L'Autre Monde 25 septembre 2013 : Retour en onde - Syrie, 9/11 et Fukushima
Pour écouter, ou pour télécharger, simplement cliquer sur le lien ici:
L'Autre Monde 25 septembre 2013
90 min / Radio de l'UQAM, CHOQ FM
L'Autre Monde 25 septembre 2013
90 min / Radio de l'UQAM, CHOQ FM
Au programme cette semaine:
sera de retour le 25 septembre 2013 à 14h chers auditeurs et
auditrices! Notez aussi que l'émission s'est déplacée dans la grille
horaire et sera dorénavant diffusée le mercredi à 14h.
plaisir de vous retrouver avec les plus importantes informations de
l'actualité mondiale et réflexions pour mieux comprendre notre monde
aini que les véritables enjeux.
Le cas de la Syrie est abondamment abordé d'ailleurs dans cette première émission de la saison automne.
À très bientôt!
C'est en rendez-vous le mercredi 14h sur les ondes de CHOQ FM, la radio officielle de l'Université du Québec à Montréal !
***Hyperliens vers les sources des informations discutées sur l'émission d'aujourd'hui:
Légende en français :
* = connexion juive, épouse
*! = Soupçonné, mais pas confirmé
Vert = Blanc (Gentil)
Bleu = Gentil non blanc
Rouge = Juif
Le milliardaire juif Stephen
bronfman a été nommé récemment responsable des finances du parti liberal par
Justin Trudeau. Il a co-créé, avec ses frèrs et soeurs, le prix charles
bronfman qui récompense la promotion de l'identité et des valeurs juives.
Comble de l'audace juive (Houtzpah): il soutient que le petit Trudeau serait
plus sioniste que le sioniste Stephen Harper, étant donné que ce dernier ne
s'est jamais rendu en Israël. C'est Stephen Bronfman lui-même qui a fait
visiter Israël au jeune Justin il y a 5 ans.
Une différence que j'ai noté entre les conservateurs de Harper et les liberals
de Justin est que Justin et les liberals veulent garder les juifs ici au Canada
et même favoriser l'immigration des juifs d'Europe (surtout français) au
Canada, alors que les conservateurs sont avant tout des extrémistes sionistes,
des israélomaniaques, qui provoquent par contre coup, un renforcement
(légitime) de l'hostilité contre les sionistes, qu'ils soient juifs ou pas. Cet
extrémisme sioniste contribue à l'exil des juifs hors du Canada de deux
manières, par la promesse et la provocation: d'une part en promettant une
meilleure vie en terre sainte et, d'autre part, en provoquant par contrecoup
davantage d'hostilité envers Israël et le sionisme, hostilité qui effraie
grandement la communauté juive, déjà hypersensible et hautement paranoïaque, ce
qui en pousse plusieurs à fuir... en Israël, leur soi-disant terre d'asile et
Or de nombreux juifs déchantent, ils ne cessent pas d'appuyer
inconditionnellement Israel, mais préfèrent quitter le Proche-orient parce
qu'ils ont trop peur pour leur sécurité. Le discours des liberals canadiens
leur plaît à eux comme il plaît à ces membres de professions libérales
(médecins, dentistes, avocats, ingénieurs, etc.) européens qui ont peur pour
leur sécurité en France, en raison de la prétendue "montée de
Les juifs d'Europe sentent que le torchon brûle et qu'ils vont devoir faire
comme leurs ancêtres ont toujours fait: prendre le chemin de l'exil, avant d'être
expulsés ou pire encore... Ils croient devoir fuir la haine... Ils ne
comprennent pas que ce qui se passe réellement est que les non-juifs commencent
à prendre conscience de leurs crimes (et pas seulement de ceux d'Israël) et
qu'ils ne les leur pardonnent pas automatiquement, comme c'était le cas peu de
temps après la seconde guerre (seconde guerre dont les juifs sortirent
finalement en grands vainqueurs et non en grande victime!).
Harper has never been to Israel: Bronfman
By Elizabeth Thompson | Aug 28, 2013 4:10 pm | iPolitics Subscription Required
GEORGETOWN ROYALTY, PEI – Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau may be closer to Israel
than Prime Minister Stephen Harper, the Liberal party’s new chief fundraiser
suggested Wednesday.
“Stephen Harper has never been to Israel,” Stephen Bronfman said bluntly. “I
took Justin there five years ago and he was referring at the end of the trip to
Israel as we. So I thought that was pretty good.”
Once strong supporters of the Liberal party, the support of Canada’s Jewish
community has shifted in recent years.
When Harper’s Conservatives came to power in 2006 and moved Canada’s position
on the Middle East closer to Israel, many members of Canada’s Jewish community
began to vote with their wallets, shifting their political donations to the
Conservative party.
The Conservatives have also actively wooed Jewish Canadians. Some have been surprised
to receive cards at their homes marking Jewish holidays. Last year Harper
hosted a menorah lighting ceremony to celebrate Hannukah at the prime
minister’s residence.
Rick Roth, press secretary to Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird, says the
relationship is deeper than niceties, reiterating the refrain that under the
Harper government, Israel has had no greater friend than Canada.
“Canada stands for what is principled and just, regardless of whether it is
popular, convenient, or expedient,” said Roth. ”Under our government,
Canada no longer panders to every dictator with a vote at the UN.At the UN and
elsewhere, we make very clear that Israel’s right to exist is non-negotiable,
and we vote against one-sided and unfair resolutions.”
The result has been a significant shift in support – and donations – to the
Bronfman, whose family is one of the most prominent in Canada’s Jewish
community, says reversing that shift won’t be easy.
“It’s a challenge,” he admitted. “Harper and the Conservatives have been very
pro-Israel and we’ve got to win back the community so we’ll work hard on that.”
Asked about a comment by Liberal Party President Mike Crawley that there isn’t
that much that separates the Liberals and Conservatives on Israel as people
think, Bronfman was discreet.
“We all have the same goals. That is just to have a good policy and do the best
we can – raise money from all communities, Jews, Muslims, Indians, you name
Bronfman has his work cut out for him. In 2012, The Conservative party
fundraising outpaced the Liberal party by nearly two to one, pocketing $17
million to the Liberals’ $8.9 million. The NDP raised $7.6 million.
However, Bronfman refused to reveal exactly what target, if any, he has set for
fundraising in 2013.
“The goal is to raise a lot of money and help Justin become prime minister.”
“It takes a lot of money. The Conservatives raise a lot of money and we have
got to raise an equal amount of money.”
Crawley said Bronfman did a good job on Trudeau’s leadership campaign and he
believes Bronfman can help the Liberal party tap into a wide range of
supporters, including people who haven’t necessarily donated to a political
party in the past.
Un reportage
publié par l’agence Mint Press News (MPN) basée à Minneapolis
« Beaucoup, beaucoup » d’agents secrets israéliens en Syrie
« Beaucoup, beaucoup » d’agents secrets israéliens en Syrie
Le quotidien
français Le Figaro vient de révéler qu’« un premier
groupe de 300 hommes, sans doute épaulés par des commandos israéliens et
jordaniens, ainsi que par des hommes de la CIA, aurait franchi la frontière le
17 août. Un second les aurait rejoints le 19 » (1). Ils progresseraient
vers Damas.
On sait
qu’en mars 2013, les Israéliens avaient remis au général Martin Dempsey, chef
d’état-major de l’armée étasunienne, un plan « en deux
étapes » prévoyant d’apporter un soutien grandissant à l’ALS
(Armée syrienne libre) en créant une zone d’exclusion aérienne, puis de
soutenir le « camp laïc » face à la « menace
islamiste ».
Des rebelles
en uniformes israéliens !
directe d’Israël dans la guerre civile a été signalée à plusieurs reprises ces
derniers mois, y compris par le général Salim Idriss, chef d’Etat-major de l’ALS, qui
a déclaré, en avril 2013, dans une interview à CNN, qu’il avait « beaucoup,
beaucoup » d’officiers des services de renseignement israéliens
opérant en Syrie (2).
En juillet
dernier, Laeth Horan, porte-parole de la « Brigade des martyrs de
Yarmouk » – affiliée à l’ALS - a remercié Israël
pour les soins apportés aux rebelles syriens blessés à la frontière du Golan,
et envisagé – « pour l’après-guerre » - dix ans de
coopération entre son organisation et l’Etat juif (3).
Début août,
l’agence de presse iranienne Ahlul Bayt a affirmé que des
membres de l’ALS habillés d’uniformes israéliens combattaient les
troupes gouvernementales. Elle citait un officier syrien qui - sous
couvert d’anonymat - lui a déclaré avoir vu des inscriptions en hébreu
à l’intérieur des uniformes de rebelles tués appartenant aux Brigades
d’Al-Ghouta (4). L’information, invraisemblable, n’a été
reprise nulle part. Mais, on peut se demander depuis l’article du Figaro de
mercredi dernier, si les cadavres en question n’avaient pas été habillés par
les services syriens pour prouver à l’opinion publique syrienne et arabe –faute
de mieux - la participation de conseillers militaires israéliens aux
toxique : opération planifiée à l’avance ?
La région
d’Al-Ghouta, dans la grande banlieue de Damas, est celle où Bachar al-Assad est
accusé d’avoir utilisé, ces derniers jours, des gaz de combat. On ne voit pas
quel intérêt il aurait eu à le faire, au moment où une commission d’enquête de
l’ONU se trouve justement en Syrie pour cela. A l’inverse, on est en droit de
penser qu’il s’agit d’une manipulation de grande ampleur organisée pour
justifier la création d’une zone d’exclusion aérienne. Le général Dempsey
aurait inauguré récemment à Amman un Centre de commandement US à cet effet.
Pour Alexandre Loukachevitch, porte-parole du
ministère russe des Affaires étrangères, les informations sur l’utilisation
d’armes chimiques constituent une « provocation planifiée à
l’avance ». Les rebelles, dit-il, ont déployé « un
missile contenant une substance chimique toxique »pour « torpiller
les chances de convocation d’une deuxième conférence de Genève ». Il
demande, ce qui va de soi, l’ouverture « d’une enquête compétente
et objective ».
Le blog de Richard Hétu: 3 sept
2013. La Syrie, l’AIPAC et le New
York Times
POLITICO - N.Y. Times scraps AIPAC from Syria story
New York Times Deletes This Paragraph In Which White House Says AIPAC Is Key To War
‘NYT’ deletes references to AIPAC’s role in pushing strike on Syria
Syria and AIPAC: The “800-pound Gorilla in the Room”
Voyez ce qui reste après les coupures du NY Times:
NY TIMES - Crisis in Syria: President Seeks to Rally Support for Syria Strike
Published: September 1, 2013
POLITICO - N.Y. Times scraps AIPAC from Syria story
New York Times Deletes This Paragraph In Which White House Says AIPAC Is Key To War
‘NYT’ deletes references to AIPAC’s role in pushing strike on Syria
Syria and AIPAC: The “800-pound Gorilla in the Room”
Voyez ce qui reste après les coupures du NY Times:
NY TIMES - Crisis in Syria: President Seeks to Rally Support for Syria Strike
Published: September 1, 2013
One administration official, who, like
others, declined to be identified discussing White House strategy, called
the American Israel Public Affairs Committee “the 800-pound gorilla in the
room,” and said its allies in Congress had to be saying, “If the White House is
not capable of enforcing this red line” — against catastrophic use of chemical
weapons — “we’re in trouble.”
L'AIPAC, le plus
puissant lobby israélien aux États-Unis (qui, comme l'ADL, n'est pas inscrit,
alors que la loi l'exige, au registre des lobbys étrangers), ose s'afficher
comme un fauteur de guerres occidentales en Syrie et en Iran:
L’AIPAC presse le Congrès d’accorder au Président le pouvoir qu’il a sollicité
mercredi 4 septembre 2013 - 11h:35 Jonathan Allen – Politico.com
« L’AIPAC presse le Congrès d’accorder au Président le pouvoir qu’il a demandé pour la protection de la sécurité nationale de l’Amérique et dissuader le régime syrien contre d’autres utilisations d’armes non conventionnelles. Le monde civilisé ne peut tolérer l’usage de ces armes barbares, particulièrement contre une population innocente incluant des centaines d’enfants », écrit le groupe dans un communiqué publié mardi après-midi. « En deux mots, il ne doit être donné aucun laissez-passer à la barbarie ».(...)
