Archives: État policier
État policier:
"Find out just what the people will
submit to, and you have found out the exact amount of injustice and wrong which
will be imposed upon them; and these will continue until they are resisted with
either words or blows, or with both. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by
the endurance of those whom they oppress."-- Frederick Douglas (1857)
Découvrez tout ce à quoi que les gens vont se soumettre,
et vous avez trouvé le niveau exact d'injustice et de mal qui pourra leur être
imposé, et ils poursuivront jusqu'à ce qu'ils soient résistés soit avec des
mots ou des coups, ou les deux. Les limites des tyrans sont prescrites par
l'endurance de ceux qu’elles oppriment.
10 Essential Rules Of Liberty
There is nothing worse in this world than an enslaved man who naively believes himself free, except, perhaps, trying to explain to that same man his predicament. You can lay truth after truth before his feet. You can qualify your every position with cold hard irrefutable data. You can plead and scream and raise veritable hell, but before he will ever listen, he must first become aware of his own dire circumstances. As long as he views himself as “safe and secure”, as long as he imagines his chains to be wings, he will see no reason to question the validity of the world around him, and he will certainly never invest himself into changing his own deluded destiny...
As the American Empire Spreads Abroad, it Becomes a Police State at Home
A mesure que
l’empire américain s’étend, il devient de plus en plus policier. Les violentes
méthodes utilisées par l’armée pour anéantir les étrangers sont ensuite
appliquées à l’intérieur de la "patrie".
Dans un
article du 25 septembre dernier intitulé "C’est officiel : les USA
sont un état policier" Paul Craig Roberts, secrétaire adjoint du Trésor
pendant les années Reagan, a écrit : " ’Violent extrémisme’ est un de
ces termes vagues chers aux états policiers que le gouvernement peut
interpréter comme il veut.
l’espionnage par le FBI de ce qui se passe dans les maisons des citoyens qui
ont une conscience a pour cible les militants pacifistes dont les activités
sont qualifiées de ’support matériel du terrorisme’..."
Les raids du
FBI à l’intérieur du pays rappellent les raids de l’armée des USA au delà des
mers. En Irak, par exemple, les forces d’occupation ont fait une descente dans
les bureaux des syndicats en tirant des coups de feu et ont mis les leaders
syndicalistes en prison. Leur "crime" était de s’opposer à de
contrats pétroliers de complaisance avec des firmes privées.
Le vaste
système carcéral des USA qui détient 2,4 millions d’étasuniens est comparable
au goulag que les USA ont construit à l’étranger. L’Amérique d’aujourd’hui est
le geôlier du monde. Comme le dit Allan Uthman sur AlterNet, en 2006 le régime
de Bush s’est mis à construire des "centres de détention" pour y
entreposer des détenus pour de vagues "nouveaux programmes" quand le
corps des ingénieurs de l’armée (Army Corps of Engineers) a donné presque 400
millions de dollars à la filiale de Halliburton, Kellogg Brown & Root. Ce
que nous faisons à l’étranger nous le faisons chez nous.
contre les citoyens américains les tactiques policières d’abord utilisées par
l’empire américain à l’étranger n’est pas une nouveauté. Quand les Philippins
se sont rebellés contre les USA après que leur pays ait été "libéré"
de l’Espagne, les combattants de la résistance capturés étaient soumis à la
torture de l’eau. Vingt ans plus tard, les pacifistes américains incarcérés ont
été suspendus par les mains et on leur a enfoncé des tuyaux d’eau courante dans
la bouche.
Dans son
éditorial du 25 juin la magazine the Nation dénonçait l’utilisation américaine
"d’armées secrètes, d’opérations secrètes.... de centres de torture
offshore, de groupes armés hors de contrôle, de dépenses militaires
incontrôlables, des guerres par des flottes de robots, des guerres par
assassinat --- et toutes les autres caractéristiques de la présidence
Le magazine
lutte depuis longtemps contre ces pratiques. C’est toujours une belle idée mais
c’est un peu tard. L’élite réactionnaire qui dirige les USA est puissante. Le
Congrès a soutenu les cinq guerres d’agression d’Obama à l’étranger et vote des
lois qui limitent la liberté individuelle. Avec comme résultat l’émergence d’un
état policier.
L’autre jour
je regardais des gens entrer dans la gare des autobus d’Orlando, en
Floride ; deux officiers de la sécurité qui n’avaient probablement aucune
raison spéciale de les contrôler soumettait les passagers au scanner corporel.
Les Américains qui montent dans un train ou un avion acceptent maintenant ces
scanners comme quelque chose de normal. Les Américains acceptent sans protester
que leur intimité soit de plus en plus violée au nom de la "sécurité
nationale". Le régime Bush a crée des listes de personnes "à
surveiller" (75 000 personnes) et de "personnes interdites de
vols" (45 000 personnes) qui restreignent le droit à voyager en avion des
individus et ceux qui sont fouillés, scannés et/ou empêchés de prendre l’avion
peuvent protester tant qu’ils veulent cela ne changera rien.
Johnson, un citoyen américain dont Naomi Wolf parle dans son livre "La fin
de l’Amérique (Chelsea Green), décrit l’humiliation d’être déshabillé pour être
fouillé avant d’embarquer : "J’ai du enlever mon pantalon. J’ai du
enlever mes tennis et ensuite mes chaussettes. On m’a traité comme un
criminel." Tout ça est maintenant devenu le lot commun d’innombrables
Américains. Même au plus fort de la seconde guerre mondiale, de telles
violations des droits individuels auraient été impensables.
La peur du
gouvernement se répand et c’est quelque chose de nouveau dans notre vie.
Comment est-ce que je sais que les gens ont peur ? Parce que beaucoup de
gens disent que je suis "courageux" (ce que je ne suis pas) d’oser
défier le gouvernement, ce qui montre qu’ils ont vraiment peur de dire ce
qu’ils pensent.
David Cole
qui est professeur à l’école de droit de Georgetown a écrit dans The Nation que
le Congrès en mai dernier a autorisé la remise en application de certaines
parties du "Patriot Act" si mal nommé, qui permettent au gouvernement
de faire des écoutes au hasard sans identifier la personne ou le téléphone qui
doivent être écouté, d’obtenir des documents des bibliothèques ou des
entreprises sans avoir à prouver de quelque manière que ce soit que leur cible
est impliquée dans une action criminelle et encore moins terroriste ; et
d’utiliser des outils et instances de surveillance auparavant réservés aux
espions de gouvernements étrangers ou d’organisations terroristes, à des
"loups solitaires" qui ne sont affiliés à aucun de ces groupes ni à
aucun gouvernement. C’est un écho du système ECHELON que les USA et ses alliés
du Commonwealth britannique utilisent depuis la seconde guerre mondiale pour
mettre sur écoute toute la planète, traquer les dissidents et voler les secrets
de fabrication.
Cole écrit
aussi que le procureur général Eric Holder va désormais autoriser les agents du
FBI "à fouiller les poubelles des citoyens, à mener des recherches dans
les données des ordinateurs et à utiliser de manière répétée des brigades de
surveillance, pour traquer des gens qui ne sont pas suspectés du moindre délit,
sans avoir besoin d’autorisation légale." (exactement comme pour la
fouille des passagers à la gare des autobus). L’absence d’autorisation légale
est significative car la justice est le seul rempart du citoyen contre les abus
de pouvoir de la police. Et maintenant ce rempart a disparu. Les peuples
d’Afghanistan et d’Irak ont souffert bien davantage sous la botte de l’armée
dirigée par les USA.
Ellsberg: All the crimes Nixon committed against me are now legal
Pentagon Papers leaker Daniel Ellsberg said Tuesday that disgraced former Republican President Richard M. Nixon would "admire [President Barack] Obama's boldness" in trying to stifle whistleblowers.
"Richard Nixon, if he were alive today, might take bittersweet satisfaction to know that he was not the last smart president to prolong unjustifiably a senseless, unwinnable war, at great cost in human life," Ellsberg told CNN. "And his aide Henry Kissinger was not the last American official to win an undeserved Nobel Peace Prize."
"He would probably also feel vindicated (and envious) that ALL the crimes he committed against me -- which forced his resignation facing impeachment -- are now legal," he continued.
This is a chillingly accurate indictment of the current state of the Federal government in this country.
Janet Napolitano Visits NYU Law School to Discuss Need For Citizen Spies
"We have to get to a place where every part of our society is cognizant of the kinds of threats that are out there, and empowered to take some common sense steps to counter that." -- Janet Napolitano
Activist Post
Homeland Security head, Janet Napolitano, continued her campus tour in a recent stop at NYU Law School where she gave a speech about the state of security as we approach the 10-year anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, and following the announced death of Osama bin Laden.
Government recruits doctors to become thought police, pinpoint potential terrorists among their patients
Outrageous new "counter-terrorism" measures being proposed in the UK are receiving a public relations backlash because of their extreme, fascist overtones. The UK government's "Prevent" program, which allegedly aims to protect against terrorism, is being reformulated to recruit doctors to both spy on their patients, then report to authorities those patients suspected of becoming potential terrorists.
In complete contradiction to the private
doctor-patient relationship, the new proposals encourage doctors to identify and
target patients whom
they believe to be "vulnerable to being drawn into terrorism," and
report them to government
authorities. Naturally, the UK's Muslim community stands to be targeted the
most under the new guidelines, as doctors who participate in the program will
likely falsely accuse and report many of their Middle Eastern patients as
potential terrorists.
NYPD Stop-and-Frisk Activity on the Rise
The NYPD’s stop-and-frisk policy has come under fire from civil rights advocates because a small percentage of stops have led to charges. Data on stops show that blacks are disproportionately stopped by police.
Rockefeller Study Envisages Future Dictatorship Controlled By Elite
Blueprint for life
under the new world order revealed: Global pandemics that kill millions,
mandatory quarantines, checkpoints, biometric ID cards, and a world of top-down
government control
Paul Joseph Watson
Friday, July 16, 2010
Global pandemics that kill millions, mandatory quarantines, checkpoints, biometric ID cards, and a world of top-down government control. These things are not lifted from the latest sci-fi blockbuster movie, they’re part of the Rockefeller Foundation’s vision for what the globe might be like in 15-20 years’ time under a new world order tightly controlled by the elite.
Paul Joseph Watson
Friday, July 16, 2010
Global pandemics that kill millions, mandatory quarantines, checkpoints, biometric ID cards, and a world of top-down government control. These things are not lifted from the latest sci-fi blockbuster movie, they’re part of the Rockefeller Foundation’s vision for what the globe might be like in 15-20 years’ time under a new world order tightly controlled by the elite.
Parlant de d’interventionisme, de totalitarisme et de despotisme,
saviez-vous que le gouvernement fédéral est en train ‘d’harmoniser’ les lois et
les sentences criminelles au Canada avec les lois des É-U.
Le gouvernement PC a prévu 9 milliards pour construire des nouvelles
prisons, tandis que le code criminel est maintenant modifié pour que soit
traitées comme des crimes sérieux une série d’infraction jusqu’ici considérées
comme mineures.
Voici une entrevue sur CBC à ce sujet. C’est ti beau la justice!
Toujours sur le sujet du despotisme, voici
la preuve que le droit de propriété est une illusion, que votre maison ne vous
appartient pas vraiment, et que l’état n’hésitera pas à intervenir pour vous
déposséder de ce que vous croyez vous appartenir.
Comme vous pouvez voir en lisant les commentaires de l’article, ça ne
dérange pas grand monde au pays des coureurs des bois.
C’est beau la démocratie!
Le gouvernement Harper retient toujours les détails de l'enquête effectuée par le Service canadien du renseignement de sécurité (SCRS) qui ont incité le directeur du SCRS Richard Fadden à se prononcer sur l'influence étrangère à l'égard des politiciens canadiens. Les médias ont mis l'accent sur la Chine comme une source d'influence inappropriée. Fadden a toutefois indiqué qu'au moins cinq pays, dont la Chine et des nations du Moyen-Orient, sont impliqués. Il n'a pas précisé de quels pays du Moyen Orient il s'agissait. La réserve du gouvernement à cet égard pourrait indiquer qu'Israël - envers lequel le gouvernement Harper a manifesté un soutien inconditionnel et résolu - est parmi les pays du Moyen-Orient qui, selon les enquêtes du SCRS, influencent indûment les politiciens du Canada.
Dans ses
commentaires, Fadden s'est exprimé au sujet de l'influence étrangère exercée
par l'entremise des clubs universitaires et sociaux. Il a noté « Vous
payez [pour] leurs voyages et... quand un événement se produit qui est
d'intérêt particulier pour le pays 'X', vous appelez et vous demandez à la
personne d'adopter une vue particulière », a déclaré Fadden. Actuellement, les
clubs Hillel fonctionnent sur la plupart des campus canadiens et leurs mandats
incluent explicitement le « plaidoyer en faveur d'Israël » et la promotion de
l'identification des étudiants juifs avec Israël. Des opportunités de
voyages de deux semaines en Israël, tous frais payés, sont également mises à la
disposition des étudiants. Un processus similaire est en place auprès des
députés fédéraux et législateurs provinciaux. Le Comité Canada-Israël
subventionne des voyages en Israël pour les députés fédéraux et les
législateurs provinciaux depuis des décennies.
Canadiens pour
la justice et la paix au Moyen-Orient est préoccupée par l'influence exercée par Israël
et le Comité Canada-Israël sur les politiciens fédéraux grâce à des voyages
subventionnés et possiblement d'autres moyens. « Nous exhortons le gouvernement
à divulguer immédiatement les pays qui, selon le SCRS, exercent une influence
indue et les moyens par lesquels ils le font », explique le président de CJPMO,
Thomas Woodley. Comme le souligne le journaliste de la CBC Brian Stewart, les
voyages subventionnés par les gouvernements étrangers sont « soigneusement
planifiés, souvent par l'organe de renseignement du pays hôte ». CJPMO estime
que la politique canadienne devrait être modelée sur le respect du droit
international et craint que la politique canadienne au Moyen-Orient soit
biaisée en raison du type d'influence décrit par Fadden.
Selon le commissaire fédéral à l'éthique, le Comité Canada-Israël a payé plus de 160 000$ pour différents voyages d'une semaine en Israël effectués par 14 députés durant la seule année de 2009. Le Comité Canada-Israël a subventionné un voyage pour sept députés en juillet 2010: les députés conservateurs John Duncan, Jeff Watson, Edward Fast et Brent Rathgeber, les députés libéraux Scott Simms et Anthony Rota, et le député néo-démocrate Glenn Thibeault. Aucune autre nation du Moyen-Orient n'a accueilli autant de députés pour des déplacements si fréquents et si coûteux.
Rockefeller Foundation: Scenarios for the Future Not Pretty
This Rockefeller
Foundation report lays out four possible scenarios for the near future. I’ll
just clip a few passages from each of the four. You’ll love this.
Via: Rockefeller Foundation:
LOCK STEP – A world of tighter top-down government control and more authoritarian leadership, with limited innovation and growing citizen pushback.
Via: Rockefeller Foundation:
LOCK STEP – A world of tighter top-down government control and more authoritarian leadership, with limited innovation and growing citizen pushback.
LOCK STEP – A world of tighter top-down government control and more authoritarian leadership, with limited innovation and growing citizen pushback
In 2012, the pandemic that the world had been anticipating for years finally hit. Unlike 2009’s H1N1, this new influenza strain — originating from wild geese — was extremely virulent and deadly. Even the most pandemic-prepared nations were quickly overwhelmed when the virus streaked around the world, infecting nearly 20 percent of the global population and killing 8 million in just seven months, the majority of them healthy young adults. The pandemic also had a deadly effect on economies: international mobility of both people and goods screeched to a halt, debilitating industries like tourism and breaking global supply chains. Even locally, normally bustling shops and office buildings sat empty for months, devoid of both employees and customers.
At first, the notion of a more controlled world gained wide acceptance and approval. Citizens willingly gave up some of their sovereignty — and their privacy — to more paternalistic states in exchange for greater safety and stability.
Citizens were more tolerant, and even eager, for top-down direction and oversight, and national leaders had more latitude to impose order in the ways they saw fit. In developed countries, this heightened oversight took many forms: biometric IDs for all citizens, for example, and tighter regulation of key industries whose stability was deemed vital to national interests. In many developed countries, enforced cooperation with a suite of new regulations and agreements slowly but steadily restored both order and, importantly, economic growth.
EU to subject Britons to chilling new 'Big Brother' surveillance and investigation powers
British citizens face
being subjected to chilling new EU 'Big Brother' surveillance and investigation
Bureaucrats want foreign officials to be able to travel to the UK and immediately assume the powers of our own police.
They would be able to order undercover-spying missions, demand DNA and even pursue people for 'crimes' which are not recognised in UK law - such as criminal defamation.
Other EU countries could demand the personal details of entire plane-loads of holidaymakers, and force hard-pressed British police to trail suspects on their behalf.
Bureaucrats want foreign officials to be able to travel to the UK and immediately assume the powers of our own police.
They would be able to order undercover-spying missions, demand DNA and even pursue people for 'crimes' which are not recognised in UK law - such as criminal defamation.
Other EU countries could demand the personal details of entire plane-loads of holidaymakers, and force hard-pressed British police to trail suspects on their behalf.
US Navy orders laser machine guns
The RegisterUS Navy warships will soon be equipped with fearful combination weapons mounts boasting both heavy machine-guns and high powered laser rayguns, it has been announced...
Busting Posse Comitatus: Military Cops Arrest Civilians in Florida City
Intel Hub Note: This startling information comes to light just days after our report( about the Pentagons plan for a 20,000 strong internal army force to take on the American people.
In Homestead, Florida, Posse Comitatus is dead. The Air Force now responds to civilian crime in the small city, population around 30,000.
photoMilitary “crime stoppers” violate Posse Comitatus in Florida. Photo from Homestead ARB website.
“Here at Homestead Air Reserve Base we have the Crime Stop hotline that allows anyone either on base or off the installation to anonymously report a crime,” explains the Homestead Air Reserve Base website.
Big Brother is watching you: The town where EVERY car is tracked by police cameras
A sleepy Home Counties market town has become the
first in Britain to have every car passing through it tracked by police
Royston, in Hertfordshire, has had a set of police
cameras installed on every road leading in and out of it, recording the
numberplate of every vehicle that passes them.
The automatic number-plate recognition system will
check the plates against a variety of databases, studying them for links to
crimes, and insurance and tax records, and alerting police accordingly.
There were just seven incidents of vehicle crime
in the town last month, and residents believe the unmarked cameras are an
invasion of their privacy.
Rahm Emanuel Imposes New Curfew For Chicago Children
Paper trail points to Blair: Former PM 'sanctioned the abuse of UK citizens'
Tony Blair was accused
of ordering Jack Straw to 'violate the law' as the row over Britain colluding
in torture took a new twist.
Previously secret documents exposed their alleged roles in sanctioning British citizens being sent to Guantanamo Bay, where they were abused.
For the first time, the former Prime Minister's office is implicated in a series of explosive classified files which Labour ministers battled to suppress but which have been released on the orders of the High Court.
They cast a new light on Britain's dirty secret and lay bare the extent to which the Labour government allegedly turned a blind eye to the abduction and torturing of its own citizens.
Previously secret documents exposed their alleged roles in sanctioning British citizens being sent to Guantanamo Bay, where they were abused.
