L'Autre Monde 27 février 2012: La bête montre sa tête...

L'Autre Monde 27 février 2012: La bête montre sa tête...
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L'Autre Monde 27 février 2012
120 min / Radio de l'UQAM, CHOQ FM
![]() | Diffusion en direct : Lundi à 15:00h
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Au programme cette semaine:
- Actualité mondiale;
C'est en rendez-vous le lundi dès 15h pour l'émission la plus écoutée de CHOQ FM, la radio officielle de l'Université du Québec à Montréal !
***Hyperliens vers les sources des informations discutées sur l'émission d'aujourd'hui:
Le Quotidien: www.cyberpresse.ca/le-quotidien/opinions/201002/16/01-950163-apprendre-des-erreurs-des-autres.php
Lettre au maire de Saguenay:
M. Jean Tremblay,
Je suis originaire de la région et j'ai quitté celle-ci
pour aller compléter des études en Assainissement
de l'eau au Cégep de Saint-Laurent.
Voilà maintenant quelques années que j'ai terminé
mon DEC et que je travaille pour une ville, Laval,
qui a déjà fluoré son eau, mais qui a cessé de le
faire en 2000. À l'époque, je n'y travaillais pas,
car j'étais encore à Chicoutimi. J'ignorais tout de
ce qu'était la fluoration de l'eau, car il en était
point question. Il semble que les temps changent,
mais pas toujours pour le mieux!
Alors que certains admettent leur erreur, d'autres,
comme Saguenay, pensent à le faire comme s'ils
venaient de recevoir l'APPEL! Les raisons qui ont
poussé Laval à cesser de le faire sont nombreuses
et vous les connaissez bien, car déjà beaucoup de
vos citoyens vous ont exposé les éléments contre
la fluoration de l'eau.
À titre d'employé de Laval, je voudrais vous
témoigner d'expériences vécues par mes collègues
au moment où ils avaient à travailler avec le
produit. Dans ce cas précis, c'était de l'acide
fluosilicique. Le pH de ce produit est de 1. Je ne
sais pas si vous savez, mais un pH de 1 c'est très
Le caractère agressif du produit a créé bien des
problèmes au niveau des équipements que sont
entre autres les pompes doseuses et lignes de
transport entre les pompes doseuses et le point de
dosage dans le procédé. À noter que des lignes se
brisaient, de temps à autre, à cause du caractère
agressif du produit. Des réajustements constants
devaient être faits sur les pompes doseuses à
cause de la variabilité de l'eau entrant à l'usine par
rapport à la norme du ministère à respecter. Ce
qui sera le cas si vous décidez d'aller de l'avant.
Les pompes doseuses étant elles aussi attaquées
par le produit, cela implique des réajustements
fréquents à faire par les opérateurs, ce qui expose
ceux-ci à des risques.
Entre autre pour des motifs de santé et de sécurité,
le personnel a poussé pour que ce produit sorte
des usines d'eau potable. Il ne faut pas oublier les
risques à auxquels on expose ses employés,
surtout que c'est tout-à-fait superflu de fluorer
l'eau sous prétexte de vouloir protéger de la carie
dentaire des gens qui ne boivent certainement pas
de votre eau pour avoir des caries!
Marc-Henri Bouchard
Ça pourrait aussi bien être un appel à tous les Québécois de faire un petit geste d'implication (ne serait-ce que symbolique) pour aider Trois-Rivières qui est pris avec cette menace imminente, pour défendre ceux qui disent non au fluor à Trois-Rivières et pour demander aux fluoreux de la place de reconsidérer la question.
This is why psychotropic drugs have never cured anyone
A few of our recent posts have got me studying up on psychotropic
There's a lot going on out there, and it's scary, but it's all bits
and pieces.
But then I found this,
Making A Killing: The Untold Story of Psychotropic Drugging
It's the story of big money-drugs that fuel a $330 billion
psychiatric industry, without a single cure.
The cost in human terms is even greater as these drugs now kill
tens of thousands of people every year, with bad reactions ranging
from heart failure to suicide, and even homicide.
Containing more than 175 interviews with lawyers, mental health
experts, the families of victims and the survivors themselves, this
documentary puts all the bits and pieces together in one place and
the picture is clear...
Les antidépresseurs sont inefficaces : Les données obtenues en vertu de la loi le prouvent
L’éveil 2012 Gaia Health Blog, Heidi Stevenson Le fait que les antidépresseurs n’agissent pas est déjà bien assez blâmable. Mais que Big Pharma l’a toujours su est à présent prouvé. Il a fallu une demande en vertu de la loi sur l’accès libre à l’information pour obtenir les données, mais maintenant que nous les avons, [...]
Dans ton article, tu écris :
‘…le Dr Walter Brown reconnaît que la théorie derrière les antidépresseurs modernes, selon laquelle ils modèrent le dérèglement de la sérotonine, est probablement fausse.’
Oui effectivement, cette ‘théorie’ est fort probablement fausse, pour la simple raison que TOUTE la théorie concernant l’efficacité des antidépresseurs est fondée sur la prémisse qu’il existe un DÉSIQUILIBRE chimique dans le cerveau du patient, et que l’antidépresseur va rétablir la chimie (les diverses substances dans le cerveau) du cerveau à un niveau dit ‘normal’.
Le problème avec cette théorie est qu’aucun médecin ou psychiatre ne sait ce qu’est ce qu’est le niveau dit ‘normal’ ou ce qui constituerait l »équilibre’ souhaité. Personne n’a jamais développé un test pour mesurer la ‘chimie’ du cerveau.
C’est une invention, un gros mensonge, répété des millions de fois quotidiennement qui, éventuellement, devient universellement accepté comme un fait, mais c’est un mensonge.
Il n’y a pas si longtemps, les psychiatres étaient la risée de la profession médicale. L’opinion des autres médecins étaient que la psychiatrie n’était pas scientifique, parce que les psychiatriques ne pouvaient démontrer, à l’aide d’une mesure objective, que la maladie diagnostiquée existait.
(Je ne parle même pas des lobotomies, des électrochocs, du LSD et des autres traitements barbaresques administrés à des patients, sous prétexte de leur fournir des ‘traitements’ qui ont contribué à discréditer la psychiatrie aux yeux des autres médecins.)
Pour se donner de la crédibilité et accentuer le contrôle sur la population, les dirigeants ont concocté, sans aucune preuve à l’appui, une théorie à l’effet que les troubles mentaux provenaient d’un déséquilibre chimique dans le cerveau, et que la solution était de rétablir l’équilibre chimique à l’aide de pilules.
Ceci faisait partie d’un plan plus large endossé par les autorités, qui visait à permettre à la psychiatrie d’acquérir beaucoup d’influence, non seulement en médecine, mais aussi dans le domaine de l’éducation et de la justice.
En inventant la théorie du ‘déséquilibre chimique’, on pouvait alors créer et prescrire des pilules pour ‘rétablir’ le soi-disant équilibre.
Ainsi, Big Pharma a développé des pilules spécifiquement pour la psychiatrie, et les psychiatres se sont mis à faire des prescriptions, comme les autres médecins.
La psychiatrie, graduellement, est devenue plus crédible aux yeux des autres médecins (la contribution des facultés de médecine qui forment les nouveaux médecins a certainement aidé).
Aujourd’hui, on voit que les psychiatres exercent une influence démesurée dans plusieurs domaines, comme en médecine, dans les facultés médicales, dans les revues médicales, dans les médias, et très certainement dans le domaine de la justice.
Les psychiatres ont totalement infiltré le système.
Mais tout ça est fondé sur une théorie, concoctée à des fins purement opportunistes, sans aucune preuve, et contre toute logique.
En fait l’approche est tellement illogique, qu’il faut être un idiot pour croire que ça pourrait être exact.
1) supposons un déséquilibre chimique, qu’on ne peut pas mesurer;
2) donnons des pilules composées de produits chimiques au patient pour rétablir un mélange chimique qu’on ne connait pas;
3) ignorons l’effet d’ajouter des produits chimiques dans l’organisme du patient, ce qui, en soi, va modifier la composition chimique préexistante de son organisme, qu’on n’a jamais été capable de mesurer …
Un billet de 6/49 avec ça?
Je call Bullshit!
Mais les psychiatres ne sont que des étudiants qui sont allé à la faculté de l’université. Ils sont des pions, conditionnés par la faculté à croire certaines choses présentées comme des faits.
C’est la même chose pour les autres facultés. Il y a une bonne dose de lavage de cerveau dans toutes les facultés. Mais c’est très subtil, personne ne semble réaliser que c’est un mensonge, et on répète continuellement la même fausseté.
Pour revenir au sujet de l’article, comment cela est-ce possible? Comment se fait-il qu’un si gros mensonge ne soit pas connu par l’ensemble de la population? Comment font-ils pour cacher la vérité si longtemps?
Cela fait partie d’une opération psychologique continue sur l’ensemble de la population, qui consiste à créer une illusion, à gérer la perception que les gens ont de la réalité.
Oui, mais comment ça marche?
Les médias sont une composante importante de la manipulation.
Regardez ce vidéo. C’est en anglais, mais c’est un vidéo exceptionnel, qui raconte l’histoire d’une équipe de journalistes de Fox qui avait fait un reportage sur les hormones de croissance de Monsanto utilisées dans le lait aux É-U et sur les liens entre ce produit et le cancer.
Les avocats de Monsanto ont menacé de poursuites les journalistes, puis Fox, s’ils diffusaient le reportage,
Fox a demandé aux journalistes de modifier le contenu de leur reportage, leur demandant de mentir, carrément, sans quoi ils seraient congédiés pour insubordination.
À un certain moment, le patron de Fox leur a offert une année de salaire pour se taire à propos de cette histoire et leur a demandé de démissionner.
Fox a demandé aux journalistes de réviser le reportage avec ses avocats, puis a voulu faire réécrire le reportage par les journalistes. Les avocats ont demandé de réécrire le reportage 83 fois, jusqu’à ce que le tout soit méconnaissable.
Éventuellement les journalistes ont été congédiés. Ils ont intenté une poursuite, qui s’est rendu jusqu’à la cour d’appel.
Le tribunal a rejeté leur réclamation et a déclaré que le diffuseur de nouvelles n’avaient aucune obligation de dire la vérité, et que FOX avait eu raison de les congédier pour insubordination, parce qu’ils avaient refusé de mentir à la demande de leur employeur, FOX News, (propriété de Rupert Murdoch).
Ça, mes amis, c’est Big Media.
Big Media n’a aucune obligation légale de vous dire la vérité!
N’oubliez jamais ça.
Houlà François !! Je relève dans la dernière émission une faute lourde qui
va ne va pas t'arder à t'attirer les foudres des abonnés Français aux
chaînes YT.
Tu parles du candidat du Parti Socialiste François Hollande (qui remplace
pour le moment DSK, qui pour ma part je pense ne va pas tarder à revenir sur
le devant de la scène en sauveur économique en tant qu'ancien patron de FMI)
comme du candidat pourfendeur des banques. Et alors là j'ai faillit me faire
pipi dessus de rire !!!
François Hollande est un Young Leader de la French American Foundation
promotion 1996.
François Hollande est un Agent Américain qui a été choisi parce qu'il est
Young Leader, pour remplacer DSK qui lui était membre des Bilderberg.
En complément d'information pour la semaine prochaine et pour faire le lien
entre le livre de Mullins et la French American Foundation, il suffit de
regarder qui finance le programme Young Leader, et là on retrouve la Banque
Lazard Frères qui faisait parti des "pères fondateurs" de la FED en 1913 !!
D'ailleurs tu pourras peut-être également préciser que le ministre de la
Défense Française Monsieur Alain Juppé est également un Young Leader
promotion 1981 (Voir ci-dessous mon premier mail) et qu'il n'est donc pas
étonnant de le retrouver en tête des promoteurs de la guerre en Libye et
maintenant en Syrie pour servir les intérêts du Nouvel Ordre Mondial.
A propos de Hollande, il est le contraire de ce qu'il dit, c'est le candidat
de la finance et du lobby sioniste. C'est le jumeau de Sarkozy, il sort de
la même école, même origine, au service des même intérêts, contre le peuple.
Ce qu'il dit pour se faire élire, sera le contraire de ce qu'il fera. Car il
sera élu probablement, volonté d'alternance et dictature à 2 partis oblige.
Salut François est ce que mon précédent mail, ne méritais pas une réponse ? j'ai pensé que c'était du mépris.... et je déteste cela,
Désolé françois je suis entier dans mes convictions et mes agissement,
"l'autre monde" est une émission culte pour moi, vous faites partie des derniers défenseur de nos libertés, alors être ignoré ça passe mal, surtout que je fait tout mon possible sur mon blog pour vous faire connaitre et propager de manière virale l'émission, je sais le travail que ça représente, j'ai mon blog pour savoir qu'un article de quelques lignes peut prendre plusieurs heures pour hollande il fait partie du siècle, mélenchon est francs maçon, nicolas dupoint aignant est un young leader (cfr), cheminade fait partie de larouche (si tu avais des infos sur eux stp?)
je ne parle même pas de marine lepen qui en fait est une xénophobe qui ne veux PAS sortir de l'europe il ne reste que l'UPR qui est un petit mouvement mais qui énonce bien la création de l'europe sous la volonté des USA, et demande la sortie de l' €uro mais ils sont blacklisté par les médias....
peut d'espoir pour les petits français au final de sortir de l'esclavage de la dette... j'ai tout les documents à ta disposition sur le blog si tu veux
merci bcp d'avoir répondu François,
désolé et bonne soirée,
Oui je comprends, excusez moi de vous avoir tutoyer François, mais j'ai bossé 15ans dans une boite américaine ou c'était la règle afin de faussement rapprocher les gens, ça laisse des séquelles,
Si vous devez vous prononcez sur hollande voici 2 articles :
Le plus urgent pour la France car nous serviront de "test" pour les 16 autres pays, c'est le traité MES "mécanisme européen de stabilité" a l'étude le 21 février qui est en fait une pyramide de ponzi géante avec la délégations des droits des députés Français à... Bruxelles et l'enchainement dans la dette sans limite et sans recours juridique...
RickSantorum Fully Exposed: Knights of Malta Warmonger Connected to Sandusky
Ordre de Malte – Opus Dei
Rick Santorum, now a leading GOP candidate for president, has a long history of corruption and is a member of the secret society, the Knights of Malta.
In a recent transmission of Down the Rabbit Hole with Popeye of FederalJack.com, Popeye and special guest Steve Stars spent two hours dissecting Santorums disgusting, warmongering history.
Greg Palast Talks about Romney's Billionaire Vulture Backer and the World Banking Mafia
The untold story of the sources of the loot controlled by Paul "The Vulture" Singer and why he needs to buy the White House
C’est comme le cas qui éclate ici au Québec avec la famille Desmarais et les accointances des politiciens et hauts fonctionnaires, etc, en visite au domaine de Sagard. Les banquiers et l’élite financière du 0,1 % contrôlent la politique, il n’y a plus de démocratie, c’est une oligarchie, une ploutocratie.
Une oligarchie (prononcer [ɔligarʃi]) - du grec oligos (peu nombreux) et arkhê (commandement) - est une forme de gouvernement dirigé par un petit groupe de personnes qui forment une classe dominante. L’oligarchie peut être faite des meilleurs (« aristocratie » au sens étymologique), des plus riches (ploutocratie), des technocrates (technocratie), des Anciens (gérontocratie), de ceux qui bénéficient de la force ou de tout autre pouvoir de fait.
La ploutocratie : (du grec ploutos : richesse ; kratos : pouvoir) consiste en un système de gouvernement où l'argent constitue la base principale du pouvoir. D'un point de vue social, cette concentration du pouvoir dans les mains d’une classe sociale s’accompagne de fortes inégalités et d’une faible mobilité sociale.
