Émission de radio L'Autre Monde

Émission de radio L'Autre Monde

mercredi 28 septembre 2005

Nouvelles du monde

- Japan's national debt hits record high at $7.1 trillion US

Dans l'article, il est dit que le Japon a la plus haute dette des pays industrialises.
Mais ceci porte a confusion. En fait, les USA possede la plus haute dette de tous.
Le subterfuge etant que le federal a transfere aux etats un tas de factures forcant ainsi les etats a emprunter leur manque a gangner.
Si l'on met ensemble la dette federale et celles des etats americains, la dette internationale des USA est de 20 trilliards de dollards US.
Ce qui nous mene au deuxieme article...

- Greenspan to French finmin:US lost deficit control

Quand c'est directeur lui-meme de la FED qui dit que les USA ont perdu le controle du deficit budgetaire, c'est qu'il y reellement quelque chose qui cloche. Une depression economique, ca vous dit de quoi? Commencez donc a devenir autonome energetiquement et aussi en nourriture.
Les temps qui viennent pourrait etre difficile...

- A Texas grand jury on Wednesday charged Rep. Tom DeLay and two political associates with conspiracy in a campaign finance scheme

Ouais! Le show est commencer. Les criminels vont commencer a tomber. Un la semaine derniere, trois cette semaine. Good news!

- Israel pushing Palestinians out of Jerusalem -UN

Israel is striving to reduce the number of Palestinians living in Jerusalem while increasing its Jewish population to undermine claims on East Jerusalem as the capital of an eventual Palestinian state, a U.N. human rights investigator said on Monday.

Voyons voir encore une fois:

"Resolution 127: . . . 'recommends' Israel suspends it's 'no-man's zone' in Jerusalem.
Resolution 250: . . . 'calls' on Israel to refrain from holding military parade in Jerusalem.
Resolution 251: . . . 'deeply deplores' Israeli military parade in Jerusalem in defiance of Resolution 250.
Resolution 252: . . . 'declares invalid' Israel's acts to unify Jerusalem as Jewish capital. Resolution 267: . . . 'censures' Israel for administrative acts to change the status of Jerusalem. Resolution 271: . . . 'condemns' Israel's failure to obey UN resolutions on Jerusalem.
Resolution 298: . . . 'deplores' Israel's changing of the status of Jerusalem.
Resolution 476: . . . 'reiterates' that Israel's claim to Jerusalem are 'null and void".
Resolution 478: . . . 'censures (Israel) in the strongest terms' for its claim to Jerusalem in its 'Basic Law'.

One of the reasons given for the invasion of Iraq was that Saddam was defying the United Nations. In truth he was not. Saddam did not have the banned weapons of mass destruction the US accused him of.
Israel on the other hand, DOES have weapons of mass destruction, and does flagrantly defy the United Nations.

- 5 Russian Warships, Sub Moved Next To Iran/India

Est-ce que la Russie est en train d'envoyer un message a Washington dans ses plans d'attaquer l'Iran?...

- Rising Tide of Xenophobia: Australia’s Shallow Multiculturalism

A force de demoniser d'autres peuples a coup de proclamation raciste comment celle qui tient les arabes pour des terroristes assoiffe de sang, les gens deviennent eux-meme remplis de prejuges qui se termine en racisme. C'est le resultat de campagnes propagandistes qui fonctionnent.
Diviser pour mieux regner...

- The world must stand firm on diplomacy: The 'nuclear crisis' is the product of 15 years of US hostility towards Iran
Persian Puzzle: Part III

Et n'oubliez pas que c'est ISRAEL qui la possede cette arme nucleaire qui a un programme nucleaire, et qui aggresse ses voisins et espionne partout dans le monde.
Selon les experts en la question, Israel possederait entre 100 et 200 tetes nucleaires.

- Woman Ticketed for Sitting on a Playground Bench with No Kids

Est-ce la marque d'une dictature prenant forme....

- With Hand on Heart: Pelosi Admits Israel Comes First

"I think it is finally time we stood up and thanked Rep. Nancy Pelosi, the darling Democrat from the Bay Area who leads her party in the House. Pelosi's recent speech to the Israel-American lobby AIPAC, the second largest lobby in Washington, was monumental – truly unparalleled in its candor.
Despite the fact that AIPAC was recently busted for spying on the United States, Pelosi, along with many other top bureaucrats from Washington, gushed effusions of praise on the foreign power. "There are those who contend that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is all about Israel's occupation of the West Bank and Gaza," Pelosi said as she rallied AIPAC loyalists. "This is absolute nonsense. In truth, the history of the conflict is not over occupation, and never has been: it is over the fundamental right of Israel to exist."
Apparently Pelosi has never asked Palestinians what they think of Israel's brutality. Not that she hasn't witnessed the occupation firsthand; Pelosi is just not concerned in the least with the Palestinian resistance.
"This spring, I was in Israel as part of a congressional trip that also took us to Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, and Iraq," said Pelosi. "One of the most powerful experiences was taking a helicopter toward Gaza, over the path of the security fence. We set down in a field that belonged to a local kibbutz. It was a cool but sunny day, and the field was starting to bloom with mustard. Mustard is a crop that grows in California, and it felt at that moment as if I were home. And then we were told that the reason we had to land in that field, as opposed to our actual destination, was because there had been an infiltration that morning, and they weren't sure how secure the area was. And that point alone brought us back to the daily reality of Israel: even moments of peace and beauty are haunted by the specter of violence."Pelosi, like so many other Democrats and Republicans in D.C., does not appreciate the asymmetry of the conflict. She cannot understand that Palestinians are faced with violence every day as their livelihoods and homes are uprooted to make way for new Israeli settlements. Never mind that the farm collective where Pelosi landed in her fancy helicopter was at one time operated by Palestinian farmers. For the land, according to Pelosi, has always belonged to the state of Israel."

- Squid's in -- and now it's on film

Les monstres marins sont la!!! Les japonais ont pris en film pour la premiere fois, a environ 1000 metres de profond, une pieuvre geante de 8 metres de long, avec des yeux gros comme une assiete! Toute une piece!

Ca va faire des histoires de pecheurs bientot ca!!!!

Videos d'Alex Jones et histoires d'un sanglant empire

Si ca vous dit, il y a quelques videos d'Alex Jones qui valent la peine d'etre vu.
Il parle des evenements a Londres, il a une superbe entrevue avec un ministre britannique, et un emission sur la volonte de vouloir en finir de la liberte d'expression sur internet de la part des gouvernements.

- http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/august2005/110805jonesinlondon.htm

This freeview video features exclusive unseen footage from Alex Jones' London research trip. Interview segments with Michael Meacher MP and former British MI5 agents David Shayler and Annie Machon are included. Also see extra footage of Alex bullhorning Parliament!