For the first time, the former Prime Minister's office is implicated in a series of explosive classified files which Labour ministers battled to suppress but which have been released on the orders of the High Court.
They cast a new light on Britain's dirty secret and lay bare the extent to which the Labour government allegedly turned a blind eye to the abduction and torturing of its own citizens.
US Navy orders laser machine guns
The RegisterUS Navy warships will soon be equipped with fearful combination weapons mounts boasting both heavy machine-guns and high powered laser rayguns, it has been announced...
Busting Posse Comitatus: Military Cops Arrest Civilians in Florida City
Intel Hub Note: This startling information comes to light just days after our report( about the Pentagons plan for a 20,000 strong internal army force to take on the American people.
In Homestead, Florida, Posse Comitatus is dead. The Air Force now responds to civilian crime in the small city, population around 30,000.
photoMilitary “crime stoppers” violate Posse Comitatus in Florida. Photo from Homestead ARB website.
“Here at Homestead Air Reserve Base we have the Crime Stop hotline that allows anyone either on base or off the installation to anonymously report a crime,” explains the Homestead Air Reserve Base website.
Big Brother is watching you: The town where EVERY car is tracked by police cameras
A sleepy Home Counties market town has become the
first in Britain to have every car passing through it tracked by police
Royston, in Hertfordshire, has had a set of police
cameras installed on every road leading in and out of it, recording the
numberplate of every vehicle that passes them.
The automatic number-plate recognition system will
check the plates against a variety of databases, studying them for links to
crimes, and insurance and tax records, and alerting police accordingly.
There were just seven incidents of vehicle crime
in the town last month, and residents believe the unmarked cameras are an
invasion of their privacy.
Rahm Emanuel Imposes New Curfew For Chicago Children
July 14, 2010, ABC News/Associated Press
Four police officers, charged with shooting and killing two unarmed civilians on a bridge in the days after Hurricane Katrina, could face the death penalty. Those four officers and two others are accused of gunning down citizens and trying to cover it up. Five other former police officers have already pleaded guilty to helping cover up the killings , bringing the total to 11 charged so far. The entire New Orleans police department is under investigation, stemming from allegations of misconduct. Initially, police said they fired in self-defense. [On July 13] the Justice Department said that statement was based on a lie, and that the officers shot civilians without cause and planted a gun at the scene as part of an elaborate cover-up, which included creating fictional witnesses and falsifying police reports. Tuesday's charges come one month after five current or former New Orleans police officers were accused of fatally shooting 31-year-old resident Henry Glover, and then burning his body in a car to cover up the crime.
Your Papers, Please
The North American
continent was originally inhabited around 10,000 BCE by nomadic aboriginals
presumably migrating from Asia. By the time the folks in Europe discovered it
in the late 15th century it is estimated there were upwards of 50 million
people living upon the North and South American continents and their outlying
islands. By then the aboriginals had formed societies: some strictly
hierarchical, some parliamentary with tribal elders calling the shots based
upon the needs of the community, some proto democratic, influencing the
creation of the American Constitution.
Experts shocked by alleged arrest, strip search of Sean Salvati prior to G20
The arrest and alleged strip search of a Toronto paralegal three days before the G20 summit has left some Canadian legal experts shocked. Some even suggested police may have left the man naked for 48 minutes to humiliate him and teach him respect.
G-20 Arrests a "Dry Run" -- Sinn Fein Veteran
(Spectators were held
in cages like this, only slightly larger, with an outhouse and a bench.)
"This whole scenario [was] a large-scale exercise ... to assess the psychological reaction of confined masses to arbitrary arrest and imprisonment and denial of basic Civil Rights."
Resistance must continue to the form of a class-action suit.
"This whole scenario [was] a large-scale exercise ... to assess the psychological reaction of confined masses to arbitrary arrest and imprisonment and denial of basic Civil Rights."
Resistance must continue to the form of a class-action suit.
Toronto Police Shoot Woman Point Blank To Incite Riot
This is absolutely unacceptable behavior on behalf of the Toronto police department in Canada. We have seen this type provocateur behavior before from police, but this is point blank crazy.
The defenseless woman gets pounded with a teargas shell.
This premeditated police action seems to be more that an outright criminal assault on Peacefull Assemby, it is a Military Operation to CONDITION ALL OF US that this type of Police Action is acceptable or even worse, justified.
If anyone was to take that kind of action (against the police), that would be considered Attempted Murder, because a blunt Force Bullet at that distance has been documented to Kill people.
This clearly is also a Military Operation that has been underway for years now, in that people who peacefully assemble are putting themselves in harms way – possibly being killed for no apparent reason.
The goal of this Military Operation is Clear: STAY HOME!
Here is the G20 clip;SurvivalWithBushcraf
10 Responses to “Toronto Police
Shoot Woman Point Blank To Incite Riot”
bonnie says:
was an episode just last week, in a tv program called “Blue Blood” – in which
the cop tortures a confession out of a man. Now, the man confessing did commit
the crime, and the program presents the torture as, justified.
as soon as I saw it, I KNEW, that this was shown on TV, to condition the
public, to accept that torture is justified. And esp. torture committed by the
houhou says:
this was toi start a riot, it would have worked on me. I almost rioted right
here in my bedroom. This is outrageous, and this video needs to go viral and
the perpetrators prosecuted to prove there still IS law
not, under what authority are these people wielding gunsd and threatening a
sleeping army with 1000x more people who just WANT STUFF TO BE FAIR
not enough for you to own everything already? Thats the essense of greed you
want more than you can handle/deserve until it becomes a MILLSTONE around your
cannot stand
jos boersema says:
relaxing here at home while you ‘youth’ (yeah, youth) are rioting, and I keep
an eye on the laws that our enemies can worse because you engage them in riots.
Then much later, maybe even years, when the real struggle begins – hopefully
peaceful, perhaps a bloody civil war who can tell – we have it harder because
of your riots. You can’t win anything with a few stupid riots, you are nothing
with the bulk of the people supporting it. So even if you win that may be a
fake victory in which the system is rolled over without accomplishing anything
except the public has blown off some steam. Not that this is a given mind you,
anything is possible of course, I just think you are all following bad
strategies that’s all. Bad strategies can still work, it is just less likely.
f8te says:
need to stop pussy footing around with these cowardly gangbangers. Thats all
they are. All they respect is force. We should give em some force. Fuck these
THUGS, THUS MAKING THEM ALL GUILTY. Hang them all from the nearest light posts
and anyone who supports them or looks like em! Ive had it with this shit! Fuck
you cops! We are not going to negotiate our way out of this kids! This is what
you get when you peacefully try to let your voice be heard! WE HAVE TO TAKE OUR
im pissed.
bandanamaniac says:
up a sec. i cant stand the pirates just as much as the next freedom loving
former sheeple……but there are those who are members of oath keepers. they ARE
the “good” cops. thanx!!!
Volma says:
I couldn’t watch this because I have watched the same thing over and over and
over for years. Peaceful protesters, or even just innocent people standing at the
wrong place wrong time all over the world. There is a world wide agenda going
on, it’s not just America, it’s everywhere all people are being suppressed
repressed and locked in to a system.
don’t like that at all, it seems like a cold analytical well planned military
type tactic of control. Whoever “They” are, there seems to be well thought
about, planned tactics going on and they are going full force. Just like the
recent uprising of the Egyptian people, how did that really go for them? I know
they did certain powers a big favor by helping to out the dictator that
controlled them, who was put there by larger powers. They were used as tools
and I don’t know if the death, and violence actually really gained them freedom
and freedom from hunger and poverty. It seems like they were played, used, and
motivated encouraged by forces that really manipulated them to the people
need to really study this, understand what’s going on, there is definitely a
tactical formula going on here using the media, as usual as propaganda, social
engineering, cause and affect, they know what they are doing and I think it’s
set up as a sort of trap. I think to get free of this oppression we need to
fully get it together and understand their tactics, reasoning and minds. They
know ours, in great detail. And boy are they ever devious, if one plan doesn’t
work they have many many spiderwebs of plans out there. The mind games the
psych-ops, the tactics, they use to deceive honest people who have no clue what
these psychopaths are up to.
don’t think emotional rash responses to this is the answer, but it is also my
primal feelings, so I understand. The reason I couldn’t watch this, is I am
already so angry frustrated and feeling almost taunted to do something. I can
barely stand thinking about it, it’s really manipulating me on a primal works…It’s in your face a challenge, a message of power control and
overtly, covertly and openly challenging any and all to stand up stand out and
fight back..The point is, they are prepared for this, well prepared and waiting
for the action reaction response from a certain group of people..The people who
are not mind numb, hypnotized, brain washed, asleep, on antidepressants or TV,
they are targeting the people who see what is going on and are openly reacting,
responding to it.
they have a ultimate excuse to rid themselves of these people, it’s a cinch to
finish global domination..I think that is the tactic, so just by reacting,
falling for their tactics, we could very well be the final catalyst for total
fascist control of all humanity..Think about it…There has to be some other way
that will actually work in the “Big Picture” emotional manipulation works for
them and against humanity..
you willing to sacrifice your life, future of all human kind to be pulled into
a set up, where they created manufacture the events, played you like a piano
knowing just the right keys to press? There is a very cold highly intelligent,
analytical minds behind all of this, who has no conscience, looks at love and
emotions as nothing but tools to use against the ignorant humans. That is how
they also get there thugs, criminals to kill lock up suppress enslave their
fellow humans. They are playing those puppets too, and have nothing but hate
and disdain for them really..
think we need to study, really delve into this force so we know who we are
dealing with and gather with like minds to understand this, find a road that
will actually work, for freedom of human kind..I don’t think anger street revolution
will do anything, and the good people who you are trying to also wake up, free,
will be standing right behind the people (cheering their battle!) who kill and
put away the last awake, semi aware, free thinking humans on earth..That scares
me more than anything…Then all hope is lost…it seems…
Miguel Grande says:
looks rather suspicious. Why is this woman facing off against the police by
herself, why is she not safely immersed in the crowd? Why is this police
officer breaking ranks and facing the crowd by himself? Why the gaggle of
photographers perfectly placed beforehand to get the money shot? This was
faked. The smoke grenade was coordinated there to obscure everyone’s vision of
what really happened. This was a set up using a blank round.
S510 - Illegal To Grow, Share, Trade, Sell Homegrown Food SB S510 Will Allow Government To Put You In Jail ....
S510, the Food Safety Modernization Act of 2010,
may be the most dangerous bill in the history of the US.
"If accepted [S 510] would preclude the public's right to grow, own, trade, transport, share, feed and eat each and every food that nature makes. It will become the most offensive authority against the cultivation, trade and consumption of food and agricultural products of one's choice. It will be unconstitutional and contrary to natural law or, if you like, the will of God." It is similar to what India faced with imposition of the salt tax during British rule, only S 510 extends control over all food in the US, violating the fundamental human right to food." ~ Dr. Shiv Chopra, Canada Health whistleblower.
"If accepted [S 510] would preclude the public's right to grow, own, trade, transport, share, feed and eat each and every food that nature makes. It will become the most offensive authority against the cultivation, trade and consumption of food and agricultural products of one's choice. It will be unconstitutional and contrary to natural law or, if you like, the will of God." It is similar to what India faced with imposition of the salt tax during British rule, only S 510 extends control over all food in the US, violating the fundamental human right to food." ~ Dr. Shiv Chopra, Canada Health whistleblower.
Documents Reveal Canadian Cops Used Agents Provocateurs to Disrupt 2010 G20
Following the police state spectacular at the G20 last June, the cops were accused of infiltrating so-called black-bloc anarchists, who engaged in all sorts of pointless mayhem, including trashing a Starbucks and burning police cars (see video below).
The corporate media had a field day covering these circus sideshow distractions while ignoring the larger issue of the globalists meeting behind closed doors and plotting to sell the national sovereignty of millions down the river.
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Canadian Cops Used Agents Provocateurs to Disrupt 2010 G20
Documents Reveal Canadian Cops Used Agents Provocateurs to Disrupt 2010 G20
-->1 CommentKurt Nimmo
June 24, 2011
Following the police state spectacular at the G20 last June, the cops were accused of infiltrating so-called black-bloc anarchists, who engaged in all sorts of pointless mayhem, including trashing a Starbucks and burning police cars (see video below).
The corporate media had a field day covering these circus sideshow distractions while ignoring the larger issue of the globalists meeting behind closed doors and plotting to sell the national sovereignty of millions down the river.
It was necessary for the state to arrange this sort of meaningless property destruction in order to offer a public rationalization for spending nearly a billion dollars on police state “crowd control” equipment (including L-RAD sound cannons) for the globalist summit.
The Canadian state also granted the cops special police state powers by expanding the jurisdiction of the existing Public Works Act to apply to high-security areas of the summit site.
It is now an indisputable fact the cops engaged in massive infiltration. According to newly released G8/G20 summit documents, the RCMP dispatched poseurs and agents provocateurs to infiltrate the ranks of anti-war, anti-globalization and anarchist groups.
Video shows part of man's hellish 11-hour G20 arrest ordeal one video, Salvati is shown being led from an interrogation room by three officers and escorted naked past a female officer.
Salvati also alleges he was beaten while officers forcibly strip-searched him.
“One of the officers grabbed the neck and began punching me,” Salvati said in an interview with the Star Thursday. “(He) mentioned something about ‘These are your rights.’ You know? Like: ‘You think you have rights? These are your rights.’
Canadians; I keep trying to warn you.
US Government is subverted by Israel and suddenly Americans are treated like Palestinians. Canadian Government is subverted by Israel and suddenly Canadians are treated like Palestinians.
Any questions?
Woman Facing 93 Days In Jail For Growing Vegetable Garden, Police State In Action!
An Oak Park, Michigan woman is facing misdemeanor charges for growing an organic vegetable garden in her front yard!
In a world where Big Pharma and Monsanto have almost full control of our food supply, Julie Bass decided to start an organic garden. Rather then plant it in her backyard she decided her front yard was more ideal.
Little did she know that an obscure law that only allows suitable live plant material in a front yard would end up making her a criminal. Apparently the local government gets to decide what is suitable!
C'est un autre cas typique d'État policier qui ne fait plus aucun de sens.
On comprend tous qu'en milieux urbain il puisse exister des règlements
pour préserver un certain ordre et un esthétique visuel. Aucun problème
avec ça. Mais envoyer une dame de 93 ans en prison, ou seulement de la
menacer avec ça, est complètement inacceptable et tyrannique.
Et surtout, ça n'a aucun sens autant au niveau légal, que moral ou
éthique. Comment peut-on envoyer un dame qui fait pousser des légumes en
prison, mais ne pas le faire avec des banquiers qui on ruiner un pays en
entier, ou des politiciens qui partent des guerres d'agression dans
lesquelles meurent des centaines de milliers de civils innocents et des
pays en entier se trouvent contaminé éternellement à l'uranium appauvri
Les deux poids deux mesures sont si extrêmes que la loi et le système
judiciaire ne signifient plus rien, aucune crédibilité ni autorité. On
patauge en pleine jungle, ça devient un zoo hors de contrôle et sans
borne. On verse alors dans un système de la loi du plus fort, gangstérisme
et de type mafieux.
Bienvenue dans le monde d'aujourd'hui. La seule chose qui nous sépare de
ce monde chaotique est notre illusion de vivre dans un système basé sur
l'État de droit.
Oak Park Drops Charges Against Julie Bass and Her Vegetable Garden
Fox 2 NewsNo possible jail time for Julie Bass after planting a front yard vegetable garden. The City of Oak Park has dropped the misdemeanor charges against her...
"I Will Shoot You In The Face And Go To Sleep Tonight" Ohio Police Officer On Traffic Stop
Former cop says his lies sent people to prison
A former undercover police officer has confessed his lies in court more than 30 years ago may have sent 150 people wrongfully to prison.
said they had started a criminal investigation into the activities of Patrick
O'Brien after he wrote to Chief Justice Dame Sian Elias and former Police
Commissioner Howard Broad, saying he was racked with guilt after carrying a
"dreadful secret" for more than 30 years.
Mr O'Brien, an undercover officer during drugs operations in the 1970s, was the star witness in court trials but he later confessed he lied on oath every time he testified, the New Zealand Herald reported today.
Mr O'Brien, an undercover officer during drugs operations in the 1970s, was the star witness in court trials but he later confessed he lied on oath every time he testified, the New Zealand Herald reported today.
In his
confession, he said he could not guess the number of people who were sent to
prison because of his lies because he stopped counting arrests at 150, half-way
through his three-year undercover stint.
He lied to the courts and juries to get convictions in every case, he said. As well, he was often high on drugs, including cannabis, cocaine, heroin and LSD - but never during trials.
Tampering with evidence was common and exhibits before the court were often not the drugs he had bought from the target.
He lied to the courts and juries to get convictions in every case, he said. As well, he was often high on drugs, including cannabis, cocaine, heroin and LSD - but never during trials.
Tampering with evidence was common and exhibits before the court were often not the drugs he had bought from the target.
Injunction to move by the end the of month
A COUPLE living an "off-grid" lifestyle say they face prison unless they move from their own land in Willand and return to an existence in the benefits trap.
" You WILL be dependent on us, slave. That's what keeps you a slave, slave!" -- Official White Horse Souse
Ever stop to thin that we do not call July 4th "Liberation Day" or "Freedom Day"? We call it "Independence Day" which means we celebrate no longer being forced to be dependent on the government and more to the point, on the money-junkies at the Bank of England. The government tries to force that dependence, to keep you under their control. That is what the currency act did; force the colonists to be dependent on the paper currency provided by the Bank of England. That is what present-day laws that limit or ban home food gardens, raw milk, or small farmers markets do; force us into dependence on corporate providers of food. That is what the laws that forbid you collecting rain water on your own property do; force you to be dependent on corporate water providers.
Governments know that when the people do not need the government for their basic living necessities, the people will tend not to do what the government tells them to do, especially when it comes to things like invading other countries to plunder their wealth on behalf of said government.
When this nation broke free from King George III the Founding Fathers wanted a nation that was not dependent on a big central government, which is why they called the holiday "Independence Day" and arranged for the states to be their own lawful authority, with the central government severely limited in what it could do. To make certain the people were never forced back into the dependence on a private central bank's paper currency, the United States embarked on a truly revolutionary idea for the time; that the government should issue all currency for the public use without charging interest for it. That fundamental change in economics, together with the avoidance of a state-sanctioned religion, is what made the American revolution truly revolutionary, and not just the trading of one tyrant 3000 miles away for 3000 tyrants one mile away. and,m of course, this revolution in economics is what terrified the hereditary banking families of Europe, and led to their unending and sadly successful conspiracy to subvert the new nation and bring it back under the yoke of private central banks and debt-based currencies; to once again force the people to be dependent on the bankers for everyday commerce.
To be independent means not needing a government for anything at all, which brings with it the freedom to tell the government to leave the people alone. They take too much, and bring little of value and even that is wrapped in lies and deceptions. We The People do not need a strong central government. We never did. It is a cancer on what the Founding Fathers of this nation intended.
ICLEI: Invasive UN Treaty in 600 American Cities
There are over 600 US
cities that are members of ICLEI, the International Council for Local
Environmental Initiatives, now known as Local Governments for Sustainability.
