L'Autre Monde 29 juillet 2010: Actualité mondiale et entrevue avec Denis Lemieux - L'être humain au centre des solutions pour un monde meilleur

L'Autre Monde 29 juillet 2010: Actualité mondiale et entrevue avec Denis Lemieux - L'être humain au centre des solutions pour un monde meilleur
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L'Autre Monde 29 juillet 2010
120 min / Radio de l'UQAM, CHOQ FM
![]() | Diffusion en direct : Jeudi à 11:00h
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Au programme cette semaine, 29 juillet 2010:
Actualité mondiale, retour sur le dossier BP et entrevue avec Denis Lemieux pour parler de solutions, de réflexions et d'une vision autre pour créer ce monde meilleur dès aujourd'hui.
Soyez de la partie les jeudis dès 11h sur les ondes de CHOQ FM, la radio officielle de l'UQÀM, l'alternative à Montréal et dans le monde!
Le site de Denis Lemieux à visiter:
Et Si…Les Nouveaux Humains.com
Des substances radioactives bientôt à la maison : Mais qui les arrêtera ?!
France: Le Gouvernement autorise par décret l’ajout de substances radioactives dans les biens de consommation...
Hier, comme tous les mois, je reçois mon mensuel UFC Que Choisir à la maison. Bien installé dans mon canapé je commence la lecture du numéro 477 de janvier 2010. Arrivé à la page 4, heureusement que j’étais assis ! Titre de l’article : « Déchets nucléaires : on risque de les avoir chez soi. »
Arrivé à la fin de sa lecture, atterré, je n’ai plus qu’une seule question aux lèvres : « Mais qui donc arrêtera cette bande de cinglés qui nous gouvernent ?! » De quoi s’agit-il ?
En infraction au code de la santé publique de 2002, malgré un avis défavorable de l’Autorité de Sûreté Nucléaire (ASN) et en violation à la loi du 28 juin 2006 sur la gestion des matières et déchets radioactifs, le Gouvernement de la France a fait passer en douce un arrêté en mai 2009 autorisant l’ajout de substances radioactives dans les biens de consommation et les matériaux de construction. Ça veut dire, que si l’arrêté n’est pas annulé, tout ce que nous consommons, des vélos et des meubles en passant par les vêtements, les voitures, les emballages, le ciment, la laine de verre, les vitres… etc… etc… pourront être susceptibles, sans qu’on le sache, de libérer dans notre très proche environnement des radionucléides pendant toute la durée de leur élimination… c’est-à-dire au minimum 30 ans. Or, l’ASN est très claire : elle interdit la dilution comme mécanisme d’élimination. Pour en savoir plus vous pouvez vous reporter à l’article.
Ici, le scandale de l’amiante, du sang contaminé, du nuage de Tchernobyl qui s’arrête à nos frontières, de la pollution routière… etc… sont relégués au rang de simples épiphénomènes. Mais le plus grave, c’est qu’au sein même de notre gouvernement il y ait des mecs qui aient pu penser à ça… simplement y penser ! Quelle idéologie devenue démente les aveugle à ce point là ? Quelle toute-puissance les anime pour qu’ils puissent s’autoriser à légiférer à tour de bras (Hadopi, Taxe carbone…) des lois et des arrêtés anticonstitutionnels ?
Qui les arrêtera ? Nos députés, devenus de simples godillots sans plus aucune représentativité ni aucun pouvoir ? La presse inféodée au pouvoir financier ? La justice qui se trouve de plus en plus amputée de tous les outils lui permettant un minimum de contrôle sur la délinquance en col blanc (disparition du juge d’instruction, dépénalisation du droit des affaires et de la consommation, refonte des services de la Répression des fraudes…) ? Les instances scientifiques noyautées par les intérêts privés ? Plus aucun contre-pouvoir ne fonctionne véritablement… Ne reste, peut-être, que le fragile garde-fous (jamais l’expression n’a été aussi exacte !) du Conseil Constitutionnel… Frêle bouée…
New jets (F35s) look like a bad bargain (for Canadian Forces)
The Times Colonist provided the following comparison figures:
The CF-18s currently in use have a top speed of Mach 1.8, range of 3,700 kilometres and 138 planes are available. They cost $29 million each.
