Les Nouvelles Internationales est un site alternatif pour les gens qui veulent mieux comprendre ce qui se passe dans notre monde et pour mieux connaître notre histoire.
Ce site se veut un moyen de résister à la manipulation de la pensée par la désinformation et la propagande de masse.
Une population éduquée n`est pas manipulable. Cessons de nous faire violer psychiquement, protégeons-nous mentalement. Les ploutocrates dépensent des milliards pour contrôler notre pensée. Fermons la TV!
Hier, mon collègue François a traité en profondeur du conflit de Gaza. Permettez-moi d’aborder un angle différent de ce conflit. Le point de vue arabe. Le mercredi 30, Djamel Bouatta écrit dans la Liberté (Algérie) : « Le monde arabe pourtant lié par la langue, la culture et la religion est toujours victime de ses propres jeux et calculs politiciens, de son incapacité à exorciser ses pesanteurs et des refus de ses dirigeants de s’ouvrir sur leurs sociétés lesquelles, aujourd’hui, exigent la dignité, la considération et la démocratie. Israël, bien entendu, se réjouit du discrédit de ses voisins, de la paralysie de la Ligue arabe et s’emploie maintenant à donner le coup de grâce à un Hamas certes islamiste mais qui reste le seul à résister avec des Katioucha bricolés par des ferrailleurs et qui, de toute évidence, ne fait pas le poids face au rouleau compresseur israélien. Israël prend même son temps, largement. Les pays arabes aussi, qui ne se réuniront que dans trois jours, lorsque seront bouclées les fêtes de fin d’année musulmane et chrétienne ! Pour l’histoire, les régimes auront laissé Israël achever son sale boulot, réaliser sa solution finale. Quoi d’étonnant que, du Caire à Beyrouth en passant par Bagdad et la Cisjordanie, les manifestations de rue dénoncent la « lâcheté arabe » et donnent du crédit aux islamistes. Du pain béni pour ces derniers qui exploitent avec brio la fermeture du champ politique et médiatique et la liberté d’expression sur fond de répression et de violations de toutes sortes qui caractérisent le monde arabe d’aujourd’hui ».
Si la diplomatie s’active, elle n’est pas arabe, pour l’heure. Les ministres des Affaires étrangères de l’Union européenne en appellent à Paris à un « cessez-le-feu permanent » à Gaza. Pour Le Quartette pour le Proche-Orient, il doit également en aller ainsi : « un cessez-le-feu « immédiat ». Le 28 décembre, Gulf News constatait que : « Tandis que Gaza brûle, les responsables sont au téléphone pour tenter d’obtenir une réunion d’urgence des pays arabes. Le plus tôt possible, nous dit-on, sera vendredi. D’ici là, il y aura moins de Gazaouis dans la bande de Gaza. Et la campagne sanglante d’Israël aura baissé en intensité. Cela convient à l’évidence aux responsables arabes. La pression exercée par l’opinion publique arabe pour prendre de difficiles mesures aura baissé. Ils pourront ensuite blâmer le Hamas pour le carnage ».
Sur El-annabi, Amine B., La voix de L’Oranie, s’interroge à juste titre : « On parle d’un sommet extraordinaire de la Ligue arabe, ce vendredi à Doha, dont la tenue n’a pas été confirmée. […] Les pays qui y seront présents (9 sur 22 seulement ont donné leur accord jusque-là), devront plancher sur deux points principaux qui seront à l’ordre du jour. Le premier a trait à l’arrêt des attaques israéliennes, le second à la relance rapide d’une seconde trêve entre le Hamas et Israël. Ces deux points sont difficiles à atteindre, non pas à cause de la supériorité militaire prétendue d’Israël dans la région (qui n’est en vérité que celle des États-Unis), mais parce que Tel-Aviv lie les deux points, à savoir que les attaques continueront tant que le Hamas ne sera pas bouté au large de Gaza, pour reprendre les propos des responsables israéliens coupables de la boucherie toujours en cours ».
Gilbert Achcar enseigne à l’Université de Paris-VIII et à l’Université américaine de Berlin. Selon ce dernier, dans un article qu’il a fait paraitre sur Mediapart, l’assaut meurtrier qu’Israël a perpétré contre Gaza était tellement prémédité qu’il était annoncé à l’avance, samedi matin, dans plusieurs quotidiens arabes. [...] Walid Awad, le correspondant du quotidien, rapportait avoir appris « de source diplomatique arabe digne de confiance que le général Omar Suleiman, chef des renseignements égyptiens, a informé certaines capitales arabes qu’Israël allait lancer une offensive limitée contre la bande de Gaza pour exercer une pression sur le mouvement Hamas afin de l’obliger à accepter une trêve sans conditions préalables. Ces sources ont ajouté que le général Suleiman a insisté auprès de la ministre israélienne des affaires étrangères, Tzipi Livni, sur la nécessité d’éviter de faire des victimes parmi les civils durant l’opération militaire afin que des photos d’innocents ne soient pas utilisées pour exciter la rue arabe. […] La collusion avec Israël des « Arabes de l’Amérique », comme les appelle « la rue arabe », c’est-à-dire les monarchies pétrolières du Golfe, la monarchie jordanienne et l’Égypte, est ainsi exposée au grand jour ».
Lors de sa rencontre avec la ministre israélienne des Affaires étrangères, Tzipi Livni, avant l’intervention massive d’Israël à Gaza, le président égyptien, Hosni Moubarak, avait incité les belligérants à la modération. Il disait vouloir éviter toute escalade militaire. Tzipi Livni n’a pas manqué de rappeler l’importance, pour Israël, des relations avec l’Égypte.
L’Égypte se situe entre le marteau et l’enclume : elle demande d’une part une retenue d’Israël et, d’autre part, une cessation des tirs de roquettes, par le Hamas, sur le territoire israélien. Mme Livni a déclaré avoir discuté avec le président Moubarak « ouvertement et franchement » sur l’état de la situation à Gaza. Comme il fallait s’y attendre, Madame Livni a attribué la détérioration de la situation au Hamas. Les attaques quotidiennes contre Israël constituent, aux yeux de la ministre israélienne des Affaires étrangères, un obstacle vers l’établissement d’un État palestinien indépendant. Et la ministre a, par la même occasion, demandé aux ambassadeurs d’Israël à travers le monde de faire des efforts afin d’obtenir du soutien à l’opération anticipée dans la bande de Gaza.
De cette rencontre stratégique, avant les événements du samedi 27 décembre, il semble que seule la voix israélienne a dominé l’actualité. Est-ce par un effet de sa bienveillante neutralité, toujours est-il que peu de protestations se sont élevées au Caire pour dénoncer de la plus verte façon cette intervention massive à Gaza.
L’intervention est plutôt venue d’Abdallah II, de Jordanie. Dès samedi, il a appelé la communauté internationale à réagir. Il a déclaré que la violence ne fera qu’aggraver le conflit et ne ramènera pas la sécurité à Israël. Le roi a demandé au gouvernement jordanien de prendre toutes les mesures pour soutenir les Palestiniens de Gaza. Le roi entend également fournir l’assistance humanitaire et médicale pour aider Gaza à surmonter les difficultés causées par « l’agression et le siège d’Israël » (sic).
La démarche du Roi de Jordanie ne s’est pas arrêtée là. Il a multiplié les contacts diplomatiques avec des dirigeants arabes et des leaders politiques mondiaux. Il s’est entretenu avec Hosni Moubarak et le président palestinien, Mahmoud Abbas. Ce dernier, qui a rencontré dimanche Hosni Moubarak au Caire, vient d’appeler dimanche le Hamas à conclure une nouvelle trêve avec Israël. Les ministres arabes des Affaires étrangères, qui se réuniront mercredi toujours au Caire, lanceront un message similaire au Hamas : il faut conclure une nouvelle trêve.
