Émission de radio L'Autre Monde

Émission de radio L'Autre Monde

jeudi 2 septembre 2010

L'Autre Monde 2 septembre 2010 (1/3): Le deuxième puits de BP, Économie en dépression et les dessous de la guerre en Irak


L'Autre Monde 2 septembre 2010 (1/3): Le deuxième puits de BP, Économie en dépression et les dessous de la guerre en Irak

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L'Autre Monde 2 septembre 2010

90 min / Radio de l'UQAM, CHOQ FM

Diffusion en direct : Jeudi à 11:00h
Animation : François Marginean
Réalisation : François Marginean
Correspondant Français : Stéphane Poutoire
Archives d'émission

Au programme cette semaine, 2 septembre 2010:

Nous touchons au dossier de BP et de la grande fraude du puit "colmaté" et des énormes conséquences désastreuses dans toute la région du Golfe du Mexique; de l'économie mondiale et des États-Unis, de l'actualité mondiale et brossons une claire perspective de ce qui se passe en Irak et des Néocons.

Soyez de la partie les jeudis dès 11h sur les ondes de CHOQ FM, la radio officielle de l'UQÀM, l'alternative à Montréal et dans le monde!

***Hyperliens vers les sources des informations discutées sur l'émission d'aujourd'hui:

L’incroyable arnaque de BP: le puits (B) qui n’a jamais été colmaté

Matthew Simmons, BP et la marée noire

Matt Simmons apparently drowned at his home Sunday night

The Knox County Sheriff's Department says Matthew Simmons, the founder of the Ocean Energy Institute, drowned at his house on North Haven late Sunday night.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Scientists Confirm Matt Simmons Claim by discovering 2 Giant Underwater Oil Spills

Matt Simmons Says Gulf Clean Up Will Cost Over $1 Trillion, Sees BP At $1, Says "We Have Now Killed The GoM"

GULF OIL DISASTER - Matt Simmons: "Theres another leak, much bigger, 5 to 6 miles away"

Matt Simmons Has Died

Webmaster's Commentary:

This story says heart attack where the earlier reports were that he drowned.

FLASHBACK - Matt Simmons - They are Still Lying About Oil Disaster

Matt Simmons - They are Still Lying About Oil Disaster (2-3)

Matt Simmons Has Died: BP critic and oil expert Matt Simmons dies a Mysterious Death.

BP critic and oil expert Matt Simmons dies of heart attack. Simmons was proponent of peak oil. Another report states Simmons drowned at home, which will skew autopsy tests for poisons

Le bouchon a-t-il vraiment colmaté la fuite de pétrole?

MSNBC July 15: Matt Simmons says BP covering up MASSIVE HOLE miles away, cap test is “absurd”

“What do you know about this cap, Matt?”
“The whole thing is just absurd.”

Je ferais peut-être mieux de commencer à me promener avec une veste pare-balles! ;-)

BP laisse une piste suspecte de corps morts qui semblent être « connectés ». Étrange??? À vous de décider.

N’y a-til pas eu un contracteur de BP qui a été frappé et tué par une voiture? Matt Simmons et sa crise de coeur ou sa noyade (ils en viennent même qu’à hésiter dans la « cause officielle » de sa mort… Deux autres contracteurs de BP se sont suicidés… et, bien sûr, le sénateur Ted Stevens (qui avait des liens avec BP) et son crash d’avion en Alaska. Et quoi d’autre????

- Boat explosion in Buras injures several fishermen

A boat explosion in Buras has left several people injured, including a former Plaquemines Parish councilman.

Breaking Gulf news: Land Surveyor proves Simmons right. TV well sham.

In a series of four short videos (below), the unidentified land surveyor presents official BP public documents that he downloaded, compared to "live coverage" revealing the TV illusion. He explains in layman's terms what has transpired using BP surveyor maps and documents.
According to the public documents, not only are there the two wells Matt Simmons has insisted exist. The documents also reveal that the plan since the beginning of the operation has been to abandon both wells.
Simmons stated in July, "There is no way BP would not know they were misleading everyone," and, "They would have to be deaf, dumb, and blind and they're not. These are smart guys."

Webmaster's Commentary:


Boat explosion in Buras injures several fishermen

A boat explosion in Buras has left several people injured, including a former Plaquemines Parish councilman.

Webmaster's Commentary:

BP is leaving a suspicious trail of 'connected' bodies. Strange??? You decide.
Wasn't there a BP contractor who was hit, and killed, by a car? Matt Simmons and his heart attack... Two BP contractors 'suddenly' commit suicide... And, of course, Alaskan X Senator Ted Stevens (with BP ties) and his strange plane crash. Any more??


Click for larger image
Click for larger image

BP Has Two Different Oil Wells Spewing Underwater

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Gone in 18 Seconds -- BP's Lie Dismissed

First, I would like to credit "Marine Scout" for
posting this discussion in an online forum. Once again, I did not discover this video, I'm only reporting on it. Second, I encourage you to hover your mouse over the lower right corner of the video and click on the Youtube logo when it fades up -- viewing the video on Youtube's own site you will be able to get better resolution than you can with it embedded here.

But it only takes 18 seconds to realize that what I first wrote about several days ago is in fact the awful truth -- BP are lying when they say that their well is capped with no oil leaking out from other spots in the ground, that there was only one well leaking oil and that all the oil in the Gulf has magically disappeared. One well, the one you see on TV is capped. The other one, Well B, where Deepwater Horizon blew is probably not capped at all. Insiders reported in the weeks after the explosion that the blowout preventer on that well was blown miles away by the force of the blast. In any case, BP have officially denied to me that a second well exists or that they even ever gained government permission to drill Well B, even though they applied for it. And even though, as you will see, there is equipment at the B site and it was leaking oil just like its sister well.

I wrote an email a couple days ago to BP's press office, challenging them on the discrepancy in the Skandi ROV footage I had captured, which I posted about on this blog earlier in the week. Here is the response I received:

BP ‘s exploration plans for Mississippi Canyon, Block 252, references two possible well locations -- well location "A" and well location "B." But BP eventually sought and received approval to drill only one well -- a well at the "A" location referenced in the exploration plan. This one well is now known as the MC252 (or Macondo) exploratory well. The Transocean Marianas rig started drilling the MC252 exploratory well in October 2009. The Marianas rig was subsequently damaged by Hurricane Ida, so in February 2009 the Transocean Deepwater Horizon was brought in to finish the well.


Sheila Williams
BP Group Press Officer
Tel: (office) + 44 (0)2074964851
Mobile: +44 (0) 07788190449
e-mail: sheila.williams@uk.bp.com

I almost gave up and believed her. But I clearly recalled hearing both on the radio and on television that BP drilled one well first, ran into problems, capped it and moved to a second site, which is where Deepwater Horizon drilled the doomed well and the rig exploded. According to Ms. Williams, all activity occurred at one site, site A, but I couldn't absolutely prove with the video I captured myself that we were being shown two wells on television -- all I had was proof that we were being shown the first well, Well A and not Well B, where the explosion occurred. None of what Ms. Williams says makes sense. Now there is incontrovertible video evidence of BP's deception.

Watch in this short video as their lie is revealed. The X-coordinate, toward the upper left of the ROV's onscreen display is what to look for. It's actually labeled E for East, but when going back and looking at the
Initial Exploration Plan that BP filed that equals the X-axis on the map of the sea floor. The video is blurry, but you can make out "E: 1202512.35" A couple seconds later you see "E: 1202879.69." Then after another few seconds when the television switches to another clip, the ROV is sitting at "E: 1202496.94."

Go look at the PDF file linked above from the Minerals Management Service -- BP applied to drill Well A at "X:1202803.88" and Well B at "X: 1202514.00." There it is, plain as day. There were two wells drilled, as has been reported once or twice in the mainstream media. Ms. Williams of BP is spreading disinformation. Here you will see an image of BP's filed plan for Well A followed by a capture from the second of the three underwater shots in the video:

And since that video from RT is a bit blurry and lacking in contrast between the white numbers onscreen and the petroleum behind it, here is a video that I myself captured on June 13, showing the ROV at "X: 1202802.63" though the numbers shift very slightly as the sub sways with the ocean current. That is just a hair away from X-1202803.88 where Well A is, and that hair is the distance from the ROV to the equipment itself. It is looking at Well A.

Now that you've seen Well A, where BP's subs are now, I'll show you the rare mystery footage. We will now switch sites and you will see the location of Well B in that same document that BP filed with the government followed by screens captured from the first and third underwater scenes in the RT video linked to at the top of this post:

So there it is in black and white next to living color. BP are lying. Ms. Williams either lied or was given false information to send me in order to attempt to throw me off track. Two wells, two distinct locations, twin wellheads and all the other equipment. And still the video from the Skandi subs are showing Well A on your network and cable news, but you clearly see a well at location B also spewing oil in the Youtube video.

This is 100% concrete evidence that we have been and still are being lied to, except that we are no longer being deceived, thanks to Youtuber who first brought to my attention the discrepancy in the underwater coordinates, and the forum user who linked to this 18-second video.

Ladies and gentlemen, I implore you to spread this information to your local media, to your friends and family, neighbors, co-workers, anyone who will listen. This information must enter the mainstream media if BP are to be brought to justice for this deception. So far Mike Rivero is the only media figure who has discussed this. But it takes less than half a minute to see for yourself the con job that the company is still getting away with. Get this video and PDF file of BP's exploration plan to Beck, O'Reilly, Hannity, Cooper, Olbermann, Maddow, anybody.

The entire country is furious with what BP has done and not done in the Gulf. This is not a left vs. right issue, everyone cares. Everyone cares and everyone, no matter their political affiliation, wants to know the truth. Here is the truth in a very quick, easy-to-understand gift-wrapped package. Two wells, both having been damaged and spewing oil and methane into the Gulf of Mexico.

I wonder what Ms. Williams of BP will say now? Why, if BP "eventually sought and received approval to drill only one well -- a well at the 'A' location referenced in the exploration plan" as she wrote me is there footage from their own ROV of not only second well, at the B location they applied for, but why was it also spewing oil at the end of May. I suppose Ms. Williams will claim that that was stock footage, or that the location finding system on the Skandi ROV just happened to send an erroneous signal fooling the computers into believing that it was somewhere it wasn't. Only that random, non-existent somewhere just so happened to precisely where BP applied for Well B.

The time when BP could get away with their continual lying is over now. The government must immediately investigate why BP has two wells and why both were caught on video from their own submersibles and broadcast on television leaking. Then the company should be shut down and their assets seized for this grand deception, trying to wriggle their way out from being financially responsible for the worst environmental disaster in recorded human history.

[To see my original post after having discovered the fraud, follow
this link.]

I have just discovered another video on Youtube, completely separate from the RT footage that was broadcast, on a different day, showing a much clearer view of Well B spewing oil, and you can clearly see that oil is coming directly out of the well, which was not as clearly defined in the RT video. Behold:

This video is from June 7 and shows in very distinct numbers that the ROV is located at X-1202476.576. Well B's location in other words. The well which BP still refuses to admit exists. What say you now, Ms. Williams? Busted.


Just so that people can have the evidence of both wells with their separate coordinates on one screen without having to scroll up and down, I'll repost a video from Well A with it's coordinates easily visible. Compare and contrast! X-1202476 on the video above, X-1202796-1202803 in the other, fluctuating slightly, and remember that this is Well A, it's just the bottom of these pair because I decided to add it later on as an update:
BP's own document shows Well A's location at X:1202803.88 and their ROV shows X-1202802.63. BP's Exploration Plan shows Well B to be drilled at X:1202514.00 and their ROV is shown sitting in front of a different gushing well at X-1202476.56. Neither ROV position can ever be shown on screen as exactly the coordinates in BP's document, because that is the center of the well pipe. In order for the numbers to be exactly the same down to the decimal point, the ROVs would have to be filming inside the well casings, which is, of course, impossible. Plus the subs have to maintain some distance between themselves and the center of the well simply in order to be able to catch what BP has them looking at in their video frames.

Two wells, two gushers, two distinct positions as clearly seen on BP's own screens. Where are you Ms. Williams of BP Public Relations? Looking for another job, probably. If I am correct and we have been lied to the whole time, you really don't want to be handling P.R. for the company. I await challenges from the Anonymouses in the comments section.


Webmaster's Commentary:

This is very long because it goes into fine detail, but what it documents, using official BP and MMS documents, plus the live feed from the ROV cameras, is that the well we have been seeing on TV since the "capping" on July 16th is not the destroyed Deepwater Horizon wellhead that has been gushing oil since last April, but the first attempted well which was abandoned.


Webmaster's Commentary:

This bears further checking, but the gist of the story is that BP drilled two wells (confirmed) abandoned the first one when it got into trouble (also confirmed), then drilled the second well which exploded. The theory put forward on this video is that the media stunt of capping the well was done to the remains of the first well, not the major leak at the Deepwater Horizon site.
Latitude 28.738132500000003
Longitude -88.36592777777777

Latitude 28.73778527777778
Longitude -88.36682805555554
check this out
Use the above decimal mapping coordinates on the live marine traffic map linked below (as you move the map around, the coordinates change). You will see where the ROVS are in relationship to the TWO well blowouts:

It appears the SKANDI NEPTUNE, which has been showing images of the "new cap for the BOP" is at the location of the FIRST well that blew, and NOT the second well (that destroyed the rig).
Note: The marinetraffic website does not have a mechanism for saving the map coordinates in the URL, so after you reach the page, use the pull down menu at left labeled "Go to Vessel" and select SKANDI NEPTUME which will center the ROV ship as well as show a recent track.