Actuellement, ce système est essentiellement une conception théorique et polémique, même s'il est courant de voir une très forte corrélation entre le pouvoir politique et la richesse. La qualification de ploutocratie, souvent utilisée de façon péjorative, est donc plutôt un argument dans le débat politique qu'un régime à proprement parler. Il existe cependant de multiples exemples historiques d’États où le pouvoir est exercé par une oligarchie (un petit nombre de personnes) de la richesse : quelques cités grecques, des cités-États de l’Italie médiévale (Gênes, Venise, Florence), ou la Ligue hanséatique.
Rothschild loses libel case, and reveals secret world of money and politics
Puppet masters, of course, do not like the limelight, but when one pulls quite as many strings as Mr Rothschild would appear to, things will inevitably go wrong. Indeed, it is not the first time this seemingly unlikely trio has conspired to make the headlines. When Mr Deripaska moored his yacht next to the Rothschild family villa in the summer of 2008, they, along with George Osborne, managed to tie themselves up in an even more spectacular imbroglio.
According to the High Court, Nathaniel Rothschild, scion of the banking dynasty and friend of seemingly everyone in the spheres of finance, business and politics, is indeed "puppet master" to the Baron of Hartlepool and Foy.
The banker and Bullingdon boy has lost his libel case against the Daily Mail, which he sued for "substantial damages" over its account of his and Mr Mandelson's extraordinary trip to Russia in January 2005.
Mr Rothschild claimed he was subjected to "sustained and unjustified" attacks in the May 2010 article, which portrayed him as a "puppet master", dangling his friend Lord Mandelson in front of the Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska to ease the passage of colossal business deals.
Messrs Rothschild and Mandelson's Russian trip would certainly have made entertaining viewing, but maybe not for Thunderbirds fans. Nobody needed rescuing, that's for certain.
It began on Mr Rothschild's private jet from the World Economic Forum in Davos to Moscow, where they met Mr Deripaska, the aluminium plant manager who became the richest oligarch of them all, and continued on Mr Deripaska's private jet to his chalet in Siberia, where "to beat jet lag" they were whipped with birch leaves before plunging themselves into icy water – a traditional Siberian banya.
Less salacious, but seemingly more sordid, was an earlier dinner at Cantinetta Antinori, a fashionable Tuscan restaurant in Moscow. Mr Deripaska, the Mail had claimed, was dining with executives from the US aluminium giant Alcoa, negotiating a £250m deal to buy two of Mr Deripaska's aluminium plants, at which a stumbling block was an EU import tariff on Russian aluminium. Enter Lord Mandelson, then a lowly Mister, but at the time the EU Trade Commissioner. The deal is done, costing several hundred British jobs, and the tariffs come down.
Mr Rothschild claimed the trip was "purely recreational", and Associated Newspapers had to admit during litigation that it couldn't be sure that Mr Mandelson had joined Mr Deripaska at dinner or whether aluminium tariffs were discussed, and in fact the deal had been struck before Mr Mandelson and Mr Rothschild arrived in Moscow. But for Mr Justice Tugenhadt, recreation it was not.
"So far as Lord Mandelson was concerned the benefit was the trip and the hospitality itself. So far as Mr Deripaska was concerned it was a relationship with the EU Trade Commissioner," he said in his ruling. The judge rejected the notion that Mr Rothschild and Mr Mandelson had flown out as friends, not business associates, and said Mr Rothschild's behaviour had in part been "inappropriate". "That conduct foreseeably brought Lord Mandelson's public office and personal integrity into disrepute," the judge said.
Mr Rothschild's "different and developing" accounts of the Siberia trip were confusing, he continued, adding that on this subject the banker had not been entirely candid.
Santé Canada est au courant! Encore une autre raison (après le fluor et tout le reste) de les clouer au pilori ces incompétents de Santé Canada
Des taux inquiétants d'arsenic ont été détectés par des chercheurs américains dans des barres de céréales, des laits maternisés et des gels énergisants sucrés avec du sirop de riz brun. Ces résultats sont pertinents chez nous, puisque plusieurs de ces aliments sont vendus des deux côtés de la frontière.
«Il est urgent de fixer une concentration maximale acceptable d'arsenic dans la nourriture», jugent les auteurs de l'étude, parue hier dans Environmental Health Perspectives. L'arsenic est un élément naturel cancérigène pour l'humain. Quant au sirop de riz brun, c'est un édulcorant qui était jugé - jusqu'à maintenant - plus santé que le sucre, le sirop de maïs, le glucose, etc.
Au total, 29 barres de céréales ont été testées par l'équipe dirigée par Brian Jackson, du Dartmouth College. Les trois quarts (22 barres) contenaient du sirop de riz brun biologique, de la farine de riz, des grains de riz ou des flocons de riz parmi leurs cinq principaux ingrédients. Leur concentration en arsenic variait de 23 à 128 parties par milliard. C'est de 2 à 12 fois la limite recommandée par Santé Canada pour l'arsenic dans l'eau potable, qui est de 10 parties par milliard. Les 7 autres barres avaient une teneur en arsenic plus basse, de 8 à 27 parties par milliard.
Préparation pour nourrissons
Seules 2 préparations commerciales pour nourrissons sur les 17 analysées avaient pour premier ingrédient du sirop de riz brun biologique. Le taux d'arsenic détecté dans l'une de ces formules était toutefois six fois plus important que le maximum recommandé pour l'eau potable. Or, les bébés sont particulièrement vulnérables aux effets toxiques de l'arsenic, en raison de leur faible poids. L'étude a également révélé que trois gels énergétiques pour sportifs contenant du sirop de riz brun biologique avaient un taux d'arsenic élevé. Ils en contenaient de 84 à 171 parties par milliard.
Cette étude «est très importante», a observé hier Sébastien Sauvé, professeur en chimie de l'environnement à l'Université de Montréal. «À la lecture de ces résultats, il est clair que je recommande d'éviter de consommer tout aliment contenant du sirop de riz brun, a-t-il dit. Que des bébés puissent avoir été alimentés exclusivement avec du lait maternisé fait avec cela, c'est affreux.»
L'arsenic est cancérigène et plus sa concentration est grande, «plus les risques augmentent», a expliqué M. Sauvé.
Santé Canada est au courant
Santé Canada «est au courant de la parution d'une étude sur l'arsenic dans le sirop de riz brun biologique», a indiqué hier la porte-parole du ministère fédéral, Leslie Meerburg. Santé Canada et l'Agence canadienne d'inspection des aliments (ACIA) mènent des programmes de surveillance des boissons et aliments, a-t-elle rappelé. «Si un niveau d'arsenic plus élevé qu'à l'accoutumée est détecté, nous faisons une évaluation des risques pour la santé pour déterminer si cela peut être dangereux», a-t-elle dit.
«Une étude comme celle-là est toujours préoccupante», a souligné Stéphanie Côté, nutritionniste d'Extenso, le Centre de référence sur la nutrition humaine de l'Université de Montréal. «Elle met en lumière le fait que certains composés naturels sont aussi indésirables que des produits de synthèse. Même si on privilégie les aliments biologiques, il faut rester vigilant et critique.»
Shameful: Sony raised prices on Whitney Houston’s digital music 30 minutes after her death
But instead of reverence in the wake of Houston’s passing, Sony chose to raise the price of one of her most popular hits collections. The Ultimate Collection album in the U.K. jumped in price by more than 60 percent from £4.99 to £7.99 within 30 minutes of Houston’s death, according to Digital Spy. The album price fell back down to £4.99 some time during the weekend, but it’s unclear when it happened.
Fans originally blamed Apple for the price hike on iTunes, but The Guardian is reporting that Apple automatically raised the price after Sony Music “lifted the wholesale price” of the album.
Nuclear Truckers: Warheads on 18 Wheels
Nuclear trucking routes in the US Jeff Berlin
Big rigs with bombs are secretly cruising the interstate near you. But how safe are they from terrorists or accidents?
At a cost of $250 million a year, nearly 600 couriers employed by this secretive agency within the US Department of Energy use some of the nation's busiest roads to move America's radioactive material wherever it needs to go—from a variety of labs, reactors and military bases, to the nation's Pantex bomb-assembly plant in Amarillo, Texas, to the Savannah River facility. Most of the shipments are bombs or weapon components; some are radioactive metals for research or fuel for Navy ships and submarines. The shipments are on the move about once a week.
The OST's operations are an open secret, and much about them can be gleaned from unclassified sources in the public domain. Yet hiding nukes in plain sight, and rolling them through major metropolises like Atlanta, Denver, and LA, raises a slew of security and environmental concerns, from theft to terrorist attack to radioactive spills. "Any time you put nuclear weapons and materials on the highway, you create security risks," says Tom Clements, a nuclear security watchdog for the nonprofit environmental group Friends of the Earth. "The shipments are part of the threat to all of us by the nuclear complex." To highlight those risks, his and another group, the Georgia-based Nuclear Watch South, have made a pastime of pursuing and photographing OST convoys.
THE FIRST PRODUCTION UNIT Peterbilt Armored Tractor rolls up Central Ave. in Albuquerque on a test drive. To the untrained eye the new tractor is indistinguishable from a commercial 18-wheeler. (Photo by Randy Montoya)
Download 200dpi JPEG image, 'tractor_pix.jpg', 1.9 Mb
Le Ministre de la surveillance électronique, Vic Toews
Harper a commandé une étude sur l’«agitation politique» au Québec;
Projet de loi C-30/C-51: la loi sur l’accès légal et « Loi sur la protection des enfants contre les cyberprédateurs« … changement de nom et tout, la.
Vic Toews: vous êtes avec nous ou vous êtes avec les pédophiles.
Le Bloc québécois « d’accord en principe » avec la loi liberticide C-30.
Document: « Renforcer la résilience face au terrorisme : Stratégie antiterroriste du Canada« ;
Canada : La police pourra épier les internautes sans mandat
Surveillance d'Internet - Le projet de loi C-30 suscite critiques et inquiétudes
C-30: « Vous êtes avec nous ou vous êtes avec les pédophiles »
Par Jean-Philippe Décarie-Mathieu, 13 février 2012
Un appel à l’émotion sans aucune subtilité, du populisme de bas-étage… voila ce que ça donne quand les Réformistes et les Alliancistes du Western Canada sont au pouvoir. Si vous êtes contre le projet de loi C-30, vous êtes pour les pédophiles… ben oui, tsé. Et la vie privée, elle? Pour emprunter l’expression de notre collaborateur André Forget, « on décrisse tu, viarge? » Le minus de l’insécurité publique n’a pas fait dans la subtilité aujourd’hui:
Le gouvernement affirme que quiconque s’opposant aux plans fédéraux visant à faciliter la surveillance électronique par la police et les services de sécurité est du côté des pédophiles.
Interrogé lundi à la Chambre des communes à propos du futur projet de loi, le ministre de la Sécurité publique Vic Toews a dit à un député libéral qu’il pouvait se ranger du côté du gouvernement ou «des pédophiles» qui sévissent en ligne.
Online surveillance critics accused of supporting child porn
Critics of a bill that would give law enforcement new powers to access Canadians' electronic communications are aligning themselves with child pornographers, Canada's public safety minister says.
This kind of "it's for the children" crap is used to sell all kinds of bad law. Here in the United States we have lost count of the number of police, TSA, and FBI caught engaging in insider trading or outright sale of commercial secrets looted from travelers laptops. The government is the biggest intellectual property crook there is, which is why the creators of this nation gave us that fourth amendment.
Le régime de Harper prévoit introduire le projet de loi C-51
Par Isa Crimonie
Le Gouvernement conservateur projette de présenter une loi la semaine prochaine qui permettrait à la police de mieux contrôler les habitudes de navigations de Canadiens et de les pister par surveillance électronique.
Order Paper and Notice Paper no 79
Intitulé projet de loi C-51, la « Loi édictant la Loi sur les enquêtes visant les communications électroniques criminelles et leur prévention et modifiant le Code criminel et d’autres lois », obligerait les fournisseurs de services Internet (FSI) à installer de l’équipement qui leur permettrait de surveiller et de conserver les données de navigation Internet de leurs clients. Les fournisseurs pourraient se voir demandés par la police de recueillir et conserver les données de navigation d’une personne soupçonnée de se livrer à des activités criminelles.
La Loi rend également la procédure plus facile pour les autorités répressives d’activer des mécanismes de suivi dans les téléphones cellulaires afin qu’ils puissent connaître des allées et venues des personnes soupçonnées de crime. S’ils sont soupçonnés d’être des terroristes internationaux, la loi permettrait à ce suivi d’aller jusqu’à un an, plutôt que la limite actuelle de 60 jours. The Gazette
Sans mandat
Les opposants au projet de loi soutiennent que les nouvelles dispositions légales permettraient à la police d’obtenir des informations personnelles sur un suspect chaque fois qu’ils le souhaitent sans l’obtention préalable d’un mandat, alors que les lois actuelles permettent seulement à la police d’éviter un mandat dans les situations d’urgence. Financial Post
Un lobby policier
Voici un courriel envoyé aux différents services de police par le Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police (CACP/ACCP) les enjoignant de réunir «des exemples démontrant la nécessité de ces mesures législatives aux yeux du gouvernement, des groupes voués à la défense de la vie privée, des médias, de la police et, surtout, du public.»
Demande importante à tous les services de police au sujet des projets de loi sur l’accès légal
Le gouvernement du Canada présentera probablement des projets de loi sur l’accès légal au début de 2012.
Le Comité sur la modification des lois (CML) et le Sous-comité de la surveillance électronique légalement autorisée (SLEA) ont assumé l’initiative des efforts déployés par l’ACCP depuis 12 ans pour presser les gouvernements successifs d’adopter ce genre de mesures législatives. Celles-ci jouissent d’un vaste appui au Parlement, mais il y a aussi certains opposants importants. Le CML et le SLEA s’emploient en votre nom à informer le public et à répondre aux critiques.
Une des critiques formulées par des défenseurs des libertés civiles et de la vie privée est que les instances policières n’ont pas satisfait au fardeau de la preuve qui leur incombe pour démontrer la nécessité de ces mesures législatives. Nous estimons avoir convaincu le gouvernement, mais nous devons aussi convaincre le public canadien. Il importe en particulier de le faire au sujet des renseignements concernant les noms et adresses des abonnés (NAA). Les projets de loi contiendront une disposition permettant à certains agents de police désignés de contraindre les fournisseurs de services Internet et fournisseurs de services de télécommunication de communiquer ce genre de renseignements sur demande, sans mandat. Il y aura aussi une exigence en matière de vérification, selon laquelle ces demandes de renseignements devront être signalées au gouvernement. Selon l’état actuel de la loi, ces renseignements peuvent déjà être demandés sans mandat et ils peuvent être communiqués à la police à titre volontaire. L’expérience de vos enquêteurs démontre toutefois que ces demandes suscitent des réponses variables et parfois de la résistance.
Ces mesures législatives sont un outil essentiel pour rectifier ce problème. Elles ont été critiquées principalement en raison d’une mauvaise information. L’ACCP s’efforce d’y parer en présentant des exemples probants de l’importance que revêt un accès rapide et généralisé de la police aux NAA. Dans cette optique, le CML a demandé à la Section de la planification, de la recherche et de la vérification du Service de police de Vancouver de coordonner la collecte d’exemples réels où soit l’accès aux NAA a été un atout efficace et important dans une enquête, soit le refus d’un fournisseur de services de communiquer les renseignements a entravé une enquête ou menacé la sécurité publique.