Une nouvelle fois, le Roi Abdallah franchit un pas que ne semblent pas franchir les diplomates égyptiens et arabes, dans leur ensemble. Il demande clairement à la communauté internationale d’assumer ses responsabilités légales et morales vis-à-vis du peuple palestinien en exigeant d’Israël de cesser ses agressions contre la bande de Gaza.
L’une des conséquences de cette intervention d’Israël à Gaza est la réaction de la rue arabe à l’égard d’Hosni Moubarak. L’ambassade d’Égypte à Beyrouth était dimanche la cible de pierres lancées par des centaines de manifestants. Les slogans sont nettement hostiles au président Moubarak en Égypte. La foule lui reproche d’être complice du blocus israélien. L’accusation est de taille : « Moubarak et Livni se sont mis d’accord sur le génocide du peuple palestinien », pouvait-on lire sur des pancartes brandies par la foule. 2.000 Égyptiens ont manifesté et accusé de « complicité » le président égyptien Hosni Moubarak. Ces voix de la rue arabe n’ont, selon toute vraisemblance, pas entendu le porte-parole du ministère des Affaires étrangères Hossam Zaki qui a déclaré à l’AFP avoir convoqué l’ambassadeur israélien pour lui signifier que l’Égypte refusait cette agression. Et ces mêmes voix de la rue n’ont pas entendu la condamnation de leur pays. En effet, si l’Égypte a bien condamné les agressions militaires israéliennes sur la bande de Gaza et fait porter la responsabilité à Israël, en tant que force d’occupation, des morts et des blessés, il semble que ce message ait peu porté.
La question se pose : Hosni Moubarak a-t-il été ou non informé par Tzipi Livni sur la nature même de l’intervention d’Israël à Gaza et a-t-il conclu une entente de non-intervention publique ? Selon le Hamas lui-même, les raids israéliens sont « un complot orchestré » avec l’Égypte. C’est tout de même depuis le Caire que la ministre des Affaires étrangères a rendu public son intention de ne plus laisser la situation se dégrader sur le territoire israélien. « Le fait que le Hamas continue de tirer sur les Israéliens et les communautés israéliennes est inacceptable », avait-elle déclaré. Mme Livni avait promis des représailles contre le Hamas. L’opération a-t-elle été menée que pour renverser le Hamas, avec un silence complice de l’Égypte ? Des voix s’élèvent pour confirmer ce doute.
Samedi, Israël a procédé à une attaque massive contre des installations du Hamas dans la bande de Gaza. Tel-Aviv vient de sortir l’artillerie et bombarde Gaza. Opération « plomb durci » ! Soixantaine appareils israéliens ont bombardé une cinquantaine de sites du mouvement islamiste. Bilan encore provisoire : 228 morts et plus de 700 blessé. C’est le plus lourd depuis 60 ans. Pour Tzipi Livni, ces raids menés contre le Hamas sont justifiés : « Il n’y a pas d’autre option qu’une opération militaire ». Pour passer en revue les préparatifs de cette attaque massive, il vous faudra lire Haaretz qui relate les faits saillants qui ont marqué, du point de vue interne, l’intervention israélienne à Gaza.
Intrinsèquement, ce que craint foncièrement l’Égypte, n’est-ce pas un regain de violence qui ne pousse la population de Gaza à forcer sa frontière, comme en janvier 2008 ? Elle a déployé près de 500 policiers des forces antiémeutes tout au long de la frontière avec la bande de Gaza après les raids israéliens. Hosni Moubarak a donné des instructions pour ouvrir le terminal afin d’accueillir les blessés palestiniens. De son côté, Hassan Nasrallah a, selon l’AFP, appelé dimanche le peuple égyptien à descendre « par millions » dans la rue pour forcer l’ouverture du terminal de Rafah, frontalier de la bande de Gaza. Qui parle au nom de qui ?
Selon Le Monde diplomatique, « l’accord comprenait, outre le cessez-le-feu, la levée du blocus de Gaza et un engagement de l’Égypte d’ouvrir le passage de Rafah. Or, non seulement Israël a violé l’accord de cessez-le-feu en lançant une attaque qui a tué plusieurs personnes le 4 novembre, mais les points de passage n’ont été rouverts que très partiellement, et le blocus s’est même renforcé ces dernières semaines ». Kadhafi n’a pas raté l’occasion pour fustiger ses homologues. Il a qualifié de « lâche et défaitiste » l’attitude des pays de la région face à l’offensive israélienne. Il refusera même, comme l’indique le quotidien Le Monde, de participer à un « sommet qui fait jouer un disque rayé depuis longtemps ». Selon le porte-parole de la Maison Blanche, le roi Abdullah d’Arabie Saoudite s’est entretenu, samedi, par téléphone, avec Georges W. Bush : « Superpowers should take responsibility to stop these attacks. The attack was a continuation of Israeli policies of occupation and mistreatment of Palestinians. Major countries should shoulder their responsibilities to stop this Israeli attack and save the lives of the innocent and remaining infrastructure in the Palestinian territories », a déclaré le Roi.
Le Quotidien d’Oran est sanglant : « Le bilan des attaques aériennes barbares de l’armée israélienne contre la population de Ghaza s’aggrave d’heure en heure. Dans le monde arabe, les officiels, soucieux de ne pas déplaire aux Américains, se livrent à des atermoiements alors que les opinions publiques expriment, là où elles le peuvent, une rage impuissante. […]Si les États arabes étaient des démocraties, la plupart des gouvernements seraient tombés. Ces jours de carnage démontrent, de manière saisissante et sanglante, que le centre occidental a besoin que les régimes autoritaires arabo-islamiques perdurent. Il ne faut donc pas se surprendre à lire dans la presse occidentale que les tirs de roquettes de la résistance palestinienne sont des «crimes de guerre» et que les bombardements aériens israéliens ne sont que de la légitime défense. Le discours des propagandistes israéliens consiste à imputer les pertes civiles palestiniennes au Hamas. Certains, y compris dans la cour du fantomatique président de l’Autorité palestinienne, Mahmoud Abbas, relaient ce discours de justification ».
L’Égypte a-t-elle toujours une autorité morale pour chercher à établir une trêve entre les belligérants ? Il y a d’abord l’axe le Hamas et le Fatah. Il y a ensuite l’axe le Hamas et Israël. Puis, l’axe la Palestine et Israël. Beaucoup de divisions et très peu de points communs. Comment Mahmoud Abbas, qui campe résolument sur ses positions, peut-il changer la situation à Gaza en imposant des conditions qu’il sait inacceptables au Hamas ? Comment le Hamas peut-il se déclarer ouvert à un dialogue avec le Fatah lorsqu’il persiste à ne pas reconnaître la légitimité de l’État d’Israël ? L’Égypte, qui entretient des relations diplomatiques avec Israël et qui est parvenue à conclure une première trêve entre le Hamas et Israël, aura-t-elle l’autorité nécessaire, cette fois, pour amener les belligérants à conclure un nouvel accord ?