These are screen captures from July 22nd.
In this first screencap, the location of the BOA DEEP C is noted. This is the location of the Deepwater Horizon drilling site; the well seen gushing oil and gas into the Gulf following the explosion of the drilling rig last April.

In this second screencap, the location of the SKANDI NEPTUNE is indicated. This is the ROV control ship currently displaying what we are told is the successfully capped wellhead.

The problem is that as of July 22nd when these screencaps were taken, the SKANDI NEPTUNE and its ROV appear to be some distance from the Deepwater Horizon, at the location of the first attempted well.


Webmaster's Commentary:

Updated graphics of well head camera data.

The announcement that the Deepwater Horizon Well Head has been capped is being blared all across ABCNNBBCBS with headlines "oil no longer gushing into gulf." Among the more naive, it may be understood if they have the impression the problem is over (except for the cleanup) because that is the message being sold to the public.

But is it reality, or is it politics? There is no question that the Gulf Oil disaster is not going to help Democrats retain their hold on Congress come November. Senator David Vitter points out, correctly, that President Obama has a vested political interest in convincing the public that the problem is over, so that it will fade from public memory in the few months from now until the November elections.

Yes, British Petroleum and Transocean screwed up, but it was Obama's administration which failed to get the problematic US Minerals Management Service to properly exercise their job of oversight and safety inspections on the Gulf drilling rigs. MMS had been scandalized going back to 2008 for doing favors for and accepting gifts (including sexual favors) from the oil companies they were supposed to be keeping an eye on. In some cases, MMS let the oil companies fill out their own safety reports! The US Government knew what was going on and even issued a report on the problems with MMS.

Obama had over 400 days in office to do his job os getting the government to do their job, but failed in his primary task of taking care of this country, apparently too distracted with his love of Israel to pay attention to what was going on closer to home.

Obama makes a good show of rushing down to the gulf to "kick ass" and act like he is taking care of the situation, but in truth his job was to prevent such disasters from happening in the first place, not pose like a firefighter standing heroically over the wreckage after-the-fact.

In June, Thad Allen stated that the oil leak would last well into the fall election season!

Obama needs the Gulf Oil disaster to go away because it will be an election loser for the Democrats if the public is still thinking about it in November. Obama himself may be untouchable in this election because he is not running, but the public thirst for vengeance will find easy targets in Democratic candidates.

The announcement of the attempt to cap the well this last week was greeted with stunned amazement among experts (those not on BP's payroll). After all, BP had admitted back in May that the drill pipe and well casing had at least one leak 1000 feet below the blowout preventer; the reason the Top Kill procedure had failed.

CNN reported on two other potential leaks at 9,000 feet and 17,000 feet.

Back in June, video from the Remotely Operated Vehicles on the ocean floor spotted oil leaking up from fissures in the sea floor near the well.

That the drill pipe itself was destroyed in the initial methane "kick" that ignited the platform fire was underscored by the fact that two sections of the drill pipe had been jammed up inside the blowout preventer.

Common sense (and engineering) will tell you that if you have a pipe with leaks, putting a cap on one leak simply drives the oil out the other leaks. From an environmental perspective this makes no sense, because the oil is still leaking out of the well, just in a different place. Of greater concern is that the oil can flow out into the surrounding rocks the way the mud did during the failed Top Kill procedure, forming what is called a subsurface blowout. This is a huge bubble of oil inside the rock. The danger is if the bubble ruptures and the oil collected over 80 days of leakage rushed to the surface of the gulf all at once. Such a surge of oil could easily engulf and founder the surface ships.

Capping a well with known leaks below the surface really serves only one purpose, and that is to present to the media video images showing the well is capped, so that they can reassure the public the problem is over and please vote Democratic-or-you-are-just-being-a-racist.

But the hard reality being withheld from the public is that the problem is not fixed. The leak has not been stopped, it has just been moved out of sight. The camera feed of the capped well head will be shown constantly to assure Americans that all is well and lull us back to a useful torpor. No other views from around the well will be allowed.

Except that the cat is already out of the bag!

The following videos were captured from the live video feed of one of the BP ROVs. Recorded after the well cap test had begun, a test even the BP experts admit failed to generate the pressures that would signal "success" these videos clearly show what looks like oil seeping up through the ocean floor near the well head.

As you can see, while the well (or some well) appears to be capped, and looks good for Obama's political purposes, the reality is that the oil leak is not fixed, only shifted away from the well head cameras and the light of the media, where it is hoped Americans will not notice it.

Even as Obama's administration declared the crisis over and 75% of the oil already cleaned up, millions of dead fish started washing up along the coastline in the first days of August.

Evidence is starting to surface that BP has pulled a fast one and has changed the well being shown on TV.

According to documents filed by British Petroleum with the US Minerals Management Service, there are two wells in the area of the spill. The first well, Well "A", was drilled early this year, ran into troubles, and was abandoned. Then Well B was drilled, which resulted in the explosion which destroyed the Deepwater Horizon. ( There is a typo on page 10 of the MMS PDF regarding the Y coordinate for well B. The Y coordinate is correctly printed on page 3 and page 11. You will see that the dyslexic person who typed out the report switched a '1' and a '4' on page 10. Please be aware of this because otherwise it will lead to a lot of confusion!!)

I will allow a reader to explain further about which well we are currently being shown...

Click for larger image

Click for larger image

I put these simple sheets together to show people who don't have time to through my very long blog post the clear side-by-side comparisons of Well A's onscreen ROV coordinates with it's planned location in BP's Initial Exploration Plan for MC252. Under that are three different video captures of Well B spewing oil, and the Plan's coordinates for it. This should be easy enough for even people who haven't been following the story to understand.

BP's own spokeswoman, Sheila Williams, told me this in an email response denying that any work was ever done at site B:

" thank you for your email here is the response to your query

BP ‘s exploration plans for Mississippi Canyon, Block 252, references two possible well locations -- well location "A" and well location "B." But BP eventually sought and received approval to drill only one well -- a well at the "A" location referenced in the exploration plan. This one well is now known as the MC252 (or Macondo) exploratory well. The Transocean Marianas rig started drilling the MC252 exploratory well in October 2009. The Marianas rig was subsequently damaged by Hurricane Ida, so in February 2009 the Transocean Deepwater Horizon was brought in to finish the well.


Sheila Williams
BP Group Press Officer
Tel: (office) + 44 (0)2074964851
Mobile: +44 (0) 07788190449
e-mail: sheila.williams@uk.bp.com
BP International Limited. Registered office: Chertsey Road, Sunbury on Thames, Middlesex, TW16 7BP. Registered in England and Wales, number 542515. VAT Number GB 243510593."

Here are quotes from an article on the Deepwater Horizon disaster from Offshore-Technology.com:

"The rig started drilling a well at a water depth of 5,000ft in MC block 252 in February 2010, but exploded during drilling in April 2010. The rig was on fire continuously for three days.

The well was planned to be drilled to 18,000ft, and was to be plugged and abandoned for later completion as a subsea producer.

As per the plan, the rig was supposed to be drilling the second of the two wells planned. But it faced oil spills over two fronts: one at the wellhead and another at the surface offshore. The wells are located in lease G-32306 over the prospect."

So there it is: Deepwater Horizon was drilling at the second site, and BP are lying. Ms. Williams may not have knowingly lied, she may have been told that work was only ever done at one well and that BP only received permission to drill at site A. All you have to do is look at the pictures and coordinates of Well A and Well B to see that there indeed two sites, two wells were constructed, both were leaking BP are now only showing us the nicely capped, clean Well A.

It is my theory that the giant explosion which came up from underground and surged up through the drilling rig, exploding it, was powerful enough that also damaged Well A, which is only about 120 feet away from Well B, the stricken well. There were reports that Well B's blowout preventer had been rocketed miles away from the well site by the force of the blast. So I think both took damage -- B, where Deepwater was drilling, I think is totally gone if the story of the blowout preventer is correct. I believe BP have shown us site A 99.9999% of the time so that they could go through the charade of replacing the cap on that one, which they capped in 2009 ahead of the hurricane which blew through. They accidentally left the public live feeds on the Skandi rovers a couple of times, and luckily people who didn't know what they had on their hands uploaded these to Youtube. I found them -- three videos of oil coming out from a well which BP says it never built.

Well B is still out there if what I fear is correct, still destroyed and so badly that it cannot be capped at the wellhead. And even if it could be, BP itself reported that they had found leaks in the well casing, meaning that even a successful cap on the wellhead would not stop the oil from leaking out of the shattered well casing and from the vents that have formed in the ocean floor. But we are told it does not exist, so I guess it doesn't. Even though these pictures prove the thing is out there.

RED ALERT: The Other Well

The Skandi ROV #1, one of the pair that were parked in front of the oil gusher all those weeks, was moved after the tropical storm came through the Gulf. It is now parked in front of "Well A," the one that BP first attempted, then capped and abandoned after problems developed. They then drilled "Well B" which is the one that blew Deepwater Horizon out of the water and was and still is gushing oil.
BP claim that they are showing you video of a capped Well B, which is a lie. Go to the government's own web site and download the paperwork that BP filed for the MC252 survey zone:

Webmaster's Commentary:

The URL for the MMS data is malformed in the original website. This is the correct link.

“THE REAL DOOMSDAY SCENARIO” is a compromised FORMATION and uncontrolled flow to seafloor: Bob Cavnar on MSNBC

Webmaster's Commentary:

And again, looking at this video of the oil flowing out of the destroyed well, from before July 15th, it is possible to read the X coordinate of the ROV and confirm we were then being shown well "B", whereas the videos of the capped well are being taken at the earlier abandoned well "A".

Note the X coordinate in the well video. That is well "B" we are seeing pour oil into the gulf, not well "A" which is the capped well!


Webmaster's Commentary:

This is very long because it goes into fine detail, but what it documents, using official BP and MMS documents, plus the live feed from the ROV cameras, is that the well we have been seeing on TV since the "capping" on July 16th is not the destroyed Deepwater Horizon wellhead that has been gushing oil since last April, but the first attempted well which was abandoned.

BP plan for relief wells calls the 'C' and 'D'

Most of this file is technical crap that doesn't make sense to us regular people, but look at the very first page. BP filed with the government to call the relief wells "C" and "D." If there never were a Well B why would the two relief wells hop a letter to become C and D? One more piece of circumstantial evidence.

BP Gulf Cover-Up Exposed

Dr Robert Bea, a top scientist on Pres. Obama's Gulf team has just confirmed our previous story below, stating BP drilled an undisclosed second well, which could even now be leaking unseen.

The video above is the best presentation of the issue of two well locations at the spill site. Citizen sleuths have uncovered video captures of ROV feeds seen on this chart.

You can clearly see ROVs have clustered at each of BP’s A and B wells.

In May and August, we see ROV’s near the location of BP well MC252A. In June and July the ROV’s are near BP well MC252B.

So, are both wells leaking? Do both wells have BOP’s? Which BOP have we been watching, and when? Stay tuned to this page….

You Can Help

Can you find more video or screenshots of ROV’s near the ‘B’ well location?

B is 1202514, 10431494
A is 1202803, 10431617

Give me Date, East, North, Link and Source -if poss..

Email me: fintan at
fintandunne dot com

View our larger map with an X,Y number grid.

Webmaster's Commentary:

More confirmation that there are two wells that have been shown on the ROV cameras, the blown-out well "B" and the now seen capped well "A".


The Skandi ROV #1, one of the pair that were parked in front of the oil gusher all those weeks, was moved after the tropical storm came through the Gulf. It is now parked in front of "Well A," the one that BP first attempted, then capped and abandoned after problems developed. They then drilled "Well B" which is the one that blew Deepwater Horizon out of the water and was and still is gushing oil.
BP claim that they are showing you video of a capped Well B, which is a lie.

BP: We might drill again in disaster zone

BP PLC said Friday it might someday drill again into the same lucrative undersea pocket of oil that spilled millions of gallons of crude, wrecked livelihoods and fouled beaches along the Gulf of Mexico.
"There's lots of oil and gas here," Chief Operating Officer Doug Suttles said at a news briefing. "We're going to have to think about what to do with that at some point."

Webmaster's Commentary:

Forgive me, but has this gentleman just gone barking mad?!?!?
And what guarantee does the US public, and particularly those in the Gulf whose lives, livelihoods, and health has been destroyed, that BP isn't going to cause another catastrophe here?!?

Obama declares Gulf disaster “coming to an end”

The Obama administration on Wednesday stepped up its efforts to declare the Gulf oil catastrophe at an end.
The public relations campaign, which is based on little scientific evidence, aims to bury the ongoing disaster in advance of the midterm elections, protect BP from further financial damages, and accelerate deep-sea oil drilling operations under the same environment of total deregulation that led to the April 20 blowout at the Deepwater Horizon rig.

