L'Autre Monde 20 mai 2013 : La fin d'un système...
L'Autre Monde 20 mai 2013 : La fin d'un système...
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L'Autre Monde 20 mai 2013
90 min / Radio de l'UQAM, CHOQ FM
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Nombre d'émission: 235 Diffusion en direct : Lundi à 15:00h
Au programme cette semaine:
Nous discutons d'informations reliées au domaine de la santé et d'actualité internationale.
C'est en rendez-vous le lundi dès 15h pour l'émission la plus écoutée de CHOQ FM, la radio officielle de l'Université du Québec à Montréal !
***Hyperliens vers les sources des informations discutées sur l'émission d'aujourd'hui:
Canada : les
droits fondamentaux niés au nom de la lutte «anti-terroriste»
(Bon enfin on parle de la loi S-7...)
(Bon enfin on parle de la loi S-7...)
14 mai 2013
La Loi sur la lutte contre le terrorisme réintroduit deux mesures qui étaient auparavant incluses dans la loi antiterroriste de décembre 2001 : la détention préventive et les audiences d’investigation. Elles étaient devenues inopérantes en 2007 à cause d’une «clause crépusculaire» . La nouvelle loi augmente la sévérité des sentences pour les personnes qui refusent de coopérer avec des audiences d’investigation et criminalise le voyage à l’étranger ou la tentative de quitter le Canada pour commettre des actes terroristes.
Le Service canadien du renseignement de sécurité (SCRS) et la force de police nationale du Canada, la Gendarmerie royale du Canada (GRC), ainsi que Stephen Harper et ses conservateurs, ont pendant longtemps fait pression pour faire réintroduire la détention préventive et les audiences d’investigation.
La Chambre des communes devait débattre de la loi sur la lutte contre le terrorisme plus tard cette année. Mais le vendredi 19 avril — le même jour où les autorités des États-Unis ont placé Boston sous état de siège utilisant le prétexte de la poursuite d’un terroriste de 19 ans — le gouvernement a annoncé que le dernier débat sur la loi commencerait le lundi suivant. Ensuite, lundi le 22, dans ce qui était manifestent un spectacle politiquement orchestré de manière à favoriser un passage rapide de la loi antiterroriste du gouvernement, la GRC a annoncé l’arrestation de deux terroristes réputés associés à Al Qaeda. On a appris par la suite que la police les suivait depuis 8 mois et qu’il n’y avait aucune menace d’attentat imminente. (Voir en anglais : Canadian government unveils “terror plot” as it adopts draconian new law)
Adoptée de façon accélérée par le gouvernement libéral de Jean Chrétien dans les jours qui ont suivi les attaques du 11 septembre 2001, la Loi antiterroriste a créé une nouvelle catégorie de crimes motivés politiquement ou idéologiquement, sujette à de peines plus sévères, et a donné le pouvoir à la police de mettre de côté des libertés civiles vieilles de plusieurs siècles.
Les critiques de cette loi ont soulevé qu’elle donnait une définition très large du «terrorisme», une définition si floue que l’État pourrait l’appliquer à des actes d’opposition et de désobéissance civile ou à des grèves politiques.
Par contre, avant que la Loi antiterroriste de 2001 des libéraux soit adoptée, elle avait principalement été critiquée pour permettre la détention préventive (c’est-à-dire, l’arrestation sans motif d’accusation) et les audiences d’investigation. Concédant que ces deux nouveaux pouvoirs constituaient une rupture avec la pratique de la démocratie, le gouvernement a ultimement accepté de les soumettre à une «clause crépusculaire» selon laquelle elles expireraient après cinq ans sauf si le parlement votait expressément pour leur prolongation.
Ce sont ces pouvoirs, pouvoirs qui d’après le gouvernement n’ont jamais été utilisés pendant les cinq années durant lesquelles ils faisaient partie de l’arsenal de l’État, que les conservateurs ont maintenant réintroduits. «Nous donnons à la police les outils dont elle a besoin, outils qu’elle a demandés » a dit Candice Berge, la secrétaire parlementaire au ministre de la Sûreté publique, pour justifier la Loi sur la lutte contre le terrorisme.
La détention préventive donne à la police le pouvoir d’arrêter et de retenir des individus sans motif d’accusation pendant trois jours si elle pense qu’ils sont impliqués ou ont connaissance d’un futur acte terroriste. Si la police n’a toujours pas de preuves qui lui permettraient d’incriminer l’individu détenu à la conclusion des trois jours, elle peut aller devant un juge et demander l’imposition de «l’engagement assorti de conditions». Ces conditions, qui peuvent être imposées pendant un an, sont pratiquement arbitraires. Elles peuvent inclure de sévères restrictions sur la liberté de mouvement et de communication d’un individu jusqu’à l’exigence de rester régulièrement en contact avec la police pour l’informer de ses activités.
Toute personne soumise à une détention préventive n’a pas la possibilité de faire face à ses accusateurs ou de contester les preuves retenues contre elle. Tout non-respect des conditions imposées peut résulter en un an d’emprisonnement.
Alors que la détention préventive ne tient aucunement compte de l’habeas corpus, les audiences d’investigation, elles, nient complètement le droit au silence.
En vertu de la Loi sur la lutte contre le terrorisme des conservateurs, comme c’était le cas précédemment sous la Loi antiterroriste des libéraux, la police et la Couronne peuvent demander à la cour de convoquer une audience d’investigation afin de forcer des individus dont ils pensent qu’ils détiennent des informations concernant un acte terroriste planifié ou commis à répondre à leurs questions. Un individu convoqué devant une audience d’investigation ne peut pas contester les raisons pour lesquelles il a été convoqué. S’il refuse de comparaître devant la cour, ou s’il refuse de répondre à une question qu’on lui pose, il peut être emprisonné pendant un an.
Lors d’un échange révélateur en novembre dernier, en réponse à une question d’un député néo-démocrate, Donald Piragoff, un haut fonctionnaire du ministère de la Justice, a dit qu’une personne qui avait refusé de répondre à des questions lors d’une audience d’investigation, et qui avait été emprisonnée pendant un an, pouvait être convoquée à nouveau après sa libération et réemprisonnée si elle refusait toujours de «coopérer». «Essentiellement», a conclu Randall Garrison du NPD, «elle pourrait être détenue en prison indéfiniment… sans être reconnue coupable de quoi que ce soit.»
Quelques voix se sont élevées contre la Loi sur la lutte contre le terrorisme, mais l’écrasante majorité de l’élite du Canada appuie le piétinement de protections fondamentales contre un pouvoir étatique arbitraire. Le Globe and Mail, la voix traditionnelle de Bay Street et le journal le plus influent du pays, a fortement appuyé la loi, tout comme l’ont fait la plupart des journaux du pays. Les libéraux, l’autre parti formant traditionnellement le gouvernement canadien, se sont joints aux conservateurs pour voter en faveur de la loi. L’opposition officielle, le NPD, a voté contre, mais a clairement signalé que c’était à contrecoeur. Mike Sullivan, un député du NPD de Toronto, s’est plaint : «Tout le long, nous avons suggéré que nous pourrions appuyer le projet de loi si certaines des libertés enlevées par le gouvernement étaient restituées ou protégées d’une autre manière.» Pour sa part, Garrison mentionné ci-dessus s’est plaint des coupes dans les services frontaliers et d’autres secteurs de l’appareil de sécurité nationale. «Alors,» a déclaré Sullivan, «si nous allons vraiment nous attaquer au terrorisme, trouvons le bon point d’équilibre entre les ressources dont nous avons besoin et les lois existantes.»
Dans une lettre qu’elle a fait parvenir au Comité de la sécurité publique et nationale de la Chambre des communes signifiant son opposition à la loi, la Section nationale de la justice criminelle de l’Association du Barreau canadien a souligné que ses dispositions cruciales représentent «un abandon de règles légales établies». Elle avertit que bien qu’en ce moment, les défenseurs de cette loi la justifient comme une exception pour traiter du «terrorisme,» elle pourrait bientôt devenir la norme. «Si ces sections deviennent une partie intégrante acceptée du tissu normal du droit criminel, la justification exceptionnelle originelle peut très bien être oubliée. L’explication générale, à savoir qu’elles rendent l’application des lois plus efficace, peut facilement être utilisée pour justifier leur extension au-delà de leurs limites présentes.»
Dans une déclaration publiée le 28 novembre 2012, l’Association canadienne des libertés civiles (ACLC) a averti en des termes encore plus tranchants que la loi «normalise des pouvoirs exceptionnels qui sont contraires aux principes démocratiques établis et menacent des libertés civiles durement acquises.»