The F35s have a lower top speed, at Mach 1.67, reduced range at 2,200 kilometres and 65 planes will -- maybe -- be available for use in six years. They will cost $139 million each.
It appears we are paying five times as much for a machine with poorer performance and, at the same time, cutting the size of our fleet by 50 per cent.
Study: Journalists Starting To Accept The Fact That Their Print Publications Will Eventually Fold
Half of journalists think the print publications (or TV/radio stations) they work for will eventually fold.
That’s according to a new report by the Oriella PR Network.
Webmaster's Commentary:
The corporate media would still be in business, and the blog-o-sphere not even exist, if the media had remembered that their self-appointed task was to be a watchdog on the abuses of government.
Nobody likes a liar.
The corporate media wants to blame the blogs, but in truth the reason thy have lost their audience is that the corporate media lied to the world about Saddam's nukes.
The corporate media lied to the world about TWA 800.
The corporate media lied to the world about John F. Kennedy
The corporate media lied to the world about global warming
The corporate media lied to the world about 9-11
The corporate media lied to the world about the Oklahoma City Bombing
The corporate media lied to the world about Waco
The corporate media lied to the world about Robert Kennedy
The corporate media lied to the world about Vincent Foster
The corporate media lied to the world about Pearl Harbor
The corporate media lied to the world about Martin Luther King
The corporate media lied to the world about John F. Kennedy Jr.
As I said above, nobody likes a liar, and if the purveyors of propaganda truly wish to know the authors of their downfall they need only look in a mirror. The transition from mono-broadcast media to interactive media was sparked the moment the commercial media decided that their job was not to inform the public, but to herd them along in the desired direction.
The blogs would not be here were it not for the corporate media's untrustworthiness. I have no sympathy for them.
Swine Flu Fizzles Out; WHO May Declare End to When Pigs Fly Pandemic Alert
Public health experts are likely to tell the world this month it can breathe easier: The swine flu pandemic is ending.
The World Health Organization’s emergency committee may convene next week to review infection data from
WHO Director-General Margaret Chan has to decide whether the virus warrants extra vigilance as it circles the globe a second time with no sign it’s becoming deadlier or developing resistance to Roche Holding AG’s Tamiflu drug. More than $14 billion was spent on vaccines and medicines to fight the germ, which shared features of the Spanish flu of 1918 while causing little more than a fever and a cough in a majority of patients.
“We have to count our lucky stars,” said Malik Peiris, professor of microbiology at
A decision by Chan to scale down the pandemic response will be guided by how the virus evolves and a date for an announcement hasn’t been set, said Gregory Hartl, a WHO spokesman.
Webmaster's Commentary:
"Yee, HAH; we're rich! I guess we can shut it all down now!"
Venezuela Warns Colombia Against Inciting a Conflict
Webmaster's Commentary:
As reported on 2 July 2010 at:
"On the 2nd July 2010 the Costa Rica Congress authorized the entry of 46 U.S. warships capable of carrying 200 helicopters and warplanes, plus 7,000 U.S. Marines "who may circulate the country in uniform without any restrictions" , plus submarine killer ships to the Costa Rican coast for "anti-narcotics operations and humanitarian missions' between 1st July 2010 until 31st December 2010."
Although the "good reason" for this deployment was, allegedly drug interdiction, the "real reason" may be far more ominous.
Also, as reported on 13 July 2010 at:
Venezuela revels in oil reserves, challenges remain
"Venezuela hopes to catapult past Saudi Arabia as the world leader in certified crude oil reserves when it finishes registering oil deposits in its vast Orinoco Belt this year.
An increase of 22.5 percent in the Latin American country's reserves was behind OPEC's announcement last week that the group's proven reserves rose in 2009 to 1.06 trillion barrels."
The massive oil wealth that was to have been the "payoff" for the American invasion and occupation of
Nearly nine years on, that US geopolitical "vision" of the installation of pipelines with which to control Eurasian oil, appears to be no closer to reality than it was the day before the US and NATO invaded Afghanistan.