- http://www.prisonplanet.tv/video/160705weeklyreportwmbb.htm

The Alex Jones Report July 16th 2005
In this special freeview report Alex analyses the London bombings. Who stands to gain, who has the motive? What is the history of terrorism in Britain and which groups does the evidence point towards?
Filmed live July 12th.

- http://www.prisonplanet.tv/video/190405specialreportwmbb.htm

The Alex Jones Report: Special Edition
After a screening of the Martial Law DVD extras, Alex returns to the studios to discuss government regulation of the Internet and how they are struggling to stem the tide of free and open political discourse.
Filmed live April 5th.

- http://prisonplanet.com/articles/july2005/010705cruisebashes.htm

Video: Cruise Bashes Brave New World
Tom Cruise bashes psychiatry, drugging children and the Brave New World pharma-slave plantation.
We don't advocate Scientology but Cruise is right on point on every issue raised.

- Two Undercover Agents Rescued by British May Have Been Israelis

Ayayaye! Ca explique encore mieux l'attitude des britanniques dans toute cette affaire.
Encore pire et plus dangereux que deux britanniques deguises en arabes avec une voiture charge d'explosifs, c'est deux israeliens!
Si c'est ca le fond de l'histoire, que c'est Israel qui avait monte ce faux coup terroriste par des faux arabes, ca va fesser fort....
Super article qui remet ensemble les pieces du casse-tete des evenements de Basra.

- U.S. Assassinates Puerto Rican Independence Figure
- FBI Assassinates Puerto Rican Nationalist Leader Filiberto Ojeda Rios

- The Right to Armed Struggle

Vous me direz bien ce que vous pensez de ca:
Le FBI descend au Porto Rico un bon soir, assassine une des figure les plus importante de la lutte pour l'independance de ce pays qui est une colonie americaine depuis une centaine d'annees. Le gars avait 72 ans. Puis le FBI, apres l'avoir saigne a mort sont reparti peinard chez eux.
Je crois que ca se classe dans la categorie "assassinats politiques" en terre etrangere.
Maintenant, imaginez que les USA etait venu assassine notre vieux Renee Levesque et etait reparti sans explications.
N'est-ca pas la le comportement d'un regime fasciste et dictatorial?

Dans le deuxieme document qui est de Democracy Now, il y a un audio de leur emission qui parle de cet acte criminel. Downloadable....

- Controlled Demolition Of WTC: Compare and Contrast

Pour voir la difference entre des batiments qui s'ecroulent vraiment et ceux qui sont detruit par des charges explosives: demolition controlee.
Ensuite regardez les videos de chaque batiment qui se sont ecroule le jour du 11 septembre 2001 a New-York ( trouvable a http://911research.wtc7.net/) et faites vous votre propre opinion. Demolition controlee ou defaillance structurelle?

- Confessions Of A Hit Man

Je fait souvent reference a ce livre et a son auteur, John Perkins, car c'est la description la plus claire du fonctionnement mafieux de la politique etrangere des USA et comment ils ont ruine et aneanti tellement de pays dans le monde. C'est a lire absolument comme livre, ou si vous voulez, il y a des entrevues disponibles sur internet, a Democracy Now entre autres.

Voici un extrait de l'article:

"John Perkins' book "Confessions of an Economic Hit Man" explains American foreign policy better than any of the academic tomes you might read on the subject.In a nutshell, the game is played this way: People like Perkins work for consulting firms, and their job is to entice a foreign head of state to go deeply in debt. They do this by greatly exaggerating the economic returns on big projects such as dams and electrification systems.The payoff comes in two ways. The foreign country hires American contractors to build the systems, and they make big profits. Then, mired in debt, the head of state will do what the United States government tells him to do. If he proves too independent or too honest to accept bribes, then he will be removed from power, either in a coup or in an accident.Yes, I know that sounds more like the Mafia than the great and good government of the United States, which wants only to spread peace, prosperity and democracy around the world. Read the book and decide for yourself."

- The true story of how multinational drug companies took liberties with African lives

"The pharmaceutical industry is bracing itself for criticism when the film 'The Constant Gardener' opens next month. But Jeremy Laurance reports that away from the Hollywood script is a true story of how multinational drug companies took liberties with African lives with devastating consequences"

Des compagnies pharmaceutiques qui testent leurs produits souvent dangereux sur des gens qui ne sont meme pas prevenu des tests fait sur eux!
Des rats de laboratoire ont la meme valeur a leurs yeux il faut croire.
Un scandale du genre avait fait la une ce printemps quand a New-York des gens s'etaient rendu compte que des tests de medicaments forts etaient fait sur des enfants en hospice sans leur consentement!

- Hugo Chavez, A Bolivarian socialist at the United Nations

Roger Burbach views Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez's unique brand of socialism. Domestically, it combines pre-modern forms harking back to 19th century caudillos and independence heroes with a democratic post-modern revolution, enabling hundreds of thousands of Venezuelans to take control of their destinies. Internationally, it has seen Venezuela at the forefront of efforts aimed at regional economic assistance and integration - efforts which "constitute a challenge to the historic hegemony of the United States in Latin America just as its imperial hands are tied by the war in Iraq".

Une analyse de l'homme Chavez et sa nouvelle sorte de socialisme qui engendre des changements profonds de la societe venezuelienne, redonnant un pouvoir direct des pauvres et des femmes sur leur destinee.

- Henry Kissinger's 1974 Plan for Food Control Genocide

L'ange de la mort, Henry Kissenger et son plan de reduire la population mondiale, genocide par le controle de la nourriture.
A lire pour savoir a qui ont a a faire.....

"On Dec. 10, 1974, the U.S. National Security Council under Henry Kissinger completed a classified 200-page study, "National Security Study Memorandum 200: Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for U.S. Security and Overseas Interests." The study falsely claimed that population growth in the so-called Lesser Developed Countries (LDCs) was a grave threat to U.S. national security. Adopted as official policy in November 1975 by President Gerald Ford, NSSM 200 outlined a covert plan to reduce population growth in those countries through birth control, and also, implicitly, war and famine. Brent Scowcroft, who had by then replaced Kissinger as national security adviser (the same post Scowcroft was to hold in the Bush administration), was put in charge of implementing the plan. CIA Director George Bush was ordered to assist Scowcroft, as were the secretaries of state, treasury, defense, and agriculture"

"NSSM 200 similarly concluded that the United States was threatened by population growth in the former colonial sector. It paid special attention to 13 "key countries" in which the United States had a "special political and strategic interest": India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Indonesia, Thailand, the Philippines, Turkey, Nigeria, Egypt, Ethiopia, Mexico, Brazil, and Colombia. It claimed that population growth in those states was especially worrisome, since it would quickly increase their relative political, economic, and military strength."

"There were several measures that Kissinger advocated to deal with this alleged threat, most prominently, birth control and related population-reduction programs."

"A second measure was curtailing food supplies to targetted states, in part to force compliance with birth control policies''

Parlez moi d'un psychopathe!

mardi 27 septembre 2005

Robots soldats armes - Ceci n'est pas de la fiction!

