Émission de radio L'Autre Monde

Émission de radio L'Autre Monde

lundi 20 février 2006



Une vidéo accuse

Ce video a cause beaucoup de tort, et avec raison, a l'armee britannique. Des soldats sont filme en train de battre des jeunes Iraquiens, sous les encouragement du mec qui film.
Les autorites iraquiennes a Basra ont d'ailleurs rompu les cooperation avec les soldats britanniques et leur ont demande de quitter la ville.

"La police militaire a ouvert une enquête à la suite des informations rapportées par l’hebdomadaire News of the World, qui a publié des photos tirées d’un enregistrement vidéo, diffusé par la télévision, où l’on voit des militaires britanniques rouer de coups de poings et de matraques de jeunes Irakiens ; une voix, apparemment celle de la personne qui filme, les encourage."

Basra cuts off relations with British

Plus d'info a ce sujet. J'imagine que ca faisait partie de leur plan de gagner le coeur des iraquiens et d'amener la democratie...

"Military police today arrested two more soldiers in connection with the video showing the apparent abuse of Iraqi civilians by British troops.
The arrests - which bring the number detained up to three - came as the fallout from the footage saw the provincial council in Basra suspend relations with the British.
The video, filmed in the restive town of Amara in the Maysan province, just north of Basra, in January 2004 appeared to show defenceless young Iraqis being kicked and attacked with batons, to the apparent amusement of the cameraman.

The allegations by Bassem Shaker, 27, and Tariq Abdul-Razzak, 14, were presented to the media at the office of the radical Shia cleric Moqtada al-Sadr, who opposes the coalition forces.
Mr Shaker said he was among more than 200 people demonstrating that day in protest at the lack of jobs. The crowd had been "surprised" to encounter British troops and "started throwing stones at them "because we believed that they were behind all our misery", he said.

Mr Shaker said British troops fired volleys of rubber bullets at the protesters in a bid to disperse them.
Witnesses and officials at the time said British troops and Iraqi police had fired at armed, stone-throwing protesters, killing six people and wounding 11.
British soldiers from the 1st Battalion Light Infantry, based in Amara at the time, were seen moving in with armoured vehicles to support the police, according to witness reports at the time.
Assailants in the crowd lobbed three explosive devices at them, believed to be hand grenades, the British military reported later that day. Today Mr Shaker said: "A group of British soldiers then rushed out from their base and arrested nine of us, dragging us for about 30 metres to the governor's office.
"They were beating us with fists and batons and were kicking us. Then they cuffed our hands and also dragged us to their base, which is about 15 metres from the governor's office, where they also beat us and frightened us with dogs before releasing us before sunset."

Billions Stolen From Iraq?

Des milliards sont disparu des programmes de "reconstruction" de l'Iraq. Des milliards....

Blair in Secret Plot with Bush to Dupe U.N.

Document choc: Blair et Bush qui avait reellement manigance de duper l'ONU pour aller en guerre, peu importe ce que l'ONU deciderait. La decision etait deja prise, et il se foutait bien de ce que l'ONU pouvait bien dire, ou de ce que le peuple voulait. La guerre etait leur choix et la seule chose qu'ils voulaient. Si c'est pas a la maniere dictatoriale, c'est quoi??

US will allocate $5m to finance Syria opposition:
US wants to boost sanctions against Syria:

Votez, soyez heureux d'avoir des elections et de la democratie, en autant que vous votiez pour QUI ON VEUT. - la Maison Blanche

Election ... Democratic or Oppressive Tool?

Mais est-ce que election=democratie necessairement??? Pas vraiment, ne soyons pas dupes.
Cet article est tres interressant alire pour comprendre comment des elections peuvent etre totalement manipule et servir juste a justifier et legitimiser des regimes marionnettes a la sode des pays occidentaux et des interets corporatifs.

"Many believe that election is a sign of democracy. Yet it is few, who understand that election is in fact a double edge sword, and could also be used as an oppressive tool to pacify opposition and dissent into conformity. Election is a tool often used to foment competition and violence among different groups (political, ethnic and religious) within the same people. Political capitalism uses money, military power, and disinformation to determine the results of elections. Through money votes could be bought, through military power people could be terrorized to vote for a certain group, and through fraud and misinformation the votes of “free” people could be easily prejudiced towards a specific direction.