Do You Believe White House Claims that 75% of Oil From BP Well Leak Has Been Dealt With?


1% (38 votes)


99% (2561 votes)

Total votes: 2599

BP Fires 10,000 Cleanup Workers

On July 13, the Deepwater Horizon Joint Command was reporting 46,000 responders. On July 23, it was down to 30,000, and the numbers have hovered around the low 30s since. Included in this tally are some Coast Guard and National Guard staff, but BP and subcontractors comprise the vast majority. (I've been trying to get the exact breakdown from the Coast Guard for four days, but to no avail, and BP said it didn't have it on hand, though the Coast Guard has told me it just reports BP's numbers.) In Grand Isle, Louisiana, cleanup workers (none of whom can be named; you know this drill by now) say their coworkers were either told to go home for Tropical Storm Bonnie and then never called back or fired in a massive and sudden drug test.
"Friday, the day before Bonnie, they sent a bunch of people home until further notice, and a lot of people didn't get the further notice," one supervisor told me. "Then last week, they shut the whole [cleanup operation] down. It was 'Piss in a cup or throw your ID in the bucket.' This was a BP drug test, not a [subcontracting] company drug test.
It's the first time BP tested us."

Gulf oil spill: White House accused of spinning report

Scientists say it is 'just not true' that the vast majority of oil from the BP spill has gone

Feds Can’t Find Oil But Satellite Photos Show BP Gulf Oil Spill Covering 12,000 Square Miles

Speculation: winds from Bonnie obliterated most of the thin sheen throughout the area; but since then, sheen has had time to “reassemble” into observable layers that noticeably affect the sunglint on MODIS images, and the backscatter on radar, but may not look like much to folks out in the Gulf on vessels or in low-flying aircraft. That’s our theory at this point.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Shake a bottle of oil and vinegar salad dressing and sure enough, very little oil will be seen at the top. That is what happened during Bonnie. But let that same salad dressing sit still for a while and the oil eventually separates and floats back to the top. That is what is happening now!


75 percent oil from Gulf of Mexico spill is gone: official

About three-quarters of the oil spilled from the ruptured BP well in the Gulf of Mexico has disappeared, a top US official said Wednesday.
"The scientists are telling us about 25 percent was not captured or evaporated or taken care of by mother nature," said Carol Browner, a top energy adviser to President Barack Obama, on the ABC network's "Good Morning America" programme.

Webmaster's Commentary:

So, the oil has "disappeared"?!?!? Gone where, pray tell?!?!?
Sorry, Ms. Brower, but at this point, everyone in this country understands that the oil hasn't been dissipated by the cleanup efforts,but only pushed to the bottom of the Gulf by the tons of Corexit (a substance banned by most other countries because of its toxicity.)
Now, Ms. Brower, why don't you and your most immediate family eat seafood, harvested and cooked right there in the Gulf, with cameras rolling?!?
Of course, you won't do that, because you understand the enormity of poisons which are still lurking - and will be lurking for a very long time - in the Gulf!

Spike Lee bashes US report on vanished Gulf oil

Filmmaker Spike Lee is calling a "lie" a U.S. government report that 75 percent of the spilled Gulf Coast oil is gone.

BP Disaster: Russian Expert, Oil from 18 different sources

BP Disaster: Russia’s Take
27.07.2010 Source: Pravda.Ru
Anatoly Sagalevich has added his voice to the latest controversy over the BP ecological catastrophe in the Gulf of Mexico. This expert from the Russian Academy of Science was called to the Gulf by BP shortly after the Deepwater Horizon rig collapsed. And what he has to say is not very reassuring.
Dr. Sagalevich’s report was drawn up and presented to Prime Minister Vladimir Putin. ...For Dr. Sagalevich, the oil pouring into the Gulf is not just coming from one source, as the media have been claiming, but fro 18 different places. According to the report, the Russian scientists called by the USA are forbidden to divulge their findings to the media – yet another source backing up the claim that there is a media blackout.

Top Oil Expert: Geology is "Fractured" ... BP is Using a "Cloak of Silence", Refusing to Share Even Basic Data with the Government

The geology is fractured.

Usually, the deeper you drill, the more pressure it takes to fracture rock. This is called the "fracture gradient".

But when BP was drilling this well, the fracture gradient reversed. Indeed, BP lost all pressure as it drilled into the formation.

WB: Is it possible that this fractured, subsea salt geology will make it difficult to permanently kill the oil leak using relief wells?

Bea: Yes, it could. The Santa Barbara channel seeps are still leaking, decades after the oil well was supposedly capped. This well could keep leaking for years.

BP Gulf Oil Spill Seafloor Fractured So Bad Oil May Leak For Years Even If Relief Well Succeeds

Since the blowout BP has stonewalled congress about the integrity of the well and cracks in sea floor.

Immediately after BP capped the well the pressure was far short of target BP and the Government set for an “intact well” and as time passed the pressure still failed to rise significantly indicating the well integrity test failed.

Soon afterward the ROV’s spotted a new leak on the BOP.

The feds then ignored the warning signs, which included multiple leaks on the BOP and the sea bed. and allowed the well to remain shut in even though it risked an uncontrolled underground blowout and came up with a fantasy story about well depletion being the cause of the low pressure in the well.

Then came the news that 40 feet of the relief well collapsed followed by the discovery of a new methane leak found coming from the base of the BOP just inches from the well.

The government then allowed BP to fill the well with mud during the static kill operation and declared that the well was dead even though the well continued to leak.

As the well continued to leak the Government then gave BP the authorization to fill the production casing with cement even though there was a risk that the cement would not cure properly because of the leaks.

That was followed by an increase of oil and methane hydrate leaks popping up all over the sea floor after which BP started filtering the video feeds to hide the leaks.

Then 48 hours after cementing the well the leaks coming from the sea floor continued and became worse as BP started to degrade the quality of the video feeds and was caught once again filtering the video to hide oil and methane leaks from the cracks on the sea floor.

Then oil industry experts came forward and declared that the entire static kill operation failed and has made it even harder for BP to seal the well.

Finally, almost out of the blue, BP lowered a tool to the well flush it of hydrocarbons in a test that was supposed to run for 48 hours but for some unexplained reason was interrupted last light.

That leads us up to today when the federal government has postponed the relief wells until September while admitting that a collapse in the rock formation and not the cement it pumped into the well may be preventing the flow of oil.

Meanwhile the leaks on the sea floor continue and we have even seen a massive tornado form on the sea floor and a crater that was apparently created from it.

All of these events combined with BK Lim’s analysis and Dr. Bea’s revelations tell us that we have some massive fractures on the sea floor that are leaking all over the place and while the BP and the Feds have declared mission accomplished in reality this is far from over.

Feds say FORMATION may have COLLAPSED around outside of wellbore

Gulf oil traces spread east on sea floor, researchers say

Oil from the Deepwater Horizon spill may have settled to the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico further east than previously suspected and at levels toxic to marine life, researchers reported Monday.

Initial findings from a new survey of the Gulf conclude that dispersants may have sent the oil to the ocean floor, where it has turned up at the bottom of an undersea canyon within 40 miles of the Florida Panhandle. Plankton and other organisms showed a "strong toxic response" to the crude, according to researchers from the University of South Florida.

Webmaster's Commentary:

White House: 75 percent of spilled Gulf oil gone

White House: 75 percent of spilled Gulf oil gone

White House: 75 percent of spilled Gulf oil gone

Mr. President, you are full of shit!

I wonder if THIS is where Obama and his daughter were photographed swimming at Alligator point!

Webmaster's Commentary:

This is posted only half in jest. The White House photo showing Obama and his daughter in the water shows blue water, yet the Google Map Image of Alligator point clearly shows Algae-infused green water everywhere, everywhere except this obviously blue pool of water located on a government facility at Alligator point.

The point here is that the US Government and Obama have lied to us all so many times that nobody dares accept anything they say at face value any longer. Obama could even be telling the truth and the photo be genuine, but who wants to risk being made a fool of yet again! Presidents lie, often about trivial things, like when Clinton claimed he gave up junk food, then was caught here on Oahu walking out of a McDonald's!

Obama`s Gulf Swim Was Fake

As for Obama's swim, on August 16, the London Independent reported that Obama and his daughter, Sasha, swam in a private Panama City Beach, FL beach off Alligator Point in St. Andrew Bay, not part of the Gulf.

Reporters were banned, no TV video permitted. "So....only the White House photographer was allowed to capture proceedings. The official picture was intended to provide evidence that the region's beaches are back to normal."

False. A dangerously toxic oil/dispersant brew contaminates much, perhaps the entire Gulf. It's poisoned and potentially lethal for decades, maybe generations. Nothing in it should be ingested. Millions in the region are at risk. No one should swim in coastal waters or eat any Gulf seafood. Responsible officials should ban it. Instead the all-clear's been given.

Obama, his officials, and BP executives are criminally liable. So are state governors, coastal mayors, and regional health authorities.

Area residents with children should leave. Tourists should avoid the region. A growing catastrophe will continue for decades, including a silent epidemic of cancers and other diseases, as well as lives and livelihoods lost.

Obama's swim in the Gulf waters. Fact or Fiction?

The White house releases a photo. From the photo one cannot tell where Obama and daughter are actually swimming. There just together in some water, somewhere. But is it Gulf water? You know; water that is contaminated.

Strangely enough all the accompanying photographs or video scenes were taken at Alligator Point, Florida.

The highly anticipated dip was away from the media’s view. The Obamas swam in Saint Andrew Bay off of Alligator Point, technically not the Gulf, according to maps.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Folks, for all we know that photo of Obama and his daughter was taken last time they came out here to Oahu for a vacation!

“POST-apocalyptic” scene: Two families play in ocean at GRAND ISLE, LA near floating tar balls — Father throwing sand at son

A father jokingly throws sand at his little boy who laughs while dodging it. This, against a background of oil rigs and platforms looming in the Gulf. In the foreground, littering the beach, are tar balls.

We stroll through the area, eyeing even more tar balls that bob lazily underwater, amidst sand ripples in the shallows…

Feds finally admit oil buried “14 inches under the sand” near Destin, Florida

Officials from the Federal Environmental Protection Agency were on Walton County’s Beaches this week digging holes and finding oil product as deep as 14 inches under the sand.

Obama vows to finish Gulf Coast recovery

President Barack Obama pledged on Sunday to finish restoring the Gulf Coast area hit by Hurricane Katrina, five years after the storm ravaged the region and hurt the credibility of his Republican predecessor.

Webmaster's Commentary:

And there is the motive for all this focus on Katrina the last week, to get Obama off of the hook for the oil disaster by reminding everyone how bad Bush screwed the gulf.

Well, BOTH Presidents @#%$ed up. Bush is gone. Obama is still here wrecking the place.

BP Investigation Blocked By Senate

The senate blocks investigation of BP.

The House voted 420 to 1 to give the presidential commission investigating the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico full subpoena power.

The Senate blocked it.

No subpoena powers. No real investigation.


Even if the President had subpoena power to investigate BP oil, would he even use it? I have a doubt. -- kdtroxel

“Free enterprise ended in the United States a good many years ago. Big oil, big steel, big agriculture avoid the open marketplace. Big corporations fix prices among themselves and drive out the small entrepreneur. In their conglomerate forms, the huge corporations have begun to challenge the legitimacy of the state.” – Gore Vidal

NOAA forced to admit that 75% of oil still in Gulf... while testifying before congress

Webmaster's Commentary:

White House: 75 percent of spilled Gulf oil gone

White House: 75 percent of spilled Gulf oil gone

White House: 75 percent of spilled Gulf oil gone

Mr. President, your pants are on fire!

MSNBC: Feds getting "tremendous pushback from scientific community" over disappearing oil

Webmaster's Commentary:

Finally the corporate media is willing to call BULL BISCUITS at the lies of the administration.

Report Finds 79% of Oil Remains In Gulf

Contrary to what the media is telling you, a report from the Georgia Sea Grant and the University of Georgia released yesterday says that a whopping 79% of the oil from the Gulf oil spill still remains in the waters there. The report concludes that the media is way off in their estimates — they are saying that a mere 25% of the oil remains..

Webmaster's Commentary:

Actually, it was the Obama administration that insisted only 25% of the oil remained.

Ga. scientists: Gulf oil not gone, 80 pct remains


The Associated Press

Georgia scientists say their analysis shows that most of that BP oil the government said was gone from the Gulf of Mexico is still there.

The scientists say as much as 80 percent of the oil still lurks under the surface. The Georgia team said it is a misinterpretation of data to claim that oil that is dissolved is actually gone. The report from University of Georgia and other scientists came from an analysis of federal estimates.

Earlier this month federal scientists said that only about a quarter of the oil remained and the rest was either removed, dissolved or dispersed.

Expert panel estimates ONLY “8 PERCENT of the total oil released into the water” has DEGRADED

Oil that has resisted dispersion and evaporation likely will “remain potentially harmful for decades,” MacDonald said at the congressional hearing, adding: “I expect the hydrocarbon imprint of the BP discharge will be detectable in the marine environment for the rest of my life.”

Underwater 'River' of Oil Confirmed in Gulf

The hydrocarbon plume/river is 22 miles long, 1.2 miles wide and 650 feet high. It isn't pure crude, of course; it's more like a mix of oil and water.