La déclaration de l’ACLC dit qu’«une personne pourrait être contrainte de témoigner devant un tribunal, arrêtée, détenue ou assujettie à des conditions de mise en liberté, tout ceci sans accusation. Un individu n’aurait alors aucune possibilité de contester la base sur laquelle il est contraint de participer à des audiences d’investigation.»
Ces commentaires, bien qu’ils ne soient qu’une simple énonciation de principes démocratiques, sont une exception.
Imposant un programme impopulaire et socialement régressif d’austérité, de guerre impérialiste et de criminalisation de luttes ouvrières, la classe dirigeante du Canada est toujours plus indifférente et hostile aux droits démocratiques fondamentaux.
Jones et Jack Miller
original en anglais : WSWS
IRS Faces Lawsuit After Stealing 60 Million Medical Records
The IRS is facing a lawsuit after stealing 60 million medical records from 10 million patients.
Healthcare IT News reported:
The Internal Revenue Service is now facing a class action lawsuit over allegations that it improperly accessed and stole the health records of some 10 million Americans, including medical records of all California state judges.
According to a report by Courthousenews.com, an unnamed HIPAA-covered entity in California is suing the IRS, alleging that some 60 million medical records from 10 million patients were stolen by 15 IRS agents. The personal health information seized on March 11, 2011, included psychological counseling, gynecological counseling, sexual/drug treatment and other medical treatment data.
CEO sentenced to death with immediate execution for financial fraud of 640 million yuan
In the morning of May 15, Wenzhou Intermediate People's Court of Wenzhou Xin Investment Consulting Co., Ltd. Executive Director and General Manager Lin (female, 39 years old, Wenzhou Ruian) financial fraud case first instance verdict,Lin found guilty of financial fraud, was sentenced to death, deprived of political rights for life and confiscation of all personal property.
We need more of that here!
BP, Shell London Headquarters Raided Over Oil Price Rigging Allegations
Two of Britain’s biggest oil companies British Petroleum (BP) and Royal Dutch Shell have been raided by European regulators over allegations of manipulating the oil price since 2002.
'Expect Israeli strikes on Russian arms shipment to Syria-Hezbollah'
http://www.israelhayom.com/site/newsletter_article.php?id=9329If these idiots fire on the Russians it will be the beginning of WW3!
U.S. officials tell The Wall Street Journal: Another round of Israeli airstrikes could target a new Russian transfer of Yakhont advanced anti-ship missiles in the near future • Russia moving more quickly than previously thought to deliver S-300 surface-to-air defense systems to Syria • CIA Director John Brennan in Israel to coordinate policy.
The paper reported that Russia currently has 11 ships in the eastern Mediterranean, organized into three taskforces, including destroyers, frigates, support vessels and intelligence-collecting ships. Another three-ship group of amphibious vessels is headed to the region. Russia's navy chief confirmed that warships from Russia's Pacific Fleet had entered the Mediterranean for the first time in decades, and that the taskforce might be reinforced with nuclear submarines, as the country starts building up a permanent fleet in the region.
Israel Hints at New Strikes, Warning Syria Not to Hit Back
http://www.nytimes.com/2013/05/16/world/middleeast/israeli-official-signals-possibility-of-more-syria-strikes.html?_r=1&In a clear warning to Syria to stop the transfer of advanced weapons to Islamic militants in the region, a senior Israeli official signaled on Wednesday that Israel was considering additional military strikes to prevent that from happening and that the Syrian president, Bashar al-Assad, would face crippling consequences if he retaliated.
"I dare you to strike back. I double-dog dare you! I triple-dog dare you!!!"-- Nodding Yahoo
US Suspends Constitution in Permanent World War on Terror
Two disturbing
developments have occurred in the last couple of days that have gone relatively
unnoticed compared to the recent IRS, AP, and Benghazi scandals.
First, the senate is debating an expansion of the already broad powers of the 2001 Authorization to Use Military Force (AUMF) so the U.S. can essentially engage any area in the world in the war on terror, including America. Which brings us to the second development: the Pentagon has recently granted itself police powers on American soil.
Assistant Secretary of Defense Michael Sheehan told Congress yesterday that the AUMF authorized the US military to operate on a worldwide battlefield from Boston to Pakistan. Sheehan emphasized that the Administration is authorized to put boots on the ground wherever the enemy chooses to base themselves, essentially ignoring the declaration of war clause in the US Constitution.
Senator Angus King said this interpretation of the AUMF is a "nullity" to the Constitution because it ignores Congress' role to declare war. King called it the "most astoundingly disturbing hearing" he's been to in the Senate.
First, the senate is debating an expansion of the already broad powers of the 2001 Authorization to Use Military Force (AUMF) so the U.S. can essentially engage any area in the world in the war on terror, including America. Which brings us to the second development: the Pentagon has recently granted itself police powers on American soil.
Assistant Secretary of Defense Michael Sheehan told Congress yesterday that the AUMF authorized the US military to operate on a worldwide battlefield from Boston to Pakistan. Sheehan emphasized that the Administration is authorized to put boots on the ground wherever the enemy chooses to base themselves, essentially ignoring the declaration of war clause in the US Constitution.
Senator Angus King said this interpretation of the AUMF is a "nullity" to the Constitution because it ignores Congress' role to declare war. King called it the "most astoundingly disturbing hearing" he's been to in the Senate.
Even ultra-hawk John McCain agreed that the AUMF has gone way beyond its authority.
"This authority ... has grown way out of proportion and is no longer applicable to the conditions that prevailed, that motivated the United States Congress to pass the authorization for the use of military force that we did in 2001," McCain said.
U.S. airlines collected more than $6 BILLION in extra fees last year by charging for carry-ons, soda, and prime seats
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2324587/U-S-airlines-collected-6-BILLION-extra-fees-year-charging-carry-ons-soda-prime-seats.html#ixzz2TKlhghPvU.S. airlines collected more than $6billion in baggage and reservation change fees from passengers last year — the highest amount since the fees became common five years ago.
Florida Quietly Shortened Yellow Traffic Light Lengths Below Federal Standards, Resulting in More Red Light Camera Tickets and Millions in Additional Revenue
A subtle, but significant tweak to Florida's rules regarding traffic signals has allowed local cities and counties to shorten yellow light intervals, resulting in millions of dollars in additional red light camera fines.
The 10 News Investigators discovered the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) quietly changed the state's policy on yellow intervals in 2011, reducing the minimum below federal recommendations
US Spring Temperatures Declining For Almost Thirty Years
US springtime temperatures have declined half a degree Celsius since 1985. The only year which alarmists remember is 2012.
Jury Concludes that FRAUD Put President Obama on the Ballot in 2008
A decision handed down by an Indiana jury in late April 2013 has concluded that outright fraud put both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton on the ballot in that state in 2008.Two Democratic operatives in the state were convicted of the illegal scheme.
A Fox News report provided the details:
Former longtime St. Joseph County Democratic
party Chairman Butch Morgan Jr. was found guilty of felony conspiracy counts to
commit petition fraud and forgery, and former county Board of Elections worker
Dustin Blythe was found guilty of felony forgery counts and falsely making a
petition, after being accused of faking petitions that enabled Obama, then an
Illinois Senator, to get on the presidential primary ballot for his first run
for the White House.
Morgan was accused of being the mastermind behind
the plot.
According to testimony from two former Board of
Election officials who pled guilty, Morgan ordered Democratic officials and
workers to fake the names and signatures that Obama and Clinton needed to
qualify for the presidential race.
Blythe, then a Board of Elections employee and
Democratic Party volunteer, was accused of forging multiple pages of the Obama
KBR Tells U.S. Army it will Cost $500 Million and Take 13 Years to Close out Its Iraq Contract
The recipient of the largest government services contract in U.S. history has told military officials it will take another 13 years and half a billion dollars to finish off its work stemming from the Iraq war.
This assessment from KBR Inc., which won the $38 billion deal from the U.S. Army way back in 2001, is at the heart of a legal battle between the two sides.
KBR qas responsible for aiding virtually all American military support operations as part of the Logistics Civil Augmentation Program (pdf) (LOGCAP) III in Iraq.
With the conflict over and the pullout of combat units, the Pentagon sought to alter the terms of payment for the remainder of the contract. U.S. Defense Department officials want to pay KBR a fixed amount for what’s left to do (which could save it hundreds of millions of dollars), while the company wants to be reimbursed for its efforts, which has been the case since the deal was arranged last decade.
Unflipping believable!