Armed Robots to March into Battle

Voici votre prochain ami: Le robot arme soldat.
Il ne sourit pas fort, mais il tue a perfection.

Ce n'est pas une nouveaute, les americains s'en sont servit en Bosnie, en Afghanistan et en Iraq.
Plus de 20 000 missions jusqu'a date au Moyen-Orient.

Et apres on dit qu'on mesure notre evolution a notre avancee technologique...

Armee US & WMD, Al Qaida et Saddam creations des USA

US & WMD, Al Qaida et Saddam creations des USA

Bonjour a tous!

- Selon les dernieres nouvelles la Grande Bretagne commencerait a se retirer de l'Iraq en 2006, entrainant aussi les japonais a faire de meme.
Les Etats-Unis, eux, envoie leur 101st Airborne Division de 20 000 hommes au complet en Iraq des le mois prochain....
Alors je pense a eux et leur propose ce nouveau modele de trotinette de guerre pour les accompagner. Bonne chance les gars! Vous avez le peuple en entier contre vous, envahisseurs!
Saviez-vous que l'armee americaine essuie plus d'une centaine d'attaques par jour en Iraq?
Que cette invasion coute pres de 6 milliards de dollards par mois aux contribuables americains?
Que 100 000 civiles iraquiens sont morts pour un sale tas de mensonges des USA et de l'Angleterre?
Que ce n'est pas 2000 soldats americains qui sont morts, mais plus proche de 5 a 7 000?
Qu'environ 20 000 ont ete blesses?

- US Army goes shopping for anthrax

Qui possede et cherche a prendre possession d'armes chimiques et biologique et nucleaire, tous classees comme armes de destruction massive?
L'armee US!!!!

"The US Army has asked companies to bid for contracts to produce large quantities of anthrax and equipment to produce other unnamed biological agents, according to New Scientist, but has not said what it needs the facilities for.
Alan Pearson, programme director for biological and chemical weapons at the Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation in Washington DC, says the contracts raise serious questions about the US' commitment to the Biological Weapons Convention."

- America tore out 8000 pages of Iraq dossier

Dans le rapport officiel remis a l'ONU sur la situation passe et presente de l'armement iraquien avant le debut de la guerre en mars 2003, il y avait 11 800 pages.
Les americains ont enleve 8000 pages et ont remis la version asceptise aux autres memebres de l'ONU!!!
Ayant reussit a mettre la main sur le rapport original, un journaliste raconte ce qui est contenu dans les 8000 pages manquantes:

C'est les USA, en majeur partie, qui a arme Saddam en armes chimiques, biologiques et conventionnelles, qui a fourni l'expertise pour developper ces armes et qui a entraine des officiers iraquiens en sol americains!!!! Ils l'ont meme finance!
Et tout malgre l'interdiction de faire tout commerce avec l'Iraq, au debut des annees 80.

Lisez cet extrait qui vient de cette source a lire absolument:

"The last big story of 2002 jumped off the front page of the Washington Post on Monday, December 30th. The headline read, "U.S. Had Key Role in Iraq Buildup - Trade in Chemical Arms Allowed Despite Their Use on Iranians, Kurds."

This was by no means a new story. The Reagan-era photograph of Donald Rumsfeld shaking hands with Saddam Hussein has been making the rounds for years now; at the time, Rumsfeld was serving as a special presidential envoy in an effort to strengthen ties between Iraq and America. In the space between that handshake was the daily use of chemical weapons by Iraq upon Iranian forces, and later upon Kurdish villages. At no time during the Reagan administration was this deadly activity addressed. In that Cold War paradigm, the enemy of our enemy was our friend.
The Reagan administration did more than simply turn a blind eye to our assistance in Iraq's development of chemical, nuclear and biological weapons.
Dozens of biological agents, including several strains of anthrax, were shipped to Iraq under license from the U.S. Commerce Department in the mid-1980s. The Commerce Department likewise approved the shipment of insecticides to Iraq, despite the fact that these chemicals almost certainly wound up transformed into weapons before being placed inside missile warheads.
A reporter named Andreas Zumach with the Berlin-based newspaper Die Tageszeitung obtained the portions of Iraq's 12,000-page declaration regarding its weapons program which had been redacted and erased by the U.S. government, which took possession of the report before any members of the UN Security Council could see it. According to Zumach, the redacted portions of the report describe efforts by U.S. nuclear weapons laboratories at Lawrence Livermore, Sandia and Los Alamos to train Iraqi nuclear scientists. These same laboratories gave the Iraqis non-fissionable materials for the construction of a nuclear bomb.
The redacted portions of the Iraq report also reveal the involvement of many of America's most prominent corporations in the arming of Iraq during the Reagan era. Hewlett Packard, DuPont, Honeywell, Rockwell, Tectronics, Bechtel, International Computer Systems, Unisys, Sperry and TI Coating are among the 25 American companies named who provided material assistance in the development of Iraq's chemical, biological and nuclear weapons programs. As late as 1988, Dow Chemical provided $1.5 million worth of chemical pesticides to Iraq, despite the documented fear that these chemicals would be weaponized. "Pretty much everything was illegal in the case of nuclear and biological weapons," said Zumach. "Every form of cooperation and supplies was outlawed in the 1970s." Only the diligent work of the UNSCOM weapons inspectors from 1991 through 1998 made sure these weapons were destroyed, along with the Iraqi capability to make more like them."

C'est vraiment charmant...

Et finalement, apres tout les rapports et inspections, Saddam disait vrai dans son rapport et les americains ont menti sur toute la ligne!

- A policy of absolute barbarism?

Dans la meme ligne de pensee, d'autres info sur les deux soldats qui se sont fait prendre a simuler des attaques terroristes a Basra, Iraq.

"What our police found in their car was very disturbing - weapons, explosives, and a remote control detonator. These are the weapons of terrorists. We believe these soldiers were planning an attack on a market or other civilian targets." Sheik Hassan al-Zarqani, spokesman for the Mehdi Army

- In 1 year, Halliburton's stock doubles as troop deaths double

C'est payant d'avoir des hommes en position a la Maison Blanche. Ca permet de faire des profits obscenes sur le dos de la guerre et de Katrina. Des compagnies privees qui font de l'argent quand il y a guerre et mort. N'est-ce pas eu peu mongol comme concept???!!!

"WASHINGTON, Sept. 20 (HalliburtonWatch.org) -- Since the beginning of the Iraq war, Halliburton, the Texas energy giant once headed by Vice President Dick Cheney, has seen its stock price more than triple in value. When the U.S invaded Iraq in March of 2003, Halliburton's stock was selling for $20 per share. The stock price at the close of market activity on Monday was $66. In the last 12 months, the total number of U.S. service members killed in Iraq almost doubled as Halliburton's stock doubled. Halliburton's stock rose from $33 per share in September 2004 to $66 yesterday while U.S. deaths in Iraq increased from 1,061 to almost 1900."

