ever proven to be a threat,” said Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal, who became the senior American and NATO commander in
Obama aux troupes américaines: "nous l'emporterons" en Afghanistan
Visite surprise en Afghanistan: Obama promet la victoire
Barack Obama a promis dimanche de défaire les talibans lors d'une visite surprise en Afghanistan, la première de sa présidence, dont il a profité pour demander à son homologue afghan Hamid Karzaï davantage d'efforts pour lutter contre la corruption.
Barack Obama visits Afghanistan
Webmaster's Commentary:
Obama just finished a speech live from Afghanistan, talking about blah blah blah 9-11 blah blah blah terror blah blah blah 9-11 to thunderous applause, which is weird because the speech was live and looking at the clock, they woke those poor soldiers up in the middle of the night to sit in that audience and listen to the boss pretend to explain why they have to go on getting blown into bloody bits.
Comment la CIA tente de manipuler l’opinion des Français sur l’Afghanistan
Leaked CIA Report: "Public Apathy Enables Leaders To Ignore Voters" In Waging Endless Wars
A leaked CIA report says:
Public apathy enables leaders to ignore voters.
The report is discussing apathy among the French and German people to their countries' involvement in the war in Afghanistan, but the same is true to the apathy of Americans towards the Iraq and other wars as well.
This classified CIA analysis from March, outlines possible PR-strategies to shore up public support in
WikiLeaks to release video of civilians, journalists being murdered in airstrike
Whistleblower Web site WikiLeaks is planning to release a video that reveals what it's calling a Pentagon "cover-up" of an incident in which numerous civilians and journalists were murdered in an airstrike, according to a recent media advisory.
The video will be released on April 5 at the National Press Club, the group said.
Webmaster's Commentary:
That is probably why Obama is in Afghanistan right now trying to stammer his way through a speech without his teleprompters and using what sounds like a pre-recorded applause track (they are in a tent, yet the applause has hard-wall echoes in it).
CIA paper reveals plans to manipulate European opinion on Afghanistan
Out-of-the-box' CIA think tank proposes concerns over women's rights, fear of terrorism as ways to boost support for Afghan war
Evidently spooked by the collapse of the Dutch government over the country's involvement in
A document marked "confidential / not for foreign eyes," posted to the Wikileaks Web site, suggests strategies to manipulate European public opinion on the war, particularly in
The document doesn't propose any direct methods by which the CIA could achieve this -- there are no references to planting propaganda in the press, for example -- but it does lay out what it sees as the key talking points to changing hearts and minds on the war. Among its proposals, the policy paper suggests playing up the plight of Afghan women to French audiences, as the French public has shown concern for women's rights in
For the German audience, the document suggests a measure of fear-mongering about the possible fallout of NATO failure in
Read the report here, courtesy of Wikileaks.
The CIA Red Cell points out that President Obama continues to enjoy popular support in Europe at levels he has not seen in the
The report notes that "when [opinion poll] respondents were reminded that President Obama himself had asked for increased deployments to
NATO rejects Russia's demand to destroy Afghan poppy fields
Afghan opiates led to the death of 1 million people by overdose in the last 10 years, and that is United Nations data. Is that not a threat to world peace and security?' Ivanov asked journalists after the meeting.
Webmaster's Commentary:
OF course, the indelicate question will not be put to NATO leadership, which is: who is really profiting from the sale of these drugs?!?
It sure as heck is not the typical Afghan opium farmer.
NATO won't destroy Afghan poppy fields
NATO has rejected an appeal made by
Addressing a meeting of the NATO-Russia Council on Wednesday, head of
U.S. & NATO Are Supporting Afghan Drug Industry
“The bulk of the income from drugs is captured by other players like traffickers and the police and people in the government. So the problem is that the US and NATO have empowered a lot of people who are involved in drugs in government and the police forces,” says Mercille. “That is one reason why the US and NATO have directly caused the drastic increases in drug production in
Webmaster's Commentary:
Control of the drug trade means controlling where the drugs ultimately wind up, like the cheap heroin to which many young Russian people have become addicted.
Afghanistan Is The World's Top Hashish Producer
"While other countries have even larger cannabis cultivation, the astonishing yield of the Afghan cannabis crop ... makes
Webmaster's Commentary:
"Hey, they've got to lead the world in something!" - official white horse souse.
The Afghan Ant Hole:The New US-NATO Offensive will run into Trouble
Will these campaigns in Marja,
Palestine :
Israeli planes and helicopters mount Gaza attacks
Reuters -
Thirteen Israeli air strikes hit Gaza Strip
Israeli planes and helicopters bomb Gaza targets
Israeli warplanes bomb Gaza Strip
Israel pounds Gaza with missiles
The Israeli military said it had targeted weapons storage facilities in the central Gaza Strip, in
Late on Thursday and just two hours before the air strikes, the military said a Palestinian rocket fired from
There was no claim of responsibility for the rocket, which caused no casualties.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Okay folks, here is a question: Do you really think that in 20 years the Palestinians haven't figured out a way to have these rockets actually hit something useful? (And by the way there was only one rocket last Wednesday.) And if the Palestinians have a rocket (a firework really) that doesn't hit anything useful and does not cause any damage, why would they even fire it, knowing that this will give Israel the excuse to come in with all their modern weapons (paid for by the US tax payer) and start blowing up what little the Gazan people have left to live on?