Saxo Bank CEO: The Euro Crisis Has Turned Into A Fatal Disaster And It Gets Worse and Worse Every Day
“In his keynote speech at this week’s #FXDebates event in London, Lars Seier Christensen, the co-founder and co-chief executive of Saxo Bank, said the euro crisis had turned into a fatal disaster with huge consequences for the members involved.”
Saxo Bank CEO On The ‘Eurozone Minefield’: “This Crisis Will Not Pass”
Niall Ferguson recently remarked, “[Europe] is a
politicial experiment gone wrong. The experiment was to see if Europeans could
be forced into an even closer union – despite their wishes – by economic means,
because the political means failed.” In this brief clip, Lars Seier Christensen, co-CEO
and co-founder of Saxo Bank, tells an audience at the Saxo #FXDebates in London that the
eurozone will eventually break up as Brussels claims even more power from
nation states. He warns investors that Cyprus was indeed a template for bail
ins and that outright confiscatory wealth taxes, disguised as
solidarity payments, could be used to raise funds. “The governments of
Europe need money, and the private sector has it. It is as simple as that. Be
very paranoid,” he said, warning investors that the mattress may be a safer
place to deposit money over the weekend than their bank accounts.
“Frankly, it is a complete mess. And it is a mess that gets worse
and worse every day,” is how the outspoken truthiness begins, adding,
“anyone with a rational view of the world now sees the currency collaboration
as a historic failure that can lead to even further fatal consequences for
Europe and the continent’s competitiveness vis-à-vis the rest of the world.”
Mali under indefinite occupation
Roger Annis
explains the backdrop to France's intervention in Mali, and what could be in
store for the country as the United Nations prepares to send forces.
May 13, 2013
FRANCE'S NATIONAL Assembly and Senate have voted
to extend the country's military intervention in Mali. A resolution passed both
houses of parliament on April 22. Not a single vote was cast in opposition.May 13, 2013
Three days later, the United Nations Security Council approved Resolution 2100, creating a policing mission beginning July 1, 2013. The mission is called by its French acronym MINUSMA. Its projected size is 11,200 soldiers and 1,440 police.
... until the gold runs out!
UN General Assembly passes resolution condemning Assad's forces in Syria war
http://rt.com/news/syria-resolution-un-condemn-328/The UN General Assembly voted to pass an Arab-backed draft resolution that strongly condemns the Assad government and embraces the political viability of the Syrian National Coalition. Russia’s UN envoy characterized the resolution as “counterproductive.”
The 193-member world body voted on Wednesday to pass the Qatari-drafted resolution condemning Syrian government forces and the “gross violation” of human rights in the country. The final vote tally: 107 in favor, 12 against and 59 abstentions. Russia, China, Syria, Iran and North Korea were among 12 countries to oppose the resolution, while South Africa, India and Brazil were among the dozens who abstained.
The draft resolution further welcomes the establishment of the Syrian National Coalition "as effective representative interlocutors needed for a political transition."
The document noted "the wide international acknowledgment" that the main opposition group is the legitimate representative of the Syrian people.
General Assembly resolutions are not legally binding and therefore cannot be enforced. The last Arab-sponsored General Assembly resolution regarding Syria was approved by an vote of 133-12 with 31 abstentions last August. UN diplomats said the decline in support for Wednesday's resolution showed growing concern about the nature of Syria’s fractured opposition fighting against the president of Bashar Assad.
Media Now Openly Admitting The Government Controls The News
A trio of Obama scandals has forced the corporate media admit its own reports are nothing more than the government-controlled talking points and not the product of a free and open press.
If you have been following the news lately you’ll notice there are 3 government scandals that the media is focusing on 1) The DOJ spying on the AP reporters 2) Benghazi gate 3) IRS targeting of activist groups.
While each of these are truly a damning indictment of the widespread corruption in our now gone rogue federal government, combing these three stories reveals an even bigger story which is recurring open admission by the media that the news they report is being controlled government.
These three scandals have led the media to rebel against the Obama administration in a way that it has not done in the past while at the same time forcing the media to admit some damning facts about the way news is truly originated in America.
The media’s reporting on the scandals has provided the public insights into the operations of the incestuous relationship between the press and the government.
Such revelations clearly suggest the corporate media is telegraphing to the public the American government has just gone way too far out of control.
These three scandals forced the corporate media to admit openly what has long been dismissed as merely conspiracy theory — that the corporate media is now openly admitting that they are in fact controlled stenographers that do nothing more than echo pre-scripted narratives outlined in talking points created by the rulers of America’s shadow government.
To be absolutely clear, that is not hyperbole nor is it speculation. It’s a fact that the corporate media is now openly admitting their reporting on the Benghazi scandal over the last 8 months has been merely the parroting of statements given by government officials who were merely echoing talking points issued by the CIA.
By now just about every news organization has repeatedly reported the story about how those CIA issued talking points were edited 12 times by various people in the shadow government before they were given to figureheads to relay to the press who in turned echoed them to the masses.
This is a direct admission that the false narrative about Benghazi that has been shoved down our throat as fact by the corporate media was nothing more than CIA issued talking points.
Since subliminal manipulation the consciousness of the masses is now a science that the government has completely mastered, let make make sure you have been deprogrammed before continuing.
Wake up – Every news outlet in the country is admitting 8 months of news reports about Benghazi were nothing more than the parroting of CIA issued talking points.
Let it sink in.
This is not hyperbole and not sensationalism.
The entire corporate media is now openly admitting what they presented to us as objective independent news reports was nothing more than echoing of list CIA talking points.
Does that not at all disturb anyone?
Most people that are disturbed are merely disturbed by the fact the talking points were lies.
That is what the media is telling us the scandal is.
But the real scandal here, and the one no one seems to have a problem with, is that the media is echoing an actual list government talking points to the public and manipulating the public into believing those talking points were the result of objective independently verified investigative journalism.
Yes the real scandal is that the government is entirely controlling the news and the media is doing nothing more regurgitating an official narrative crafted by spooks in the shadow government.
Those spooks operate in secret and disseminate their propaganda operation instructions to public figure heads behind the scenes who in turn relay that information to the media who then relays it to the public.
Information Operations, Google it.
But the media wants us to believe that the scandal is that CIA’s talking points were lies and that’s the only scandal the media wants you to see.
The media not dare look in the mirror and point onto itself.
URGENT - IRS-Rogue-Employees
Acting Internal Revenue Service Commissioner Steven Miller has said his agency has pinpointed two "rogue" employees in the agency's Cincinnati office as being principally responsible for "overly aggressive" handling of Tea Party requests for tax-exempt status over the past two years, a congressional source told CNN on Wednesday.
Carney: Republicans fabricated Benghazi emails
Asked about a leaked partial email obtained by CNN, Carney responded by saying a report he had seen showed Republicans not only leaked emails that have been shared with Congress but "decided to fabricate portions of an email and make up portions of an email in order to fit a political narrative."
The mud starts to fly!
Get out the popcorn; this is gonna be fun to watch!
DOJ Snooping on Journalists: A Witch Hunt to Enforce Obama Demand for Total Secrecy
According to the AP, the Justice Department monitored the work and personal phone records of more than 20 reporters and editors for months. From the very beginning of the Obama reign, there has been a war on whistleblowers, an effort to strike fear into those who might leak information to the press, a fight to make the Imperial Presidency more secret than it has ever been. Until now, the administration seemed to brazenly parade its achievement of prosecuting more people under the Espionage Act than all previous administrations. But with this latest fiasco, the administration seems to have crossed the line: now, they are too embarrassed to admit it.
“This investigation is broader and less focused on an individual source or reporter than any of the others we’ve seen,” said Steven Aftergood, of the Federation of American Scientists told The Washington Post. “They have swept up an entire collection of press communications. It’s an astonishing assault on core values of our society.”
However “irresponsible and damaging” the leaks were in John Brennan’s mind, the sweeping seizure of journalists’ phone records is a far greater scandal. This was a witch hunt to enforce the Obama administration’s demands for total secrecy. And after the leaking of internal White House and State Department emails revealing an effort to cover-up terrorist involvement in the Benghazi attacks as well as the just-released information on IRS policy of giving “special attention” to taxpayers who “criticize how the country is being run,” Obama’s second terms looks like its the biggest scandal of all.
This is perfectly predictable, from a President who has institutionalized torture, extrajudicial assassinations without due process, and indefinite detention of Americans without due process.
Spying on The Associated Press
The Justice Department is pursuing at least two major press investigations, including one believed to be focused on David Sanger’s reporting in a book and in The Times on an American-Israeli effort to sabotage Iranian nuclear works. These tactics will not scare us off, or The A.P., but they could reveal sources on other stories and frighten confidential contacts vital to coverage of government.