Nous savons qu’une démarche semblable a été entreprise il y a environ deux ans, mais le rapport qui en a découlé ne comportait pas un nombre suffisant d’exemples décisifs. Nous savons aussi que certains exemples peuvent révéler des renseignements opérationnels confidentiels et que vos enquêteurs sont par conséquent réticents à en communiquer les détails. Pourtant ce genre d’information est nécessaire pour parer aux critiques mal informées. Il est impératif que nous réunissions des exemples démontrant la nécessité de ces mesures législatives aux yeux du gouvernement, des groupes voués à la défense de la vie privée, des médias, de la police et, surtout, du public. Cette question est de la plus haute importance. Nous sollicitons donc votre concours afin de réunir cette information, en vous demandant d’indiquer à vos membres qu’il est vital de fournir les renseignements voulus pour aider à faire adopter les projets de loi. Il est entendu qu’il importe de protéger les renseignements opérationnels tout en nous donnant les éléments voulus pour informer le public et les autres parties intéressées.
Nous vous demandons de bien vouloir charger les personnes compétentes au sein de votre organisation de communiquer les renseignements voulus, à titre prioritaire, au plus tard le 20 janvier 2012. Veuillez répondre par écrit, sous forme soit de message de courriel, soit de pièce jointe à un courriel.
Les coordonnées de votre interlocuteur à la Section de la planification, de la recherche et de la vérification du Service de police de Vancouver, à qui vous pouvez adresser votre réponse, sont les suivantes :
Conseillère en planification stratégique et politiques
Section de la planification, de la recherche et de la vérification
Service de police de Vancouver
Chef adjoint
Division des enquêtes
Service de police de Vancouver
Selon le professeur de droit de l’Université d’Ottawa, Michael Geist, les autorités seraient en mesure d’utiliser l’équipement pour identifier les numéros de téléphone cellulaire des gens assistant à une manifestation et être ensuite en mesure de demander à une compagnie de téléphone cellulaire de révéler des informations personnelles des gens attachés à ces numéros. La police pourrait alors pister leurs comportements de navigation et contrôler leurs mouvements en pistant leurs téléphones cellulaires.
«As an example of the new powers, Geist said authorities would be able to use equipment to find the cellular phone numbers of people attending a protest, and then be able to ask a cellular phone company to disclose personal information of the people attached to those cellular phone numbers. Police could then track their web behaviours and monitor their movements by tracking their cellular phones.» The Gazette
Une campagne de dénonciation, Stop Online Spying, amorcée par OpenMedia.ca a cours depuis quelques mois. Il est plus que temps d’empêcher les Conservateurs et la police d’espionner impunément les citoyens.
VIDEO - Stop Online Spying on Your Private Life
Ontario driver spooked to find tracking device on his truck
Ben Ferrill had his Ford F-250 truck up on the hoist late last summer and was checking the brakes when he noticed something blinking at him.
It was a GPS tracking device.
Government spy programme will monitor every phone call, text and email... and details will be kept for up to a year
Details about text messages, phone calls, emails and every website visited by members of the public will be kept on record in a bid to combat terrorism.
The Government will order broadband providers, landline and mobile phone companies to save the information for up to a year under a new security scheme.
What is said in the texts, emails or phone calls will not be kept but information on the senders, recipients and their geographical whereabouts will be saved.
Direct messages to users of social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter will also be saved and so will information exchanged between players in online video games.
The information will be stored by individual companies rather than the government.
UN about to take control of the Internet. Forget SOPA - this is international control - Forget Privacy - Seems "One World Government" is coming together.
With people all over the world standing up to the tyranny of the banks through all the governments and the information getting out to others around the world.... The governments want to stop the information.
All the countries are actually ruled by the banks which are actually all owned by the same people. So they are now consolidating the power into the UN, so they don't have the hassle of dealing with all the individual countries. The UN is seriously about to be the "One World Government."
The UN is looking to be the "Police" of the internet with individual countries releasing their own control.
On Feb. 27, a diplomatic process will begin in Geneva that could result in a new treaty giving the United Nations unprecedented powers over the Internet. Dozens of countries, including Russia and China, are pushing hard to reach this goal by year's end. As Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said last June, his goal and that of his allies is to establish "international control over the Internet" through the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), a treaty-based organization under U.N. auspices.
If successful, these new regulatory proposals would upend the Internet's flourishing regime, which has been in place since 1988. That year, delegates from 114 countries gathered in Australia to agree to a treaty that set the stage for dramatic liberalization of international telecommunications. This insulated the Internet from economic and technical regulation and quickly became the greatest deregulatory success story of all time.
Since the Net's inception, engineers, academics, user groups and others have convened in bottom-up nongovernmental organizations to keep it operating and thriving through what is known as a "multi-stakeholder" governance model. This consensus-driven private-sector approach has been the key to the Net's phenomenal success.
In 1995, shortly after it was privatized, only 16 million people used the Internet world-wide. By 2011, more than two billion were online—and that number is growing by as much as half a million every day. This explosive growth is the direct result of governments generally keeping their hands off the Internet sphere.
Net access, especially through mobile devices, is improving the human condition more quickly—and more fundamentally—than any other technology in history. Nowhere is this more true than in the developing world, where unfettered Internet technologies are expanding economies and raising living standards.
Farmers who live far from markets are now able to find buyers for their crops through their Internet-connected mobile devices without assuming the risks and expenses of traveling with their goods. Worried parents are able to go online to locate medicine for their sick children. And proponents of political freedom are better able to share information and organize support to break down the walls of tyranny.
The Internet has also been a net job creator. A recent McKinsey study found that for every job disrupted by Internet connectivity, 2.6 new jobs are created. It is no coincidence that these wonderful developments blossomed as the Internet migrated further away from government control.
Today, however, Russia, China and their allies within the 193 member states of the ITU want to renegotiate the 1988 treaty to expand its reach into previously unregulated areas. Reading even a partial list of proposals that could be codified into international law next December at a conference in Dubai is chilling:
• Subject cyber security and data privacy to international control;
• Allow foreign phone companies to charge fees for "international" Internet traffic, perhaps even on a "per-click" basis for certain Web destinations, with the goal of generating revenue for state-owned phone companies and government treasuries;
• Impose unprecedented economic regulations such as mandates for rates, terms and conditions for currently unregulated traffic-swapping agreements known as "peering."
• Establish for the first time ITU dominion over important functions of multi-stakeholder Internet governance entities such as the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, the nonprofit entity that coordinates the .com and .org Web addresses of the world;
• Subsume under intergovernmental control many functions of the Internet Engineering Task Force, the Internet Society and other multi-stakeholder groups that establish the engineering and technical standards that allow the Internet to work;
• Regulate international mobile roaming rates and practices.
And Now… Obama Campaign Launches ‘Truth Teams’
The Obama campaign is today beginning a new effort to enlist and educate at least 2 million supporters for a “grassroots communications team” they’re calling the Truth Team.
Propagandists by any other name ...
Obama Fights to Keep Unconstitutional Warrantless Wiretapping Powers
So much for change. The Obama administration is continuing their efforts to go back on every single campaign promise and beyond all odds make themselves look even worse than the administration of George W. Bush.
Personally, I didn’t think such a thing was possible but with the extrajudicial killing of Americans, refusal to explain why they think they can engage in such activities (multiple times, no less), the passing the radically un-American National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012 (NDAA), and so much more, Obama is doing a great job at proving me wrong.
Now to continue this trend, Barack Obama has instructed the Justice Department to defend the warrantless wiretapping policy first introduced under George W. Bush.
Why did US Census Bureau award $500M Contract to Lockheed Martin, Worlds' Largest Defense Contractor?
Tying this all together, it seems as though the government has implemented the United Nations' plan to GPS mark all residences and this will make it possible to send in drones instead of personnel when the government chooses?
USA press now 99th in Most Press Freedom Index
U.S. Super-Sizing Afghan Jail It Promised to Abandon
There once was a plan to turn over the main U.S. detention center in Afghanistan to control of the Afghans in 2011. That’s out the window. Instead, the military is offering millions to vastly expand the center’s inmate intake.
Specifically, $35 million will fund expansions necessary to house “approximately 2,000 detainees” at the Detention Facility at Parwan on the outskirts of Bagram Air Field, an hour’s drive from Kabul. The Army Corps of Engineers wants to expand “detainee housing, guard towers, administrative facility and Vehicle/Personnel Access Control Gates, security surveillance and restricted access systems,” according to a recent solicitation. A Turkey-based company received the contract in late January.
US Expands Afghan Prison It Promised to Hand Over to Kabul
Instead of handing over the main detention center in Afghanistan to Kabul’s control, the U.S. is expanding the facility and keeping it under Washington’s control.
U.S. officials have promised for years to give jurisdiction for various U.S.-run prisons to the Afghan government, but after stalling time and time again those promises seem to have been abandoned. Up to $35 million has been allocated for the detention facility at Parwan on the outskirts of Bagram Air Field to expand it to house 2,000 detainees, according to Wired’s Danger Room.
I have to shake my head at this, because it demonstrates, as with the continued open status of Guantanamo Prison, that the US values human rights and democracy only when those values are "convenient" to support.
As with the Israeli system "legal" system (as it applies to Palestinian prisoners), indefinite detention, coupled with prisoner abuse, are denials of human rights and due process, and goes against the grain of everything this country used to stand for.
Unfortunately, courtesy of the last two administrations, the US has been moving into a Code Napoleon, fascist state, where people are presumed guilty until proven innocent.
And again, I urge thinking people with kids and skills on the following: please get out of the US now while you still can; waiting could prevent that from happening, permanently.
Anonymous And Internet Advocates: Where's Your H.R. 1981 Outrage?
H.R. 1981, the nefariously entitled "Protecting Children From Internet Pornographers Act," is actually a wide-ranging Internet surveillance bill that has no place in the United States of America. (Why not call it the Protecting Kittens From Harm Act? Or the American Prosperity Guarantee Act -- just a B.S. name so that politicians in the House and Senate are strong-armed into voting for it, even though it contains utterly insane 1984-style Big Brother surveillance provisions. WebProNews recently called H.R. 1981 a "turd wrapped in cotton candy," actually one of the more diplomatic assessments of the bill.)
It's on the fast-track to becoming law, and it's authored by Rep. Lamar Smith, who created SOPA.
How internet firms are reading your texts and emails and even looking at your pictures by spying through downloaded smartphone apps
The small print included with many mobile phone apps is giving their developers the right to rifle through users' phone books, text messages and emails.
By agreeing to little-read terms and conditions documents, phone users are giving developers the right to inspect their personal information and even find out who they are talking to.
In many shocking cases, users are even giving apps the right to collect whatever images the camera happens to be seeing, as well as the phone's location.
Wyoming Prepping For Martial Law Scenario: Set to Explore Options for Standing Army and Alternative Currency
State representatives in Wyoming have advanced a “doomsday” bill that when passed will launch a study into what the state should do in the event of an economic collapse, martial law style scenario.
Wyoming House Bill 85 is essentially a state continuity of government plan that would study the impacts of the collapse of the dollar and the states ability to quickly set up an alternative currency.
The study would also look at a scenario where the federal government has no control over its people as well as the dangers of a Constitutional crisis happening in America and its impact on the state.
Canadian Navy gets stuck with 4 lemons by Her Majesty's used submarine salesmen.
Canada bought four used British subs more than a decade ago and so far, it has spent an estimated $3 billion on the fleet.
HMCS Chicoutimi was struck by a deadly fire just hours into its first voyage under a Canadian flag.
HMCS Victoria has a dented hull and is restricted from diving deep.
HMCS Windsor has been dismantled in Halifax, with its refit years behind schedule and millions of dollars over budget.
Not one submarine is capable of firing a torpedo.
(I bet they didn't even bother to check for sawdust in the transmission before taking delivery. :-) /SR)
Will Canada’s social-democratic party be able to prevent a leadership coup?
As it stands, the NDP is the only major national party not led by an avowed zionist. Stephen Harper leads a cabal of governing “Likudniks,” who value subservience to Israel above all else, and the interim leader of the “Labour-Zionist” Liberals, Bob Rae, is on the board of the Jewish National Fund, an organization so criminal that it has been condemned in Israel as racist.
The NDP, therefore, is the only apparently Canadian governing choice that voters have, but even this modest fig leaf will be blown away if the blatant Israel-firster Thomas Mulcair becomes party leader.
State Sponsored Propaganda – BBC: Caught in the Act
On February 11, the London Independent headlined, “BBC to issue global apology for documentaries that broke rules,” saying:
“….(P)rograms were made by third-party in pay of governments and firms.”
In other words, they were propaganda, not legitimate news and information. More on the scandal below.
Throughout its history, BBC’s been an imperial tool. It replicates the worst of America’s major media, its NPR/PBS managed news operations, and Qatar controlled Al Jazeera on major world and national issues.
3-minute video: CIA Director admits manipulating US news; CBS confirms
*hyperlinks and video live at source*
This “emperor has no clothes” conclusion is obvious upon inspection of what the six US mega-media corporations submit as “news” (here, here, here, among hundreds of independent writers’ works).
Historic political and economic oligarchies have three components to transfer wealth from the 99% to themselves while avoiding an “Occupy Movement” to force their surrender:
Political control for self-serving laws and enforcement,
Economic and monetary control to literally “make” what is used for money to purchase agents for control,
Blood Brothers: The alliance between Mexican cartels and U.S. gangs may be the most serious threat to our national security
Like the unwanted dandelions that sprout in lawns, cartel and gang partners continue to adapt and survive. Whatever code of conduct that may have restrained them in the past has disappeared.
Their terrible acts of violence and cruelty continue to escalate. The systematic corruption of our police, courts and political system is their goal. Those who they cannot corrupt, they murder. Journalists, police, judges, soldiers, religious leaders, women and children are all potential victims.
When they work together, the cartel-gang alliance is a serious threat to our national security.
6 Terrifying User Agreements You've Probably Accepted
How many user agreements have you clicked through in your life without reading them? We're going to guess it's one for every single piece of software you've ever used, and every gadget, and Lord knows what else. You've probably signed off on thousands of pages of dense, unread legal jargon in your life. Well, guess what, you've all but signed away your soul.
We're not saying that the below companies intend to screw you over. All we're saying is that their legal teams have gone to great lengths to reserve the right to ... and to make sure you can't do a damned thing about it.
The Fair Use Act & Examples of Copyright Being Used To Censor Information on Youtube
A week ago this video had 8,400 views. Now it's at 7!
NYPD Stops And Questions Record-Breaking 1,900 People A Day
In 2010, when the NYPD broke its previous all-time-high record for stop-and-frisks with a sensational 601,055 street stops, many “frisk fans” said there was no way NYPers could top that in 2011! But Coach Ray Kelly’s dream team has just clinched another champion season, breaking the previous record by stopping and questioning an all-time-high of 684,330 people.
FBI prepares to shut down DNSChanger servers
Good cover to shut down all the blogs, the way all the Muslim sites were shut down by the FBI six days before 9-11, and just in time for the attack on Iran!
Will the FBI shut down the Internet on March 8 because of computer virus concerns?
The Internet could go dark for millions of users as early as March 8 because of a virus that has corrupted computers in more than 100 countries.
The computer script, called DNSChanger Trojan, taps into fraudulent servers, sending users of the Web to unintended - and sometimes illegal - sites.
Though the FBI has shut down the DNSChanger network and put up surrogate servers, they warned the solution was only temporary - and the court-ordered deadline is March 8.
FBI Secures Warrant To Kill Internet Access To Millions
The FBI plans to kill internet access to 4 millions users to eradicate DNS spoofing software, similar to the kind Anonymous threatens to use to shutdown the entire Internet.
In an unprecedented move to combat online hackers, the FBI has obtained a warrant from U.S. courts authorizing them to cut off internet access to 4 million online users on March 8th. The warrant gives the FBI to throw the Internet kill switch as part of efforts to eradicate the Internet of software that changes DNS traffic, a common protocol used to find address of websites and other servers on the Internet.