ICLEI institutes the UN Convention on Biological Diversity treaty that was
withdrawn from a vote on the Senate floor in 1994, so the treaty, designed for
UN control, is being implemented in cities.
Here's the description of the program from ICLEI's own website:
International Goals
Our programs, and projects promote participatory, long-term, strategic planning process that address local sustainability while protecting global common goods. This approach links local action to internationally agreed-upon goals and targets such as:
Agenda 21,
the Rio Conventions:
The UN Framework Convention on Climate Change,
Here's the description of the program from ICLEI's own website:
International Goals
Our programs, and projects promote participatory, long-term, strategic planning process that address local sustainability while protecting global common goods. This approach links local action to internationally agreed-upon goals and targets such as:
Agenda 21,
the Rio Conventions:
The UN Framework Convention on Climate Change,
HR Bill 1505 allows for DHS takeover of seashores and coastal areas
A new house bill wants to allow the Department of Homeland Security to have jurisdiction over all federal lands on national seashores and coastal areas.
HR Bill 1505, the “National Security and Federal Lands Protection Act,” would force the Secretary of the Interior to cede authority of coastal public lands, as well as lands located along the borders of Canada and Mexico, to the Secretary of Homeland Security when the latter sees fit. It would give the Dept. of Homeland Security the ability to construct roads and fences, deploy patrol vehicles and set up “monitoring equipment” in the National Seashore with impunity. And it would waive the need for the Dept. of Homeland Security to comply with environmental laws in areas within 100 miles of a coastline or international border.
Records show feds used ultra-right radio host for years
The public knew him as an ultra-right-wing
radio talk show host and Internet blogger with an audience of neo-Nazis and
white supremacists attracted to his scorched-earth racism and bare-knuckles
bashing of public figures. But to the FBI, and its expanding domestic
counter-terror intelligence operations in the wake of the Sept. 11 attacks,
Turner was "Valhalla" — his code name as an informant who spied on
his own controversial followers.
Hacker Data Release Reveals Feds Domestic Spy Program Has Grown Far Beyond Our Wildest Nightmares
Government data leaked by hackers reveal US government domestic spy
program has grown far beyond our wildest nightmare, with Government operatives
spying on our every move, in every imaginable aspect of our lives, both online
and offline.
leaked from government hacked websites reveal that the US domestic spy program
has infiltrated every facet of our society both online and offline. The
information revealed in the data leaks reveal that companies that we use on a
daily basis and have come to rely on in our modern society, companies that we
would never suspect, are in spying on us for the FBI. In fact a wide range of
companies have been revealed to be spying on us from our healthcare providers,
medical insurance companies and hardware stores to companies that provide
payroll services, accounting services, financial services, credit card
companies, banks, data centers, human resource companies and web hosting
companies and every kind of company in between.
fact the FBI has domestic spies in 350 Fortune 500 companies and even operates
in real estate companies, job search websites, employment staffing services,
public schools and colleges, music sharing websites and even sites that report
on the location of underground parties and raves.
shocking is that the Spy Program has been designed in a way to allow the Feds
operate outside the laws of the US Constitution, entirely side stepping the 4th
amendment which protects individuals against illegal search and seizure by
requiring the government to obtain a warrant.
Guardian: HBGary Emails reveal massive disturbing public-private partnership to spy on web users
For starters, the Guardian news paper just wrote a piece about an investigation into emails released by Anonymous revealing a massive online spy program between the Government and with a wide array of corporations from Google and Apple to a wide array of technology companies.A sinister cyber-surveillance scheme exposed
Hacked emails from security contractor HBGary reveal a disturbing public-private partnership to spy on web users
Last February, three of these
firms – HBGary Federal, Palantir and Berico, known collectively as Team Themis
– were
discovered to have conspired to hire out their information war capabilities
to corporations which hoped to strike back at perceived enemies, including US
activist groups, WikiLeaks and journalist
Glenn Greenwald. That such a dangerous new dynamic was now in play was only
revealed due to a raid by hackers associated with the Anonymous collective,
resulting in the dissemination
of more than 70,000 emails to and from executives at HBGary Federal and its
parent company HBGary.
After having spent several months
studying those emails and otherwise investigating the industry depicted
therein, I have
revealed my summary of a classified US
intelligence programme known as Romas/COIN, as well as its upcoming
replacement, known as Odyssey. The programme appears to allow for the
large-scale monitoring of social networks by way of such things as natural
language processing, semantic analysis, latent semantic indexing and IT
intrusion. At the same time, it also entails the dissemination of some unknown
degree of information to a given population through a variety of means –
without any hint that the actual source is US intelligence. Scattered
discussions of Arab translation services may indicate that the programme
targets the Middle East.
Despite the details I have
provided in the document – which is also now in
the possession of several major news outlets and which may be published in
whole or in part by any party that cares to do so – there remains a great deal
that is unclear about Romas/COIN and the capabilities it comprises. The
information with which I’ve worked consists almost entirely of email
correspondence between executives of several firms that together sought to win
the contract to provide the programme’s technical requirements, and because
many of the discussions occurred in meetings and phone conversations, the
information remaining deals largely with prospective partners, the utility of
one capability over another, and other clues spread out over hundreds of email
exchanges between a large number of participants.
The significance of this
programme to the public is not limited to its potential for abuse by facets of
the US intelligence community, which has long been proverbial for misusing
other of its capabilities. Perhaps the most astonishing aspect is the fact that
the partnership of contracting firms and other corporate entities that worked
to obtain the contract was put into motion in large part by Aaron Barr, the
disgraced former CEO of HBGary Federal who was at the centre of Team Themis’s
conspiracy to put high-end intelligence capabilities at the disposal of private
institutions. As I explain further in the linked report, this fact alone should
prompt increased investigation into the manner in which this industry operates
and the threats it represents to democratic institutions.
The Guardian
report points to a wiki set up detailing the contents of 60,000 leaked emails
and the security implication involved.Sinister Public-Private Partnership to Spy on Web Users
In February 2011, the hackers' collective Anonymous released 70,000 emails from security contractor HBGary Federal, which revealed that CEO Aaron Barr had offered the firm's services to mount cyber-attacks against WikiLeaks and others on behalf of corporate clients.
Bill C-51 will turn ISPs into Internet gatekeepers telecom network companies and Internet service providers function as arms of law enforcement and national security? Yes, according to the Investigative Powers for the 21st Century Act (Bill C-51), a bill that was introduced in the last Parliament and set to be reintroduced in the new Government omnibus crime bill soon.
bill would make it mandatory for telecom providers, ISPs and search engines to
monitor, store, retain and not disclose e-mail, Internet and telephone
communications at the request of law and security officials. No warrant
won’t take a lot to implement this bill. The government plans to tuck it into
its “super Crime Bill.” This is telecom, internet and privacy policy by
stealth. It will be easy to impose, because concentrated media markets are easy
to regulate.
big six ISPs that dominate Internet access in Canada – Bell, Shaw, Rogers,
Telus, Quebecor and Cogeco – have been relatively quiet about their views on
the subject. Hitting the big six would cover three quarters of the population
with the new regime of surveillance and security and would be relatively easy,
especially if ISPs remain quiescent.
lines between crime and communication grow fuzzy indeed, and thus the great
clash of security and censorship. One virtue of the Bill C-51 is that it will
bring things that are already happening out into the open and make things more
beyond these considerable problems, there’s more. First, there is no
demonstrated need for a new law if the Criminal Code is working fine, as it
seems to be in this instance.
this will cost a lot, and we will pay for it. Since official policy is to let
the market rip, this means that we won’t even get the benefit of gold-plated
networks but rather the golden handcuffs that come along with a secretive
network surveillance regime that is implemented and operated at the behest of
the state, but carried out on the backs of private enterprise – telephone
companies, ISPs, and search engines – and at the possible expense of people’s
rights and liberties.
gateways – which ISPs and search engines are – should not be gatekeepers. Full
stop. Except, perhaps, if there is a warrant and just cause, but the last
version of the bill contained no such provisions.
the anticipated new regime of network control and surveillance would not, on
its own, be the straw that broke the camel’s back. However, it would be a heavy
burden to carry alongside existing efforts to enroll ISPs and search engines in
the copyright wars, the ISPs’ own moves to transform the Internet into a
pay-per model through usage-based billing and bandwidth caps and the fact that
all the major ISPs (except Telus) are already vertically integrated into a
handful of sprawling telecom-media giants that seem intent on using them as a
front line of defence for their television business.
in the context of the copyright wars, usage-based billing and vertical
integration, the Investigative Powers has the potential of posing a great
threat to personal privacy in the name of security. Each measure on its own
chips away at the ideals of an open Internet. If left to stand, the combined
force of all four measures could transform the Internet into one of the most
regulated media spaces ever known.
Winseck is a communications professor at the School of Journalism and
Communication, Carleton University in Ottawa. Prof. Winseck been researching
and writing about media, telecoms and the Internet in one way or another for
nearly 20 years. You can read more comment on his blog, Mediamorphis. His column
will appear every second Tuesday.
are watching you, schweinhund!"Choking off Internet won't stop Arab Spring: US official
WASHINGTON (AFP) - Regimes that choke off citizens' access to the Internet to try to quash pro-democracy movements in the Arab world are running scared and fighting a losing battle, a US diplomat said Wednesday.
"These are the acts of governments that fear their own people," Assistant Secretary of State for Human Rights Michael Posner said at a forum that looked at the key role new technologies have played in the drive for democracy in the Arab world.
"In cracking down on the Internet, they expose their own lack of legitimacy," Posner said, using language similar to that used in recent days by the White House and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to describe President Bashar al-Assad of Syria...
Policing the Police: The Apps That Let You Spy on the Cops
After the recent Vancouver riots, it became clear that the world is surveiling itself at an unprecedented scale. Angry citizens gave police one million photos and 1,000 hours of video footage to help them track down the rioters. If we aren't living in a surveillance state run by the government, we're certainly conducting a huge surveillance experiment on each other.
they waited in the line of cars, Vu pulled out his cell phone and began
recording. From that recording, we know that a police officer approached the
car and asked Vu to roll down his window.
don't have to roll it down, do I?" Vu asked.
"Yes, you do have to roll it down!" the cop responded. "All the way. All the way. Thank you. What are you guys up to tonight?"
"I'm going home," Vu said.
"From where?" the cop shot back.
"Oggi's. Been drinking?"
"I don't have to say anything," Vu said.
"Ok, well, we're going to send you in there [the next level of the checkpoint] and they're going to talk to you," the police officer responded. "I smell alcohol."
"You smell alcohol on me? You really smell alcohol?" Vu retorted incredulously.
"I do," the cop said.
"Yes, you do have to roll it down!" the cop responded. "All the way. All the way. Thank you. What are you guys up to tonight?"
"I'm going home," Vu said.
"From where?" the cop shot back.
"Oggi's. Been drinking?"
"I don't have to say anything," Vu said.
"Ok, well, we're going to send you in there [the next level of the checkpoint] and they're going to talk to you," the police officer responded. "I smell alcohol."
"You smell alcohol on me? You really smell alcohol?" Vu retorted incredulously.
"I do," the cop said.
sounds guilty, right? Why else wouldn't he want to roll down the window or talk
to the police, we find ourselves asking. But we know that Vu hadn't had a drop
of alcohol that night -- and a subsequent breathalyzer test found his blood
alcohol content was 0.0 percent.
Vu is a criminal lawyer in southern California who has dealt with dozens of DUI
cases and when he saw the opportunity to go through the checkpoint, he figured
he could learn why all of his clients "consented" to various tests.
It never made sense to him precisely how the cops got his clients to do things
that were clearly against their own interests.
is it that every client consents to doing a field sobriety test?" Vu said.
"Every single report has them consenting to it. I wanted to find out for
RIAA paid its lawyers more than $16,000,000 in 2008 to recover only $391,000
The RIAA's
"business plan" is even worse than I'd guessed it was.
The RIAA paid Holmes Roberts & Owen $9,364,901 in 2008, Jenner & Block more than $7,000,000, and Cravath Swain & Moore $1.25 million, to pursue its "copyright infringement" claims, in order to recover a mere $391,000.
The RIAA paid Holmes Roberts & Owen $9,364,901 in 2008, Jenner & Block more than $7,000,000, and Cravath Swain & Moore $1.25 million, to pursue its "copyright infringement" claims, in order to recover a mere $391,000.
The Copyright Lobby Absolutely Loves Child Pornography
“Child pornography is great,” the man said enthusiastically. “Politicians do not understand file sharing, but they understand child pornography, and they want to filter that to score points with the public. Once we get them to filter child pornography, we can get them to extend the block to file sharing.”
Florida DNA database to help fight crime
The Florida Legislature has agreed to fund $1.2 million to allow police officers throughout the state to collect DNA samples from those arrested for felonies. In the past, DNA samples were collected after a felon was convicted.
The move will allow officers to check a database to see if the person arrested is connected to DNA discovered at crime scenes throughout the nation.
So, if you plan to commit a crime, go to the shopping mall, swipe a cloth across the bathroom door handle, then wipe it across the counter tops where you commit the crime.
That oughta keep 'em guessing!
Supreme Court to Decide Constitutionality of Warrantless GPS Monitoring
At the Obama administration’s urging, the Supreme Court agreed Monday to review whether the government, without a court warrant, may affix GPS devices on suspects’ vehicles to track their every move.
The Justice Department told the justices that “a person has no reasonable expectation of privacy in his movements from one place to another,” (.pdf) and demanded the justices undo a lower court decision that reversed the conviction and life sentence of a cocaine dealer whose vehicle was tracked via GPS for a month without a court warrant.
The petition, which will not be decided until the new term begins in October, is arguably one of the biggest Fourth Amendment case in a decade — one weighing the collision of privacy, technology and the Constitution.
"...No reasonable expectation of privacy in his movements from one place to another" ?!?
Should the Supreme Court rule in favor of Obama's"Justice" Department, that will simply shred the last remnant of protection against unreasonable search and seizure which used to granted American citizens by the 4th Amendment to the Constitution.
Then watch for GPS tracking devices to be mandatory for all vehicles as the next surge for the industrial security complex industry. These devices could possibly have engine disabling capabilities if you appear to be going to places or events the government doesn't want you to go to (such as protests, rallies, etc.)
US Supreme Court to hear warrantless GPS case
WASHINGTON (AFP) - The US Supreme Court agreed on Monday to decide whether police can attach a GPS tracking device to a suspect's vehicle without obtaining a search warrant.
The Obama administration is seeking to have the top US court overturn the ruling of a US appeals court in Washington which threw out the conviction in August of a Washington nightclub owner arrested for drug dealing.
The US Court of Appeals overturned the 2008 conviction of Antoine Jones, saying police violated his constitutional rights by tracking his movements with a satellite navigation system device affixed to his vehicle without a warrant...
Louisiana Supreme Court Allows Vehicle Searches on a Hunch
Talking on a cell phone, and entering and exiting another car is sufficient justification for a warrantless search in Louisiana.
The full decision added: "In determining whether reasonable suspicion exists to conduct an investigatory stop, courts must take into account the totality of the circumstances in a process that allows police to draw upon their own experience and specialized training to make inferences from and deductions about the cumulative information available to them that might elude an untrained person."
City Government demands all keys to properties belonging to Cedar Falls residents
Man pulled over for speeding has $27,000 "seized" by cops; newspaper cheers
Toronto SunCALGARY, CANADA: Ripping down the highway through a police check stop was never going to end well, but it landed one Calgary man with more than just a speeding ticket.
Clocked doing 87 km/h in a 60 km/h zone in Strathmore, Alta., 23-year-old Brandyn David Funk was pulled over Friday shortly after noon.
The article goes on to say that the officer smelled marijuana and, while cops concede there was not enough weed to call it trafficking, they "were sure he was up to something." RCMP Found $27,000 in a gym bag and a couple of cans of bear spray (a useful tool in that part of the country).
A Mountie was quoted as saying, "normal people don't carry around $27,000. Thus, the money is their.
Police Officer Written Red-Light Tickets Ruled Unconstitutional
ExaminerOne of the oldest traffic laws on Florida's books has been struck down by a Broward County judge.
Broward County Judge Fred Berman ruled this week that police officers can no longer ticket drivers for running red lights. Although binding only in his court, the ruling stems from an ongoing legal battle over red light cameras statewide...
Internet users "have a reasonable expectation of anonymity" that the courts must protect: ruling by a Canadian Superior Court judge
By National Post
In a decision with broader implications for online
privacy, a judge has ruled not to force the identification of anonymous
bloggers who wrote critical web posts about former Aurora mayor Phyllis Morris.
Ontario Superior Court ruling, which Ms. Morris intends to appeal, is a major
blow to her $6-million defamation action, which targets three individuals who
authored anonymous posts on the Aurora Citizen website, along with the site's
her decision, Judge Carole Brown weighed Ms. Morris's allegations against the
fundamental right to freedom of speech and found the former mayor's case
public interest favouring disclosure [of the bloggers' names] clearly does not
outweigh the legitimate interests in freedom of expression and the right to
privacy of the persons sought to be identified," Judge Brown wrote, noting
the three anonymous defendants, who chose to make comments on the site using
pseudonyms, had "a reasonable expectation of anonymity."
US cyber security chief quits after hacker attacks
Randy Vickers's resignation follows string of online assaults on Senate, CIA, FBI and other government agencies.
Activists Cleared and Vindicated As Police Admit Deceiving Them Into Mass Arrest
Courts drop charges in mass
arrests of activists after revelations came to light that the senior officer at
the heart of policing the demonstration deceived protesters into a mass arrest
for engaging in a non-violent and sensible protest.
courts have dropped charges against 109 protestors who participated in a
non-violent and sensible protest.The Guardian reports that the police deceived the activists into participating in the demonstration so that they would be arrested.
The operation led to the arrest of 150 people including minor participants as young as the age of 15.
While many cases have been dropped dozens of cases still remain open in the British court system but are expected to be dropped in the near future.
the mass arrest, activists claimed they had been “tricked”, as they said Clark
had assured them that after leaving the store they would be directed to the
nearest tube stations and free to go home. Their claims were backed by video footage obtained by the Guardian, which shows Clark denying
that anyone would be kettled or detained after leaving the store. It was not
known at the time whether Clark was aware that the activists would in fact be
Guardian can now reveal that the police admit deception in the lead-up to the
mass arrest. Clark has confirmed she was told by her fellow commanding officers
that everyone inside the building would be arrested. However, 10 minutes later
at 5.50pm, Clark has admitted, she gave assurances to demonstrators that they
would be allowed to leave unhindered.
the video, which timestamps confirm was shot after 5.50pm, Clark can be heard
telling a member of the crowd that the police were “getting ready to let you
go”. In response to a question about whether there was a “kettle” outside, she
replies: “No, we are getting ready to let you go.”
Report Documents Fake Terror Threats Concocted by FBI and NYPD
Shahawar Matin Siraj immigrated to Queens, N.Y., from Pakistan with his family when he was 16. Siraj began working at his uncle’s Islamic bookshop in Queens where, soon after 9/11, an undercover police officer began coming around and engaging Siraj in conversations about politics and religion. Whatever Siraj said to the officer in those conversations, it was enough for NYPD to soon assign another undercover officer to befriend the young man as well...