« Les alliés de l’Amérique, comme ses adversaires, examinent de près en ce moment quel résultat aura ce vote capital. Cette décision cruciale intervient à un moment où l’Iran court après la capacité nucléaire » écrit l’AIPAC. « Le rejet de cette résolution affaiblirait la crédibilité de notre pays à empêcher l’utilisation et la prolifération des armes non conventionnelles et ainsi, de mettre grandement en danger la sécurité et les intérêts de notre pays et ceux de nos alliés régionaux ».
L’AIPAC presse le Congrès d’accorder au Président le pouvoir qu’il a sollicité
mercredi 4 septembre 2013 - 11h:35 Jonathan Allen – Politico.com
« L’AIPAC presse le Congrès d’accorder au Président le pouvoir qu’il a demandé pour la protection de la sécurité nationale de l’Amérique et dissuader le régime syrien contre d’autres utilisations d’armes non conventionnelles. Le monde civilisé ne peut tolérer l’usage de ces armes barbares, particulièrement contre une population innocente incluant des centaines d’enfants », écrit le groupe dans un communiqué publié mardi après-midi. « En deux mots, il ne doit être donné aucun laissez-passer à la barbarie ».(...)
« Les alliés de l’Amérique, comme ses adversaires, examinent de près en ce moment quel résultat aura ce vote capital. Cette décision cruciale intervient à un moment où l’Iran court après la capacité nucléaire » écrit l’AIPAC. « Le rejet de cette résolution affaiblirait la crédibilité de notre pays à empêcher l’utilisation et la prolifération des armes non conventionnelles et ainsi, de mettre grandement en danger la sécurité et les intérêts de notre pays et ceux de nos alliés régionaux ».
L’AIPAC en faveur de l’intervention en Syrie
TIMES OF ISRAEL - Israeli policy statement supports Obama on Syria
Jewish Supremacists Openly Support War against Syria; Admit that “Jewish Lobbying” Reason for Iraq War
support US strike on Syria: Influential US pro-Israel groups
remained quiet on the topic to avoid being seen as rooting for the United
States to go to war.
HAARETZ - U.S. Jewish groups call on Congress to approve use of force against Syria’s Assad: U.S. Ambassador Oren states Israeli support for Obama’s claim that Syria must 'international consequences.' Foxman: Our people’s experience with gas mandates Jewish-moral response.
HAARETZ - U.S. Jewish groups call on Congress to approve use of force against Syria’s Assad: U.S. Ambassador Oren states Israeli support for Obama’s claim that Syria must 'international consequences.' Foxman: Our people’s experience with gas mandates Jewish-moral response.
AIPAC comes out for strike on Syria– and mentions Iran more often than Syria
How AIPAC works your Congressperson– using donors, rabbis, and Jewish members
The reason Israel (and its lobby) are going all out to push the United States to attack Syria is as a precedent for a much larger attack on Iran.
JTA - Jewish groups back Obama on Syria, but downplay Israel angle
The former head of Israel’s Military Intelligence and
current director of the Institute for National...
Dubious Intelligence and Iran
Blackmail: How Israel is driving the US to war in Syria
Who are the Syrian "rebels"?
Well for one thing, most of them aren't Syrian.
They're foreign thugs-for-hire and the paymasters
are Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey.
Israeli intelligence 'intercepted
Syrian regime talk about chemical attack' Information passed to US by Israeli Defence Forces' 8200 unit, former
official tells magazine
Obama’s ‘source’ on Syrian gas attack–Israel’s Unit 8200

Israel Ynetnews: Obama blinked first Analysis: Decision to delay strike against Syria
sends dangerous message to cruel regimes, terrorists everywhere
How do chemical weapons get to the Middle East?
Well, when the US wanted Iraq to murder
Iranians in the 1980s, we sent them all the
chemical and biological weapons they could handle.
That's one way they get to the Middle East.
Well, when the US wanted Iraq to murder
Iranians in the 1980s, we sent them all the
chemical and biological weapons they could handle.
That's one way they get to the Middle East.
WhySyria? Why now? Some answers
It's pretty
clear that Obama, Kerry and
McCain are pathological liars.
Nothing new there.
But why are they bent on attacking Syria
There is an answer and it involves
a proposed new pipeline and Israel's plan for
a Greater Israel.
McCain are pathological liars.
Nothing new there.
But why are they bent on attacking Syria
There is an answer and it involves
a proposed new pipeline and Israel's plan for
a Greater Israel.
VIDEO - Netanyahu was wrong about Iraq having nuclear weapons
Who Will Hold The USA Accountable For Its Use of Modern Napalm in Iraq?
Who Will Hold The USA Accountable For Its Use of Modern Napalm in Iraq?
Orchestrated by US PR firm
Like father like son like Obama
The history of the First Gulf War
1. Reagan and Bush sent Saddam Hussein billions of dollars and literally tons of chemical and biological weapons to kill Iranians. (They did a good job. Iran lost over one million people in the Iran-Iraq War.)
2. Kuwait was stealing oil from Iraq using slant drilling rigs they got from their friends in Texas.
3. Iraq told them to cut it out. Kuwait continued. Iraq told the US they planned to invade. US Ambassador told Hussein: "It's none of our business how you resolve this."
4. Iraq invades Kuwait.
5. Bush whips Americans into a frenzy with the lies above.
6. US attacks Iraqi forces, drives them from Kuwait, kills 135,000 of them including thousands as they were in retreat on their own territory - and establishes bases and supply depots all over the region
7. Mass murdering psychopath Bill Clinton spends eight years destroying basic infrastructure in Iraq leading to the death of at least 500,000 children
8. Son of Bush and his cabinet of lying criminals makes the case to invade Iraq.
9. They do so and deliberately botch the post-invasion occupation to degrade the country even further killing many hundreds of thousands more.
10. Hand picked animatron Bushbama continues the occupation, foments violence through out the region, and now threatens to attack Syria.
Deja Vu all over again.
- See more at: http://www.brasschecktv.com/videos/the-iraq-war/the-first-gulf-war-was-based-on-a-lie-too.html#sthash.cYrz0BNQ.dpuf
VIDEO - Pat Buchanan: Chemical attacks in Syria "reeks of a false flag
VIDEO - Ron Paul: Syria Chemical Attack Looks Like a
"False Flag." Pat Buchanan & Vladamir Putin Agree (Preview)
Revealed: Britain sold nerve gas chemicals to Syria 10 months after
‘civil unrest’ began
Britain’s ‘isolationism’ is not good for Israel
White House to Congress: ‘Help protect Israel with attack on Syria’
Senior GOP Senators: We Won’t Support Military Strikes Without ‘Overall
Strategy’ To Remove Assad
Israelis question U.S. commitment in Syria
Ron Paul Calls the Chemical Attack in Syria a 'False Flag'
BBC editor tells staff to be soft on Israel
Cached Copy of Scrubbed Article Confirming US and UK
Backed Chemical Weapons in Syria
'Syrian rebels take responsibility for the chemical attack admitting the
weapons were provided by Saudis' - Dale Gavlak
Syrian Rebels Were Caught Sneaking Sarin Gas Across the Border in May
During a short interview with Germany’s DW News last Monday, former US
National Security Adviser and Trilateral Commission co-founder Zbigniew
Brzezinski commented on the growing inefficiency of war due to the increased
political knowledge of the public. (ÇA A TU L'AIR DES PROPOS D'UN GARS QUI VEUT LA
Lying us into war again
Now Syria.
A video reminder of how the US government
lies the country into war over and over
Now Syria.
A video reminder of how the US government
lies the country into war over and over
How do chemical weapons get to the Middle East?
Well, when the US wanted Iraq to murder
Iranians in the 1980s, we sent them all the
chemical and biological weapons they could handle.
That's one way they get to the Middle East.
U.S. lobbying group sets major push for Syria action
September 7, 2013, Chicago Tribune/Reuters
September 7, 2013, Chicago Tribune/Reuters
influential pro-Israel American Israel Public Affairs Committee [AIPAC] will
deploy hundreds of activists next week to win support in Congress for military
action in Syria, amid an intense White House effort to convince wavering U.S.
lawmakers to vote for limited strikes. Congressional aides said they expected
the meetings and calls on Tuesday, as President Barack Obama and officials from
his administration make their case for missile strikes over the apparent use of
chemical weapons by Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's government. The
vote on action in Syria is a significant political test for Obama and a major
push by AIPAC, considered one of the most powerful lobbying groups in
Washington, could provide a boost. The U.S. Senate is due to vote on a
resolution to authorize the use of military force as early as Wednesday.
Leaders of the House of Representatives have not yet said when they would vote,
beyond saying consideration of an authorization is "possible"
sometime this week. Obama has asked Congress to approve strikes against Assad's
government in response to a chemical weapons attack on August 21 that killed
more than 1,400 Syrians. Pro-Israel groups had largely kept a low profile on
Syria as the Obama administration sought to build its case for limited strikes
after last month's attack on rebel-held areas outside Damascus. But
they had generally wanted the debate to focus on U.S. national security rather
than how a decision to attack Syria might help Israel, a reflection of
their sensitivity to being seen as rooting for the United States to go to war.
Note: For more on government corruption, see the
deeply revealing reports from reliable major media sources available here.
shares raw intelligence including Americans' data with Israel
September 11, 2013, The Guardian (One of the UK's leading newspapers)
September 11, 2013, The Guardian (One of the UK's leading newspapers)
National Security Agency routinely shares raw intelligence data with Israel
without first sifting it to remove information about US citizens, a top-secret
document provided to the Guardian by whistleblower Edward Snowden reveals.
Details of the intelligence-sharing agreement are laid out in a memorandum of
understanding between the NSA and its Israeli counterpart that shows the US
government handed over intercepted communications likely to contain phone calls
and emails of American citizens. The agreement places no legally binding limits
on the use of the data by the Israelis. The disclosure that the NSA
agreed to provide raw intelligence data to a foreign country contrasts with
assurances from the Obama administration that there are rigorous safeguards to
protect the privacy of US citizens caught in the dragnet. The
five-page memorandum, termed an agreement between the US and Israeli
intelligence agencies "pertaining to the protection of US persons",
repeatedly stresses the constitutional rights of Americans to privacy and the
need for Israeli intelligence staff to respect these rights. But this is
undermined by the disclosure that Israel is allowed to receive "raw
Sigint" – signal intelligence. The memorandum says: "Raw Sigint
includes, but is not limited to, unevaluated and [unredacted] transcripts,
gists, facsimiles, telex, voice and Digital Network Intelligence metadata and
content." According to the agreement, the intelligence being shared would
not be filtered in advance by NSA analysts to remove US communications.
Breaking: Leaked Footage of Islam Battalion Launching Infamous Ghouta Chemical Attack on Aug 21
Syrian rebels have sarin gas: official Part of channel(s): Syria (current event)
Syria rebels possess ground-to-ground missiles and sarin, and a UN report on chemical weapons use shows they carried out attacks near Damascus, a high-ranking Syrian security source said on Tuesday.
“I categorically deny that we have used sarin gas, for the reason that we had no interest in doing so. We were winning in the battlefield,” the official said a day after a UN report on an August 21 attack was published. “It is generally the losers who adopt such a suicidal attitude. On the contrary, the army was winning,” he told AFP.
The UN investigation team said in its report that it had “clear and convincing” evidence that sarin gas was used in an August 21 attack on rebel areas near Damascus, and that chemical weapons have been used on a “relatively large-scale” in the 30-month-old Syrian conflict. The UN report does not say who used the weapons, though the opposition and its allies have blamed Assad's troops.
In public shift, Israel calls for Assad's fall
Israel wants to see Syrian President Bashar al-Assad toppled, its ambassador to the United States said on Tuesday, in a shift from its non-committal public stance on its neighbor's civil war.
But we want you Americans to do it for us!" -- Nodding Yahoo
war the Pentagon doesn’t want
September 5, 2013, Washington Post
September 5, 2013, Washington Post
Written by Robert H. Scales, a retired Army general and former
commandant of the U.S. Army War College. The tapes
tell the tale. Go back and look at images of our nation’s most senior soldier,
Gen. Martin Dempsey, and his body language during [the] Senate Foreign
Relations Committee hearings on Syria. It’s pretty obvious that
Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, doesn’t want this war.
Dempsey’s unspoken words reflect the opinions of most serving military leaders.
They are embarrassed to be associated with the amateurism of the Obama
administration’s attempts to craft a plan that makes strategic sense.