Or does it really make much more sense that these totally useless and ineffective rockets are just a propaganda device by
Israel destroys Gaza dairy for second time
It was not a chemical plant, nor a nuclear facility, nor a manufacturer of weapons of mass destruction. But almost all the rubble of the entirely destroyed factory was covered in white, with white chunks everywhere. These were pieces of cheese, butter and yoghurt — some of the products made by the Dalloul dairy factory in southern
Israeli warplanes bombed the factory shortly after midnight last Thursday through Friday night, 1-2 April, leaving the building, all its equipment and the distribution van completely destroyed.
Israelis quit Gaza after worst clash in over a year
Israeli troops and tanks left the Gaza Strip on Saturday, witnesses said, after the bloodiest clash in the Hamas-ruled enclave in 14 months killed two soldiers and a Palestinian.
The violence underscored the deadlock in U.S.-mediated contacts between
Israeli Tanks, Bulldozers Move Into Gaza After Deadly Clashes
For the first time in 14 months Israeli forces are moving against the Gaza Strip, and Israeli tanks and armored military bulldozers are advancing on the town of
But whether this remains an exception to the relative calm between the two sides over the past year or portends a new upswing in violence remains to be seen. Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak, for his part, vowed there would be “ramifications” on Hamas for the latest fighting.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Watch for a massive escalation of violence, most probably provoked by
Israeli minister talks of new war on Gaza
A senior Israeli minister has threatened that Tel Aviv will "liquidate" Hamas sooner or later, adding that Israel may even launch a new offensive on the Gaza Strip.
He said
Webmaster's Commentary:
Memo to Israeli Minister Yuval Steinitz; let's see now; so a mass extermination of the Palestinian people in
In the last century, I remember very clearly a mass extermination of innocent people in
And such a slaughter should never happen again to any people on this planet, particularly to the Palestinians.
IF you think, sir, in your hubris, that the world will just stand around and watch this happen, you had better well think again.
Israeli Army Invades Khan Younis, Israeli Leaders Weigh Resumption Of Assassinations
The latest developments came as
Webmaster's Commentary:
We are looking at a potential extermination of Gazan Palestinians by
PA: 20,000 could lose homes in Jerusalem
More than 20,000 Palestinian homes in
Ruweidi said Israeli courts will soon accuse homeowners of having violated construction restrictions over the past 10 years and issue demolition orders on the pretext that they needed renewable licenses.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Forced demolitions, followed by homelessness, followed by...forced deportations?
One has to wonder what ultimately will happen with these displaced Palestinians, and where they will ultimately wind up.
By the Maps: Understanding Israel's Increasing Grip On Jerusalem
Report: IDF strikes militant targets in Gaza
Israeli war jets and tanks struck several targets in the Gaza Strip Friday night, wounding at least five people, witnesses and medical sources said.
The short video clip was filmed during the summer of 2008, in the houses of Sheikh Jarrah, not long before the eviction of the Al-Kurd family from their home. Two teenagers who knew English became the ambasadors of the entire neigborhood, and gave us a guided tour around it. They tell about the neighbourhood life before the eviction, in the shadow of settlers’ violence (including violence towards children), which is backed by the Israeli police force.
Israel to raze 200 Palestinian homes in Jerusalem
His uncompromising stance is the latest stage in a protracted legal battle over a single building towering above the jumble of modest homes of Silwan, a deprived and overcrowded Palestinian community lying just outside the
Beit Yehonatan, or Jonathan’s House, is distinctive not only for its height – at seven storeys, it is at least three floors taller than its neighbours – but also for the Israeli flag draped from the roof to the street.
Testimonies of Israeli Female Soldiers Regarding Violations Against Palestinian Civilians
Part of the testimonies is regarding “extra efforts” that female soldiers should conduct in order to be recognized and accepted by the fellow male soldiers.
Another soldier said that she saw a fellow female soldier humiliating Palestinian residents “in a way that cannot be described by words”, and added that “you have to see it to realize how she behaves, how she humiliates the Palestinians without caring about anything”.
“Everybody is doing that”, the soldier added, “Soldiers and senior officers, nobody objects”.
Israel to Allow First Shipment of Clothes to Gaza in Nearly Three Years
For the first time in almost three years,
La Judée déclare la guerre à Obama
Judea declares War on Obama by Gilad Atzmon
Last week we read about AIPAC’s assault against President Obama. It was reported that the Jewish Lobby in
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I am not so sure. Yesterday the United Nations Human Rights Council passed three resolutions condemning
However, the
Doesn't sound to me like there is really a split between
The Holocaust Industry: All about money?
Webmaster's Commentary:
Holocaust Exploited
U.S. official: No plans to withhold veto on a Jerusalem UN resolution
A U.S. State Department official has denied an earlier report saying the
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All this pretense
UN chief says Israeli settlement activities illegal
UN Secretary General Ban Ki- moon said Israeli settlement activities are illegal and against the international law, stressing that they should come to an end.