La mise au ban du Hamas est-elle une voie vers la réconciliation des frères ennemis ? Et que dire des accointances entre l’Égypte et les États-Unis qui ont, dans un premier temps, dénoncé, prudemment l’intervention israélienne : « Les États-Unis tiennent le Hamas pour responsable de la violation du cessez-le-feu et du regain de violences à Gaza », a déclaré Condoleezza Rice. Ce qu’elle n’a pas osé dire franchement est venu de Gordon Johndroe, porte-parole du Conseil national de sécurité de la Maison Blanche, qui a dénoncé plus bruyamment : « Ces gens (le Hamas) ne sont rien d’autre que des voyous et Israël défend son peuple contre les terroristes comme le Hamas » (completely unacceptable. These people are nothing but thugs - New York Times). Pour Gordon Johndroe : « Le Hamas doit mettre fin à ses activités terroristes s’il veut jouer un rôle dans l’avenir du peuple palestinien ».
Stigmatiser et isoler le Hamas sont-elles les voies de l’avenir ? Une banderole, entre les mains d’un manifestant, indiquait : « Derrière les bombardements, il y a le silence des Arabes ». Aux manifestants qui ont tenté de s’approcher de l’ambassade d’Égypte, à Beyrouth, pour demander à l’Égypte d’ouvrir ses frontières, la police leur a servi des gaz lacrymogènes. Beyrouth n’est pas Londres ou Paris.
Les pays arabes sont capables d’ententes qui leur sont propres. Au Conseil de coopération du Golfe (CCG), l’Arabie saoudite, les Émirats arabes unis, l’Oman, le Qatar, le Bahreïn et le Koweït signeront un pacte monétaire. Sera-t-il question de Gaza ? Un responsable du ministère omanais de l’Économie a, selon l’Express, répondu qu’il « ne pense pas que l’ordre du jour sera bouleversé ».
Comme l’indique le Quotidien d’Oran (déjà cité) : « Le fossé entre les régimes et la population ne fait que s’élargir. Mais les régimes autoritaires ayant verrouillé aussi bien les champs d’expression que les mécanismes de changement, ces colères n’auront pas de traduction politique. Les États veilleront à ne pas déplaire à Washington. D’où les tergiversations à tenir un sommet arabe qui, c’est prévisible, n’aboutira à rien d’autre qu’à aggraver le discrédit des régimes ».
. Un billet pour la fin de l'année 2008 et pour les 400 ans de Québec
Voilà que l'année 2008 s'achève. Elle fut mouvementé dans plusieurs domaines. Pas besoin de vous décrire tout, vous en êtes déjà conscient. Cet année a marqué le 400e anniversaire de Québec et ce billet fait partie d'une belle initiative qui souligne ce moment, nommée 400 ans 400 blogs. Vous pouvez trouver tous les autres billets qui rendent hommage à cet anniversaire de la ville de Québec.
Je pense sincèrement que Québec est une des plus ville d'Amérique et que les gens qui y vivent sont merveilleux. Nous avons une belle culture et il fait bon vivre sur cette terre, d'où l'importance de le réaliser et de vouloir toujours en prendre soin. Il y a beaucoup d'histoire dans cette belle région et il ne faudrait pas oublier qu'avant Québec, il y avait des gens qui y vivaient, les amérindiens. Nous avons pris beaucoup de place et il faudrait redonner beaucoup plus de pouvoir à ces gens qui nous ont précédé.
Longue vie à Québec, ville romantique et remplie d'amour!
Le 27 décembre 2008 marque un jour funeste: Israël a entamé une offensivedévastatrice sur la bande de Gaza. Le motif avancé est le droit légitime à la défense, en réponse aux roquettes que les militants du Hamas lancent sur le territoire israélien. Jour important parce qu’il marque la pire attaque sur la Palestine depuis 40 ans, causant autour de 300 morts et plusieurs centaines de blessés. Des F-16 fournis par les États-Unis et des hélicoptères Apache ont largué plus de 100 missiles et bombes sur plusieurs quartiers de la bande de Gaza, qui est un des endroits ayant une des plus grande densité de population de la planète avec ses 1.5 million d’habitants vivants sur 360 kilomètres carré. Les opérations militaires israéliennes se poursuivent maintenant depuis quatre jours et ils préparent la prochaine phase, l’attaque directe sur le sol avec l’armée de terre et les chars d’assaut.
Tout semble être une réaction plus ou moins spontanée de la part d’Israël, en guise de défense. Mais en est-il réellement ainsi? Nous savons que les plans militaires pour l’invasion de la bande de Gaza furent tracés il y a plus de six mois, alors qu’Israël négociait un cessez-le-feu avec la Palestine. Un autre indice qui nous permet de confirmer que cette guerre a été planifiée et préparée depuis longtemps est cet effort de relation publique déployée la semaine passée pour convaincre les leaders du monde du bien-fondé de l’agression militaire de Gaza. Cet effort de “légitimation internationale” fut précédé de menaces en bonne et due forme envers les Palestiniens, qui eux, se préparaient à cette offensive.
Serait-ce que le but n’est pas réellement d’arrêter les tirs de roquettes - car en effet, comment croire que tuer autant de personnes ne va pas attiser encore plus de haine - mais bien de punir la population palestinienne pour ne pas avoir “bien” voté lorsqu’ils ont choisi le Hamas dans les dernières élections? Est-ce que Israël, les États-Unis et le Canada pensent que le Hamas va regarder la situation et se dire: “Wow, ce blitz de destruction est vraiment impressionnant, nous ferions mieux de reconnaitre Israël, de déposer nos armes, nous en remettre aux autorités, se faire emprisonner indéfiniment et soutenir un “processus de paix” américain au Moyen-Orient”.
Les cibles des attaques de l’armée israélienne ne sont pas que des militants du Hamas, mais aussi plusieurs postes de police et autres infrastructures publiques. Donc, si le but était vraiment de faire cesser les attaques de roquettes sur Israël, pourquoi cibler les forces de sécurité palestiniennes qui luttent contre elles? Le but certain est de renverser le gouvernement Hamas démocratiquement élu par les Palestiniens et le peuple lui-même. Mais serait-ce aussi qu’on cherche à radicaliser et affaiblir une population pour justifier un état de guerre permanent ne servant que les fanatiques sionistes au grand détriment des nombreux Palestiniens et des Juifs qui veulent la paix? À se dépêcher avant qu’Obama entre en fonction et ainsi diminuer ses chances d’influencer le processus de paix dans la région en le plaçant devant un fait accompli?
Punition collective et état de siège
L’aspect de punition collective se reflète aussi dans la nature du siège qui fut imposé à la Palestine depuis des mois par Israël.
Ce siège de la bande Gaza qui viole délibérément toutes les lois internationales, créant de facto la plus grande prison à ciel ouvert du monde où se retrouvent un million et demi de civils prisonniers de l’armée israélienne, s’est traduit par un blocus presque total de nourriture, carburant, médicaments, équipement scolaire, vêtements et d’électricité. L’aéroport et le port ont été détruits avant même d’avoir jamais pu fonctionner. Il est interdit de pêcher. Seuls quelques bateaux affrétés par des militants ont pu forcer le blocus. Évidemment que la situation n’a pas pris de temps à se transformer en une catastrophe humanitaire avec des hôpitaux sans électricité, des égouts qui remontent dans les rues avec le lot de maladies que cela amène et des problèmes de malnutrition qui a poussé les gens à devoir manger de l’herbe pour survivre. Les journalistes ont vite été interdit d’entrer sur la bande de Gaza pour rapporter sur la situation. Tout peuple assiégé a le droit de résister à l’oppression.
La sécurité va de pair avec la liberté. Ainsi, ni les Palestiniens et encore moins les Juifs ne seront plus en sécurité avec de telles politiques.
