Un pays en profond bouleversement: USA
Un pays en profond bouleversement: USA
The Most Powerful Weapon in the World
No pictures of the family leading ordinary lives. Every image is draped with flags or patriotic messages of support. This is not by chance. The producers don't care about who these people are. They only care about what they represent.
This man's life and the lives of his sons were consumed by the fear and intolerance fabricated by the media, all in the name of an abstract notion of freedom and nationalism that simply does NOT represent reality.
Wakeup America. This is the height of fascism. You're being manipulated and controlled by the media to serve a war machine that feeds corporate interests.
Admin. Spends $1.62B On PR, Ads, Bush Admin.'s Propaganda Effort Is Unprecedented
L'administration Bush a depense presque 2 milliards de dollard en publicite, fausses nouvelles, propagande et relations publiques. N'est-ce pas assez surprenant? Cet un effort de controle de l'information et de la pensee sans precedent.
En fait, Bush a deja emprunte plus d'argent que tous les presidents US de l'histoire combine. (voir charte ci-haut!)
Il s'agit en fait d'une passation de la richesse du domaine publique vers des mains privees. Un vol en plein jour quoi.
Donald Rumsfeld makes $5m killing on bird flu drug Associated Press serves as a cover-up for U.S. losses
Parce que la peur, ca rapporte gros a ceux qui savent la manipuler contre les masses.
Imaginez le conflit d'interet hallucinant: Donald Rumsfeld, le secretaire de la Defence US qui fait un profit de 5 millions$ grace a ses actions dans la compagnie pharmaceutique qui produit le non-efficace Tamiflu, le vaccin contre la grippe aviaire.
Pour bien comprendre pourquoi et comment c'est la mega industrie de l'elevage intensif qui est la source du probleme du H5N1, lisez sans faute ce rapport: Qui est le dindon de la farce ? et Un rapport de GRAIN établit que l’industrie avicole mondiale est à l’origine de la crise de la grippe aviaire .
The U.S. Department of Defense claims that the total number of U.S. troops killed in Iraq through Tuesday, March 21 since the start of the war on March 19, 2003, was 2,319. But according to information uncovered previously as part of an inquiry by the Government of Puerto Rico and confirmed by El Diario/La Prensa's review of multiple documents, including official reports issued by the U.S. Department of Defense and the Iraqi Ministry of the Interior, more than 4,076 troops under U.S. command have been killed in 799 days of battle. This information contrasts with the limited information on casualties reported by the Associated Press and the U.S. military authorities, which focus only on U.S. uniformed troops.
Experimental weather modification bill - fast tracking - for passage in US Senate and House of Representatives
Pour ceux qui sont encore sceptique qu'on puisse modifier le climat volontairement, et que le savoir faire et les experiences sont deja existantes depuis des decennies!
Le "Senate Bill 517" et le "U.S. House Bill 2995" permettraient l'experimentation sur la modification du climat par des methodes artificielles.
U.S. Senate Bill 517 and U.S. House Bill 2995, a bill that would allow experimental weather modification by artificial methods and implement a national weather modification policy, does not include agriculture or public oversight, is on the “fast track” to be passed early in 2006. This bill is designed to implement experimental weather modification. The appointed Board of Directors established by this bill does not include any agricultural, water, EPA, or public representatives, and has no provisions for Congressional, State, County, or public oversight of their actions or expenditures.
Weather Modification may adversely impact agricultural crops and water supplies. If the weather is changed in one state, region or county it may have severe consequences in another region, state or county. And who is going to decide the type of weather modification experimentation and who it will benefit or adversely impact?
This experimental weather modification bill will impact residents across the United States not just in California. Many current and ongoing weather modification programs (47 listed by NOAA in 2005), including the one in Wyoming that is designed to increase the snowpack, may be diverting rainwater away from Oklahoma and Texas, two states that are currently fighting fires caused by a lack of rainfall.
We have no idea what the unintended consequences of the Wyoming action or other experimental weather modification programs might be now or in the future.
US to test 700-tonne explosive -
Les USA vont tester une bombe de 700 tonnes qui serait capable de detruire des bunkers profondement enterre.
J'ai deja lu que l'effet de la bombe quand elle explose ressemble beaucoup a une explosion d'une mini bombe nucleaire telle que developpe par les americains. L'idee serait de confondre l'une pour l'autre histoire de cacher l'emploi reel de bombes nucleaire par l'armee US en Iran par exemple.
Parce qu'apres tout, combien d'avion peut vraiment transporter une bombe qui pese 700 TONNES!
Tegnelia said the test was part of a US effort to develop weapons capable of destroying deeply buried bunkers housing nuclear, chemical or biological weapons.
