Entrevue avec Christian Vachon, ing., M.Sc. sur les technologies solaires au Québec
Émission de L'Autre Monde du 28 août 2008: Entrevue avec Christian Vachon, ing., M.Sc. sur les technologies solaires au Québec
L'Autre Monde 28 août 2008
90 min / Radio de l'UQAM, CHOQ FM
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***Hyperliens vers les sources des informations discutées sur l'émission d'aujourd'hui:
Énerconcept Technologies inc.
Fire Fighters for 9-11 Truth
Illegal Immigrants Returning to Mexico in Record Numbers
Illegal immigrants are returning home to
Organized Crime Groups Dumping Weak US Dollar For Euro
The weakened US dollar has fallen out of favor with organized crime groups to pay for drug shipments or to settle scores, a Canadian government report said Friday.
US-led coalition airstrike kills 76 Afghans
The Afghan Interior Ministry said on Friday that 76 civilians, including women but mostly children, were killed in a coalition airstrike in western
Webmaster's Commentary:
Warning: very graphic photo of a dead or dying Afghani child at the top of this article.
But imagine, for one moment, that this was your kid.
Imagine, for one moment, what you would think of a government which allowed this to happen.
Imagine what you would be thinking about that government right now.
The US/NATO airstrikes are accomplishing two things right now, and two things only: they are killing scores of innocent non-combatants, and radicalizing those Afghanis left standing further against Karzai's regime in
What they are not accomplishing is creating any degree of dialogue and inclusion of the Taliban into the political process.
Of course, that would be logical, and the only real hope of resolving the insurgency.
Afghan Govt demands new rules of engagement
2008 Coolest For At Least Five Years
Man-made climate change advocates scramble to explain away failure of global warming to appear as ordered
Bayer on defensive in bee deaths
The complaint is part of efforts by groups on both sides of the Atlantic to determine how much Bayer CropScience knows about the part that clothianidin may have played in the death of millions of honeybees.
black helicopters over portland for dod terror drills
Don't worry -
FDIC Says 117 Banks In Trouble, More To Follow
The FDIC said 117 banks and thrifts were considered to be in trouble in the second quarter, up from
John McCain’s Rothschild Connection
Plane Crash Kills 115 In Iran
A military plane loaded with Iranian journalists crashed into a 10-story apartment building Tuesday as the pilot attempted an emergency landing after developing engine trouble. At least 115 people died, the
Webmaster's Commentary:
"Any minute that building will collapse. Just like the
UNC researchers find MSG use linked to obesity
People who use monosodium glutamate, or MSG, as a flavor enhancer in their food are more likely than people who don't use it to be overweight or obese even though they have the same amount of physical activity and total calorie intake, according to a University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Public Health study published this month in the journal Obesity.
Vaccines Found to Cause Diabetes in Children
Two new studies showing that vaccines increase the risk of diabetes have been published in the Open Pediatric Medicine Journal.
The product already existed inside that lab at Fort Detrich; the one that Dr.Zack was reported to have been detected entering without authorization after losing his job over a racially-motivated attack on an Egyptian co-worker (who was later the target of an attempted frame-up for the anthrax attacks).