None of the White House staff has any experience in war or understands it. So
far, at least, this path to war violates every principle of war, including the
element of surprise, achieving mass and having a clearly defined and obtainable
objective. Prospective U.S. action in Syria is not about threats to American
security. They are outraged by the fact that what may happen is an act of war
and a willingness to risk American lives to make up for a slip of the tongue
about “red lines.” These acts would be for retribution and to restore the
reputation of a president. Our serving professionals make the point that
killing more Syrians won’t deter Iranian resolve to confront us. The Iranians
have already gotten the message. Our people lament our loneliness. Our senior
soldiers take pride in their past commitments to fight alongside allies and
within coalitions that shared our strategic goals. This
war, however, will be ours alone.

Former chief economist at
the U.S. International Trade Commission – and now Kyocera copier salesman –
Peter Morici argues that failure to attack Syria will destroy the American
Sure, let's
murder a whole bunch of people to balance the books; that'll secure the US
reputation as a human rights champion!
It is a MYTH
that wars are good for the economy. Yes, there is a surge of cash flowing
around paying for the war, but it it all BORROWED cash, borrowed at interest
from the private central bankers, and the illusion of wartime prosperity is
paid for with decades of peacetime hardship making the payments plus interest
on that loaned cash!
Peter Morici is an economist
and professor at the Smith School of Business, University of Maryland, and a
widely published columnist.
President Obama’s
vacillation on Syria—first delaying military action and then booting the
decision to Congress—poses grave threats to U.S. prosperity.
If any of you
had any doubts that these wars are fought for the bankers, this should help
dispel those doubts. This author, Peter G. Morici II, of Alexandria, Virginia,
is ready, indeed eager, to trade blood for gold on the theory that wars are good
for the economy.
But of
course, this is a fallacy. To the uninitiated, wars seem to be a time of plenty
of cash flowing into the war effort, but the problem is that it is all borrowed
cash, borrowed at interest from the private central bankers, and the illusion
of intense economic activity is followed by decades of hardship paying back
that cash plus accrued interest. Worse, that cash is spent on things that
explode, not on building products that can be resold at a profit to help cover
the cost of repayment-plus-interest, so the hit on the economy is a
double-whammy. They might as well put all that cash in a pile and burn it, for
all the good it actually does in terms of true prosperity and productivity.
Wars are good
for the bankers and for defense contractors, but for the people of the nation
it simply means more debt they and their children and grandchildren struggle to
Moronic Drivel from Clueless Warmonger
Former chief economist at the U.S. International Trade Commission – and now Kyocera copier salesman – Peter Morici argues that failure to attack Syria will destroy the American economy:President Obama’s vacillation on Syria—first delaying military action and then booting the decision to Congress—poses grave threats to U.S. prosperity.
Imminent military action, especially in the Middle East, instigates fears of shortages and panic in oil markets. Two years ago, oil prices jumped to more than $110 in anticipation of the U.S. action in Libya but then subsided when the worst did not happen to oil supplies.
Breathtaking U.S. Hypocrisy on Chemical Weapons
The U.S. has Repeatedly Violated the “Red Line” on Chemical Weapons
The U.S. encouraged Saddam Hussein’s use of chemical weapons against Iran … which was the largest use of chemical weapons in history. While the number of people killed in the August 21st chemical weapons attack has been estimated at between 350 and 1,429, 20,000 Iranians and 5,000 Kurds were killed by Saddam’s chemical weapons attacks with full U.S. support and backing.The U.S. sprayed nearly 20,000,000 gallons of material containing chemical herbicides and defoliants mixed with jet fuel in Vietnam, eastern Laos and parts of Cambodia. Vietnam estimates 400,000 people were killed or maimed, and 500,000 children born with birth defects as a result of its use. The Red Cross of Vietnam estimates that up to 1 million people are disabled or have health problems due to Agent Orange.
The United States has used chemical weapons in the last 10 years.
The U.S. agreed pursuant to the international Chemical Weapons Convention to destroy its chemical weapons stockpiles by April 2007. It received several extensions. The final extension expired in April 2012. The U.S. failed to comply with the deadline. (Syria was never a signatory to the treaty.)
Given the above, does the U.S. have the moral or legal standing to accuse Syria of violating a “red line” on chemical weapons?
Notes: U.S. military action in Libya and Syria have also caused chemical weapons to fall into the hands of Al Qaeda … and Al Qaeda has in fact used those weapons.
Britain has also used chemical weapons within the past 10 years, and has been caught allowing its companies to sell nerve gas chemical weapons to Syria for years.
This is the
official form to enlist in the United States military. Print out a bunch and
have them with you, and every
time you meet someone who says war with Syria is necessary hand them the form.
Send one to every member of Congress pushing for war, and everyone in the
corporate media pushing for war. The message is simple; if they think war with
Syria is necessary let them lead the way or send their own children first.
At the moment
the House is tied. But despite Boehner and Pelosi's promise of a "vote of
conscience" in which the members of Congress will be left to decide the
issue for themselves, the administration, Wall Street, AIPAC, The Fed, the
military-industrial complex are pulling out all the stops to sell this war to
Congress in order to bypass the will of the people. Diane Fienstien has asked
CIA to create a DVD to "prove" Assad used chemical weapons, to be
distributed to Congress as part of the sales campaign, even though CIA's reputation
does not include being an authority on anything other than lies, deceptions,
and cocaine. The war hawks are in a full court press to get this war going. We
have to fight just as hard to stop them, or we will wind up in a nuclear war
(on the losing side).
The Iranian commander said
when the Zionist regime saw that the United States and its Western allies are
backing down from striking Syria; it “hastily” fired two missiles.
Given that
real missile tests are always announced ahead of time to give civilian traffic
time to clear the area, it is obvious that Israel tried to spook Assad into an
overt military action against the US warships, which would have started the
war. Israel has demonstrated their willingness to use false-flag attacks to get
the war going (as they have in the past) and there is no reason to think they
won;t try again with some other dirty trick, and soon!
Do not be fooled into yet
another war based on lies
Activist Post
With citizen calls to
Congress reportedly 499-to-1 against a strike in Syria, Rep. Justin Amash
(R-Mich) warned fellow lawmakers that they will likely be kicked out of office
if they go against intense public opposition.
"If you're voting yes
on military action in #Syria, might as well start cleaning out your
office," Amash tweeted Thursday. "Unprecedented level of public
China has reportedly sent
warships to the coast of Syria to “observe” the actions of US and Russian ships
as tensions build in preparation for a potential military strike on Syria which
could come as soon as next week.

Image: Jinggangshan Warship
According to the Russian
news outlet Telegrafist.org, the
People’s Liberation Army dispatched the Jinggangshan amphibious dock landing
ship and the vessel was seen passing through the Red Sea towards the Suez
Canal, the waterway in Egypt that leads to the Mediterranean Sea and waters off
the coast of Israel, Lebanon and Syria.
According to the report,
the ship has not been sent to engage in any aggressive actions but is merely
there to “observe” the actions of Russian and US warships. However, the
Jinggangshan is equipped for combat, has conventional armaments and secondary cannons,
and was utilized as part of a “show of force” in
maneuvers aimed at defending the South China Sea earlier this year.
The report states that
additional PLA warships have also been sent to the region but that their
identity is unknown.
Yesterday it was reported that Russia was sending three more ships – two destroyers and a
missile cruiser – to the eastern Mediterranean to bolster its forces which
already include three other warships dispatched over the last two weeks.
Earlier this week, Russia criticized the United States for sending warships
close to Syria, with Russian Defense Ministry official Oleg Dogayev remarking,
“The dispatch of ships armed with cruise missiles toward Syria’s shores has a
negative effect on the situation in the region.”
Five U.S. destroyers and an
amphibious ship are currently positioned in the eastern Mediterranean awaiting
strike orders. The USS Nimitz and three other warships are also stationed in
the nearby Red Sea.
In a related story, China
today toughened its rhetoric on Syria, warning President Barack Obama that, “Military action
would have a negative impact on the global economy, especially on the oil price
– it will cause a hike in the oil price.”
The Global Times, a
newspaper described by Foreign Policy Magazine as “hyper nationalistic” and an
“angry Chinese government mouthpiece, also published an editorial yesterday which slammed Obama
for failing to prove that last month’s chemical weapons attack was the work of
the Syrian government, charging that Washington’s “geopolitical interests” in
the region were behind the military build-up.
The editorial, which also
complains of the total lack of media coverage in America concerning reports
that Syrian rebels admitted responsibility for last month’s chemical weapons
attack, accuses the White House of “ignoring logic as it beats war drums.”
The powerful pro-Israel
lobby AIPAC is planning to launch a major lobbying campaign to push wayward
lawmakers to back the resolution authorizing U.S. strikes against Syria,
sources said Thursday.
Officials say that some 250
Jewish leaders and AIPAC activists will storm the halls on Capitol Hill
beginning next week to persuade lawmakers that Congress must adopt the
resolution or risk emboldening Iran’s efforts to build a nuclear weapon. They
are expected to lobby virtually every member of Congress, arguing that
“barbarism” by the Assad regime cannot be tolerated, and that failing to act
would “send a message” to Tehran that the U.S. won’t stand up to hostile
countries’ efforts to develop weapons of mass destruction, according to a
source with the group.
Sen. Dianne Feinstein said
that a DVD created at her request by the CIA containing evidence of chemical
weapons strikes in Syria will be sent to every Senator and possibly members of
the House.
Would that be
the same CIA that cooked up the "simulation" of TWA 800 zooming
upwards without a nose, and after the point in time the NTSB's own report said
the wings had structurally failed, a "simulation" that was so bogus
that Boeing publicly distanced itself from it? That CIA?
Thought so.
A DVD is not
proof. Anyone can make a DVD. I can make a DVD that will convincingly show
those Syrian people were gassed by aliens from outer space. I'm pretty good at
such things (even better than the CIA) and it';s an even-money bet those of you
reading this have already seen samples of my work on your TV sets and movie
theater screens over the last 30 yeas.
The entire
argument for war comes down to a theory that Assad was stupid enough to invite
UN chemical weapons inspectors into Syria, then on the very day they arrive,
launch a chemical weapon attack, not against the leadership of the hired
mercenaries trying to oust him, but against women, children, and his own
The fastest
way to test whether that claim is false is to look for what should be there and
isn't, and what is missing here is MOTIVE! John Kerry, John McCain, Barack
Obama, Feinstien, the CIA, etc. et. al. can scream accusations and make videos
all they want, but they cannot answer the question of just WHY Assad would
carry out a chemical weapon attack on women and children. Such an attack serves
no military purpose at all. There is nothing to be gained by that attack, which
hit his own soldiers. Assad gains nothing politically from such an attack,
indeed risks alienating the 70% of the Syrian people who support him (according
to NATO's figures). In short, what should be there in the official story but is
clearly not is Assad's motive for carrying out a chemical weapon attack on
women and children right in front of the UN chemical weapons inspectors. And
that absence of motive, along with the prima fascia absurdity of the official
story, is why we know it it a lie, just like the lies about Saddam's nuclear
weapons, stolen Kuwaiti incubators, torpedoes in the Gulf of Tonkin, Spanish
mines in Havana Harbor, etc. etc. etc. etc.
The American People Have Spoken: Calls to Congress 499 to 1 against Syria war*
Global Research, September
05, 2013
By Garth
Kant and Chelsea Schilling
Americans are slamming at
least 24 members of Congress with thousands of phone calls and emails, urging
lawmakers not to approve a military strike on Syria – by a margin of as
much as 499 to 1.
A national debate is raging
on Twitter. Tweets and statements from members of Congress – both
Democrat and Republican – show tremendously strong opposition to
President Obama’s call for an air strike on Syria:
Rep. Jim
McDermott, D-Wash.,
tweeted, “Calls and emails from my constituents is 100 to 1 AGAINST getting
involved in Syria. The American people are speaking.”
Rep. Andy
Harris, R-Md., said,
“Constituents who have contacted my office by phone or mail oppose action in
Syria 523-4 so far.”
Thomas Massie, R-Ky.,
tweeted, “My phones are blowing up, and an overwhelming amount of constituents
oppose U.S. military intervention in Syria.”
Rep. Matt
Salmon, R-Ariz.,
tweeted, “Syria constituent calls 489-2 against.”
Shelley Capito, R-W.V., said
of “about 1,000 calls to my office, maybe 5 are for.”
Rep. Vern
Buchanan, R-Fla., said calls and emails to his offices are 600 to 9 against striking Syria.
Rep. Tim
Griffin, R-Ark.,
tweeted, “I received 225 emails via www.griffin.house.gov website over the
weekend regarding Syria, and out of the 225 only 3 support U.S. military action
against Syria.”