Homeland Security Facial Recognition System Revoked Wrong Citizen’s Drivers License
John H. Gass hadn’t had a traffic ticket in years, so the Natick resident was surprised this spring when he received a letter from the Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles informing him to cease driving because his license had been revoked.
“I was shocked,’’ Gass said in a recent interview. “As far as I was concerned, I had done nothing wrong.’’
After frantic calls and a hearing with Registry officials, Gass learned the problem: An antiterrorism computerized facial recognition system that scans a database of millions of state driver’s license images had picked his as a possible fraud.
City Of Denver Went Over $1 Million In Police Brutality Settlements Monday Night
Last night, Denver's police force settlements spilled over $1 million in payouts from the city this year alone.
Denver's city council voted unanimously on Monday to settle two excessive force lawsuits for $80,000.
Orwell's nightmare--big brother is here
A sampling of the
major news stories today merely prove we are now living under the very tyranny
about which Orwell warned and about which stalwart defenders of liberty such as
Ayn Rand, Barry Goldwater, M. Stanton Evans, and Whitaker Chambers kept an
ever-watchful eye.
Here are but a few troubling examples:
**The FCC and the FTC are now planning a government takeover of the news industry, complete with a tax on conservative radio and Internet websites in order to subsidize liberal media outlets that are losing revenue to the point of bankruptcy. This would effectively silence conservatives and give the mouthpieces of the Obama regime full control of the news. Does anyone care that Hitler and Stalin did the very same thing?
Here are but a few troubling examples:
**The FCC and the FTC are now planning a government takeover of the news industry, complete with a tax on conservative radio and Internet websites in order to subsidize liberal media outlets that are losing revenue to the point of bankruptcy. This would effectively silence conservatives and give the mouthpieces of the Obama regime full control of the news. Does anyone care that Hitler and Stalin did the very same thing?
Big Brother:
Les corporations pharmaceutiques veulent des comprimés dotées de nanotechnologie qui permettent de stocker des informations telles que : d'identifier et suivre le médicament, si le médicament a été pris et depuis combien de temps, le nom du fabricant, la chaîne de distribution, etc... En théorie, cette info peur être lue à distance et ce, même sans le consentement de la personne qui a pris le médicament, ce qui signifie que les comprimés pourraient jouer le même rôle que des implants électroniques pour suivre à la trace toute personne qui en ingère.
Les corporations pharmaceutiques veulent des comprimés dotées de nanotechnologie qui permettent de stocker des informations telles que : d'identifier et suivre le médicament, si le médicament a été pris et depuis combien de temps, le nom du fabricant, la chaîne de distribution, etc... En théorie, cette info peur être lue à distance et ce, même sans le consentement de la personne qui a pris le médicament, ce qui signifie que les comprimés pourraient jouer le même rôle que des implants électroniques pour suivre à la trace toute personne qui en ingère.
Edible RFID tags track your food from beginning to end
Keeping track of everything we eat would be a great idea, and I'm sure we'd learn all kinds of things we don't really want to know about our diet and overall health. Until now it's been a major hassle to do this, but tiny digestible RFID tags could automate the entire process for every single piece of food that we consume.
RFID tags are antennas that don't need batteries or complicated circuitry. When brought near an RFID reader, they passively transmit a simple code that can be used as an identifier. The tags are simple and cheap to make (you can just print them out), and they can be made small enough such that if you eat one, your stomach acid will naturally break it down into a tiny amount of silver that's less than what you'd find in tap water.
For the first second I read the title, I thought that someone was indulging in a joke; however, this technology is no joke.
"NutriSmart prototype embeds RFID tags directly within food, traces your lunch from start to finish (video)
"RFID tags are already used to trace everything from poker chips to hotel towels, but what if these little pellets were embedded directly within your lunch, providing everything you'd ever wanna know about that ham sandwich you're about to beast? That's the idea behind NutriSmart -- a food tracking system that revolves around edible RFID tags. Developed by Hannes Harms, a design engineering student at the Royal College of Art in London, these little markers would allow consumers to trace the entire supply chain behind every item in their cupboard, while feeding valuable nutritional" information to dieters or people with particularly dangerous food allergies."
But some darker questions come up here, and they are:
1. Who controls the foods you are eating?
2. What is actually in those foods (like GMO contamination, which the US government refuses to test for, or label)?
3. Who controls this RFID information?
My concern here is that governments are going to be very keen to control the information in order to get consumers to only eat what the government tells them to eat, whatever that may be. Given, the oil well disaster in the Gulf of Mexico, the pouring of intense radiation into the Pacific fishing grounds from Sukushima, and much of America's farmlands to flooding, industrial waste, GM crops and mandated ethanol production, there is not enough healthy food left to feed the human population. The only way the elites will have enough healthy food for themselves is to enforce the general populations' consumption of Soylent Whatever-was-left-in-the-chemical-factory.
And although "sold" to the public as an innocuous device for consumer protection, larger ethical issues abound with governments which will do everything in their power to enslave their populations.
See article below regarding "Sterilizing Corn".
Big Pharma nanotechnology encodes pills with tracking data that you swallow (UPDATE 1)
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor
(NaturalNews) The emerging field of nanotechnology is currently gaining a lot of attention across many industries. Nanotechnology allows scientists to manipulate individual atoms and molecules to create unique materials and even micro-scale devices, and this is leading to a wide range of applications in clothing, textiles, electronics and even food and medicine.
Sounds great, right? Except for the fact that, like genetic modification of food crops, nanotechnology tampers with Mother Nature in a way that's largely untested for safety. And here's something really bizarre: The pharmaceutical industry may soon begin using nanotechnology to encode drug tablets and capsules with brand and tracking data that you swallow as part of the pill.
To really explain how this works, let me simplify how nanotechnology works so you'll see why this is so bizarre (and potentially dangerous). Instead of using materials and elements as they're found in nature to build and construct things, nanotechnologists are deconstructing the basic building blocks of these materials and elements to make completely new ones. In other words, nanoscientists are reconstructing the molecular building blocks of our world without yet knowing what it will do to humans and to the environment.
The long-term consequences of nanotechnology are still largely unknown because not a single formidable study has ever been conducted on this emerging science that proves it to be safe. In fact, most of the studies that have been conducted on nanotechnology show that it's actually detrimental to health and to the environment (which I'll cover further, below).
But that hasn't stopped Big Pharma from potentially adopting it for use in a new tracking and identification system that could be integrated into the very drug pills and capsules that millions of people swallow every day.
By the way, I've also posted a video explaining all this. Check it out here:
(NaturalNews) The emerging field of nanotechnology is currently gaining a lot of attention across many industries. Nanotechnology allows scientists to manipulate individual atoms and molecules to create unique materials and even micro-scale devices, and this is leading to a wide range of applications in clothing, textiles, electronics and even food and medicine.
Sounds great, right? Except for the fact that, like genetic modification of food crops, nanotechnology tampers with Mother Nature in a way that's largely untested for safety. And here's something really bizarre: The pharmaceutical industry may soon begin using nanotechnology to encode drug tablets and capsules with brand and tracking data that you swallow as part of the pill.
To really explain how this works, let me simplify how nanotechnology works so you'll see why this is so bizarre (and potentially dangerous). Instead of using materials and elements as they're found in nature to build and construct things, nanotechnologists are deconstructing the basic building blocks of these materials and elements to make completely new ones. In other words, nanoscientists are reconstructing the molecular building blocks of our world without yet knowing what it will do to humans and to the environment.
The long-term consequences of nanotechnology are still largely unknown because not a single formidable study has ever been conducted on this emerging science that proves it to be safe. In fact, most of the studies that have been conducted on nanotechnology show that it's actually detrimental to health and to the environment (which I'll cover further, below).
But that hasn't stopped Big Pharma from potentially adopting it for use in a new tracking and identification system that could be integrated into the very drug pills and capsules that millions of people swallow every day.
By the way, I've also posted a video explaining all this. Check it out here:
Nano-encrypted barcode in every dose
Now don't get me wrong. Big Pharma isn't the only
industry using nanotechnology despite a complete lack of safety evidence.
"Nanoparticles" are present in sunscreens, fabric protectors, plastic
food liners, and other products. But what's different about the nanoparticles
soon to be found in a pill near you is that they are capable of storing data about
where the drug was made, when it was made, and where it has traveled.
It's a lot like the barcodes used on parcels to track them along their shipping journeys, except that in the drugs, it's a molecular barcode that people will be swallowing. During digestion of the pill, the nano data bits will be distributed throughout your body and can become lodged in your body's tissues.
A company that's introducing this system for pharmaceuticals, says it this way on its website:
"In the NanoEncryption process, NanoCodes are incorporated directly onto tablets, capsules and vial caps. These codes may be associated with an unlimited amount of manufacturer-determined data, including product information (strength and expiration date), manufacturing information (location date, batch and lot number) and distribution information (country, distributor, wholesaler and chain)."
So if you take these drugs, you'll be swallowing nano "hard drives" that can store data -- data that will be distributed throughout your body and can be read by medical technicians who could then track what drugs you took in the past. And what's the rationale for this? According to the company, it's to "defen[d] against pharmaceutical counterfeiting and illegal diversion".
It sounds like a good idea, right? Unfortunately, there's a whole lot more to this technology than meets the eye.
Editor's Note: UPDATE 1 -- The company originally mentioned in this story now denies what NaturalNews reported. Their own website text as quoted in this story, was apparently misleading, and they now claim they do not use nano "material" of any kind to achieve their nano encoding. We are temporarily removing the name of this company from this story while we attempts to sort out the truth of the matter. In the past, we've had many company rush to change their own website text after we ran a story on them. All quotes published in this story were 100% accurate at the time of publication, and we made a good faith attempt to report this story accurately.
It's a lot like the barcodes used on parcels to track them along their shipping journeys, except that in the drugs, it's a molecular barcode that people will be swallowing. During digestion of the pill, the nano data bits will be distributed throughout your body and can become lodged in your body's tissues.
A company that's introducing this system for pharmaceuticals, says it this way on its website:
"In the NanoEncryption process, NanoCodes are incorporated directly onto tablets, capsules and vial caps. These codes may be associated with an unlimited amount of manufacturer-determined data, including product information (strength and expiration date), manufacturing information (location date, batch and lot number) and distribution information (country, distributor, wholesaler and chain)."
So if you take these drugs, you'll be swallowing nano "hard drives" that can store data -- data that will be distributed throughout your body and can be read by medical technicians who could then track what drugs you took in the past. And what's the rationale for this? According to the company, it's to "defen[d] against pharmaceutical counterfeiting and illegal diversion".
It sounds like a good idea, right? Unfortunately, there's a whole lot more to this technology than meets the eye.
Editor's Note: UPDATE 1 -- The company originally mentioned in this story now denies what NaturalNews reported. Their own website text as quoted in this story, was apparently misleading, and they now claim they do not use nano "material" of any kind to achieve their nano encoding. We are temporarily removing the name of this company from this story while we attempts to sort out the truth of the matter. In the past, we've had many company rush to change their own website text after we ran a story on them. All quotes published in this story were 100% accurate at the time of publication, and we made a good faith attempt to report this story accurately.
The dangers of nanotechnology
Though you'll rarely hear about it in the mainstream
media, little is known about what nanoparticles really do to people's bodies
and to the environment in the long term. Studies continue to show that
nanoparticles tend to easily build up in the body where they can potentially
cause damage. They also behave differently than the materials from which they
are derived and constructed, posing unknown hazards.
Researchers from the University of Rochester discovered back in 2006 that nanoparticles are easily absorbed throughout the body via inhalation. According to the report, nanoparticles travel from the nasal cavity directly to brain tissue where they deposit themselves and cause brain inflammation. In other words, nanoparticles very easily cross the blood-brain barrier, which is the mechanism by which the brain normally protects itself from foreign materials.
The same study, which is part of a five-year, $5.5 million investigation into the safety of nanoparticles, also determined that this artificial micro-matter makes its way to the lungs when inhaled.
Researchers from the University of Rochester discovered back in 2006 that nanoparticles are easily absorbed throughout the body via inhalation. According to the report, nanoparticles travel from the nasal cavity directly to brain tissue where they deposit themselves and cause brain inflammation. In other words, nanoparticles very easily cross the blood-brain barrier, which is the mechanism by which the brain normally protects itself from foreign materials.
The same study, which is part of a five-year, $5.5 million investigation into the safety of nanoparticles, also determined that this artificial micro-matter makes its way to the lungs when inhaled.
Nanoparticles are different from their parent particles
Nanoparticle use is on the rise based on the flawed
assumption that if the elements and compounds from which they are derived are
considered safe, then the nanoparticles themselves must also be safe. But
research reveals that this simply isn't the case.
A study from 2004 found that low levels of fullerenes, a type of carbon nanoparticle used in electronics and other materials, changed the entire physiology of fish that were exposed to it. Exposure to just 0.5 parts per million (ppm) over the course of two days literally caused significant brain damage in these fish.
"Given the rapid onset of brain damage, it is important to further test and assess the risks and benefits of this new technology (nanotechnology) before use becomes even more widespread," emphasized Dr. Eva Oberdorster, author of the study, back in 2004.
Again in 2007, scientists from the University of California, San Diego, discovered that iron nanoparticles are toxic to nerve cells and nerve function. Even though iron is a necessary mineral that benefits the body in its natural form, its nanoparticle is quite dangerous, it turns out.
According to Sungho Jin, senior author of the study which was published in the journal Biomaterials, nanoparticles in general "may not be as safe as we had once thought."
But none of the nation's regulatory bodies seem to be paying any attention to these studies, or to the many others I didn't mention that also highlight the toxicity of nanoparticles. Instead, they've allowed nanoparticles to invade our society without so much as a single piece of credible evidence showing that they're safe.
Based on all the research, we know that nanoparticles cross through the skin, lungs, and blood-brain barrier, where they lodge themselves in body tissues. We also know that their compositional differences cause them to be highly reactive with other chemicals, particularly in the body where they create damaging free radicals. But there's more to this story... it gets even worse.
A study from 2004 found that low levels of fullerenes, a type of carbon nanoparticle used in electronics and other materials, changed the entire physiology of fish that were exposed to it. Exposure to just 0.5 parts per million (ppm) over the course of two days literally caused significant brain damage in these fish.
"Given the rapid onset of brain damage, it is important to further test and assess the risks and benefits of this new technology (nanotechnology) before use becomes even more widespread," emphasized Dr. Eva Oberdorster, author of the study, back in 2004.
Again in 2007, scientists from the University of California, San Diego, discovered that iron nanoparticles are toxic to nerve cells and nerve function. Even though iron is a necessary mineral that benefits the body in its natural form, its nanoparticle is quite dangerous, it turns out.
According to Sungho Jin, senior author of the study which was published in the journal Biomaterials, nanoparticles in general "may not be as safe as we had once thought."
But none of the nation's regulatory bodies seem to be paying any attention to these studies, or to the many others I didn't mention that also highlight the toxicity of nanoparticles. Instead, they've allowed nanoparticles to invade our society without so much as a single piece of credible evidence showing that they're safe.
Based on all the research, we know that nanoparticles cross through the skin, lungs, and blood-brain barrier, where they lodge themselves in body tissues. We also know that their compositional differences cause them to be highly reactive with other chemicals, particularly in the body where they create damaging free radicals. But there's more to this story... it gets even worse.
Nanoparticles are safe in food?
It's amazing to me that altered molecules with no
scientific backing of safety are now being deliberately allowed in the food
supply. It would seem unacceptable to allow their use in food manufacturing
equipment because of the potential for residue contamination, but that's
exactly where they are being used right now.
According to a DiscoveryNews report from 2009, nanoparticles are everywhere in the food supply. Externally, they're used in the packaging, containers, films, and other storage materials to kill bacteria and increase shelf life. Internally, they're used to enhance or alter the flavors and textures of food.
Nanoparticles are even being used in some vitamins, supplements and other "nutraceuticals" to allegedly improve nutrient assimilation and delivery.
The report actually encourages the use of nanotechnology in food, citing all the potential benefits (but remaining silent on all the dangers). One section even hawks nanotechnology as a "green" technology.
But the real truth is that using nanoparticles in food is a grant experiment with an unknown outcome. When it comes to nanotechnology in food, there's a lot of speculation and pseudo-science being peddled as scientific fact, but there's truly no scientific backing to support the safe use of man-made nanoparticles in things we consume.
According to a DiscoveryNews report from 2009, nanoparticles are everywhere in the food supply. Externally, they're used in the packaging, containers, films, and other storage materials to kill bacteria and increase shelf life. Internally, they're used to enhance or alter the flavors and textures of food.
Nanoparticles are even being used in some vitamins, supplements and other "nutraceuticals" to allegedly improve nutrient assimilation and delivery.
The report actually encourages the use of nanotechnology in food, citing all the potential benefits (but remaining silent on all the dangers). One section even hawks nanotechnology as a "green" technology.
But the real truth is that using nanoparticles in food is a grant experiment with an unknown outcome. When it comes to nanotechnology in food, there's a lot of speculation and pseudo-science being peddled as scientific fact, but there's truly no scientific backing to support the safe use of man-made nanoparticles in things we consume.
Do the people actually benefit from nanotechnology?
It's quite common for big industry to persuade the
public into accepting new technologies based on promises that they will make
their lives better and safer. And that's exactly what's happening with
nanotechnology: We're all being sold a bill of goods on something that's
entirely unproven.
And getting back to the issue of embedding nanoparticles in drugs, the whole argument for why this is necessary stems from the notion that there's a lot of drug fraud occurring, and that it could be stopped if only drugs contained proprietary nanocode data that could be read from your body tissues. But does this benefit the consumer in any way? Who really stands to benefit from this?
And getting back to the issue of embedding nanoparticles in drugs, the whole argument for why this is necessary stems from the notion that there's a lot of drug fraud occurring, and that it could be stopped if only drugs contained proprietary nanocode data that could be read from your body tissues. But does this benefit the consumer in any way? Who really stands to benefit from this?
Protecting their monopolies
Most NaturalNews readers already know this, but when a
pharmaceutical company creates a new drug, it patents it so that no other
company can sell it until the patent expires. After acquiring FDA approval for
the drug, the company then sells it for thousands of times more than what it
costs to produce it. This is the FDA-enforced monopoly known as the modern
pharmaceutical industry.
How does this tie into nano protection for drugs? Since drugs are exclusively owned and protected by 20-year patents here in the U.S., which allows drug companies to charge whatever they want for them with no competition, Big Pharma stands to benefit tremendously from a technology that ensures no one else can "counterfeit" its patented drugs.
Because right now, all those counterfeit imitations (which are actually the same chemicals without the brand name) are sold for far less than the brand name drugs, and some people are buying them because they can't afford the real thing. By integrating nanotechnology into each and every drug pill, it will be easier for Big Pharma to verify and control the drugs people are taking.
Nano-protected pills can be scanned by a detection device that will verify their authenticity and trace them back to the factories where they were manufactured, the warehouses where they were distributed, the pharmacies where they were stocked and sold, and so on. But here's the part where this all turns Big Brother: The same scanning technology can theoretically be used to scan your body tissues and determine which drugs you've been taking, who sold them, where you bought them, where they were made and possibly even how long you've been taking them.
By swallowing these nano-protected pills, you are essentially turning your body into a walking Big Pharma hard drive that's storing all kinds of data on your particular drug habits. This data could be read by law enforcement or even used against you in a court of law. It's sort of like swallowing RFID technology that tracks your medication use.
