L'Autre Monde 8 juillet 2010: BP, économie et actualité

L'Autre Monde 8 juillet 2010: BP, économie et actualité
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L'Autre Monde 8 juillet 2010
90 min / Radio de l'UQAM, CHOQ FM
![]() | Diffusion en direct : Jeudi à 11:00h
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Au programme cette semaine, 10 juin 2010:
Mise à jour de la situation dans le golfe du Mexique, actualité mondiale et économie
Soyez de la partie les jeudis dès 11h sur les ondes de CHOQ FM, la radio officielle de l'UQÀM, l'alternative à Montréal et dans le monde!
Ne repondez pas a ce mail mais sur le forum a l'adresse suivante :
* Serait-ce un délit d'initié comme le 9/11 ?
1.Tony Heyward, actuel pdg de BP, a vendu 1,4 millions de livres de ses
parts BP avant explosion.
2.Goldman Sachs (dirigé par l'ancien pdg de BP) a vendu 44% de ses parts
de BP avant l'explosion.
3. Le rapport BP page 37 : modification non précisée sur le système
hydraulique utilisé pour fermer le puits en cas d'urgence, faite juste
avant l'explosion (exactement sur le système qui a empêché de fermer le
puits depuis.)
4.Trois semaines avant la fuite de "gaz naturel", la société Halliburton
-George W. Bush / Dick Cheney liés au 9-11- a négocié l'achat de la plus
grande société mondiale de nettoyage des marées noires (Boots & Coots).
It seems downright spooky that on the weekend when the USA is about to celebrate Independence Day -- the July 4th holiday that commemorates freedom from tyranny -- we are bringing you a disturbing report on how the U.S. Coast Guard, under the direction of the Obama administration, has suspended the First Amendment in the Gulf of Mexico.
Free Speech is now illegal on the beaches of the
I'm not making this up. This is your "Independence Day" gift from the Obama administration, which once promised "transparency" in Gulf cleanup operations.
Read my complete story on this Orwellian censorship by the
Speaking of the big
Lindsay Williams (abiotic oil) Oil Disaster Update (MP3)
Les journalistes et photographes n’ont plus le droit d’être sur les lieux de nettoyage du Golfe du Mexique
Derrière BP
Avec l'accord du président de BP Carl-Henric Svanberg (qui est tourné en ridicule dans le golfe pour ses remarques sur la population, l'ayant qualifiée plusieurs fois de « petites gens »), le fonds a été placé sous le contrôle de Kenneth Feinberg, un fidèle représentant de l'establishment politique. Feinberg a participé à la gestion des fonds d'assurance pour l'agent orange et l'amiante, en plus de gérer le fonds compensatoire du 11-Septembre et de servir comme superviseur spécial d'Obama dans le sauvetage des banques.
Army drops 'psy ops' name for influence operations
The Army has dropped the Vietnam-era name "psychological operations" for its branch in charge of trying to change minds behind enemy lines, acknowledging the term can sound ominous.
The Defense Department picked a more neutral moniker: "Military Information Support Operations," or MISO.
U.S. Special Operations Command spokesman Ken McGraw said Thursday the new name, adopted last month, more accurately reflects the unit's job of producing leaflets, radio broadcasts and loudspeaker messages to influence enemy soldiers and civilians.
Webmaster's Commentary:
To paraphrase the American poet Gertrude Stein, "propaganda is still propaganda is still propaganda!"
Chinese Supercomputer Is Ranked World’s Second-Fastest, Challenging U.S. Dominance
A Chinese supercomputer has been ranked as the world’s second-fastest machine, surpassing European and Japanese systems and underscoring
BP admits failing to use industry risk test at any of its deepwater wells in the US
BP was facing fresh criticism over its approach to safety on Saturday night after critics said it did not use an industry standard process to asses risk ahead of the Deepwater Horizon disaster.
The procedure, known as a safety case, was developed in
However, BP admitted to The Sunday Telegraph that it does not use safety cases on any of its
Webmaster's Commentary:
Unflipping believable! And only now, the
BP, cops detain reporter for taking pictures of oil refinery
According to Rosenfield, the officers said they had a right to look at photos taken near secured areas of the refinery, even if they were shot from public property. Rosenfield said he was told he would be "taken in" if he declined to comply. Michael Marr, a BP spokesman, released a statement explaining the company's actions:
Paul Steiger, editor-in-chief of ProPublica, said: "We certainly appreciate the need to secure the nation's refineries. But we're deeply troubled by BP's conduct here, especially when they knew we were working on deadline on critical stories about this very facility. And we see no reason why, if law enforcement needed to review the unpublished photographs, that should have included sharing them with a representative of a private company."