Engagez vous qu'ils disaient... vous verrez du pays!

lundi 26 septembre 2005

Torture des detenus iraquiens: un sport

- Abuse of Iraqi prisoners 'was sport'

De la torture systematique dans les prisons tenues par les americains. Sur une base quotidienne.
Alors quand vous entendez les officiels dire que ce n'est qu'un accident isole, ne vous laissez pas manipuler.
Amnistie Internationale a qualifie les prisons americaines a l'etranger comme celles de Guantanamo et Abu Ghraib et tous les autres comme les "goulags des temps modernes".

"September 25, 2005
NEW YORK -- Soldiers in the Army's elite 82nd Airborne Division vented their frustration by systematically torturing Iraqi detainees from 2003 into 2004, hitting them with baseball bats and dousing them with chemicals, a U.S. rights group alleges in a new report.
The Human Rights Watch report, issued last week, was compiled from interviews with a captain and two sergeants who served in a battalion of the 82nd Airborne that was stationed at a military base called Mercury near Fallujah, the insurgent stronghold retaken by U.S. forces last year.
The soldiers, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said the abuse took place almost daily and often came under orders. Anything short of causing an inmate's death was allowed, they said."

Les camps de concentrations sont une realite made in USA, aujourd'hui. Ils gerent des camps de la torture et de la mort a l'etranger et aussi sur leur territoire aussi.

Les nazis ont peut-etre perdu la guerre, mais ils n'ont pas cesse d'exister. En fait, le "PAPERCLIP PROJECT" ( fait une recherche Google avec ca et vous verrez...) etait le rapatriement aux USA des 1000 tetes nazies les plus importantes (criminels et assassins) et des scientifiques etc. Ils furent integre a la CIA en grande partie.
La technique Shock and Awe utilise par l'armee americaine au debut de l'aggression de l'Iraq en 2003 etait celle qu'avait mise au point l'armee nazie. Interessant non?

Jetez donc un petit coup d'oeil a ce document aussi, a propos de la nazification des Etats-Unis et des camps de concentrations...

American Nazification Phase 4

- Huge rally against Iraq war

A travers le monde encore, les gens sont descendu dans les rues par centaines de milliers pour affirmer leur desire de paix et de justice.

Nous sommes le pouvoir. Nous creons notre realite. Ne l'oublions pas!

- Israel Bombs School As It Continues The Gaza Slaughter

"Pure Savagery Israeli forces hit a car, as well as a school, and killed six people. They used drones homing in on GPS recievers placed in the car. The attack on the school had F-16 fighter jets hit the building with 500 lb bombs, that collapsed the roof."

Si ca ecoeure pas ca... Barbares...

Michel Chossudovsky rapportait que la cause premiere de deces chez les enfants Palestiniens aux mains des soldats israeliens etait un balle dans la tete. Ils visent la tete des enfants.


- Imprisoned Egyptian refugee ends 79-day hunger strike in Toronto jail

Victoire! Mais ca aura pris quand meme 80 jours de greve de la faim pour que les autorites canadiennes du plus beau pays du monde accorde des soins a ce detenu tombe dans les gouffre de la guerre contre le terrorisme en carton.
Le mec est "suspecte" d'etre un terroriste, et depuis 2000 qu'il seche en prison, cellule isolee, et qui n'est pas charge de rien officiellement en cours!!!

"TORONTO (CP) - An Egyptian refugee has ended his 79-day hunger strike in a Toronto jail after the provincial government agreed to meet his demands for medical treatment.
Mohammad Mahjoub was using the prolonged strike to protest conditions at the Metro West Detention Centre.
Mahjoub, 44, said he has been denied proper medical attention and visits from his family.
The provincial government issued a written statement late Friday promising medical specialists would be sent to assess Mahjoub's health problems, including a knee injury and Hepatitis C, which he contracted in jail.
"I'm glad to hear that Mohammad will finally be able to eat again because of this agreement, but it concerns me deeply that it took the provincial government 80 days to come to it," said Matthew Behrens, spokesman for the Campaign to Stop Secret Trials in Canada.
"This is someone who has gone without eating for almost three months for simple, basic medical rights, and that it would take the province that long, that's a serious issue."
Mahjoub, who was granted refugee status in 1996, is one of five men being held as a suspected terrorist under federal security certificates.
He has been in solitary confinement at the detention centre for two years and has been in jail since June 2000 on suspicions of terrorist links without being charged.
Behrens said Mahjoub has been subsisting on orange juice and water during his protest."

- Armed and dangerous - Flipper the firing dolphin let loose by Katrina

C'est la qu'on apprend que l'armee americaine entraine des .... dophins a tuer...
Et bien dit donc... c'est americains.....

A bientot...

samedi 24 septembre 2005

Nouvelles du monde -- Special CHAVEZ audio de 2h --

- President Hugo Chavez speaks at a public meeting in New York City

Apres l'entrevue avec Hugo Chavez, president du Venezuela a Democracy Now, la premiere a etre faite par M. Chavez en sol americain, je vous propose cette conference a New York ou il a parle pendant plus de deux heures.
Le tout est simultanement traduit en anglais.
J'espere que vous pouvez suivre ca car il est vraiment interessant a entendre parler ce M. Chavez.

- Build a better Bush

Il faut bien rire dans la vie... amusez-vous a changer la tronche de Bush.
C'est drole!

- UN Human Rights Body to Scrutinize U.S. Abuses

Le Comite de l'ONU sur les Droits de l'Homme, qui est du pour se reunir a Geneve le mois prochain, a ecrit aux ONG pour leur demander de rapporter toutes evidences d'abus des droits de l'homme par les Etats-Unis, particulierement dans les suites de leur guerre globale contre le terrorisme.
Je vous gage qu'il va leur falloir employer plus de monde pour gerer les milliers de dossiers qu'ils vont recevoir sous peu! ha ha ha!

- Study finds racial imbalance on death row

"SAN FRANCISCO - More condemned men and women are on California's death row for killing whites than for murdering people of any other race, despite there being more black and Hispanic murder victims, according to a new study."

"It concluded suspects who murdered whites were almost four times more likely to be sentenced to death than those who killed Hispanics, and three times more likely to be sentenced to death than those who killed blacks."

"To put it bluntly, there's apparently different values being placed on victims from different racial and ethnic groups," said Northeastern University criminal justice professor Glenn Pierce, a co-author of the study. "That's what the pattern would suggest."

- The Backdoor to Military Rule in America

"Without any doubt, the most dangerous threat to the freedom of the American people in our lifetime lies with what might be called the Padilla doctrine, an exercise of such raw military power that, if upheld, will totally transform life in America as we know it. Unfortunately most Americans remain blissfully unaware of the ominous implications of this doctrine."