Toxic Oil Found Deep on Gulf Seafloor?

Weeks after the U.S. government claimed that the "vast majority" of oil from the Gulf of Mexico spill has been taken care of, oil has possibly been found deep on the Gulf seafloor, scientists announced this week.

Grim News from the Gulf: Invisible Plumes and Bleaker Estimates

The latest estimate, writes Randy Rieland at environmental hub Grist, is that "only 10 percent of the oil that gushed out of the Deepwater Horizon well was 'actually removed from the ocean.'" That's one of the more "pessimistic" estimates thus far, and comes from an oceanographer at Florida State University. It's also "wildly at odds with what the feds have been saying--that as much as 75 of the oil is gone."

22-Mile Oil Plume Found in Gulf

Scientists have detected an underwater plume of oil the size of Manhattan, according to the Wall Street Journal. The findings, published yesterday, further undermine the Obama administration’s optimistic view that most of the Deepwater Horizon oil has already disappeared.

Webmaster's Commentary:

"Optimistic view?" It was a flat out @#%ing LIE for the sake of the November elections! Look at this story. Obama has declared the crisis fixed by fiat! Nothing more to see here, people; move along and don't forget to vote Democratic in November!" -- Official White Horse Souse

Giant Underwater Plume Confirmed—Gulf Oil Not Degrading

Many scientists had predicted that oil-eating bacteria—already common in the Gulf due to natural oil seeps—would process much of the crude leaked from BP's Deepwater Horizon wellhead, which was capped July 15. (Read more about how nature is fighting the oil spill.)

But new evidence shows that a 22-mile-long (35-kilometer-long), 650-foot-high (200-meter-high) pocket of oil has persisted for months at depths of 3,600 feet (1,100 meters), according to a team from Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) in Massachusetts.

South of Tampa: Phones buzzing “with callers reporting oil”

In Sarasota, south of Tampa, “The phones are buzzing at the Sarasota Emergency Management Department with callers reporting oil in area waters,” according to the Herald Tribune.

“But investigators are finding nothing out of the ordinary,” Ed McCrane, director of Sarasota County Emergency Management, told the Tribune.

While officials claim most of the oil from America's worst-ever spill has disappeared, fishermen hired by BP are still finding tar balls—and being instructed to hide their discoveries.

Reporting his findings to his supervisor, a private consulting company hired by BP, the reply, according to his logbook came back: "Told—no reporting of oil or tar balls anymore. Don't put on report. We're here for boom removal only," referring to the miles of yellow and orange containment barriers placed throughout the Gulf.

Head of Navy tours Gulf, shocked by amount of oil

“Wow, what are we in sir?” — Fisherman responds “Kind of looks like a UFO underwater, don’t it?”

BP accused of withholding 'critical' spill data

In a sternly worded letter to BP's attorneys, Transocean said the oil giant has in its sole possession information key to identifying the cause "of the tragic loss of eleven lives and the pollution in the Gulf of Mexico," and that the company's refusal to turn over the documents has hampered Transocean's investigation and hindered what it has been able to tell families of the deceased and state and federal investigators about the accident.

DOJ gags scientists studying BP disaster.

Hooper-Bui’s depictions of samples confiscated by US Fish and Wildlife officials and expeditions blocked by local law enforcement is consistent with the steady stream of reports about obstruction, censorship, and confusion under BP’s private army of contractors. A full and open scientific assessment of the effects of the BP disaster is crucial for the health of the ecosystem and the residents of this American jewel.

Webmaster's Commentary:

So even though the official story is that the crisis is over, the US Government and BP are still preventing access to the area by scientists unless they sign a confidentiality agreement that they will not share what they find with the public!

Sound like the crisis is over to you?
Me neither.

NOAA Retracts Report That Majority Of BP Gulf Oil Spill Oil Is Gone

Editor’s note: These crooks have no problems issuing reports for the public and the media that are complete nonsense but when the official in charge of the report needs to testify before congress under oath that the findings are accurate he redacts the findings of the report.

White House claims that the worst of the BP oil spill was over were undermined yesterday when a senior government scientist said three-quarters of the oil was still in the Gulf environment and a research study detected a 22-mile plume of oil in the ocean depths.

Bill Lehr, a senior scientist at the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) departed from an official report from two weeks ago which suggested the majority of the oil had been captured or broken down.

“I would say most of that is still in the environment,” Lehr, the lead author of the report, told the house energy and commerce committee.

The growing evidence that the White House painted an overly optimistic picture when officials claimed two weeks ago the remaining oil in the Gulf was rapidly breaking down fueled a sense of outrage in the scientific community that government agencies are hiding data and spinning the science of the oil spill. No new oil has entered the Gulf since 15 July, but officials said yesterday the well is unlikely to be sealed for good until mid-September.

By some estimates, as much as 90% of the oil was unaccounted for. Lehr said 6% was burned and 4% was skimmed but he could not be confident of numbers for the amount collected from beaches.

The NOAA has been under fire from independent scientists and Congress for its conclusions and for failing to explain how it arrived at its calculations. The agency has failed to respond to repeated requests from Congress to reveal its raw data and methodology.

Shrimpers on Opening Day: “We caught 12 shrimp”, “Nothing at all” — “Generations of shrimping … DONE”

“How did you do out there?” Craig [a charter fishing captain and guide] asks him. “Nothing. Nothing at all,” the despondent fisherman replies. “How much do you usually catch?” Craig asks. “Hundreds of pounds, sometimes a thousand pounds,” comes the reply.

Craig looks at me and says, “That’s not good.”

Minutes later another shrimper passes us, returning to port. “How’d you do?” Craig asks. “We caught 12 shrimp,” he replies, “That’s one-two shrimp.”

Mississippi Shrimpers Refuse to Trawl, Fearing Oil, Dispersants

The U.S. state of Mississippi recently reopened all of its fishing areas. The problem is that commercial shrimpers refuse to trawl because they fear the toxicity of the waters and marine life due to the BP oil disaster.

Thousands of dead fish surface at mouth of Mississippi River

Thousands of fish have turned up dead at the mouth of Mississippi River, prompting authorities to check whether oil was the cause of mass death, local media reports said Monday.

The fish were found Sunday floating on the surface of the water and collected in booms that had been deployed to contain oil that leaked from the BP spill in the Gulf of Mexico, the Times-Picayune reported.

"By our estimates there were thousands, and I'm talking about 5,000 to 15,000 dead fish," St Bernard Parish President Craig Taffaro was quoted as saying in a statement.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Excuse me, but isn't this the same Gulf President Obama just assured the American people was clean, safe, and free from pollutants, and that the seafood from this region was safe to eat?!?

Honestly, the whole world knows when this man is lying: he opens his mouth...and words come out of it!!!!!!

Despite "All Clear," Mississippi Sound Tests Positive for Oil

On August 19, Truthout accompanied two commercial fishermen from Mississippi on a trip into the Mississippi Sound in order to test for the presence of submerged oil. Laboratory test results from samples taken on that trip show extremely high concentrations of oil in the Mississippi Sound.

Corexit Is Being Sprayed at Night, Even Now (According to BP Vessel of Opportunity Workers and Others)

The government and BP have said that no dispersants have been sprayed in the Gulf since the well was partially capped on July 15th.

However, local residents have been saying for weeks that Corexit is still being sprayed.

Admiral Allen wouldn't unequivocally deny this allegation as of August 9th.

On August 10th, the Destin Log reported:

“We’re seeing way more dispersant than ever before” Large, thick oil plumes, freshly sprayed with poison!

Today, Project Gulf Impact is out on the waters in and around Orange Beach Alabama. What they have found is exactly the opposite of what BP and the federal government have told the American people. Not only did they find oil but they apparently found what looks to be freshly sprayed dispersant, still in powder form.

Why is this toxic dispersant still being sprayed? Warnings from scientists and independent journalists have indicated that Corexit could effect the gulf for at least twenty years.

“Dead fish in Alabama – cells ruptured with lots of corexit and dispersed oil all around….The oil is thick, dispersant already trying to hide it, with dead catfish in plumes.”

EPA data: Cumulative amount of Hydrogen Sulfide UP 800 PERCENT in coastal Louisiana since well was ‘capped’ on July 15

Hourly readings in last day have averaged 15-20 times above the EPA’s “safe exposure level”

Toxic oil levels found in key Gulf breeding zone, scientists say

Scientists have found evidence that oil has become toxic to marine organisms in a section of the Gulf of Mexico that supports the spawning grounds of commercially important fish species.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Obama lied when he declared the Gulf "Open for Business". He staged a fake swim photo=op, not actually in the Gulf, to sell everyone on the idea that the gulf waters are safe to swim in and the food is safe to eat. He did that, not for the benefit of the people of the Gulf, but to help his huge campaign donor BP and to try to make the issue vanish from the public awareness in time for the November Elections.

In other words, Obama has no problems letting you eat poisoned food for the sake of a few more votes!

Monsters do not come any more obvious than this!

Gulf oil spill still a threat to seafood, JAMA study indicates

The Gulf of Mexico oil spill still poses threats to human health and seafood safety, according to a study published Monday by the peer-reviewed Journal of the American Medical Association.

The report comes two days after President Obama and members of his family swam in the Gulf at Panama City Beach and ate fish caught there, and hours after this year's commercial shrimping season officially kicked off along the Louisiana coast.

Federal officials disputed the new report and said ongoing testing is aggressive and sufficient to protect public health.

AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION: BIO-ACCUMULATION of chemicals that MUTATE GENETIC MATERIAL will continue for years in Gulf oysters, shrimp and crab

[P]olycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)… include mutagens and probable carcinogens… these chemicals accumulate for years in invertebrates. The Gulf provides about two-thirds of the oysters in the United States and is a major fishery for shrimp and crab.

Chemist: Oysters contain 1.25% (12,500 ppm) hydrocarbons near MS River Delta

Results of sampling performed by the Lower Mississippi River Keeper in the Lower Atchafalaya Bay area on August 2, 2010

“CAULIFLOWER” oil near Biloxi tests positive for THREE ingedients in ‘COREXIT’ — “Never seen it that thick before” says photographer

“I’d never seen [oil] that thick before. It looked like cauliflower [PHOTO]. I had never seen it that texture before,” said Jerry Moran, a photographer who made the trip with the scientists.

“This weathered oil was encountered in the Mississippi Sound near Biloxi on August 9,” reported Raines.

The Gulf Blue Plague is Evolving - Part II: Corexit + Bacteria = Mutated Viruses

The mutagenic achievement of certain chemical agents was first discovered in the former USSR. In 1946, the mutagenic properties of formaldehyde and mustard gas were discovered. Since then, many hundreds of chemical mutagens have been established.

It’s only in microorganisms (such as bacteria and viruses) that some chemical mutagens can drastically increase the mutation rate of certain genes over the mutation rate of the other genes. Chemical mutagens are responsible for a greater number of mutations than are physical mutagens.

Tests find sickened family has 50.3 ppm of Corexit’s 2-butoxyethanol in swimming pool

“Our heads are still swimming,” stated Barbara Schebler of Homosassa, Florida, who received word last Friday that test results on the water from her family’s swimming pool showed 50.3 ppm of 2-butoxyethanol, a marker for the dispersant Corexit 9527A used to break up and sink BP’s oil in the Gulf of Mexico.

The problems began for the Scheblers a few weeks after the April 20 blow-out. “Our first clue were rashes we both got early in May. Both my husband and I couldn’t get rid of the rashes and had to get cream from our doctor,” Schebler noted, “I never had a rash in my life.”

Health Effects of the Gulf Oil Spill

Gina M. Solomon, MD, MPH; Sarah Janssen, MD, PhD, MPH

The oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico poses direct threats to human health from inhalation or dermal contact with the oil and dispersant chemicals, and indirect threats to seafood safety and mental health. Physicians should be familiar with health effects from oil spills to appropriately advise, diagnose, and treat patients who live and work along the Gulf Coast or wherever a major oil spill occurs.

Blaylock Wellness Report: BP Crisis Spotlights Dangers Of Volatile Chemicals To Your Health

As with all modern disasters, getting to the truth is not an easy task. First, people along the Gulf Coast were told that BP and the EPA had placed benzene monitors along the Alabama and Florida coasts, and that there was no indication of any VOCs. A senior reporter from WEAR-TV, an ABC affiliate in Pensacola, was unable to find any air-quality monitors in that area.

Several studies have found there is no threshold for carcinogenesis — that is, a level of benzene exposure at which lower levels are nontoxic. It appears that benzene is toxic at all levels and with chronic exposure — especially in people with certain genetic weaknesses — cancer is likely to develop.

Symptoms from VOCs are many times mistaken for other forms of illnesses, but generally they include headaches, dizziness, nausea, eye irritation, coughing, shortness of breath, nasal irritation, and multiple chemical sensitivity. Some of the gases have an odor, but others are odorless.