Who Will The Israelis (Or Their Proxies) Attack During Purim?
This year, Purim will be celebrated from sunset, March 7 until nightfall, March 8. Is it just a mere coincidence that the FBI has announced that they will be restricting internet access during that time?
Anonymous threatens to shut the whole internet down...
... just in time to keep the blogs from poking holes in the excuses ABCNNBBCBSFOX are making for why the US and Israel are showering white hot flaming death on the children of Iran.
Diebold voting machines hacked with $10 in parts
Anyone with about $10, physical access to a Diebold voting machine and rudimentary knowledge of electronics can remotely hack into the device, according to experts at the Vulnerability Assessment Team at Argonne National Laboratory in Illinois. A hacker could potentially change a person’s votes without them ever knowing about it.
“We believe these man-in-the-middle attacks are potentially possible on a wide variety of electronic voting machines,” said Roger Johnston, leader of the assessment team. “We think we can do similar things on pretty much every electronic voting machine.”
NYPD defends tactics as newly uncovered documents reveal they monitored mosques 'like they would monitor terrorists'
The New York Police Department targeted Muslim mosques with tactics normally reserved for criminal organizations, according to newly obtained police documents.
The documents, obtained by The Associated Press, showed police collecting the license plates of worshippers, monitoring them on surveillance cameras and cataloging sermons through a network of informants.
It comes to light as the NYPD fends off criticism of its monitoring of Muslim student groups and its cataloging of mosques and Muslim businesses in nearby Newark, New Jersey.
"Evidence linking these Israelis to 9/11 is classified. I cannot tell you about evidence that has been gathered. It's classified information." -- US official quoted in Carl Cameron's Fox News report on the Israeli spy ring and its connections to 9-11.
FBI Turns Off Thousands of GPS Devices After Supreme Court Ruling
The Supreme Court’s recent ruling overturning the warrantless use of GPS tracking devices has caused a “sea change” inside the U.S. Justice Department, according to FBI General Counsel Andrew Weissmann.
Mr. Weissmann, speaking at a University of San Francisco conference called “Big Brother in the 21st Century” on Friday, said that the court ruling prompted the FBI to turn off about 3,000 GPS tracking devices that were in use.
These devices were often stuck underneath cars to track the movements of the car owners. In U.S. v. Jones, the Supreme Court ruled that using a device to track a car owner without a search warrant violated the law.
City Mayor Gives Endorsement to Soviet-style Checkpoints in South Carolina
Brandon Turbeville
Activist Post
In another development regarding the Kershaw County police state situation, it appears that the mayor of Elgin, a small city located inside Kershaw County, is now endorsing the round-the-clock DUI checkpoints initiated by the Sheriff’s Department.
For those unfamiliar with the situation, Kershaw County in South Carolina first made the news after the Sheriff put all his officers on high alert when a local activist, Jeff Mattox, “Liked” an article on Facebook...
Documents Show DHS Lied to Congress About Big Brother Policies
The Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) has been leading a valiant effort to reveal the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS’s) Big Brother policies which include spying on Americans’ activity on social networks, especially people who express dissenting opinions.
EPIC is now claiming that the DHS actually lied to Congress during a hearing (read the transcript here) surrounding the DHS’s $11.4 million contract to monitor social networks for activity which is fully protected by free speech.
There Never Was An American Empire Only A Machine That Consumed Us All
The purpose of war in the 20th and 21st centuries was to generate debts you can never possibly pay so you will become a Debt Slave owned by the New York and London banks. Now you understand why you are the enemy. A well known psychologist recently asked me why 75 American Senators voted to allow 30,000 drones not just to surveil Americans but to also actually shoot us in the streets. The majority of those 30,000 drones will be armed. No Judge. No jury. Just immediate and summary execution for any American who displeases someone somewhere. No matter if the person with a finger on the button to kill you is just a teenager who thinks he is playing a video game.
ORWELLIAN DRONES: Eye in the Sky Spying on Americans
By Stephen Lendman
Money power runs America. So do lobbies representing all corporate and other interests.
The Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International (AUVSI) represents dozens of influential companies.
They include Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon, Bell Hellicopter Textron, Sikorsky Aircraft, Goodrich, General Dynamics, Honeywell, Booz Allen Hamilton, Hill & Knowlton, and many more promoting unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) drone technology.
Against targeted countries, it's America's newest sport. From distant command centers, operators kill by remote control. They use computer keyboards and multiple monitors. UAVs stand ready round-the-clock for missions.
Predator drones perform sanitized killing on the cheap compared to manned aircraft. Independent experts believe militants are hit about 2% of the time. All others are noncombatants, despite official disclaimers.
In 1995, Predator drones were used for the first time in Bosnia. In 2001, the Global Hawk drone was used in Afghanistan. Throughout the Afghan and Iraq wars, the Pentagon used various type drones for combat and spying missions.
In Libya, Obama authorized Predator drones. They operated throughout the war. They're also used in Yemen, Somalia, and wherever Washington designates targets to kill.
US citizen Anwar al-Aulaqi was assassinated this way. So can anyone anywhere on America's hit list, including perhaps domestically before long.
Washington plans escalated drone killing, as well domestic spying on Americans. Currently, around one in three US warplanes are drones. One day perhaps they'll all be unmanned.
Domestic Drone Spying in America
Drones carry surveillance equipment, including video cameras, infrared ones, heat sensors, and radar for sophisticated virtually constant spying. Newer versions carry super high resolution "gigapixel" cameras. They enable tracking above 20,000 feet. They can monitor up to 65 enemies simultaneously, and can see targets up to 25 miles away.
Predator drones can eavesdrop on electronic transmissions. A new model's able to penetrate Wi-Fi networks and intercept text messages and cell phone calls covertly.
Even domestically, drones may be weaponized with tasers, bean bag guns, and other devices able to harm or perhaps kill.
Currently, the US Customs and Border Protection uses UAVs for surveilling borders. State and local law enforcement agencies also use them to investigate "cattle rustling, drug dealing, and the search for missing persons."
EFF attorney Lynch said:
"Drones give the government and other (UAV) operators a powerful new surveillance tool to gather extensive and intrusive data on Americans' movements and activities."
"As the government begins to make policy decisions about the use of these aircraft, the public needs to know more about how and why these drones are being used to surveil United States citizens."
Drones "could dramatically increase the physical tracking of citizens – tracking that can reveal deeply personal details about our private lives. We're asking the DOT to follow the law and respond to our FOIA request so we can learn more about" what the public has a right to know.
The Supreme Court hasn't been people friendly on many issues, including privacy. In United States v. Place (1983), the court held that sniffs by police dogs trained to detect illegal drugs aren't searches under the Fourth Amendment.
They're sui generis, intended only to reveal the presence or absence of narcotics. In other words, Fourth Amendment protections don't apply to non-human searchers. As a result, privacy rights are on the chopping block for elimination. Already, in fact, they're gravely compromised under institutionalized Bush administration surveillance policy.
In 2007, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) authorized spying through the National Applications Office (NOA). It was described as "the executive agent to facilitate the use of intelligence community technological assets for civil, homeland security and law enforcement purposes within the United States."
With or without congressional authorization or oversight, the executive branch may authorize state-of-the-art technology, including military satellite imagery, to spy on Americans covertly.
Though initial plans were delayed, eye in the sky spying ahead potentially will monitor everyone everywhere once full implementation's achieved. Included will be thousands of Big Brother drones watching.
On February 3, the FAA Reauthorization Act (HR 658) cleared both houses of Congress after differences between Senate and House versions were resolved. Expect Obama to sign it shortly.
It authorizes domestic drone spying under provisions to test and license commercial drones by 2015. Estimates of up to 30,000 UAVs could overfly America by 2020. Privacy advocates are concerned. Steven Aftergood, head of the Federation of American Scientists' Project on Government Secrecy, said:
"There are serious policy questions on the horizon about privacy and surveillance, by both government agencies and commercial entities.”
UAV proliferation already is expanding rapidly. A July 2010 FAA Fact Sheet said in America alone, "approximately 50 companies, universities, and government organizations are developing and producing some 155 unmanned aircraft designs."
America's expected to account for about 70% of global growth. In 2011, Congress, DOD, state and local governments, as well as AUVSI pressured the FAA to review and expand its current "Certificate of Authorization or Waiver (COA)" program related to unmanned aircraft (UA).
Pentagon Says U.S. Citizens With Terrorism Ties Can Be Targeted in Strikes
The Obama administration’s top Pentagon lawyer on Wednesday said that American citizens who join Al Qaeda can be targeted for killing and that courts should have no role in reviewing executive branch decisions about whether someone has met such criteria.
“Belligerents who also happen to be U.S. citizens do not enjoy immunity where non-citizen belligerents are valid military objectives,” said Jeh C. Johnson, the Defense Department general counsel, in a speech at Yale Law School.
It is apparent in these remarks by this administration's top attorney for the Pentagon that the Constitution and Bill of rights have ceased to exist, under Obama's watch.
And the mother of all ironies here is that Obama used to lecture in Constitutional law!!
I absolutely do not condone violence in any way shape or form. I want absolutely nothing bad to happen to this country, any of its military, or any of its civilian leadership.
My heroes (and one heroine) of the 2oth century are Mahatma Gandhi, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and Mother Theresa. The first two I respect for their embrace of non-violence, and the last, because she worked diligently and tirelessly to ease the suffering of all she encountered.
That being said, however, I have many calmly and logically stated disagreements with the foreign and domestic policies of this administration, as I had with the former administration.
And I have to wonder; at what point to these disagreements turn me into a "belligerent"?!? At what point, looking at the language of the NDAA, authorizing the military to arrest and imprison people indefinitely under the President's command without due process, do I become an "enemy", for calmly, and rationally, speaking the truth as I see it?
We used to be a country which had a wonderful system of laws, and something we used to call "due process", where any person standing accused of a crime had the right to a trial by jury of their peers, and to be convicted or acquitted based on the evidence presented by the defense and prosecution: based upon Mr. Johnson's statements here, we are no longer that country, apparently.
Twitter Is The Latest Company To Admit It Uploads Your Address Book
Twitter has joined the list of companies making sheepish confessions that it uploads your smartphone's address book when you install its app.
Bush Admits Government Plants Fake News Stories For Political Agendas
Bush admits he participates in the long standing federal government practice of planting fake propaganda news stories in US media to promote political agendas.
Bush Admits To Planting Fake News Stories In The US Media
In this clip, Bush tells a reporter it has been a long standing federal government practice to pay journalists to run fake pre-packaged news stories, which serve as government propaganda to further political agendas.
Pentagon wants $3 billion for the War in Iraq that we thought was over
The American public has been told that the Iraq War is a thing of the past. Even still, the US Department of Defense is asking the federal government for almost $3 billion for “activities” in a country that they shouldn’t be in.
The last US troops were supposedly withdrawn from Iraq just before 2012 began, but after years of a war that abruptly ended this past December, the Pentagon still wants billions to continue doing…something in Iraq. According to the latest budget request, the DoD think around $2.9 billion should cover the cost of “Post-Operation NEW DAWN (OND)/Iraq Activities.”
Government 'may sanction nerve-agent use on rioters', scientists fear
Leading neuroscientists believe that the UK Government may be about to sanction the development of nerve agents for British police that would be banned in warfare under an international treaty on chemical weapons.
There is ample precedent for this. Down in Waco Texas, the US Government gassed a church full of women and children to death using a chemical weapon that is illegal to use on enemy troops in war.
New Implantable Microchips to Medicate Patients
Andre Evans
Activist Post
Microtechnology is on the horizon and offers a new frontier of possibilities in many aspects of human life.
While there are twofold implications for this application of technology, its potential use for medical application has been the subject of recent attention...
pistol packing granny
Read this all the way to the very end! :)
True story out of McGregor, MN from a State Trooper...
I made a traffic stop on an elderly lady the other day for speeding on MN State Highway 210 at Mile Marker 197 just East of McGregor, MN.
I asked for her driver’s license, registration and proof of insurance.
The lady took out the required information and handed it to me. In with the cards I was somewhat surprised (due to her advanced age) to see she had a Conceal Carry Permit. I looked at her and ask if she had a weapon in her possession at this time.
She responded that she indeed had a .45 automatic in her glove box.
Something - - - body language, or the way she said it - - - made me want to ask if she had any other firearms. She did admit to also having a 9mm Glock in her center console. Now I had to ask one more time if that was all. She responded once again that she did have just one more, a .38 special in her purse. I then asked her what she was so afraid of.
She looked me right in the eye and said, “Not a f---ing thing!”
British cop heads oppressions in Bahrain
It has been one year since the anti-government protest in Bahrain was crushed and many called for a reform of law enforcement in the country. The ex-assistant commissioner of London's Metropolitan police has taken the task of reform. John Yates is now employed by Bahrain's Monarchy. Yates resigned from Scotland Yard last year during the phone hacking scandal and many critics believe his association with Bahrain is erroneous.
**Amazing how the same people keep reappearing...
Bahrain police disperse march – Riyadh vows ‘iron fist’, blames ‘foreign parties’
Saudi Arabia’s Interior Ministry said yesterday its security forces would use “an iron fist” to end violence in a Shiite area of the country and defended its tactics against what it called foreign-backed troublemakers. Sunni Muslim kingdom Saudi Arabia has blamed an unnamed foreign power, widely understood to mean Shiite Iran, for backing attacks on its security forces in its Eastern Province. But members of the Shiite minority in the area have accused the kingdom’s own security force of using violence against protesters.
I frankly have to wonder if it is Iran supporting these protests, or agents provocateurs attempting to create a ruckus between two oil-producing superstar countries as a kick-off to a regional war.
The Saudi military is armed and trained by the US.
Terror Suspect Arrested Near Capitol
Federal agents on Friday arrested a man who they allege planned carry out a suicide bombing at the U.S. Capitol, part of a sting operation in which undercover agents posing as al Qaeda operatives provided fake explosives.
Basically, there would be no terror attack if the FBI wasn't setting these losers up, giving them fake bombs and lots of money to deliver them!
The word "entrapment" comes to mind, but of course this isn't about stopping terror but about creating news to support the war agenda.
"Fool me once ... ummmmmmmmm." -- George W. Bush
FBI Sets Up Another Patsy This Time In Fake US Capital Bomb Plot
The FBI has a long history of creating terrorists and then subsequently arresting them as if they just stopped a potential terror attack. This fact was heavily documented by Judge Andrew Napolitano on his now canceled Fox News show, Freedomwatch.
The FBI essentially finds a mentally ill person, leads him along as if he is a part of al Qaeda, provides him with fake (sometimes real) explosives and then arrests him as a real terrorist.
Today the internet is on fire with reports that the FBI has arrested a terrorist as he was attempting to detonate what he thought were real explosives at the US Capital.
The FBI knows of a man who was caught entering the lab where the Anthrax used in the letters was kept, after he had been fired for a racially motivated attack on a co-worker. So, why is the FBI wasting its time with Steven Hatfill and Bruce Ivins?
Once again letters filled with suspicious powders are being mailed to celebrities and members of congress to try to scare up (emphasis on 'scare') support for yet another war of conquest in which your children will be blown to bloody bits attacking yet another of Israel's enemies (the problem being that Israel makes enemies faster than you can breed more children).
We have seen this hoax before. And the sequel is no more entertaining that the original.
Okay, by now you have probably gotten the point. The Anthrax letters came from inside the United States. The letters contained a specific type of weaponized Anthrax made by a United States military lab which had been claiming for a lot of years that it wasn't doing that sort of thing any more.
"What? Oh, you mean THAT Anthrax over there! Sheesh, we thought you said 'Pamflax' and shuckies but we quit making that stuff a long time ago. Honest. Really. If we're lying may God strike us... a glancing blow."