Election is considered the ultimate expression of free sovereign democratic nations. Freedom is the essential component for any sovereign country to be democratic so that its people would exercise election. Without freedom a nation could be coerced to “elect” its government. Political capitalism uses military power (local or foreign) to terrorize people and force them to elect certain leaders. Many tyrant and corrupt regimes had been elected this way. We had seen this form of election in old Soviet Union, in South American countries which had US military bases on their soil, in South African countries, and in the Arab world. The ugliest form of militarily enforced election is that “exercised” under foreign occupation.

The American new concept of exporting democracy through war is a flagrant form of this militarily enforced election. This is obviously seen in Afghani and Iraqi elections under American occupation. It is also seen in Palestinian election under Israeli occupation. These elections are characterized by terror, violence, restriction of movement, and control over the electoral process to elect a government loyal to or at least conforming to the occupying power. Many of the “undesired” candidates are assassinated or imprisoned."

US holds secret talks to weaken Hamas
Rice Warns Arab States Not to Fund Hamas
Palestinians ordered to return US aid

Un autre exemple ahurrissant du genre de "democratie" que preche les americains et Israel.

Vote pour qui ont veut sinon... on coupe l'argent, on demande meme que notre argent d'aide internationale nous soit rembourse! C'est une vraie farce!

Israel as a Terrorist State
"Operation Justified Vengeance": a Secret Plan to Destroy the Palestinian Authority
Israel's shooting of young girl highlights international hypocrisy, say Palestinians

Israel est sans aucun doute un etat terroriste. Toute sont histoire est entache d'actes violents et de terrorismes, et meme de genocide contre le peuple palestiniens. Sa mission est tres claire: detruire la palestine et en prendre possession, en illiminant tout les arabes s'y trouvant.
Ce projet sionniste ( a ne pas confondre avec les juifs en general, qui sont souvent contre Israel aussi et le sionnisme, voir ce site par exemple: http://www.nkusa.org/ ) est bel et bien en marche depuis le debut de la creation de l'etat d'Israel, en contradiction avec le Torah et la religion juive.

Architects threaten to boycott Israel over 'apartheid' barrier

Oui, boycottons ce qui st israelien, et faisons des pressions pour detruire ce mur de la honte en plein 21e siecle, tournant un pays en prison geante.

Israel-Our Dangerous Parasite

The Anti-Semitic Club and the Dead Children

Ces deux articles, et celui qui suit sont des "a lire absolument" a mon avis.

Semites Versus Semites

"If I were an Arab leader, I would never sign an agreement with Israel. It is normal; we have taken their country. It is true God promised it to us, but how could that interest them? Our God is not theirs. There has been Anti - Semitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was that their fault ? They see but one thing: we have come and we have stolen their country. Why would they accept that?" -- David Ben Gurion (the first Israeli Prime Minister) Quoted by Nahum Goldmann in Le Paraddoxe Juif (The Jewish Paradox), pp121.

Israeli nuclear forces, 2002

Et bien oui, parce que c'est Israel qui possede en tout affront des armes de destruction massive en quantite impressionantes, gracieusete des USA et autres pays europeens! Parlez moi d'hypocrisie quand ils parlent de l'Iran, sans fondement, qui chercherait a avoir la bombe nucleaire!!!!!

Remembering with Shame and Horror

Presque 2 millions de gens morts en Iraq a cause des USA et e l'ONU, en 15 ans, mais apparemment, seule l'holocauste des juifs durant la WWII est de valeur et doit etre retenu dans nos memoires. Apparemment que les autres, c'est pas grave a compare avec ca... autre chose aussi: c'est le seul genocide qui soit interdit d'investiguer et de rechercher, sous peine d'etre detruit publiquement et enferme en prison!!!!! N'est-ca pas curieux??? Cela ne suggere t'il pas qu'ils ont quelques choses a cacher???

The secret of Israel's Kadima party
Israël: Ariel Sharon, opéré, est dans un état un peu moins critique

A propos de Sharon et de son nouveau parti politique....

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