Steve Chabot, R-Ohio, said he
is getting swamped with phone calls and on-the-street comments from
constituents telling him to oppose a strike on Syria.
Rep. Rand
Paul, R-Ky., said,
“I’m told the phone calls are 9 out of 10 against a strike in Syria, from my
constituents in Kentucky.”
Ralph Hall, R-Texas: “I have
received hundreds of calls and letters from constituents expressing strong
Michele Bachmann, R-Minn.,
tweeted, “My office has been inundated with constituent phone calls and emails
about Syria. Virtually unanimous opposition to military intervention.”
Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah,
tweeted, “So far about 500 emails regarding Syria. 499 say NO and 1 say YES go
to war” and “Hundreds of calls to our Provo and Washington, D.C., office. So
far not a single call in favor of bombing Syria.”
Rep. Paul
Gosar, R-Ariz.,
tweeted, “The phones in my office are ringing off the hook and mail is flowing
in. Almost all of the people are opposed to intervention in Syria.”
Sen. Mike
Lee, R-Utah, tells
WND his office is hearing the same overwhelming opposition to intervention.
Rep. Brad
Sherman, D-Calif., said, “I don’t know a member of Congress whose e-mails and phone calls are
in favor of [bombing Syria.]”
Steve Southerland, R-Fla., said 96 percent of his emails and phone calls are from constituents who want
to express their opposition to military action. He said, “Overwhelmingly, we
are hearing pushback from our citizens against military intervention in Syria.”
Rep. Jeff
Duncan, R-S.C., said he’s heard no support from his constituents for striking Syria: “I have
not had a single person, not a single person, in over 92 Facebook posts just a
little while ago in a question we posed, having a single constituent or a South
Carolinian saying let’s go to war in Syria.”
Angus King, I-Maine, said “a very high percentage” of the constituents contacting his office have
been against U.S. involvement in Syria. He estimated that 90 percent of more than 1,000 calls and emails from Americans have been urging him
not to support intervention.
Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., said, “I can tell you that in my office, the phones are bopping off the hook
there. And almost unanimously people are opposed to what the president is
talking about.”
Rep. Ted
Yoho, R-Fla., told
the House Foreign Affairs Committee hearing he and his constituents say “not just
no, but heck no!” to Syria intervention.
Rep. Alan
Lowenthal, D-Calif., has
received more than 653 e-mails, phone calls and social-media. Only 11 of the comments favored
Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif.,
admitted her constituents’ calls were “overwhelmingly negative” over a possible Syria intervention, but she added, “They don’t know
what I know.”
Justin Amash, R-Mich.,
tweeted, “I’ve been hearing a lot from members of our armed forces. The message
I consistently hear: Please vote no on military action against Syria.”

Meanwhile, U.S. men and
women in the military are taking to social media to anonymously demand that the
Obama administration refrain from sending them to fight Syria.
Uniformed military members
posted photos of themselves on Facebook with paper messages covering their
faces, declaring:
“I didn’t join the Marine
Corps to fight for al-Qaida in a Syrian civil war.”
- “I didn’t sign up to kill the poor for the rich. No war in Syria!”
- “Obama, I will not deploy to fight for your al-Qaida rebels in Syria. WAKE UP, PEOPLE!”
- “I didn’t join the Navy to fight for al-Qaida in a Syrian civil war.”
WND’s own unscientific poll now shows Americans are overwhelmingly opposed to military action
in Syria by a 78 to 1 ratio.
“Rep. Alan Grayson, D-Fla., who is aggressively lobbying against a
military strike on Syria, says the Obama administration has manipulated
intelligence to push its case for U.S. involvement in the country’s two-year
civil war…He says members of Congress are being given intelligence briefings
without any evidence to support administration claims that Syrian leader Bashar
Assad ordered the use of chemical weapons. Grayson said he cannot discuss the
classified briefings…” (US
New video showing Syrian rebel brutality emerges
http://rt.com/news/syria-rebels-execute-soldiers-497/A video smuggled over the Syrian border by a former rebel features a mass execution of government soldiers by the Jund al-Sham group fighting Assad. The latest example of rebel brutality comes as Washington prepares to intervene into the conflict.
The video, obtained by New York Times and which has gone viral online, is a mobile phone recording of an execution that took place in April.
Seven government soldiers are shown shirtless on their knees in somewhat fetal positions with their faces to the ground. Some have their hands tied behind their backs.
Rebels stand behind the condemned men, pointing their firearms down at them and listening to their leader chant the verdict.
“For 50 years, they are companions to corruption,” the commander of the group says. “We swear to the Lord of the Throne, that this is our oath: We will take revenge.”
Having pronounced that, the man shoots the soldier closest to him. Other gunmen immediately follow suit to execute the rest of the captured soldiers. The dead bodies are then dumped into a well.
The man who smuggled the video across the border is former assistant to the chief of the group, who says he defected from it because he could no longer stand atrocities performed by his brothers in arms, according to New York Times.
The runaway, concealing his identity for security reasons, explains the seven soldiers were executed after videos of them raping civilians and looting were found on their cell phones.
The group he belonged to is little-known and not large, consisting of 300 fighters. It’s called Jund al-Sham, sharing the name with three international terrorist groups.
The rebel commander is Abdul Samad Issa, 37, also known as ‘the Uncle’ because two of his deputies are his nephews. According to his defected assistant the man believes his father was killed during a 27-day government crackdown on the Muslim Brotherhood in 1982, led by the father of Syria’s current president. Thus, fighting government forces now is partly a matter of personal revenge for Issa.
The video is one in a series of episodes raising questions over methods used by the rebel forces, some of which actually claim links to terrorists.
One of the groups, associating itself with Al-Qaeda attacked a Christian village on Wednesday.
In June, a teenage boy was allegedly executed by an Al-Qaeda-affiliated opposition group for supposedly blaspheming.
In May, the world was shocked to see a video of a Syrian rebel apparently eating the heart of a slain government soldier.
The New
York Times, the most influential newspaper in the United States, has published
a photo on its front page on Thursday that may be able to prevent the attack on
Syria. The photo shows how seven soldiers of the Syrian Army, who were caught
by the terrorists, are kneeling on the ground and have their hands tied to the
back while they are waiting for their execution.
(Syria News) – Something remarkable has happened. The New York Times, the most
influential newspaper in the United States, has published a photo on its front
page on Thursday that may be able to prevent the attack on Syria.
The photo shows how seven
soldiers of the Syrian Army, who were caught by the terrorists, are kneeling on
the ground and have their hands tied to the back while they are waiting for
their execution.
All soldiers have terrible
wounds on their backs and arms. Behind them on the photo are exactly the guys,
which the United States supports and supplies with weapons.
After the leader Abdul
Samad Issa read out a poem, all prisoners are killed by headshots. The dead
bodies were then thrown into a hole.
The New York Times (NYT)
shows the video of this massacre online on its website.
NewYorkTimes130905 Will this Photo prevent the Attack on Syria?
NewYorkTimes130905 Will this Photo prevent the Attack on Syria?
Syrian soldiers are
executed by US-backed terrorists in Syria.
Why do I say it could
prevent the war?
Because of the situation
that a similar photo of an execution from the time of the Vietnam War has
caused a change of mind of the majority of the American people and this has
then heralded the end of the war.
At that time, the Americans
understood it that they support a band of murderers, the South Vietnamese
regime. Just as it could be the situation
Abdul Samad Issa is
standing on the right with his gun, and he fires the first headshot.
When the New York Times
(NYT) publishes the heinous crime of “allies” of the United States in the fight
against Syria’s President al-Assad on its front page and thus, makes it
“officially”, then nobody is anymore able to ignore it.
Then it is undisputed and
raises the question in the United States of “who do we actually support here
(in Syria)? Mass murderers?”
In addition, many of the
gooders are asking the question: “Why do we want to attack the Syrian
government with a military strike, when they are yet fighting against these
murderous gangs?”
he dead bodies of the seven
soldiers were thrown into this hole.
The dead bodies of the
seven soldiers were thrown into this hole.
The Americans realize now
that they are on the wrong side of this conflict. This could increase the
resistance against the war on Syria further in future.
One is able to show the
newspaper to every supporter of the war against Syria and to then shame him
that this topic has landed in the mainstream.
It could also trigger the
idea that, when the so-called “Syrian rebels” are able to carry out such
gruesome criminal acts, then they could also be ruthless enough to fire poison
gas on the civilian population, so that Obama’s red line is crossed, they are
able to blame Syria’s President Assad for the incident and start the US-led war
against Syria.
Here is one of the most
famous images in the world, which became an icon of the anti-war movement. It
shows how the police chief of South Vietnam, Nguyễn Ngọc Loan, has gunned down
(headshot) a suspected Vietcong (“Charlie”) on the streets of Saigon with his
Smith & Wesson (Model 38) on February 1, 1968.
Vietnam: Nguyễn Ngọc Loan,
has gunned down (headshot) a suspected Vietcong (“Charlie”).
At that time the outrage
over the actions by the “ally” in America was so great, that the mood has
turned against the war. We are only able to hope that this now also happens in
terms of Syria.
Anyway, the US Senators and
Congressmen had to listen to a lot of protests by the American population in
the Town Hall meetings of the past few days.
This is what the media in
the United States report and they show, for example, how the greatest warmonger
US Secretary of State John Kerry was massively insulted by his constituents
"They entered the main
square and smashed a statue of the Virgin Mary," said one resident of the
area, speaking by phone and too frightened to give his name. "They shelled
us from the nearby mountain. Two shells hit the St Thecla convent."
The inhabitants are mostly
Melkite Greek Catholic and Orthodox Christians, but have historically lived
peacefully alongside a Sunni Muslim minority. It is one of only three places in
the world where Western Aramaic, a dialect of the language spoken by Christ, is
still used.
10 Chemical Weapons Attacks The U.S. Government Doesn’t Want You To Know About
Submitted by Michael Krieger of Liberty Blitzkrieg blog,A couple of weeks ago I highlighted the fact that declassified documents analyzed by Foreign Policy proved that the U.S. government knew about Saddam Hussein’s egregious use of chemical weapons and in fact we helped him be more effective in their deployment. Well unfortunately that’s just the tip of the American chemical weapons iceberg.
From white phosphorus and depleted uranium (DU) usage in Iraq, to secret radioactive tests in poor black neighborhoods within the U.S. itself (something I previously covered here), the list is pretty horrific. While you might be able to say that this is the reality of war, then what the heck are we doing entering a civil war in a country where chemical weapons are being used that poses no threat to us? Absolutely insane and criminal.
I summarized the Top 10 list here, but I highly suggest also checking out the entire post with pictures from PolicyMic. Summary below:
Washington doesn’t merely lack the legal authority for a military intervention in Syria. It lacks the moral authority. We’re talking about a government with a history of using chemical weapons against innocent people far more prolific and deadly than the mere accusations Assad faces from a trigger-happy Western military-industrial complex, bent on stifling further investigation before striking.
1. The U.S. Military Dumped 20 Million Gallons of Chemicals on Vietnam from 1962 – 1971
Vietnam estimates that as a result of the decade-long chemical attack, 400,000 people were killed or maimed, 500,000 babies have been born with birth defects, and 2 million have suffered from cancer or other illnesses.
2. Israel Attacked Palestinian Civilians with White Phosphorus in 2008 – 2009
White phosphorus is a horrific incendiary chemical weapon that melts human flesh right down to the bone.
In 2009, multiple human rights groups, including Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, and International Red Cross reported that the Israeli government was attacking civilians in their own country with chemical weapons.
The Israeli military denied the allegations at first, but eventually admitted they were true.
3. Washington Attacked Iraqi Civilians with White Phosphorus in 2004
In 2004, journalists embedded with the U.S. military in Iraq began reporting the use of white phosphorus in Fallujah against Iraqi insurgents. First the military lied and said that it was only using white phosphorus to create smokescreens or illuminate targets. Then it admitted to using the volatile chemical as an incendiary weapon.
4. The CIA Helped Saddam Hussein Massacre Iranians and Kurds with Chemical Weapons in 1988
CIA records now prove that Washington knew Saddam Hussein was using chemical weapons (including sarin, nerve gas, and mustard gas) in the Iran-Iraq War, yet continued to pour intelligence into the hands of the Iraqi military, informing Hussein of Iranian troop movements while knowing that he would be using the information to launch chemical attacks.