In a speech at the opening session of the 22nd Arab Summit, the UN chief addressed that the significance of
Signatories to Hoyer-Cantor Letter Reaffirming the U.S.-Israel Alliance
Webmaster's Commentary:
Save this file! These are the treasonous members of the US Congress who have sworn eternal support to
Come November, please remind these people that
Israel Threatens Lebanon: A New Middle East War?
When Israeli Minister without Portfolio Yossi Peled said recently that a war with
The Lebanese are certainly not treating it as Likud bombast.
“We hear a lot of Israeli threats day in and day out, and not only threats,” Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri told the BBC. “We see what is happening on the ground and in our airspace…during the past two months—every day we have Israeli airplanes entering Lebanese airspace.”
Lebanese bracing for the worst as Israel threatens to unleash the dogs of war
Israel will widen any future Lebanon conflict into Syria
The Israeli state must take into account
“The logic of confrontation in
Webmaster's Commentary:
A regional war in this area will spiral into a potential world war very quickly.
When at some point, the Lebanese military strikes back, that will be the excuse
I am hoping that the adults in the room in the Lebanese government will not give the Israelis the luxury of getting such a war going, because that may definitely spiral from a regional confrontation to a world war.
Is Another Israeli War Looming?
That's what Lebanon's Prime Minister, Saad al-Harir, claimed may be in the works today in an interview with the BBC in which he accused Israeli aircraft of repeatedly violating Lebanese air space on a daily basis.
'I was stabbed in the back,' says soldier who used human shield in Gaza
The trial began on Wednesday for two Israel Defense Forces soldiers suspected of using Gazan children as human shields during
The soldiers, who breached the army's rule against using civilians as human shields during war, are tried for violating IDF authority and for inappropriate conduct.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Notice that this soldier is not repentant for having done something fundamentally, repugnantly morally wrong; he is angry because he got caught and prosecuted for doing it.
Despite row, U.S. and Israel sign massive arms deal
As Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was in
Webmaster's Commentary:
I keep telling you; this "row" is just political theater for the masses.
A stark truth: Israeli arms, U.S. dollars
The third "ask" that AIPAC supporters will make of Congress on Tuesday is to once again pass the $3 billion in
Webmaster's Commentary:
The short answer is, Americans shouldn't be expected to bear these costs for
But there is a far more deep, insidious problem here that Greenwald doesn't touch.
According the the Symington Amendment, under US law, the US government is forbidden to provide monetary or military aid which does have nuclear weapons, but refuses to sign the NNPT and have its sites inspected.
As we know from the revelations of Mordechai Vannunu in the late 80s, and confirmed by both former Israeli Prime Minister Olmert and former
So every dime of taxpayer funded dollars given to
What's wrong with this picture?!? EVERYTHING!!
More than 250 Congress members declare commitment to 'unbreakable' U.S.-Israel bond
More than 250 members of Congress have signed on to a declaration reaffirming their commitment to "the unbreakable bond that exists between [
Webmaster's Commentary:
Every congresscritter who signed that letter needs to be deported to the
The propaganda spewed at the current AIPAC conference makes it equally clear that
UN Human Rights Council adopts 5 resolutions against Israel
Five resolutions have been adopted against
Israel told to pay Gaza damages
The UN Human Rights Council urged Tel Aviv on Wednesday to pay reparations to the Palestinian people for the loss and damage it inflicted on them during last year's bloody invasion of the Gaza Strip.
It passed by a majority of 29 to five at the UNHRC heaquarters in
The resolution was opposed by the
U.N. rights council condemns Israel, U.S. opposes
U.N. rights council condemns Israel, U.S. opposes
GENEVA (Reuters) — The United Nations Human Rights Council passed three resolutions on Wednesday condemning Israel over its policies in occupied Palestinian and Syrian territories, but the United States voted against them all.A further resolution, calling for a fund to compensate Palestinians who suffered losses during Israel’s offensive in
Despite 'row,' US seals military deal with Israel
Upon agreeing on a relevant deal, the
Later in the day, the US Defense Department is to issue a formal announcement on the deal, which is to be financed by the American foreign assistance funds.
Webmaster's Commentary:
There is no "row" between the
Obama approves aid to Israel, PA
US President Barack Obama this week signed the 2010 foreign aid budget law which includes $2.775 billion in security aid to
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30 billion dollars over the next decade...to a country which spits in the US's face and tells us it's raining; while homeless American Vets sleep in our streets, kids don't have enough to eat, and one person in
Unflipping believable.
Obama grants Israel billions of dollars in aid
The Israeli Ynet news website
US President Barack Obama has signed the foreign aid budget law for 2010 which includes the granting of $2.775 billion in security aid to
The Israeli Ynet news website reported that the budget signed by Obama, for the first time, also grants $500 million to the Palestinian Authority.