Posted Mar 30, 2006 01:32 PM PSTCategory: COVER-UP/DECEPTIONS
Or a cover story for the use of small nuclear weapons on Iran. After all, how many US aircraft can carry a bomb that actually weighs 700 tons? Michael Rivero WRH
Number of Illegal Immigrants Hits 12M
12 millions d'immigrants illegaux aux USA! Une strategie evidente d'obtenir de la main d'oeuvre pas cher et aussi question de faire baisse la masse salariale de tous sous pression d'un trop grand nombre d'ouvriers pour le nombre de job reelle selon Thom Hartmann:
Thom Hartmann: Illegal Workers: the Conservatives Secret Weapon
US cow tests positive for mad cow disease
Ca fait longtemps qu'ils y a des cas de vaches folles aux States, mais ca commence a sortir officiellement dans les mass medias....
Alaska hit by 'massive' oil spill
Oil Gushes into Arctic Ocean from BP Pipeline
Terrible repandement de petrole en Alaska provenant d'une pipeline trop vieille qui a rouille.
Et ces malheureux veulent percer dans le refuge naturel de l'Alaska pretendant que l'industrie petroliere est propre et securitaire....
Judge Rules Teachers Have No Free Speech Rights in Class
Un juge decrete que les professeurs n'ont pas de droit a la libre expression en classe, mais un evangeliste, Pat Robertson par contre, lui peut declare que l'Islam veut conquerir le monde entier et que les islamiques radicaux sont des satanistes!
Evangelical broadcaster Pat Robertson calls radical Muslims 'satanic'
Evangelical broadcaster Pat Robertson said Monday on his live "700 Club" television program that Islam wants to take over the world and is not a religion of peace, and that radical Muslims are "satanic."
Georgetown Law Students Turn Backs To Gonzales
Ca c'est excellent: les etudiants en droit de Georgetown ont tourne le dos a Gonzales en signe de refus et de protestation contre le chef de la cour supreme. Quand les gens s'unissent, c'est toujours fascinant et rejouissant de voir le pouvoir qu'on a ensemble.
W.House pushes more schools to drug-test students - Yahoo! News
Des etudiants atheletes, musiciens at autres qui participaient a une activite d'ecole pourraient etre sujet a des tests de depistage de drogue de facon aleatoire et obligatoire.
Student athletes, musicians and others who participate in after school activities could increasingly be subject to random drug testing under a program promoted by the Bush administration.
Stun gun linked to 150 deaths in US by Amnesty
Le fusil Taser lie a la mort de 150 personnes au US selon un rapport d'Amnestie, ces armes cense etre securitaire et non mortelle...
Recruiting as a pyramid scheme
Pain in the Brain
A lire... comment on peut etre tranquillement intoxique par des produits chimiques comme le fluor dans le l'eau qui rend les gens deficients intellectuels.
The Setup To Destroy America
Il est clair que le setup pour detruire les Etats-Unis est en place et execute de facon efficace, le but etant d'affaiblir et isoler le pays dans le but d'etablir un pouvoir dictatorial fasciste.
The Fed Officially Kicks Off the Next Recession
La Fed qui controle l'economie americaine, controle par des banquiers prives qui impriment l'argent, est en train de mettre en place les conditions inevitables pour la venue d'une grave depression economique. Et c'est voulu. Et ca enrichi les banquiers prive encore plus, qui rafflent des interets eleves et saisissent du vrai immobilier et des terres.
It is official. A recession is coming. How do I know? Because this week new Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke gave an official warning to bankers about commercial real estate loans. That is always the kickoff to a recession. It is the starter's gun, the national anthem before a ballgame, the opening hymn at a church service. Here is how it works.
The endlessly repeating cycle of inflation, recession, inflation, recession, is a gigantic heartbeat that pumps real wealth from the general population into the pockets of the ultra-wealthy elite. Michael Rivero WRH
America's war on the web
Imagine un monde ou un pays pourrait controler et fermer tout reseau de communication comme les telephones cellulaires ou l'internet a volonte, ou un monde ou des guerres seraient mene sur internet, bombarde par des faux reportages et de la disinformation prepare par des militaires....
Bienvenue dans ce monde.. maintenant.
Le Pentagone s'en va en guerre direct sur l'internet avec un budget de 383 millions $.
While the US remains committed to hunting down al-Qaeda operatives, it is now taking the battle to new fronts. Deep within the Pentagon, technologies are being deployed to wage the war on terror on the internet, in newspapers and even through mobile phones. Investigations editor Neil Mackay reports
IMAGINE a world where wars are fought over the internet; where TV broadcasts and newspaper reports are designed by the military to confuse the population; and where a foreign armed power can shut down your computer, phone, radio or TV at will.