Aspects historiques
Les roquettes et les attentats suicides ne sont pas pardonnables, mais elles représentent les derniers outils de résistance d’un peuple occupé militairement depuis 60 ans et qui a perdu plus de 80% de son territoire depuis la création d’Israël en 1948. Ces cartes suffiront pour vous convaincre de ces faits. Des millions de réfugiés qui furent forcés de quitter leurs terres ancestrales n’ont jamais eu de droit de retour depuis.
Israël est le seul pays au monde qui ne se reconnait pas de frontières durables. C’est que cela pose un sérieux problème pour reconnaitre un pays dont on ne connait pas clairement les limites. Depuis sa création, Israël a demandé à ses voisins de reconnaitre son droit inconditionnel d’existence alors qu’ils refusent encore à ce jour de reconnaitre l’état palestinien.
Il y a ce mur qui a été construit tout autour de la Palestine, au nom de la sécurité, la divisant en de multiples enclaves, entrecoupées de plus de 600 points de surveillance (checkpoints), mais qui a eu le soin d’être construit de façon à envelopper les colonies illégales en territoire palestinien. Ceci a eu pour effet de voler de larges portions du territoire palestinien parce que ce mur a été construit, à plusieurs endroits, loin de la ligne verte de 1967, à l’intérieurs des terres palestiniennes. Pour ce faire, des milliers de maisons de Palestiniens ont été détruites, avec bien souvent quelques minutes d’avertissement seulement pour évacuer les lieux.
Les conséquences de la construction du mur de séparation sur la ville de Jérusalem sont confirmées par un rapport des chefs de mission de l’Union européenne à Jérusalem-Est. Ce texte, relève, parmi d’autres, certains axes de la politique israélienne dans la ville sainte :
- le presque achèvement de la barrière autour de Jérusalem-Est, loin de la ligne verte (ligne de cessez-le-feu de 1967) ;
- la construction et l’expansion des colonies illégales, par des entités privées et par le gouvernement israélien, à l’intérieur et autour de Jérusalem-Est ;
- la démolition des maisons palestiniennes construites sans permis (qui sont presque impossibles à obtenir) -Source
Ceci est donc le coeur du problème. Un peuple occupé militairement depuis 60 ans vivant à l’intérieur d’enclaves qui rendent impossible toute souveraineté et espoir d’avoir un État viable et reconnu par Israël. La cause des violations des droits humains en territoire palestinien provient des attaques et de l’occupation militaire continuelle d’Israël depuis sa création.
Voici ce que David Ben Gurion a lui-même a déclaré à ce propos:
“If I were an Arab leader, I would never sign an agreement with Israel. It is normal; we have taken their country. It is true God promised it to us, but how could that interest them? Our God is not theirs. There has been Anti - Semitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was that their fault ? They see but one thing: we have come and we have stolen their country. Why would they accept that?” — David Ben Gurion (the first Israeli Prime Minister) Quoted by Nahum Goldmann in Le Paraddoxe Juif (The Jewish Paradox), pp121.
Avant que quiconque se fasse accuser d’antisémitisme en critiquant les politiques et agissements d’Israël (qui contrôle réellement cet État?) - qui ne sont pas endossés par plusieurs juifs d’ailleurs - nous devons retourner à la vraie signification de ce qui est sémite. La plupart des Juifs vivants en Israël sont de descendance Ashkenazi, qui eux, n’ont aucun lien génétique avec les Hébreux bibliques. Lorsque les sionistes ont mis en marche leur plan pour établir un état par force, dicté par leur enseignement du Talmud, ce qui va à l’encontre de la religion juive venant du Torah, ils ont eu besoin de créer un mythe justifiant l’existence du peuple Juif d’Israël pour prendre une partie du territoire des Palestiniens qui eux, tout comme les juifs arabes, SONT des descendants génétiques des Hébreux bibliques. Les Israéliens savent cela et ils ont essayé activement d’étouffer les évidences scientifiques pointant dans cette direction. L’ironie étant de voir ces Khazars convertis, qui ne sont pas de descendance sémite, accuser n’importe qui critique les agissements d’Israël d’antisémite. Les sionistes ne sont pas nécessairement juifs, comme le futur vice-président des États-Unis, Joe Biden, le prouve.
N’y a-t-il pas ce deux poids deux mesures intolérable dans toute cette histoire?
Beaucoup de questions lancées en espérant qu’elles trouvent des réponses. Il est primordial que les lois et traités internationaux s’appliquent à tous les États de façon uniforme, sinon, il n’y aura pas de loi du tout.
En terminant, je vous suggère cette excellente émission de radio web sur laquelle vous pourrez entendre votre humble serviteur en entrevue avec l’organisation Palestiniens et Juifs Unis (PAJU) pour mieux comprendre la question palestinienne dans toute sa dimension:
«Palestiniens et Juifs Unis (PAJU) est une organisation des droits de la personne. Nous reconnaissons explicitement le droit du peuple palestinien à une existence nationale ainsi que le droit de ce peuple de vivre dans la sécurité. Nous sommes contre toutes violations des droits de l’Homme. Le PAJU a été fondé à Montréal par Bruce Katz, un juif canadien et par Rezeq Faraj un Canadien d’origine palestinienne. Bruce et Rezeq sont des amis depuis plus de 25 ans. Notre groupe est composé de juifs, de Palestiniens et d’autres Canadiens et Canadiennes de conscience. Nous travaillons ensemble pour la promotion de la paix au Moyen-Orient ainsi qu’à l’éducation du public concernant la question palestinienne.»
. Gaza&Israël: Tous les articles importants - Série no.1 Voici 45 pages de liens vers les articles les plus importants du moment pour comprendre dans toute sa complexité le drame qui s'y déroule. L'article qui suit et intitulé "Gaza et Israël: le droit légitime à la défense et quelques faits importants" est une synthèse en français de toutes ces informations qui, malheureusement pour certains, sont majoritairement en anglais. Restez branchés pour la suite des nouvelles.
The Dignity, a Free Gaza boat on a mission of mercy to besieged Gaza, is being attacked by the Israeli Navy in international waters. The Dignity has been surrounded by at least half-a-dozen Israeli warships. They are firing live ammunition around the Dignity, and one of the warships has rammed the civilian craft causing an unknown amount of damage. Contrary to international maritime law, the Israelis are actively preventing the Dignity from approaching Gaza or finding safe haven in either Egypt or Lebanon.
Webmaster's Commentary:
At last report, the Israeli Navy rammed the Dignity and she is taking on water fast. Dignity is trying to make landfall in Lebanon.
Israel is doomed because it is run by psychotic idiots who are bent on a "Greater Israel" strategy. Zionist religious fanatics who somehow think that by becoming like the White Anglo Saxon Protestants (W.A.S.P.s) who nearly wiped out the Jews in Europe in World War Two, by adopting the "Let Someone else suffer now" philosophy Zionists think they will be allowed to succeed in their expansionist plans.
On the afternoon of February 7, rockets rained down on the northern Israeli town of Nahariya, and were immediately described by Israeli police as Katyusha rockets fired by Hezbollah guerrillas in Lebanon.
Later in the same day, the attack was described as the result of 'human error' involving a failed test by an Israeli weapons manufacturer in the area.
Webmaster's Commentary:
As Israel screams that they are being attacked by someone, remember that Israel has a habit of shooting missiles at itself to justify attacking their neighbors.
For a third successive day Israeli planes have launched bombing raids on Gaza and according to Palestinian officials the number of dead has risen to around 300.