The aid also includes $100 million to be used by US General Keith Dayton, who is in charge of training the Palestinian security forces in the
Webmaster's Commentary:
Obama must love the process of having a country spit in his face and telling him it's raining.
He's forking over your taxpayer dollars to an Israeli government which has dissed him on the settlement issue, refuses to lift the siege of
And that $100 million for the use of US General Keith Dayton, in charge of training the Palestinian Security Forces in the West Bank?
As reported on
"Palestinian security agents who have been detaining and allegedly torturing supporters of Hamas in the
This is a tactic much beloved by the IDF, to keep Fatah and Hamas from ever reconciling, and that is why the CIA is continuing to torture Hamas members.
Nice to know how your tax dollars are being used here, isn't it?!?
U.S.-Israeli Arms Cooperation Quietly Growing
"We came to the Obama administration and said, 'Listen, we have a problem here,’" Oren, told a gathering of the National Jewish Democratic Council. "The administration’s reaction was immediate: we are going to address this issue, we are going to make sure that we maintain your QME [qualitative military edge]."
Webmaster's Commentary:
While homeless Vets sleep in our streets; while our kids can't get enough to eat; while one in
Senate passes $636 billion defense spending bill
The Senate passed a $636 million defense spending bill Saturday by an 88-10 vote.
Webmaster's Commentary:
That is about $6000 per American household.
New FBI Files Alleging AIPAC Theft of Government Property and Israeli Espionage Released
Declassified files detailing an FBI investigation targeting the American Israel Public Affairs Committee are now available on the Internet. AIPAC was investigated after it acquired and circulated classified government information provided in strict confidence by
The 50 pages now available as portable document files (PDF) include:
FBI reports of Israelis circulating classified documents in the US Congress, "compromising" the authority of the U.S. President. http://irmep.org/ila/economy/06201984.pdf
US Trade Representative concerns that AIPAC was tactically "divulging" classified information supplied by
Webmaster's Commentary:
"Holocaust. HOLOCAUST! Oh, Holocaust, Holocaust, Holocaust, Holocaust, Holocaust, Holocaust, Holocaust, Holocaust Holocaust Holocaust Holocaust HolocaustHolocaustHoloCAUST!!!!!" -- Official Israeli Response
Many Israelis like to believe, and the cliché is repeated regularly in
However, following the
Furthermore, the fatal shooting of four Palestinian teenagers in the course of 24 hours over the weekend, in highly questionable circumstances, has forced the Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) to investigate the incident amidst contradictory statements issued by the soldiers involved.
The initial beating of Omar on the face and head made his mouth bleed and his head hurt and he was not able to speak to the soldiers and this only made them beat him more for not answering their questions. Omar told our friend Sevtap that one of the soldiers told him "do you think the international solidarity will protect you".
Palestinian organizer tortured in Israeli jail
Omar Alaaeddin from the village of alMa’asara was nabbed from the Container Checkpoint on Sunday the 14th. He was released yesterday with no charges pressed against him. Alaaeddin reports having been tortured in the Israeli Russian Compound Jail in
Alaaeddin was beaten repeatedly, both by the soldiers who detained him, and later, in the Israeli Russian Compound jail in
Webmaster's Commentary:
So this is how the allegedly "greatest democracy in the
1. It lies about the reasons for arresting a Palestinian who did absolutely nothing wrong, and files absolutely no charges against him.
2. It then tortures that Palestinian who has done absolutely nothing wrong.
3. It refuses to provide any medical care for this Palestinian who has done absolutely nothing wrong after he is tortured.
4. It then releases this Palestinian after having tortured him for having done nothing wrong, except for having had the temerity to organize peaceful protests.
This has happened on countless other occasions, without much comment. But this case does, and will continue, to shine an unblinking light on
Israel can no longer hide what it is doing, and what it is doing to Palestinians should be as morally repugnant to every thinking Israeli as it is to thinking, moral people around the world.
New Israeli Law Forbids Palestinians From Mourning Or "Showing Signs Of Sadness"
A new law in
Toronto Restricts Academic Freedom: ‘Israeli Apartheid Week’ Not Permitted to Take Place
Last week, Toronto District School Board (TDSB) Director of Education Chris Spence announced in a statement that "'Israeli Apartheid Week' and its activities are not permitted to take place on school or Board property, or as part of any activity under the jurisdiction of the TDSB." Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME) considers this announcement a clear attempt to discourage rational discussion of the constellation of issues addressed by Israeli Apartheid Week (IAW), and therefore considers it an unacceptable restriction on the academic freedom that should be enjoyed by the TDSB's community.
Critiquer Israël: un acte criminel?