Which is the real White House agenda, or the DOJ would not have made the scan of AP's phone records public.
Historiquement, les vaccins ne présentent pratiquement aucun avantage, conclut une étude polonaise
Les preuves continuent de s’accumuler. Il n’est plus possible de nier le mal que font les vaccins. Pire, les preuves sont maintenant claires que les vaccins ont eu peu ou pas d’effet sur les maladies infectieuses, comme le montrent de récents graphiques. Le principe de précaution qui est inscrit dans une directive de l’ONU aurait dû être mis en place avant que les vaccins soient injectés de manière routinière.
Par Heidi
Stevenson, Gaia Health, le 13 mai 2013
Complications neurologiques post-vaccinales
Dans leur analyse des dommages neurologiques causés par les
vaccins, les auteurs de l’étude polonaise se sont principalement concentrés sur
le thimérosal, le mercure que peuvent contenir certains vaccins. Ils ont pu
noter que le pourcentage des personnes qui ont eu des réactions allergiques au
thimérosal a été de 13% aux Pays-Bas et de 21% en Autriche. Les réactions
allergiques au mercure sont souvent déclenchées par des injections de vaccins.
Outre l’effet cancérogène, les auteurs notent aussi une toxicité pour le cœur,
le foie, les reins et le système nerveux.
Les lecteurs de Gaia Health sont probablement
au courant que les nombreuses recherches qui sont effectuées sur les adjuvants
vaccinaux font ressortir que l’aluminium est l’objet des plus grandes
préoccupations. La réduction de la quantité de mercure dans les vaccins aux
Etats-Unis a contribué à réduire les cas d’autisme pour une courte période. Peu
de temps après cependant, un grand nombre de vaccins contenant de l’aluminium
comme adjuvant ont été ajoutés au programme. Ceci a contribué à augmenter les
cas d’autisme.
Au cours de 20 dernières années, des troubles neurologiques comme l’autisme,
les troubles du déficit de l’attention avec ou sans hyperactivité (TDA/H), les
retards mentaux et l’épilepsie ont augmenté très nettement à travers le monde.
Les auteurs écrivent :
« Depuis les années 1990, de nouveaux vaccins
pour nourrissons contenant du thimérosal ont commencé à être utilisés aux
Etats-Unis. Avec les vaccins contre l’hépatite B, DTC et Hib, les enfants
reçoivent une dose de 62,5µg de mercure, ce qui représente 125 fois plus que la
dose considérée comme sans danger (0,1µg/kg/jour). Ces rapports ont été la
raison pour laquelle les pays scandinaves ont interdit l’utilisation du mercure
depuis 1990. »
Un document décrit le décès de 19 nourrissons (MSN : Syndrome de la mort
subite du nourrisson) peu de temps après avoir reçu deux vaccins hexavalents.
Bien qu’il n’ait pas été prouvé que ce soient les vaccins qui aient provoqué
les décès, les auteurs de ce document suggèrent qu’il s’agit là « d’un
signal qui devrait attirer l’attention sur la nécessité de surveiller l’évolution
et les complications des vaccinations. »
La recherche épidémiologique a établi une relation directe entre l’augmentation
des doses de thimérosal et les taux d’autisme aux Etats-Unis depuis la fin des
années ’80 jusqu’à la moitié des années ’90. Les chercheurs ont trouvé une
corrélation entre les vaccins contre la rougeole qui contenaient du mercure et
la prévalence de l’autisme durant les années ’80. Les mêmes chercheurs
ont aussi trouvé des « odds ratios » statistiquement
significatifs, indiquant que l’augmentation des doses de mercure des vaccins
contenant du thimérosal pouvait être mise en relation avec l’augmentation des
taux d’autisme.
Vermont May Be First State to Require Labeling of Genetically Modified Food
It's not a done deal, but Vermont took the first step toward legally requiring the labeling of foods that have been genetically modified.
Boycott Monsanto – A Simple List of Companies to Avoid
In light of the recent public anger over the Monsanto Protection Act, here’s a simple, printable list of companies that use Monsanto products. By avoiding products made by companies on this list, you can help ensure your money isn’t going to Monsanto and also watch out for the health of your family and yourself.
Mexico - Ground Zero in the Fight Against Monsanto for the Future of Maize
Civil society organisations are raising their guard against the possibility that the government of conservative President Enrique Peña Nieto of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) may approve commercial cultivation of transgenic maize, a move widely condemned by environmentalists and other activists, academics, and small and medium producers due to the risks it poses.
In September, the U.S. corporations Monsanto, Pioneer and Dow Agrosciences presented six applications for commercial plantations of transgenic maize on more than two million hectares in the northwestern state of Sinaloa and the northeastern state of Tamaulipas.
Moreover, in January these companies and Syngenta presented 11 applications for pilot and experimental plots to grow transgenic corn on 622 hectares in the northern states of Chihuahua, Coahuila, Durango, Sinaloa and Baja California. And Monsanto has applied for an additional plantation in an unspecified area in the north of the country.
The big question, particularly as it relates to large planting of GMO maize, is, will it carry the epicyte gene, which forcibly sterilizes the people who eat it?!?
We know that ultra-rich like Melinda Gates openly support forced population reduction in the apparent belief that having a lot of money gives them the right to play God with the rest of humanity. Personally I think that if the population is to be reduced, that we start with such self-declared deities, to be followed by those who would condemn millions to death in wars to make a fast buck. But of greater concern is this. The Epicyte gene was in corn down in San Diego more than ten years ago. And we know know that modified genes can jump species through pollination, which is why the weeds once killed by Glyphosate are now as "Roundup Ready" as the GMO crops themselves. And we know that these modified genes can also jump from the original GMO frankenfood onto the natural varieties. Many people are already familiar with the case of Percy Schmeiser, who did not want GMO crops on his farm but discovered to his horror that pollen blowing from a neighboring field had contaminated his crops. When he complained, Monsanto sued him for "Patent Infringement" and demanded Schmeiser pay a technology fee to use his own saved seeds, since they included Monsanto's patented genes, and Schmeiser knowingly was replanting them. Schmeiser eventually persuaded the courts that he had never wanted Monsanto's products and the courts ruled against Monsanto, who eventually agreed to pay the costs to decontaminate Schmeiser's farm. Other farmers were not so lucky in the courts, and lost their farms to Monsanto in patent infringement lawsuits. The point is that for ten years, pollen from corn containing the Epicyte gene has been blowing around Southern California farms (along with everywhere else the Epicyte gene was "commercialized"). How far it has spread is impossible to determine without an extensive genetic survey of the food supply. That it may already be global cannot be ruled out. But there is no question that birth rates are in decline. While the corporate media may blame this birth rate drop solely on the economic problems (and there is no question this is a factor) there is also no question that doctors were noticing a sudden uptick in fertility problems back in 2008 before the economic explosion even happened. And the sudden reverse in US birth rates actually occurred in 2007, again before the economic crash took hold. Were economics the only factor, one would expect a smoother transition in birth rates as birth rate slowed, then plateaued, then went into decline, accelerating as the economy worsened. But in the above graph we see a sudden and dramatic reversal, suggesting some other cause. Note the drop is especially heavy in the Hispanic population, whose traditional diet relies very heavily on corn. Forced covert sterilization? Claire and I know a young couple desperate to have a baby, but she cannot conceive. The doctors have no idea what is wrong. But they have plenty of pills to sell her, some of which are producing serious side effects on their own. Here is the thing. In the mindset of the government, population equals wealth. Every officially proposed and implemented policy of population control calls for population control in other countries. National Security Study 200, which specifically targeted population in third-world countries for forced reduction, is the textbook case. If the population inside the United States is dropping, that means less soldiers and fewer taxpayers to prop up the system (despite the flood of instant citizens coming across the southern border). And that tells us that if indeed the Epicyte gene is at work inside the United States, it was unintentional; an industrial accident of unprecedented scale, bordering on an extinction level event. Think of the irony when those money-junkies who saw themselves as gods find they too are unable to have children. No doubt there will be a hefty business in creating cloned children for the ultra-rich, but you cannot sustain a civilization or a planet that way. Having broken into the wild, the Epicyte gene won't reduce the human population, it will drive it into extinction.
Smoking Marijuana Significantly Effective at Treating Crohn's Disease: Government Study
A study published earlier this month on the government's website National Institute of Health found that marijuana has "significant benefits" for treating Crohn's Disease and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).