“REALLY IMPORTANT” to note that “oil mixed with dispersants is MORE TOXIC than just oil alone” says Valdez expert

[There] is concern about how poisonous dispersants are… “What’s really important is oil mixed with dispersants is more toxic than just oil alone… and now we have dispersants on an unprecedented scale put into the ecosystem of the Gulf of Mexico,” [Prince William Sound Regional Citizens Advisory Council executive director Mark] Swanson said…”

Researchers reveal 80 PERCENT of crab larvae samples from Florida to Louisiana have “oil orange droplets” — NOAA says “HAVE NOT FOUND” IT

The Christian Science Monitor followed up on “marine biologist Erin Grey, a post-doctoral researcher at Tulane University, [who] discovered oily orange droplets inside blue crab larvae she collected in areas affected by the BP oil spill.”

13.3 ppm of COREXIT found INLAND, near Florida border — Chemist says tests show “toxic solvent” 2-butoxyethanol that “RUPTURES red blood cells” (VIDEO & PHOTOS)

[Cotton Bayou, Ala. resident] Margaret Long… first got suspicious when she saw something in the water she had never seen before. She even took photographs, “Some times it’s about the size of a half dollar. Some times it streams along and its like floating sand.”

She got samples and sent them to chemist Bob Naman in Mobile whose tests results show 13.3 ppm of the chemical dispersant corexit. …

“It concerns me,” says Orange Beach Mayor Tony Kennon. …

“There is an anger yes, very much an anger. I fear what the long term affects are going to be.” Her only question now is what will be done about it.

Confirmed: Corexit Still Being Sprayed in the Gulf

The City's test results have now come back, showing 66 parts per million of dispersant.

Webmaster's Commentary:

EPA has found that exposure to 42 parts per million killed 50% of mysid shrimp within 4 days

Chemist: Mercenaries Hired By BP Are Now Applying Toxic Dispersant - at Night and In an Uncontrolled Manner - Which BP Says It No Longer Uses

Moreover, Naman said that he searched for the main ingredient in the less toxic version of Corexit 9500 - propylene glycol - but there was none present.

Since BP and Nalco say that no dispersant containing 2-butoxyethanol has been sprayed in the Gulf for many months, that either means:

(1) BP has been lying, and it is still using 2-butoxyethanol. In other words, BP is still Corexit 9527 in the Gulf


(2) The dispersant isn't breaking down nearly as quickly as hoped, and the more toxic form of Corexit used long ago is still present in the Gulf.

Large Oil-Corexit Plumes, Fish Kill Coverup and Wackenhut(Photos)

Pictures of freshly sprayed dispersant and a new fish kill.

Everyday it seems we get more and more proof that oil and dispersant are still poisoning the Gulf of Mexico. Project Gulf Impact recently took their second boat trip in the last week. The first trip brought us photos of freshly sprayed dispersant, totally destroying the myth that this disaster is reaching its end.

Large oil and dispersant plumes still linger, continually poisoning and destroying our precious oceans. Internal BP documents show that there were not one but TWO wells, raising the possibility that the ROV cameras may have never been placed near the real leak.

‘Blue Flu’ cases spreading around Gulf

“Blue Flu” infecting people along the Gulf of Mexico, other southern states?

Some people are calling it the BP Flu. But it is commonly being called the Blue Flu, because the alleged symptoms include blue lips and skin; and it’s scaring the hell out of people all around the Gulf area –from Texas to Florida.

This Blue Flu is separate from people experiencing something called TILT, or “Toxic-Induced Loss of Tolerance.” TILT is something that hit some of the folks who had been working on the massive cleanup surrounding the oil spill. Symptoms from TILT include eyes and skin being irritated, headaches and dizzines.

People with TILT are typically those who were in the immediate area of the spill, mostly those directly involved with the cleanup. Those suffering from Blue Flu are an entirely different matter. These are people who were not in direct contact with the spill, or the cleanup chemicals. They simply live in the south, near the Gulf.

Symptoms include swollen glands, notably in the neck, fever, vomiting, headache, bluish lip color, numbness in fingers and toes. The most alarming symptom being reported is “severe symptomatic cyanosis.” This is the entire body turning blue, a discoloration of the skin.

BP Gulf Oil Spill's Walking Dead

Millions exposed to uncontrolled hemorrhaging, lesions, cancers

Recently, frustrated scientists presented evidence that millions of Gulf area residents were poisoned by the BP Gulf disaster. Worse, they believe that millions more could be exposed to long term poisoning.

Yet other than those worried scientists few seemed to care.

Now more frightening evidence has emerged: areas of the Gulf Coast may have been saturated with high levels of benzene, hydrogen sulfide and radioactive hydrocarbon effluents--three deadly substances that can cause disease and death years after the initial exposures.


"Benzene and Other Toxic Solvents and Chemicals" - Benzene is a known human carcinogen. Work-related exposure to benzene has been linked to the development of blood cancers and blood disorders. Examples of blood diseases that may be caused by occupational benzene exposure include acute myelogenous leukemia, chronic myelogenous leukemia, myelodysplastic syndrome (which can progress into acute myelogenous leukemia over time), aplastic anemia, acute lymphocytic leukemia, chronic lymphocytic leukemia, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, and multiple myeloma. Certain other toxic solvents and chemicals may also be a cause of blood cancers and disorders. Link: http://www.leukemiainfocenter.com/Benzene_Toxicity.html

"BP Death Clouds Already Onshore! Benzene-3400ppb & Hyrdrogen Sulfide-1200ppb TOXIC AIR ALERT" - before the news blackout

BP releases benzene in Texas too For 40 days, flares burned 500,000 pounds of toxic chemicals over BP's Texas City refinery. Yet residents didn't know until weeks later that the flare released 17,000 pounds of cancer-causing benzene. Link: http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/business/7159288.html

Toxicity Chart of Hydrogen Sulfide Link: http://www.helium.com/items/1929422-bp-gulf-disaster-may-be-killing-mi...

Toxicological profile for hydrogen sulfide Link: http://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/toxprofiles/tp114-c2.pdf

Radioactivity exposure: air, water, food supply
“Radioactive Hydrocarbon Effluent ...from oil and which possesses higher levels of radium isotopes. The deeper the petroleum reserves, the more likely the reservoirs of oil and methane in those geological formations will contain uranium, thorium or radium. Given the elevated levels of radioactivity at the source, the level of radioactivity associated with the hydrocarbon effluent coming out of the well will inevitably be impacted. Radium isotopes have inherent health risks that ought to be identified and properly disseminated. The concerned resident of the Gulf Coast may want to initiate him/herself in the area of health impacts due to long-term exposure to low grade radioactivity. Of course, the seafood, the waters and the beaches all provide different vehicles for such contamination to take place, each with varying consequences.'

ALERT: Environmental and Health Impacts of the BP Gulf Oil Spill Link: http://www.marketoracle.co.uk/Article21717.html

Scientists plead dispersants not be used: Scientists oppose the use of dispersant chemicals in the Gulf of Mexico Link: http://msnbcmedia.msn.com/i/TODAY/Sections/aNEWS/2010/07-July%2010/Sci...

"Assessing the Effects of the Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill on Human Health" - National Academies Press
Chapter 3: Short and long term physical effects on human health, p43 - p74 Link:

BP Oil Spill: Dealing with Uncertainty, Human Health and a Manhattan-Sized Toxic Soup Link: http://blog.nj.com/njv_jeff_toney/2010/08/bp_oil_spill_dealing_with_un...

BP oil poisons Gulf food chain Link: http://www.finalcall.com/artman/publish/National_News_2/article_7165.s...

Study: Oil spill cleanup workers suffered chromosome damage, respiratory issues

Spanish fishermen who took part in a clean-up operation after the Prestige oil tanker spill in 2002 have shown symptoms of chromosomal damage and respiratory problems, a study released Tuesday said.

Fishermen find oil and dispersants on Mississippi shrimping and oyster grounds

Webmaster's Commentary:

The US Government lied to you. The US Government is willing to let you and your children eat poisoned food for the sake of upcoming elections and BP's profitability! What does it take to get you angry?

Report: “Miles of dead fish in lower Plaquemines” in Louisiana — “Many types” floating at Garden Island

More on USF report: Newborn fish “ingesting pure oil”; Organisms showed a “strong toxic response” scientists say

CNN has another article on the report by University of South Florida researchers, “Initial findings from a new survey of the Gulf conclude that dispersants may [may?? see following sentence] have sent the oil to the ocean floor, where it has turned up at the bottom of [Desoto] canyon within 40 miles of the Florida Panhandle.”

“The dispersant is moving the oil down out of the surface and into the deeper waters” a marine microbiologist at USF told CNN.

David Hollander, a chemical oceanographer at USF, talked to CNN about shining ultraviolet lights on the ocean floor, “All of a sudden, it turns out to be a constellation of little dots.”

Fisherman Forced To Release BP From Liability For Contaminated Seafood

Webmaster's Commentary:

Feds admit they are NOT testing fish in the oiled areas of the gulf, and now Fisherman are being told that they must accept all legal liability fore the safety of the fish they catch and sell. THIS is what Fascism is all about; government (the US) and corporations (BP) working together against the general population (YOU)!

EXPOSED: Feds admit NOT using BP's thick, black crude for testing

Feds admit NOT using BP's thick, black crude for testing -- Irrelevant light, sweet crude used instead

WARNING: Feds admit NO testing for MORE TOXIC bioaccumulating metabolites of PAHs

FDA admits NOT testing for MERCURY, ARSENIC, or other TOXIC HEAVY METALS in crude oil

NOAA says amount of METHANE not made public... because it can't be skimmed

US agency rules out health threat from oil dispersants

Dispersants used to break up crude leaking from a ruptured Gulf of Mexico oil well are not likely to accumulate in seafood and affect humans, the US Food and Drug Administration said.
In a letter released Friday addressing concerns raised by a US lawmaker, the regulatory body said it was highly unlikely that the chemicals used to break up spilled crude into small particles would enter the food chain.
The "FDA has determined that the chemical dispersant currently used to combat the Deepwater Horizon... have a low potential for bioconcentration in seafood species," the agency said.

Webmaster's Commentary:

What I would like to see, on live television, is for Dr. Margaret Hamburg, the head of the FDA, eat freshly caught fish from the Gulf along with her closest family members. Of course, that will happen when pigs fly.
As reported on 5 June 2010 in;

"what most people don’t know is that the active ingredient of the toxic chemical dispersant, which is up to 60% by volume, being sprayed by BP to fight the Gulf oil spill is a neurotoxin pesticide that is acutely toxic to both human and aquatic life, causes cancer, causes damage to internal organs such as the liver and kidneys simply by absorbing it through the skin and may cause reproductive side effects.
In fact the neurotoxin pesticide that is lethal to 50% of life in concentrations as little as 2.6 parts per million has been banned for use in the UK since 1998 because it failed the UK “Rocky shore test” which assures that the dispersant does not cause a “significant deleterious ecological change” – or to put that in layman’s terms it can kill off the entire food chain.
Corexit has also earned the highest EPA warning label for toxicity which means the effects of the toxic chemicals to the eye are corrosive resulting in irreversible destruction of ocular tissue and other tissue with corneal involvement along with an burning that can persist for more than 21 days and effects to human skin are corrosive resulting in tissue destruction into the dermis and/or scarring.
Corexit was widely used after the 1989 Exxon Valdez spill and according to a literature review performed by the group the Alaska Community Action on Toxics was later linked with widespread long lasting health impacts in people including respiratory, nervous system, liver, kidney and blood disorders.
The “Human Health Hazards” are said to be “Chronic” for Corexit EC9527A according to the EPA."

Feds Can’t Find Oil But Satellite Photos Show BP Gulf Oil Spill Covering 12,000 Square Miles

Speculation: winds from Bonnie obliterated most of the thin sheen throughout the area; but since then, sheen has had time to “reassemble” into observable layers that noticeably affect the sunglint on MODIS images, and the backscatter on radar, but may not look like much to folks out in the Gulf on vessels or in low-flying aircraft. That’s our theory at this point.


A title and description can provide essential detail about this photo.

Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill - MODIS/Aqua Detail (with interpretation), July 28, 2010

This MODIS / Aqua satellite image taken at 2 pm Central time on July 28, 2010, shows oil slicks and sheen (encircled with orange line), that are likely attributable to the BP / Deepwater Horizon oil spill, spread out across 11,832 square miles (30,644 km2) in the Gulf of Mexico. Given the steady dissipation in the oil slick that we've observed on satellite imagery over the past few days, and reports from the Coast Guard and independent observers, we are assuming that most of this is very thin sheen.

We've marked the eastern edge of a persistent ocean-color anomaly with a dashed line; this anomaly may simply be related to the Mississippi River discharge, or could indicate an area where ocean chemistry has been affected by oil, dispersant, and/or dissolved methane from the spill and cleanup response.

Three small slicks attributable to natural oil and gas seeps are also marked.

Seafloor covered in oil 40 miles south of Panama City, FL - HEADING EAST

Most of BP oil still out there? Scientists say so - Disaster in the Gulf - msnbc.com

Two new scientific reports Tuesday raised fresh fears about the environmental fallout from the world's worst offshore oil spill and questioned government assurances that most of the oil from the ruptured well in the Gulf of Mexico was already gone.

Researchers say they saw 22-mile hydrocarbon plume in Gulf

Scientists at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution said they detected a plume of hydrocarbons in June that was at least 22 miles long and more than 3,000 feet below the surface of the Gulf of Mexico, a residue of the BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill.