At this point,
I have a very difficult time in believing that the timing of this July deployment of US military to Costa Rica, coupled with the escalating tensions between Columbia (the US's "good buddy" in the region) and Venezuela, can possibly be viewed as accidental.
US and Colombia plan to attack Venezuela
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez denounced this Saturday US plans to attack his country and overthrow his government. During a ceremony celebrating the 227th birthday of Independence hero Simon Bolivar, Chavez read from a secret memo he had been sent from an unnamed source inside the United States.
1000 Venezuelan Troops Sent to Border
Chavez threatens U.S. oil cut in Colombia dispute
Chavez says will cut oil in case of attack from
House Approves More Afghan War Funding
Though one would have expected that the massive release of some 92,000 classified documents Sunday underscoring just how poorly the war is going would have changed some minds, the Obama Administration has gotten its way once again, with the House of Representatives approving the $59 billion emergency funding bill to keep the war going by a 308-114 vote.
Karzai Confirms: NATO Killed 52 Civilians in Friday Attack
Following up on reports emerging over the weekend, Afghan President Hamid Karzai’s office is confirming that a NATO attack in Sangin District of the
Afghanistan: Condition Black
Many of the wounded are innocent Afghan civilians whose neighborhoods have become battlefields. In fact, Afghanistan Rights Monitor (ARM) (an independent and impartial Afghan rights group) reports that 1,074 civilians were killed and over 1,500 were injured in the first six months of 2010.
Almost Nine Years Later: Top U.S. officer warns Afghan war will get worse
More NATO troops will die in
U.S. withdraws ‘pain ray’ from Afghan war zone
A ‘pain ray’ that blasts the enemy with unbearable heat waves has been pulled out of
The Active Denial System (ADS), which cost about £42?million to develop, was on the brink of being deployed to disperse members of the Taliban as they attacked US forces.
The weapon, which causes immense pain to subjects but no lasting physical damage, was pulled from the war zone last week but US army chiefs in Afghanistan have stayed silent about the reason for the U-turn.
Webmaster's Commentary:
If this weapon has been pulled from
La valise diplomatique
Les révélations du site Wikileaks
Rapports explosifs sur la guerre en Afghanistan
par Philippe Rivière
Une masse considérable de fichiers confidentiels de l'armée américaine vient d'être dévoilée, lundi 26 juillet, par le site Internet Wikileaks.org. Ces documents relatent, événement après événement, le quotidien d'une guerre entamée en octobre 2001 et d'une occupation qui n'en finit pas.
Fouiller l'ensemble des quelque 92 000 rapports d'incident divulgués constitue une tâche herculéenne. C'est pourquoi Le Monde diplomatique s'est associé à l'initiative d'Owni.fr visant à mettre à la disposition de tous un outil de consultation de ces rapports. Accessible directement en ligne, ce dispositif nommé « War Logs » permet au lecteur d'appréhender le jargon militaire dans lequel les événements sont décrits, d'effectuer des recherches dans l'ensemble des documents dévoilés, et d'ajouter des annotations. La base de données comprend déjà 75 000 documents et sera enrichie rapidement.
Les lecteurs qui le souhaitent peuvent exploiter cet outil pour, d'une part, se familiariser avec ces documents exceptionnels, et, d'autre part, participer - avec les dizaines de personnes qui se sont déjà plongées dans ces fichiers - à la mise à nu de la guerre d'Afghanistan. Le Monde diplomatique reviendra sur ces révélations.
Avant d'ouvrir ces données à tout le monde, Wikileaks s'est associé à trois journaux, leur offrant une période d'exclusivité qui leur a permis de travailler sur ces informations : The Guardian, The New York Times et Der Spiegel. Ces derniers proposent, chacun sur leur site, un premier aperçu de ces 200 000 pages de « journaux de bord de guerre » (d'où le titre, War Logs), qui donnent de la guerre en Afghanistan une image dévastatrice aussi bien pour les talibans que pour les occupants occidentaux, Etats-Unis en tête.