How does this tie into nano protection for drugs? Since drugs are exclusively owned and protected by 20-year patents here in the U.S., which allows drug companies to charge whatever they want for them with no competition, Big Pharma stands to benefit tremendously from a technology that ensures no one else can "counterfeit" its patented drugs.
Because right now, all those counterfeit imitations (which are actually the same chemicals without the brand name) are sold for far less than the brand name drugs, and some people are buying them because they can't afford the real thing. By integrating nanotechnology into each and every drug pill, it will be easier for Big Pharma to verify and control the drugs people are taking.
Nano-protected pills can be scanned by a detection device that will verify their authenticity and trace them back to the factories where they were manufactured, the warehouses where they were distributed, the pharmacies where they were stocked and sold, and so on. But here's the part where this all turns Big Brother: The same scanning technology can theoretically be used to scan your body tissues and determine which drugs you've been taking, who sold them, where you bought them, where they were made and possibly even how long you've been taking them.
By swallowing these nano-protected pills, you are essentially turning your body into a walking Big Pharma hard drive that's storing all kinds of data on your particular drug habits. This data could be read by law enforcement or even used against you in a court of law. It's sort of like swallowing RFID technology that tracks your medication use.
Take your approved meds, or else
A few years ago, a friend of mine showed me a clever
device that uses a laser to detect antioxidant levels in the body. It basically
takes a reading based on the molecular signature of antioxidants in your skin.
It uses a blue laser to produce a number revealing your antioxidant level.
(Mine was very high, something like 90,000 on this machine.)
Theoretically, a similar detection device could be used to scan patients for nano particles to see whether or not they've taken their meds for the day, for the week, or even for the year. You could be scanned by a laser that you don't even see, and the government or anyone else could "read" your entire history of medication use. This information could be used against you in many ways:
� To deny you employment.
� To deny you health insurance coverage.
� To serve as evidence against you in a court of law.
� To take away your children by labeling you mentally unstable.
� To force you to take vaccines that you've been avoiding.
... and so on. This is a "drug enforcement" technology that makes all your private medication habits easily and instantly available to Big Brother and health industry drug enforcers who want you to "take all your meds."
As such, this technology could further destroy health freedom. The federal government would no doubt attempt to use this technology to control your medication and vaccination intake while enforcing your compliance with random scanning of your hand or other tissues.
Imagine this scenario. Your government-approved doctor says you have a mental disorder because you prefer healthy foods (See my recent article on "orthorexia" if you don't know what I'm talking about), and he prescribes you a brand name drug to treat it. You decide that eating healthy is normal and you refuse to take the drug. The next time you go in for a checkup, your doctor scans you to check your nanoparticle count and discovers that you haven't been taking your meds. Since he ordered you to take them and you didn't, he assesses you a fine and tells you begin taking them or else face potential arrest and prison time.
This scenario is entirely fictitious at the moment, but with the way things are going with Big Brother and Big Pharma, it's a very real possibility in the near future. Nano technologies can be used in precisely this way to enforce compliance with things like drug prescriptions and treatment mandates. Big Brother will have access to your medical records because they'll have been implanted into your body tissues through nanotechnology, sort of like radio-frequency identification (RFID) for pharmaceuticals.
It's a way for the drug industry to turn a human body into a compliant profit machine. And it's being marketed right now.
Theoretically, a similar detection device could be used to scan patients for nano particles to see whether or not they've taken their meds for the day, for the week, or even for the year. You could be scanned by a laser that you don't even see, and the government or anyone else could "read" your entire history of medication use. This information could be used against you in many ways:
� To deny you employment.
� To deny you health insurance coverage.
� To serve as evidence against you in a court of law.
� To take away your children by labeling you mentally unstable.
� To force you to take vaccines that you've been avoiding.
... and so on. This is a "drug enforcement" technology that makes all your private medication habits easily and instantly available to Big Brother and health industry drug enforcers who want you to "take all your meds."
As such, this technology could further destroy health freedom. The federal government would no doubt attempt to use this technology to control your medication and vaccination intake while enforcing your compliance with random scanning of your hand or other tissues.
Imagine this scenario. Your government-approved doctor says you have a mental disorder because you prefer healthy foods (See my recent article on "orthorexia" if you don't know what I'm talking about), and he prescribes you a brand name drug to treat it. You decide that eating healthy is normal and you refuse to take the drug. The next time you go in for a checkup, your doctor scans you to check your nanoparticle count and discovers that you haven't been taking your meds. Since he ordered you to take them and you didn't, he assesses you a fine and tells you begin taking them or else face potential arrest and prison time.
This scenario is entirely fictitious at the moment, but with the way things are going with Big Brother and Big Pharma, it's a very real possibility in the near future. Nano technologies can be used in precisely this way to enforce compliance with things like drug prescriptions and treatment mandates. Big Brother will have access to your medical records because they'll have been implanted into your body tissues through nanotechnology, sort of like radio-frequency identification (RFID) for pharmaceuticals.
It's a way for the drug industry to turn a human body into a compliant profit machine. And it's being marketed right now.
Real questions that need to be answered about nanotechnology
It's not my intention to
sound alarmist about nanotechnology, but rather to ask some obvious questions
that have yet to be answered. Why has nanotechnology essentially been approved
for practically any and every use with absolutely no credible backing showing
that it's safe? Why have most of the studies showing its dangers been ignored
by most mainstream scientists? Why are nano particles about to start showing up
in our pharmaceuticals?
In theory, nanotechnology may sound like a great thing, but as I've mentioned in previous articles I've written on the subject, we should be wary of its seductive promises. Not only are nanoparticles potentially dangerous, but many of its uses are completely unnecessary.
Back in 2004, I wrote a piece about the top ten technologies that were around at the time, and nanotechnology wasn't one of them. My reasoning for this was that nanotechnology, particularly in the field of medicine where it was being promoted the most, was entirely unnecessary because our bodies contain their own built-in "nanoparticles", so to speak, that cause the body to heal itself naturally. The best nanotechnology in the world already exists inside you -- it's called your immune system.
But science has decided instead to try to engineer its own imitation of the immune system by constructing artificial nanoparticle "robots" to do the job instead. It's an example of Man's arrogance over nature. Instead of supporting the human body's innate immune system technology, arrogant scientists want to overthrow it with their own micro-mechanical robots that attempt to serve the same role.
And now, with the nano technology mentioned here, Big Pharma could be embedding your body's tissues with nanoparticle data that turns you into a compliant, monopoly-priced drug consumer whose medication habits can now be scanned right off your skin. That's what Big Pharma wants, of course: Total control over your body. Combined with targeted lobbying of corrupt Washington lawmakers and bureaucrats, Big Pharma could achieve a "mandatory medication requirement" across the entire country, where every citizen is required to dose themselves with psychiatric drugs, statin drugs or vaccines. Your compliance will be verified with a nanotech scan that reads the nanodata right off your skin, and if you're found to be non-compliant, you could be arrested and forcibly medicated on the spot.
Don't think this is possible? Much of this has already come true with forced vaccinations of children. See the article I wrote in 2007, Children herded like cattle into Maryland courthouse for forced vaccinations as armed police and attack dogs stand guard (
The conspiracy between Big Government and Big Pharma will always try to find a way to make you take more meds (whether you need them or not). This nano-protection technology could play right into their hands, providing an enforcement and tracking technology that would turn your body into a walking Big Pharma storage device.
It's just one more reason to avoid taking pharmaceuticals in the first place (as if there weren't enough already!).
If you want to see more about this, watch the video I've posted about Big Brother monitoring your medication:{SubscribeHealthRangerBlock}
In theory, nanotechnology may sound like a great thing, but as I've mentioned in previous articles I've written on the subject, we should be wary of its seductive promises. Not only are nanoparticles potentially dangerous, but many of its uses are completely unnecessary.
Back in 2004, I wrote a piece about the top ten technologies that were around at the time, and nanotechnology wasn't one of them. My reasoning for this was that nanotechnology, particularly in the field of medicine where it was being promoted the most, was entirely unnecessary because our bodies contain their own built-in "nanoparticles", so to speak, that cause the body to heal itself naturally. The best nanotechnology in the world already exists inside you -- it's called your immune system.
But science has decided instead to try to engineer its own imitation of the immune system by constructing artificial nanoparticle "robots" to do the job instead. It's an example of Man's arrogance over nature. Instead of supporting the human body's innate immune system technology, arrogant scientists want to overthrow it with their own micro-mechanical robots that attempt to serve the same role.
And now, with the nano technology mentioned here, Big Pharma could be embedding your body's tissues with nanoparticle data that turns you into a compliant, monopoly-priced drug consumer whose medication habits can now be scanned right off your skin. That's what Big Pharma wants, of course: Total control over your body. Combined with targeted lobbying of corrupt Washington lawmakers and bureaucrats, Big Pharma could achieve a "mandatory medication requirement" across the entire country, where every citizen is required to dose themselves with psychiatric drugs, statin drugs or vaccines. Your compliance will be verified with a nanotech scan that reads the nanodata right off your skin, and if you're found to be non-compliant, you could be arrested and forcibly medicated on the spot.
Don't think this is possible? Much of this has already come true with forced vaccinations of children. See the article I wrote in 2007, Children herded like cattle into Maryland courthouse for forced vaccinations as armed police and attack dogs stand guard (
The conspiracy between Big Government and Big Pharma will always try to find a way to make you take more meds (whether you need them or not). This nano-protection technology could play right into their hands, providing an enforcement and tracking technology that would turn your body into a walking Big Pharma storage device.
It's just one more reason to avoid taking pharmaceuticals in the first place (as if there weren't enough already!).
If you want to see more about this, watch the video I've posted about Big Brother monitoring your medication:{SubscribeHealthRangerBlock}
Rule Changes Proposed for Research on Humans
The government is proposing sweeping changes in the rules covering research involving human subjects, an effort officials say would strengthen protections while reducing red tape that can impede studies.
possible change would be that donors of blood, DNA or tissue samples would be
asked to give consent before those samples could be used in subsequent
research. Now, if the identity of the donor cannot be determined, samples can
often be used for further research without permission. But Dr. Hudson, of the
health institutes, said that with modern DNA sequencing, biological specimens
are “inherently identifiable.” So the proposal would make consent required.
Report: U.S. Creates Fake Online Identities To Counter 'Enemy Propaganda'
You see all those pro-Israel, Pro-Greece, and pro-war comments on corporate media articles? They are not idiots; they are FAKES!
More "We Got Bin Laden" propaganda.
I posted the page of photoshop fakes in the comments section. It vanished immediately, and needless to say, it appears the US Government's new million dollar software to create fake online identities is hard at work loading up the comments section to sell the lie that Bin Laden died May 1 instead of ten years ago. If commercial blogs continue to resort to this sort of mental "self gratification", I think it will only accelerate the public distrust of them.
Foreign information programs in periods of peace and psychological warfare programs in periods of national emergency or war are established instruments of national policy and must be continuously directed toward the achievement of national aims. Foreign information activities and related facilities of all departments and agencies of the U.S. Government comprise the essential elements of a national foreign information program in time of peace and the essential nucleus for psychological warfare in periods of national emergency and the initial stages of war.
So, it is in fact US policy to control the media.
You hack, we shoot: Pentagon discusses armed counterstrikes to cyberattacks
Lawmakers and some Pentagon officials argue that the US should shift cyberdefense from 'How to build the next best firewall' to an offensive message: Those who attack US computers risk 'land-based attack'.
I am certain we would all enjoy seeing a nuke hit the bozos emailing us all those viagra ads, but this plan by McCain is an open invitation to be used by a third party to make war.
Former Mossad agent Victor Ostrovski relates how Israel smuggled a radio transmitter into Tripoli and used it to send fake radio messages that tricked President Ronald Reagan into bombing Libya, killing Qaddafi's daughter.
So, knowing Israel's love of computer hacking (STUXNET as one example) I see Israel hacking into a computer on Tehran (they have already done it with STUXNET) and then launching a cyber-attack against US computers from Tehran to trick the stupid US Government (that is their track record in these cases; the US had nukes on the way to Cairo while Israel was attacking the USS Liberty, as McCain's father knows) into attacking Israel's next target, Iran.
73,000 Wordpress blogs shut down by U.S. Government
It would seem the
government is testing its internet kill switch:
After the U.S. Government took action against several sites connected to movie streaming recently, nerves are jangling over the possibility that this is just the beginning of a wider crackdown. Now it appears that a free blogging platform has been taken down by its hosting provider on orders from the U.S. authorities on grounds of “a history of abuse”. More than 73,000 blogs are out of action as a result.
More info on government-ordered shutdown of 73,000 Wordpress blogs.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Read the
quotes from Burstnet carefully. This sounds like something other than a DMCA
case, as the ISP says "this was not a typical case, in which suspension
and notification would be the norm."
that Burstnet will not tell the owner of the affected site the nature of the
problem, or which government agency ordered the shut down.It Gets Even Crazier: AT&T, Comcast, And Other ISPs Introduce The “Three Strikes” Internet Censorship Deal
Completely over the top, even compared to everything else we’re up against: Entertainment industry sources are leaking that they’ve convinced Internet service providers to start restricting people’s web access. If you’re accused of downloading or streaming three files they’ll consider messing with your Internet connection — and maybe even decide what sites you’re allowed to visit
Denmark Police Propose Ban On Anonymous Internet Use
Imagine if the police knew exactly what you do online: All the porn sites you scan secretly, the vitriolic comments you leave on blogs, the number of hours you spend playing Farmville.
In Denmark, police have recommended to Parliament that it create laws that make it impossible for citizens to surf anonymously. According to Danish-language blog Computerworld Denmark, the proposal is intended to help investigate terrorism.
And remember, this is just what they are willing to TELL you...
is best known as the creator of NarusInsight, an network monitoring device
that... AT&T allegedly used... to wiretap customer data... Hone works in
tandem with NarusInsight... it can do some pretty “scary” things.... analyze
VOIP conversations, biometrically identify someone’s voice or photograph and then
associate it with different phone numbers....
uses artificial intelligence to analyze e-mails and can link mails to different
accounts... sift through millions of profiles searching for... statistically
likely matches... Another component can trace the location of someone using a
mobile device such as a laptop or phone.
This, they say, is a year away. Really?
Leaving Facebook? You can try... but 'evil genius' social network won't make it easy
The tide is turning against Facebook - last month, more than 100,000 Britons deleted their accounts on the social networking sit.
But committing ‘Facebook suicide’ is not as easy as you might think.
If you are truly determined to do the deed there are two options: you can deactivate or delete.
How to Delete an Account from Any Website
Deleting accounts you've created on Facebook, Google, and elsewhere on the Web isn't always easy. Here are detailed instructions for leaving 30 of the most popular online services.
How anything you've EVER said on the internet could be seen by employers as Feds approve firm that dishes dirt on applicants
The Federal Trade Commission has approved a controversial firm which scours social media sites to check on job applicants.
This is more propaganda to scare you into not speaking out about what is going wrong with the nation.
Personally I would not even apply to any company that does not support the First Amendment, nor will I hire anyone lacking the courage to speak what they truly think and feel.
Sheep make lousy employees!
Behind Facebook—A New World Order Agenda?
If you have wondered why Facebook, Twitter, Google, Dell, and Paypal dominate the internet, researching the founder and their Zionist relations may answer the question.
Mark Zuckerberg Facebook
Christopher Isaac “Biz” Stone co-founder of Twitter. Most sources give
Jack Dorsey credit as the founder of Twitter, however Jack Dorsey is a
Larry Page and Sergey Brin, founders of Google
also owns “Blogger” and YouTube
Peter Thiel Founder of Paypal, and original founder for Facebook
Michael Saul Dell, founder of Dell
Larry Ellison, founder of Oracle
Phillipe Kahn, founder of Borland.
Steve Ballmer CEO of Microsoft.
Exclusive: Google's Web mapping can track your phone you have Wi-Fi turned on, the previous whereabouts of your computer or mobile device may be visible on the Web for anyone to see.
Android phones with
location services enabled regularly beam the unique
hardware IDs of nearby Wi-Fi devices back to Google, a similar practice
followed by Microsoft, Apple, and Skyhook Wireless as part of each company's
effort to map the street addresses of access points and routers around the
globe. That benefits users by helping their mobile devices determine locations
faster than they could with GPS alone.
wireless MAC address from a coffeeshop in San Francisco's Mission district was
also spotted here. (Click for full-sized image.)
Google and Skyhook Wireless, however, make their location databases linking
hardware IDs to street addresses publicly available on the Internet, which
raises novel privacy concerns when the IDs they're tracking are mobile. If
someone knows your hardware ID, he may be able to find a physical address that
the companies associate with you--even if you never intended it to become
can see if Google has mapped your device MAC address/BSSID by going to this pageWhy Google Earth Can't Show You Israel
Since Google launched its Google Earth feature in 2005, the company has become a worldwide leader in providing high-resolution satellite imagery. In 2010, Google Earth allowed the world to see the extent of the destruction in post-earthquake Haiti. This year, Google released similar images after Japan's deadly tsunami and earthquake. With just one click, Google can bring the world—and a better understanding of far-away events—to your computer.
There is one entire country, however, that Google Earth won't show you: Israel.
because, in 1997, Congress passed the National Defense Authorization Act, one
section of which is titled, "Prohibition on collection and release of
detailed satellite imagery relating to Israel." The amendment, known as
the Kyl-Bingaman Amendment, calls for a federal agency, the NOAA's Commercial
Remote Sensing Regulatory Affairs, to regulate the dissemination of zoomed-in
images of Israel.
it's not just Israel. The regulation also applies to the occupied territories.
It's why Human Rights Watch can't provide detailed imagery of the Gaza Strip in
its reports. Of course, this regulation cuts both ways; one also cannot see the
destruction in Sderot resulting from rockets sent out of Gaza.
But, the impact of the regulation might be dwindling; after all, the US can only regulate the actions of American corporations. Turkey recently announced that its GokTurk satellite will provide high-resolution imagery of Israel when it becomes operational in 2013. Israel is unhappy with this possibility: An Israeli official told Al-Arabiya, "We try to ensure that we are not photographed at high resolutions, and most (countries) accommodate us." The official adds: "Should we request this of the Turks? We won't ask for it. There is no one to talk to."
Hamed Aleaziz is an editorial intern at Mother Jones.
But, the impact of the regulation might be dwindling; after all, the US can only regulate the actions of American corporations. Turkey recently announced that its GokTurk satellite will provide high-resolution imagery of Israel when it becomes operational in 2013. Israel is unhappy with this possibility: An Israeli official told Al-Arabiya, "We try to ensure that we are not photographed at high resolutions, and most (countries) accommodate us." The official adds: "Should we request this of the Turks? We won't ask for it. There is no one to talk to."
Hamed Aleaziz is an editorial intern at Mother Jones.
Microsoft May Add Eavesdropping To Skype
"The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office published a Microsoft patent application that reaches back to December 2009 and describes 'recording agents' to legally intercept VoIP phone calls. The 'Legal Intercept' patent application is one of Microsoft's more elaborate and detailed patent papers, which is comprehensive enough to make you think twice about the use of VoIP audio and video communications."