"A short course (8 week) of THC-rich cannabis produced significant clinical, steroid-free benefits to 11 patients with active CD, compared to placebo, without side effects," the study concluded.
by Tel Aviv University, the study included 21 patients with Crohn's who
did not previously respond to therapy with steroids, immunomodulators, or
anti-tumor necrosis factor-α agents. Half of the control group were
given a placebo and the other half were given 2 marijuana joints per day.
Study: Regular Marijuana Use May Prevent Diabetes and Make You Skinnier
Current marijuana users
have 16 percent lower fasting insulin levels compared to non-users, according
to the American Journal of Medicine
Activist Post
Regular marijuana use is associated with favorable indices related to diabetic control, say investigators. They found that current marijuana users had significantly lower fasting insulin and were less likely to be insulin resistant, even after excluding patients with a diagnosis of diabetes mellitus. Their findings are reported in the current issue of The American Journal of Medicine.
Marijuana (Cannabis sativa) has been used for centuries to relieve pain, improve mood, and increase appetite. Outlawed in the United States in 1937, its social use continues to increase and public opinion is swinging in favor of the medicinal use of marijuana. There are an estimated 17.4 million current users of marijuana in the United States. Approximately 4.6 million of these users smoke marijuana daily or almost daily. A synthetic form of its active ingredient, tetrahydrocannabinol, commonly known as THC, has already been approved to treat side-effects of chemotherapy, AIDS-induced anorexia, nausea, and other medical conditions. With the recent legalization of recreational marijuana in two states and the legalization of medical marijuana in 19 states and the District of Columbia, physicians will increasingly encounter marijuana use among their patient populations.
A multicenter research team analyzed data obtained during the National Health and Nutrition Survey (NHANES) between 2005 and 2010. They studied data from 4,657 patients who completed a drug use questionnaire. Of these, 579 were current marijuana users, 1,975 had used marijuana in the past but were not current users, and 2,103 had never inhaled or ingested marijuana. Fasting insulin and glucose were measured via blood samples following a nine hour fast, and homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) was calculated to evaluate insulin resistance.
Regular marijuana use is associated with favorable indices related to diabetic control, say investigators. They found that current marijuana users had significantly lower fasting insulin and were less likely to be insulin resistant, even after excluding patients with a diagnosis of diabetes mellitus. Their findings are reported in the current issue of The American Journal of Medicine.
Marijuana (Cannabis sativa) has been used for centuries to relieve pain, improve mood, and increase appetite. Outlawed in the United States in 1937, its social use continues to increase and public opinion is swinging in favor of the medicinal use of marijuana. There are an estimated 17.4 million current users of marijuana in the United States. Approximately 4.6 million of these users smoke marijuana daily or almost daily. A synthetic form of its active ingredient, tetrahydrocannabinol, commonly known as THC, has already been approved to treat side-effects of chemotherapy, AIDS-induced anorexia, nausea, and other medical conditions. With the recent legalization of recreational marijuana in two states and the legalization of medical marijuana in 19 states and the District of Columbia, physicians will increasingly encounter marijuana use among their patient populations.
A multicenter research team analyzed data obtained during the National Health and Nutrition Survey (NHANES) between 2005 and 2010. They studied data from 4,657 patients who completed a drug use questionnaire. Of these, 579 were current marijuana users, 1,975 had used marijuana in the past but were not current users, and 2,103 had never inhaled or ingested marijuana. Fasting insulin and glucose were measured via blood samples following a nine hour fast, and homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) was calculated to evaluate insulin resistance.
Participants who reported using marijuana in the past month had lower levels of
fasting insulin and HOMA-IR and higher levels of high-density lipoprotein
cholesterol (HDL-C). These associations were weaker among those who reported
using marijuana at least once, but not in the past thirty days, suggesting that
the impact of marijuana use on insulin and insulin resistance exists during
periods of recent use. Current users had 16% lower fasting insulin levels than
participants who reported never having used marijuana in their lifetimes.
Large waist circumference is linked to diabetes risk. In the current study
there were also significant associations between marijuana use and smaller
waist circumferences.
"Previous epidemiologic studies have found lower prevalence rates of
obesity and diabetes mellitus in marijuana users compared to people who have
never used marijuana, suggesting a relationship between cannabinoids and
peripheral metabolic processes, but ours is the first study to investigate the
relationship between marijuana use and fasting insulin, glucose, and insulin
resistance," says lead investigator Murray A. Mittleman, MD, DrPH, of the
Cardiovascular Epidemiology Research Unit at the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical
Center, Boston.
"It is possible that the inverse association in fasting insulin levels and
insulin resistance seen among current marijuana users could be in part due to
changes in usage patterns among those with a diagnosis of diabetes (i.e., those
with diabetes may have been told to cease smoking). However, after we excluded
those subjects with a diagnosis of diabetes mellitus, the associations between
marijuana use and insulin levels, HOMA-IR, waist circumference, and HDL-C were
similar and remained statistically significant," states Elizabeth Penner,
MD, MPH, an author of the study.
Although people who smoke marijuana have higher average caloric intake levels
than non-users, marijuana use has been associated with lower body-mass index
(BMI) in two previous surveys. "The mechanisms underlying this paradox
have not been determined and the impact of regular marijuana use on insulin
resistance and cardiometabolic risk factors remains unknown," says
coauthor Hannah Buettner.
The investigators acknowledge that data on marijuana use were self-reported and
may be subject to underestimation or denial of illicit drug use. However, they
point out, underestimation of drug use would likely yield results biased toward
observing no association.
Editor-in-Chief Joseph S. Alpert, MD, Professor of Medicine at the University
of Arizona College of Medicine, Tucson, comments, "These are indeed
remarkable observations that are supported, as the authors note, by basic
science experiments that came to similar conclusions.
"We desperately need a great deal more basic and clinical research into
the short- and long-term effects of marijuana in a variety of clinical settings
such as cancer, diabetes, and frailty of the elderly," continues
Alpert." I would like to call on the NIH and the DEA to collaborate in
developing policies to implement solid scientific investigations that would
lead to information assisting physicians in the proper use and prescription of
THC in its synthetic or herbal form."
Bacteriophage therapy, the amazing cure for MRSA being ignored by mainstream medicine
It has been used as an effective treatment against bacterial infections for nearly 100 years, but the medical-industrial complex today refuses to recognize it as a valid form of medicine. And yet bacteriophage therapy, also known as phage therapy, has been shown time and time again to cure methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and various other antibiotic-resistant bacteria, which increasingly plague hospitals and healthcare facilities around the world and have no officially-recognized cure.
If you have never heard of phage therapy, it is probably because the American medical system largely abandoned it back in the 1950s and 1960s when antibiotic drugs arrived on the scene.
Flu vaccines failed to provide protection this year, particularly among elderly
Even with all its number-fudging and statistic-twisting, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) was unable to make the case this year that flu shots are legitimately effective at preventing the flu. Finally admitting what we have been saying for years here at Natural News, the CDC appears to be slowly coming to terms with the fact that flu shots are nothing more than medical quackery and snake oil, particularly among the elderly to whom they are most recommended.
CDC Warns Of Spread Of Deadly Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria
An antibiotic-resistant family of bacteria continues to spread throughout the U.S. health care system and is now prompting warnings from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
The bacteria, Carbapenem-Resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE), kill up to half of the patients who get the bloodstream infections from the disease. The disease has evolved a resistance to carbapenems, also called last-resort antibiotics.
In addition, the CRE bacteria can reportedly transfer its resistance to other bacteria within its family. The transfer of resistance can create additional life-threatening infections for patients in hospitals, longer-term health care facilities, and possibly otherwise healthy people, according to the CDC.
The CDC said almost all CRE infections occur in people receiving “significant medical care in hospitals, long-term acute care facilities, or nursing homes.”
I have to wonder if, possibly, the use of colloidal silver could be used to avoid and prevent infection.
20 Ingredients To Memorize and Avoid In ANY Food You Consume
Artificial flavors, colors, preservatives, emulsifiers, sweeteners have saturated the food supply for more than four decades. We are on the precipice of discovering what our toxic food industry has done to our bodies and our environment. There is a heightened awareness and a sense of caution on the minds of most grocery shoppers, so let's make it easier for them. Here are 25 of the most common toxic ingredients you must avoid in foods. The discovery of even one of these ingredients on a food label means "stay away."
This list is by no means all inclusive as there are dozens of other culprits, but these are the most commonly used by the food industry with little regard to consumer's health:
This list
is by no means all inclusive as there are dozens of other culprits, but these
are the most commonly used by the food industry with little regard to consumer's
1. Artificial Flavors
1. Artificial Flavors
Artificial flavorings are derived from chemicals made in a laboratory
and offer absolutely no nutritional value and are a magnet for processed foods.