Webmaster's Commentary:
One has to wonder what BP was so terrified these pictures would document.
It appears that publicly paid law enforcement officials have now become the enforcement arm of private corporations. This means that a true dictatorship has arrived in this country without any President ever having to declare martial law.
Can it rain oily compounds in the Gulf of Mexico? Yes! Chris Landau geologist & meteorologist
Do not let your kids eat the hail or drink the rainwater. It is likely to contain some benzene and cyclohexane. Can it rain oily compounds? The short answer is it certainly can. It is also not complex to work out which chemical compounds will be coming down in our rainwater. It is those with a similar boiling point and freezing point to water. It is those that are not too heavy, that are similar to that of air at
Let us start with water. On earth at everyday working temperatures matter has 3 phases. They are solid, liquid and gas. We know these phases by other names called ice, water and steam.
A Whale to the rescue: Can super-skimmer turn tide of Gulf oil spill?
To date, skimmers in the Gulf have collected 671,000 barrels (28.2 million gallons) of oil and water mix from the Gulf.
The A Whale, for its part, could collect more than 125 times the amount of the largest skimmer currently working the Gulf. It's capable of slurping up 300,000 barrels of oil (21 million gallons) of oil in 10 hours, and offloading it to a companion vessel, A Elephant. Mr. Su is already readying two other retrofitted tankers, the B Whale and C Whale, for service in the Gulf.
Nouvelles diverses:
G20: Emilie Guimond-Bélanger dénonce l'injustice qu'elle a subie
Des policier sont venus les chercher durant leur sommeil au dortoir et les ont arrêtés, exactement comme ce qui est arrivé en Europe il y a quelques années:
Parlant de billet promissoire, une stratégie utilisée pour se défendre contre une poursuite d’un créancier hypothécaire (banque) consite à exiger la production du billet promissoire à l’origine de la dette garantie par l’hypothèque.
Youtube video captures undercover 'agent provocateurs' assaulting man at Montreal protest
A man arrested at Thursday's march against police repression around the G20 Summit has come forward to reveal that he was assaulted by undercover "agents provocateurs" when he attempted to film them.
Toronto Police Chief Lies Again To Frame Protesters
Toronto Police Chief Bill Blair has been caught lying again in an effort to justify the brutal police response metered out against G20 protesters and journalists this past weekend, after it emerged that weapons he presented to the media as evidence of criminals planning to wreak havoc on the city were in fact toys seized from a man who was on his way to a fantasy role-playing game and had nothing to do with the G20 summit.
La loi secrète du G20 pourrait entraîner des poursuites
Utilisation de la force policière au G20: des groupes se questionnent
VIDEO - Bombing in Quebec, False Flag Marker and Effective Resistance
Le directeur du SCRS sur le gril
Grippe porcine : une plainte pénale déposée en Belgique
How I Got Arrested and Abused at the G20 in Toronto, Canada
Youtube video captures undercover 'agent provocateurs' assaulting man at Montreal protest A man arrested at Thursday's march against police repression around the G20 Summit has come forward to reveal that he was assaulted by undercover "agents provocateurs" when he attempted to film them.
Ça pue très fort cet attentat à Trois-Rivières... L'attentat de Trois-Rivières revendiqué
Qui est la Résistance internationaliste?
Cet "attentat" adonne trop bien, pour justement détourner l'attention de la controverse sur l'extrême brutalité policière du G20, et surtout les enjeux pro-guerre du G20... L'explosion venait de l'intérieur du centre de recrutement, si j'ai bien compris. Ça pue le faux attentat et le faux groupe terroriste. Ça va peut-être être utilisé pour justifier des rafles dans la population comme en octobre 70... C'est pas curieux aussi que ça tombe pas longtemps juste après le déferlement de critiques contre le G20, incluant le nouvel article de Granger? Voilà qui aidera incontestablement à diaboliser les anti- "guerre impérialistes", ou du moins ça va aider à intimider la population en injectant de la paranoïa et un esprit de délation dans l'espace de discussion qui était jusque là occupé par une saine critique de la guerre en Afghanistan, voire un refus total de cette guerre. À cause des "positions politiques" antiguerre et anti-impérialiste du terroriste, les gens vont avoir un peu plus peur de tenir le discours antiguerre et anti-impérialiste, et c'est l'effet voulu qui se concrétise. Cela aidera à donner une petite poussée, un regain d'appui à la guerre, appui qui battait de l'aile... Cet incident prépare-t-il une implication canadienne dans la prochaine guerre en Iran, en plus de la prolongation souhaitée de la mission en Afghanistan au-delà de 2011?