According to the institution, the 1.2-mile-wide, 650-foot-high plume of trapped hydrocarbons provides at least a partial answer to recent questions asking where all the oil has gone as surface slicks shrink and disappear.

Major study proves oil plume that's not going away

A 22-mile-long invisible mist of oil is meandering far below the surface of the Gulf of Mexico, where it will probably loiter for months or more, scientists reported Thursday in the first conclusive evidence of an underwater plume from the BP spill.

The most worrisome part is the slow pace at which the oil is breaking down in the cold, 40-degree water, making it a long-lasting but unseen threat to vulnerable marine life, experts said.

Earlier this month, top federal officials declared the oil in the spill was mostly "gone," and it is gone in the sense you can't see it. But the chemical ingredients of the oil persist more than a half-mile beneath the surface, researchers found.

Will BP Skip the Relief Well, Declare Mission Accomplished, and Abandon Ship Without Permanently Killing the Oil Leak?

All was right with the world. Except, it wasn't. Day before yesterday, Adm. Allen announced they were going to start a "pressure test", babbling about the annulus and raising the ominous spectre that they are still actually communicated to the reservoir. Wells confirmed that fear in the afternoon, admitting that they indeed had 4,200 psi on the well when it's supposed to be dead. At the seafloor, the well should have no more than 2,200 psi on it, and conceivable less, if the hydrostatic of the mud in the closed well had overcome reservoir pressure. Then it got really confusing. Wells said that it wouldn't hold 4,200 psi because of "bubbles" leaking out of the wellhead, implying that they are pumping on it to keep it there, but that they're going to "test" it by relieving pressure. ??

Obama declares Gulf Coast 'open for business'

President Barack Obama declared Gulf Coast beaches clean, safe and open for business.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Imagine my @#%$ing relief. Really. Just imagine it!

Is Gulf Seafood Safe?

The FDA and NOAA say that Gulf seafood is fine. President Obama ate a fish taco yesterday made with Gulf fish.

So does that mean Gulf seafood is safe to eat?

I had hoped - for the safe of the Gulf fishermen and the entire Gulf economy - that the answer was yes. But after digging a bit, I'm not so sure.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Remember, when Obama went to the G20, the USSS took along all the food and water the President and his family would consume during the three day trip. They took along the White House cooking staff. Does anyone think they were not as careful with the fish taco?

Gulf Shrimpers Find Oil In Reopened Fishing Areas. Governnment Says "Shut Up". Sierra Club Alleges Areas Were Solely Reopened to Limit BP's Liability

"We've got shrimpers out there saying there is oil out there," Miller said. "We had a meeting Wednesday night where we had over 150 shrimpers... who are saying there is oil out there and these underwater plumes are varying in size and shape. This stuff is obviously moving around out there."

[William Walker, executive director of the Mississippi Department of Marine Resources] "If you are not going to validate what you are saying through accepted scientific protocol and approaches, then quit talking about it without any evidence what you are saying is true," Walker said.

In other words, shut up.

Webmaster's Commentary:

In other words, reality is what the bought-and-paid-for scientists say it is!

Dispersants Hearing: NOAA admits Gulf seafood not tested, yet says toxins may BIOACCUMULATE!

Larry Robinson, assistant secretary of Commerce for oceans and atmosphere/National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA):

Webmaster's Commentary:

"Never test for something you don't want to find (before November)." -- Official White Horse Souse

CNN: Plumes of oil “RESTING ON BOTTOM” hit Gulf beaches — Feds, BP still deny finding submerged crude (VIDEOS)

WKRG: “More than 15 miles of sugar white sand has turned ugly brown” as submerged oil washes ashore; One BP ‘cleanup’ crew

BP has drastically cut its oil response crews….sending thousands of workers home. The oil giant says there’s no oil out there but will respond in a timely fashion. …
“Just lie upon lie,” [says resident].

Obama mortgages the Gulf of Mexico to BP

Tying the disaster fund directly to Gulf oil revenue has obvious political advantages for the company, as the Journal pointed out, "because it could make the administration and BP partners of sorts in developing the Gulf." It would forestall measures such as the bill passed by the House of Representatives last month effectively banning BP from new offshore drilling in the Gulf, because such a move would then threaten the stream of revenue for the disaster fund.
The White House never considered commandeering the assets of the corporate criminal, instead allowing BP to retain control of the disaster site through a series of failed attempts to shut down the oil leak. It has persistently downplayed the possibility of prosecution of any executives from BP or its partners in the well.

Webmaster's Commentary:

All of this is pretty predictable, in light of the fact that BP was one of the most significant contributors to Obama's presidential campaign!

NOAA’s top oil spill scientist is “NOT SURE where” they put evidence of plumes to be used against BP… “So many samples” to keep track of

USF turned its samples over to NOAA, expecting to get either a shared analysis or the samples themselves back…. [USF marine science dean William] Hogarth said, they’ve received neither.
NOAA’s top oil spill scientist… said, because NOAA has collected so many samples over the past three months, when it comes to the samples from USF’s trip in May, “I’m not sure where they are.”

“NOAA won’t begin checking for submerged methane gases”; Top scientist says “It seems crazy”

Samantha Joye, professor of marine sciences at the University of Georgia… is puzzled why NOAA won’t begin checking for submerged methane gases in the deep waters of the Gulf… “It seems crazy,” she said. “There is no reasonable explanation as to why it’s not being done. It just doesn’t make sense.”

Webmaster's Commentary:

Sure it makes sense. If there is massive amounts of dissolved methane (and there really has to be, when you think about it) and that Methane is what is killing all the sea life along the eastern seaboard (which it is known to do), then this would be an election killer for the incumbents. So of course NOAA (already scandalized by using flawed satellite data to bolster the case for a carbon tax on us all) is not going to carry out investigations which will produce results nobody wants before November!

Florida University Draws Ire of NOAA for Gulf Research

USF officials aren't the only ones who have drawn the ire of NOAA.
Samantha Joye, professor of marine sciences at the University of Georgia, had a similar experience when she started talking about what she and others had discovered underwater.
"We felt like our wrists were slapped a little bit when we came forward and talked about the plumes,'' Joye said. "NOAA wanted a vetted, concrete story. We felt we had a concrete story. The plumes were real; the data was very solid.''

Relief Wells Delayed ... New Tests Show "Gap" in Oil "Well Column" Causing Loss of Pressure ... Does the Government Have ANY IDEA What It's Doing?

An oil and gas industry veteran with 30 years experience who goes by the alias Fishgrease gave a pretty good recap of BP and the government's record of failure in capping the oil well:

  1. BP does a superhuman job of creating conditions favorable to loss of control of what is very possibly the largest well in the history ot the Gulf of Mexico. Result: Blowout. FAIL
  1. For more than a day, BP insists there is no leakage. Result: Wrong. FAIL
  1. BP admits that well is leaking. Says leak is 1000 BOPD. Result: Wrong. FAIL
  1. NOAA, USCG and independent groups say the leak sure looks more like 5000 BOPD. BP says... DEAL! It's 5000 BOPD! How silly of us! Result: Wrong. FAIL

Round about here, BP succumbs to pressure from ... Congress and other groups and begins to release video feeds of that is happening under a mile of Gulf water, at the damaged well.

  1. BP builds a huge metal barn to lower over one of the leaks. Result: G@*!@^$ thing clogs with hydrate ice within seconds. FAIL
  1. BP installs Insertion Tube Technology. Result: Captures a very small and day-by-day-smaller portion of the leak. FAIL
  1. BP tries Diamond Wire Saw Technology to cut the damaged riser off the top of the BOP, leaving a clean even surface to seat a cap. Result: Wire gets stuck. FAIL
  1. BP tries Crunchy... a huge hydraulic Jaws-of-Death to snip the riser. Result: Jagged, bent, uneven surface upon which nothing will seal. FAIL
  1. BP lowers cap #4. Steam Punk fans rejoice! Result: This cap is capturing only a minor fraction of the leak. FAIL
  1. BP is ordered to increase containment capacity by the USCG. Says it will. Doesn't. Starts piping a portion of the leak to the Q4000 where it is all burned, unmeasured. Result: They're capturing or burning an estimated 50% of the leak, when they were ordered to catch it ALL. FAIL
  1. BP is again ordered to increase capture capacity via sternly-worded letter. Finally installs another processing boat. Result: Still not getting much more than 50% of the leak. Makes excuse that there's not enough room in the fucking Gulf of Mexico to park another boat. FAIL
  1. BP installs "Capping Stack Technology" in order to more effectively capture leak. Result: Vented riser immediately freezes off. This is the beginning of the end of capture. FAIL
  1. BP comes up with "Integrity Test Technology" which completely shuts in the well to test its integrity. Result: Works... immediately starts leaking... but does stop the leak. BP keeps moving goal line for integrity downward from 9000 psi to 8000 psi to 7500 psi to whatever the hell pressure they're seeing that day....
  1. ... Well remains shut in. Leaks are nominal but increasing....
  1. BP comes up with "Static Kill Technology" says it can kill well....

Along about here, BP quits releasing data. Video feeds start blacking out and "Rogue ROVs" appear... we can't see the feeds of those. They're assigned to monitor the BOP leaks and anything else BP doesn't want us to see.

  1. "Magic Cement Technology!" BP convinces Government to put the question of total capture and measurement out of the question. All work on containment stops cold. BP pushes a shitload of mud and cement into well. Result: Even though there's no way on God's Green Earth that they could know where the cement goes, they say they successfully cemented the casing... just the casing... not the annulus. News Media interprets this as a complete plugging of the well and questions whether the relief wells are even needed....

But the well is still leaking, now out of a very energetic leak on the bottom flange seal on the FelxJoint. There is still pressure on the BOP because you can't have leaks without pressure. Plugged wells don't LEAK!

  1. BP says they're going to get some pressure readings off the BOP after venting to see if they can establish flow up the annulus... or something. No one can figure out what the hell they're talking about here and they don't elaborate beyond Thad Allen blubbering a bunch of stuff NO ONE understands.... They freeze off their chokes atop the Capping Stack by flowing hydrocarbons through them with a very large pressure drop. ALL feeds showing anything that is going on are blacked out. After promising to release data, BP and Thad Allen.... don't....

Bob Cavnar continues the timeline, bringing us up to date:

Things keep getting curiouser and curiouser with the Well that Won't Die. In his presser this morning, Adm Allen announced that they are still trying to decide what to do about the relief well, the weak components on the old BOP, and how they're going to approach the relief well, which is still just sitting there, a tantilizing 3 1/2 feet from the blowout wellbore. Dithering seems a strong word, but one I'll now use. You'll recall that right after BP started the surprise "well integrity test" back in July, they announced the surprise "static kill", characterizing it as low pressure, low risk, and an effort to "stabilize" the well. They pumped that procedure on August 3rd, and, declaring the well "static", then pumped 500 barrels of cement announcing that the entire job went right down the casing and out into the formation. That was 11 days ago.

Since, BP and Adm Allen raised the ominous possibility that there was something mysterious going on in the annulus, the space between the production casing and the intermediate casing. Adm Allen has gone on and on about 1,000 barrels of oil in the annulus, "near ambient" pressure testing, rising pressure, falling pressure, holding pressure, and bleeding pressure, to the bewilderment of everyone, including me. Kent Wells, the star of the BP "Technical" McBriefing's, where no technical data is provided, and only few questions are taken (notice I didn't say answered), has been AWOL since his last appearance 6 days ago. The purpose of the "new ambient" pressure test is still unclear, but, after being hounded for over a week by the DailyKos Gulf Watchers, the Admiral compelled BP to release the BOP pressure readings, but BP left out basic information like starting point, whether the well is shut in at the surface or seafloor, the fluid in the riser, etc, so the data is pretty much useless, like most other information that's been disclosed.

Today, the Admiral admitted that there were three components in the the BOP stack that is of concern; we know which ones those are, since we've been talking about them for over a month. The weak components are the flex joint, right on top of the old stack, the riser adapter, and what they call the transition spool are all rated below the other components in the stack, between 5,000 psi to 6,000 psi maximum working pressure. In each of these procedures that BP has undertaken, the top kill, the well integrity test, the injectivity tests, and static kill, the pressures that BP announced actually exceeded the rated pressures of at least one of those components. After performing all of these machinations, they are now suddenly concerned about pressure on the BOP, and are actually talking about changing out the entire stack before completing the bottom kill. What?

All of this delay and dithering is confusing, at best. Pulling the stack at this point is even more concerning, especially with drill pipe and God know what all inside, including the casing hanger. Had they followed the original plan of set the capping stack, hooking up the risers that were supposed to be completed in mid-July, and producing the well to the surface while they were killing it from below, all of this new discussion would be moot. This static kill, where they really have no idea where the cement and mud went, has only complicated matters, created more uncertainty, and absolutely more delay.

In addition, Admiral Allen said today that new tests show “gap” in “well column” causing loss of pressure:

Does the government have any idea what it's doing? Does BP?