5. The Army Tested Chemicals on Residents of Poor, Black St. Louis Neighborhoods in The 1950s
In the early 1950s, the Army set up motorized blowers on top of residential high-rises in low-income, mostly black St. Louis neighborhoods, including areas where as much as 70% of the residents were children under 12. The government told residents that it was experimenting with a smokescreen to protect the city from Russian attacks, but it was actually pumping the air full of hundreds of pounds of finely powdered zinc cadmium sulfide.
6. Police Fired Tear Gas at Occupy Protesters in 2011
The savage violence of the police against Occupy protesters in 2011 was well documented, andincluded the use of tear gas and other chemical irritants. Tear gas is prohibited for use against enemy soldiers in battle by the Chemical Weapons Convention.
7. The FBI Attacked Men, Women, and Children With Tear Gas in Waco in 1993
At the infamous Waco siege of a peaceful community of Seventh Day Adventists, the FBI pumped tear gas into buildings knowing that women, children, and babies were inside. The tear gas was highly flammable and ignited, engulfing the buildings in flames and killing 49 men and women, and 27 children, including babies and toddlers.
8. The U.S. Military Littered Iraq with Toxic Depleted Uranium in 2003
In Iraq, the U.S. military has littered the environment with thousands of tons of munitions made from depleted uranium, a toxic and radioactive nuclear waste product. As a result, more than half of babies born in Fallujah from 2007 – 2010 were born with birth defects. Some of these defects have never been seen before outside of textbooks with photos of babies born near nuclear tests in the Pacific.
9. The U.S. Military Killed Hundreds of Thousands of Japanese Civilians with Napalm from 1944 – 1945
Napalm is a sticky and highly flammable gel which has been used as a weapon of terror by the U.S. military. In 1980, the UN declared the use of napalm on swaths of civilian population a war crime. That’s exactly what the U.S. military did in World War II, dropping enough napalm in one bombing raid on Tokyo to burn 100,000 people to death, injure a million more, and leave a million without homes in the single deadliest air raid of World War II.
10. The U.S. Government Dropped Nuclear Bombs on Two Japanese Cities in 1945
It seems odd that the only regime to ever use one of these weapons of terror on other human beings has busied itself with the pretense of keeping the world safe from dangerous weapons in the hands of dangerous governments.
We have no moral authority. Period.
Obama orders Pentagon to expand Syria target list... 'SIGNIFICANTLY LARGER THAN EXPECTED'...
September 6th, 2013
WASHINGTON — President
Obama has directed the Pentagon to develop an expanded list of potential
targets in Syria in response to intelligence suggesting that the government of
President Bashar
al-Assad has been moving troops and equipment used to employ chemical
weapons while Congress debates whether to authorize military action.
Mr. Obama, officials said,
is now determined to put more emphasis on the “degrade” part of what the
administration has said is the goal of a military strike against Syria —
to “deter and degrade” Mr. Assad’s ability to use chemical weapons. That means
expanding beyond the 50 or so major sites that were part of the original target
list developed with French forces before Mr. Obama delayed action on Saturday
to seek Congressional approval of his plan.
For the first time, the
administration is talking about using American and French aircraft to conduct
strikes on specific targets, in addition to ship-launched Tomahawk cruise
missiles. There is a renewed push to get other NATO forces involved.
ABC News:
US is planning an aerial strike in addition to a salvo of Tomahawk missiles
from Navy destroyers;New York Times: Obama ordered expansion of list of
targets following reports Assad moved troops, equipment.
Despite statements from
both US President Barack Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry that a US-led
strike on Syria would be a “limited and tailored” military attack, ABC News
reported on Thursday that the strike planned by Obama’s national security team
is “significantly larger” than most have anticipated.
According to ABC News, in
additional to a salvo of 200 Tomahawk cruise missiles fired from four Navy
destroyers stationed in the eastern Mediterranean, the US is also planning an
aerial campaign that is expected to last two days.
WH: ‘Not Intended to Resolve Underlying Political Crisis Within Syria’
In a briefing with the
press, deputy national security advisor Ben Rhodes said that any military
strike on Syria would be a response to chemical weapons–and would “not [intend]
to resolve the underlying political crisis within Syria.” Instead, “the
underlying political crisis within Syria” would be dealt with diplomatically,
he said.
U.S. orders diplomats to leave Lebanon
WASHINGTON (AP) — The State Department is ordering nonessential U.S.
diplomats to leave Lebanon due to security concerns as the Obama administration
and Congress debate military strikes on neighboring Syria.
In a new travel warning for Lebanon issued early Friday, the department said it had instructed nonessential staffers to leave Beirut and urged private American citizens to depart Lebanon.
In a new travel warning for Lebanon issued early Friday, the department said it had instructed nonessential staffers to leave Beirut and urged private American citizens to depart Lebanon.
BREAKING - PUTIN: "Russia will Help Syria In Case of Military Assault"... U.S. Stocks Fall Sharply!
Comes on heels of report Obama will order massive allied bombing campaign.Stay tuned for updates.
Sh*t is hitting the fan.
Russia “will help Syria” in the event of a military strike, Putin stressed as he responded to a reporter’s question at the summit.
“Will we help Syria? We will. And we are already helping, we send arms, we cooperate in the economics sphere, we hope to expand our cooperation in the humanitarian sphere, which includes sending humanitarian aid to support those people – the civilians – who have found themselves in a very dire situation in this country,” Putin said.
U.S. Stocks Fall After Putin Says Russia Will Assist Syria
U.S. stocks fell after Russian President Vladimir Putin said his country will assist Syria if strikes are launched, erasing earlier gains amid a slower-than-forecast rise in employment.
Stocks fall sharply on reported Putin comments
BREAKING: China Sends Warships & 1000 Marines to Syria, Accuses the U.S. of lying About Syria And Ignoring International Laws. Russia Sends another Amphibous Assault Ship. Turkey Sends More Troops to Syria Border
Dangerous Crossroads. A War on Syria, Prelude to a
World War III Scenario? Le site globalresearch et mondialisation.ca
ont éprouvé des difficultés au cours des derniers jours, alors que les menaces
de guerre s'intensifient. Coïncidence?
Syria says US evidence of chemical attack fabricated
VIDEO - FLASHBACK: 911, Saddam, terror, hate, nuclear weapons,
chemical weapons, WMDs (Preview)
Majority of French oppose Syria intervention
Saudi Prince Bandar delivered Israeli chemicals to Syrian terrorists -
The Neocon March on Damascus
PNAC members all too similar to the 66 "experts" pressuring
Obama into Syria
VIDEO - Thierry Meyssan sur l’implication d’Israël dans
l’opération contre la Syrie
VIDEO - Zbigniew Brzezinski : les États-Unis produisent une
"propagande de masse" sur les armes chimiques en Syrie 14 juin 2013
Netanyahu: ‘Low probability’ Israel will be drawn into Syria fighting
Israel & the US want Russia outside Middle East
Did the West Gas Thousands to Rescue Failed Syrian War?
For at least 6 years, the West, Israel and Saudi Arabia have been working to use terrorists from Al Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood in the attempt to overthrow the governments of Iran and Syria.This caused war to break out in Syria.
The Syrian government has pushed the rebels back.
There is nothing left for the West, Israel and Saudi Arabia, except direct military intervention.
What we are now witnessing is an attempt by the West’s corporate-financier establishment to push for direct intervention faster than the facts can come out over what exactly happened near Damascus.
Read more:
BBC and Democracy Now! Syrian Chemical Weapons Coverage: An exercise in Imperial deception
Today’s offerings include, Hague believes Assad behind attack (23/8/13), without offering a shred of proof that the Assad government is behind the alleged attack or even that it took place, takes foreign secretary Hague’s ‘belief’ as a given. The lead paragraph tells it all:
UK Foreign Secretary William Hague says he believes President Assad was behind a chemical attack in Syria.
What Hague’s belief is based upon is not revealed, instead we get more of the same:
“I know that some people in the world would like to say that this is some kind of conspiracy brought about by the opposition in Syria,” said Mr Hague.
Now why does Hague feel compelled to bring in the issue of a conspiracy? Perhaps because it is a conspiracy? A conspiracy dreamed up to justify the overthrow of the sovereign government of Syria. Hague then makes the most astonishing statement:
This confirms what I said last Thursday. Far too late, the government has realized that nobody is buying this nonsense that Assad invited the UN Chemical Weapons inspectors into Syria, then launched a chemical weapons attack against women and children (rather than the leadership of the hired mercenary army trying to oust him) on the day the inspectors arrived, just miles from where the inspectors are staying. So now the Propaganda push is that anyone not blindly believing the official version is a "conspiracy theorist", with overtones of such people being unpatriotic and supporting the terrorists.
So the propagandists are already on the defensive. That means the truth is winning out!

Not that this will end the push for war in Syria. If anything, this will cause the US Government to floor the gas pedal on the war machine before opposition to yet another war for the bankers can organize, and I suspect that Syria will be blitzkrieged over the Labor Day weekend while Americans are distracted with beer and barbecues!
Syria To Allow Inspection Of Alleged Chemical Weapons Attack; US Rebuffs, Says "Too Late'
Update: and there you have it - the US "demand" was nothing but a farce, and the second Syria complied the US says it was never interested in the first place.
This photo is being shown as being victims of last week's Syrian chemical attacks.

But this same photo appeared in other articles claiming to be suffering Palestinians and Egyptians as well!

US Set to Launch ‘Iraq, The Sequel’ in Syria
Somehow we are supposed to believe that within 72 hours after the arrival of a UN chemical weapons inspection team to assess — with the Syrian government’s cooperation — the sites of previous claimed chemical weapons attacks, that same Syrian government would launch a chemical weapon attack on civilians just miles from where the UN inspectors are staying. The UN inspectors were there on invitation from the Syrian government and that same government would launch chemicals right into their neighborhood.
Unless Assad is indeed suicidally insane, which he has given no indication of being heretofore, it quite simply makes no sense.
McCain, Graham call for military action on Syria after chemical-weapons evidence
Okay boys, if you really feel that way; here are your rifles, here are your parachutes, and here are some bright dal-glo jumpsuits left over form Abu Ghraib (we ran out of the desert camo). Watch your heads climbing into that transport plane, and we'll call Assad and tell him you are on your way to kick his butt all by yourselves. Because we remember that whopper you all told us about Saddam's nuclear weapon, and the current lie about Syria amounts to claiming that Assad was stupid enough to invite UN Chemical weapons inspectors into Syria, then launch a chemical weapons attack against women and children (rather than the leaders of that hired mercenary army) on the very day the UN inspectors arrive, just miles from where the inspectors are staying. Even for US Government propaganda, you have to admit that is pretty lame! So you will forgive us if we sit this next one out and keep our children safe a home.
Syrian rebels manufactured chemical weapons outside Damascus
The Syrian military have discovered a warehouse with chemical agents in a suburb of Damascus. Correspondent of the Al-Ihbariya Syrian information channel Yara Saleh who was among the journalists who inspected the site of the scary find has given an exclusive interview to The Voice of Russia. She says that the discovered warehouse was at the same time a laboratory where shells were stuffed with poisonous chemicals.
Materials implicating Syrian govt in chemical attack prepared before incident
Materials implicating the forces of Syrian president Bashar Assad in chemical weapons use near Damascus were prepared prior to the alleged incident on August 21, the Russian foreign ministry said.
Moscow continues to monitor closely the event surrounding the “alleged” chemical attack near Damascus, Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman, Aleksandr Lukashevich, said in a statement.
“We’re getting more new evidence that this criminal act was of a provocative nature,” he stressed. “In particular, there are reports circulating on the Internet, in particular that the materials of the incident and accusations against government troops had been posted for several hours before the so-called attack. Thus, it was a pre-planned action.”
Syria Information Minister: We have incontrovertible proof that terrorists used chemical weapons
Information Minister Omran al-Zoubi reiterated that Syria never used any chemical weapons in any shape or form, not in the Ghouta area in Damascus countryside nor anywhere else, and that it would never use it even if it possessed it, adding that there's evidence that such weapons were used by terrorist groups including satellite imagery and witness testimonies.
Stephen Lendman: False Flag Chemical Weapons Attack on Syria
False flags are an American tradition. They’re an Israeli tradition. They’re used strategically.
They’re pretexts for militarism, wars, mass killing and destruction, occupations, domestic repression, and other extremist national security state measures.
Last Wednesday’s Ghouta incident raises disturbing questions. It was a clear anti-Syrian provocation.
Was America complicit? Was Israel? Were key NATO allies and/or rogue regional partners?
Was the Ghouta chemical attack pretext for direct US and/or NATO/Israeli intervention?