Again, this is more of the propaganda designed to scare you into remaining silent and not speaking out about the terrible direction the nation is going. But the truth is that even with computers the government doesn't have enough resources to listen to every phone call nor does it have the means to lock up the hundreds of millions of royally pissed-off American patriots.
Like the below story about a company that searches all your online comments for prospective employers, this is pure bluff; nothing more.
part of the lurching advance towards the kind of society that we thought had
been consigned to the darkest days of the 20th century, the Nazi-fication of
Britain continues with the news that the police are working with Internet cafe
owners to spy on users who visit “extremist websites”.
intitative is part of the Prevent strand of the government’s counter-terrorism
strategy, which aims to stop radicalisation by winning the “battle of ideas”.
Café owners are asked to use their own judgement as to what amounts to
extremist material,” reports the Register.
if you are simply a regular person, not a spammer, and not a multiple account
creator that just wants a Google or YouTube account, your out of luck without
giving out your cell phone number or regular phone number to their authorities
(aka the youtube police). YouTube has become a phone number collector which
means they can give police, FBI, and CIA peoples private phone numbers if you
use Google.
also means that if you get your account suspended by YouTube or post a lot of
controversial political videos you would either have to own a lot of phone
numbers, cell phones, or have to resort to identity theft just to get back on
YouTube. This is alarming now that YouTube is forcing all future users to tie
their cell phone numbers or regular traceable phone numbers to their online
after my multiple IP test against Googles servers we can now confirm that
Google is now requiring all future users to have a cell phone or a
phone in Voice Call capable areas.
is one step closer to a police state internet where just to get on the internet
you’ll be required
to give out your drivers license identification maybe even your license
plate number just like now just to book a Hotel you have to give them your
drivers license information.
scares me is creating private anonymous accounts allows whisleblowers to expose
government corruption without fear of being traced, especially whe using Tor
Vidalia or JAP. Now if they require this to not allow multiple accounts and
force everyone to verify identities this means the end of whisleblowers and
those talking bad about their boss since everything you say on your account is
public knowledge, and this will also force Mrs. Q of Fed Up With School Lunch
project to put her real identity which can her to be fired or else she can’t
speak badly of school lunches as they tie her identity to her blog.
is the end of free speech as we know it if they start tracing everybody then
nobody will stand up out of fear of losing ones job, imprisonment, and threats.
This is the start of George Orwells 1984.
Notice: If you don’t want to live in a police state I suggest boycott Google
after calling them and telling them that until they stop the SMS verification
or make it optional that you won’t ever use a Google product or else one day
Google may require a Social Security Number just to use an account.
of the UK's three biggest internet service providers has vowed not to
co-operate with measures to combat file-sharing set out in the government's
controversial digital economy bill, expected to receive royal assent within
with more than 4 million UK internet users, said that "many draconian
proposals remain" in the bill, including some that would allow content
companies to force internet service providers (ISPs) to block the connections
of customers suspected of online copyright infringement.
British Government leads the world in internet snooping, Google reveals as it publishes its transparency report
Authorities in Britain are more likely to request details about internet users than in any other country, according to Google.
A report by the search engine website reveals that law enforcement officials and government agencies made 1,162 separate requests for data from the company in just six months.
When population sizes are taken into account, the figure puts Britain second in a table of 26 developed countries.
condemns the Chinese Government for censoring its results, and Australia for
planning to do the same. Meanwhile, its lawyers and security experts have told
employees to 'be intentionally vague about whether or not we've given access to
end-user accounts,' according to engineer James Tarquin, hinting that Google
may be sharing its data with the US government. Perhaps Australia's most hated
communications minister, Steven Conroy, could be right in his criticism of
Google's privacy record after all."
has launched a new tool, here, that will track and report on how many requests
for personal data it receives from governments, on a government by government
basis. It will also report on request by governments to remove content.
Google, Yahoo & Facebook Are Hiding Things From You
Florida Makes $63M Selling Drivers' Info
Judge says its legal
Draft of Secretive International Copyright Treaty Leaked -- Confirms Fears About Internet Freedom
On the table: losing internet access due to infringement allegations, and widespread data sharing across national borders.
the other, the text confirmed many fears about the substance of ACTA. If
adopted in its current form, the treaty would have a significant impact on the
Internet, leading some countries to adopt three-strikes-and-you're-out policies
that terminate subscriber access due to infringement allegations, increasing
legal protection for digital locks, mandating new injunction powers,
implementing statutory damages provisions worldwide, and engaging in widespread
data sharing across national borders.
The media demonizing those that talk about the New World Order
cites an intel advisory issued on Friday, April 23, 2010, that identifies
terrorist threat adversaries as “Local Militia Groups / Anti-Government
Protesters / TEA Party” (see image below).
short, the military was training in Kentucky to take on mythical militias — no
word if they were of the FBI-created variety — and remarkably the non-violent
Tea Party movement.
– Health Care Protesters have stated that they would join the TEA Party as a
sign of solidarity” during a protest at Fort Knox. The Tea Party “groups are
armed, have combative training and some are former Military Snipers. Some may
have explosives training / experience,” according to the intel report.
DHS Video Characterizes White Americans as Most Likely Terrorists
A new promotional video released by the Department of Homeland Security characterizes white middle class Americans as the most likely terrorists, as Big Sis continues its relentless drive to cement the myth that mad bombers are hiding around every corner, when in reality Americans are just as likely to be killed by lightning strikes or peanut allergies.
Basically, the US Government realizes they have pushed the people to the edge of revolt, and is laying the propaganda groundwork to call anyone standing up for their rights a "potential terrorist", which means the government can then imprison without trial and torture whomever they wish.
This is the start of the government's reign of terror.
Big Brother database could map drivers’ whereabouts with police cruiser-mounted scanners
The ACLU’s Kade Crockford said the technology, which just allows a faster version of what police do now in running plates, is less of a concern than the state’s plans to store information on average, law-abiding citizens. “People who aren’t wanted for a crime, all of their information is stored in a database that is shared with another government agency
army sergeant who had received 22 honors including a Combat Action Badge prior
to being wounded in Iraq by a mortar shell was told he was faking his medical
symptoms and subjected to abusive treatment until he agreed to a
"personality disorder"(PD) discharge.
a doctor with the First Cavalry division wrote he was out for "secondary
gain," Chuck Luther was imprisoned in a six- by eight-foot isolation
chamber, ridiculed by the guards, denied regular meals and showers and kept
awake by perpetual lights and blasting heavy metal music---abuses similar to
the punishments inflicted on terrorist suspects by the CIA.
Spying, Civil Liberties and the Courts
April 16, 2010, New York Times
April 16, 2010, New York Times
Succumbing to the politics of fear
during the 2008 campaign, Congress seriously diluted the First and Fourth
Amendment rights of Americans by changing the 1978 law that governs electronic
surveillance. In addition to supplying retroactive approval for President
George W. Bush’s warrantless wiretapping, the FISA Amendments Act vastly
expanded the government’s ability to eavesdrop without warrants in the future. It
gave the National Security Agency authority to monitor the international phone
calls and e-mail messages of Americans who are not engaged in criminal activity
and pose no threat to national security. The measure weakened judicial
supervision of how these powers are exercised, making abuse far more likely.
An important case being argued [April 16] in New York City will help determine
the extent of the damage. At issue is a constitutional challenge to the 2008
law filed on behalf of human rights, labor, legal, and news media organizations
whose work requires sensitive telephone and e-mail communication with people
abroad. Embracing the Bush administration’s approach, the Obama administration
has sought to block the suit, contending that the plaintiffs lack the requisite
“standing” to bring the challenge because they cannot show with certainty that
they have been spied on. (Of course, any attempt to prove spying would likely
be met by a flimsy claim of state secrecy.)
Note: For lots more from reliable sources on government
threats to civil liberties, click
Google forced to change privacy practices after report the search giant publicises the home addresses of wi-fi users
The same happens with Microsoft, Apple and Skyhook Wireless as part of each company's race to map the street addresses of various access points and routers around the globe, CNET explained.
However both Google and Skyhook Wireless make the data publicly available on the internet.
That means that if someone knows your hardware ID - or your MAC address - they can trace a physical address that Google associates with you, such as your home or office address.
They can even trace your favourite restaurant or your gym - anywhere you go frequently that has wi-fi.
Using Google Earth to Find Tax Cheats
YOUR MONEY ARE BELONG TO US!!!!" -- Official White Horse Souse
Google, Verizon Web Deal Could Upend Net Neutrality
Washington -- Google
Inc. and Verizon Communications Inc. are close to finalizing a proposal for
so-called "network neutrality" rules, which would dictate how
broadband providers treat Internet traffic flowing over their lines, according
to a person briefed on the negotiations.
A deal could be announced within days, said the person, who did not want to be identified because negotiations are still ongoing. According to the New York Times, the agreement between Google and Verizon "could allow Verizon to speed some online content to Internet users more quickly if the content's creators are willing to pay for the privilege."
A deal could be announced within days, said the person, who did not want to be identified because negotiations are still ongoing. According to the New York Times, the agreement between Google and Verizon "could allow Verizon to speed some online content to Internet users more quickly if the content's creators are willing to pay for the privilege."
Chertoff Joins Defense Firm that Defrauded U.S.
Michael Chertoff,
the former homeland security chief who’s not been shy about exploiting
terrorist threats for the benefit of his clients, has decided to join a top
defense contractor that defrauded the U.S. government.
The one-time head of the Department
of Homeland Security (DHS) under President George W. Bush is now a board
member of BAE Systems, the United Kingdom-based
defense corporation that agreed to pay $447 million in fines to the American
and British governments to settle allegations of corruption, including bribing
a top Saudi Arabian official.
BAE is the eighth-largest contractor doing
business with Washington, having received $7.1 billion in government contracts
in 2009 alone. It also has received more than $200 million from DHS since 2005.
Following the attempted bombing of a Northwest
Airlines flight on Christmas Day, Chertoff was seen on television calling for
the government to buy full-body scanners for airport checkpoints. Chertoff
failed to mention in numerous interviews that his consulting business
represented the company, Rapiscan
Systems, that makes the scanners.
Obama continues Bush administration practices and added others.
the March 4 S. 3081: Enemy Belligerent, Interrogation, Detention, and
Prosecution Act of 2010 to interrogate and detain "enemy belligerents who
commit hostile acts against the United States to establish certain limitations
on the prosecution of such belligerents, and for other purposes."
Webmaster's Commentary:
This act, if passed by Congress, will be one of the most
Constitution-eviscerating acts ever passed by a US Congress, right up there
with the horrifically misnamed "Patriot Act."
How long do you think it will be before this act will be used against any
logical, rational objection to any US governmental act or policy?!?
I'll give you a clue: in a heartbeat.
Lulz Security "Hackers" break into Arizona police computers
Lulz Security, saying it opposed a tough anti-immigration law in Arizona
Start with a bang, end with a fizzle: LulzSec disbands
After 50 days of shenanigans, “lulz,” and fearmongering by the mainstream media, the now-infamous LulzSecurity, or LulzSec, has announced an end to their campaign. I found this quite surprising, especially given they just recently announced a new joint operation with Anonymous entitled “Anti-Sec.”
Why was their crusade so short lived? Why end without carrying out any of the grandiose promises and threats published across the internet? Why prove themselves to be yet another blow-hard hacker group that does way more talking and hyping than hacking?
New LulzSec Evidence: Member Is Counter Intelligence
n a release posted on PasteBin today, new information has come to light about a particular member of the shadowy group known as LulzSecurity which I have been covering in detail as of late.
After the first “just for kicks” hack of the website, I hypothesized that the group could be a government red team. This was reinforced by their DDoS attack on the CIA as well as their release of over 62,000 e-mails and passwords of random everyday people.
This combined with the information contained in the PasteBin, if it is indeed true, make for a pretty damning case. Unfortunately there is not enough proof provided in the PasteBin for me to conclusively say that this is a government red team or that this individual with the handle Nakomis is indeed military counter-intelligence.
LulzSec opens hack request line
The hacker group Lulz Security has opened a telephone request line so its fans can suggest potential targets.
Now this is DEFINITELY a publicity stunt! Lulz Security and Anonymous appear to be creating a "need" for tighter internet security ahead of Obama's call for a new cyber-security initiative as part of his 2012 re-election campaign (because he sure as heck cannot run on the economy, the wars, the Gulf, etc. etc., etc.)
Yep, we were right.
RIAA: Anonymous, LulzSec Hacks Prove Need for PROTECT IP Act!
The phony "Anonymous" and "Lulzsec" hacker groups were designed to promote draconian anti-internet legislation.
Tennessee passes law criminalizing posting of any image that someone finds offensive
(NaturalNews) Just when you thought lawmaking in
America couldn't get any more ridiculous comes a new piece of legislation that
quite possibly could be the most outrageous, if not unconstitutional law ever
The geniuses in the Tennessee legislature passed a bill which makes it a crime to "transmit or display an image" online that is likely to "frighten, intimidate or cause emotional distress" to anyone who sees it. Gov. Bill Haslam perpetuated the idiocy when he signed it into law last week.
As if the United States didn't already jail more people than Russia or China, persons found guilty of violating this new legal monstrosity could face a year in prison along with a $2,500 fine.
Only, who gets to decide what is likely to "frighten, intimidate or cause emotional distress" to someone? Doesn't everyone find something emotionally stressful or frightening? Couldn't someone find a picture of a teddy bear, a flower or even a baby offensive and distressing?
What's more, the "victim" need not even be the intended recipient of the image. "Anyone who sees the image is a potential victim. If a court decides you "should have known" that an image you posted would be upsetting to someone who sees it, you could face months in prison and thousands of dollars in fines," says a report detailing the provisions of the bill.
Besides the obvious insult to personal liberties and the sheer lunacy of this act, it also gives state law enforcement authorities unprecedented access to personal online communications. "The government can get access to 'images or communications' posted to a social networking site by offering 'specific and articulable facts,' suggesting that the information sought is 'relevant and material to an ongoing criminal investigation,'" said the report. So much for any pretense of privacy.
Legal experts are already predicting this piece of "legislation" won't stand. In fact, since Tennessee is within the legal purview of the U.S. Sixth Circuit Court, "it is bound by that court's Warshak decision, which held that the Fourth Amendment requires the government to obtain a full search warrant in order to access e-mail communications," the report said.
The geniuses in the Tennessee legislature passed a bill which makes it a crime to "transmit or display an image" online that is likely to "frighten, intimidate or cause emotional distress" to anyone who sees it. Gov. Bill Haslam perpetuated the idiocy when he signed it into law last week.
As if the United States didn't already jail more people than Russia or China, persons found guilty of violating this new legal monstrosity could face a year in prison along with a $2,500 fine.
Only, who gets to decide what is likely to "frighten, intimidate or cause emotional distress" to someone? Doesn't everyone find something emotionally stressful or frightening? Couldn't someone find a picture of a teddy bear, a flower or even a baby offensive and distressing?
What's more, the "victim" need not even be the intended recipient of the image. "Anyone who sees the image is a potential victim. If a court decides you "should have known" that an image you posted would be upsetting to someone who sees it, you could face months in prison and thousands of dollars in fines," says a report detailing the provisions of the bill.
Besides the obvious insult to personal liberties and the sheer lunacy of this act, it also gives state law enforcement authorities unprecedented access to personal online communications. "The government can get access to 'images or communications' posted to a social networking site by offering 'specific and articulable facts,' suggesting that the information sought is 'relevant and material to an ongoing criminal investigation,'" said the report. So much for any pretense of privacy.
Legal experts are already predicting this piece of "legislation" won't stand. In fact, since Tennessee is within the legal purview of the U.S. Sixth Circuit Court, "it is bound by that court's Warshak decision, which held that the Fourth Amendment requires the government to obtain a full search warrant in order to access e-mail communications," the report said.
Massive Gmail phishing attack hits top U.S. officials
Hundreds of personal Gmail accounts, including those of some senior U.S. government officials, were hacked as a result of a massive phishing scheme originating from China, Google said Wednesday.
Why would China (who has already denied having anything to do with this) do something that stupid? The US Government has already declared that cyber-attacks will be treated as an act of war, and the US Government is desperate to figure out a way they can justify stiffing the Chinese on all the cash the US Government borrowed from them while still appearing to hold the moral high ground.
Seriously though... military and govt emails
aren't sent by Gmail.
So how can they even argue this Daft argument.
Military email is no doubt encrypted on special
with Public Key encryption and VPN's.
with Public Key encryption and VPN's.
They don't use Hotmail and Co for state secrets.
How stupid do they think we are?
What Ol'bummer sent the nuke codes by MSN Chat to
Hiliary I suppose?
Hackers break into
Senate computers
The Senate's website was hacked over the weekend, leading to a review of all of its websites, in the latest embarrassing breach of security to hit a major U.S.-based institution.
The loosely organized hacker group Lulz Security broke into a public portion of the Senate website but did not reach behind a firewall into a more sensitive portion of the network.
Revealed: How Citigroup hackers broke in ‘through the front door’ using bank’s website
It has been called 'one of the most brazen bank hacking attacks' in recent years.
And for the first time it has been revealed how the sophisticated cyber criminals made off with the staggering bounty of names, account numbers, email addresses and transaction histories.
They simply logged on to the part of the group's site reserved for credit card customers - and substituted their account numbers which appeared in the browser's address bar with other numbers.
It allowed them to leapfrog into the accounts of other customers - with an automatic computer programme letting them repeat the trick tens of thousands of times.
Government 'may have hacked IMF
Hackers who broke into the International Monetary Fund's computer system may have been backed by a nation state, according to security experts.
Experts believe the complex malicious code originated from either the Israeli or US governments.
My bet is Israeli. And I still want a closer look at the "blocks" the BitCoin miner is "solving" with all that processor power.
Pentagon Ramps-Up Cyberwar Plans
As the Obama administration expands Bush-era surveillance programs over the nation’s electronic communications’ infrastructure, recent media reports provide tantalizing hints of Pentagon plans for waging cyberwar against imperialism’s geopolitical rivals.
On May 31, The Wall Street Journal disclosed that the Pentagon now asserts “that computer sabotage coming from another country can constitute an act of war, a finding that for the first time opens the door for the U.S. to respond using traditional military force.” ...
Living in the Shadows: A World of Black Ops and Cyber Wars
The very word "secrecy" is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths, and to secret proceedings. -- John F. Kennedy
John Galt
Activist Post
A shadow has descended on freedom worldwide: Congress is in the dark; sovereign foreign nations are in the dark; and the average American can't imagine that a world of espionage, black ops, psy ops, and the apparatus of a surveillance-industrial complex run by globalists has them in the crosshairs.
When exiting CIA director, Leon Panetta, openly admitted that shadow wars and black ops should be a strategy employed through direct military control by the CIA, it marked a new Dark Age.
FBI to Expand Domestic Surveillance Powers as Details Emerge of Its Spy Campaign Targeting Activists (Video)
Source: Democracy NOW!
Civil liberties advocates are raising alarm over news the FBI is giving agents more leeway to conduct domestic surveillance. According to the New York Times, new guidelines will allow FBI agents to investigate people and organizations "pro-actively" without firm evidence for suspecting criminal activity. Democracy Now! interviews former FBI agent Mike German, who now works at the American Civil Liberties Union.