Si Gaza est une zone contrôlée d’où rien ne peut entrer ni sortir, des efforts sont faits pour que le Canada devienne de même. Un groupe composé de membres venus des quatre partis parlementaires, cherchent à criminaliser les critiques envers l’État d’Israël. Il s’agit de la Coalition parlementaire canadienne de lutte contre l’antisémitisme (CPCCA). L’inspiration de former cette coalition vint d’une conférence tenue en février 2009 à Londres, où 125 délégués de plus de 40 pays, des parlementaires du monde entier, ont participé à deux journées de présentation et de débat sur le “problème croissant de l’antisémitisme”. Une délégation de 11 députés était venue du Canada, sous la direction de M. Jason Kenney, ministre de la Citoyenneté et de l’Immigration, et de M. Irwin Cotler, enseignant et président du comité directeur international. Au terme de cette conférence il fut produit une résolution, la Déclaration de Londres sur le combat contre l’antisémitisme” qui demande à tous les gouvernements de se pencher sur ce problème, et particulièrement sur ses manifestations dans les médias et les milieux universitaires.”
Il ne s’agit pas d’attaquer les voix marginales qui veulent suspendre les droits d’individus appartenant à un groupe particulier, mais bien de s’en prendre à ce que le CPCCA appelle le “nouvel antisémitisme” qui consiste à attaquer Israël. Sur son site ont peut lire: “Tandis que des accusations de meurtre rituel et des cas de menu vandalisme demeurent problématiques pour la communauté juive, de nouvelles peurs ont émergé, principalement chez les défenseurs de l’État d’Israël.” Il enchaîne en évoquant les intimidations dont seraient victimes les étudiants juifs sur les campus universitaires. Il est connu pourtant que sur ces derniers, des groupes de défense d’Israël, Hillel par exemple, mènent des campagnes contre toutes formes de critiques d’Israël, souvent ressenties comme de l’intimidation.
Pour conserver un semblant de légitimité intellectuelle, il faut bien reconnaître la possibilité de critiquer Israël. Mais ces critiques se doivent d’être que superficielles. Si les desseins de cette organisation sont réalisés, attaquer la nature juive d’Israël (alors que tout état démocratique devrait accorder des droits égaux à tous ses habitants) sera jugé antisémite; comparer le traitement des Palestiniens à l’Apartheid sera jugé antisémite; supporter les campagnes de boycotte contre Israël pour faire changer les comportements de cet état sera jugé antisémite. Ironiquement, il sera possible de critiquer les agissements du Canada, mais pas d’Israël sur des questions pourtant similaires, faisant d’Israël le seul état au monde que l’on ne peut critiquer.
Des audiences publiques ont été tenues depuis le 2 novembre dernier et un rapport sera produit et présenté au gouvernement du Canada. Celui-ci devrait agir au plus tard en automne 2010, pour réaliser les vœux de ce regroupement selon toute vraisemblance.
Cause noble ou dérapage ?
Texte de Chantal Hébert:
Radio-Canada rapportait la semaine dernière que 500 artistes québécois, dont Gilles Vigneault et Richard Desjardins, avaient signé une pétition prônant le boycottage des produits israéliens et réclamant des sanctions internationales contre l’état hébreu. Sous le titre 500 artistes québécois contre l’apartheid israélien, l’organisme Tadamon, qui pilote la pétition en fait état sur son site internet.
La nouvelle coïncide avec “la semaine contre l’apartheid israélien 2010“, qui se déroule actuellement dans plusieurs campus universitaires québécois et canadiens, un événement auquel Tadamon est également associé.
Dans le brouhaha olympique, la pétition n’a pas fait de vagues dans un sens ou dans l’autre. Mais en Ontario, le mouvement en question est très controversé et la semaine anti-apartheid vient de faire l’objet d’une rare condamnation unanime de l’Assemblée législative. Actualité, Chantal Hébert
Webmaster's Commentary:
This is like saying that criticism of the Nazis should be banned because it is "Anti-Germanism".
Anti-Semitism: Zionism’s indispensable alibi
Maidhc Ó Cathail considers the symbiotic relationship between Zionism and anti-Semitism – real or imagined – and how
Canadian opposition leader reverses his earlier stand that Israel practices apartheid
As Ignatieff pointed out in 2002,
It appears that since then, Ignatieff's mental faculties have become somewhat muddled. For in 2010, he is now condemning himself. Since in
Israel is An Apartheid State and That is Why They are Losing Legitimacy
Last week the Ontario Legislature unanimously passed a resolution denouncing Israel Apartheid Week submitted by PC Peter Shure who said calling
South African apartheid had three pillars of apartheid and
European Parliament endorses Goldstone Gaza report
The European Parliament on Wednesday urged its 27-member states to monitor the Israeli and Palestinian probes into alleged war crimes committed during last year's late-winter conflict in
The resolution backed the findings of a UN-appointed expert panel chaired by South African Judge Richard Goldstone, which concluded that both sides committed war crimes and possible crimes against humanity during the war that began in December 2008 and ended in January 2009.
The parliamentary move, which would give the EU an unprecedented role in evaluating the progress of
The claims of alleged war crimes committed, according to the Goldstone report, during fighting in
Legal attorney Nick Kaufman, who had served as a senior prosecutor at the ICC and a senior district attorney for the
Webmaster's Commentary:
Making the US Government an accessory to those war crimes.
Investigation reveals numerous bogus claims on Obama resume
According to a special report issued by 'the Blogging Professor,' the
The real truth is that Barack Obama was merely an 'instructor' at
RCMP apologize to Dziekanski's mother for death of son
The Canadian Press
RCMP Deputy Commissioner Bill Sweeney told a Senate committee hearing in
In his apology, Bass said "the RCMP could have could have done things better. We have learned from this situation."