They show up in almost everything today, including bread, cereals, flavored
yogurt, soups mixes, and cocktail mixers, so they can be hard to avoid. Every
single artificial flavor in the food industry has some kind of detrimental
health effect. These include neurotoxicity, organ, developmental, reproductive
toxicity and cancer.
2. Enriched Wheat
2. Enriched Wheat
Wheat is already one of those grains that should be avoided, but the key word to watch out for is 'enrichment'. That means niacin, thiamine, riboflavin, folic acid, and iron are added after these and other key nutrients are stripped out in the first place during the refining process. That applies to whether it's wheat, rye, or other grains. Enriched flour is really just refined flour that has had a few nutrients re-added to it, but not enough to make any food made from this nutritionally worthy.
Hydrogentated or Fractionated Oils
oil is a process most often used on palm and palm kernel oil that involves heating
the oil, then cooling it quickly so that it breaks up into fractions (hence the
name). The key thing is that the filtration process separates out most of the
liquid part of the oil, leaving a high concentration of solid unhealthy fat
behind which is terribly toxic for human consumption.
Hydrogenated oils are oils that are often healthy in their natural state, but are quickly turned into poisons through the manufacturing and processing they undergo. They take these naturally healthy oils such as palm, kernel, soybean, corn oil, canola oil or coconut oil and they heat it anywhere from five hundred to one thousand degrees. They then become fantastic preservatives because all the enzymatic activity in the oil has been neutralized during the hydrogenating process. Hydrogenated oils are the closest thing you can get to plastic sludge running through your body. If you see "hydrogenated" anywhere on an ingredient list, run like the wind.
Hydrogenated oils are oils that are often healthy in their natural state, but are quickly turned into poisons through the manufacturing and processing they undergo. They take these naturally healthy oils such as palm, kernel, soybean, corn oil, canola oil or coconut oil and they heat it anywhere from five hundred to one thousand degrees. They then become fantastic preservatives because all the enzymatic activity in the oil has been neutralized during the hydrogenating process. Hydrogenated oils are the closest thing you can get to plastic sludge running through your body. If you see "hydrogenated" anywhere on an ingredient list, run like the wind.
Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)
The food
additive "MSG" is a slow poison which hides behind dozens of
names, such as natural flavoring, yeast extract, autolyzed yeast extract,
disodium guanylate, disodium inosinate, caseinate, textured protein, hydrolyzed
pea protein and many others. Currently, labeling standards do not require MSG
to be listed in the ingredient list of thousands of foods.
MSG is
not a nutrient, vitamin, or mineral and has no health benefits. The part of MSG
that negatively affects the human body is the "glutamate", not the
sodium. The bound glutamic acid in certain foods (corn, molasses, wheat) is
broken down or made "free" by various processes (hydrolyzed,
autolyzed, modified or fermented with strong chemicals, bacteria, or enzymes)
and refined to a white crystal that resembles sugar.
There are a growing number of Clinicians and Scientists who are convinced that excitotoxins play a critical role in the development of several neurological disorders, including migraines, seizures, infections, abnormal neural development, certain endocrine disorders, specific types of obesity, and especially the neurodegenerative diseases; a group of diseases which includes: ALS, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, Huntington's disease, and olivopontocerebellar degeneration.
5. Sugar
There are a growing number of Clinicians and Scientists who are convinced that excitotoxins play a critical role in the development of several neurological disorders, including migraines, seizures, infections, abnormal neural development, certain endocrine disorders, specific types of obesity, and especially the neurodegenerative diseases; a group of diseases which includes: ALS, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, Huntington's disease, and olivopontocerebellar degeneration.
5. Sugar
single largest source of calories for Americans comes from sugar. Sugar is
loaded into your soft drinks, fruit juices, sports drinks, and hidden in almost
all processed foods--from bologna to pretzels to Worcestershire sauce to cheese
spread. And now most infant formula has the sugar equivalent of one can of
Coca-Cola, so babies are being metabolically poisoned from day one if taking
formula. Sugar changes metabolism, raises blood pressure, critically alters the
signaling of hormones and causes significant damage to the liver -- the least
understood of sugar's damages. These health hazards largely mirror the effects
of drinking too much alcohol, which they point out in their commentary is the
distillation of sugar. If it's not a natural sugar, it doesn't belong in your
6. High Fructose Corn Syrup
A few years ago, the Corn Refiners Association petitioned the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to allow the term ‘corn sugar’ as an alternative label declaration for high fructose corn syrup (HFCS). The reason? Too many people were finding out how lethal HFCS was for the human body.
HFCS causes insulin resistance, diabetes, hypertension, increased weight gain, and not to mention manufactured from genetically modified corn.
7. Potassium Benzoate and Sodium Benzoate
6. High Fructose Corn Syrup
A few years ago, the Corn Refiners Association petitioned the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to allow the term ‘corn sugar’ as an alternative label declaration for high fructose corn syrup (HFCS). The reason? Too many people were finding out how lethal HFCS was for the human body.
HFCS causes insulin resistance, diabetes, hypertension, increased weight gain, and not to mention manufactured from genetically modified corn.
7. Potassium Benzoate and Sodium Benzoate
Benzoate can convert into lethal carcinogenic poison when combined with
absorbic acid. Professor Peter Piper, a professor of molecular biology and
biotechnology, tested the impact of sodium benzoate on living yeast cells in
his laboratory. What he found alarmed him: the benzoate was damaging an
important area of DNA in the "power station" of cells known as the
mitochondria. "These chemicals have the ability to cause severe damage to
DNA in the mitochondria to the point that they totally inactivate it: they
knock it out altogether." he stated.
Potassium benzoate often shows up in seemingly innocuous foods such as apple cider, low-fat salad dressings, syrups, jams, olives, and pickles. It is just as hazardous as Sodium Benzoate so read your labels.
Potassium benzoate often shows up in seemingly innocuous foods such as apple cider, low-fat salad dressings, syrups, jams, olives, and pickles. It is just as hazardous as Sodium Benzoate so read your labels.
Artificial Coloring
colorings still on the market are linked with cancer. Blue 1 and 2, found in
beverages, candy, baked goods and pet food, have been linked to cancer in mice.
Red 3, used to dye cherries, fruit cocktail, candy, and baked goods, has been
shown to cause thyroid tumors in rats. Green 3, added to candy and beverages,
has been linked to bladder cancer. The widely used yellow 6, added to
beverages, sausage, gelatin, baked goods, and candy, has been linked to tumors
of the adrenal gland and kidney.
Acesulfame-K, also known as acesulfame potassium, represents one of the food additives used for sweetening aliments and drinks. It is approved by the FDA, but there are several potential problems correlated with consumption of this food additive. Even though there are many studies that attest its safety, acesulfame potassium is still suspected of causing benign thyroid tumors. In rats, the development of such tumors took only 3 months, a period in which the concentration of this additive in the consumed food was between 1 and 5 percent. This is a very short period of time, so the substance is believed to have significant carcinogenic properties. Methylene chloride, a solvent used in the manufacture of acesulfame potassium, is the substance that may give the food additive its potential carcinogenic characteristics.
10. Sucralose
Splenda/sucralose is simply chlorinated sugar; a chlorocarbon. Common chlorocarbons include carbon tetrachloride, trichlorethelene and methylene chloride, all deadly. Chlorine is nature's Doberman attack dog, a highly excitable, ferocious atomic element employed as a biocide in bleach, disinfectants, insecticide, WWI poison gas and hydrochloric acid. Chlorocarbons are never nutritionally compatible with our metabolic processes and are wholly incompatible with normal human metabolic functioning. Sucralose is a very common additive in protein mixes and drinks so beware all of you who love to add these into your smoothies.
11. Aspartame
The sale of aspartame, with only four calories per gram and 200 times sweeter than sugar, is sold under the trademarks NutraSweet and Equal. Results indicate that aspartame is a multi-potential carcinogen, even consumed daily at 20 milligrams per kilogram of body weight. That is a lower quantity than the maximum recommended by the FDA. It's one reason you should never purchase major brands of chewing gums.
12. BHA and BHT
Butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) and butylated hydrozyttoluene (BHT) are used to preserve common household foods. Any processed food that has a long shelf life is often filled with BHA. They are found in cereals, chewing gum, potato chips, and vegetable oils. They are oxidants, which form potentially cancer-causing reactive compounds in your body.