Lire la suite de cet article inédit de Philippe Rivière :
Ou accéder directement à l'application :
Afghanistan: The war logs
US intelligence records reveal civilian killings, 'friendly fire' deaths and shadowy special forces
Leaked files indicate U.S. pays Afghan media to run friendly stories
Buried among the 92,000 classified documents released Sunday by WikiLeaks is some intriguing evidence that the
It’s No Secret: Afghanistan Is a Quagmire
The tens of thousands of classified military documents posted on the Internet Sunday confirm what critics of the war in
Leak of Afghan War Documents 'Irresponsible,' Administration Says
The Obama administration condemned the unprecedented leak of thousands of classified documents on the
Webmaster's Commentary:
Daniel Ellsberg did not contact the administration before releasing the Pentagon Papers. He would have been foolish to do so. The fact is that the US Government has started to act just like
Wikileaks says 4 Cdn soldiers killed by friendly fire in Afghanistan, not enemy action.
According to an incident report filed by the U.S. military unit, 205TH RCAG (Regional Corps Advisory Group), four Canadian soldiers were killed and seven others and an interpreter were wounded on Sept. 3, 2006, when a jet dropped a bomb on a building they occupied during the second day of Operation MEDUSA.
The Canadian military reported at the time that the four soldiers died in battles with Taliban forces.
Bush-era CIA director: Attack on Iran ‘seems inexorable’
A former CIA director says military action against
Michael Hayden, a CIA chief under President George W. Bush, says that during his tenure a strike was "way down the list" of options. But he tells CNN's "State of the
He predicts
Webmaster's Commentary:
Parse that statement carefully. The Iranian program is "suspected" because there is no proof that it exists and if there is no proof that it exists there is no way to know for a fact that Iran is "pushing ahead." In other words, the attack on
Canada set to impose new sanctions against Iran
CTV News has learned
Webmaster's Commentary:
The fact that
EU to hit Iran with 'toughest ever' sanctions, diplomats say
European Union foreign ministers are set to hit
EU foreign ministers at their regular monthly meeting are therefore set to agree the "toughest ever" sanctions on
Webmaster's Commentary:
It is only a matter of time, at this point, before the actual shooting starts; the war against
With the economy melting down, two wars going catastrophically badly, and every domestic and foreign policy of this administration blowing up in its face like a bad trick cigar, Obama desperately needs this coming war before the mid-term elections, which are very likely to go south for the Democratic party.
As we are almost at the end of July right now, I would imagine that the starting of the "shooting war" phase of this attack will be cynically timed to give the best possible outcome for the Democrats, if in fact it is successful.
But the question no one in the White House, State Department, or Pentagon seem to be asking right now is, if there is an attack against
UK admits using DU ammunition in Iraq
Webmaster's Commentary:
And this is the result!
But remember, they only hate us for our freedoms!!!
Iraqi city has higher cancer rates than Hiroshima
A report has been published indicating cancers and other diseases in the Iraqi city of
Webmaster's Commentary:
The radioactive isotopes from a nuclear weapon have fairly short half lives, measured on scales of thousands of days for the longest-lived isotopes. In contrast, depleted uranium has a half life of four and a half billion years. Iraq will never be rid of this poison.
Russia says sea mine sunk Cheonan: report
The daily newspaper Hankyoreh reported yesterday that
If the report is true,
Doubts surface on North Korea's role in ship sinking
The way
Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton calls the evidence "overwhelming" that the Cheonan, a South Korean warship that sank in March, was hit by a North Korean torpedo. Vice President Joe Biden has cited the South Korean-led panel investigating the sinking as a model of transparency.
But challenges to the official version of events are coming from an unlikely place: within
Armed with dossiers of their own scientific studies and bolstered by conspiracy theories, critics dispute the findings announced May 20 by South Korean President Lee Myung-bak, which pointed a finger at Pyongyang.
They also question why Lee made the announcement nearly two months after the ship's sinking, on the very day campaigning opened for fiercely contested local elections. Many accuse the conservative leader of using the deaths of 46 sailors to stir up anti-communist sentiment and sway the vote.