Relinked as it appears that, ho humm, the US and Israel are once again sending around letters filled with ... something, and once again, ho hum, framing the intended target of invasion for it. This is not only insulting it is boring. But when you have a government made up of people who have to flunk an IQ test to get hired, this is the quality of work product you get.
Iran declares Israel bombed its own embassy - **False Flag Attack by Israel**
On Monday a bomb was detonated in New Delhi, India killing four people. The bomb was allegedly designed to kill members of the Israeli embassy and the Israeli Prime Minister quickly accused Iran for laying out the attacks. A second bombing attempt was foiled in Georgia and was said to target an Israeli diplomat. Although Israel claims these attacks are in retaliation to the deaths of Iranian nuclear scientists, Iran has come forth and said they are not behind the attacks of terror and went as far to say Israel did it to themselves. Stephen Lendman, writer and host on Progressive Radio News Hour, joins us to take a closer look at the bombings.
Iran-Thai Bomb Blast Update
Predictable, improbable, and factually-deficient conclusion made by US-run Thai administration.
Tony Cartalucci, Contributing Writer
Activist Post
It was previously reported in "String of Global Bombings Blamed on Iran" that Thailand's current government is run by Thaksin Shinawatra by proxy through his own sister, Yingluck Shinawatra. Thaksin was a former Carlyle Group adviser, and recipient of extensive US backing...
It was suggested that he would mobilize fully to back US-Israeli propaganda. Within 24 hours, Thailand's police concluded, predictably, that the Iranians were targeting Israeli diplomats in Bangkok...
Israelis: Iran Behind Bangkok Bombings, 'Coordinated Attacks' Around the World
The failed bomb attack by an Iranian national in Bangkok today is just the latest in what Israeli officials say is "a coordinated series of attacks" that began in January, and includes Monday's attacks in India and Georgia, as well as a foiled attempt to assassinate the Israeli ambassador in Azerbaijan.
Google "Lavon affair." Google "USS Liberty." Google "9-11 Dancing Israelis." Then ask yourself why Iran, which is the only nation trying to AVOID a war, would carry out the very kind of attacks Israel and the US would need to justify an attack.
Fool me once!
Meanwhile the "Megaphonies" are all over the corporate media discussion boards making fun of the guy who lost his legs and calling him an idiot for blowing himself up. Yet to me, the most obvious explanation is that he did not know he was carrying a bomb. The official story is that he was carrying grenades, but grenades are a very old and stable munition and like bullets, they do not detonate all by themselves just by being carried around.
Bangkok blasts wound Iranian attacker, 4 others
An Iranian man carrying grenades blew off his own legs and wounded four civilians Tuesday after an earlier blast shook his house in Bangkok, Thai authorities said.
And how do we know the man was Iranian? The legs were tattooed "I am an Iranian. In case of suicide bombing please mail pieces back to Tehran. Thank you, schmuck!"
My theory: "Hey you, Iranian guy. I'll pay you 5000 Baht to deliver this box ... of cookies. Yeah, that's it, these are cookies, chocolate cookies. Anyway, I need these delivered to my, ummmm, grandmother. And I'll pay you after you get back!"
Because grenades do not go off by themselves, do they?
Who Carried Out the Terrorist Car Bombings in India, Thailand and Georgia? Iran … Or Someone Else?
Why Would Iran Bomb One of Its Most Important Trade Partners … Who Is Helping Iran to Escape from Sanctions By the West?
Who benefits from the alleged bomb attack in India?
Recall in the previous post I mentioned the fact that Iran and India have made a very sensible trade agreement between themselves.
Which surely had to have annoyed all concerned?
The US. Israel. Bankers....
So we would have to ask ourselves. Why would Iran undertake an action that would detrimentally affect their relationship with India? I can't see one good reason why they would!
Therefore, it would seem much more sensible that Israel and the US had more to gain from this attack.
Bomber hired for Delhi's sticky-bomb attack may be of Indian origin, say sources
Funny how "sources" seem to know how the crime was carried out before the police do! It's almost like the "sources" planned it! Especially since the police are saying the surveillance cameras didn't actually show anything!
Like when "sources" insisted 9-11 was carried out by Osama Bin Laden before the dust had even settled!
Like when "sources" insisted Saddam had weapons of mass destruction.
Israel Links Bangkok Bombing to Blasts in India, Georgia
Iran is rejecting accusations by Israel that it is behind Tuesday's bomb blasts in the Thai capital of Bangkok and car bombing attacks against Israeli diplomatic targets in India and Georgia.
Itzhak Shoham, the Israeli ambassador to Thailand, says the explosives used in the Bangkok blasts were identical to those used in New Delhi and Tbilisi on Monday.
But a spokesman for the Iranian Foreign Ministry in Tehran accused Israel of attempting to harm the “friendly and historic” relations between Tehran and Bangkok.
Memo to the Israeli hasbara: these attacks have Mossad's fingerprints all over them, and thinking people understand that Iranian leadership is doing its level best not to provoke any kind of a dust-up with either the US or Israel right now.
BREAKING NEWS - Obvious False Flag Bangkok Bombs Being Blamed On Iran
False Flag? Israel Blames Iran for Convenient Bombing
Quite clearly, there is a premeditated conspiracy working ceaselessly to provoke Iran into a war it neither wants nor will benefit from in any conceivable way, and upon failing to provoke Iran, provocations will be manufactured in their stead, as seen in the recently botched “plot to assassinate a Saudi ambassador on US soil,” later revealed to be a US sting operation involving DEA agents and a duped, entrapped patsy.
Now Israel is blaming two attacks on their own embassies, one in New Delhi, India and another failed attack in Tbilisi, Georgia, squarely on Iran.
Report: Mossad chief visited New Delhi days before "attack" on Israeli officials
Mossad chief Tamir Pardo visited New Delhi just days before an attack on Israeli officials in the Indian capital this week, Indian media reported on Thursday, highlighting the extent to which Israeli intelligence was in the dark regarding possibility of a terror attack taking place in the country.
In the dark? Or complicit in another false-flag attack to trigger a war?
India, Georgia Bombings Target Israeli Diplomats
Assailants targeted Israeli diplomats in India and Georgia in near-simultaneous strikes Monday that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu blamed on archenemy Iran, and its Lebanese proxy, Hezbollah. Iran denied responsibility for the attacks.
The bombings, which wounded four people, threatened to ratchet up already high tensions between Iran, which has been accused of developing a nuclear weapons program, and Israel, which says such a program would be an existential threat to the Jewish state.
The violence came as recent comments by Israeli officials have raised concerns Israel might be preparing an imminent strike on Iranian nuclear facilities. U.S. and other Western countries have been pressing Israel to give sanctions more time.
Memo to the Likkud government: the sure and certain, and very publicly stated reality, that the Mossad is training Iranian terrorist to kill Iran's nuclear scientists MIGHT just have demonstrated a little more hubris than necessary.
But of course, one cannot dismiss completely that Israel has done these attacks as a "false flag" to create a causus belli for a military attack against Iran.
Given the Israeli history of such attacks, this might be precisely what has gone down here.
Car bombs 'target Israel envoys' in India and Georgia
Bombers have targeted staff at Israeli embassies in India and Georgia, officials say, with Israel accusing Iran of masterminding the attacks.
Does anyone actually believe that Iran would be STUPID enough to start randomly bombing Israeli targets when they've got the US and NATO sitting at their borders just looking for any reason whatsoever to start World War III? I'm not buying it for a second. The timing only serves Israel's interests, not Iran's.
Israeli prime minister accuses Iran of being behind car bombings in New Delhi, Tbilisi
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday blamed Iran for attacks on Israeli embassy staff in Georgia and India that wounded at least two people, one of them an Israeli woman.
"Iran is behind these attacks. It is the biggest exporter of terror in the world," Netanyahu told members of his rightwing Likud party.
This is an obvious false flag, like when Israel bombed British and American targets and tried to frame Egypt for it, or like when the Israelis attacked the USS Liberty, again framing Egypt for it.
Of the three nations, USA, Israel, and Iran, the only one NOT trying to ignite a war is Iran, so why would they do something this stupid. The answer is they would not. This is classic Israeli "let's start a war and make it look like the other guy's fault" tactics.
Fool me once ...
Report: Israel's Mossad still using foreign passports in undercover operations
According to The Times, new evidence indicates that foreign nationals in Israel willingly allow the Mossad to use their passports in order to carry out undercover operations abroad.
Too early to name any country in Israeli embassy car blast: India
As investigators try hard to find clues, Union Home Secretary RK Singh on Tuesday said there was no evidence till now to suggest involvement of any country in the bomb attack on an Israeli diplomat in Delhi.
"We have no evidence to name any country. It's premature to take any country's name," he told reporters when asked whether there was Iranian hand in yesterday's terror attack which left four persons including an Israeli diplomat injured.
Jordanians call for closure of Israeli embassy
Scores of Jordanians held a sit-in on Sunday, calling for closing the Israeli embassy in Amman and expelling the Israeli ambassador.
Israel can't get along with anyone!
U.S. Navy: Iran prepares suicide bomb boats in Gulf
Iran has built up its naval forces in the Gulf and prepared boats that could be used in suicide attacks, but the U.S. Navy can prevent it from blocking the Strait of Hormuz, the commander of U.S. naval forces in the region said on Sunday.
Iran has made a series of threats in recent weeks to disrupt shipping in the Gulf or strike U.S. forces in retaliation if its oil trade is shut down by sanctions, or if its disputed nuclear program comes under attack.
"They have increased the number of submarines ... they increased the number of fast attack craft," Vice Admiral Mark Fox told reporters. "Some of the small boats have been outfitted with a large warhead that could be used as a suicide explosive device. The Iranians have a large mine inventory."
Memo to the Pentagon, White House and State Department: the Iranian leadership may be many things, but stupid isn't one of them.
So WHY would the Iranian government do something so stupid as to start a war with a small boat attack against American assets in the Gulf?!?
The short answer, is, THEY WOULDN'T. And as stated in the Paul Simon lyric, "Don't know much about history.....", it is obvious that none of the American branches of government and defense have received the memo that Iran hasn't started a war in over 200 years, and definitely not since becoming an Islamic Republic in 1979.
If attacked, Iran will do all that it can to defend itself: this is only logical.
And I would also like to remind our readership that officials of the Russian and Chinese governments have stated, very publicly, that should such an attack happen, they will assist Iran militarily.
But the current swirling of these kinds of interviews, suggesting a pre-emptive attack by Iran (which they wouldn't do) is a dead giveaway that some false flag is being contemplated by the US and Israel to be blamed on Iran, and then waved at the people of the world like a bloody shirt as the "causus belli" for going to war against Iran.
Report: “Israeli Army Killed 114, including 15 Children, In 2011”
A report released and published by the Mezan Center for Human Rights stated that Israeli troops killed 114 Palestinians, including 15 children and two women, and injured 467 residents, including 120 children and 25 women in dozens of attacks, airstrikes and bombardments carried out against the Gaza Strip in 2011.
New Video Showing Israeli Soldiers Abusing A Cuffed, Blindfolded Palestinian
A new video showing Israeli soldiers abusing a cuffed and blindfolded Palestinian detainee was released after being shot by a hidden camera in Ni'lin village, near the central West Bank city of Ramallah.
The video shows a cuffed and blindfolded Palestinian youth who was kidnapped during the weekly nonviolent protest against the illegal Israeli Annexation Wall and Settlements. These protests are organized by the local residents, along with Israel and International peace activists.
The cuffed Palestinian is seen on the ground while the soldiers are just moving him around, dragging his feet sometimes, and placing him in a sitting position against a wall next to another blindfolded and cuffed Palestinian.
Looking at this, I have to come to the inevitable conclusion that every member of the IDF has had their morality surgically removed before beginning their term of service.
Pro-Israel handbook explains how to attack professors and ‘co-opt’ students of color
by Phan Nguyen on February 16, 2012 19
Last week, the David Project released its “white paper” on Israel advocacy in US colleges and universities, titled A Burning Campus? Rethinking Israel Advocacy at America’s Universities and Colleges.
David Project
The David Project is perhaps best known for its smear campaign against Columbia professor Joseph Massad in 2004–05, and more recently, for creating the most boring and uninspiring “Shit People Say” video.
Unlike previous hasbara handbooks, A Burning Campus? dispenses with the usual talking points and approaches Israel advocacy on college campuses more strategically.
Israel – IDF to deploy Iron Dome battery in Tel-Aviv for the first time
Israeli media reports that the Air Force is deploying the Iron Dome rocket defense system over Tel-Aviv for the first time.
Israel inks $1.6 billion arms deal with Azerbaijan
JERUSALEM (AP) -- Israeli defense officials on Sunday confirmed $1.6 billion in deals to sell drones as well as anti-aircraft and missile defense systems to Azerbaijan, bringing sophisticated Israeli technology to the doorstep of archenemy Iran.
Iran And Al-Qaeda To Attack London Olympics: Latest Propaganda
U.S. refuses to grant visa to Israeli MK due to his membership in 'terror group'
The U.S. government refused to grant a visa to National Union MK Michael Ben Ari, on the basis of his membership in a "terror organization.
Ben Ari believes that the U.S. government is referring to his membership in the Kach movement, a far-right political movement that is considered a terror organization in Israel, Canada, the European Union, and the United States.
This movement is far more than "far right": one of its founders massacred Palestinians while they were praying
Dr. Goldstein was a medical doctor; someone you would have imagined would be devoted to saving human life rather than destroying it.
Anyone reading this site understands, absolutely, that I am no fan of the Obama administration. But that Ben Ari holds to the belief of this group that Palestinians should be exterminated by any methods necessary, and most probably extols the actions of Dr. Goldstein, means that the Obama administration got it right here.
Arab League condemns Netanyahu''s wish of "death to all Arabs" remarks
The Arab League Monday condemned a phrase posted in Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu's facebook page in which he wished death to all Arabs, following a school bus accident that killed 10 children and injured 40 others.
And I note that ABCNNBBCBS are not making anywhere near the issue of Netanyahu's confirmed comment that they did with the botched translation that claimed Ahmadinejad wanted to wipe Israel off of the map!
In this short video clip from FOX News, two astounding pieces of propaganda are put forward. The first is the claim that the United States is the only nation with the "moral authority" to wage pre-emptive war on the rest of the world, because (according to FOX) the US is NOT seeking hegemony. Apparently, invading ten countries on two continents arises only out of the most humanitarian motives! This comment appears to be the Americanized version of Ariel Sharon's infamous quote, "Israel may have the right to put others on trial, but certainly no one has the right to put the Jewish people and the State of Israel on trial."
But the second comment, that Iran should be annihilated, deserves to be reposted all over the net!
Remember back when it was alleged that Ahmadinejad had said he would "wipe Israel off of the map?" ABCNNBBCBSFOX made a huge uproar over what a monstrous thing that was to say, ignoring the fact that Shimon Peres had been saying the same thing about Iran all along. As it turns out, what Ahmadinejad actually said was that Israel would, because of its own faults, vanish from the pages of history (which many observers agree with) which is not quite the same as calling for its destruction. The skewed translation had been provided to ABCNNBBCBSFOX by MEMRI, a suspected Israeli intelligence operation and the American media, long bribed by Israel to bias the news in their favor repeated the misquote without question, then soundly condemned Iran and Ahmadinejad for that statement.
So now we have FOX News calling for Iran to be annihilated. Not just Ahmadinejad, not just Khamenei, not just Iran's army, but everything and everyone in that nation, which has not actually attacked us! Why? Because according to FOX, they are all "lunatics". Perhaps, in appropriate homage to their ideological roots, they should use the word 'Untermenschen'!