"The RCMP had a part to play in the sequence of events that went on for many hours that night," he said of the incident that resulted in Dziekanski's death at
Dziekanski's death was caught on videotape and touched off a storm of outrage after the video showed a scene markedly different from the RCMP's description of what happened.
An exhaustive inquiry into what happened that night is underway and former judge Thomas Braidwood is expected to complete his final report by May 31, after which it will be made public.
POLICE STATE - Cops Taser 10-Year-Old Boy At Day Care Center
L'électricité coûtera plus cher
(Québec) Même si l'opinion publique était farouchement contre, le gouvernement a décidé d'augmenter les tarifs d'électricité et de consacrer ces revenus supplémentaires à la réduction de la dette.
Le dégel des tarifs du bloc patrimonial d'électricité se fera graduellement et seulement à compter de 2014. Il se traduira par une augmentation de 3,7% par année pour tous les consommateurs, à l'exception des entreprises énergivores comme les alumineries, qui en seront exemptées.
En conférence de presse, le ministre des Finances a expliqué que ces entreprises sont vitales pour l'économie des régions du Québec. «Nous avons décidé de ne pas y toucher», a-t-il dit.
En revanche, celles qui bénéficient des tarifs très bas des contrats secrets conclus avec Hydro ne pourront pas les renouveler à l'échéance, entre 2014 et 2016. Elles paieront alors le tarif grande entreprise (tarif L), ce qui permettra à Hydro-Québec de récupérer des revenus supplémentaires de 160 millions.
Les entreprises épargnées sont seulement 150, ce qui a fait dire au porte-parole de
Le tarif patrimonial augmentera de 1 cent entre 2014 et 2018, et il sera par la suite ajusté au rythme de l'inflation.
Les revenus supplémentaires provenant de la hausse de 2,79 à 3,79 cents le kilowattheure du bloc patrimonial seront versés Fonds des générations créé pour rembourser la dette. C'est 1,6 milliard, qui s'ajoutera aux redevances hydrauliques versés par les producteurs d'électricité (Hydro-Québec, Alcan et les autres producteurs privés).
Timed-use hydro rate lifts price 7 per cent
As Toronto Hydro switches its customers to time-of-use rates – which mean higher prices at peak periods – 92 per cent have seen the energy portion of their bill rise by about 7 per cent, said Toronto Hydro chief executive Anthony Haines. The average jump was $
CIA can withhold records on Oklahoma City bombing
A federal judge in
Webmaster's Commentary:
This is as much as admitting that you have not been told the whole truth about what happened that day!
See "The Oklahoma City Bombing"
Canadian interest in Earth Hour waned this year, according to a poll by Ipsos Reid.
The poll, conducted on behalf of Canwest News Service and Global Television, showed that fewer than half of Canadians participated in Earth Hour this year, either by turning out their lights (39 per cent) or by contributing in another way (eight per cent). In comparison, 60 per cent of Canadians participated in 2009.
Participation was highest in
The survey shows:
- in Saskatchewan and Manitoba, 33 per cent participated in Earth Hour this year, compared with 57 per cent last year;
- in
- in
- in
- in Atlantic Canada, 50 per cent cent, compared with 59 per cent last year;
- and in
The poll was conducted between March 29-31. A sample of of 1,010 adults across
Prosecutor: Undercover FBI agent infiltrated militia
An undercover federal agent infiltrated a Christian militia group that authorities say plotted to incite violent revolt, and the agent built explosives under the direction of the group's suspected ringleader, a prosecutor said Wednesday.
Webmaster's Commentary:
So, the FBI informant actually built the bombs, without which there is no crime.
After terrorist conspirator and “former”
Headley — a former Drug Enforcement Administration agent and the son of a Pakistani diplomat — pled guilty to various criminal charges on March
Department of Justice Press Release |
Moscow Terror: CIA-Saudi-Mossad Operation?
The terror attacks seemed to have achieved their political & strategic objectives.
But firstly let us analyse the terror attack itself. The Moscow Subway terror occurred on the 29th of March, a very significant day, which is the eve of the “Palestine Land Day” & the “International Week for the Boycott of Apartheid
Thus, firstly this attack has well has been timed to counter the growing worldwide ‘Israel Boycott Movement’. The strategic period & the timing of the terror attacks are a pointer to the powers behind the perpetrators.
And there are no coincidences in Politics!!
Soon after the terror attack, fingers of suspicion pointed towards terrorists from the ‘
Soon the internet was raging with stories & animated chat room discussions of the possible hand of the CIA-Saudi Intel & the Mossad.
Thereafter, on the 31st of March Doku Umarov, who is supposedly the ‘Emir of the
There was also a denial by Shemsettin Batukaev, a spokesman for the ‘Caucasus Emirate’ organization who said that “We did not carry out the attack in
On searching for the obvious & deep links that Chechen terrorists have with the CIA, one will find that Doku Umarov’s links to the CIA have been removed from the Internet!!