Explique comment le Pentagone, a travers son cas d'essais avec M. Padilla, est en train d'essayer d'enlever tout obstacle pour detenir ceux qu'ils choississent pour aussi longtemps qu'ils le veulent, sans aucun recours judiciaire ni avocat, et sans parler de torture. C'est pas mal la definition d'une dictature en effet....

- Today in DC: Commandos in the Streets?

"Granite Shadow is yet another new Top Secret and compartmented operation related to the military's extra-legal powers regarding weapons of mass destruction. It allows for emergency military operations in the United States without civilian supervision or control."

- Haitian children sold as cheap labourers and prostitutes for little more than £50

C'est ainsi qu'est notre epoque: en l'an 2005 l'esclavagisme est toujours une realite dans plusieurs endroits du monde.... sans compter que nous-meme sommes des esclaves aussi, mais de banquiers cette fois-la...

- Iran and the invention of a nuclear crisis
Part I of a Three Part Series

- What the IAEA really found in Iran
The Persian Puzzle: Part II

Pour en savoir plus sur la vraie situation nucleaire de l'Iran que les USA clament qu'ils cherchent a avoir....
Il n'y aucun projet de produire la bombe nucleaire, ni aucune installation pour le faire.
C'est Israel qui refuse les inspecteurs de l'ONU, qui possede illegalement la bombe nucleaire.
Les USA sont en train de nous servir la meme salade de mensonges que pour l'Iraq. C'est qu'ils sont sans honte ces gens..... Et on les laisse faire!

- Israelis caught selling torture devices at London arms fair

Ah! Qui a dit ca??? Maudit anti-semites qui critiquent Israel!!!!
Vite, detruisons leurs carrieres et leurs reputations publiquement!

- The Jewish Defense League Leader Earl Krugel Sentenced to 20 Years for 2001 Terrorist Plot

Aahhhh! ah! Le juge est un autre maudit anti-semite!

Le mec appartient a la Ligue de Defence des Juifs, et est emprisonne pour avoir participe a un complot terroriste.... Faire sauter des mosques arabes!!!

Selon le FBI, la JDL (Jewish Defense League) est responsable de 40 actes terroristes aux USA depuis sa creation en 1968.

Mais bon, les arabes sont des fous suicide bombers qui sont de tres tres mechants terroristes, et tout le monde est rien que un tas d'anti-semites, bon....

- Straw apology on Israeli arrest

Mais c'est que le lobby israelien est d'une puissance incroyable. Voila que Jack Straw, le secretaire des affaires etrangeres de l'Angleterre, s'excuse pour la tentative d'arrestation d'un criminel de guerre israelien qui venait a Londres la semaine derniere.

Alors c'est ainsi qu'on s'excuse devant des criminels de guerre a cause d'un lobby d'une puissance extraordinaire....

- British Forces 'Free Jailed Servicemen'

Encore une fois, ce sont les bloggers d'internet qui poussent les mass medias a reveler la verite: au debut de cet incident majestueux les mass medias ne disaient pas que les deux soldats anglais etaient habilles en arabes et conduisaient un vehicule charge d'explosifs. Ils disaient qu'ils etaient habilles en "civiles"!! Quel jeu de mots pour eviter de dire la verite sans mentir a 100%.

C'est ce qu'on appelle de la DESINFORMATION.

"British forces using around 10 tanks have broken down the walls of Basra jail to free two service personnel arrested for firing on Iraqi policemen.Witnesses said about 150 Iraqi prisoners fled the jail as well.The Ministry of Defence would not comment on the report.
Violence erupted earlier in the city after the two men were arrested for allegedly shooting dead one policeman and wounding another.
The MoD refused to comment after officials said that they were undercover officers as Arabs."

- British Uncover Operation in Basra: Agents Provocateurs?

Mmmmm... laissez moi penser.... agents provocateurs.... ca ressemble pas mal a ca en effet!!!!!!

- British SAS Terror Operation in Basra: Photographic Evidence

Tout ca pour faire passer les arabes pour des extremistes fanatiques qui veulent une guerre civile en Iraq...
Mais en fait c'est les aggresseurs americains et britanniques qui sont derrieres les attentats a la bombe dans les endroits publics de l'Iraq et qui veulent creer une fausse guerre civile en Iraq.
Allez donc savoir pourquoi le peuple iraquien est si uni dans sa lutte contre l'envahisseur!

- Wolfowitz Sends His Gal to State Dept. — To Work With Cheney's Daughter
- That's why they're rattling the cages at the World Bank about Wolfie and Shaha

Qui aurait cru que la corruption et le nepotisme flamboyant pouvait sentir si mauvais!
Wolfowitz nomme sa blonde au State Department qui va travailler avec la fille de Cheney.
Si c'est pas puant comme monde!

- Hurricane aid used 'to test out rightwing social policies'

"President Bush's multi-billion dollar reconstruction plans in the wake of Hurricane Katrina are being used as "a vast laboratory" for conservative social polices, administration critics claim.
The White House strategy involves the suspension of a series of regulations guaranteeing the going local wage and affirmative action for minorities, while offering tax incentives for businesses in the affected region.
Education aid for displaced children will include $500m (£276m) in vouchers for private schools, while a senior Republican has also proposed a new law permitting a wide-ranging waiver of environmental regulations.
The White House has argued that the deregulation measures are designed to disentangle the relief effort from federal red tape. But Democrats are furious at the proposals. They view them as an attempt to slip through unpopular policies under cover of the wave of sympathy for Katrina's victims. "The plan they're designing for the Gulf coast turns the region into a vast laboratory for rightwing ideological experiments," said John Kerry, the party's defeated 2004 presidential candidate."

- FTC investigates gas price profiteering

"WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Federal Trade Commission is investigating whether gasoline price profiteering has occurred and if oil companies have constrained refinery capacity to manipulate fuel prices, an agency official said Wednesday."

Le cartel des petrolieres ferait une telle chose contre des pauvres citoyens innocents??!!!
Difficile a croire.... vraiment... Eux qui ne veulent que notre bien... a tout prix....enfin... vous comprenez ce que je veux dire....

- Dangers of a Drunk Dubya

Je ne veux pas faire ma langue sale, mais il semblerait que Bush, qui est un ancien cocainomane et alcoolique, soit retombe dans la bouteille depuis un an, et plus severement depuis Katrina qui lui a mis une pression enorme sur ses irresponsables epaules.

Je ne sais pas, mais avoir pour president un criminel, alcoolique et ex-cocainomane sur les anti depressif depuis plus d'un an, et franchement psychopathe me fait un peu fremir comme perspective...

- US Northern Command and Hurricane Rita --by Michel Chossudovsky

"There are indications that the Bush Administration is preparing to enact far-reaching emergency procedures in response to Hurricane Rita, which could lead the country into a situation of Martial Law."

C'est pas a pas, insidieusement, qu'ils preparent la venue de la Loi Martiale aux States...