July snow falls on Mt. Washington
Ignoring the calendar, which showed the beginning of the month of July, a dusting of snow fell Thursday on
Webmaster's Commentary:
"I'm dreaming of a white ... Fourth of July!"
June Was Deadliest Month for U.S. Troops in Nine-Year-Long War in Afghanistan
As of
How Goldman gambled on starvation
By now, you probably think your opinion of Goldman Sachs and its swarm of Wall Street allies has rock-bottomed at raw loathing. You're wrong. There's more. It turns out that the most destructive of all their recent acts has barely been discussed at all. Here's the rest. This is the story of how some of the richest people in the world – Goldman, Deutsche Bank
, the traders at Merrill Lynch, and more – have caused the starvation of some of the poorest people in the world.
"Falluja Worse Than Hiroshima "
As some of you know, Falluja is a forbidden city. It was subjected to intense bombardments in 2004, with DU bombs and White phosphorus, and since it has become a no go zone - meaning that both the Iraqi puppet authorities and the U.S invading/occupying forces do not allow anyone to conduct any real study in Falluja. Falluja is basically under siege.
Obviously both the Americans and the Iraqis know something and are hiding it from the public. And this is where Prof. C.Busby comes in the picture. He was/is adamant to get to the bottom of what took place in Falluja in 2004.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Just as was the case with Agent Orange poisoning, and the genetic damage it wreaked on the lives of Vietnamese people, what the
Your tax dollars at work, folks: doesn't it make you feel proud?!?
Army drops 'psy ops' name for influence operations
The Army has dropped the Vietnam-era name "psychological operations" for its branch in charge of trying to change minds behind enemy lines, acknowledging the term can sound ominous.
The Defense Department picked a more neutral moniker: "Military Information Support Operations," or MISO.
U.S. Special Operations Command spokesman Ken McGraw said Thursday the new name, adopted last month, more accurately reflects the unit's job of producing leaflets, radio broadcasts and loudspeaker messages to influence enemy soldiers and civilians.
Webmaster's Commentary:
To paraphrase the American poet Gertrude Stein, "propaganda is still propaganda is still propaganda!"
Race of Legislations in Lebanon, Israel to Determine Rights in Oil Fields
Choose the winner: Israel or the majors (oil companies)
“The gas and oil is ours to take and sell. We are the strongest militarily in the area and have global thermonuclear weapons - lots of them. Get used to it.” [1]
Energy Hegemony: Israel Eyes Lebanon’s Offshore Gas Reserves
In all regional disputes, big or small,
It didn’t take long for Israeli infrastructure minister Uzi Landau to raise the prospect of war. That is, if
Webmaster's Commentary:
Unfortunately, the dispute over the Tamar natural gas field may well be it.
Karzai Approves Plan for Taliban Reintegration
Afghan President Hamid Karzai has approved a plan intended to win over Taliban foot soldiers and low-level commanders, according to NATO officials and an aide to the Afghan official overseeing the effort at Taliban reintegration.
Taliban commanders and spokesmen have publicly disclaimed interest in joining the government in hard-line statements, and say that they have no reason to do so because they believe they are winning the fight against Western and Afghan forces.
But NATO officials say interest is growing. “We’re already seeing small and relatively isolated pockets of reintegration occurring in various places in the country,” said the officer leading NATO’s reintegration team, Maj. Gen. Phil Jones.
Webmaster's Commentary:
The only way the Taliban leadership will come on board with this plan is for US and NATO forces to leave immediately, and from the looks of it, that will happen when pigs fly.
The "...small and relatively isolated pockets of reintegration occurring in various places in the country...", described by NATO's Gen. Phil Jones, will not lead to the end of violence in
Schwarzenegger orders minimum wage for state workers
The Schwarzenegger administration today ordered State Controller John Chiang to reduce state worker pay for July to the federal minimum allowed by law -- $7.25 an hour for most state workers.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Illegal Immigration Costs California Over Ten Billion Annually
Reports: Israel to apologize for flotilla raid
The public rift between
Persistent reports in the Turkish press indicate that
Webmaster's Commentary:
Where is
When does
The government of
Pot Versus Alcohol: Experts Say Booze Is the Bigger Danger
For more than three decades,
Flu Vaccines, pharma fraud, quack science, the CDC and WHO
Dr. Anthony Morris is a distinguished virologist and a former Chief Vaccine Office at the FDA. His view about influenza vaccines summarizes their efficacy well. In Morris’s opinion there is no evidence that any influenza vaccine thus far developed is effective in preventing or mitigating any attack of influenza,’ Dr. Morris states, as a matter of record, “The producers of these vaccines know they are worthless, but they go on selling them anyway.”