13. Propyl Gallate
Another preservative, often used in conjunction with BHA and BHT. It is sometimes found in meat products, chicken soup base, and chewing gum. Animals studies have suggested that it could be linked to cancer.
14. Sodium Chloride
A dash of sodium chloride, more commonly known as salt, is the culprit that the mainstream media and medical community claim we should stay away from. They're right, but only because it's not real salt. Common table salt (sodium chloride) has almost nothing in common with traditional rock or sea salt. If a food label lists salt, or sodium chloride as an ingredient, that's the bad stuff and you need to avoid these foods wherever possible.
15. Soy
Although it's often lauded as a healthy, cholesterol-free, cheap, low-fat protein alternative to meat, soy is NOT a health food. Any foods that list soy in any form as an ingredient should be avoided. Soy protein, soy isolate, and soy oil are present in about 60 percent of the foods on the market and have been shown to impair fertility and affect estrogen in women, lower sex drive, and trigger puberty early in children. Soy can also add to the imbalance between omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids.
The only soy products fit for human consumption are fermented and organic and I can guarantee you will never find this type of soy in any processed foods. The majority of soy is GMO and you can't get around this. Regardless of who I am speaking with, soy is one of those foods I use to gauge the nutritional IQ of others. You would not believe how many health practitioners and even Naturopathic Doctors still think soy is a health food. Please don't touch this stuff.
Acesulfame-K, also known as acesulfame potassium, represents one of the food additives used for sweetening aliments and drinks. It is approved by the FDA, but there are several potential problems correlated with consumption of this food additive. Even though there are many studies that attest its safety, acesulfame potassium is still suspected of causing benign thyroid tumors. In rats, the development of such tumors took only 3 months, a period in which the concentration of this additive in the consumed food was between 1 and 5 percent. This is a very short period of time, so the substance is believed to have significant carcinogenic properties. Methylene chloride, a solvent used in the manufacture of acesulfame potassium, is the substance that may give the food additive its potential carcinogenic characteristics.
10. Sucralose
Splenda/sucralose is simply chlorinated sugar; a chlorocarbon. Common chlorocarbons include carbon tetrachloride, trichlorethelene and methylene chloride, all deadly. Chlorine is nature's Doberman attack dog, a highly excitable, ferocious atomic element employed as a biocide in bleach, disinfectants, insecticide, WWI poison gas and hydrochloric acid. Chlorocarbons are never nutritionally compatible with our metabolic processes and are wholly incompatible with normal human metabolic functioning. Sucralose is a very common additive in protein mixes and drinks so beware all of you who love to add these into your smoothies.
11. Aspartame
The sale of aspartame, with only four calories per gram and 200 times sweeter than sugar, is sold under the trademarks NutraSweet and Equal. Results indicate that aspartame is a multi-potential carcinogen, even consumed daily at 20 milligrams per kilogram of body weight. That is a lower quantity than the maximum recommended by the FDA. It's one reason you should never purchase major brands of chewing gums.
12. BHA and BHT
Butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) and butylated hydrozyttoluene (BHT) are used to preserve common household foods. Any processed food that has a long shelf life is often filled with BHA. They are found in cereals, chewing gum, potato chips, and vegetable oils. They are oxidants, which form potentially cancer-causing reactive compounds in your body.
13. Propyl Gallate
Another preservative, often used in conjunction with BHA and BHT. It is sometimes found in meat products, chicken soup base, and chewing gum. Animals studies have suggested that it could be linked to cancer.
14. Sodium Chloride
A dash of sodium chloride, more commonly known as salt, is the culprit that the mainstream media and medical community claim we should stay away from. They're right, but only because it's not real salt. Common table salt (sodium chloride) has almost nothing in common with traditional rock or sea salt. If a food label lists salt, or sodium chloride as an ingredient, that's the bad stuff and you need to avoid these foods wherever possible.
15. Soy
Although it's often lauded as a healthy, cholesterol-free, cheap, low-fat protein alternative to meat, soy is NOT a health food. Any foods that list soy in any form as an ingredient should be avoided. Soy protein, soy isolate, and soy oil are present in about 60 percent of the foods on the market and have been shown to impair fertility and affect estrogen in women, lower sex drive, and trigger puberty early in children. Soy can also add to the imbalance between omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids.
The only soy products fit for human consumption are fermented and organic and I can guarantee you will never find this type of soy in any processed foods. The majority of soy is GMO and you can't get around this. Regardless of who I am speaking with, soy is one of those foods I use to gauge the nutritional IQ of others. You would not believe how many health practitioners and even Naturopathic Doctors still think soy is a health food. Please don't touch this stuff.
16. Corn
We are at the point where all corn products, including fresh corn should be avoided. The percentage of genetically modified corn is just far too high. You will never know if you are actually consuming organic corn. Modified cornstarch, dextrose, maltodextrin, and corn oil should all be avoided. All are high in omega-6 fatty acids, which can promote inflammation, cancer, and heart disease. While your body needs both omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids to perform at its full potential, most experts recommend an omega-6 to omega-3 ratio of 1:1--currently most Americans consume about 15-20 times more omega-6 acids than omega-3s.
We are at the point where all corn products, including fresh corn should be avoided. The percentage of genetically modified corn is just far too high. You will never know if you are actually consuming organic corn. Modified cornstarch, dextrose, maltodextrin, and corn oil should all be avoided. All are high in omega-6 fatty acids, which can promote inflammation, cancer, and heart disease. While your body needs both omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids to perform at its full potential, most experts recommend an omega-6 to omega-3 ratio of 1:1--currently most Americans consume about 15-20 times more omega-6 acids than omega-3s.
Potassium Sorbate
As one of the most prolific preservatives in the food industry, it is difficult to find an ice cream without potassium sorbate. However, it is not only recommended to avoid this chemical, it's a necessity to eliminate it from our foods. The food industry and its scientists will parrot endless myths that potassium sorbate is not a health threat because of its safety record and non-toxic profile. This could not be further from the truth.
Food and chemical toxicology reports have labeled potassium sorbate as a carcinogen, showing positive mutation results in the cells of mammals. Other studies have shown broad systemic and toxic effects on non-reproductive organs in animals. No long term studies have ever been initiated on either animals or humans, so there is simply not enough evidence to theorize what could happen after years of ingesting this preservative. However, based on short-term carcinogenic and toxic effects, is it worth the risk to find out?
18. Soy Lecithin
As one of the most prolific preservatives in the food industry, it is difficult to find an ice cream without potassium sorbate. However, it is not only recommended to avoid this chemical, it's a necessity to eliminate it from our foods. The food industry and its scientists will parrot endless myths that potassium sorbate is not a health threat because of its safety record and non-toxic profile. This could not be further from the truth.
Food and chemical toxicology reports have labeled potassium sorbate as a carcinogen, showing positive mutation results in the cells of mammals. Other studies have shown broad systemic and toxic effects on non-reproductive organs in animals. No long term studies have ever been initiated on either animals or humans, so there is simply not enough evidence to theorize what could happen after years of ingesting this preservative. However, based on short-term carcinogenic and toxic effects, is it worth the risk to find out?
18. Soy Lecithin
Lecithin has been lingering around our food supply for over a century. It is an
ingredient in literally hundreds of processed foods, and also sold as an over
the counter health food supplement. However, most people don't realize what soy
lecithin actually is, and why the dangers of ingesting this additive far exceed
its benefits.
Soybean lecithin comes from sludge left after crude soy oil goes through a "degumming" process. It is a waste product containing solvents and pesticides. The toxic hexane extraction process is what is commonly used in soybean oil manufacture today. Another big problem associated with soy lecithin comes from the origin of the soy itself. Look out for this emulsifier in ice creams, chocolate and many processed creams.
Soybean lecithin comes from sludge left after crude soy oil goes through a "degumming" process. It is a waste product containing solvents and pesticides. The toxic hexane extraction process is what is commonly used in soybean oil manufacture today. Another big problem associated with soy lecithin comes from the origin of the soy itself. Look out for this emulsifier in ice creams, chocolate and many processed creams.
Polysorbate 80
Polysorbate 80 has been found to negatively affect the immune system and cause severe anaphylactic shock which can kill. Food and Chemical Toxicology has shown that Polysorbate 80 causes infertility. It accelerates maturing, causes changes to the vagina and womb lining, hormonal changes, ovary deformities and degenerative follicles. What is very suspicious about this ingredient is its addition to vaccines. Scientists are obviously aware of its ability to cause infertility yet it continues to appear in children's vaccines. You will also commonly find this in a child's favorite treat, ice cream.