Shades of David Headley & Ken Haywood in
But fortunately Umarov’s links to the Saudis are even deeper!!
Moscow metro: 19 black widows could launch fresh attacks
Nineteen "black widow" female suicide bombers trained by an Islamist terrorist known as "the Russian Bin Laden" remain at large and may launch fresh attacks on
Why do I get the feeling this is
Russia: two suicide bombers kill 12 in Dagestan
Two suicide bombers including one impersonating a police officer have killed at least 12 people and injured 18 others in the southern Russian
Why do I get the feeling this is Isreal's doing in response to
Chechen rebel Doku Umarov claims responsibility for Moscow blasts
A Chechen militant leader claimed responsibility last night for sending “Black Widow” suicide bombers into the Moscow Metro as the head of
Doku Umarov said that he had personally ordered the attacks at Lubyanka and Park Kultury stations that killed 39 people on Monday. In a video posted on a Chechen separatist website, he warned that more were planned.
Mongolia: The Pentagon's Trojan Horse. US-NATO Partner Wedged Between China And Russia
NATO now has a military partner squeezed between
With its vast expanse (over 600,000 square miles) and its sparse population (less than 3 million people with almost 40 percent living in the capital),
In the last decade alone the U.S. has acquired bases and other military installations and stationed its armed forces throughout parts of the world that it had never penetrated during the Cold War era, including:
Africa: Approximately 2,000 troops and the Pentagon’s Combined Joint Task Force-Horn of Africa at
Black Sea: Seven new air and training bases in
Baltic Sea: The activation in April of a Patriot Advanced Capability-3 theater interceptor missile battery in
Middle East: Air bases, forward operating bases, base camps, weapons storage facilities and troops transit centers in Iraq, Jordan and Kuwait and a long-range (2,900-mile) interceptor missile radar facility in Israel staffed by 120 U.S. military personnel.
Central Asia: An air base in Kyrgyzstan through which 35,000 U.S. and NATO troops transit each month for the war in Afghanistan and plans for a new special forces “anti-terrorist” training center in the nation.
South Asia: A proliferation of infantry and air bases in
East Asia: The return of the
South America: Seven new military, including air and naval, bases in
Central America: In addition to the U.S. retaining the use of the Soto Cano Air Base in Honduras for its 550-troop Joint Task Force-Bravo after the military coup d’etat of last June 28, a report surfaced in September of 2009 that U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had reached an agreement with new Panamanian President Ricardo Martinelli for the opening of two new American naval bases, one each on the Caribbean and Pacific coasts.
Indian Ocean: U.S. Africa Command deployed lethal Reaper “hunter-killer” drones, spy planes and over a hundred service members to Seychelles late last year.
South Pacific: A secretive military satellite base in
New bases on every inhabited continent outside the Pentagon’s own.
On March 29 NATO announced that the nation had become the 45th country to contribute troops for the North Atlantic military bloc’s International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in
Attack derails goods train in Russian Caucasus
An explosive device placed on a railway line derailed a goods train early Sunday in the troubled North Caucasus region of
Webmaster's Commentary:
If the Us/
U.S. and Colombia Cover Up Atrocities Through Mass Graves
This scandal revolves around the Colombian military, most recently under the direction of Juan Manuel Santos, knowingly murdering civilians in cold blood and then dressing them up to look like armed guerillas in order to justify more aid from the
The biggest human rights scandal in years is developing in
According to a February 10, 2010 letter issued by Alexandra Valencia Molina, Director of the regional office of
To date, not factoring in the mass grave, it has been confirmed by Colombian government sources that 2,000 civilians have fallen victim to the "false positive" scheme since President Uribe took office in 2002. If, as suspected by Colombian human rights groups, such as the "Comision de Derechos Humanos del Bajo Ariari" and the "Colectivo Orlando Fals Borda," the mass grave in
That this grave was discovered just outside a Colombian military base overseen by U.S. military advisers -- the U.S. having around 600 military advisers in that country -- is especially troubling, and raises serious questions about the U.S.'s own conduct in that country. In addition, this calls into even greater question the propriety of President Obama's agreement with President Alvaro Uribe last summer to grant the U.S. access to 7 military bases in that country.
Catholic Abuse Hotline Overrun Amid New Allegations
A hotline set up by the Catholic Church in
Webmaster's Commentary:
"Welcome to the Catholic Sexual Abuse Automated Hotline.
"If you were sodomized by a priest, press 1."
"If you were sodomized by a Bishop or above, press 2."
"If you were forced to engage in oral sex, press 3."
"If you have photos, please stay on the line and the next available lawyer will be negotiating a settlement with you as soon as possible."
Vatican: Pope has immunity in sex abuse trials
Pope Benedict, accused by victims' lawyers of being ultimately responsible for a cover-up of sexual abuse of children by priests, cannot be called to testify at any trial because he has immunity as a head of state, a top Vatican legal official said on Thursday.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Nonsense. Bill Clinton was forced to testify in his sex crimes case while still President!