Breaking: Obama shuts down 33% of the country’s oil refining capacity
This was the inherent threat that Obama had presented for months. Either give him Cap and Trade or we will shut everything down through the EPA.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Government by extortion and blackmail?
"That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it..."
Dubious Intelligence on Iran's Nuclear Program Used to Justify UN Sanctions and US War Threats
Olli Heinonen, the Finnish nuclear engineer who resigned Thursday after five years as deputy director for safeguards of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), was the driving force in turning that agency into a mechanism to support U.N. Security Council sanctions against
Heinonen was instrumental in making a collection of intelligence documents showing a purported Iranian nuclear weapons research programme the central focus of the IAEA's work on
But his embrace of the intelligence documents provoked a fierce political struggle within the Secretariat of the IAEA, because other officials believed the documents were fraudulent.
Webmaster's Commentary:
These are the same kind of bogus, trumped-up charges we went through when it was claimed by the
Will the American people be so gullible as to believe these claims against
Let's hope not.
Nixon and Kissinger joked over Chile assassination
Kissinger: They’re blaming the CIA.
Nixon: Why the hell would we assassinate him?
Kissinger: Well, a) we couldn’t. We’re—
Nixon: Yeah.
Kissinger: CIA’s too incompetent to do it. You remember—
Nixon: Sure, but that’s the best thing. [Unclear].
Kissinger: —when they did try to assassinate somebody, it took three attempts—
Nixon: Yeah.
Kissinger: —and he lived for three weeks afterwards.
“The comments seem to fit the facts of what we know from congressional investigations of CIA covert actions at the time about the Schneider assassination [and] contradict official denials of a CIA role.
7.9 million jobs lost, many forever
The recession killed off 7.9 million jobs. It's increasingly likely that many will never come back.
The government jobs report issued Friday shows that businesses have slowed their pace of hiring to a relative trickle.
Excluding temporary Census workers, the economy has added fewer than 100,000 jobs a month this year -- a much faster and stronger jobs recovery than occurred following the last two recessions in 2001 and 1991.
Webmaster's Commentary:
This alleged "recovery", however, is particularly devoid of the good-paying jobs which have been allowed to be offshored by the
Many people are working two, close to minimum-wage, jobs in order just to survive.
Israel admits altering flotilla audio tape. Still spinning story to save face.
This transmission had originally cited the Mavi Marmara ship as being the source of these remarks, however, due to an open channel, the specific ship or ships in the “Freedom Flotilla” responding to the Israeli Navy could not be identified.
Webmaster's Commentary:
The "By way of deception" people got BUSTED!!!!!!
WHO: Medical equipment still banned from Gaza
Spare medical parts and replacements are, in practice, barred from entry into
Following the release of a report from the WHO on
TSA to Block "Controversial Opinion" on the Web
The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is blocking certain websites from the federal agency's computers, including halting access by staffers to any Internet pages that contain a "controversial opinion," according to an internal email obtained by CBS News.
The email was sent to all TSA employees from the Office of Information Technology on Friday afternoon.
It states that as of July 1, TSA employees will no longer be allowed to access five categories of websites that have been deemed "inappropriate for government access."
The categories include:
Antarctic sea ice peaks at third highest in the satellite record
It shouldn't be a state secret, but if you relied
on the
really owns and controls BP.
The media myth is it's "British-owned."
That's only partially correct.
The media is protecting three well known - and
notorious - corporations.
It's easy to predict the next BP disasters.
"BP runs its equipment to failure."
That's their standard operating procedure.
No regulation. No overnight. No consequences.
BP is a criminal enterprise, not a business.
I am happy to be able to tell you that the "The Toronto G20 Riot Fraud: Undercover Police Engaged in Purposeful Provocation -
Identical Boots Exposed Undercover Police Provocateurs" article is the #1 lead headline article on the home page of Michel Chossudovsky's Global Research website this Canada Day. It went up at
As a special Canada Day gift to us all today, the first ever mainstream media article exposing a stand-down order to facilitate a false flag operation has appeared in the Toronto Sun this morning, with Joe Warmington reporting that "there was "a clear order from the command centre saying 'Do not engage' ", referring to the covert official allowing of the protected "Black Bloc" to rampage through Toronto to provide the pretext for the later assault of the peaceful protesting citizens on Saturday June 26, 2010 ("Cops had hands 'cuffed - Could have moved on Black Bloc anarchists - but brass ordered them not to.")