So where is the firestorm of protest when a man gets up on TV and calls for an entire nation to be erased from the face of the Earth, which is what annihilation really means? It seems there is a double standard in the American media; condemnation when Ahmadinejad is merely rumored to have called for another nation to be erased from the face of the Earth, but when Tucker Carlson actually says it in a language we can all understand, there is no protest at all, indeed we see agreement from the faces around him on FOX!
Please share this everywhere you can.
Jewish extremists graffiti "Death to Christianity" on Jerusalem church
Suspected Jewish extremists scrawled "Death to Christianity" on a Jerusalem church on Monday in the latest hate crime targeting Palestinians, police said.
The words "Price Tag," a slogan used by ultranationalist Jewish settlers, were also scrawled on the walls of the Baptist Narkis Street Congregation in a quiet residential neighborhood in Jewish west Jerusalem.
(The dutch MSM article also reports the slogan: "we will crucify you" http://www.trouw.nl/tr/nl/5091/Religie/article/detail/3192520/2012/02/21...)
AIPAC Declares War
The American people don’t particularly want a new war in the Middle East, but apparently Congress and Washington’s most powerful lobby do. Thirty-two senators have co-sponsored a resolution that will constrain the White House from adopting any policy vis-à-vis Iran’s “nuclear weapons capability” that amounts to “containment.” The senators include the familiar figures of Joe Lieberman of Connecticut and Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, both of whom have persistently called for military action. They and the other senators have presented their proposal in a particularly deceptive fashion, asserting that they are actually supporting the White House position, which they are not. Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta repeated on Feb.
BREAKING: Kurt Haskell Exposes Government False Flag Operation During Underwear Bomber Sentencing
Every victim of a crime in Michigan is entitled to make a statement in open court regarding the impact of the crime on their life. The statement is limited to the victim’s physical, emotional and financial well being as it relates to the crime. Keep that in mind as you read my statement.
Below is a copy of the victim impact statement I gave today at the Underwear Bomber sentencing hearing. When reading my statement, keep in mind that I am a practicing attorney in the State of Michigan.
In addition, I regularly practice in the Court the hearings are taking place at and therefore, I am somewhat limited as to what I can say. We were limited to 5 minutes each.
What I witnessed while sitting there and subsequent events have changed my life forever. While I sat there, I witnessed Umar dressed in jeans and a white t-shirt, being escorted around security by a man in a tan suit who spoke perfect American English and who aided Umar in boarding without a passport.
The airline gate worker initially refused Umar boarding until the man in the tan suit intervened. The event meant nothing to me at the time. Little did I know that Umar would try to kill me a few hours later as our flight approached Detroit.
The final 10 minutes of our flight after the attack were the worst minutes of my life. During those 10 minutes I sat paralyzed in fear. Unfortunately, what happened next has had an even greater impact on my life and has saddened me further.
When we landed, I was shocked that our plane taxied up to the gate. I was further shocked that we were forced to sit on the plane for 20 minutes with powder from the so called bomb all over the cabin.
The officers that boarded the plane did nothing to ensure our safety and did not check for accomplices or other explosive devices. Several passengers trampled through parts of the bomb as they exited the plane. We were then taken into the terminal with our unchecked carry on bags. Again, there was no concern for our safety even though Umar told the officers that there was another bomb on board as he exited the plane.
I wondered why nobody was concerned about our safety, accomplices or other bombs and the lack of concern worried me greatly. I immediately told the FBI my story in order to help catch the accomplice I had seen in Amsterdam. It soon became obvious that the FBI wasn’t interested in what I had to say, which upset me further.
For one month the government refused to admit the existence of the man in the tan suit before changing course and admitting his existence in an ABC News article on January 22, 2010. That was the last time the government talked about this man. The video that would prove the truth of my account has never been released.
I continue to be emotional upset that the video has not been released. The Dutch police, meanwhile, in this article (show article), also confirmed that Umar did not show his passport in Amsterdam which also meant that he didn’t go through security as both are in the same line in Amsterdam. It upsets me that the government refuses to admit this fact.
I became further saddened from this case, when Patrick Kennedy of the State Department during Congressional hearings, admitted that Umar was a known terrorist, was being followed, and the U.S. allowed him into the U.S. so that it could catch Umar’s accomplices.
I was once again shocked and saddened when Michael Leiter of the National Counter terrorism Center admitted during these same hearings that intentionally letting terrorists into the U.S. was a frequent practice of the U.S. Government. I cannot fully explain my sadness, disappointment and fear when I realized that my government allowed an attack on me intentionally.
During this time, I questioned if my country intentionally put a known terrorist onto my flight with a live bomb. I had many sleepless nights over this issue. My answer came shortly thereafter.
In late 2010, the FBI admitted to giving out intentionally defective bombs to the Portland Christmas Tree Bomber,the Wrigley Field Bomber and several others. Further, Mr. Chambers was quoted in the Free Press on January 11, 2011 when he indicated that the government’s own explosives experts had indicated that Umar’s bomb was impossibly defective. I wondered how that could be. Certainly, I thought, Al Qaeda wouldn’t go through all of the trouble to plan such an attack only to provide the terrorist with an impossibly defective bomb.
I attended nearly all of the pretrial hearings. At the hearing on January 28, 2011, I was greatly disappointed by the prosecution’s request to block evidence from Mr. Chambers “as it could then be able to be obtained by third parties, who could use it in a civil suit against the government”.
It really bothered me that the government apparently was admitting to wrongdoing of some kind as it admitted that it was concerned it would be sued. It further upset me to know that the government was putting its own interests ahead of those of the passengers.
When I attended the jury selection hearings, I questioned why versions of the same two questions kept coming up, those being:
1. Do you think you’ll be able to tell whether something is actually a bomb? and 2. Do you realize that sometimes the media doesn’t always tell the truth?
I continued to be greatly saddened at this point as I felt the truth continued to be hidden.
When Umar listed me as his only witness, I was happy to testify, not on his behalf, but on behalf of the truth. I never expected to testify, as my eyewitness account would have been too damaging to the myth that the government and media are putting forward.
A mere 5 days after I was announced as a witness, there was an inexplicable guilty plea which exasperated me as I no longer would be testifying.
In closing I will just say that regardless of how the media and government try to shape the public perception of this case, I am convinced that Umar was given an intentionally defective bomb by a U.S. Government agent and placed on our flight without showing a passport or going through security, to stage a false terrorist attack to be used to implement various government policies.
The effect this matter has had on my life has been astounding and due to this case, I will never trust the government in any matter, ever.
In regards to sentencing, nothing I’ve said excuses the fact that Umar tried to kill me. He has waived his valid claim to the entrapment defense. Umar, you are not a great Muslim martyr, you are merely a “Patsy”. I ask the court to impose the mandatory sentence.
Russia to Deploy S-400 Air Defense Systems Near Borders
Russia will place several new S-400 Triumf air defense systems near its borders in 2012, Air Force Commander Alexander Zelin said.
“The Russian Armed Forces will receive several S-400 air defense systems this year,” Zelin told RIA Novosti on Monday. “This time they will be deployed in air defense units guarding [Russia’s] border regions.”
Looking at the complete mess the US has made in terms of progress on a viable missile defense treaty, who in their right might can possibly blame the Russian government for taking these steps?!?
Russia warns US against deploying Aegis ships in northern seas
The Russian Chief of Staff, General Nikolai Makarov, today warned the US against stationing Aegis-equipped ships in the Black and northern seas.
Gen. Makarov pointed out that deployment of Aegis combat system’s elements in these seas “posed a threat” to Russia and forced Moscow to take retaliatory steps to eliminate it. He also stressed that these would be measures of last resort since they required “additional expenses.”
Has American foreign policy been reduced to simply bullying and badgering behavior?
What has happened to nuanced, reasonable discussions with foreign governments engineered to create a state of agreement on a variety of wide-ranging issues?
IF EVER this country desperately needed a "Department of Peace", with the capacity to advise Congress, the White House, the Pentagon, and the State Department about how to achieve various geopolitical objectives without firing a single shot, it is right the heck now!
General Says Russia Could Use Nuclear Weapons to Keep Country Intact
Russia's armed forces would be within their full rights to use nuclear weapons if any threats to the integrity of the country arise, Russian General Staff head Nikolay Makarov said Wednesday.
"Of course, we are not preparing to fight against NATO; we don't have those kinds of goals or tasks. But it is clearly written in our doctrine when we are within our rights to use nuclear weapons. In this case we would use them," Makarov said in an interview on radio station Ekho Moskvy, RIA-Novosti reported.
Russia just sent a very clear signal that the United States must stop attacking every country Israel tells it to, or the result will be a nuclear war.
Saudis embrace China in new polygamy
The days of the U.S. being a great power are over and with it the American Empire and perhaps of the United States as a country.
The friction resulting from this was compounded by the expanding "war on terror", disagreements over Palestinian policy, and finally and perhaps most severely the decision by the George W Bush administration to invade Iraq. It was the culmination of these factors that led an exasperated Prince Saud al-Faisal to amend his brothers remarks to state that the US-Saudi relationship was not a "Catholic marriage" but in fact a "Muslim marriage".
UN says 1.3 million Iraqis still homeless years after sectarian conflict
Officials say more than 1.3 million Iraqis remain homeless after being forced to flee six years ago during widespread sectarian violence that threatened their lives.
I wish the UN would pay attention to the millions in America out of work and homeless because of Wall Street's mortgage-backed securities fraud.
Pentagon report says U.S. pays $400/gal for gas in Afghanistan
The astronomical cost of fuel is due in part to how it must be delivered: by parachute. Huge military cargo planes operated by the Air Force fly to a remote drop zone and send dozens of pallets to the ground, containing items like food, water and, of course, fuel.
There's more bad news. Due to the dangers of setting up ground-based supply convoys, the military fully expects that air-drops will be increasingly necessary in the coming months and years. And that means our military's fuel bill is only going to get more and more expensive.
War and neglect leaves 500,000 Afghans homeless: Amnesty
Half a million Afghans displaced by war have been left homeless and struggling to survive because of government and international neglect, Amnesty International said Thursday.
Around 400 people join makeshift shelters around the country every day, Amnesty said in a report entitled “Fleeing war, finding misery”, based on three years of research.
The Afghan government estimates that more than 40 people froze to death this winter, the harshest in 15 years, with at least 28 children dying in camps around Kabul.
The government is “not only looking the other way but even preventing help from reaching them” in an attempt to avoid making the settlements permanent, Amnesty researcher Horia Mosaic said.
I think that half million figure is far too conservative here, with the real picture probably involving a lot more people than this.
The reality is, one decade after the invasion and occupation, that Afghan people are absolutely no better off than they were the day before the invasion started, and in fact, are in a worse condition than ever before.
So please, as the corporate media barks about the inescapable necessity of attacking Syria and Iran, remember who is "winning" this war, and it is neither the American nor NATO military; it is the drug lords, the banks laundering the drug money, and the large defense contractors providing mercenaries and supplies who are winning this war.
Any attack against Syria and/or Iran may well bring Russia and China into the fray on the side of Iran and Syria, creating the potential for a global, thermonuclear war.
US Troops Now in 4 African Countries to Fight LRA
Rear Adm. Brian L. Losey, the top U.S. special operations commander for Africa, said the U.S. troops are now stationed in bases in Uganda, Congo, South Sudan and Central African Republic.
"We've already seen a decrease in the lethality of LRA activities, which we think is attributable in part to the pressure we and our partners are applying," Losey said in a telephone briefing to journalists.
This has far less to do with "terrorists" than it does with which countries get access to these countries' wealth in oil, natural gas, and mineral resources.
Somalia Promises West Oil Riches in Exchange for Security
The prime minister of the government of Somalia, which has control over parts of the capital Mogadishu, promised the West a share in its oil riches in exchange for security and reconstruction in an interview this week.
Significant oil reserves have been discovered in Somalia, and after drilling it is expected to successfully flow within weeks, with the crude reaching the north-east corner of Somalia by April. Somali diplomats say that an offensive against the al-Shabab militant group in the south, backed by U.S. drone strikes, should take.
It's all about the oil; and if the reserves are as plentiful as believed, the UK's 20 million pound "stabilization fund" will be mere peanuts, in terms of the potential for profit.
And timing is never coincidental: it appears that Israel is poised to strike Iran, one of two of the largest oil producing nations in the world, and taking Iranian oil off the market right when this find has been discovered.
Britain to spend £20 million on new rapid reaction force for Somalia
The deal will be unveiled by British officials at a landmark London conference on Thursday, at which more than 40 countries will convene to discuss the future of the war-torn African state.
Under the plans, Britain will contribute £20 million to a 'stability fund' for Somalia to help its new government secure the territory it has won from the al-Qaeda backed insurgency.
This will pay for a civilian force of “chino-clad warriors” who will be sent into vulnerable areas to help establish a police presence, health care facilities, schools and basic services before the militants can return.
So, the the UK is spending 20 million pounds....ON SOMALIA?!?!?!?!?
Folks, this has very little to do with Al-Shabaab, and everything to do with the following little factoid about Somalia:
"Natural resources: uranium and largely unexploited reserves of iron ore, tin, gypsum, bauxite, copper, salt, natural gas, likely oil reserves
This is why the US and the UK are so keen to control the country; it is to control its natural resources, and who gets access to them.
North Korea vows to launch 'sacred war' over US-South naval exercises
The North's National Defence Commission (NDC) described the exercise as "unpardonable war hysteria" and said its army and people would "foil" the US and South Korean moves with "a sacred war of our own style".
The threat is the latest instance of Pyongyang taking a hostile tone towards Seoul since Kim Jong-un, the youngest son of the late leader Kim Jong-il, took over following the death of his father in December.
The United States and South Korea are to mount two major annual joint military exercises, one in the coming week and the other in March.
Well, the war of words against South Korea have not abated since Kim Jong-un took over the leadership of North Korea after his father's death.
However, the world needs to take a deep breath and see what he actually does with North Korea's military.
It is also interesting to note that the US and North Korea just finished talks in Beijing on its nuclear program.
North Korea wants a final peace treaty to replace the armistice (truce) which has kept both Koreas on edge for over half a decade, along with assurances on trade and aid.
Unfortunately, North Korea and the rest of the world got a very clear object lesson of what happens to any country which does NOT have a nuclear deterrent with the US invasion and occupation of Iraq.
Western students lag Asians by three years: study
Western schoolchildren are up to three years behind those in China’s Shanghai and success in Asian education is not just the product of pushy “tiger” parents, an Australian report released Friday said.
The study by independent think-tank The Grattan Institute said East Asia was the centre of high performance in schools with four of the world’s top systems in the region — Hong Kong, South Korea, Shanghai and Singapore.
“In Shanghai, the average 15-year-old mathematics student is performing at a level two to three years above his or her counterpart in Australia, the USA and Europe,” Grattan’s school education programme director Ben Jensen said.
“That has profound consequences. As economic power is shifting from West to East, high performance in education is too.”
Green Light to WW3? 'US needs human face for Iran invasion'
The military build-up and economic sanctions against Iran are designed to unleash a global war from the Mediterranean to China with unpredictable consequences, warns Michel Chossudovsky, Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization.
Millions of Evangelical Christians Want to Start WWIII to Speed the “Second Coming” … and Atheist Neocons are Using Religion to Rile Them Up to Justify War Against Iran
The Founding Fathers weren’t particularly anti-Islam.
But millions of Americans believe that Christ will not come again until Israel wipes out its competitors and there is widespread war in the Middle East. Some of these folks want to start a huge fire of war and death and destruction, so that Jesus comes quickly.
According to French President Chirac, Bush told him that the Iraq war was needed to bring on the apocalypse:
The entire future of the world rests in the hands of whichever world leaders are the least mentally stable?