- This is an act of censorship worthy of Joseph Goebbels

"The plan to draw up a list of historical events that people can be prosecuted for celebrating is a sign of a leader losing his grip"

- Propaganda and War: Iraq and Beyond

Noam Chomsky, professor, linguistics, MIT

Un document audio a consulter!

Et voila!

mercredi 21 septembre 2005

--> Regard sur le Canada et les USA <--

... et Bush crea la Democratie!

Dans le fond, il faut le remercier Bush! Il nous fait voir plus clair! Il nous montre clairement comment on peut controler un gouvernement et une armee pour des interets personnels, corporatifs et par soif de controle et de pouvoir.

Tout ce systeme est bien a veille de s'ecrouler. Mais avant, on va avoir le temps de comprendre comment nos gouvernements, medias, institutions ont pu etre instruments de controle social, par la desinformation, le mensonge, la manipulation et la propagande.
Tout ca pour detourner notre attention des vrais dossiers urgents planetaires desquels ont devrait tous se preoccuper.
On va aussi comprendre qu'une population qui se laisse prendre en charge par son gouvernement, et qui est trop paresseuse pour etre responsable et informee, en plus d'etre implique dans tout les processus de decision et d'evolution de leur societe, cree aussi ces realites moches que l'on peut connaitre.

Nous avons un probleme de pensee je pense, qui tourne pas mal autour de la notion de separation. On croit que tout est separe alors que tout est UN. On a beaucoup de difficulte a reconnaitre les liens, les connections entre toutes choses, moi inclus.
Ce fondement de la pensee engendre la notion (arbitraire et culturelle) propre a nous de la possession.
L'idee qu'on peut "posseder" quoique ca soit, en dehors de sa propre vie, son esprit et son corps.
Elle est la graine de la discorde et du conflit de l'homme contre l'homme.

C'est dans le chaos que tout devient possible...
La physique quantique nous revele la meme chose que tous ces mythes et vieilles sagesses millenaires: rien n'est separe dans l'univers, tout est UN, ultimement connecte, part d'un TOUT, issue de la meme energie de base.
Ce UN, TOUT, qu'on a aussi symbolise par DIEU, ou la FORCE, l'INTELLIGENCE QUI FAIT QUE TOUT EST ORGANISE, ALLAH, peut importe le nom, on parle toujours de la meme chose.


Les peuples de la planete sont en train de s'unir. La souffrance est le moteur de l'evolution.
Si nous souffrons, c'est que nos motifs sont faux, nos calculs de satisfaction de nos desirs sont faux, base sur de fausses valeurs. Autant au niveau individuel que social et planetaire.
La souffrance nous amene a changer nos faux motifs pour de justes motifs, source de joie de vivre.

Voyons enfin ces nouvelles de chez nous et de nos voisins du sud...

- Tout d'abord, les trucs qui font rire! La caricature en tete du texte et ce video tres drole qui se moque je la "parlure" de Bush. Hilarant!

President Bush "Fool me once?"

- Canada not neutral on Iraq, crowd told

09/18/09 "Toronto Star" --

-- Canada needs to stop fooling itself and pretending that it's not involved in the "illegal" war on Iraq, British MP George Galloway told a boisterous crowd gathered last night to hear him speak at the University of Toronto."There is a certain myopia in countries like Canada about the way in which they are perceived by the victims of this so-called war on terror," said Galloway, an internationally renowned speaker and firebrand who's also a leading figure of the peace movement."You can't send 1,000 Canadian soldiers to join Bush's coalition of the killing and occupy the people of Afghanistan and claim to be neutral," the maverick politician told more than 1,000 people at Convocation Hall.Canada's deployment of soldiers to Afghanistan, thereby freeing Americans to fight in Iraq, and ships to the Persian Gulf are clear evidence that it is not merely a bystander, he said. Also, this country's role in Afghanistan is pretty clear, he said, recalling comments made by Gen. Rick Hillier back in July when he said Canada must take its fight against "scumbags" to the failed states abroad where they are allowed to "spread their venom."

Le Canada participe pleinement dans la pseudo "guerre contre le terrorisme".

En fait, le Canada, non seulement est criminellement militairement present en Afghanistan, mais aussi a participe avec la France et les USA au coup d'etat contre Bertrand Aristide d'Haiti.

On a des choses a regler ici aussi.

- It's Happening in Canada: Five Years of Detention on "Secret Evidence" and without being ChargedMohammad Mahjoub close to Death: AUTHORITIES REFUSE HOSPITALIZATION

Ca fait cinq ans que le mec seche en tole, sans etre charge de rien, juste a cause de d'evidences secretes, pas de procedures judiciaires. Il seche la le mec, vous comprenez...

Il la, il en a marre. Il decide de faire une "greve" de la faim. Ca fait plus de 75 jours. Et les autorites lui refuse l'hospitalisation. Le plusse beau pays du monde a l'oeuvre dans sa guerre contre le terrorisme...

- No regrets, no apologies about Arar deportation, says U.S. ambassador

"OTTAWA (CP) - The new U.S. ambassador to Canada is making no apologies for Maher Arar's deportation to Syria, arguing that it's better to be safe than sorry in the fight against international terrorism.
David Wilkins is also warning that other Canadians with dual citizenship could face a similar fate if they fall under suspicion.
"The United States is committed in its war against terror," Wilkins said in an interview with The Canadian Press.
"We're committed to making sure that our borders are secure and our country is safe. Will there be other deportations in the future? I'd be surprised if there's not."
Arar, a Canadian citizen of Syrian birth, was arrested in New York in September 2002, accused by U.S. authorities of having ties to al-Qaida and deported to Syria."

Arar ete accuse d'avoir des connections avec l'Al Qaida.... la creation de la CIA...qui a encore des liens aujourd'hui avec eux.... enfin, c'est pas presente comme ca dans les mass medias, mais bon...... j'imagine que c'est juste un petit detail insignifiant...

Merci aux USA pour ce traitement exclusif des Canadiens, et en plus de nous prevenir que ca va encore arriver!

- Disaster relief? Call in the Marines.

Bush suggests lifting the ban on using the military domestically.

Vous avez bien lu: Bush suggere d'enlever l'interdiction d'utiliser l'armee a la maison, a l'interieur des USA.

Et oui, etape par etape.. nous .... nous ... dirigons vers... un... etat... militaire...aux.. U..S..A..

Qu'allons nous faire? Rester la en spectateur?

- Leaders Who Won't Choose
In Washington, it's business as usual in the face of a national catastrophe.

La plus belle remarque est celle du blogger du site de What Really Happened qui l'a fait.

Il explique clairement ce qu'est l'inflation et comment elle se produit. C'est une taxe cachee qui rapporte beaucoup d'argent aux banquiers. Je veux dire beaucoup d'argent aux banquiers.

"Indeed we may already be seeing the start of the hyper-inflationary spiral that usually precedes the collapse of a government. Bush has been "borrowing" the money for his Iraq war. That is a fancy name for having the Federal Reserve switch on the printing presses and crank out more fiat currency to give to cronies who then spend it on themselves and their companies and occasionally to actually help the troops out.