Read more:
Syrian rebels use toxic chemicals against govt troops near Damascus - state media
Syrian rebels have used chemical weapons against regime forces in the Damascus suburb of Jobar, where soldiers discovered stockpiles of toxic poisoning antidotes, state media reports.
Evidence Indicates that Syrian Government Did Not Launch a Chemical Weapon Attack Against Its People
CBS News reports that the U.S. is finalizing plans for war against Syria – and positioning ships to launch cruise missiles against the Syrian government – based on the claim that the Syrian government used chemical weapons against its people.The last time the U.S. blamed the Syrian government for a chemical weapons attack, that claim was was debunked.
Syria to allow UN to inspect 'chemical weapons' site
Earlier, a senior US government official accused the Syrian authorities of intentionally delaying the UN probe "in order to facilitate the degradation of evidence of their use of chemical weapons".
"Any belated decision by the regime to grant access to the UN team would be considered too late to be credible, including because the evidence available has been significantly corrupted as a result of the regime's persistent shelling and other intentional actions over the last five days," the official told reporters in Washington.
Actually, it was the UN itself delaying the inspectors for "Safety reasons", and now that the inspectors are headed to the scene of the crime, the US is declaring ahead of time that it doesn't matter what the inspectors find, Obama and Cameron had a phone call and just sorta kinda know that Assad was dumb enough to invite UN Chemical weapons inspectors into Syria, and then launch a chemical weapons attack against women and children (instead of attacking the hired mercenary army trying to oust him) on the day they arrive just a few miles from where the inspectors are staying.
Let us be clear. There is no provision under international law that allows one nation to invade another based on claims of what is happening inside that nation's borders. The United States, the only nation in history to use nuclear weapons against civilians of another country, and which itself gassed a church full of women and children in Waco, Texas with CS gas, which is banned for use against enemy troops in time of war, lacks moral standing to point fingers at anyone else.
Syria is just the latest stepping stone in the pattern of global conquest proposed by the Project for the New American Century, a neo-con think tank that promotes global war to force the world to go on using the failed US dollar as the global trade and reserve currency.
Breaking: U.S. Cruise Missiles Preparing To Strike Syria
The U.S. military is now moving cruise missiles into position for a possible strike against Syrian government forces, reports CBS News Saturday.
Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel says that this will give the President the position to move quickly if he decides to use a cruise missile strike against Syrian government forces. Sec. Hagel goes on to say that this is not an attempt to topple the Syrian government but to send a message to President Bashar al Assad that the use of chemical weapons will not be tolerated.
Memo to Secretary of Defense Hagel: that statement about " this is not an attempt to topple the Syrian government...." is pure, utter Orwellian codswallop, and you know it. And so does the rest of the world, sir, including your fellow and sister Americans, who do not want this country plunging into yet another pre-emptive war based on a pack of lies.
The point of the entire exercise is to topple the Al-Assad government (just as it has been for well over two years by funding, training, and arming those hired mercs, which resulted in an epic fail). Regime change in Syria, the US and Israeli government believe, will create a favorable climate for regime change in Iran, again using military force.
As we all know, Russia is pre-positioning is military assets in the Mediterranean. Any military incursion into Syria could well mean war with Russia.
And as you and the entire world know, the US government doesn't have the troop strength, the money, or the manufacturing to insure a positive outcome against the Russian military in a conventional war: and that is what makes this scenario so very dangerous.
At the end of the day, Secretary Hagel, I would strongly caution you, and those in the bowels of power in both DC and Tel Aviv to be very, very careful about what you wish for here: the outcomes to such a conflict could be both horrific...and irreversible.
NSA spied on United Nations
The German magazine Der Spiegel says the U.S. National Security Agency secretly monitored the U.N.'s internal video conferencing system by decrypting it last year. The weekly said Sunday that documents it obtained from American leaker Edward Snowden show the NSA decoded the system at the U.N.'s headquarters in New York last summer. Quoting leaked NSA documents, the article said the decryption "dramatically increased the data from video phone conferences and the ability to decode the data traffic."
Did cocaine use by bankers cause the global financial crisis?
Coked-up bankers caused the credit crunch, according to the former drug tsar David Nutt. One former City worker can well believe it
This was mentioned in the documentary "Inside Job" as well; that cocaine use was very heavy on Wall Street (where they are safe from Bloomberg's stop and frisk). And having seen how cocaine use muddles the mind and clouds any sense of morals or ethics, I agree that it was a contributing factor to the out of control fraud.
Monsanto’s GMO Feed Creates Horrific Physical Ailments in Animals
New research is showing some troubling information about animals on the receiving end of industrial agriculture’s big GMO experiment.Oregon Insists: You don't own the rain that falls on your own yard,
(NaturalNews) There's nothing more refreshing than standing in a cool, summertime rain shower. Or bathing in the warm sunlight on a crisp spring day.Coldest Arctic Summer On Record Keeps Getting Colder
Global Sea Ice Area Above Normal In 2013
Global sea ice area has been above normal most of the year, and is averaging 1,600 Manhattans above normal in 2013.Bloodbath Coming? US Margin Debt Reaches 'Danger' Levels, China, Japan Lead Record Investor Flight From US Bonds, 'Hindenburg Omen' Looms Over S&P, Treasury Yields Keep Rising
Women suicide bombers hide explosives in their BREAST IMPLANTS as terror experts fear al-Qaida will target flights out of Heathrow
Specialists believe women could have had breast surgery with implants which, if injected with another liquid, will cause a large enough explosion to take down a plane.
Webmaster's Commentary:
This is just another chunk of government bovine excrement to try and wag
terror at us all to scare us into supporting more wars of conquest, not to
mention allowing the TSA security gate people to indulge their personal breast
fetishes.This postulated breast bomb has a major technical problem with it being effective, namely that as soon as the second chemical stared to be infected, there would be combustion the needle site. The majority of the liquid already n the breast would not have time to blend with the second chemical to be an effective explosive, and certainly the second breast would not have that second chemical necessary to explode at all.
Haiti “Reconstruction”: Luxury Hotels, Sweat Shops and Deregulation for the Foreign Corporate Elite
Haitian author and human rights attorney Ezili Dantò heard Luigi R. Einaudi make this shocking comment in 2004, as Haiti was about to celebrate its 200 years of independence with its first democratically elected President, Jean-Bertrand Aristide.Gold Gone? Germany baffled as Fed bars access to bullion
Highest contamination levels yet in seawater off Fukushima plant — 3,800 Bq/liter of tritium
Asahi: Radioactive cesium in Fukushima water now 8 times higher than when disaster began
Earth orbit changes were key to Antarctic warming that ended last ice age
For more than a century scientists have known that Earth’s ice ages are caused by the wobbling of the planet’s orbit, which changes its orientation to the sun and affects the amount of sunlight reaching higher latitudes, particularly the polar regions.
UN Releases Study On Corruption In Iraq
Interestingly, more than 50 percent of the Study’s participant’s perceived corruption to be on the rise, noting that the average Iraqi Civil Servant must pay at least four bribes per year. This study holds particular significance for the UN’s work in Iraq.
“Corruption continues to affect the lives of the majority of Iraqis,” Dr. Jacqueline Badcock, DSRSG of UNAMI and Resident Representative of UNDP Iraq commented. “This study not only sheds new light on the issue but provides a baseline for the Government of Iraq and the UN to respond.”
Webmaster's Commentary:
Oh yes, things are sooooooooo much better for the Iraqi people since the
US invaded!Coca-Cola To Defend Aspartame In New Commercial
by Arjun WaliaCoca-Cola plans to run its very first ad defending aspartame and the safety of artificial sweeteners. This move comes as a result of a dramatic drop in sales within the past year.
This is great news; it goes to show how much of an impact we can really make. More people around the planet are making better choices.
Never before have we seen such a shift in planetary perception. Questioning our world and what we surround ourselves with on a daily basis seems to be increasing at an exponential rate. Many people on the planet no longer believe major advertising without questioning the facts. When it comes to aspartame, it’s quite clear that this artificial sweetener can have a devastating effect on human health...
Japan TV reveals cover-up of radioactive ‘black rain’ data — “This is really surprising” — “I feel nothing but resentment” (VIDEO)
Fukushima & Stuxnet
So, to sum it up - The only way Hydrogen could have gotten out of any of the reactors is if one or more of the safety valves let it out, and if any one of those valves had opened enough to let it out there would not have been the extreme pressures inside the reactors, which prevented external water injection. This nails Israel's butt to the wall, the disaster at reactors 1 and 2 was STUXNET ALL THE WAY.
Webmaster's Commentary:
I guess I am not the only person wanting to know if STUXNET did in fact
make Fukushima worse.Record High Demand For Physical Gold Threatens To Break The Back Of The Paper Gold Market
The demand for physical gold is exploding all over the world, and bullion banks are now experiencing a supply crunch that is absolutely unprecedented. As physical demand continues to rise, the massive Ponzi scheme that the bullion banks have been engaged in is going to become increasingly obvious, and at some point the lack of physical gold is going to break the back of the paper gold market and we are going to see the price of gold go to levels that we have never seen before. You see, the truth is that the central banks of the world and the bullion banks have made “paper promises” that vastly exceed the amount of actual physical gold in existence. This kind of scheme works fine if everyone does not come asking for their gold at the same time. Unfortunately for the ones running this scheme, people are now starting to ask for their gold back and it is causing huge problems.
It's not Morsi vs Military
its people vs puppet Government both brands of it. The Burning of gov buildings
is being credited to pro Morsi forces. This is bullshit, these people are
fighting the gov now for the same reasons they fought Mubarak and Morsi. US
media is trying to spin this to create religious and party based in fighting.
God brands are not the unifier. The unifier is the same as it always is in
every revolution.: Hunger and injustice.
Once you can wrap your head around this , You will
never look at this world the same ! ITS ALL A BIG GAME!
Read more at http://investmentwatchblog.com/game-over-the-world-is-a-stage-full-of-puppets-paid-actors/#wJYJE5dDvC8e7C7m.99
Brandon Turbeville
Activist Post
Activist Post
As violent clashes continue
across Egypt, more and more evidence arises demonstrating that, much like the
early Libyan and Syrian situations, Egypt is facing a foreign-backed
destabilization campaign aimed at disrupting the fragile rule of a government
fresh on the heels of a counter-coup and attempting to transition from military
rule to civilian government.
Indeed, it appears the
Egyptian military’s refusal to capitulate to the IMF, [1] slash the living
standards of the Egyptian people,[2] and engage in foreign military adventures
is not a welcome development amongst the company of the Anglo-Americans.
As a result of these recent
events, and only a day after the violence in Egypt began, Barack Obama
announced that joint military maneuvers scheduled with the Egyptian military
were being suspended...
Fresh off of yesterday’s
massacre of at least 638 people and the wounding of over 4,000 others,
according to what is likely a low-ball official toll, Egypt’s military junta is
loudly defending its crackdown, with Ambassador Ashraf Elkholy insisting that
the public protests were “unaccepted in any community” and that any other
government would’ve done the same.
Junta officials continue to
refer to the civilian protesters as “terrorists” while growing anger at home
and abroad seems to be totally lost on them. Officials even bragged about
authorizing troops to use “live ammunition” against protesters starting today,
even though an overwhelming number of yesterday’s dead were shot by the same
sort of ammunition.
This is only
happening, because the unelected junta understands clearly that it has the
"carte blanche" from the government of the United States of America
to do so.
And I am
willing to bet you those casualty numbers are lowballed in the extreme; I would
probably, conservately, put them at double, or treble, those numbers the
Egyptian government has reported.
And in his
speech yesterday on the crisis in Egypt, President Obama said something
absolutely stunning:
If I didn't know better, I would had to have come to the conclusion that
Obama has been taking master classes from Israel's Prime Minister Netanyahu on
Orwellian Double-Speak!!
Unflipping believable!!
The U.S. Army is buying
almost 600,000 Soviet AK-47 magazines, enough to hold nearly 18,000,000 rounds
of 7.62x39mm ammo which is not standard-issue for either the U.S. military or
Kerry Says Internet “Makes it Much Harder to Govern” and “Organize” People
Speaking to State
Department personnel at the U.S. Embassy in Brasilia, Brazil this past Tuesday,
John Kerry made some very revealing comments. Not only did he pay homage
to Henry Kissinger, but he also took the opportunity to demonize the internet
and complain about how difficult it has become to control people following the
cold war.
In other words, the slaves
were easier to keep in line before they had all this information.