Aug. 4: Strange burst at BOP... then black blobs leak out

BP turns out the lights as 'BOP Monitoring' shows largest leaks yet

An AUTOPSY of the BP Gulf Oil Well at the Macondo Prospect

Many have been asking about the current state of the previously gushing BP Oil Well at the Macondo Prospect in the Gulf of Mexico. The following questions have been coming fast and furiously since the well was capped.

What they're hiding: Explosive SEEPS evident in side-by-side comparison of ENHANCED video

Oil Leaking From BP Gulf Oil Spill Sea Floor Strata

BP Well Is Still Leaking Underground

By now, I have enough experience of this oil spill (Gawd help me)
to have an instinct that BP(and others) have been scamming us hard
over the course of the last couple of weeks.
I pointed out that the low sub-7,000psi pressure reading when they
capped the well was far below the projected, expected 8,500psi+.
And that it meant the well was likely leaking underground.
I think it's been leaking far enough down hole to not pose a risk of an
imminent sea floor blowout. And so they decided to handle the well
in two sections: above the underground leak and below the leak.
So they just handled the top section with the static kill and cement.
And that bottom section is still leaking.

BP's oil now oozing out from Beach sand in Louisiana

That's why they didn't allow photographers...they were just BURYING the oil. I've seen other videos like this...pristine-looking beaches, where all BP did was bring in acres of sand and bulldoze it over the oil. They didn't "clean up" a damned thing, they just buried it.

3 minutes of hell: Constant, powerful seepage from ocean floor (Aug. 17)

Feds admit NOT observing seafloor for anomalies; Relying on BP to report problems

Feds admit NOT observing seafloor; Relying on BP to report 'anomalies'

Part 3: Seafloor absolutely bursting with STRANGE seep activity at 3 min. in (MUST SEE BP)

Very large methane? bubble bursts from seafloor -- SLOW MOTION (Aug. 10)

Aug. 11: Black Blobs STREAMING from seafloor

NON-STOP black seepage from spot near a crack? in seafloor

Friday the 13th: Large plumes seeping from seafloor

Methane hydrate? seepage STILL increasing

CLEAREST sea floor bursts yet - METHANE Clouds? - Stationary ROV near BP 'Oil Spill'

'floornado' Ocean Intervention ROV 2

Webmaster's Commentary:

The release of methane seems to be increasing.

Feds announce ANOTHER blow-out preventer may be added to wellhead

Webmaster's Commentary:

You mean that well you have been telling everyone for the last several days is statically killed (even though there are still thousands of pounds pressure at the well head)?

UV Light Reveals Hidden Sand Contamination from the Gulf oil disaster

dead fish all over the east coast, lack of oxygen from gulf disaster

EOC Director: Fish kill after oil washes up, “ALL the crabs are crawling up on the bank”; “Dying everywhere” says fisherman

WLOX reports after “hundreds of tar balls and patties washed up on the beach near Lakeshore Road” Thursday night, the Hancock County, Mississippi Emergency Operations Center Director said, “If you walk along the pier, you’ll see small dead fish. You’ve got some speckled trout that’s dead through here. All the crabs are crawling up on the bank and I just kind of wonder why.”
He isn’t the only one wondering about this “unusual occurrence.” “Something is killing them. It wasn’t killing them before this oil got here. And now they’re dying everywhere,” a fisherman who didn’t want to be identified told WLOX.

BP officials “DON’T BELIEVE” mayor’s tests that prove oil is surfacing in local waters

“BP keeps telling us there is no oil, to skim or otherwise, and we keep telling them there is… We’re skimming it,” the Orange Beach Coastal Resource Manager said.
A BP spokesman told the Press-Register that company officials “don’t believe what the mayor’s crew is finding is oil.”
“City officials said samples collected last week from local waters tested positive for the presence of hydrocarbons, but BP rejected those findings… An invitation to jointly collect samples on Thursday was turned down by a local BP official,” the article reports.

Webmaster's Commentary:

"We don't see it and we don't smell it, and you can't make us, nyah, hyah, nyah!" -- Official White Horse Souse

Days After Tar Balls Hit New York Beach Massive Fish Kills Stretch From New Jersey to Massachusetts

Now massive fish kills in the North East stretching from NJ to NY and Massachusetts and in all locations life long residents say they have never seen anything like this.
Are these all just coincidence?
The similarities and the timing between these events and the events occurring throughout the Gulf of Mexico should prompt officials to take a closer look and find the real cause of these incidents.
Instead we see Massachusetts officials declaring the fish kill was due from lack of oxygen within hours without doing any tests and NJ officials ignoring reports of tar balls on the beaches.

Dead Fish Washing Up Everywhere Due to BP Oil Spill and Dispersants

Of course, separate and apart from its oxygen-depleting properties, Corexit is itself toxic to fish. Given that even seagulls won't touch the fish that are washing up today, the fish should be tested for Corexit poisoning.

Oil expert: BP admits “4,200 psi on the well when it’s supposed to be dead”; “They are indeed communicated to the reservoir below”

In actuality, this “static kill” did nothing that BP and Allen said it would do. Certainly the well is not dead or “static”… The fact that they’re getting pressure now tells me that they are indeed communicated to the reservoir below…

Webmaster's Commentary:

In other words, this is just more "make believe the problem is fixed for the elections" propaganda.

Top Gulf scientist contradicts Feds, says Oil from BP’s gusher “some of the crudest stuff I’ve ever seen”

NOAA says the oil from BP’s blown-out well is a light crude that biodegrades quickly.
However, a top marine scientist in the Gulf now contradicts the government’s claim.

Webmaster's Commentary:

A reminder that NOAA just got busted for using faulty satellite data to bolster the case for human-caused global warming. So their credibility is already shot.

Friday the 13th Part II: Even larger plumes seeping from seafloor

What they're hiding: Explosive SEEPS evident in side-by-side comparison of ENHANCED video

Fury Over Gulf Of Mexico Oil Spill Report

Gulf Coast residents and business owners have reacted with alarm to claims that around 75% of the oil that leaked from the BP Deepwater Horizon rig has gone.
They fear the report by US government scientists will cause political and media attention to fade and that they will be abandoned as they struggle to cope with incomes and livelihoods devastated by the leak.

Engineers detect seepage near BP oil well

Reuters - HOUSTON (Reuters) - Engineers monitoring BP Plc's damaged well in the Gulf of Mexico detected seepage on the ocean floor that could mean problems with the cap that has stopped oil from gushing into the water, the government's top oil spill official said on Sunday.



Some serious mysteries and unanswered questions
are arising from the BP oil spill.

The strange thing is that not only are they not
being addressed in the mainstream news, they're
also not being raised by the so-called conspiracy

Geologist: Depletion of Oil Reservoir "Unlikely"

While BP talks confidently about seismic tests for leaks beneath the seafloor, I am not so sure that a leak could be detected using seismic given the low-resolution of seismic tests.


Common sense (and engineering) will tell you that if you have a pipe with leaks, putting a cap on one leak simply drives the oil out the other leaks. From an environmental perspective this makes no sense, because the oil is still leaking out of the well, just in a different place. Of greater concern is that the oil can flow out into the surrounding rocks the way the mud did during the failed Top Kill procedure, forming what is called a subsurface blowout. This is a huge bubble of oil inside the rock. The danger is if the bubble ruptures and the oil collected over 80 days of leakage rushed to the surface of the gulf all at once. Such a surge of oil could easily engulf and founder the surface ships.

Optional Banner:

WRH Exclusive

Admiral Allen Orders Well Opened, BP Says It Will Keep Well Closed

BP will keep the cap closed until it fears the well is at risk, Operations Chief Doug Suttles said in a conference call this morning.
This contradicts orders from Admiral Allen to open the well and begin siphoning oil -- to avoid a possible pressure-buildup.
So who's behind the wheel? And is BP about to take a huge risk?

Webmaster's Commentary:

Wasn't pressure buildup supposed to be a good thing?

Or is BP's show of defiance to give Obama more political cover?

BP oil spill: Obama administration's scientists admit alarm over chemicals

The Obama administration is facing internal dissent from its scientists for approving the use of huge quantities of chemical dispersants to tackle the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, the Guardian has learned.
The US Environmental Protection Agency has come under attack in Congress and from independent scientists for allowing BP to spray almost 2m gallons of the dispersant Corexit on to the slick and, even more controversially, into the leak site 5,000ft below the sea. Now it emerges that EPA's own experts have been raising similar concerns within the agency.

As BP claims success in capping well Gulf economy in ruins

If the well is successfully capped, one can be certain that the US media will drop the story, "concerned" politicians will wind down their investigations, and BP and the oil industry as a whole will go back to raking in enormous profits on reckless drilling operations.
But what will be left of the Gulf?
The region faces a social, economic, and ecological catastrophe from which it will never recover under the current political set-up, dominated by two big-business parties and a government that at every level does the bidding of the financial and corporate elite. This basic fact has been amply demonstrated by the response to the spill itself, which from the beginning took as its overriding concerns the financial preservation of BP and the demands of the oil industry.

Webmaster's Commentary:

By definition, corporations are entities without conscience.
Therefore, it is imperative that enlightened governments have rules and practices enforced to prevent the kind of disasters, both socioeconomic, and environmental, that we have witnessed with the Gulf oil spill catastrophe.
Obama had well over a year to take care of the MMS, and did absolutely nothing until well after the crisis hit.
At the end of the day, it will ultimately you and me footing the bill for the cleanup and remediation of this mess, and the quality of that clean up will most probably be cosmetic at best.
Just ask the people living in Prince William Sound just how well they're faring in the aftermath of the Exxon Valdez oil spill disaster!

BP And Feds Stonewalling Congress About Well Bore Integrity, Sea Floor Leaks

Experts are still warning that blown well casing and lack of well bore integrity could cause a massive underground blowout like the one that occurred during the IXTOC disaster.
Such an underground blowout or the existence of large leaks in the sea floor may even prevent the relief wells from working altogether.
That would mean that BP may never be able to stop the leaking well.

Dispersants “more than the amount of oil spilled in any single accident prior to the BP disaster”

Reddy said he is also concerned about the total amount of dispersants used, which is unprecedented. He noted that 1 million barrels [42 million gallons] of dispersants have been applied to the Gulf of Mexico to fight this spill, more than the amount of oil spilled in any single accident prior to the BP disaster

'Oil recovery and cleanup will extend to the autumn'

BP and the US national incident commander say there are no guarantees that they can cap the leaking wellhead, urging patience from Gulf residents.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Translation: The cap doesn't look like it will work after all.

Obama Trying to Shift Oil Spill 'Off the Front Page,' Senator Says

Louisiana Republican Sen. David Vitter on Sunday accused President Obama of trying to move the BP oil disaster "off the front page," urging the public not to forget about the spill and the cleanup just because a new well cap seems to be working.

Webmaster's Commentary:

The Well Cap is working to make it look like the problem is fixed, but it isn't. The leak has not been stopped; It has merely been moved.


Webmaster's Commentary:

Folks, ABCNNBBCBS is trying to con America into thinking that the gulf disaster is over simply because the well head is capped. This propaganda is being put out because BP wants to limit their financial losses over this mess and Obama does not want the Gulf Disaster, which he caused by not reining in the MMS during the first 400 days of his Presidency, following him into the November election.

So what all of you Rivero's Rangers need to do is to grab this and every other video on YouTube that shows oil leaking up from the floor of the ocean and email the link to your friends and families and explain to them that BP and Thad Allen capped the well to get a pretty media picture knowing there was damage to the well casing 1000 feet down and that the oil would simply leak out there instead of the top.

BP Paying Off Universities, Gulf Scientists To Silence Them

BP Paying Off Universities And Gulf Scientists In Mass To Hide Oil Spill Research Data From The Public
Posted by Alexander Higgins - July 16, 2010 at 3:28 pm
Perhaps even more startling is the scientists that BP isn’t paying off to keep quiet the Federal Government is.
A scientist who spoke to the Press-Register on condition of anonymity because he feared harming relationships with colleagues and government officials said he rejected a BP contract offer and was subsequently approached by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration with a research grant offer. ...Other scientists told the newspaper that colleagues who signed on with BP have since been informed by federal officials that they will lose government funding for ongoing research efforts unrelated to the spill.

Feds: Test results from well not as good as hoped

Allen said there are two possible reasons being debated by scientists on the project for why the pressure hasn't risen as high as desired: The reservoir that is the source of the oil could be depleting after a three-month spill, or there could be an undiscovered leak somewhere down in the well.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Allen may be an admiral but it is clear he is no geologist. Oil reservoirs the size of Mount Everest do not deplete in just 3 months. Allen is trying to put a positive spin on the failure of the test by saying "the news is generally good", even though clearly, it is not.

Rep. Markey says Congress unable to “PUBLICLY disclose” integrity of wellbore

"And, again, I wrote back there on June 23, so that we could publicly disclose what the integrity of the wellbore is, we could publicly disclose what the integrity of the geology around the wellbore, so that we could better understand. …"
Markey all but confirms that the government has knowledge of the condition of the wellbore, but is not permitted to release the information publicly.
Markey’s wrote the June 23 letter to pressure BP to publicly disclose the problems with the wellbore. This would have allowed the information to be released without Markey doing it directly.
However, the questions raised in his letter serves to inform the public about what Congress does know about the condition of the well, without directly stating the information as fact.