The bloodiest single day in Palestine since the War of 1967 is far from over following on Israel's promised that this is 'only the beginning' of their campaign of state terror. At least 290 people have been murdered thus far, but the body count continues to rise at a dramatic pace as more mutilated bodies are pulled from the rubble, previous victims succumb to their wounds and new casualties are created by the minute.
What has and is occurring is nothing short of a war crime, yet the Israeli public relations machine is in full-swing, churning out lies by the minute.
Gaza and HAMAS had honored the cease fire agreement until November 5th 2008. While Americans were distracted by the Obama election, Israel launched an unprovoked attack into Gaza killing six members of the HAMAS government.
Following this attack, HAMAS announced that the cease fire was (obviously) no longer in effect. Israel's PR campaign continues to insist ( supported by the White House) that HAMAS is to blame for the escalation of violence.
Webmaster's Commentary:
For any reader who does not know, ` der schwartzen` means `the blacks`.
The Israeli air strikes on the Gaza Strip represent severe and massive violations of international humanitarian law as defined in the Geneva Convention, both in regard to the obligations of an occupying power and in the requirements of the laws of war.
We've got so used to the carnage of the Middle East that we don't care any more – providing we don't offend the Israelis. It's not clear how many of the Gaza dead are civilians, but the response of the Bush administration, not to mention the pusillanimous reaction of Gordon Brown, reaffirm for Arabs what they have known for decades: however they struggle against their antagonists, the West will take Israel's side. As usual, the bloodbath was the fault of the Arabs – who, as we all know, only understand force.
The stinking smell of a conspiracy, a disaster, a political plan is behind the Israeli “war” against the population of Gaza. The Israeli military “Operation Cast Lead” did not begin as a result of adduced rocket-spiegel“self defense” against Palestinian rockets, which appear to be made and shot for the most part in Israel itself or distributed by the employees of Shin Bet Chief Yuval Diskin, the Israeli intelligence system, to collaborators within the Palestinian resistance.
On the Israeli front, elections loom large. The current Israeli government is enormously unpopular, and – with polls showing a massive swing to the right – this latest "incursion" is its last attempt to shore up their sagging power base. The rightist surge in Israel has been building for a long time, with the settler movement gaining momentum and the Likud Party likely the chief beneficiary – in which case there will be no chance of a peaceful settlement of the Palestinian question, no matter how evenhanded President Barack Obama turns out to be.
Demonstrators in cities around the world are gathering to protest against the Israeli air strikes on the Gaza Strip that have killed more than 300 people in the Palestinian territory.
Kucinich likened the Israeli attacks on Gaza to its war with Hezbollah in southern Lebanon in 2006. In both cases, he said, civilian populations were attacked and “countless innocents” were killed or injured.
“All this was, and is, disproportionate, indiscriminate mass violence in violation of international law,” Kucinich said in a statement. “Israel is not exempt from international law and must be held accountable.”
Israel's cabinet yesterday approved the call-up of thousands of reservists as the military deployed tanks close to the border with Gaza while pressing on with air strikes, suggesting a major ground invasion was being considered to follow the biggest single day of conflict in Gaza since the 1967 war.
Speaking recently at a conference at the Institute for National Security Studies at Tel Aviv University, Israel’s Minister of Defense Ehud Barak sternly warned his audience (and the world at large) that “If Iran acquires a nuclear weapon, it could try to attack the United States,” specifying that if the Islamic Republic built “even a primitive nuclear weapon” similar to the one used in “destroying Hiroshima” that she would “not hesitate to load it on a ship, arm it with a detonator operated by GPS and sail it into a vital port on the east coast of North America.”
Israel prepares to continue the military actions despite numerous protests from the international community. A ground operation in the Gaza Strip may start in the next few days. Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni said that her country had no choice. “We do what we have to do to protect our citizens,” Livni said.
Amira Hass and Gideon Levy join those in the human race that condemn the actions of those destroying it. To those of my readers that still might have a poblem differentiating Jews from zionists, here are but two examples of the difference. Not all Jews are supporters of the evils of zionism…. please remember that in your comments.
Israel bombed Gaza for a third day on Monday in an "all-out war" on Hamas, as tanks massed on the border and the Islamists fired deadly rockets to retaliate for the blitz that has killed nearly 320.
Falk, United Nations Special Investigator for Human Rights in the OccupiedTerritories, listed numerous actions by Israel that clearly break the rules of engagement codified in the Geneva Conventions.
An article in a leading Norwegian newspaper last weekend lambasted Israel and Judaism and said Israel has lost its right to exist in its present form.
Entitled "God's chosen people," the article by author Jostein Gaarder in Aftenposten is raising a storm in Norway. Gaarder, author of the book "Sophie's World," links the Israel Defense Forces' acts in Lebanon to Jewish history and foresees the coming dismantling of the state as it exists today, with the Jews becoming refugees.
Death toll reaches 315, including 7 children, in retaliation for rocket attacks.
Israeli defense minister Ehud Barak told Israel's parliament in a special session that Israel was not fighting the residents of Gaza "but we have a war to the bitter end against Hamas and its branches."
Webmaster's Commentary:
BULL BISCUITS! Israel is obliterating Gazan Palestinians as a way of obliterating Hamas.
But I would warn the Israeli politicians and military to be careful what they wish for. Immoral acts against a starving, ill population may yet have a way of going spectacularly, and unimaginably, wrong, in spite of all the people you have killed, and all the physical damage you have created. so far.
Army Radio reported Monday that captive Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit had been wounded in one of the IAF raids on the Gaza Strip, quoting an unnamed Hamas source as saying that the organization intended to safeguard him.
It said Hamas sources had confirmed an Egyptian television report on that Shalit, kidnapped in Israeli territory outside the Strip in June, 2006 by Hamas and other militant Palestinian groups, was injured.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Gilad Shalit was captured (Israel calls it "kidnapped") right after Israel shelled the beach at Gaza in an unprovoked attack that killed a family on a picnic. HAMAS promised to keep Shalit alive and well as long as Israel stopped shelling the Gaza beaches.
In order to grasp the latest devastating murderous Israeli expedition in Gaza one must deeply comprehend the Israeli identity and its inherent hatred towards anyone who fails to be Jewish and a hatred against Arabs in particular. This hatred is imbued in the Israeli curriculum, it is preached by political leaders and implied by their acts, it is conveyed by cultural figures, even within the so-called ‘Israeli Left’.
"Herman Rosenblat and his wife are the most gentle, loving, beautiful people," literary agent Andrea Hurst said Sunday, anguishing over why she, and so many others, were taken by Rosenblat's story of love born on opposite sides of a barbed-wire fence at a concentration camp.
"I question why I never questioned it. I believed it; it was an incredible, hope-filled story."
Webmaster's Commentary:
Relinked because so many people keep sending this to me.
As for the "other kind" of emails screaming that I am an anti-Semite ("Rivero" is a Sephardic name, BTW), yes there is a real reason to post all these articles about holocaust books that turn out to be fakes, including the above, "Fragments: Memories of a Childhood", "Painted Bird", and "Misha". Even that venerable icon of holocaust worship, "The Diary of Anne Frank" has come into doubt, both because of the ball point pen (unavailable to Anne during the war) used to write portions of the original manuscript, and the emergence of records of a lawsuit by a ghost writer hired by Otto Frank to turn the pieces of legitimate writings by his daughter into a salable propaganda commodity.
The point is this. In the middle of all these revealed hoaxes, there seems to be a total dearth of memoirs that can survive a close examination. Elie Weisel's book has come under suspicion of being fictional. Emilie Schindler, Oskar's widow, said that the film "Schindler's List" was filled with lies. And the famous sketch of three executed Jews by Simon Wiesenthal was revealed as having been traced from a photograph of three German soldiers shot for desertion!