“I’m a
student of history, and I love to go back and read a particularly great book
like [Henry] Kissinger’s book about diplomacy where you think about the
eighteenth and nineteenth centuries and the balance of power and how difficult
it was for countries to advance their interests and years and years of wars,”
Kerry said to a gathering of State Department employees and their families.
“And we
sometimes say to ourselves, boy, aren’t we lucky,” Kerry continued.
“Well, folks,”
he said, “ever since the end of the Cold War, forces have been unleashed that
were tamped down for centuries by dictators, and that was complicated further
by this little thing called the internet and the ability of people everywhere
to communicate instantaneously and to have more information coming at them in
one day than most people can process in months or a year.
“It makes
it much harder to govern, makes it much harder to organize people, much harder
to find the common interest,” said
As we reported in the past
Jay Rockefeller has been among the biggest detractors of the internet, and earlier this
year he even suggested that the FCC should regulate the internet. This
regulation would come under the guise of “anti bullying” legislation, just as
the recently proposed internet regulations in the UK are being pushed through
under the guise of a pornography ban.
A few years back Jay
Rockefeller even suggested that the internet should have never been invented:
Although Jay Rockefeller is
nearing retirement, he is still hard at work taking away the small amount of
freedom that is left among everyday people. Much like his support of gun
control and censorship, when he makes public statements about issues like this,
you can be sure that he will follow through when it comes time to push for a
new law.
Car bomb attack killed at
least 21 people and injured more than 250 in the Southern Suburb in Beirut. The
area is a stronghold of the Lebanese resistance movement Hezbollah.
The seventh anniversary of
Lebanon 2006 war. The war which lasted 33 days between Israel and Hezbollah,
ended on August, 14, 2006.
A week ago, Hezbollah bombed an Israeli force penetrated borders. Israeli media announced that 4 soldiers were injured. Hezbollah’s Secretary-General, Hassan Nasrullah officially adopted the bombing during long televised interview on Beirut-based Al-Mayadeen Satellite Channel.
40 days ago, Car bomb attacked commercial complex in Beir al-’Abd, Beirut’s Southern Suburb. Soon, Syrian opposition militia adopted the attack.
Who wants to attack Hezbollah’s stronghold? and what is the possible message?
A week ago, Hezbollah bombed an Israeli force penetrated borders. Israeli media announced that 4 soldiers were injured. Hezbollah’s Secretary-General, Hassan Nasrullah officially adopted the bombing during long televised interview on Beirut-based Al-Mayadeen Satellite Channel.
40 days ago, Car bomb attacked commercial complex in Beir al-’Abd, Beirut’s Southern Suburb. Soon, Syrian opposition militia adopted the attack.
Who wants to attack Hezbollah’s stronghold? and what is the possible message?
It is hard to believe in a
country where the president of the United States is routinely demonstrated
against and heckled, let alone governors, Members of Congress, etc.
But the Constitution
apparently does not permit interrupting an Israeli speaker on campus.
A student who does
jeopardizes his future as his “crime” will appear on his permanent record.
THIS is the Israel lobby at
It turns
out that the NSA's domestic and world-wide surveillance apparatus is even more extensive than we thought. Bluntly: The
government has commandeered the Internet. Most of the largest Internet
companies provide information to the NSA, betraying their users. Some, as we've
learned, fight and lose. Others cooperate, either out of patriotism or because they believe
it's easier that way.
by EZ Links alt news portal http://beyondprophecy.blogspot.ca/p/hot-news.html
by EZ Links alt news portal http://beyondprophecy.blogspot.ca/p/hot-news.html
steel-framed buildings do not collapse from fire. So what brought down World
Trade Center 7, which was built stronger than the normal building code because
it housed US Government offices?
WTC 1 4 Base Explosions
9/11: The WTC Elevator Key
Port Authority radio transcripts, dozens of witnesses help describe the plan to disable the firefighting effort, to keep the cover story alive: FIRE induced collapse.
Then the official investigations totally ignored the evidence for bombs. Totally ignored the elevator investigation. Here's audio, video, photographic proof... when viewed with the architectural drawings and a good understanding of the elevator system.
(Unseen Footage) Tower 7 blasted into rubble from NEW angle!
Israeli Terrorists reported ion 9-11
... then never mentioned again by ABCNNBBCBSFAUX.
9/11 George Washington Bridge - Truck Full Of Explosives And Two Suspects In Custody
"Two men are in custody tonight after being arrested at the George Washington Bridge with an entire truckload of explosives. Now I'm told that those explosives could have been enough to blow up the entire span and all the cars and the people that were on it. ... The explosives were destined for underneath the George Washington Bridge ... a tragedy has been averted."
Saudi Arabian Government Tied To 9/11 Attacks! "Is ANYONE Surprised By This?" Answer: Slience
Webmaster comment: I predicted this years ago, that when the Saudi's usefulness to the US was done, the US Government would turn on their former friends and start the propaganda process leading to invasion.
On 9/11, the U.S. Military Was Preparing for a Simulated Nuclear War
While September 11, 2001 is well known as the day when the U.S. suffered its worst terrorist attack, what is little known is that it was also a day when large sections of the armed forces around the nation had been preparing to fight a simulated nuclear war, as part of major training exercises being conducted at the time. In their annual exercises "Vigilant Guardian" and "Global Guardian," the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) and the United States Strategic Command (Stratcom) were scheduled to carry out what has been described as a "simulated air war," a "full-blown nuclear war" exercise, a "fictional nuclear war," and a "practice Armageddon."
No official attempts have been made to fully investigate these exercises and what effect they had on the military's response to the 9/11 attacks. But evidence indicates they caused at least some confusion over what was "real-world" and what was simulation, and they may also have been a factor behind the communication problems experienced by military personnel that day. Other evidence suggests that some actions that have been presented as reactions to the terrorist attacks may actually have been related to these exercises--actions such as raising the alert status of American armed services to Defcon 3 and closing the huge "blast doors" to NORAD's operations center in Cheyenne Mountain, Colorado. There is also evidence that other "practice Armageddon" exercises were being conducted at the time of the 9/11 attacks, but details of these are unknown.
9/11 Masterminds - Explosive Connections SOURCE OF NANOTHERMITE IDENTIFIED!
Psychologists: Questioning 9/11 Is the Sane Thing To Do
The 9/11 Commissioners and Other Officials Don’t Believe the Government
The 9/11 Commissioners and congressional investigators into 9/11 themselves don’t believe the government’s description of events.Much of the world doesn’t believe the official story.
Mental Health Professionals Say that Questioning 9/11 Is the Sane Thing To Do
Many mental health professionals have concluded that the official version of 9/11 is false, and that those who believe the official version suffer from defense mechanisms. For example:- Associate Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School, Lester Grinspoon, MD
- Associate Clinical Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Duke University Medical Center, as well as Radiology, at Duke University Medical Center D. Lawrence Burk, Jr., MD
- Board of Governors Distinguished Service Professor of Psychology and Associate Dean of the Graduate School at Ruters University Barry R. Komisaruk
- Distinguished Professor in the Department of Mental Health Law and Policy, Professor of Medicine in the Department of Internal Medicine and Distinguished Professor of Global Health in the College of Public Health, University of South Florida, Michael D. Knox
- Professor Emeritus, Psychology and Neuroscience, Beckman Institute, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Michael Gabriel
- Professor of Psychology at University of New Hampshire William Woodward
- Professor of Psychology at University of Essex Philip Cozzolino
- Professor of Psychology at Goddard College Catherine Lowther
- Professor Emeritus of Psychology at California Institute of Integral Studies Ralph Metzner
- Professor of Psychology at Rhodes University Mike Earl-Taylor
- Retired Professor of Psychology at Oxford University Graham Harris
- Retired Psychiatrist. Former Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, Jefferson Medical College. Former Major, U.S. Army Medical Corps, Vietnam Veteran 7 years service, Jon Bjornson, MD
- Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from the University of Nebraska and licensed Psychologist Ronald Feintech
- PhD in clinical psychology from Texas Tech Michael Green
- PhD in educational psychology Brent Igo
- PhD psychologist Paul Johansson
- PhD psychologist Gail Maudal
- Ph.D. Clinical Neuropsychologist Richard Welser
- Psychiatrist Carol S. Wolman, MD
- Psychiatrist E. Martin Schotz
And watch this must-see 15-minute interview with psychologists:
9-11: Yeah, okay, we admit there were explosions in the towers, but we can explain it. Really! Honest!!
A mix of sprinkling system water and melted aluminium from aircraft hulls likely triggered the explosions that felled New York’s Twin Towers on September 11, 2001, a materials expert has told a technology conference.
Webmaster's Commentary:
The reaction he is
talking about is one in which hot aluminum will "steal" oxygen from
water, leaving hydrogen gas. There are two problems with this theory, of
course. The first is the hydrogen gas is very light and floats upward even faster than helium. The ruins of the World Trade Towers were "porous" and as the smoke trails prove, there was a strong wind from the side. This means that hydrogen could not collect together anywhere in any amounts enough to cause an explosion, certainly not down in the basements, where some explosions were reported.
Second, even under the most ideal of circumstances of perfect mixture of hydrogen and oxygen, impossible in the natural atmosphere and under those conditions, hydrogen may burn fast but does not detonate. Recall the destruction of the Hindenburg. Huge fire, no "bang."
So this latest official "explanation" is a desperate attempt to reconcile eyewitness reports and video recordings of explosions (like the one that initiates the collapse of building 7) with the rapidly collapsing official story.
Desperation on the cusp of madness - Trying to explain away the World Trade Tower explosions
But Norwegian expert Dr Christian Simensen has another theory. He believes powerful explosions caused by a chemical reaction between molten aluminium from the aircraft and water ripped out the buildings’ internal structure.
“Both scientific experiments and 250 reported disasters suffered by the aluminium industry have shown that the combination of molten aluminium and water releases enormous explosions,” said Dr Simensen, from the SINTEF institute based in Trondheim, Norway.
Webmaster's Commentary:
The reaction that Dr.
Simensen is referring to is one where molten aluminum "steals" oxygen
from water, thereby producing hydrogen gas. But for hydrogen to explode it must be captured (hydrogen floats upward in air even better than helium) and held in the proper ratio with free oxygen, and while there was certainly oxygen in the World Trade Towers there was nothing to prevent any hydrogen being created by the interaction of water with molten aluminum from percolating up through the ruined building and into the sky.
Unless perfectly mixed with the correct amount of pure oxygen, hydrogen doesn't explode, it burns. It is "low brissive", to use the correct explosives term. The explosions that are recorded on the 9-11 tapes are high brissive explosions. There is also the explosion captured on the video tape of the start of the collapse of World Trade Building 7, which had no molten aluminum in it, having not been hit by any airplane.
Dr. Simensen's 'theory' is the latest in a long line of nonsensical ideas hurled recklessly into the public arena in a desperate and pathetic bid to prop up a failed propaganda stunt.
September 11th Advocates’ Statement on Recent Developments Involving 9/11, CIA & Richard Clarke
Why did they purposely choose to relegate the extremely important fact that the CIA intentionally withheld information from the FBI to a tiny footnote (Chapter 6, Footnote 44) in their final report? Worse yet, according to the 9/11 Commission, they allegedly have never found out who in the CIA gave the order to keep the FBI out of the loop. They had to know that this deliberate failure to share information could only be fixed by removing the individuals responsible and not be cured by a reorganization recommendation. Despite logic, that is what they recommended.
Obama appoints 9/11 scriptwriter & master criminal Zelikow to Intelligence Advisory Board
Zelikow has admitted that the US
public has been terrorized by nonexistent threats: “I’ll tell you what I think
the real threat [is] and actually has been since 1990 – it’s the threat against
Israel,” Zelikow told a crowd at the University of Virginia on September 10,
2002, speaking on a panel of foreign policy experts assessing the impact of
September 11 and the future of the war on al-Qaeda.
“And this is the threat that dare not
speak its name, because the Europeans don’t care deeply about that threat, I
will tell you frankly. And the American government doesn’t want to lean too
hard on it rhetorically, because it is not a popular sell,” said
Zelikow. -Asia Times9/11
was “The New Pearl Harbor”
– a made-for-television spectacular, complete with amazing pyrotechnic special
effects and the on-screen murder of almost 3,000 extras.
The question is, who wrote the script?My best guess: Philip Zelikow – the man Obama just appointed to the President’s Intelligence Advisory Board.
Zelikow describes himself as an expert in the “creation and maintenance of public myths.” He defines “public myth” as a “public presumption” about history that may or may not be true, but which nevertheless exerts a powerful influence on public opinion, and through that influence affects history.