BP caps leaking well, but industry experts say it may not be a permanent fix

BP is now conducting integrity tests for up to 48 hours in order to determine whether or not there are additional leaks in the well bore deep beneath the seabed or in other areas of the ocean floor.
As early as May 31, after the top kill procedure failed, a BP official admitted to the Washington Post that "We discovered things that were broken in the sub-surface." He said that mud was making it "out to the side, into the formation." The official said he could not describe what was damaged in the well.

Webmaster's Commentary:

This "capping" does not make any sense at all.
Adding this information to that below, we have breaks or weak spots in the well at 1000 feet, 7000 feet, and 190000 feet below the ocean floor. BP has already admitted there is a leak because that is where the drilling mud went durng the failed Top Kill operation.
So how can we be seeing building pressure in a well pipe BP has already admitted has at least one major hole in it?
None of this "Capping" is making any sense at all.

CNN reports well has “weak points at 9,000? and “17,000 feet” that BP is likely “watching in the seismic”

Another video showing what looks like oil seeping up from ocean floor near BP well.

Oil coming from sea floor near BP well?

More oil seepage frm the ocean floor around the BP well head?

FLASHBACK - Gulf seafloor crack leak in slow motion shows oil coming from crack

Webmaster's Commentary:

This was leakage from the sea floor back in June.

What is going on, here? More oil coming up through the sea floor?

Chris Landau: BP Cap will not stop leak from ocean floor

BP, feds clash over reopening capped Gulf oil well

An administration official familiar with the spill oversight, however, told The Associated Press that a seep and possible methane were found near the busted oil well. The official spoke on condition of anonymity Sunday because an announcement about the next steps had not been made yet.

Official: Seep found near BP's blown out oil well

A federal official says scientists are concerned about a seep and possible methane near BP's busted oil well in the Gulf of Mexico
Both could be signs there are leaks in the well that's been capped off for three days.
The official spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity Sunday because an announcement about the next steps had not been made yet.

Webmaster's Commentary:

God DAMN, I am good! :)

FLASHBACK - BP Official Admits Damage To Gulf Oil ‘Well Casing’ Below Seabed

On June 7th, Senator Bill Nelson told MSNBC that he’s investigating reports of oil seeping up from additional leak points on the seafloor: Senator Bill Nelson (D-FL): Andrea we’re looking into something new right now, that there’s reports of oil that’s seeping up from the seabed… which would indicate, if that’s true, that the well casing itself is actually pierced… underneath the seabed. So, you know, the problems could be just enormous with what we’re facing.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Capping that pipe may make BP look good right now and help Obama put the Gulf Disaster behind him ahead of the November Elections, but they may be setting the gulf up for an even worse disaster by creating a huge pressurized pool of oil only 1000 feet below the sea floor.

One more thing. By capping the well at the top, the pressure inside the bore is increasing, up to the 8000 PSI being touted as a sign of success. That means that the two relief wells are going to be drilling into much greater pressure and will have to overcome that increased pressure in order to pump in the drilling mud and cement. The likelihood of success for the relief wells is decreased by this capping procedure.
None of this "Capping" is making any sense at all.

Toxic Dispersants Near Gulf Harm Humans and Wildlife

"Just days ago Barataria Bay was full of oil," Tracy informs while sweeping an arm out towards the south, where the large Bay sits, toxified, "Then they hit it with dispersants and the oil goes to the bottom. But then during the day, it heats up and the oil bubbles up to the surface."
Tracy, like many other shrimpers I will soon speak with, refers to this effect as that similar to a "Lava lamp."
"The oil, after they hit it with dispersants, moves around beneath the surface and they can’t track it," she continues, "They are using dispersants so they can minimize their liability."

Oil Dispersants have made Giant "super skimmer" useless

Giant "super skimmer" no help with Gulf oil spill
2 hrs 22 mins ago
The company defended the performance of its vessel and said the large quantity of dispersants poured into the water near the source of the spill made skimming difficult.
"The particular conditions present in the Macondo spill did not afford the vessel the opportunity to recover a significant amount of oil," said a statement by Bob Grantham, spokesman for TMT Offshore.
"This is due to the highly dispersed nature of the oil in the Gulf. When dispersants are used in high volume, virtually from the point that oil leaves the well, it presents real challenges for high-volume skimming," Grantham said.


We've seen this black wave before ~ except it was the Exxon Valdez disaster. The time March 24,1989 and the scene was Prince William Sound, Alaska. A spill that effected the whole Gulf of Alaska, a clean up that lasted three years with over 6500 workers filing upper respiratory medical claims. In 1994, it went to a class action trial and Exxon stonewalled it to the end.

Government Experts reveal 420 MILLION to 840 MILLION gallons of BP oil have flowed into Gulf

Using the 1 million barrels of dispersant means that, at a ratio of 1:10, there has been 10 million barrels of oil released in to the Gulf of Mexico since late April.
At the 1:20 ratio, there would be 20 million barrels of oil released.

US accuses BP of Libya oil deal on Lockerbie bomber

US senators have called for an inquiry into whether BP played any role in last year's release of the Lockerbie bomber.
As BP continued to struggle to cap the well in the Gulf of Mexico at the centre of the world's worst oil spill, American politicians have begun looking for other ways to target the company.

BP admits 'lobbying UK over Libya prisoner transfer scheme but not Lockerbie bomber'

BP is facing fresh scrutiny into whether it was involved in the release of the Lockerbie bomber Abdelbaset Ali Mohmet al-Megrahi, after the oil giant admitted lobbying the British government over a prisoner agreement with Libya.
BP said it pressed for a deal over the controversial prisoner transfer agreement (PTA) amid fears any delays to negotiations would damage its “commercial interests” and disrupt its £900 million offshore drilling operations in the region.

Is the New Oil Cap Succeeding or Failing?

Oil industry expert Rob Cavner - who previously explained that there is damage in the oil well beneath the seafloor, and that BP has to let the oil spill keep on gushing to avoid further damage to the well bore until the well can be killed with relief wells (subsequently confirmed by BP) - says that he is worried that the well integrity test could further damage the well bore and could blow out the entire well:

MSNBC: "Scientists starting to voice concerns about methane being at levels that will kill millions"


Corexit is a product line of solvents primarily used as a dispersant for breaking up oil slicks. It is produced by Nalco Holding Company which is associated with BP . Corexit 9500, four times more toxic than crude oil, is one of the most poisonous dispersants ever developed, and is up to 20 times more toxic than other dispersants, and only half as effective.
When Corexit 9500, with its 2.61 ppm toxicity level, is combined with the warm waters of the Gulf much of it will transition into a gaseous state that will be absorbed into clouds, to be released as toxic rain upon all of the Eastern United States

Methane Thought To Be Responsible For Mass Extinction

What caused the worst mass extinction in Earth's history 251 million years ago? An asteroid or comet colliding with Earth? A greenhouse effect? Volcanic eruptions in Siberia? Or an entirely different culprit? A Northwestern University chemical engineer believes the culprit may be an enormous explosion of methane (natural gas) erupting from the ocean depths.

FLASHBACK - Methane eruption blamed for mass extinction

A massive explosion of colourless, odourless natural gas erupting from the ocean depths may have caused the worst mass extinction in the Earth's history some 251 million years ago, according to U.S. geologists.

Webmaster's Commentary:

This is what these bozos are messing with!

Gulf oil spill: Fouling air as well as water?

Questions about air pollution related to the BP oil spill may get some clearer answers this coming week, as university researchers and a Louisiana environmental group release initial findings of their independent analysis of the Gulf region’s air quality.

Water Tested – Toxic Levels of Oil – Sample Explodes!

The accepted toxic level for oil is anything over 5 parts per million. Water from orange beach tested at 25 parts per million. The sand around Gulf Shores beach tested at an astonishing 211 parts per million. Remember, these beaches have been left open by officials who continue to claim the, “The beach is safe to swim.” Near Orange Beach, in the very area where kids were happily playing, the water tested a whopping 221 parts per million. How can the EPA and local officials continue to lets citizens frequent these toxic beaches?

BP’s use of chemicals to disperse the massive Gulf of Mexico oil spill has become a source of concern for the US, with lawmakers warning of another “Agent Orange” scandal


Sources at two companies involved with the well said that BP also discovered new damage inside the well below the seafloor and that, as a result, some of the drilling mud that was successfully forced into the well was going off to the side into rock formations.
"We discovered things that were broken in the sub-surface," said a BP official who spoke on the condition of anonymity. He said that mud was making it "out to the side, into the formation."

Webmaster's Commentary:

So, there is no way this cap is stopping the flow of oil. It may not be coming out where the cameras are, which is great for BP and Obama, but if the drilling mud was leaking out to the side, then so too is the oil. A subsurface blowout is forming 1000 feet down under the floor of the Gulf of Mexico. Sooner or later the accumulating oil bubble will blow through the ocean floor in a massive spill event. Maybe Obama is hoping it won't happen until November 5th.

Expert suspects BP has ulterior motive behind oil well cap

Cavnar believes that BP's true goal is to make it harder to measure the flow of oil from the damaged well, because under the Clean Water Act, it will be liable for civil penalties of up to $4300 for every barrel spilled.
"While they have every incentive to get the well killed, BP also has every incentive to not capture 100% of the well flow until they do," Cavnar wrote last week at Huffington Post. "As soon as they do capture all the flow, then a real, measurable number will be in front of the public, and that's the last thing BP wants, since that number will then be used to extrapolate environmental damage, hence per barrel fines that will likely run to the tens of billions anyway."

Oil hits Louisiana's largest seabird nesting area

Biologists say oil has smeared at least 300-400 pelicans and bunchopelshundreds of terns in the largest seabird nesting area along the Louisiana coast — marking a sharp and sudden escalation in wildlife harmed by BP's Gulf of Mexico oil spill.
The finding underscores that official tallies of birds impacted by the spill could be significantly underestimating the scope of damage.

NOAA Hoarding Key Data On Oil Spill Damage

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is hoarding vast amounts of raw data that independent marine researchers say could help both the public and scientists better understand the extent of the damage being caused by the massive BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.
In most cases, NOAA insists on putting the data through a ponderous, many-weeks-long vetting process before making it public.
In other cases, NOAA actually intended to keep the data secret indefinitely. But officials told the Huffington Post on Tuesday that they have now decided to release it -- though when remains unclear.
BP, incidentally, gets to see all this data right away.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Imagine my (absence of) surprise here, particularly when this data is election-year kryptonite for the Obama administration, which had well over a year to get the MMS sorted out.

Porn, Meth, and Oil Company Parties

Instead of just inspecting offshore oil platforms, employees of the Minerals Management Service spent time trading links to Internet porn, shaking off crystal meth buzzes, and partying on the dime of the oil companies that they were supposed to be regulating, according to a new report released Monday by the Interior Department's Inspector General. The IG's investigation of MMS' Lake Charles office, in oil-ravaged Louisiana, found "a culture where the acceptance of gifts from oil and gas companies was widespread."

Report: BP audit detailed rig's flaws before spill

A newspaper says it has obtained an internal audit conducted by BP PLC on the Deepwater Horizon oil rig that details severe safety flaws months before the Gulf of Mexico spill.
The Sunday Times said in its report that the audit details how the drilling rig, owned by contractor Transocean, did not fully comply with BP's standards.
The report says that seven months ahead of the April explosion, auditors found 390 maintenance tasks that were more than a month overdue on the rig. These included maintenance work on parts of the blowout preventer, the safety device atop the well that failed to trigger on the day of the accident.
BP and Transocean, which could both face heavy penalties, have disagreed on who should take responsibility for the spill.
For government lawyers preparing a case against BP, this number could help calculate the maximum civil penalty BP might face for the spill. If BP is not found to have acted with negligence, the penalty would be $1,100 per barrel. About 4.1 million barrels escaped into the gulf, according to the new estimate, so that fine would come to $4.5 billion. If BP is found to have acted with "gross negligence" in the lead-up to the spill, the maximum penalty would be $4,300 a barrel, which would work out to $17.6 billion.

What BP and US Gov't Don’t Want You to Know--With photos

The Crime of the Century: What BP and US Government Don’t Want You to Know--With photos
Posted by Alexander Higgins - August 7, 2010 at 2:16 am
To judge from most media coverage, the beaches are open, the fishing restrictions being lifted and the Gulf resorts open for business in a healthy, safe environment. We, along with Pierre LeBlanc, spent the last few weeks along the Gulf coast from Louisiana to Florida, and the reality is distinctly different. The coastal communities of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida have been inundated by the oil and toxic dispersant Corexit 9500, and the entire region is contaminated. The once pristine white beaches that have been subject to intense cleaning operations now contain the oil/dispersant contamination to an unknown depth.

Lockerbie bomber 'set free for oil'

The British government decided it was “in the overwhelming interests of the United Kingdom” to make Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed al-Megrahi, the Lockerbie bomber, eligible for return to Libya, leaked ministerial letters reveal.
Gordon Brown’s government made the decision after discussions between Libya and BP over a multi-million-pound oil exploration deal had hit difficulties.
These were resolved soon afterwards.

FLASHBACK - Sen. Bill Nelson: Reports of oil seeping up from seabed, well casing may be pierced.

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