Le pays de la responsabilité fiscale
Nos politiciens ne cessent de nous dire que nous sommes plus responsables que nos voisins du sud. Ce qui leur est arrivé ne pourrait pas possiblement nous arriver à nous. Vraiment? Voici quelques graphiques qui font réfléchir du blogue de Jonathan Tonge.
Les soldes de cartes de crédit en hausse de 458% depuis 1999.
Les hypothèques résidentielles en hausse de 242% depuis 1999
Les marges de crédit personnelles en hausse de 820%
Et finalement l’endettement des ménages est passé de $669 milliards en 2002 à $1,41 billions en 2009.
D’ici la fin de 2010, le rapport d’endettement sur le revenu disponible des canadien sera environ 155%. Y en a-t-il encore qui croient que nous ne sommes pas dans une bulle de crédit? Gare à vous lorsque les taux d’intérêts commenceront à remonter.
Israel's Nuclear Arsenal /Espionage-- July 7, 2010 DC Panel Discussion
Israel's Nuclear Arsenal - Espionage, Opacity and Future - July 7, 2010 DC Panel Discussion
Wed Jun 30, 10:34 am ET
WASHINGTON, June 30 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- What do newly declassified documents about weapons grade uranium and dual-use technology diversions from the US reveal about the role of espionage in building Israel's secret arsenal? Did Israel's proposed nuclear weapons sales to apartheid South Africa signal they are still for sale if the partner and price are right?. . . . Join our panelists for an exciting discussion of these timely questions!
Quietly, Israel is preparing the biggest illegal land grab in recent memory, all on Obama's watch
This week, an Israeli government body was set to approve "an unprecedented master plan" for an all-out expansion of Jewish settlements that would effectively -- using the words of one Palestinian official -- "decapitate"
The plan would see the building of tens of thousands of Jewish-only apartments in
Goldman Sachs Refuses to Release Derivatives Data
Goldman Sachs Group Inc. refused a request from the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission to reveal how much it makes trading derivatives, saying the bank doesn’t separate the figure from other businesses.
FLASHBACK - IAEA Conceals Evidence Iran Documents Were Forged
The International Atomic Energy Agency says its present objective regarding Iran is to try to determine whether the intelligence documents purportedly showing a covert Iranian nuclear weapons programme from 2001 to 2003 are authentic or not. The problem, according to its reports, is that
But the IAEA has refused to acknowledge publicly significant evidence brought to its attention by Iran that the documents were fabricated, and has made little, if any, effort to test the authenticity of the intelligence documents or to question officials of the governments holding them, IPS has learned.
Here's The Israeli Attack Route Iran Just Cut Off
MAP OF THE DAY: Here's The Israeli Attack Route Iran Just Cut Off
Gregory White | Jul. 1, 2010
War worries in the Middle East continue to grow, as it has been revealed that Iran has supplied Syria with radar capable of detecting Israeli planes flying at high altitudes.
That ability to detect could cut off one of
That is one attack path
From Republica.it, note the central route's path over
Did Right-Wing Militarists Sabotage Gary Power's U-2 Plane?
"After a lifetime of Government service, President Eisenhower went to bed on the night of
Webmaster's Commentary:
Obama and Medvedev had a recent meeting which "reset" US-Russian relations. This reverses the trend towards a new cold war being pushed by US defense contractors and Pentagon Officials. And just as the efforts by Eisenhower and Kruschev to pull back from the nuclear brink were sabotaged by the carefully orchestrated sabotage of Francis Gary Powers' U-2 mission, so too this "reset" of US-Russian is now imperiled by the suspiciously convenient timing of this "Russian" spy ring. Look how much media coverage these "spies" are getting,m even though they were not caught actually doing any real spying. Contrast that with the news coverage of the Israeli spy ring in 2001 (the largest foreign spy ring ever uncovered in the
This story has felt wanky from the start.
Who benefits if US and Russian relations are wrecked? The defense industry, of course. The Pentagon, obviously benefits. And then there is
Foul play revealed in death of weapons inspector Dr David Kelly
ABCBSNBC Lost One Million Viewers Last Quarter
The big three nightly news broadcasts, NBC Nightly, CBS Evening and ABC World, lost a combined one million viewers in the second quarter of 2010, according to TVNewser.