Zelikow gives the official account of Pearl Harbor – the story of the “dastardly Japanese sneak attack” – as a prime example of the kind of “public myth” he specializes in creating and maintaining. Zelikow’s close colleague and fellow neocon extremist Paul Wolfowitz has exhibited a lifelong obsession with the immense strategic value of Pearl Harbor. Wolfowitz has repeatedly cited a remark by Albert Speer to the effect that if Germany had been blessed with a Pearl Harbor it would have won World War II. (Source: Brian Bogart, University of Oregon – Truth Jihad Radio interview, 2007)
Therefore, in the eyes of neocons such as Zelikow, FDR was wise to adopt McCollum’s Eight Point Plan designed to force the Japanese to launch a sneak attack on America. (Stinnett, Day of Deceit, 6-11). Pearl Harbor was not just a godsend – it was a US-orchestrated event, and the 2,403 Americans murdered there were murdered by the US government as well as the Japanese.
When Cheney and his Bush puppet picked Zelikow to write the 9/11 Commission Report, it was a strong indication that they were turning to the original author of the event – the specialist in the “creation and maintenance of public myths” who had created the official myth of 9/11 by authoring the script of the event.
Today, the 9/11 “public myth” has become a legend – a story that is no longer sacred, a story that more and more people doubt. Is Obama bringing Zelikow back on board in order to try to “maintain” the “public myth” of 9/11?
Zelikow is certainly the man for the job. Alongside his expertise, he has plenty of motivation: When the 9/11 public myth finally crumbles, he will soon find himself dangling from a rope, twisting slowly in the breeze.
Public Broadcasters Disgraced as Agents of the 9/11 Cover-Up.
Kay’s diatribe was funded by a prominent Israeli-based think tank whose leadership comes largely from the Project for the New American Century. PNAC is the think tank which observed in 2000 that its ambitious program of military expansion and invasions could not be met without a “catalyzing event” like a new Pearl Harbor. Entitled Among the Truthers, Kay diverts attention away from the evidence of what did and did not happen on 9/11. Instead Kay appoints himself as a psycho-anthropologist in pursuit of what this war promoter and Isamophobe describes as “the growing conspiracist underground.”
9/11: "Honest Mistake" or BBC Foreknowledge of Collapse of WTC 7? Jane Standley Breaks Her Silence
The BBC’s Jane Standley said, in a later interview [below]: “It’s very unfortunate that this whole conspiracy – kind of – ridiculous situation has grown out of what’s really a very small and very honest mistake.”
What BBC’s Jane Standley is unable to explain is the exact nature of the 'very small and very honest mistake' that led to her announcing the collapse of World Trade Center building 7 while it remained standing behind her. Before 9-11 (and since) no steel-framed skyscraper had ever been brought down by fire, and the fires in building 7 were minor. Plus Building 7 itself, designed to house Federal Government offices, was built to be fire and bomb proof, greatly exceeding the normal building safety codes for other buildings.
So, Jane, it is not enough to simply dismiss as a 'very small and very honest mistake' your announcing the collapse of World Trade Center building 7 while it remained standing behind you. You need to tell us what the mistake was.
Personally, I think the mistake is obvious. There was a delay in the controlled demolition of building 7, and word of the delay did not reach the BBC in time for the script everyone was following to be altered!
Explosions before planes hit WTC
9-11 Magic Passports
"Passports Four of the hijackers’ passports have survived in whole or in part. Two were recovered from the crash site of United Airlines Flight 93 in Pennsylvania*. One belonged to a
hijacker on American Airlines Flight 11. A passerby picked it up and gave it to an NYPD detective shortly before the World Trade Center towers collapsed**. A fourth passport was recovered from luggage that did not make it from a Portland flight to Boston onto the connecting flight, which was American Airlines Flight 11..."
Webmaster's Commentary:
* So they found two
passports in that hole in the ground where they said the PA plane crashed - but
nothing at all is in that hole - but they found two passports there, huh?
Here is a screenshot of Architects and Engineers for 9-11 Truth's new
video on YouTube. When you access the video from the embedded version on the
Architects and Engineer's website, YouTube/Google/NSA has promoted 6 videos
that purport to "DeBunk" various aspects of 9-11 Truth. Anyone
familiar with YouTube should understand that YouTube's algorithm that
determines "Suggestions" videos never displays multiple videos from
the same member in the "Suggestions" video section (unless those are
videos from the member that posted the video). Try it for yourself. Pick any
other video on: Talking Animals, Cute Kids, or Crochet. See if you able to
duplicate the placement of 6 videos from the same member in the suggestion
Webmaster's Commentary:
Because the US Government hands out major
engineering contracts several professional engineering organizations have been
contacted and told that if they wish to keep those contracts they must publicly
attack Architects and Engineers for 9-11 Truth.
The Five Dancing IsraelisArrested On 9-11
Anti-Defamation League: Speaking the truth about 9/11 is anti-Semitic
Webmaster's Commentary:
Translation: "Yeah,
we did it, but you're a NAZI if you say so, BWAH HAA HAA HAA HAA
HAA!!!!!!!!!" (ahem)
The Anti-Defamation League was not created to protect innocent Jews but the guilty ones! In 1913, Leo Frank, a director of B'nai Brith and owner of a pencil company, was found guilty of the murder of a young employee of that company, Mary Phagan. Frank was convicted based on the testimony of the janitor of the factory, Jim Conley, whom Frank tried to recruit to help clean up the mess. But Governor Slaton, who was also Jewish, commuted the death sentence. Enraged at this travesty of justice, the people of Marietta broke into Leo's prison and lynched him. Following that case, the ADL was formed and launched a campaign to smear all witness and intimidate the media and politicians into first questioning the conviction itself, then demanding a full pardon and exoneration. The goal was not to help Leo Frank, who was of course past caring, but to do damage control; to conceal from the public the fact that such crimes were being committed by prominent members of the Jewish community by claiming that all reports of such crimes are "Anti-Semitism." That [pattern continues to the present, with the wife of Bernioe Madoff still insisting that their fall from wealth is the "Gentile's fault!", and the case reported below in which Rebecca Zahau was found bound hand and foot, hanging in the home of another Jewish CEO, and promptly declared a suicide on the basis of a note written in a third party's handwriting.
So now comes the ADL once more screaming "Anti-Semitism" at anyone questioning the official story of 9-11, even if the question in particular does not involve Israel!
Researcher: "Why did BBC report the collapse of World Trade Tower 7 twenty six minutes before it happened?"
Researcher: "How did the Secret Service know that President Bush was safe where he sat reading about pet goats?"
Researcher: "How could the hijacked planes fly over 8 United States Air Force bases without having a single warplane come up to intercept them?"
Researcher: "Who ordered the fighters from Andrews Air Force Base 180 miles out into the Atlantic making it impossible for them to intercept the aircraft headed for the Pentagon?"
Researcher: "What order did Dick Cheney let stand, according to Norman Mineta?"
Researcher: "Where did the traces of thermite found in the wreckage of the WTC come from?"
Researcher: "How can the wreckage from Flight 93 be spread out over 8 miles of countryside when the official story says the plane augered into the ground during a fight between the passengers and the hijackers?"
Researcher: "Why are the names of the accused hijackers not on the actual passenger manifests of the flights as issued by the airlines?"
Researcher: "Why do we hear explosions the moment building 7 starts to collapse?"
You see what I mean. The ADL is acting like they have something to hide.
Jersey Girls score big in Australia
Following the attacks of September 11th, a small group of grieving families waged a tenacious battle against those who sought to bury the truth about the event - including, to their amazement, President Bush. Six of them, including three of the famous 'Jersey Girls', tell for the first time the powerful story of how they took on the greatest powers in Washington and won! They compelled an investigation, only to subsequently watch the 9/11 Commission fail to answer most of their questions.
No Room for 9/11 Survivors at 10th Anniversary Ceremony, City Says
LOWER MANHATTAN — Survivors who fled the flaming World Trade Center on Sept. 11, 2001 will not be allowed to attend the city’s annual commemoration ceremony at Ground Zero this year, DNAinfo has learned.
High-Level Officials Eager to Spill the Beans About What REALLY Happened on 9/11 … But No One In Washington or the Media Wants to Hear
9/11 Commission Admits It Never Got The Facts … But No One Wants to Hear From the People Who Know What Happened
Officials chase unconfirmed al-Qaida bomb plot
Webmaster's Commentary:
Officials desperate to distract Americans from
emerging truth about 9-11!Sources: Authorities Concerned About Possible Dirty Bomb, Times Square Strike
Webmaster's Commentary:
"It could be
here and it could be there and it could be anywhere! BOOGA BOOGA
BOOGA!" -- Official White Horse Souse Well, things are a bit nuts here in New York. Problems with both internet and cell phones continue. An already bad traffic worsened by police forcing traffic down to single lanes in order to be scanned by innocuous looking vehicles made obvious by cones and armed guards. (When you see a UPS truck sit next to a police barricade for on hour, you know it is not delivering parcels.)
FEMA is on the ground here. Last night we encountered a canine unit flown in from New Mexico. The good news; the dogs are very friendly and affectionate. They might lick a terrorist to death. The dog handlers were acting like this is a great vacation to New York (at taxpayer expense). Secret Service is already all over the area by the trade center trying (and failing) to blend in, obviously staring to make sure that really is just a camera hanging on that strap.
IMHO this is just a stunt to build audience for Sunday's speeches, and to justify the vast sums of tax money spent on all this DHS nonsense.
Would these ruthless bastards stage another fake terror event to whip up a war fever? Sure, as long as they can convince themselves they'll get away with it.
But the more people speak out about their doubts regarding the first 9-11, the more we make the planners of future false-flag hoaxes hesitate. If we can shake their confidence; if we can make them doubt, then this circus of badges will be the end of it, and there will be no big bang.
Exclusive: “Last Man Out” Makes Shocking 9/11 Disclosure
“There was a huge explosion in the basement—several seconds before the plane hit the tower!”
Exclusive: 911 insider claims complicity to murders
http://www.examiner.com/human-rights-in-national/exclusive-man-admits-accomplice-to-911?CID=examiner_alerts_article"Building 7 was perfectly sound," he said. "Building 7 was simply a 'land bank,' because they knew it did not match their future development plans for the overall complex. The steel framing was ostensibly required to be 'rebuilt' immediately after it was built."
There’s no biz like the angst biz: Unconfirmed terror threat rattles pre-9/11 NYC
Speaking of angst, here was the phys-ops circus again. Thursday, Sept. 8, three days before 9/11: full-dress cammo-wearing, armed soldiers, police and police cars galore, helicopters buzzing overhead, airport personnel opening bags, scanning bodies, old folks shivering with fright at attack dogs, a wide shot of the Brooklyn Bridge, icon of Walt Whitman and Hart Crane’s downgraded America on the TV screen, mainstream media poised for the event . . . a field-day for Homeland Security, defense stocks climbing, just like a decade ago, and . . .
Webmaster's Commentary:
All over the city the
police were setting up choke points where traffic was forced to narrow down to
a single lane. I don;t have to tell you how bad this made the traffic jams. After seeing a few of these choke points I noticed that there was always a nondescript truck or van off to one side of where traffic exited the choke point single file. I studied one near the place where we were staying. In this case it appeared to be a UPS truck. No problem, right? But an hour later I walked back out to the choke point, and that same UPS truck was still there! Can anyone say "Backscatter x-ray machine?" Can anyone say "those cops running the choke point are all gonna die of cancer?"
I knew you could!
Pentagon Papers Whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg: Government Has ORDERED the Media Not to Cover 9/11
The entire 9/11 field of inquiry has been vilified, poisoned over the years by ridicule, sometimes fantastic conspiracy mongering, and fearfulness by journalists of approaching the material, lest they be branded as irresponsible or some kind of conspiracy freak. As a result, little work has been done to investigate, except by a small group of people, some of whom have raised some real questions ...
Another amazing coincidence related to the WTC
There appears to be a remarkable correlation between the floors upgraded for fireproofing in the WTC towers, in the years preceding 9/11/01, and the floors of impact, fire and failure. The fireproofing upgrades would have allowed for shutdown of the affected floors, and the exposure of the floor assemblies and the columns for a significant period of time. Exactly what work was done during that time?
This relationship is unmistakable for WTC 1. Some investigators have pointed out that a number of floors failed simultaneously in this tower, in accordion-like fashion, before the rest of the building began to 'collapse'. These floors seem to match up almost exactly with the floors that were upgraded.