Right now, with Tzipi Livni insisting that Israel is not killing civilians in Gaza even as the bodies of children pile up, it is clear that Israel has a very tenuous relationship to truth. And Israel gets by with their by-way-of-deceptions only because good people will not point out the lies.
The pornographic mass slaughter perpetrated by Israel in the Gaza Strip on Saturday, 27 December, once again reveals the Nazi nature of the Zionist state.
It also underscore the genocidal nature and brutal ugliness of the Zionist mentality, a mentality based on and shaped by murder, bullying, coercion, aggression, brutality and criminality.
Furthermore, it shows that Israel is capable, both mentally and physically, of carrying out a real holocaust against the Palestinian people and other peoples of the Middle East.
Protests have been reported in Lebanon, Yemen, Sryia, Jordan, Iraq and Qatar. The largest reached one million people, according to officials in Yemen.
In Jordan, at least 30 MPs burned the Israeli flag under the parliament dome while in session on Sunday, while calling on their king to fire the Israeli ambassador from Amman. Meanwhile, in Lebanon, hundreds of Palestinian refugees and Lebanese held a rally at the United Nations office in central Beirut.
Webmaster's Commentary:
The the leaders of the world should, collectively, revoke the diplomatic credentials of every Israeli diplomat in their country and send them packing.
The UN Security Council called early on Sunday for an immediate end to all violence in Gaza after the death toll climbed past 270 on the second day of Israeli air strikes in retaliation for rocket and mortar fire by Gaza militants.
Washington once again used its veto powers on Sunday to block a resolution calling for an end to the massive ongoing Israeli attacks against the Gaza Strip.
The UN Security Council has been unable to force an end to Israeli attacks against Gaza due to the intervention of the United States. Washington once again used its veto powers on Sunday to block a resolution calling for an end to the massive ongoing Israeli attacks against the Gaza Strip.
Webmaster's Commentary:
"We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it." - Ariel Sharon
Israeli air force jets have bombed the Islamic University in the Gaza Strip, a significant cultural symbol for Hamas.
Witnesses in Gaza said they saw six separate air strikes on the Islamic University just after midnight, followed by smoke and flames, Associated Press (AP) news agency reported.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Bombing a university is tantamount to bombing the future of Palestine, no matter which political party the university seemed to endorse.
Israel has mounted a public relations campaign to convince international hearts and minds that Hamas is to blame for the death and destruction they are seeing on their television screens.
Stung by the wave of international criticism earlier this year when Israel invaded Gaza to stop militants firing rockets, in an operation dwarfed by its current attack, Israel decided to go on the offensive.
"I will play music and celebrate what the Israeli air force is doing." Those were the words, spoken on Al Jazeera today by Ofer Shmerling, an Israeli civil defense official in the Sderot area adjacent to Gaza, as images of Israel's latest massacres were broadcast around the world.
As of this writing 284 Palestinians have been murdered, over 700 injured (many in critical condition); most are innocent civilians living in the most densely populated area in the world—Gaza. This is the highest one day total of dead and injured by Israel’s terrorism since its founding in 1948.
Violent confrontations broke out at the Israeli Embassy in London today as up to 1,500 protesters against Israel's Gaza campaign gathered in a vociferous demonstration.
Campaign supporters, Palestinians and British Muslims stood on the pavement of High Street Kensington, west London, and chanted in unison: “Five, six, seven, eight - Israel is a terror state.”
More than two-hundred, maybe three-hundred people have died in Gaza under the shelling of Israeli military jets. Hundreds are injured. This Sunday, the killing activities have continued. The wall between Gaza and Egypt has now been torn down by Gazans, according to international Human Rights observers witnessing and documenting the Israeli attacks on Gaza. Millions of people in the world are shocked, hurt, and angry about this "Guernica in Gaza", as Vik calls it (see below). In Guernica, the civil population was punished for its democratic elections.
Shortly before 7:00am local time, yet another Israeli missile strike hit the residential neighbourhood of Hi Alijnina in the southern Gaza town of Rafah.
This time a pharmacy was targeted, totally destroying the building and causing severe damage to surrounding homes. Electricity lines were torn down during the blast and the street was littered with medicines. This footage was filmed within minutes of the attack as fire fighters battled to control the blaze. Shocked residents poured into the streets, some still wearing pyjamas.
Sources in the defense establishment said Defense Minister Ehud Barak instructed the Israel Defense Forces to prepare for the operation over six months ago, even as Israel was beginning to negotiate a ceasefire agreement with Hamas.
Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni says there are no plans to occupy Gaza, after two days of airstrikes in the Palestinian territory and the callup of 6,500 Israeli reserve soldiers.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Remember what Shimon Peres said in an interview published yesterday, Saturday, 27 December, as reported by Xinhuanet.com:
"Israel has no plan to invade the Gaza Strip in its efforts to end the continuing rocket attacks from the Hamas-ruled enclave, President Shimon Peres said in an interview published Saturday."
We know when Israeli politicians lie: they open their mouthes, and they speak.
According to the protesters, Israel's military action in Gaza does not protect Israeli citizens or provide them security.
"No one can tell us that slaughtering the citizens of Gaza is meant to protect the citizens of Sderot and Ashkelon," said Matan Kaminer, a student who participated in the march.
Webmaster's Commentary:
The attack on Gaza has made the world MORE dangerous for Jews. But that is what the government of Israel wants! If Jews of the world are safe, there is no need for the Israeli government.
I'm Jewish and descendant of holocaust survivors. Moreover, I've been a Zionist all of my life. I went to a Zionist school, I was active in Zionist youth groups. I've always been a fervent supporter of Israel as a refuge for Jews around the world who seek a place to exercise their traditions and embrace their identity in peace.
I sang the Israeli anthem in the train rails of Aushwitz-Birkenau and I pledged to fight every day of my life to make sure the savage crimes that had taken place there would never happen again. Every year I pledged: Never Again. Remember and Never forget.
In the usual process, the U.S. government, media here - and most liberal bloggers - are silent or playing down questions about whether Israel overreacted in its massive air strikes on Gaza, while the foreign press, and even Haaretz in Israel, carries more balanced accounts.
Violent confrontations broke out at the Israeli Embassy in London today as up to 1,500 protesters against Israel's Gaza campaign gathered in a vociferous demonstration.
As the standoff continued, a security guard at the nearby Royal Garden Hotel said police had been rapidly outnumbered and handled the situation “terribly”.
Webmaster's Commentary:
It might just be that Israel has misjudged the degree of public anger over this latest atrocity.
And as a result, the world's Jewish people are in far more danger than they were a week ago, contrary to Israel's professed desire to make the world safe for Jews.
Crowds of thousands swept into the streets of cities around the Middle East on Sunday to denounce Israel's air assault on Hamas targets in the Gaza Strip.
From Lebanon to Iran, Israel's adversaries used the weekend assault to marshal crowds into the streets for noisy demonstrations. And among regional allies there was also discontent: The prime minister of Turkey, one of the few Muslim countries to have relations with Israel, called the air assault a "crime against humanity."
Several of Sunday's protests turned violent. A crowd of anti-Israel protesters in the northern Iraqi city of Mosul became a target for a suicide bomber on a bicycle.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Think carefully about that last one. A suicide bomber targeting anti-Israel protesters? Does that not tell you who the suicide bombers have been working for all along?
No organization called for the demonstration – but more than a thousand men and women gathered spontaneously in order to protest in front of the Ministry of Defense in Tel-Aviv, only a few hours after the murderous Air Force attack on the Gaza strip started.