In 2006, we are just about to enter such a world. This is the age of information warfare, and details of how this new military doctrine will affect everyone on the planet are contained in a report, entitled The Information Operations Roadmap, commissioned and approved by US secretary of defence Donald Rumsfeld and seen by the Sunday Herald.
The Pentagon has already signed off $383 million to force through the document’s recommendations by 2009.
Caught on Film: The Bush Credibility Gap
Comparez les declarations de Bush dans le passe avec ce qu'il declare aujourd'hui dans cet article. Vous serez foudroye de prendre conscience a quel point cet homme ment constament.
There Are Criminals, and Then There Are CRIMINALS
By Cindy Sheehan 03/11/06 "ICH" -- -- As I lie here in bed recuperating from the injuries that I received from a federal agent and the NYPD in front of the US Mission to the UN (USUN) the other day, I have had time to reflect on the experience, the state of our union and its descent into a fascist state.
Kabuki Congress
Conservatives Are Jumping Ship: Bush Is Going Down
Basic Statistics for United States Imperialism
Statistiques deconcertantes a propos de l'Empire US.
Globalism and the New World Order: The Emerging Global Village
Le globalisme et le nouvel ordre mondial: l'emergence du village global. L'implantation d'un regime planetaire de controle militaire et de libre marche globalisant est bien reel.
Neocons Commence World War Three
Les Neocons commence la 3e guerre mondiale. Derniere etape avant l'implantation defenitive du NWO. Voyez les articles suivant qui tracent les actions militaires traduisant la volonte clair de dominer le monde militairement.
In Bushzarro world, the invasion and occupation of Iraq was first about Saddam’s illusory weapons of mass destruction, and then in lieu of actually finding any weapons the excuse shifted to altruism, a mawkish desire to bestow democracy on benighted Iraqis (who pretty much pioneered civilization 12,000 years ago as Mesopotamians and didn’t need any help from the neocons). In fact, the invasion had nothing to do with either of these things, as some of us said in late 2002, about the time the Straussian neocons began making serious noise about invading Iraq and killing thousands of people.
Instead, the invasion of Iraq was all about destroying Iraqi society and nationalism. It was a coup de grâce delivered after twelve years of brutal, immoral, sadistic, and medieval sanctions designed to break the Iraqis down. It has everything to do with defeating secular Arab nationalism and in this respect the occupation (and destruction) of Iraq is an Israeli project. Both Syria and Lebanon loom large on the Straussian neocon hit list precisely because they represent Arab nationalism.
US Navy prepares aircraft carrier strike group for "major training exercise"
Cuba et le Venezuela sont sur la liste noire des globalistes. Castro, Chavez et le peuple ne sont assez soumis aux interets des globalistes.
Un mega exercice militaire americain va se produire dans les Caraibes pour impressionne la revolution sud americaine.
Le peuple fait sa volonte et sa derange...
The Virginian-Pilot (Jack Dorsey): The (US) Navy will send an aircraft carrier strike group, with four ships, a 60-plane air wing and 6,500 sailors, to Caribbean and South American waters for a major training exercise, it was announced Monday.
Some defense analysts suggested that the unusual two-month-long deployment, set to begin in early April, could be interpreted as a show of force by anti-American governments in Venezuela and Cuba.
Pentagon 'hedge' strategy targets China - Nation/Politics - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
Ensuite ce sont la Russie et la Chine qui viennet sur la liste noire...
La douleur maximale est le but de la nouvelle arme des Etats-Unis
UN Pushes For Global Taxes
Gouvernement mondial qui se prepare.. mais pas par le peuple ni pour le peuple. L'ONU qui propose un systeme de taxation global!!!!
Shocking Guantánamo Suicide Letter Just Declassified and Released by The U.S.
Alimentation forcée et contention des grévistes de la faim de Guantanamo Bay
Before and After Abu Ghraib, a U.S. Unit Abused Detainees
USATODAY.com - 8,000 desert during Iraq war
Members of US Congress demand Impeachment Inquiry
Depleted Uranium - US Lung Cancer Rates Soar
200,000 People in U.S. Terror Database
Agent Orange: the legacy of a weapon of mass destruction
USATODAY.com - Decades later, Marines hunt Vietnam-era deserters
The true U.S. history of human medical experimentation
Dick Cheney hangs out with Israel's spies
Trahison direct punissable par condamnation a mort aux USA. Cheney qui se promene avec des espions israeliens! Ayoye!
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