Legal immunity cannot hold. The
Webmaster's Commentary:
Saddam was the sovereign head of a nation. He was still hung, and apparently for far less than the Catholic church has done!
Pope claims legal immunity; Vatican, Bishops, defend cover-up
Pope claims legal immunity;
Best New Catholic Church Defense: It's Not Pedophilia If the Boys Were Post-Pubescent
On Larry King Live last night, professional overzealous defender of the Catholic Church Bill Donohue explained to Sinead O'Connor that it's not pedophilia if the victim is 12 or 13.
Prominent Catholics Say Problem is Homosexuality, Not Pedophelia ... Does that Mean Molesting GIRLS Is Okay?
Some prominent Catholics have said that the problem is not pedophelia so much as homosexuality. Does that mean that molesting underage girls is okay?
In contrast, people are angry at the actions of the Catholic Church. Specifically, the
Note 1: While the agent of consent in
Note 2: I strongly believe in freedom of religion, and this is in no way meant as an attack on the Catholic faith, only on criminal activity and cover-ups.
1963 letter indicates former pope knew of abuse
A 1963 letter to then-Pope Paul VI indicates the
In the letter, obtained by The Associated Press on Wednesday, the head of a Roman Catholic order that oversaw treatment of pedophile priests tells the pope he recommends removing pedophile priests from active ministry.
Navarro-Valls on the Abuse Crisis
The Holy See press office director under John Paul II, Dr. Joaquin Navarro-Valls, has today criticized the media for “a raging phobia” against the Church over pedophilia while ignoring the problem in the rest of society which he says is widespread.
Webmaster's Commentary:
This is the "everyone fucks children - get off our back" defense.
Catholics have spared no pains to flood my mailbox with emails reminding me that the Talmud condones sex with children. There is also an organization, NAMBLA, which also has an agenda favoring sex with children.
Now, it occurs to me that all three entities, Talmudists, NAMBLAns, and Catholics might be screwing little children, but only two of them, Talmudists and NAMBLA, are honest and up front about what they want.
What is fueling the rage against the Catholic Church is that they are saying one thing but doing something entirely different, and when caught breaking not only their own declared rules but the civil laws as well, held themselves to be above the laws and covered up the scandals for decades.
It's that "Holier than thou" attitude and the hypocrisy it conceals that has really pissed people off. And the Pathetic spin being put forward is only making matters worse.
Satan behind media attacks on the Pope, asserts Italian exorcist
Noted Italian exorcist Father Gabriele Amorth, commented this week that the recent defamatory reporting on Pope Benedict XVI, especially by the New York Times, was “prompted by the devil.”
Pope's preacher compares abuse criticism to anti-Semitism
By Victor L. Simpson, The Associated Press
The Rev. Raniero Cantalamessa said in a Good Friday homily with the pope listening in St. Peter's Basilica that a Jewish friend wrote to him to say the accusations remind him of the "more shameful aspects of anti-Semitism."
Pope willing to excommunicate Catholic Priests accused of pedophilia, turn them over to authorities
In a surprising, yet reassuring turn of events, Pope Benedict XIV, the head of the Catholic Church has announced that he is willing to excommunicate any and all Catholic Priests who have been rightfully accused of pedophilia while in service to the Catholic Church.
"It is my sworn duty to uphold the tenets of the faith which rest securely on the never changing, holy scripture, which speaks succinctly, yet passionately, against sexual sin within the body of Christ." Pope Benedict wrote in a letter addressed to "Fellow Catholics, Christians, and citizens of this great planet."
Webmaster's Commentary:
Well, it sounds wonderful, and yes child molesters should go to jail. But this flip-flop, in which the same guy who covered up priestly sexual crimes for thirty years is now throwing same to the wolves to save himself, demonstrates that the church does change, which means there are no "eternal tenets"; only what is expedient for the moment.
In other words, the Pope just showed the world that the Catholic church, far from being an eternal and unchanging moral standard for the world, are just ordinary guys, a bunch of dirty old men doing what they please until they got caught.
Yes, throwing the priests into jail will possibly curtail the problem for the moment, but the real principle here is that if indeed the church represents some kind of divine moral authority, the problem should have never happened in the first place. The Pope may escape lawyers, but the church has destroyed its own image as a moral authority.
Catholic church reluctant to release residential schools records
The Roman Catholic Church is balking at the release of Indian residential schools documents that name individual church members, insisting its concern is purely about respecting
But the research director for
The Conservative government and the churches that helped run
For years, the churches,
There now appears to be broad agreement that names of individual students will be released only with their permission, but it remains undecided whether the names of church members – whether dead or alive – will be revealed.
Pierre Baribeau, the lawyer who speaks on behalf of 54 Catholic entities involved in the agreement, said Catholics are the ones waiting on the commission to produce a clear policy for how documents can be released while respecting federal and provincial privacy laws.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Remember that in this case, we are talking about more than just sexual and physical abuses; we are talking about outright deaths at the hands of the Catholic staff.
Webmaster's Commentary:
No embedding, so you have to go to their site to see this. Tell 'em I sent you!
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