But that is pouring tons of extra cash into the economy, at a time when the country cannot produce enough products on which to spend that cash. When you have too much cash chasing after too few goods and services, prices soar.

That is what inflation is. An inflated cash supply and not enough places to spend it. We are seeing skyrocketing prices in real estate and gas, and now the price increases are spreading to all other sectors of the marketplace. We are on our way to seeing the kind of hyper-inflation that struck at Germany where a whole basket of notes was required to buy a loaf of bread, and people stopped buying firewood for their stoves because it was cheaper just to burn the money itself.

Now Bush is promising $200 billion in reconstruction aid to Louisiana with no guarantees it will be spent any more wisely than the money spent on the war in Iraq. The domestic budget has been slashed to the bone. So either Bush will start shutting down vital services, or the printing presses at the Federal Reserve will start working three shifts."


Des tonnes de nourriture donne par les britanniques pour les victimes de Katrina (et de leur gouvernement!!) vont etre brule!!!


- Why Is George W. Bush Above the Law?

"Once again, a massive failure of leaderships has been displayed in Washington. And, once again, George Bush has escaped an independent inquiry into his irresponsible actions. For the fourth time in less than five years, the President of the United States and his cohorts been placed above the law. That, in itself, is a major American disaster."

- Former White House official arrested

Bon, sortez votre pop corn et assoyez vous, le show commence. Il va y en avoir une bonne gang qui va sortir de la Maison Blanche avec des menottes dans les temps a venir....

- County bans parking on roads near President Bush's ranch

Ca c'est dans la section "dictature" de notre journal.....

Ainsi, il est maintenant interdit de stationner sa voiture a moins de 13 miles de chez Bush!!!

- Electricity Turned On In New Orleans Neighborhood For Bush, Turned Off When He Left

Hail the Fuhrer!


To Israel....

- The People with the Blood-Soaked Hands
Will Neocon Fanaticism Destroy America?

"The "cakewalk war" is now two and one-half years old. US casualties (dead and wounded) number 20,000. As 20,000 is the number of Iraqi insurgents according to US military commanders, each insurgent is responsible for one US casualty.
US troops in Iraq number about 150,000. Obviously, US troops have not inflicted 150,000 casualties on the Iraqi insurgents. US troops have perhaps inflicted 150,000 casualties on the Iraqi civilian population, primarily women and children who are the "collateral damage" of the "righteous" and "virtuous" US invasion that is spreading civilian deaths all over Mesopotamia in the name of democracy.
What could the US have possibly done to give America a worse name than to invade Iraq and murder its citizens?
According to the September 1 Manufacturing & Technology News, the Government Accounting Office has reported that over the course of the cakewalk war, the US military's use of small caliber ammunition has risen to 1.8 billion rounds. Think about that number. If there are 20,000 insurgents, it means US troops have fired 90,000 rounds at each insurgent.
Very few have been hit. We don't know how many. To avoid the analogy with Vietnam, until last week the US military studiously avoided body counts. If 2,000 insurgents have been killed, each death required 900,000 rounds of ammunition."

Le calcul est special, mais juste le chiffre de 1.8 milliards de balles tirees depuis le debut de l'aggression de l'Iraqfait franchement delirer. Ca n'a aucun sens!

- Potential Bush-CIA crisis

Ca y est, vous l'avez ce foutu pop corn?? Le show commence!

A bientot!

mardi 20 septembre 2005

Toutes les nouvelles a ne pas manquer cette semaine!

Voici tout ce qui a fait les nouvelles autour du monde ces derniers jours.
Regalez vous!

- New trigonometry is a sign of the times

Ca c'est debile comme nouvelle!
Un academique de l'universite du New South Wales, en Australie, le Dr. Morman Wildberger, a reecrit les lois de la trigonometrie et elimine les SIN, COS et TAN du kit de trigonometrie!

Sa nouvelle et simple facon de travailler peut etre fait sans tables trigonometriques ou calculatrices, et ce, avec souvent plus de precision.

- How Long Can The Pentagon Lie About Depleted Uranium?

"The Pentagon's duplicity about the dangers of depleted uranium has been exposed by a government-funded study confirming that radiation causes cancer."

"LIVERMORE, California - The U.S. government's duplicity about the harmful effects of depleted uranium appears to have no limits. While the Pentagon tells U.S. military personnel that the health risks from inhaling depleted uranium are low, a study - sponsored by the Dept. of Defense - confirms that even low-level radiation causes cancer."

"A government-funded study has confirmed what nuclear experts have known for decades: Any dose of ionizing radiation poses serious health risks."

"The National Research Council of the National Academy of Sciences published a report in June 2005 confirming that ionizing radiation (IR) causes cancer. The consensus opinion of the 17 independent scientists who signed the report was that exposure to radiation from medical x-rays and nuclear medicine is directly linked to cancer.
The report, the seventh in the Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation series, or BEIR VII, studied the health effects of exposure to low levels of ionizing radiation, the kind received by thousands of Americans every day in x-rays, mammograms, computed tomography (CT) scans, and other procedures of nuclear medicine."

"Medical x-rays and nuclear medicine account for nearly 80 percent of the man-made radiation exposure in the United States, according to BEIR VII, which focused on the health effects of radiation from medical sources."

"The study concluded: "There is a linear dose-response relationship between exposure to ionizing radiation and the development of radiation-induced solid cancers in humans." "

"Solid cancers are defined as cellular growths in organs such as the breast or prostrate, as opposed to leukemia, a cancer of the blood."

"The scientific research base shows that there is no threshold of exposure below which low levels of ionizing radiation can be demonstrated to be harmless or beneficial," Richard R. Monson, chairman of the BEIR committee, said. "The health risks," he said, "particularly the development of solid cancers in organs, rise proportionally with exposure."

"Asked why this story has received so little attention in the media, Marion Fulk, a retired staff scientist from the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, said: "I don't think the media understands the importance of this. And some of the TV stations are owned by companies that are invested in the nuclear industry.""This is the exactly the kind of independent scientific report that needs to be done with depleted uranium," Dewey said.
To determine the degree of damage caused by the larger alpha particles, like those emitted by DU inside the human body, the absorbed dose is multiplied by a factor of 20. Inhaled DU is extremely harmful because the source of radiation is internal."

Vous avez bien lu: 80% des cancers aux USA (meme situation chez nous) sont du
aux rayons X medicaux!!!! Ca va pas bien notre affaire.
Sans parler de la nourriture irradiee, la radioactivite des dechets nucleaires et l'uranium appauvri utilise par la coalition et les americains.

- China to be world's top exporter by 2010

"This is how you make a nation prosperous. You train your people to be highly skilled, then you make products the rest of the world wants to buy. If you want to wreck a nation's economy, turn your public schools into political indoctrination centers that teach ideology rather than skills, muddle their brains with religion rather than let them learn how to think scientifically, pass tax laws that reward companies for offshoring, and start no-win wars with lies"

- The Coming Depression

Excellent article qui donne aussi une bonne perspective historique de la finance internationale.
A lire...