How would America and Americans react if we were under a foreign military occupation. Them saying it was the will of their god to do it would hardly find an accepting ear. Oh "god" told you to kill my children and demolish my house, oh well in that case it's oK.... Not going to happen.
“When the LORD your God brings you into the land you are to possess and casts out the many peoples living there, you shall then slaughter them all and utterly destroy them…You shall make no agreements with them nor show them any mercy…You shall destroy their altars, break down their images, cut down their groves and burn their graven images with fire. For you are a holy people unto the LORD thy God and He has chosen you to be a special people above all others upon the face of the earth…” –Book of Deuteronomy, 7:1-8
Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip have been ongoing through the night, with civilian houses and medical centres being targeted by Israeli air-strikes.
Last night thousands of Palestinian residents of Gaza were subjected to calls from the Israeli Ministry of Defence saying that "any house that has guns or weapons will be targeted next without further warning or any announcement"
Webmaster's Commentary:
The IMD's announcement about "any house that has guns or weapons will be targeted next without further warning or any announcement" can be translated as follows;
"No matter if your house has guns or not, it has become fair game for complete destruction, as well as the destruction of any and all inhabitants".
Israeli warplanes pressing one of Israel's deadliest assaults ever on Palestinian militants dropped bombs and missiles on a top security installation, smuggling tunnels and dozens of other targets across Hamas-ruled Gaza on Sunday.
Israel called up 6,500 reserve soldiers and moved tanks, infantry and armored units to the Gaza border for a possible ground invasion. Some 280 Palestinians died in the first 24 hours of the campaign against Gaza rocket squads.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Israel broke the cease fire November 5th with a raid that killed 6 Palestinians.
"Hamas has learned a lot from Hizbullah and has adopted many of the Lebanese group's tactics which were used successfully against the IDF in the Second Lebanon War," one IDF official said.
Since Israel's unilateral disengagement from the Gaza Strip in the summer of 2005, Hamas has created a military with a clear hierarchy, led by Hamas "chief" Ahmed Ja'abri.
Gaza residents on Sunday breached the border fence with Egypt in several places and hundreds have crossed the frontier prompting Egyptian border guards to open fire, said officials and witnesses on both sides of the border.
Two of Gaza's highest-ranking security officials are among the victims of Israeli airstrikes. Medical personnel scramble to treat the wounded in facilities left low on supplies by a blockade.
The Israeli bombings is flagrantly violating all laws which call for protecting civilians. This was so obvious from the number of civilian casualties. The brutal bombings happened in time of school children were going home after a normal day of study. A considerable number of children were killed, but medical sources didn’t announce official numbers in this respect. Identities of killed people are still unknown but few ones.
London-based newspaper quotes sources who say Egyptian intelligence minister deliberately misled Palestinian organization about IDF intentions; Hamas sources say this is why movement's compounds were not evacuated
Two months after Ehud Olmert was elected as Israel's prime minister, the Second Lebanon War broke out. Two months before Olmert departs, the military campaign in the south breaks out.
Israel has been warning for weeks that it would not tolerate regular rocket attacks launched from Hamas-controlled territory in the Gaza Strip, and it has been laying the groundwork for a new offensive with the collapse this month of a shaky six-month cease-fire. Still, the ferocity and scope of yesterday's Israeli attacks, which killed at least 225, appeared to stun Western governments and analysts. Arab countries condemned Israel, and Saudi Arabia urged the United States to intervene to stop the attacks.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Western governments and analysts, had they been reading this site once in a while, would not have been "stunned" at all about either the timing, or the ferocity, of this assault.
They would have understood completely that the desired outcomes of the Israeli siege of Gazan Palestinians, through malnutrition and disease, was simply to "soften them up" for "the kill" of an Israeli military assault.
This is obvious as to hardly be worth repeating, except some people didn't get it the first time they saw this phrase here. It was more than a metaphor: it was a truism about what the Israeli government wanted to accomplish.
They would have understood that Israel would do this kind of action right before Obama's inauguration to completely destroy any possibility of a viable peace deal going forward.
What Israel really wants is territory, not peace,and territory by any means necessary; if it really had wanted peace, it could have accomplished that a long time ago.
The man said he had been going to work in a clinic when he heard the sound of planes and turned back. But after that he cannot remember what happened - he just woke up injured, with wounds in his hand, leg and stomach.
The teenage boy had blood on his head and was in a lot of pain. He could not even remember his own name. "I don't even know where I am," he said to me.
I saw a body too, in the emergency room, with a stick of wood stuck through the chest.
More than 230 Palestinians were killed and several hundred others injured Saturday when Israeli warplanes and combat helicopters carried out massive aerial bombing attacks targeting numerous police and security-related buildings throughout the Gaza Strip.
Palestinian officials and spokespersons in both Gaza and the West Bank used epithets such “carnage,” “massacres,” and “war of extermination” to describe the deadly Israeli raids.
The intensity of the bombing, say Gaza citizens, were unprecedented in living memory.
Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei issued a religious decree to Muslims around the world on Sunday, ordering them to defend Palestinians against Israel's attacks on Gaza, state television said.
"All Palestinian combatants and all the Islamic world's pious people are obliged to defend the defenceless women, children and people in Gaza in any way possible. Whoever is killed in this legitimate defense is considered a martyr," state television quoted Khamenei as saying in a statement.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Israel broke the cease fire on November 5th (while Americans were distracted celebrating Obama's victory) with an unprovoked attack that killed 6 Palestinians.
There are many corpses and wounded, every moment another casualty is added to the list of the dead, and there is no more room in the morgue.
Relatives search among the bodies and the wounded in order to bring the dead quickly to burial. A mother whose three school-age children were killed, and are piled one on top of the other in the morgue, screams and then cries, screams again and then is silent.
The death toll in the Gaza Strip rose to six on Wednesday morning after another Al-Qassam Brigades fighter died of wounds sustained in an Israeli airstrike near Khan Younis.
Five Hamas Al-Qassam Brigades activists were killed earlier on Tuesday evening by Israeli fire in the Al-Qarara area of Khan Younis and at Juhr Ad-Dik, in central Gaza.
Webmaster's Commentary:
This was the raid that ended the cease fire in Gaza.
The most propagandized country on earth, the US
Sixty years of massive, ongoing, coldly calculated human rights abuses against the Palestinian people.
That's the legacy of the State of Israel.
Americans pay the bills for this tyranny and our hopelessly corrupt news media and elected officials go along with it because it's politically expedient.
Note: The videos of IfAmericansKnew.org are constantly removed by YouTube censors.
We have yet another "Israel under alles" president headed to the White House- and the Israeli war party knows it.
Thus their recent savage and very public bombardment of civilians in Gaza by the Israeli military.
Recall the Israeli war machine would beout of money in three months without constant US subsidy.
What will President Obama do about this latest display of savagery by the Israeli war party?
Let's see...
He picked Hilary Clinton as his Secretary of State... and Rahm Emanuel, dual US-Israeli citizen and son of an Israeli terrorist, as his chief of staff...
It doesn't look good.
I'm afraid we're going to find out that selling "hope" is not unlike selling "soap," the only difference being people who sell soap actually deliver something.
The only unequivocal promise I heard Obama make during the campaign was to support Israel and my guess it that's the only one he's going to keep up.
President–elect Barack Obama blew the first opportunity that had come his way to show that unlike his predecessors, he was going to adopt a more even-handed approach to the Palestine question by choosing to keep quiet after savage Israeli airstrikes across Gaza.