Also interviewed is Texas activist Scott Crow, who has been the focus on intense FBI surveillance from 2001 until at least 2008. Using the Freedom of Information Act, Crow received 440 pages of heavily-redacted documents revealing the FBI had set up a video camera outside his house, traced the license plates of cars parked in front of his home, recorded the arrival and departure of his guests and observed gatherings that Crow attended at bookstores and cafes. The agency also tracked Crow's emails and phone conversations and picked through his trash to identify his bank and mortgage companies.
Please take the time to listen to the video; to US citizens who remember the protections and rights we used to believe we were afforded under the Constitution and Bill of Rights, given the FBI's new "carte blanche", these rights and protections are now completely gone.
Feds Launch Program To Collect Data From ISPs In Response To High Profile Hacker Attacks
High profile hacker attacks, including those by Anonymous and LulzSec, prompt the Feds to launch pilot program to collect data from ISPs to crackdown on the attacks.
Panetta: The next great battle America faces is likely to involve cyberwarfare
Leon Panetta: The next Pearl Harbor could be a cyberattack
Alleged Cyber Attacks Are Setting The Stage For More Authoritarian Internet Controls
The number of alleged cyber attacks on high profile government, military and corporate entities is getting increasingly out of control.
Although we could question if some of these so-called cyber attacks are real or fake all day long, what we do know is that these claims are being used to justify an increasing amount of authoritarian control over the Internet.
It is starting to appear as if the stage is being set for some sort of manufactured technological related event that will give the establishment the perfect excuse to implement their desired controls.
DHS partners with Jewish organizations
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced its first faith-based security partnership on Friday, as it joined ranks with two major Jewish organizations.
We are all Palestinians now!
One in four US hackers 'is an FBI informer'
The underground world of computer hackers has been so thoroughly infiltrated in the US by the FBI and secret service that it is now riddled with paranoia and mistrust, with an estimated one in four hackers secretly informing on their peers, a Guardian investigation has established.
Not to mention attacking patriot websites like this one.
FBI expands agents’ investigative power
The Salt Lake Tribune
The Federal Bureau of Investigation is giving significant new powers to its roughly 14,000 agents — allowing them more leeway to search databases, go through household trash or use surveillance teams to scrutinize the lives of people who have attracted their attention...
A sinister cyber-surveillance scheme exposed emails from security contractor HBGary reveal a disturbing public-private partnership to spy on web users
In February 2011, the hackers' collective
Anonymous released 70,000 emails from security contractor HBGary Federal, which
revealed that CEO Aaron Barr had offered the firm's services to mount
cyber-attacks against WikiLeaks and others on behalf of corporate clients.
Photograph: Getty Images
President Eisenhower left office in 1960, he provided the
American people with a warning.
the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of
unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial
complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and
will persist."
years later, the military-industrial complex has been joined by another
unprecedented centre of what has increasingly proven to be "misplaced
power": the dozens of secretive firms known collectively as the
intelligence contracting industry.
February, three of these firms – HBGary Federal, Palantir and Berico, known
collectively as Team Themis – were
discovered to have conspired to hire out their information war capabilities
to corporations which hoped to strike back at perceived enemies, including US
activist groups, WikiLeaks and journalist
Glenn Greenwald. That such a dangerous new dynamic was now in play was only
revealed due to a raid by hackers associated with the Anonymous collective,
resulting in the dissemination
of more than 70,000 emails to and from executives at HBGary Federal and
affiliated company HBGary.
having spent several months studying those emails and otherwise investigating
the industry depicted therein, I have revealed my summary
of a classified US
intelligence programme known as Romas/COIN, as well as its upcoming
replacement, known as Odyssey. The programme appears to allow for the
large-scale monitoring of social networks by way of such things as natural
language processing, semantic analysis, latent semantic indexing and IT
intrusion. At the same time, it also entails the dissemination of some unknown
degree of information to a given population through a variety of means –
without any hint that the actual source is US intelligence. Scattered
discussions of Arab translation services may indicate that the programme
targets the Middle East.
the details I have provided in the document – which is also now in
the possession of several major news outlets and which may be published in
whole or in part by any party that cares to do so – there remains a great deal
that is unclear about Romas/COIN and the capabilities it comprises. The
information with which I've worked consists almost entirely of email
correspondence between executives of several firms that together sought to win
the contract to provide the programme's technical requirements, and because
many of the discussions occurred in meetings and phone conversations, the
information remaining deals largely with prospective partners, the utility of
one capability over another, and other clues spread out over hundreds of email
exchanges between a large number of participants.
significance of this programme to the public is not limited to its potential
for abuse by facets of the US intelligence community, which has long been
proverbial for misusing other of its capabilities. Perhaps the most astonishing
aspect is the fact that the partnership of contracting firms and other
corporate entities that worked to obtain the contract was put into motion in
large part by Aaron Barr, the disgraced former CEO of HBGary Federal who was at
the centre of Team Themis's conspiracy to put high-end intelligence
capabilities at the disposal of private institutions. As I explain further in
the linked report, this fact alone should prompt increased investigation into
the manner in which this industry operates and the threats it represents to
democratic institutions.
the existence and nature of Romas/COIN should confirm what many had already
come to realise over the past few years, in particular: the US and other states
have no intention of allowing populations to conduct their affairs without
scrutiny. Such states ought not complain when they find themselves subjected to
similar scrutiny – as will increasingly become the case over the next several
Editor's note: The headline and photo caption in this article originally
alluded to HBGary. HBGary Federal is the company in question, which is a
distinct entity from HBGary Inc. The article has been amended to make that
clarification at 9am (BST) on 23 June 2011
Pentagon gets cyberwar guidelines
Lolita C. BaldorAssociated Press
WASHINGTON (AP) - President Barack Obama has signed executive orders that lay out how far military commanders around the globe can go in using cyberattacks and other computer-based operations against enemies and as part of routine espionage in other countries.
The orders detail when the military must seek presidential approval for a specific cyber assault on an enemy and weave cyber capabilities into U.S. war fighting strategy...
F.B.I. seizes web servers, knocks sites offline
Mr. Ostroumow said that the F.B.I. was only interested in one of the company’s clients but had taken servers used by “tens of clients.” He wrote: “After F.B.I.’s unprofessional ‘work’ we can not restart our own servers, that’s why our website is offline and support doesn’t work.” The company’s staff had been working to solve the problem for the previous 15 hours, he said.
Iceland Declares Independence from International Banks

By Bill Wilson
Iceland is free. And it will remain so, so long as her people wish to remain autonomous of the foreign domination of her would-be masters — in this case, international bankers.
On April 9, the fiercely independent people of island-nation defeated a referendum that would have bailed out the UK and the Netherlands who had covered the deposits of British and Dutch investors who had lost funds in Icesave bank in 2008.
At the time of the bank’s failure, Iceland refused to cover the losses. But the UK and Netherlands nonetheless have demanded that Iceland repay them for the “loan” as a condition for admission into the European Union.
In response, the Icelandic people have told Europe to go pound sand. The final vote was 103,207 to 69,462, or 58.9 percent to 39.7 percent. “Taxpayers should not be responsible for paying the debts of a private institution,” said Sigriur Andersen, a spokeswoman for the Advice group that opposed the bailout.
A similar referendum in 2009 on the issue, although with harsher terms, found 93.2 percent of the Icelandic electorate rejecting a proposal to guarantee the deposits of foreign investors who had funds in the Icelandic bank. The referendum was invoked when President Olafur Ragnur Grimmson vetoed legislation the Althingi, Iceland’s parliament, had passed to pay back the British and Dutch.
Under the terms of the agreement, Iceland would have had to pay £2.35 billion to the UK, and €1.32 billion to the Netherlands by 2046 at a 3 percent interest rate. Its rejection for the second time by Iceland is a testament to its people, who feel they should bear no responsibility for the losses of foreigners endured in the financial crisis.
That opposition to bailouts led to Iceland’s decision to allow the bank to fail in 2008. Not that the taxpayers there could have afforded to. As noted by Bloomberg News, at the time the crisis hit in 2008, “the banks had debts equal to 10 times Iceland’s $12 billion GDP.”
“These were private banks and we didn’t pump money into them in order to keep them going; the state did not shoulder the responsibility of the failed private banks,” Iceland President Olafur Grimsson told Bloomberg Television.
The voters’ rejection came despite threats to isolate Iceland from funding in international financial institutions. Iceland’s national debt has already been downgraded by credit rating agencies, and now those same agencies have promised to do so once again as punishment for defying the will of international bankers.
This is just the latest in the long drama since 2008 of global institutions refusing to take losses in the financial crisis. Threats of a global economic depression and claims of being “too big to fail” have equated to a loaded gun to the heads of representative governments in the U.S. and Europe.
more at
Telstra, Optus to start censoring the web next month
Telstra and Optus confirmed they would block access to a list of child abuse websites provided by the Australian Communications and Media Authority and more compiled by unnamed international organisations from mid-year.
But internet experts have warned that the scheme is merely a "feel-good policy" that will not stop criminals from accessing obscene material online and could block websites unfairly.
Obama Supports DNA Sampling Upon Arrest
But much can be learned from a DNA sample, which codes a person’s family ties, some health risks, and, according to some, can predict a propensity for violence.
posts a
televised interview of Obama and John Walsh of America’s Most Wanted.
The nation’s chief executive extols the virtues of mandatory DNA testing of
Americans upon arrest, even absent charges or a conviction. Obama said, “It’s
the right thing to do” to “tighten the grip around folks” who commit crime.
it comes to civil liberties, the Obama administration has come under fire for
often mirroring his predecessor’s practices surrounding state
secrets, the Patriot
Act and domestic
spying. There’s also Gitmo,
Bybee and John Yoo.
there’s DNA sampling. Obama told Walsh he supported the federal government, as
well as the 18 states that have varying laws requiring compulsory
DNA sampling of individuals upon an arrest for crimes ranging from
misdemeanors to felonies. The data is lodged in state and federal databases,
and has fostered as many as 200 arrests nationwide, Walsh said.
an interview aired Saturday on “America’s Most Wanted,” Obama expressed strong
agreement as host John Walsh extolled the virtues of collecting DNA at the time
of an arrest and putting it into a single, national database
ID Cards - intergovernmental cooperation in worldwide implementation
Nathan Allonbyfor The Corbett Report
Simultaneous introduction of biometric, smart ID cards around the world is not just a coincidence, it is not merely due to nations copying effective schemes in other nations, and is not just a phenomenon related to the sudden maturity of technology. Implementation of these ID card schemes was pushed. It is being driven in a coordinated programme, via international organisations and conferences, led by the US and the European Union (EU).
the potentially controversial plan still taking shape in the Senate, all legal
U.S. workers, including citizens and immigrants, would be issued an ID card
with embedded information, such as fingerprints, to tie the card to the worker.
the nub of solving the immigration dilemma politically speaking," Mr.
Schumer said in an interview. The card, he said, would directly answer concerns
that after legislation is signed, another wave of illegal immigrants would
arrive. "If you say they can't get a job when they come here, you'll stop
Webmaster's Commentary:
Schumer is being disingenuous at best.
The reality is that large corporations love cheap, illegal labor, and will
find ways around this law, should it be passed.
It will, however, function as a de facto "national ID card, and give
the US government the ability to track its citizens.
Is this the point to which "life liberty, and the
pursuit of happiness" has devolved in this country?
Judge Napolitano on Freedom Watch Speaks about the National Worker ID Card
Obama gave a thumbs up Thursday to the outline of a plan to legalize illegal
immigrants and create a flow of low-skilled foreign workers for the future,
saying the immigration bill being worked on by a Republican and a Democrat is
senators also proposed to turn all Social Security cards into tamper-proof IDs
to be checked by employers when they are about to hire a worker. The cards
would include biometric information designed to prevent counterfeiting -- but
the senators said the information would not be stored in a government database.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Never believe what this government says about not storing data in a
permanent database: that will ultimately be the next step.
surveillance, control and censorship into the very fabric of our networks,
devices and laws is the absolute road to dictatorial hell
Digital Economy Act declares war on people who illegaly downloiad TV shows such
as second world war drama The Pacific. Photograph: HBO/Rex Features
With the
rushed passage into law of the Digital Economy Act this month, the fight over
copyright enters a new phase. Previous to this, most copyfighters operated
under the rubric that a negotiated peace was possible between the thrashing
entertainment giants and civil society.But now that the BPI and its mates have won themselves the finest law that money can buy – a law that establishes an unprecedented realm of web censorship in Britain, a law that provides for the disconnection of entire families from the net on the say-so of an entertainment giant, a law that shuts down free Wi-Fi hotspots and makes it harder than ever to conduct your normal business on the grounds that you might be damaging theirs – the game has changed.
In the US, the MPAA and RIAA (American equivalents of the MPA and the BPI) just submitted comments to the American Intellectual Property Czar, Victoria Espinel, laying out their proposal for IP enforcement. They want us all to install spyware on our computers that deletes material that it identifies as infringing. They want our networks censored by national firewalls (U2's Bono also called for this in a New York Times editorial, averring that if the Chinese could control dissident information with censorware, our own governments could deploy similar technology to keep infringement at bay). They want border-searches of laptops, personal media players and thumb-drives.
They want poor countries bullied into diverting GDP from humanitarian causes to enforcing copyright. And they want their domestic copyright enforcement handled, free of charge, by the Department of Homeland Security.
Elements of this agenda are also on display (or rather, in hiding) in the secret Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement, a treaty being drafted between a member's club of rich nations. They've turned their back on the United Nations to negotiate in private, without having to contend with journalists or public interest groups. By their own admission, they intend to impose this treaty on poor countries as a condition of ongoing trade, and in the US, the Obama administration has announced its intention to pass ACTA without Congressional debate.
new evidence has emerged in the ongoing case of the Lower Merion school
district in Philadelphia accused of spying on students in their homes via
school issued laptops.
lawyer for the family of the student whose school issued computer was allegedly
remotely accessed while in his home, says that thousands of images were taken,
including photographs of other students in their homes, web sites they visited,
and excerpts of their online chats.
school district accused of spying on students with Webcams now appears to have
snapped 56,000 images, according to reports.
Webmaster's Commentary:
If there is just one photo of an undressed student in that stack of 56,000
images, then the entire school administration ought to be charged with creating
and distributing child pornography.
new type of speed cameras which can use satellites to measure average speed
over long distances are being tested in Britain.
development of speed cameras has raised concerns about expanding state
Home Office said it was unable to comment on the trials because of
"commercial confidentiality".
AA said it would watch the system “carefully” but it did not believe there was
anything sinister. “It is
a natural evolution of the technology that is out there,” a spokesman said.
Related Articles
- Geoff Hoon: Speed traps could be replaced with 'fairer' cameras
- More speed cameras planned for UK roads
- Lowering of speed limits could be policed by average speed cameras
- Average-speed cameras could replace 'spot' cameras on Britain's roads
- More than 400 drivers a month fined in 50mph motorway average speed trap
good are cameras? The debate over them is often framed as hardheaded law
enforcement types versus wimpy civil libertarians. Whether the cameras actually
work in practice to help solve and prevent crime generally gets ignored.
shouldn't. Leave aside those airy privacy concerns for the moment. Installing,
maintaining, and monitoring thousands of these devices, as in New York and
Chicago, costs millions of dollars. Absent cameras, that money could be spent
on beat cops, patrol cars, forensic equipment, jail cells, you name it.
more complete assessment indicates that when it comes to preventing and solving
crimes, the cameras are about as useful as a pet rock.
Florida State Department of Juvenile Justice says it will
use predictive analytics software from IBM to foretell which of its
juvenile offenders are likely to return to crime. The software, made by the
SPSS division that Big Blue purchased last
year, will replace Excel spreadsheets analyzed by employees. The software
can look at far more data inputs and potentially handle more juvenile offenders
faster than the older methods, and presumably the ability to incorporate more
data points could lead to better results. Those deemed likely to re-offend are
given specialized treatment.
UK Ministry of Justice also uses IBM’s predictive software on its criminal
population, to see which ones pose a greater threat to public safety upon
release. IBM clearly plans to take SPSS beyond its former domain of market
researchers and scientists and apply it to where the big money is — homeland
security in these frightening times.
Deepak Advani, vice president of predictive
analytics at IBM, said, “Predictive analytics gives government organizations
worldwide a highly-sophisticated and intelligent source to create safer
communities by identifying, predicting, responding to and preventing criminal
activities. It gives the criminal justice system the ability to draw upon the
wealth of data available to detect patterns, make reliable projections and then
take the appropriate action in real time to combat crime and protect citizens.”
Webmaster's Commentary:
How "Minority Report"!
York City has thousands of police surveillance cameras, which really come in
handy when a terrorist strikes. After the car bomb attempt last weekend, they
captured an image of the vehicle driving through Times Square and one of a guy
taking off his shirt who looked nothing like the guy arrested Monday.
raises the question: What good are cameras? The debate over them is often
framed as hardheaded law enforcement types versus wimpy civil libertarians.
Whether the cameras actually work in practice to help solve and prevent crime
generally gets ignored.
Webmaster's Commentary:
The cameras exist to keep you timid.
steps being considered mean that every dog owner in the land will have to fit
their pet with a microchip so that its whereabouts can be determined from
dog-spotting spy-in-the-sky drones, and that before being allowed to take
delivery of a puppy, people will have to sit an exam similar to the driving
theory test. The cost could reach £60, and on top of this you will need
compulsory third-party insurance in case your spaniel eats the milkman.
widespread non-compliance, especially among those most likely to be
discriminated against by a majority, may not be rooted strictly in the
“ignorance” the ads are designed to overcome. History—including very recent
history—shows that the information provided to the Census can be used against
most recent examples occurred in 2002 and 2003, when the Census Bureau turned
over information it had collected about Arab-Americans to Homeland Security.
from the 1940 Census was used to intern Japanese, Italian, and German Americans
following the U.S.’s entry into the war, and to monitor and persecute others
who escaped internment.
Data from the 1940 Census was
used to intern Japanese, Italian, and German Americans following the U.S.’s
entry into the war, and to monitor and persecute others who escaped internment.
In addition to providing geographic information to the War Department, the
Census Bureau released the name, address, age, sex, citizenship status and
occupation of Japanese Americans in the Washington, D.C., area to the Treasury
Department in response to an unspecified threat against President Franklin
Roosevelt in 1943.
Thus, while
the Census Bureau assures us that “your confidentiality is protected. Title 13
requires the Census Bureau to keep all information about you and all other
respondents strictly confidential,” these exceptions negate such assurances. Of
course, the release of the “strictly confidential” data was also perfectly
legal: during World War II, under the terms of the Second War Powers Act, and
more recently, under the terms of the USA PATRIOT Act, now extended by the
Obama administration.In preparation for this year’s census, 140,000 workers were hired to collect GPS readings for every front door in the nation. Such pinpoint precision will certainly simplify the process of locating any individual or group that may be identified as a threat to “national security” in the future. Remember, for example, the 1976 Senate Report in which 26,000 Americans were slated for roundup by the FBI in the event of a national emergency at the height of the Cold War. Now that the U.S. Government’s Terrorist Watchlist has exceeded one million, the GPS data acquired could be instrumental in accomplishing such a roundup.
Meanwhile, the data is also shared a little more broadly than advertised. Stanford University recently joined UC Berkeley, Duke, the University of Michigan, UCLA, and others in having its very own census data center. As the director of the new center explained, “The Census Bureau is very interested in making the centers more accessible to scholars who can use the data they provide.”