- Frustrated U.S. Finds Few Willing to Join Anti-Chavez Coalition
- Hurricane Hugo at the U.N.

Ce Chavez a pas fini de nous etonner. C'est tout un homme. Il est en train d'unir toute l'amerique du sud, et il a des couilles et un bon coeur je pense. J'ai entendu une entrevue incroyable et qui donne beaucoup a reflechir, faite par Democracy Now.
Democracy Interviews President Hugo Chavez A ecouter absolument!
Voila un homme qui a une vision d'un futur tres humaniste et le courage de l'appliquer et de resister a la caste des corporations qui font tout, avec Washington, pour faire tomber Chavez.

Ca redonne espoir de l'ecouter parler de comment il a redonne le pouvoir au pauvres, dont la majorite sont des femmes, des systemes qu'il met en place, de la profondeur de sa comprehension des mecanismes d'une revolution tranquille.
Pas surprenant que la population est derriere lui. Ils voient concretement dans la vie de tout les jours les changements se produirent du a leur implication directe en tant que citoyen et d'avoir le support direct du gouvernement Chavez, tant en ressources materielles, de sante, economique, qu'energetique.


Avec Castro ils veulent former 200 000 medecins en 10 ans qu'ils vont envoyer partout en amerique latine dans les rues pour aider les gens dans le besoin, et il parle meme des USA!!!!
Serieux, les sud americains sont pas mal plus en avance sur nous quant a la revolution spirituelle qui balaie la planete en ce moment!

- CNN is replacing and revising articles on Katrina

"CNN is replacing and revising articles on Katrina. This first, original CNN article disappeared and was replaced by a edtied version which you will see after the first... "

Vous avez deja lu du Orwell? Quand l'etat changeait l'histoire et les nouvelles a chaque instant pour l'adapter a leur besoin?

- Many Iraqis believe ’suicide’ bombings done by US to start a civil war
- British tanks smash Iraqi jail to free UK soldiers
- British "Undercover Soldiers" Caught driving Booby Trapped Car
- Iraqi MP accuses British Forces in Basra of "Terrorism"
- British prison break and blown covert operation, exposes "war on terrorism" lie
- Who's Blowing up Iraq?
New evidence that bombs are being planted by British Commandos

- US-UK occupation involved in "armed operations against civilians and places of worship"

Ca va fesser cette semaine. Comme on le suspectait depuis un bon moment, les supposes terroristes qui font sauter des bombes en public, sont souvent des americains, britanniques et meme Israeliens en deguisement d'arabes et qui font la job pour faire passer le blame sur le dos d'arabes-debiles-mentaux-suicide-bombers et ainsi essayer de fomenter une guerre civile pour que les iraquiens commencent a s'entre tuer et lacher les troupes des envahisseurs.
Mais aujourd'hui.. surprise!
Deux personnes ont ete arrete et un coup demasque, c'etait deux britanniques qui etaient au volant d'un vehicule charge d'explosifs et les mecs ont ouvert le feu sur la police iraquienne, en tuant un, mais qui a reussit a les maitriser quand meme.
Ils les foutent en prison, mais l'armee britannique a si peur qu'ils parlent et revelent la verite-scandale, ils envoient une demi douzaine de chars d'assaut et vont arracher la prison pour recuperer les deux soldats, mais permettant a 150 prisonniers de s'echapper du meme coup!!!!
Voyez vous la profondeur du proverbial "rabbit hole"?

- Al Qaeda and the Iraqi Resistance Movement
by Michel Chossudovsky

"The media in chorus presents "Al Qaeda in Iraq" headed by Al Zarqawi as responsible for the recent suicide bombings, without ever mentioning that Al Qaeda is a creation of the US intelligence apparatus. This relationship is acknowledged by the CIA and documented in numerous studies. A recent report concerning a secret Pentagon operation, now being discussed in the US Congress, casts serious doubt not only on the official 9/11 narrative, but on the entire "war on terrorism" construct. In the case of Iraq, this construct consists in presenting the resistance movement as "terrorists"

- "Abou Moussab Al-Zarkaoui est mort. Son nom est utilisé par les occupants pour rester en Irak"

Un autre mythe.. comme Bin Laden qui serait mort il y a 4 ans, selon les papiers officiels!

Cela se peut-il qu'on nous ment a ce point la???

Reponse: oui!

- Iran calls on UN to probe how Israel acquired nuclear weapons

C'est Israel qui possede la bombe nucleaire illegalement!!!

"UNITED NATIONS - Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Saturday a UN committee should investigate how Israel acquired nuclear weapons.In an unyielding speech to the General Assembly, Ahmadinejad said his country had the inalienable right to produce nuclear energy and accused the United States of violating a treaty banning the spread of atomic weapons."

- Lords of War

Les seigneurs de la guerre aiment bien nous saigner pour des profits astronomiques.

C'est une business de pas loin de 1000 milliards de dollards par annee. C'est pas mal d'argent investi dans le non futur de l'humanite. Et c'est nous qui allons decider quand ca fini cette obscenite ecoeurante.

Et tout cet argent est transforme en profits lorsqu'il y a des guerres. Les compagnies et les banquiers ont de l'interet a ce qu'il y ait des guerre scar ils font des fortunes avec ca!

Comprenez le systeme. Il est degeulasse comme ca. Quand la guerre va, la bourse a Wall Street va tres bien! Les banquiers se frottent les mains!

Voyez donc les plans de guerre dans un futur proche qu'ils ont en magasin pour vous:

Une petite guerre en Iran:

- U.S. Agenda on Iran Lacking Key Support

- Iran War Clouds On The Harvest Moon Rumsfeld 10-12 Is Imminent

Une petite guerre en Syrie:

- US Ambassador To Iraq Predicts US Will Go Into Syria

Une petite guerre au Venezuela:

- 'US planning invasion'

Une petite guerre au Paraguay:

- U.S. Military in Paraguay Prepares To “Spread Democracy”

Ca va bien aller. Le gouvernement americain nous rassure: cette guerre contre le terrorisme (bidon) ne va pas finir de notre vivant apparemment. Cooool..... Peace les boys!

Et tout ca pour quoi?

Voici une des grosse raison, meme si ce n'est pas la seule!



- Gold at 17-year peak in Europe

"LONDON (Reuters) - Gold soared to its highest level since June 1988 in Europe on Friday as inflation concerns, uncertainty about the U.S. economy and robust physical demand sparked a buying spree by funds.
Traders said an absence of central bank selling over the past three weeks as European banks had reached the limit of a sales pact, had removed an important price cap."

Et oui, ca s'en vient le temps ou l'argent monopoly de papier ne vaudra plus rien...

Voila pour le moment!

A bientot!