Iran, Israel, and the US: The Slide To War
In the Netanyahu government’s analysis, beating up on Iran would weaken Israel’s local enemies and at little cost. Tel Aviv’s scenario features a shock-and-awe attack, followed by a United Nations–mandated ceasefire, with a maximum of 500 Israeli casualties. The Iranians have little capacity to strike back, and if they did attack Israeli civilian centers or tried to close the Hormuz Strait, it would bring in the Americans.
Israeli sources suggest that Netanyahu may calculate that in the run-up to the 2012 American elections, an Israeli attack might force the Obama administration to back a war and/or damage Obama’s re-election chances. It is no secret that there is no love lost between the two leaders.
Such a war may not go at all well, should the US get suckered into it.
We don't have the troop strength, the manufacturing, or the money (with a 15 trillion dollar debt) to successfully pursue such a military misadventure successfully.
Oh yes, the Federal Reserve may cough up some money to lend..... at 10% to 20% compound interest, which is why banks love war.
Netanyahu may well be calculating the ultimate collapse of the US into his war equation. When a parasite knows its host is dying, it finds another host.
And notice how, currently, Canadian leadership has been pledging its "undying, unbreakable" bond with Israel. Let the Canadian taxpayers find out just what the cost is, in money and military aid, which Israel will then demand of them, if the US Federal government collapses, and the US balkanizes.
I would suspect that Canadian taxpayers will not be terribly pleased with it will cost them, in Canadian blood and Canadian money, as a sacrifice upon the altar of ultimate Israeli hegemony in the Middle East. And please, don't say I didn't warn you.
Iran, Russia naval presence in Syrian waters a ‘Serious message to US’
A senior Iranian lawmaker says the presence of Iranian and Russian naval forces in Syria’s coastal waters is a clear warning to the US to refrain from any possible military adventurism.
The US has between 2,000 and 8,000 and has
already used them twice in the Hiroshima and Nagasaki genocides..
Russia has between 2,000 and 11,000, the UK between 100 and 200, Israel between 75 and 400, France around 300, China around 200, India
around 100, Pakistan around 100 and North Korea supposedly less than 10. And we’re worried about Iran getting one?
Effort to change U.S. red line on Iran has Senate Dems worried about war
A new bipartisan resolution introduced Thursday on Capitol Hill is part of a growing effort to shift the longstanding U.S. red line from Iran acquiring a nuclear weapon to having the capability to build one. Such a shift would bring U.S. policy in line with Israel’s approach.
The resolution -- a nonbinding Senate statement backed by the American Israel Public Affairs Committee – calls on the United States to prevent Iran from acquiring even the capability to build nuclear weapons.
Congress see, congress do.
Obama Officials: Iran Sanctions Will Fail, Leading to War
While insisting that they “want to see sanctions work,” Obama Administration officials are convinced that the sanctions won’t lead Iran to abandon its civilian nuclear program and that either the US or Israel will attack Iran as a result.
Turkey, China help Iran evade sanctions: Report
A London-based newspaper claims Turkey and China are helping Iran to evade UN sanctions by providing Tehran with banking facilities to purchase necessary commodities through indirect means.
Netanyahu to Meet Harper Before Obama
Netanyahu is set to meet US President Barack Obama on March 5 where the two leaders are expected to discuss the "full range of security issues of mutual concern."
Iran's nuclear program, the deteriorating situation in Syria, and the Islamic rise to power in northern Africa - especially Egypt - are widely believed to top the agenda.
Of key concern are tensions between Jerusalem and Washington over how to stop Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons. The Obama administration insists sanctions will succeed, while Netanyahu last week said sanctions are "not working."
His statement was echoed by a senior US intelligence official who told US lawmakers that Iran was "nowhere near" giving up its nuclear weapons program.
Great: maybe Harper can pay those billions of dollars the US government has been giving to Israel for years, and make it the Canadian Taxpayers' problem!! :-) Stephen Harper, you have no idea what a load that would take off the US Federal Governments' shoulders, and - hey, I am thanking you in advance!
But seriously, how can Iran "stop doing" something which it is not doing in the first place?!?
Therefore, Iran cannot "stop" a nuclear weapons program it doesn't have, and that, to date, no IAEA inspector has been able to confirm exists.
Israel to US: Talk of Avoiding War Helps Iran
Specifically, Netanyahu and Barak expressed resentment over an interview given by Gen. Martin Dempsey, chairman of the US joint chiefs of staff, to CNN. In it, Dempsey said ”I don’t think a wise thing at this moment is for Israel to launch a military attack on Iran,” and a strike “would be destabilizing” and “not prudent.” He also said that U.S. efforts to dissuade Israel from attacking Iran have failed.
The Israeli condemnation of the rather sober comments from Dempsey came dangerously close to equating public nonconformity with Israeli policy traitorous.
Apparently, Israeli leadership is offended that they do not control what is left of free speech in the US when a comment is made publicly by a very thoroughly war-experienced Joint Chiefs of Staff Dempsey.
And Dempsey is in a position to know what the unintended consequences of such an Israeli attack against Iran may well be, and the degree to which the US military will be dragged in to mop up the mess which the Israeli military can start, but probably not finish by itself.
Pakistani, Chinese, and Russian leadership have gone on record as stating, very clearly, that should Iran be attacked, that all 3 nuclear-armed countries would go to Iran's aid.
So the bottom line is, what we have here is the potential for a global, thermonuclear war against an alleged Iranian weapons program no one from the IAEA can prove exists.
And if this sounds as insane to you as it does to me, that's because it is.
Unfortunately, however, logic never trumps hubristic illogic, either at an individual, or national, level.
And what we have going on right now with Israeli civilian and military leadership is one whole, heck of a lot of hubristic thinking.
And one more thing for Israeli leadership to consider: Americans are sick, tired, and angry at the cost in American blood and American money Israel consistently demands be sacrificed upon the altar of potential Israeli hegemony in the Middle East. WE HAVE HAD IT, THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!
Rothschilds Want Iran’s Banks
Could gaining control of the Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran (CBI) be one of the main reasons that Iran is being targeted by Western and Israeli powers? As tensions are building up for an unthinkable war with Iran, it is worth exploring Iran’s banking system compared to its U.S., British and Israeli counterparts.
Rothschilds Want Iran’s Banks
Could gaining control of the Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran (CBI) be one of the main reasons that Iran is being targeted by Western and Israeli powers?
As tensions are building up for an unthinkable war with Iran, it is worth exploring Iran’s banking system compared to its U.S., British and Israeli counterparts.
Some researchers are pointing out that Iran is one of only three countries left in the world whose central bank is not under Rothschild control.
Before 9-11 there were reportedly seven: Afghanistan, Iraq, Sudan, Libya, Cuba, North Korea and Iran.
By 2003, however, Afghanistan and Iraq were swallowed up by the Rothschild octopus, and by 2011 Sudan and Libya were also gone. In Libya, a Rothschild bank was established in Benghazi while the country was still at war
Islam forbids the charging of interest, a major problem for the Rothschild banking system. Until a few hundred years ago, charging interest was also forbidden in the Christian world and was even punishable by death. It was considered exploitation and enslavement.
Since the Rothschilds took over the Bank of England around 1815, they have been expanding their banking control over all the countries of the world. Their method has been to get a country’s corrupt politicians to accept massive loans, which they can never repay, and thus go into debt to the Rothschild banking powers.
If a leader refuses to accept the loan, he is oftentimes either ousted or assassinated. And if that fails, invasions can follow, and a Rothschild usury-based bank is established.
The Rothschilds exert powerful influence over the world’s major news agencies. By repetition, the masses are duped into believing horror stories about evil villains.
The Rothschilds control the Bank of England, the Federal Reserve, the European Central Bank, the IMF, the World Bank and the Bank of International Settlements. Also they own most of the gold in the world as well as the London Gold Exchange, which sets the price of gold every day.
It is said the family owns over half the wealth of the planet—estimated by Credit Suisse to be $231 trillion—and is controlled by Evelyn Rothschild, the current head of the family. (Continued under ads)
Objective researchers contend that Iran is not being demonized because they are a nuclear threat, just as the Taliban, Iraq’s Saddam Hussein and Libya’s Muammar Qadaffi were not a threat.
What then is the real reason? Is it the trillions to be made in oil profits, or the trillions in war profits? Is it to bankrupt the U.S. economy, or is it to start World War III? Is it to destroy Israel’s enemies, or to destroy the Iranian central bank so that no one is left to defy Rothschild’s money racket?
It might be any one of those reasons or, worse—it might be all of them.
PM: IAEA Report Shows 'We Are Right on Iran'
In his first statement on the International Atomic Energy Agency's latest report, which said that Iran has expanded it nuclear program, and that the IAEA was concerned over the program's “possible military dimensions,” Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu said Saturday night that the report “constitutes additional proof that the State of Israel's assessments are correct. Iran is continuing with its nuclear program without let-up; it is enriching uranium to a high level of 20% while grossly ignoring the demands of the international community.”
Memo to Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu: sir, do you not have a nuclear science advisor with whom you consult occasionally, so as not to say abysmally ridiculous things in public?
And I would bet a whole, worthless US dollar that somewhere, in the very excellent and remarkable Israeli scientific establishment, there are at least several responsible nuclear scientists cringing, and here, sir, is why.
The enrichment of uranium to the levels of 20% are for the creation of medical isotopes with which to treat disease. That you seem to be blissfully unaware of this fact has to make at least some Israelis very nervous right now. And it frankly makes me very worried also
Now if the IAEA had said that they had discovered incontrovertible evidence that Iran was enriching uranium to a 95% level, that would have meant that they are in the process of developing a nuclear bomb; however, as you are well aware, they did not find this.
They are just trying to use nuclear technology to help people get better, not blow people up.
So please try to get your facts straight before you embarrass yourself publicly, won't you?!?
Because if I, just an average American, understand this, so do a whole lot more average Americans and Israelis!
Israel claims Iran able to target US in 2-3 years
"They are building a Death Star. Honest!" -- Nodding Yahoo
Rick Santorum: Obama helping Iran obtain nuclear weapons
Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum on Thursday accused President Barack Obama of actively seeking ways to allow Iran to gain a nuclear weapon ...
Let's see, Santorum has claimed ...
1. Iran will attack North Dakota.
2. Satan is attacking America.
3. Nazis are in the White House
And now ...
4. Obama is helping Iran get the bomb!
Rick, I don't care how much of a hurry you are in, you simply MUST stop drying your hair in the microwave oven!
"Iran Has The Third Largest Jewish Population In The World Behind Only US & Israel"
Intel Official: Iranian Missiles Could Hit Nearby U.S. Targets, Europe
Iran has the ability to fire missiles at U.S. targets in the Middle East and "temporarily" close a key sea transit route, a senior intelligence official said Thursday.
Tehran has a missile arsenal capable of reaching "targets throughout the region and into Eastern Europe," Lt. Gen. Ronald Burgess, Defense Intelligence Agency director, told the Senate Armed Services Committee.
Since becoming an Islamic Republic in 1979, Iran has not invaded or tried to conquer anyone. Neither the US nor Israel can make the same claim.
It does not matter what Iran is able to do, what matters is what they actually do, and Iran is not going to fling missiles at anyone unless it is in self-defense, because such missiles (or the highly propagandized "Iranian" terror attack) would justify the Iran is trying to avoid.
Rick Santorum: North Dakota is in the cross-hairs of an Iranian attack
GOP presidential hopeful Rick Santorum warned North Dakota on Wednesday that it was in the cross-hairs of an Iranian attack.
A resident of South Dakota asked why Iran would bother and Santorum is rumored to have replied, "well ..... just .... ummmmm ... just ... just ... just ... BECAUSE! That's why!"
US, Israel Invoke Terror To Ratchet Up War Threats Against Iran
Defense Intelligence Agency director Lt. Gen. Ronald Burgess told a hearing of the Senate Armed Services Committee that Iran is unlikely to initiate any war and would only respond if it were attacked.
In other words, beneath the unrelenting attempts to brand Iran as an aggressor that must be stopped from imminently acquiring nuclear weapons, the assessment of US intelligence is that Iran would only act militarily if attacked and is not even close to challenging Israel’s regional monopoly on nuclear bombs.
I would rather suggest that, should these propaganda escalations ultimately lead to war, the upcoming cost in American blood and American money will be considered by Israeli leadership as a reasonable, and necessary, sacrifice upon the altar of ultimate Israeli hegemony in the Middle East.
And it is that hubristic attitude, roughly translating as "Americans need to fight and die to neutralize Iran so Israelis don't have to" I find infuriating in the extreme on the part of Israeli leadership.
Iran Teams Up With Al-Qaeda, Claims Dubious Telegraph Report
You know, these "Al Qaeda" (nudge nudge wink wink say no more!)
Also, if you go to the original Telegraph article, you will see they shut down the comments section so we can’t call them on this ludicrous linkage between Iran and "The Toilet."
U.S. boosting military presence in Strait of Hormuz to fend off any Iranian attempt at closure
The Western military buildup in the Persian Gulf region has been quite long and sizable. It is now ramping-up even more with the Wall Street Journal reporting that the United States is planning to beef up their so-called defenses in the region.
They report that the U.S. is increasing defenses based on both land and sea in the Persian Gulf, and has notified Congress of plans to acquire new mine-detection and clearing equipment...
U.S. officials fear sanctions on Iran will fail as fears grow over military action and imminent attack on U.S. soil
The White House wants to see sanctions work,' an official told the British newspaper. 'This is not the Bush White House. It does not need another conflict.
Its problem is that the guys in Tehran are behaving like sanctions don't matter, like their economy isn't collapsing, like Israel isn't going to do anything.
'Sanctions are all we've got to throw at the problem. If they fail then it's hard to see how we don't move to the 'in extremis' option.'
It comes amid reports that the government is worried that Iran will consider a terror attack on American soil, but it has no specific or credible threat about such a plot.
OK, folks: here's just a little dash of cold logic on this rapidly escalating foolishness.
The Iranian leadership may be many things, but stupid isn't one of them.
So then, why in the name of heaven would they do something as completely, abysmally stupid as to mount a terror attack on US soil, when they are absolutely clear about what the consequence of such an attack would be?!?
The short answer is, they wouldn't! Iran has not generated a single military assault in over 200 years, and definitely not since becoming an Islamic Republic in 1979.
So the bottom line, here, is that any attack against any US and/or Israeli asset which might happen will be a false flag attack, generated to create fury against Iran, and become the causus belli for going to war against it.
A senior Israeli official said Thursday that the missile testing site near Tehran that was destroyed in a huge explosion three months ago was developing missiles with a range of about 6,000 miles that could reach the United States.
"And a Death Star! They have a Death Star!"
Leon Panetta 'believes Israel could attack Iran in the spring'
The Post columnist said Mr Panetta "believes there is a strong likelihood that Israel will strike Iran in April, May or June before Iran enters what Israelis described as a 'zone of immunity' to commence building a nuclear bomb."
President Barack Obama and Panetta are "said to have cautioned the Israelis that the United States opposes an attack, believing that it would derail an increasingly successful international economic sanctions program and other non-military efforts to stop Iran from crossing the threshold," he said.
Israel will have to strike
Should Iran manage to produce a nuclear bomb before being attacked, it will serve as a mathematical proof that Israel merely threatens but doesn’t act on its threats. After that, we shall not be able to deter any other regional madman ever again. All the madmen will say to themselves that if Israel allowed Ahmadinejad to develop a bomb, the Jewish State will allow anything else.
What’s worse: The madmen in Tehran will be convinced that even after they drop the bomb on us, Israel will be too scared to respond by implementing the Dimona option.
Memo to Hagai Segal: Sir, it is not the alleged "madmen" in Tehran who have me very nervous; is is certain, and certifiable, madmen in Tel Aviv, who actually believe that this is the only option possible, who make me nervous.
To date, every inspection of Iranian nuclear facilities has documented that no nuclear materials have gone missing, and that there is no evidence of an Iranian nuclear weapons program the inspectors have been able to find at all.