Audit-the-Fed Goes Down, 229-198
This is no surprise. Neither party wants to audit the counterfeiting enterprise that is at the dark heart of the regime. The Republicans voted for it only for partisan reasons. When they are in power, the bill will never even come up. But here is the victory: through this device Ron Paul has added many more people to the vast numbers he has educated on the true nature of the central bank. The only victory that matters is in the hearts and minds of the people; good will never come from the top down. Ron Paul has advanced the cause of truth by a huge margin, where it counts, educationally. We are being ripped off through inflation, business cycles, and redistribution, and through the corporatism and wars the Fed makes possible. That is Ron Paul’s lesson, and the reason we must End the Fed.
PMRS: “52% of Gaza Children Suffer From Malnutrition”
A study conducted by the Palestinian Medical Relief Society (PMRS) revealed that 52% of the children in
The study revealed that the sharp increase of unemployment in the Gaza Strip led to an increase in the number of children who had to do different types of work in order to help their families.
It also stated that the ongoing Israeli invasions, bombardment and attacks, especially in border areas, has a direct impact on the health and psychological conditions of Gazan children
Webmaster's Commentary:
Malnutrition of Gazan Palestinian children has been one of the desired Israeli government outcomes from the siege of
Blair to receive US peace medal
Webmaster's Commentary:
Like the "dodgy dossier!"
US Official: Irresponsible Not to Try to Assassinate US-Born Cleric
Speaking today at the Aspen Security Forum,
"I think it would be wholly irresponsible for individuals like me, or Leon Panetta, for Secretary Gates and ultimately the president, not to at least think about and potentially direct all elements of national power” against him, Leiter insisted.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Memo to National Counterterrorism Center chief Michael Leiter:
The assassination of an American citizen, no matter how heinous the crime they are alleged to have committed, is extrajudicial and denies due process, under which this man is entitled under the Constitution of the United States, a document with which I would hope you have more than a nodding acquaintance.
The precedent of the institutionalization and normalization of preemptive, extrajudicial assassinations against American citizens puts this country, allegedly a country of laws and not of men, on a very slippery moral slope, and throws the entire concept of American jurisprudence under the proverbial bus.
Why are so many Israelis arrested over illegal arms deals worldwide?
At least seven Israeli arms dealers are currently in jail in four countries - the
First nation makes broadband access a legal right
New Study Documents Media's Servitude to Government
A newly released study from students at Harvard's John F. Kennedy School of Government provides the latest evidence of how thoroughly devoted the American establishment media is to amplifying and serving (rather than checking) government officials. This new study examines how waterboarding has been discussed by America's four largest newspapers over the past 100 years, and finds that the technique, almost invariably, was unequivocally referred to as "torture" -- until the U.S. Government began openly using it and insisting that it was not torture, at which time these newspapers obediently ceased describing it that way:
Petraeus: Withdrawal timeline does not mean "switching off the lights"
Webmaster's Commentary:
When is a withdrawal not really a withdrawal?
MSNBC’s Ratigan: Stock market an ‘obviously corrupt’ fraud
On his afternoon show Tuesday, MSNBC host Dylan Ratigan explained why he believes the usual explanations given in the media for why the stock market went up or down on a given day are nonsense.
"Seventy percent of the volume [of trades on the stock market] is computers that are run by the banks playing ping pong with stocks for 10 seconds at at time," Ratigan said.
"The stock market at this point, which used to be a reflection of the future value of actual businesses in this country, has been turned by our government and our banks into little more than a paper shredding facility [about which] we can make up reasons why it goes up and down," Ratigan said. "But when the computers ... at the banks are controlling the action, most everything else is kind of silly."
WHO to tax your internet usage to fund vaccines in third-world countries
(NaturalNews) The United Nations' World Health Organization (WHO) is pushing hard to impose global consumer taxes to help fund its various programs, including a new proposal that would tax the internet in order to pay for vaccines and other pharmaceutical...
U.S. government panel now pushing "vaccinations for all!" No exceptions…
(NaturalNews) An advisory panel to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has recommended that every person be vaccinated for the seasonal flu yearly, except in a few cases where the vaccine is known to be unsafe. "Now no one should...
Obama Issues Executive Order Mandating “Lifestyle Behavior Modification”
You will "change" to my liking! Claiming the "authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America," President Obama has truly gone off the deep end this time in his most atrocious attempt to date to control every aspect of Americans? lives.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Okay, so let's sum up here.
1. BP blows up a well and because the US Government has been asleep at the switch on safety and regulation, this results in the worst environmental disaster possibly in all history.
3. Obama's response to both of the above is to declare that the American taxpayers must further reduce our standard of living so that we may pay added taxes.
Did I miss anything here?
Google accused of criminal intent over StreetView data
Google is "almost certain" to face prosecution for collecting data from unsecured wi-fi networks, according to Privacy International (PI).