The critics, mostly but not all from the opposition, say it is unlikely that the impoverished North Korean regime could have pulled off a perfectly executed hit against a superior military power, sneaking a submarine into the area and slipping away without detection. They also wonder whether the evidence of a torpedo attack was misinterpreted, or even fabricated.
"I couldn't find the slightest sign of an explosion," said Shin Sang-chul, a former shipbuilding executive-turned-investigative journalist. "The sailors drowned to death. Their bodies were clean. We didn't even find dead fish in the sea."
Shin, who was appointed to the joint investigative panel by the opposition Democratic Party, inspected the damaged ship with other experts April 30. He was removed from the panel shortly afterward, he says, because he had voiced a contrary opinion: that the Cheonan hit ground in the shallow water off the Korean peninsula and then damaged its hull trying to get off a reef.
"It was the equivalent of a simple traffic accident at sea," Shin said.
The Defense Ministry said in a statement that Shin was removed because of "limited expertise, a lack of objectivity and scientific logic," and that he was "intentionally creating public mistrust" in the investigation.
Retired US colonel charged with smuggling weapons to Somalia
A retired US Air Force colonel, who was charged with weapons smuggling during the Iran-Contra scandal in the 1980s, has been indicted again, this time for trying to smuggle automatic weapons into
China Three Gorges flooding set to peak
More heavy rain is expected in parts of southern
Webmaster's Commentary:
See Three Gorges Dam in China Developing Cracks
BP gets "wake-up call" and $32 billion in spill charges
Jul 27,
By Tom Bergin and Kristen Hays
LONDON/HOUSTON (Reuters) - BP Plc's newly named chief executive on Tuesday called the Gulf oil spill a "wake-up call" for the entire industry as the company tallied up its losses and disclosed two
Bob Dudley, who will replace gaffe-prone Tony Hayward as CEO on October 1, said safety would be among his highest priorities as he tries to refurbish the oil company's battered reputation.
Image repair may become even tougher after BP said it would offset the cost of the spill against its taxes, costing
BP reported a second-quarter loss of $17 billion, including $32 billion in charges related to the oil spill, the largest in
BP CEO to walk away with $18 million: report
BP Chief Executive Tony Hayward will collect a pay and pension package worth at least 11.8 million pounds ($18.03 million) when he steps down from his role at the company, the Times newspaper reported on Sunday.
The Times said Hayward will be giving up 546,000 share options and a maximum of 2 million shares in the company under a long-term incentive plan, now worth an estimated 8 million pounds.
Webmaster's Commentary:
This bears further checking, but the gist of the story is that BP drilled two wells (confirmed) abandoned the first one when it got into trouble (also confirmed), then drilled the second well which exploded. The theory put forward on this video is that the media stunt of capping the well was done to the remains of the first well, not the major leak at the Deepwater Horizon site.
Latitude 28.738132500000003
Longitude -88.36592777777777
Latitude 28.73778527777778
Longitude -88.36682805555554
check this out
Use the above decimal mapping coordinates on the live marine traffic map linked below (as you move the map around, the coordinates change). You will see where the ROVS are in relationship to the TWO well blowouts:
It appears the SKANDI NEPTUNE, which has been showing images of the "new cap for the BOP" is at the location of the FIRST well that blew, and NOT the second well (that destroyed the rig).
Note: The marinetraffic website does not have a mechanism for saving the map coordinates in the URL, so after you reach the page, use the pull down menu at left labeled "Go to Vessel" and select SKANDI NEPTUME which will center the ROV ship as well as show a recent track (looks like the ship is being moved at the moment).
Massive deadly Gulf poisoning warrants evacuations
Kaufman and Ott both say the media need to follow the money. The reason why the EPA is covering this up, they say, is because the cost to BP would be astronomical. "The dispersants hide the oil," said Ott. "If you put dispersants in the water, you don't know how much oil was really spilled. Oil fines are based on how much oil was spilled, so it's all about money.""