The United States on Saturday urged Israel to avoid civilian casualties in air strikes on Gaza, and said Hamas must stop rocket attacks into Israel for the violence to cease.
The White House did not call for an end to the Israel Air Force strikes that have killed at least 155 people in Hamas-ruled Gaza.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Nor did the United States make any comments back on November 5th when Israel broke the cease fire.
Speaker of the US House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi issued a statement concerning the Israeli operation in Gaza in which she wrote that "When Israel is attacked, the United States must continue to stand strongly with its friend and democratic ally."
The United States holds Hamas "responsible" for the renewal of deadly violence in Gaza after the Islamist group broke its ceasefire with Israel, US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said Saturday.
An earlier version of Rice's statement was recalled by the State Department and replaced with a slightly adjusted version that expressed Washington's concern about the violence and added an appeal to safeguard innocent lives.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Memo to Secretary Rice: Israel broke the cease-fire on 5 November of this year.
The only reason you added that little bit of palaver in your statement about "appeal to safeguard innocent lives" was simply a sop to Israel's infuriated Arab neighbors, upon whom the US depends for oil.
Were there no US dependence on Arab countries for oil, that little bit about "humanitarian concern" would never have appeared in this statement at all.
The US government absolutely doesn't care about how many kids, women, the medically infirm, and the elderly Israel kills, as long as this conflict doesn't spread regionally. That is the only "containment" issue they care about.
At least 155 Palestinians have been killed and 200 wounded across the Gaza Strip in massive Israeli air strikes on the Hamas-run enclave. Israel has launched a massive wave of air strikes on Hamas targets in Gaza after warning of a fiery riposte to ongoing rocket fire, officials said.
Webmaster's Commentary:
And again, no mention that Israel broke the cease fire on November 5th with their unprovoked attack that killed 6 Palestinians.
The attack on the Gaza strip is proof that Israel is addicted to violence. Slaughtering 155 civilians, many of whom are women and children, can not be justified.
Every nation state has the right to defend itself against terrorism and wanton aggresion but this attack is both disgraceful and disproportionate, and Israel, a nation which has endured much suffering in its relatively short history, should recognise this. Imagine the international response if the UK committed such an act in today in Afghanistan.
Black smoke billowed over GazaCity, where the dead and wounded lay scattered on the ground after more than 30 air strikes destroyed Palestinian security compounds, including two where Hamas was hosting graduation ceremonies for new recruits.
The Israeli army said it had targeted "terrorist infrastructure" following days of rocket attacks from Gaza on southern Israel that caused some damage but few injuries.
With the `peace process` going nowhere, and beset by chronic internal divisions, Fatah has once again postponed convening its long-overdue Sixth Congress. The last time Fatah held its general congress was in Algiers nearly 20 years ago.
"The number of victims has reached 195 martyrs with more than 300 wounded, 120 of whom are critically hurt," he told AFP. "The toll has gone up because of new Israeli raids and the discovery of several martyrs under the rubble."
Today is not an ordinary Shabbat in Israel…. it is the Shabbat of Chanukah. It is also a new month on the Hebrew calendar. A time to celebrate….
BUT…. Israel decided to wage war against the people of Palestine instead. An area where one and a half million people are literally being held hostage by the zionist regeme is being bombed as I write this.
Russia Today has a video on the situation in Gaza, where Israel has launched an air strike attack. It reports that the strikes happened while children were leaving school, and many parents are still trying to locate their children. Watch it here:
World leaders appealed for a halt to violence in Israel and the Gaza Strip on Saturday after at least 190 Palestinians were killed in an IDF offensive against Hamas and dozens of rockets were launched into Israel in response, killing one and wounding several others.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Israel will listen to calls for "restraint' when pigs fly!!
"Israeli missles tore through a children's playground and busy market in Diere Balah, we saw the aftermath - many were injured and some reportedly killed. Every Hospital in the Gaza strip is already overwhelmed with injured people and does not have the medicine or the capacity to treat them. Israel is committing crimes against humanity, it is violating international and human rights law, ignoring the United Nations and planning even bigger attacks.
Israeli aircraft attacked police and security installations across the Gaza Strip, killing scores of people in the deadliest raid since the occupation of the coastal region ended in 2005, security and medical officials said.
Egyptian border guards have opened fire on Palestinians who breached the border to escape Israel's assault on Hamas in the Gaza Strip.
An Egyptian security official said there were at least five breaches along the nine-mile border and hundreds of Palestinian residents were pouring in.
At least 300 Egyptian border guards have been rushed to the area to reseal the border, the official added on condition on anonymity because he was not authorised to speak to the press.
The Israel/Palestine conflict is at the heart of the confluence of U.S. foreign policy and world opinion about this country and its government. It is arguably one of the central drivers of U.S. middle eastern policy. It is at the heart of neoconservativism and the impacts that misguided philosophy have visited upon our nation. The U.S.
Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni on Saturday instructed the Foreign Ministry to take emergency measures to adapt Israel's international public relations to the ongoing escalation in the Gaza Strip.
Webmaster's Commentary:
"Okay, open for ideas here. How do we make it look like it's the school childrens' fault they got killed. anyone? Anyone? Hello?"
Israeli F-16 bombers have pounded targets across the Gaza Strip, killing more than 200 people and injuring at least 700, according to local medical workers.
Israeli warplanes on Saturday launched a series of bloody air raids on the Gaza Strip that left at least 120 people killed and 200 others wounded.
Witnesses described the intensified raids as a "real war" where they targeted almost all security headquarters in the Strip killing scores of Palestinians.
They said that IOF F-16s raided residential neighborhoods in north, central and south of the Gaza Strip, noting that the raids coincided with the students' return to their homes from school.
"I will play music and celebrate what the Israeli air force is doing." Those were the words, spoken on Al Jazeera today by Ofer Shmerling, an Israeli civil defense official in the Sderot area adjacent to Gaza, as images of Israel's latest massacres were broadcast around the world.
The United States said massive Israeli air strikes on the Gaza Strip were the fault of Islamist Hamas "thugs," as rival world powers urged both sides to halt escalating violence.
Outgoing US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said in a statement that the US "holds Hamas responsible," whereas the European Union, Russia and UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon distanced themselves from blaming either side.
But the US, which lied to the world about Saddam's "nookular" bombs, continues its perfect record of mendacity with this latest whopper that the rape victim was just asking for it!
Israel is trying to sell this "They made us do it" excuse to explain the bombing of Gaza, including a schoolyard hit just as children were leaving classes. But as the blame gets bounced back and forth, remember that the maps tell the true story of just who is invading who, and of just who wants to wipe whom off of the map!
Further attacks are underway, targeting at least one Mosque, a TV station, and the graduating class at the police academy where brand new traffic cops were gathered with their families and children.
A family of 9 members, 15 young children, and some women were killed but not recognized. Ministry of Health is not able to recognize the ID's of casualties. Tawfiq Jaber, Director of Gaza police was killed in the air raids along with Ismail El Jabari head of security section in the police. Governor of central Gaza governorates and camps was killed as Israel hit his car.
[United Nations Security Council Resolution 242], you'll recall, was supposed to be the resolution that would guide all future peace efforts in the Middle East; Oslo was supposed to have been founded on it and all sorts of other processes and summits and road maps.
It was passed in November 1967, after Israel had occupied Gaza, the West Bank, East Jerusalem, the Sinai and Golan, and it emphasises "the inadmissibility of the acquisition of territory by war" and calls for "withdrawal of Israeli armed forces from territories occupied in the recent conflict".