Polysorbate 80 has been found to negatively affect the immune system and cause severe anaphylactic shock which can kill. Food and Chemical Toxicology has shown that Polysorbate 80 causes infertility. It accelerates maturing, causes changes to the vagina and womb lining, hormonal changes, ovary deformities and degenerative follicles. What is very suspicious about this ingredient is its addition to vaccines. Scientists are obviously aware of its ability to cause infertility yet it continues to appear in children's vaccines. You will also commonly find this in a child's favorite treat, ice cream.
Canola oil
Canola or
rapeseed oil is poisonous to living things and is an excellent insect
repellent. It is an industrial oil, not a food. It is a genetically modified
plant designed through intensive breeding and genetic engineering techniques.
The Canadian government and industry paid the FDA $50 million dollars to have
canola oil placed on the (GRAS) List, "Generally Recognized As Safe".
It is becoming increasingly difficult to find products that do not contain
Canola oil. Please do not buy any food product containing canola oil.
Marco Torres is a
research specialist, writer and consumer advocate for healthy lifestyles. He
holds degrees in Public Health and Environmental Science and is a professional
speaker on topics such as disease prevention, environmental toxins and health
Why Birth Control and Artificially Manipulating Your Hormones Causes Cancer
Waking TimesThe conventional medical opinion is that birth control is one of the most important hallmarks of an advanced society. Those well-versed in natural health including many scientists know that it is also the hallmark of disease that only leads to lasting and damaging long-term health effects. Bluntly stated, when it comes to your health, if you artificially mess with your hormones, you’ll eventually be in a world of trouble.
Approved by the USDA -- Common additive in organic food triggers significant inflammation and cancer
Think the USDA has your back concerning organics? Think again. Behind closed doors, corporate interests reign supreme where certified organic policy is concerned. A prime example is the use of carrageenan as a common ingredient. Linked with cancer and inflammation, this accepted additive opens a floodgate of serious health issues. And consumers are generally unaware of the risks while savoring their organic fare. Fortunately, The Cornucopia Institute has exposed the hypocrisy while providing resources for avoiding this disturbing substance found in our favorite foods.
Why you should boycott the American Red Cross and give to other groups instead
It’s not that hard to boycott the American Red Cross if you’re a disaster victim.Your odds of finding one them, let alone getting help from them, are close to infinitesimal.
Unless news media cameras are around…
Then you can count on one (very thin) blanket, a bottle of water and a hug which, if you’re lucky, will appear in Red Cross advertising all across this great land of ours.
Hugs and photo ops. That’s the real business the American Red Cross is in.
And cash. Lots and lots of donor cash – raised during moments of extreme distress and spent any way the Red Cross pleases (and it pleases the Red Cross to spend it on things other than helping the people you sent it to help.)
Their business model is simple: they take real cash in and give “virtual” help out.
Lots of pictures. Very little action and even less
material help.
If you’re reading this, you’re probably not a disaster victim which is good
because this article is for you. It’s you who should boycott the American Red Cross.
There are many, many other groups that are doing great work in the disaster zone.
They’re spending real money and providing real help in the area. In many cases, they are spending 100% of every penny they receive for direct relief and are raising their admin costs through other means.
You’ll find groups we have examined over the years and trust at: http://www.HelpAfterSandy.org
More evidence of the continuing lack of meaningful Red Cross response. Keep in mind that this was filmed three full weeks after the storm:
You’ll find groups we have examined over the years and trust at: http://www.HelpAfterSandy.org
Here is a local businessman who is working seven days a week twelve and more hours a day to help his community.
He is very polite and diplomatic in his answer, but if you translate what he actually is saying, help from government “emergency services” and the Red Cross is very thin indeed. (This was also filmed three weeks after the storm.)
You’ll find groups we have examined over the years and trust at: http://www.HelpAfterSandy.org
Lest you think that the Red Cross poured on the help right after the storm and are exhausted by their initial response, here’s a clip that shows that was not the case.
Analysis Finds Monsanto’s GM Corn Nutritionally Dead, Highly Toxic
Mike Barrett, Natural SocietyWaking Times
Is GMO corn nutritionally equivalent to non-GMO corn? Monsanto will tell you the answer is a big ‘yes’, but the real answer is absolutely not. And the simple reality is that they are continuing to get away with their blatant misinformation. In fact, a 2012 nutritional analysis of genetically modified corn found that not only is GM corn lacking in vitamins and nutrients when compared to non-GM corn, but the genetic creation also poses numerous health risks due to extreme toxicity.
With the recent passing of the Monsanto Protection Act, there is no question that mega corporations like Monsanto are able to wield enough power to even surpass that of the United States government. The new legislation provides Monsanto with a legal safeguard against federal courts striking down any pending review of dangerous GM crops. It is ironic to see the passing of such a bill in the face of continuous releases of GMO dangers.
Non-GMO Corn 20x Richer in Nutrition than GMO Corn
The 2012 report, entitled 2012 Nutritional Analysis: Comparison of GMO Corn versus Non-GMO Corn, found numerous concerning and notable differences between GMO and non-GMO corn, none of which are particularly surprising. First, the report found that non-GMO corn has considerably more calcium, magnesium, manganese, potassium, iron, and zinc.- Non-GMO corn has 6130 ppm of calcium while GMO corn has 14 – non-GMO corn has 437 times more calcium.
- Non-GMO corn has 113 ppm of magnesium while GMO corn has 2 – non-GMO corn has about 56 times more magnesium.
- Non-GMO corn has 113 ppm of potassium while GMO corn has 7 – non-GMO corn has 16 times more potassium.
- Non-GMO corn has 14 ppm of manganese while GMO corn has 2 – non-GMO corn has 7 times more manganese.
Image from www.momsacrossamerica.com.
Click for full-size version.
GMO Corn Also Found to be Highly Toxic
Not surprisingly, the report found what many of us already know – that GMO corn is highly toxic. While non-GMO corn was found to be free of chlorides, formaldehyde, glyphosate (active ingredient in Monsanto’s best selling herbicide Roundup), and other toxic substances, GMO corn is riddled with these toxins.Based on the Environmental Protection Agency’s regulations, the maximum amount of glyphosate allowed in drinking water is 700 parts per billion, which equates to .7 ppm. The amount is a set “level of protection based on the best available science to prevent potential health problems”. Europe allows even less glyphosate in water, at .2 ppm. The report found that GMO corn contains 13 ppm – that’s 18.5x the “safe amount” set by the EPA.
Similarly, GMO corn contains concerning levels of toxic formaldehyde, at 200 ppm. According to Dr. Don Huber, a respected expert on GMOs, at least one study found that 0.97 ppm of ingested formaldehyde was toxic to animals. The GMO corn was found to contain 200 times more formaldehyde than this ‘maximum’ safety amount.
Image from www.momsacrossamerica.com.
Click for full-size version.
Biotech Giants Like Monsanto Caught Lying Again
Monsanto has been making the claim for years that genetically modified foods are equivalent or even of higher quality than non-GMOs, but nothing could be further from the truth. Numerous studies have shown us the dangers of GMO foods such as GMO corn, along with the dangers of the massive amount of pesticides that accompany GMO crops. This 2012 report reminds us once again that corporations like Monsanto simply can not be trusted, and that the company will continue making false claims until the end of days in order to profit and slowly genetically engineer the world.—
The 2012 report 2012 Nutritional Analysis: Comparison of GMO Corn versus Non-GMO Corn, was reportedly shared with the owners of MomsAcrossAmerica.com by De Dell Seed Company, the only non-GMO seed supplies in Canada. De Dell Seed Company received the document from a company called ProfitPro, based in Minnesota.
Poland Becomes The 8th EU Nation To Ban Monsanto Maize
Poland has become the eighth EU member state to ban the cultivation of genetically modified (GM) crops. Seven other EU member states have already imposed bans on the cultivation of GM crops approved by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) as safe: Austria, France, Germany, Hungary, Luxembourg, Greece and Bulgaria.
How corporations engineered the non-regulation of dangerous genetically modified foods
Government officials around the globe have been
coerced, infiltrated, and paid off by the agricultural biotech giants. In
Indonesia, Monsanto gave bribes and questionable payments to at least 140
officials, attempting to get their genetically modified (GM) cotton approved.[1]
In India, one official tampered with the report on Bt cotton to increase the
yield figures to favor Monsanto.[2]
In Mexico, a senior government official allegedly threatened a University of
California professor, implying “We know where your children go to school,”
trying to get him not to publish incriminating evidence that would delay GM
While most industry manipulation and political collusion is more subtle, none
was more significant than that found at the US Food and Drug Administration
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