Censored Gulf news: People bleeding internally, millions poisoned says 'EPA whistleblower'
"...we have dolphins that are hemorrhaging. People who work near it are hemorrhaging internally. And that’s what dispersants are supposed to do... Congressman Markey and Nadler, as well as Senator Mikulski, have been heroes... Mark Kaufman, EPA whistleblower, Democracy Now!
BP Gulf Oil Spill Fishing Waters Reopened Despite Lack Of Testing Required By Federal Protocols
The Federal Government has decided to open over 26,000 square miles of the
The bottom line for those who don’t like to do a lot of reading is the fish samples that NOAA has collected from the area it has chosen to reopen are contaminated.
BP oil admits to Gas & Oil leaking from ocean floor 7km away from Drill well site
Good News for BP: Boat Crashes Into Non-BP Oil Well, Creating New Gusher in the Gulf of Mexico
BP officials are high-fiving one another at their convenient well of good fortune. A new oil leak has sprung up in the
Cleanup workers are currently booming off the area and the scene at sea has been taken over
Federal officials do not know who owns the well, but a contractor who handles wild wells is also on the way, Bonano said.
Rigel Well : Feds Explanation Of Sea Floor Leaks Don’t Add Up
BP Gulf Oil Spill Seeps Mapped In Google Earth – Feds Explanation Of Sea Floor Leaks Don’t Add Up
Posted by Alexander Higgins - July 26, 2010 at 7:13 pm -
Here is the smoking gun that proves either the newly found leaks aren’t coming from the Rigel Well or they are but only developed after BP capped the leaking well.
Consider this view of the Rigel Well and the BP Well in the Google Earth model.
At least SIX ‘seeps’ found near Rigel methane deposits southwest of BP oil blow-out
Rigel is known to be a “highly successful” unproduced methane gas field.
The seeps were identified by the Joint Analysis Group and research vessel Thomas Jefferson.
Admiral Allen Says Gas Seep is from the Rigel Gas Field ... Did BP Accidentally Tap Into the Rigel Gas Field?
I have no idea whether or not FOSL is correct that a substantial interaction between the blownout BP will and the Rigel gas field has occurred. I have repeatedly noted that the oil gusher could make nearby natural seeps larger. And the crude from BP's well is 40% methane, while crude oil usually contains only 5% methane. Is this because of a naturally high methane content in the oil reservoir, or because BP accidentally tapped into the Rigel field while it was drilling?
It is better to raise the hypothesis that the BP oil well is interacting with the Rigel field and have it debunked - or confirmed - than not to discuss it at all ... especially since Thad Allen has raised the issue himself.
Barge crashes into oil well in Gulf of Mexico, new oil leak reported
The US Coast Guard dispatched emergency teams Tuesday after a boat crashed into an oil well off the coast of
Researchers Confirm Subsea Gulf Oil Plumes Are From BP Well
St. Petersburg, Fla. - Through a chemical fingerprinting process, University of South Florida researchers have definitively linked clouds of underwater oil in the northern Gulf of Mexico to BP's runaway Deepwater Horizon well — the first direct scientific link between the subsurface oil clouds commonly known as "plumes" and the BP oil spill, USF officials said Friday.
Until now, scientists had circumstantial evidence, but lacked that definitive scientific link.
Scientists Confirm Matt Simmons Claim by discovering 2 Giant Underwater Oil Spills
It's official -- the oil plumes USF scientists found deep underwater in the Gulf are definitely from the BP blowout.
USF researchers said Friday they used chemical fingerprints to directly tie the clouds of oil to the Deepwater Horizon disaster.
BP tries to limit release of oil spill research
Faced with hundreds of lawsuits and a deep need for experts, BP has been offering some
Some scientists say the contracts constrain academic freedom. A few signed the agreements, then changed their minds.
BP Hires Prison Labor to Clean Up Spill While Coastal Residents Struggle
the first few days after BP's Deepwater Horizon wellhead exploded, spewing crude oil into the
Webmaster's Commentary:
Unflipping believable.
Oil spill could reach Lake Michigan by Sunday
An estimated 840,000 gallons of oil leaked into a creek Monday that feeds into the river.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Obama had 400 days to get the Minerals Management Service to do the job they are supposed to do. And he failed. And this is the result.