As you are well aware, Israel can start this militarily; but Israel cannot finish it without extensive US military involvement.
And it angers me greatly to understand, with absolute clarity, that you, and those in your ideological camp, believe that the cost in American blood and money such an action would require is simply the necessary - and quite expendable - sacrifice on the altar of Israel's goal of regional hegemony.
As you are also well aware, Ahmadinejad has never threatened to "wipe Israel off the map."
Russia and China have gone on record that should Iran be attacked, that they will come into the fray on the side of Iran.
Mr. Segal, I would caution you to be very, very careful about what you wish for here: the possibilities for unintended consequences playing out as a world thermonuclear war are horrifyingly real, sir.
Israel warns time is running out before it launches strike on Iran - The Independent
The tough public stance from Tel Aviv comes amid conflicting reports on the readiness of the Israeli military establishment to carry out an attack on Iran.
However, the senior British official, who is in close touch with the Israeli security establishment, stressed: "It is the politicians [in Israel] who are in more in favour of a military strike. Mossad and the IDF (Israeli Defence Forces) are concerned with the fallout of that on Israel and across the region."
Lieberman to meet with Clinton in Washington next week
For the first time since 2010, Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman will meet with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in Washington next week.
This is only the second time that Lieberman will be visiting the United States capital since he assumed the position of foreign minister almost three years ago. He is due to depart for the U.S. on Monday, and will be meeting with senior officials in Congress and leaders of Jewish organizations.
All these very public "frequent flyer" miles between Tel Aviv and DC have me very, very nervous.
I have reached an age where I don't believe in coincidences any more.
What I see, in all these movements of very prominent Israeli and US officials, is intense jockeying on precisely when the war against Iran will start.
Obama wants to hold off until at least the elections, to give him the maximum "bounce" from such an action, if it goes well (An "October Surprise", perhaps?!?)" ., and there are many factors as to why an excellent outcome for such an attack may seriously be in question, which I have articulated before.
But the Israeli government is desperate to have such an attack happen right the heck now, before the US economy gets turned on its head from the financial implications of the coming Euro meltdown, and how that will negatively impact many US banks with large exposure to Eurozone banks. Wars take money, and the banks really don't care who wins, as long as their "investments" in such wars remain sound.
Additionally, many in the Israeli government understand, very clearly, that they have lost the hearts and minds of the American people on the prospect of yet another US sacrifice on the altar of potential Israeli hegemony in the Middle East.
Postponed Israel-U.S. Drill to be Held in October
The largest-ever anti-missile military exercise with the United States, which Israel postponed a week and a half ago, will be held in October, the Ma’ariv newspaper reported on Thursday.
Ma’ariv also noted that in preparation for the drill, U.S. military officers will arrive in Israel next week. About 3,000 U.S. soldiers are expected to arrive in Israel to take part in the large-scale exercise, the report said, and they will be joined by about 2,000 IDF soldiers.
Hold on, here: something isn't "kosher". (pun intended)
IF, in fact, the drill will be held in October, why are US military officers arriving in Israel next week, 8 months in advance of this drill?!?
Have these thousands of troops been redeployed out of Israel in light of the fact that these games have been postponed?!? I cannot find any documentation anywhere that these forces have been either redeployed or sent home.
But I do know one thing; outside our windows, here on Oahu, it is very obvious that we're hearing a much more than normal amount of military air traffic overheard.
It is very similar to what we heard on Oahu before the invasion of Iraq, and this is of very great concern to us both.
US Military Refuses To Drive Bilderberg Israeli Bus Off Cliff Into WW III
I deal in reality. Israel has laid claim to all the land from the Nile to the Euphrates which has an area the size of Texas and a population of 300 million. In 2001 just after 911 Wesley Clark saw a list of 7 nations Bush had told the Pentagon to invade. The list included Libya, Lebanon, Sudan, Libya, Somalia, Syria and Iran. It was based upon Oded Yinon’s 1982 A Strategy for Israel in the Nineteen Eighties. The only reason for all of America’s wars is Israel and her insane idea that she has the right to dispossess 300 million people from their land. America spent trillions of dollars and ten years fighting people who were only guilty of resisting invasions and occupations that killed millions of innocent civilians. You might ask where the honor is in killing unarmed women and children.
Former IDF Chief: Israel Must Prepare for War
Former IDF Chief of Staff Gabi Ashkenazi warned, Thursday, that Israel could not afford to cut its defense budget and should prepare itself for war.
“In comparison to 10 years ago, the possibility of a conflict is not something that we just need to talk about," Ashkenazi said during a lecture at the Institute for National Security Studies in Tel Aviv.
"We never saw it coming. It happened on my watch, so it must be said. But if it's any consolation, Egypt never saw it coming either," Ashkenazi said of the so-called Arab Spring protests that have no turned into an Islamic winter in elections throughout the Arab world.
It is painfully apparent that the Israeli government and the Israeli military are constantly using scare tactics against their own citizens as a tool of control.
One has to wonder what would happen if a regional peace, actually, accidentally, broke out; neither the Israeli government nor military would have the slightest clue as to how to handle it, unfortunately.
Diplomats Order Gas Masks As Embassies In Israel Prepare For Iran Strike
Diplomats stationed in Israel request gas masks, prepare contingency plans in case of missile attacks; envoys fear that thousands of dual-citizenship Israelis will seek evacuation
Barak: Eventually Even an Attack Won't Stop Iran
Defense Minister Ehud Barak said on Friday that the world must stop Iran quickly before it reaches the point where even a military attack would not stop it from acquiring nuclear weapons.
Speaking at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, Barak said, “The situation is urgent, because the Iranians deliberately drifting to what we call a ‘resistant zone’ in which nothing will not block them.”
Barak called for further harsher sanctions against Iranian banks and its oil industry “so that we all know soon enough if the Iranians are willing to give up their nuclear weapons program.”
Israeli Defense Minister Barak, I just can picture the corporate and state leadership at Davos listening to the translation of this dessicated, lying drivel, and just shaking their collective heads in disgust.
To date, absolutely no information coming out of the IAEA inspections has indicated that any of the nuclear materials with which Iran is working has gone missing, and you know that.
Of course, nuclear-armed Israel refuses to sign the NNPT (which Iran did), and will not allow any inspections of its nuclear sites.
So stop wasting your time at Davos, come clean about Israel's nuclear program,and have Israel become a signatory to the NNPT, if you really want to do something meaningful and progressive.
THEN, declare your borders, and sign a meaningful peace treaty with the Palestinians. These actions, taken together, would do wonderfully in terms of ratcheting down the tensions in the Middle East.
But of course, meaningful steps toward peace are not what Israeli leadership wants, or has ever wanted.
Israeli leadership is focused on the acquisition of territory, by any means necessary, and the destruction of all of its alleged existential enemies in the region; and that literally means all of its neighbors!
Afghan drug war debacle: Blair said smashing opium trade was a major reason to invade but 10 years on heroin production is up from 185 tons a year to 5,800
The West is losing the heroin war in Afghanistan – ten years after Tony Blair pledged that wiping out the drug was one of the main reasons for invading the country.
Despite spending £18billion and a conflict which has so far cost the lives of almost 400 British troops, production of the class-A drug by Afghan farmers rose between 2001 and 2011 from just 185 tons to a staggering 5,800 tons.
It increased by 61 per cent last year alone.
That the huge upsurge in opium production in Afghanistan happened after the US and NATO invasion and occupation is no accident.
Those who do not understand history are doomed to repeat it. Let's take a look at drug trafficking during the Viet Nam War, shall we?!?
This is why the drug lords, and those banks laundering the drug money for them, appear to be the only "winners" in this occupation of Afghanistan, other than the huge defense contractors providing mercenaries and material.
Torture rife in Afghan detention facilities: U.N.
Afghanistan's intelligence agency and police force have been "systematically" torturing detainees including children at a number of jails, in breach of local and international laws, a United Nations report said Monday.
UN report finds evidence of children being tortured in Afghan detention facilities
The report also revealed that nearly all detainees tortured by NDS officials reported that the abuse took place during interrogations and was aimed at obtaining a confession or information.
Afghanistan opium production set to rise 61%: UN
The UN said Tuesday
Pentagon in Search of 'Secret' Farmers for Afghanistan
The Department of Defense is looking to hire agriculture specialists to send to Afghanistan. That's nothing especially new -- Afghanistan's economy is heavily agricultural, the health of the country's economy is directly tied to the mission of rolling back Taliban influence, and the U.S. has been sending farming consultants there for years. But writer (and former civilian contractor in Afghanistan) Joshua Foust noticed something unusual in reading the job listing, which had been posted to recruitmilitary.com by a defense contractor. The job requires "secret" security clearance.
Not really a surprise when you see what they are growing!
US Supported Afghan Government Warlords Control World Heroin Trade
There is an excellent interview with former head of the Pakistani intelligence service, General Hamid Gul, here. He makes some very strong points. It is undoubtedly true that it is warlords in the US-backed Karzai government who control 90% of the world heroin trade, and that the trade has expanded to its highest ever levels under coalition control. It is undoubtedly true that US foreign policy in the region is dictated by the desire to access Central Asian oil and gas. It is also undoubtedly true that the US works closely with Mossad and with India in Central Asia, and that many of its attacks appear calculated to stir up rather than ease conflict.
Turning the focus of our discussion to the Afghan drug problem, I noted that the U.S. mainstream corporate media routinely suggest that the Taliban is in control of the opium trade. However, according to the U.N. Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), Anti-Government Elements (or AGEs), which include but are not limited to the Taliban, account for a relatively small percentage of the profits from the drug trade. Two of the U.S.’s own intelligence agencies, the CIA and the DIA, estimate that the Taliban receives about $70 million a year from the drugs trade. That may seem at first glance like a significant amount of money, but it’s only about two percent of the total estimated profits from the drug trade, a figure placed at $3.4 billion by the UNODC last year. Meanwhile, the U.S. has just announced its new strategy for combating the drug problem: placing drug traffickers with ties to insurgents —and only drug lords with ties to insurgents — on a list to be eliminated. The vast majority of drug lords, in other words, are explicitly excluded as targets under the new strategy. Or, to put it yet another way, the U.S. will be assisting to eliminate the competition for drug lords allied with occupying forces or the Afghan government and helping them to further corner the market.
I pointed out to the former ISI chief that Afghan opium finds its way into Europe via Pakistan, via Iran and Turkey, and via the former Soviet republics. According to the former British ambassador to Uzbekistan, Craig Murray, convoys under General Rashid Dostum — who was reappointed last month to his government position as Chief of Staff to the Commander in Chief of the Afghan National Army by President Hamid Karzai — would truck the drugs over the border. And President Karzai’s own brother, Ahmed Wali Karzai, has been accused of being a major drug lord. So I asked General Gul who was really responsible for the Afghan drug trade.
“Now, let me give you the history of the drug trade in Afghanistan,” his answer began. “Before the Taliban stepped into it, in 1994 — in fact, before they captured Kabul in September 1996 — the drugs, the opium production volume was 4,500 tons a year. Then gradually the Taliban came down hard upon the poppy growing. It was reduced to around 50 tons in the last year of the Taliban. That was the year 2001. Nearly 50 tons of opium produced. 50. Five-zero tons. Now last year the volume was at 6,200 tons. That means it has really gone one and a half times more than it used to be before the Taliban era.” He pointed out, correctly, that the U.S. had actually awarded the Taliban for its effective reduction of the drug trade. On top of $125 million the U.S. gave to the Taliban ostensibly as humanitarian aid, the State Department awarded the Taliban $43 million for its anti-drug efforts. “Of course, they made their mistakes,” General Gul continued. “But on the whole, they were doing fairly good. If they had been engaged in meaningful, fruitful, constructive talks, I think it would have been very good for Afghanistan.”
Referring to the immediate aftermath of the 9/11 attacks, General Gul told me in a later conversation that Taliban leader “Mullah Omar was all the time telling that, look, I am prepared to hand over Osama bin Laden to a third country for a trial under Shariah. Now that is where — he said [it] twice — and they rejected this. Because the Taliban ambassador here in Islamabad, he came to me, and I asked him, ‘Why don’t you study this issue, because America is threatening to attack you. So you should do something.’ He said, ‘We have done everything possible.’ He said, ‘I was summoned by the American ambassador in Islamabad’ — I think Milam was the ambassador at that time — and he told me that ‘I said, “Look, produce the evidence.” But he did not show me anything other than cuttings from the newspapers.’ He said, ‘Look, we can’t accept this as evidence, because it has to stand in a court of law. You are prepared to put him on trial. You can try him in the United Nations compound in Kabul, but it has to be a Shariah court because he’s a citizen under Shariah law. Therefore, we will not accept that he should be immediately handed over to America, because George Bush has already said that he wants him “dead or alive”, so he’s passed the punishment, literally, against him.” Referring to the U.S. rejection of the Taliban offer to try bin Laden in Afghanistan or hand him over to a third country, General Gul added, “I think this is a great opportunity that they missed.”
Returning to the drug trade, General Gul named the brother of President Karzai, Abdul Wali Karzai. “Abdul Wali Karzai is the biggest drug baron of Afghanistan,” he stated bluntly. He added that the drug lords are also involved in arms trafficking, which is “a flourishing trade” in Afghanistan. “But what is most disturbing from my point of view is that the military aircraft, American military aircraft are also being used. You said very rightly that the drug routes are northward through the Central Asia republics and through some of the Russian territory, and then into Europe and beyond. But some of it is going directly. That is by the military aircraft. I have so many times in my interviews said, ‘Please listen to this information, because I am an aware person.’ We have Afghans still in Pakistan, and they sometimes contact and pass on the stories to me. And some of them are very authentic. I can judge that. So they are saying that the American military aircraft are being used for this purpose. So, if that is true, it is very, very disturbing indeed.”
The full interview ranges more widely and is well worth reading. I was unaware that Gul had been banned from the UK and US. But I am unsurprised. I can tell you from direct inside knowledge that the UK/US view is that the ISI is riven with Al-Qaida sympathisers. This suspicion is directed at Pakistanis who are in fact not in any way Al-Qaida sympathisers, but simply ask sceptical and critical questions about the "War on Terror".
Obama keeps Libya sanctions in place
US President Barack Obama on Thursday extended by one year the national emergency order allowing sanctions against Libya to remain in place, the White House announced.
In a letter to congressional leaders, Obama said he was concerned by ongoing threats posed to US interests by the family of late Libyan strongman Moamer Kadhafi and members of his deposed regime.
“We are in the process of winding down the sanctions in response to the many positive developments in Libya, including the fall of Kadhafi and his government,” Obama said.
WHAT "ongoing threats", President Obama?!?
Those members of Qaddafi's family left standing are quaking in their boots, desperately trying to arrange for exile, if they haven't already!
This makes absolutely no logical sense whatsoever, except to grind Libyan businesses and industry down even further (including Libya's oil business), and make them excellent pickings for US and other Western companies to acquire.
Cameron and Sarkozy Announce Joint Military Command Centre After Libya “Success”
Keelan Balderson, Contributing Writer
Activist Post
After shamelessly declaring their obliteration of Libya a success, UK Prime Minister David Cameron and France’s Nicolas Sarkozy have announced the creation of a joint military command and control center to streamline future operations.
At a summit in Paris, Cameron lauded their “incredibly strong relationship based on shared interests”...
Caught on video: The horrifying proof that Libya's freedom fighters have turned into brutal torturers
A terrified Libyan man is beaten and tortured with electric shocks by youths who appear to be former revolutionary fighters.
The images, taken from a video handed to The Mail on Sunday in a Tripoli refugee camp, will be seen as fresh evidence that those who deposed Colonel Gaddafi with the help of the West are adopting methods as brutal as the dead tyrant’s.