Privacy Change: Apple Knows Where Your Phone Is And Is Telling People
Apple updated its privacy policy today, with an important, and dare we say creepy new paragraph about location information. If you agree to the changes, (which you must do in order to download anything via the iTunes store) you agree to let Apple collect store and share "precise location data, including the real-time geographic location of your Apple computer or device."
Apple says that the data is "collected anonymously in a form that does not personally identify you," but for some reason we don't find this very comforting at all. There appears to be no way to opt-out of this data collection without giving up the ability to download apps.
Video shows FBI visit to the home of a Palestine solidarity activist
Proof the FBI is a Zionist Agency:
Houston FBI Special Agent in Charge Speaks to ADL Board
Powers, who was introduced by ADL Board Chair Jay Harberg, spoke at ADL's March Board Meeting, and focused on the FBI's work in the region, especially in regard to hate crimes, civil rights issues, and domestic and foreign terrorism. Powers said the FBI valued its relationship with ADL deeply, and would continue to work with ADL to fight against hatred and for civil rights.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Which explains why the FBI is harassing pro-Palestinian activists!
Remember when the FBI went around shutting down the websites of Muslim groups just one week before 9-11?
On June 24th Judicial-Inc Was Shut Down Again
90% of Judicial-Inc is merely current news links, and the other 10% is commentary on world events. Judicial's number of 'host-suspensions' may set a record for the most banned website on the internet. So you need to ask - why? Obviously the simple answer is some of the analysis is hitting too close to home. There are probably twenty other websites with the same format, and none of them have been touched.
I have to suspect there will be a major event such as a nuke in an American city, followed by an attack on
Webmaster's Commentary:
In the days before 9-11, the FBI went around the United States shutting down all the websites of various Muslim charities and news organizations; the websites most likely to ask questions about why the media was blaming Muslims for the attack when Mossad agents were arrested on that day after being seen clapping and cheering as the towers fell. Coincident with Joe Lieberman's push for total internet censorship, we are seeing attacks on patriot websites and patriots themselves.
This is consistent with the theory that
Well, too bad, because we can see what they are trying to do.
FAA under pressure to open US skies to drones
The Federal Aviation Administration has been asked to issue flying rights for a range of pilotless planes to carry out civilian and law-enforcement functions but has been hesitant to act. Officials are worried that they might plow into airliners, cargo planes and corporate jets that zoom around at high altitudes, or helicopters and hot air balloons that fly as low as a few hundred feet off the ground.
Ohio 6-Year-Old Turns Up on Terror Watch List
The father of a 6-year-old
A decade too late: DNA test OK'd after Texan criminal's execution
For the second time in a year, the guilt of an inmate executed in
Judge Paul C. Murphy ordered testing done on a 1-inch-long strand that helped prosecutors convict Claude Jones of capital murder in the 1989 shooting death of liquor store owner Allen Hilzendager near Point Blank, about 75 miles north of Houston.
"This is a DNA test that could prove someone was wrongly executed," said Barry Scheck, the co-director of the Innocence Project, a New York-based legal center that helped ensure the preservation of the strand of hair.
TSA Agent Accused of Stealing Cash from Wheelchair-Bound Woman
Leroy Ray allegedly went into the disabled woman's bag as it passed through the X-ray machine.
Ray was caught on surveillance video on
'Naked' scanners may increase cancer risk
“While the dose would be safe if it were distributed throughout the volume of the entire body, the dose to the skin may be dangerously high,” Dr Agard said.
Airport body scanners deliver radiation dose 20 times higher than first thought, warns expert
A leading scientist is calling for more research into body scanners like those used at Heathrow, Gatwick and
Dr David Brenner, head of Columbia University's centre for radiological research, thinks officials have miscalculated the dose that the controversial X-ray scanners deliver to the skin - where nearly all the radiation is concentrated.
He believes that the dose delivered to the skin is twenty times higher than previously thought as the official figure is averaged over the whole body - with the most likely risk being skin cancer.
Abramoff Free After 3-Years in Jail
Note: A petty thief steals three times for a total value of a few thousand dollars and by the "three strikes" law ends up in jail for life. Abramoff bilks many thousands of investors out of many billions of dollars and serves three years in jail. Is the
Jack Abramoff released from prison early ... for his part in the 9/11 cover up?
There are tens of thousands of people sentenced to longer terms for doing less than Abramoff did. Of course there was the deal that included 'cooperation' with the FBI.
Why such a sweet deal when a deep investigation into his activities could possibly have seen him and others doing hard time for the rest of their lives?
As an ardent zionist with many ties to Israel and jewish organizations and with a casino operation tailor made for laundering money, could Abramoff have been a source of funds for some of the '19 hijackers/patsies' of 9/11 infamy.
Less than a week before the 9-11 attack on 5 September, the so-called lead hijacker Mohamed Atta and several other hijackers made a still-unexplained visit onboard one of Pro Israeli lobbyist, Jack Abramoff’s casino boats.
Professor: Only Global Governance Can Save Us From A Century Of Chaos
Webmaster's Commentary:
Alexander the Great wanted global governance.
Napoleon wanted global governance.
The Roman Emperors wanted global governance.
Hitler wanted global governance.
It Begins... Obama Gives Major Swath of Arizona Back to Mexico
Webmaster's Commentary:
So, the US Federal Government can send billions of dollars worth of weapons every year to
Obama Thinks about Releasing Innocent Yemenis from Guantánamo
While it is reassuring that the administration official who spoke to the Post recognized this, it remains disturbing that, in the cases of other prisoners who have won their habeas petitions (including two other Yemenis, Mohammed al-Adahi and Saeed Hatim), that same official spoke approvingly of appeals lodged by the government, because they, in turn, reveal a general unwillingness to accept the court’s rulings which, at present, means that 12 of the 34 prisoners who have won their habeas petitions are still imprisoned.
Webmaster's Commentary:
So are many of these guys still rotting away at Gitmo really the "worst of the worst", or did they just have the insanely bad luck to be at the absolutely wrong place at the absolutely wrong time, and the US government is so embarrassed by the reality they have no case against them that it won't release them, no matter what the courts say?!?
Leader of Death Squads Wins Colombian Election
Juan Manuel Santos, notorious Defense Minister in the regime of outgoing President Alvaro Uribe and closely identified with high crimes against humanity “won” the recent Presidential elections in
According to the FT, “
Webmaster's Commentary:
Growing Protests As UN Attacks Haitian Refugee Camp
Last week, the United Nations peacekeeping mission fired tear gas and rubber bullets into a crowded refugee camp, leaving at least six hospitalized and others suffering respiratory problems. Citizen organizations plan demonstrations for today, the sixth anniversary of the U.N. armed presence in
Webmaster's Commentary:
So this is what US taxpayer taxes go for to the UN, where an alleged "...peacekeeping mission fired tear gas and rubber bullets into a crowded refugee camp, leaving at least six hospitalized and others suffering respiratory problems. "?!?!?
For the Haitian people, the UN is just another occupying colonial power, and the Haitian people want their country back.
A Very Canadian Coup d'Etat in Haiti
Ten Ways
- by Richard Sanders - 2010-06-14
Russian Oil Company Opens Office in Cuba
The Russian oil company JSC Zarubezhneft opened on Thursday an operations office in
Webmaster's Commentary:
Were it not for the stupid, pig-headed continuation of the
Moon Has 100 Times More Water, New Study Suggests
The moon's interior may harbor 100 times more water than previous estimates, according to a new study that took a fresh look at samples of moon rocks collected by Apollo astronauts nearly 40 years ago.
The researchers determined that the lunar water likely originated early in the moon's formation history, suggesting that it is, in fact, native to the moon.
Greek protesters demonstrate against austerity measures
Ships remain in ports and protesters clash with riot police guarding
One million protest against Italy's austerity cuts
Italians marched through cities and towns yesterday in a general strike protesting an austerity budget they say bleeds workers but spares the rich.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Good for the Italians! They make Americans look like pussies!
Baltic Dry plunges
The Baltic Dry Index (BDI), a basket of shipping rates closely watched as a leading indicator of economic growth, has lost over 40 per cent since late May. While the BDI is infamously volatile, the parallel with 2008, when late May turned out to be the peak before a 95 per cent decline that presaged the September banking crisis, is unsettling. Should investors be worried?
Commodity Shipping Has Worst Streak in Five Years on Surplus
Commodity shipping costs measured by the Baltic Dry Index extended their longest losing streak in almost five years as an expanding fleet overwhelmed weakening demand for grain, coal and ore carriers.
UK export slowdown sparks concerns
A sharp slowdown in British export orders has sparked concerns that the recovery in manufacturing could run out of steam. The fall suggests that a stronger pound, coupled with the European debt crisis and signs of a slowdown in
US jobless claims surge more than expected
New claims for US unemployment benefits jumped more than expected last week, official data showed Thursday on the eve of the key June jobs report.
Initial claims for jobless benefits rose to a seasonally adjusted
Just wait until the full impact of the
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