As Henry Brady, dean of the Goldman School of Public Policy at UC Berkeley and principal investigator for the California Census Research Data Centers helpfully added: “We’re trying to make centers where lots of federal agencies will let us use their data.”
While reassurances are repeated that the data is held under the strictest security, and will only be used for innocuous projects like “government programs and solutions to our problems,” do we really want academics to social engineer policy solutions based on sensitive personal data? After all, they may turn out to be no more desirable than the “solutions” provided by government programs like internment and renditioning. Without the protections afforded by a right to privacy, there’s little chance of escaping a political will to enforce discriminatory policies.
This “mission creep” for the Census thus
pushes up against a level of discomfort no amount of advertising dollars can
likely assuage. Many will no doubt choose to follow former Senate majority
leader Trent Lott’s advice to skip any Census questions they feel violates
their privacy—which may well include any exceeding the Constitution’s mandate
for an “actual Enumeration.” Unfortunately, choosing privacy now costs more:
legislation recently passed raises the fine for “anyone over 18 years old who
refuses or willfully neglects to complete the questionnaire or answer questions
posed by census takers” from a limit of $100 to $5,000—a fact not advertised
even in the small print.
NYPD officer breaks his silence and admits that innocent people are set-up and
falsely arrested and ticketed in order to meet funding quotas.
to leading anarchist website Infoshop News, “On April 15th thousands of
right-wingers will attend rallies in cities and towns across the United States.
The organizers of this nationwide day of protest call it a tea party. This tea
party movement that emerged only a year ago is a coalition of conservatives,
anti-Semites, fascists, libertarians, racists, constitutionalists, militia men,
gun freaks, homophobes, Ron Paul supporters, Alex Jones conspiracy types and
American flag wavers.”
Webmaster's Commentary:
The US Government plans to use agents provocateurs to commit violent acts
that the obedient media will then use to portray critics of the government as
low-life thugs no real American would ever want to listen to, much less support.
A classic example of how the US Government plays their games occurred in
1970 when undercover FBI informants that had infiltrated the anti-war groups on
several Southern California college campuses organized a mass peace march
outside the Disneyland theme park, then led the students inside and started to
cause as much damage as they could. Already waiting were the police and press.

Needless to say the media portrayed the peace marchers who had been duped
in the worst possible light, effectively derailing the anti-Vietnam war
movement for an additional two years.

Years later a whistle-blower leaked FBI documents on Operation
COINTELPRO which confirmed that the entire riot
had been ordered by the Nixon White House in order to continue the war in
Vietnam despite growing public opposition.
I was there, invited by someone I thought was my best friend at the time.
Afterwards he confided the plan to me while revealing he was one of the FBI
informants and trying to recruit me. That was the last time I ever spoke to
that son of a bitch.
The lesson here is that the US Government likes to play dirty and they
always have. Be careful.
sensational news stories claiming the Guardians of the free Republics
threatened state governors around the country in letters demanding they leave
office or be removed, the FBI has today warned police around the country that
the letters “could provoke violence,” according to the Associated Press.
do not consider the letters threatening or see threats of violence in the
Guardians of the free Republics message. However, according to the Associated
Press, the FBI believes the organization’s call for removal of top state
officials in its Restore America Plan may lead others to act out violently.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Understanding how the US government operates, this is not at all beyond
the realm of possibility.
act swiftly after Legal gun purchases
about an Oregon Department of Transportation employee who purchased several
guns after being placed on leave prompted law enforcement across Southern
Oregon to step in.
and a SWAT team from Medford police safely took a man whose name wasn’t
released into protective custody Monday morning in the 500 block of Effie
Street, Medford police said in a news release.
was taken to Rogue Valley Medical Center for a mental-health evaluation.
man recently had been placed on administrative leave from his job and was “very
disgruntled,” the news release said.
the state agency had reported concerns about the man to law enforcement
agencies, who started monitoring him, officials said.
had concerning information regarding a personnel issue and were watching the
subject,” Jackson County Sheriff Mike Winters said.
two days, the man bought a Heckler & Koch .45-caliber universal
self-loading handgun, a Walther .380-caliber handgun and an AK-47 assault
rifle, Medford police Lt. Bob Hansen said. All of those firearms were purchased
legally, with required record checks by the Oregon State Police.
were “extremely concerned” that the man may have been planning to retaliate
against his employers, the news release said.
“Instead of being reactive, we took
a proactive approach,” OSP
Sgt. Jeff Proulx said.
hostage negotiators and SWAT team were called in at 3
a.m. Monday and arrived on the scene at about 5:45 a.m., he said.
a dozen officers responded. They closed the street for about an hour and
evacuated three homes to protect neighbors and prevent bystanders from
gathering, he said.
a phone conversation with negotiators, the man — who was alone in the home —
agreed to come out, Hansen said.
seized the recently purchased firearms, as well as another .45-caliber Heckler
& Koch handgun and a 12-gauge shotgun. Police are holding the weapons for
safekeeping, but no criminal charges have been filed.
"“Instead of being reactive, we took a proactive approach."
That's all you need to see. Every other bit of information is secondary to that one. The police are not supposed to be proactive; no system of justice can be, and still remain a system of JUSTICE. Justice, by definition, is reactive. A Just system does not punish for what one MIGHT do... it punishes for what IS done.
Anytime "proactive" is used within the context of "Justice," we see a glimpse of the tyranny that we live under.
That's all you need to see. Every other bit of information is secondary to that one. The police are not supposed to be proactive; no system of justice can be, and still remain a system of JUSTICE. Justice, by definition, is reactive. A Just system does not punish for what one MIGHT do... it punishes for what IS done.
Anytime "proactive" is used within the context of "Justice," we see a glimpse of the tyranny that we live under.
Up to 20 activists in 5 vehicles armed with cameras, radios and police scanners patrol city streets to protect residents from cops
bill allows U.S. citizens to be kidnapped and detained without trial
indefinitely based on “suspected activity”
Joseph Watson
Monday, March 8, 2010
Monday, March 8, 2010
the establishment media is convinced that tea party members, 9/11 truthers,
libertarians, Ron Paul supporters, and basically anyone with a dissenting
political opinion is a likely domestic terrorist, they should be celebrating
the fact that a new bill would allow the government to detain such people as
“enemy belligerents” indefinitely and without trial based on their “suspected
The “Enemy Belligerent, Interrogation,
Detention, and Prosecution Act of 2010,” introduced by Senators John McCain and
Joseph Lieberman on Thursday with little fanfare, “sets out a comprehensive
policy for the detention, interrogation and trial of suspected enemy
belligerents who are believed to have engaged in hostilities against the United
States by requiring these individuals to be held in military custody,
interrogated for their intelligence value and not provided with a Miranda
warning,” writes the Atlantic’s Marc Ambinder.
The full bill can be read here
The bill does not distinguish between U.S. citizens and non-citizens, and states that “suspected belligerents” who are “considered a “high-value detainee” shall not be provided with a Miranda warning.”
A person is considered a “high value detainee” if they fulfil one of the following criteria.
(1) poses a threat of an attack on civilians or civilian facilities within the U.S. or U.S. facilities abroad; (2) poses a threat to U.S. military personnel or U.S. military facilities; (3) potential intelligence value; (4) is a member of al Qaeda or a terrorist group affiliated with al Qaeda or (5) such other matters as the President considers appropriate.
Now that the Southern Poverty Law Center and the federal government, via the MIAC report and innumerable other leaked documents, now consider virtually anyone with a dissenting opinion against the state as “posing a threat,” millions of peaceful American citizens could be swept up by this frightening dragnet of tyranny.
However, according to the bill, an individual doesn’t even have to pose a threat to be snatched, detained and interrogated – they can merely be deemed to be of “potential intelligence value” or come under the vague and sweeping mandate of “such other matters as the President considers appropriate”.
This last designation hands Obama dictator powers to have any American citizen kidnapped, detained, and interrogated on a whim.
The only proviso that even hints at some form of check or balance is the measure that states, “The High-Value Detainee Interrogation Team must make a preliminary determination whether the detainee is an unprivileged enemy belligerent within 48 hours of taking detainee into custody.”
“The High-Value Detainee Interrogation Team must submit its determination to the Secretary of Defense and the Attorney General after consultation with the Director of National Intelligence, the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency. The Secretary of Defense and the Attorney General make a final determination and report the determination to the President and the appropriate committees of Congress. In the case of any disagreement between the Secretary of Defense and the Attorney General, the President will make the determination,” states the bill.
The full bill can be read here
The bill does not distinguish between U.S. citizens and non-citizens, and states that “suspected belligerents” who are “considered a “high-value detainee” shall not be provided with a Miranda warning.”
A person is considered a “high value detainee” if they fulfil one of the following criteria.
(1) poses a threat of an attack on civilians or civilian facilities within the U.S. or U.S. facilities abroad; (2) poses a threat to U.S. military personnel or U.S. military facilities; (3) potential intelligence value; (4) is a member of al Qaeda or a terrorist group affiliated with al Qaeda or (5) such other matters as the President considers appropriate.
Now that the Southern Poverty Law Center and the federal government, via the MIAC report and innumerable other leaked documents, now consider virtually anyone with a dissenting opinion against the state as “posing a threat,” millions of peaceful American citizens could be swept up by this frightening dragnet of tyranny.
However, according to the bill, an individual doesn’t even have to pose a threat to be snatched, detained and interrogated – they can merely be deemed to be of “potential intelligence value” or come under the vague and sweeping mandate of “such other matters as the President considers appropriate”.
This last designation hands Obama dictator powers to have any American citizen kidnapped, detained, and interrogated on a whim.
The only proviso that even hints at some form of check or balance is the measure that states, “The High-Value Detainee Interrogation Team must make a preliminary determination whether the detainee is an unprivileged enemy belligerent within 48 hours of taking detainee into custody.”
“The High-Value Detainee Interrogation Team must submit its determination to the Secretary of Defense and the Attorney General after consultation with the Director of National Intelligence, the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency. The Secretary of Defense and the Attorney General make a final determination and report the determination to the President and the appropriate committees of Congress. In the case of any disagreement between the Secretary of Defense and the Attorney General, the President will make the determination,” states the bill.
ADL Calls For “Major Law Enforcement Operation” To Deal With Obamacare Critics
A major Anti-Defamation League report goes further than ever before in an effort to purge the Internet of all dissent, listing completely non-violent criticism of Obamacare posted on Internet forums as a reason to conduct a “major law enforcement operation” against opponents of big government and health care reform.
the WTF category. Article includes commercial video.
ad running on British radio station tells public to report people who close
their curtains as potential suicide bombers.
advertisement, produced in conjunction with national radio outlet TallkSport, promotes
the “anti-terrorist hotline” and encourages people to report individuals who
don’t talk to their neighbors much, people who like to keep themselves to
themselves, people who close their curtains, and people who don’t use credit
was caught by law enforcement within 1000 feet of Ebenezer Day Care Center in
Tyler with baggies of weed in his pockets toking on a joint. On Thursday, March
4th, Henry received 35 years in a state correctional facility.
Private Prisons Love Mass Incarceration, And Want Politicians To Love It Too of the biggest names in the private prison industry have given $835,514 to federal candidates since 2000 and a stunning $6,092,331 to state politicians in the last five elections cycles, according to data in the report.
In other words, the companies running prisons for profit (essentially slave-labor camps like the Nazis ran) bribe the government to pass more laws that will send you to jail to work for them.
The Pentagon and slave labor in U.S. prisons
Prisoners earning 23 cents an hour in U.S. federal prisons are manufacturing high-tech electronic components for Patriot Advanced Capability 3 missiles, launchers for TOW (Tube-launched, Optically tracked, Wire-guided) anti-tank missiles, and other guided missile systems. A March article by journalist and financial researcher Justin Rohrlich of World in Review is worth a closer look at the full implications of this ominous development. (
CA prisoners reject state offer as inmate hunger strike enters 3rd week
Relatives and supporters of the thousands of reported hunger striking California prisoners warn that some inmates are "getting sicker and weaker, with some nearing severe dehydration", according to Southern California Public Radio. The inmates began refusing food on July 1 to protest overcrowding and harsh conditions inside the state's prisons. Prison authorities insist that no prisoners are in immediate medical crisis.
In the California penal system, once they have been convicted and incarcerated,prisoners are deemed irrelevant and expendable, except as a source of revenue for the various California agencies (or private prisons) which receive money for their incarceration.
The US has one of the largest percentage of its population jailed in the world, and yet, judging from the consistent rate of recidivism, the US system of incarceration has failed catastrophically, and does not at all keep the public more "safe". Many of these arrests and convictions are absolutely from non-violent, so called "victimless" crimes (the smoking of marijuana, etc.,), which has strained prison systems to the max.
We have much to learn from Scandinavian models, which focus on rehabilitation and reintegration with society than punishment per se.
Of course, we will probably never see decriminalization of illegal drugs here, because there is so much money to be made, by both the sellers, and the banks which launder the drug money.
Media denied access to California jails
The United States has banned any media access in four prisons in California, where up to 400 inmates continue their hunger strike over “inhumane” conditions.
The strike began on July 1 over the condition of isolation units -- called Security Housing Unit (SHU) -- at the Pelican Bay State Prison, where inmates are held in soundproof cells for 23 hours a day.
Prisoners say the extreme isolation in these maximum security areas is seriously deteriorating their health, and they have called for an end to the indefinite detentions.
People in California have been protesting in support of the prisoners, with the relatives of the inmates in SHU saying some of the detainees are now on the brink of death and that their condition is getting worse.
FBI Reports Show Dramatic Decline in Violent Crime over Past Decades
Did you know that according to official
FBI and U.S. Department of Justice reports, the rates of violent crime in the
U.S. are now at their lowest level in 40 years? Did you know that violent
crime rates of 2010 were 1/3
the rates of 1994? Other countries are experiencing a similar decline. And deaths of law enforcement officers are
at their lowest in 50 years according to this Boston Globe article. What inspiring news!!!
Yet I'm amazed at how little media attention this is drawing.
About three years ago, I came across a
major media article stating violent crime rates were on the decline. Given all
of the violence reported in the news every day, I was amazed and somewhat
skeptical about this. To verify the claim, I searched for and found the FBI's
webpage listing cumulative crime statistics. I was most surprised to find
that not only were violent crime rates steadily declining over the last 17
years, the cumulative decline was huge! What great news!!!
Yet as I search the news, though every year I
find a few major media articles which state that crime has decreased for the
year or for the last few years, I've only found one major media article
which talked about violent crime being at the lowest rate in 40 years, and even
that article failed to mention that the overall violent crime rate has dropped
to 1/3 of what it was 17 years ago.
That one
article was from the New York Times on May 23, 2011. Yet this
article, too, seemed to downplay the great news with a title that was far from
inspiring, "Steady Decline in Major Crime Baffles Experts." But at
least this one report laid out some of the astounding statistics:
"The number of violent crimes in
the United States dropped significantly last year, to what appeared to be the
lowest rate in nearly 40 years. In all regions, the country appears to be
safer. The odds of being murdered or robbed are now less than half of what they
were in the early 1990s, when violent crime peaked in the United States.
To see the charts of each type of
crime, both violent and non-violent, on U.S. Department of Justice websites
showing almost all categories at historic lows, click
here and here. If you explore these webpages, you will see that it is not just violent
crime; almost all types of crime have declined more than half over the past 20
years. Note that on the webpage at the first link, charts are given for 19
categories. All but four of those 19 show dramatic declines over the last 15 to
20 years.
For statistics going back farther, two
charts based on FBI data from 1960 to 2009 are available
here. The first chart lists numbers of crimes, while the second gives the
rates per 100,000 population. It is possible that some of the FBI statistics
provided at all of these links are mistaken. But if anything, we would expect
to FBI to inflate the rates in order to justify Congress giving them a bigger
budget. It is not likely that they would skew the rates downward.
Here are a few articles I've collected
which show the lack of reporting of this most inspiring news:
June 11, 2008: U.S. News and World
Report - Crime Rates Shown to Be Falling
June 1, 2009: USA Today - FBI: U.S. crime falls, but small town violence up
May 25, 2010: San Francisco Chronicle - 2009 crime rates drop, defying recession trend
September 14, 2010: Boston Globe - Crime rate decline puzzles theorists
May 24, 2011: CBS News - FBI: Violent crime fell 5.5 percent in 2010
June 1, 2009: USA Today - FBI: U.S. crime falls, but small town violence up
May 25, 2010: San Francisco Chronicle - 2009 crime rates drop, defying recession trend
September 14, 2010: Boston Globe - Crime rate decline puzzles theorists
May 24, 2011: CBS News - FBI: Violent crime fell 5.5 percent in 2010
No matter what the reason, let's
celebrate this great news! At least in this one very significant way, our world
is a safer place to live. Yea!!! Now please help to spread this inspiring news
far and wide.
half dozen armed cops and a “commonwealth’s attorney” barged into the student
newspaper office at James Madison University in Virginia recently and
confiscated 600 pictures the newspaper had taken of a “melee” off campus where
the cops used tear gas and other means of force and coercion to end what they
call a “riot.”
Excessive force by Victoria police - Mar 20, 2010 - judge for yourself
is to be expected that two adults could figure out how to restrain a rampaging
10-year-old without striking or electrocuting him. This feat was beyond the
competence of two police officers from Martinsville, Indiana, who were put on
paid vacation after they physically assaulted a troubled 10-year-old and then
shot him with a Taser.
great-grandmother has been ordered to wear an electronic tag for breaching new
animal welfare laws by selling a goldfish to a 14 year-old boy.
Higgins, a pet shop owner, was caught selling the fish to the teenager in a
'sting' operation by council officials. She was then prosecuted in an eight
month court process estimated to have cost the taxpayer more than £20,000.
new animal welfare laws, passed in 2006, it is it illegal to sell goldfish to
under 16s. Offenders can be punished with up to 12 months in prison.
Torture humans? No
Invade non-aggressive
countries, and kill innocents? No problem!!
Sell a goldfish to a 14
year-old? Slap 'em with a ten week curfew, an electronic tag, and 1750 in fines.
Fifty-six percent of people
questioned in a CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey released Friday say
they think the federal government's become so large and powerful that it poses
an immediate threat to the rights and freedoms of ordinary citizens.
about improbable odds. The guns used in the Pentagon and Las Vegas courthouse
shootings came from the police and court system in Memphis, Tennessee.
Patrick Bedell’s gun originated with police in Tennessee.
enforcement officials told The Associated Press that both guns were once seized
in criminal cases in Memphis. The officials described how the weapons made
their separate ways from an evidence vault to gun dealers and to the shooters.”
that make ya go "HMMMMMMM"
The Associated Press offers the following
lame explanation: “The use of guns that once were in police custody and were
later involved in attacks on police officers highlights a little-known divide
in gun policy in the United States: Many cities and states destroy guns
gathered in criminal probes, but others sell or trade the weapons in order to
get other guns or buy equipment such as bulletproof vests.”
5 Outrageous Examples of FBI Intimidation and Entrapment
In the 10 years since the Sept. 11th attacks, the FBI has expanded its powers, transforming into a massive domestic spying agency.
Kevin Gosztola
In 2010, the FISA court approved all 1,506 requests by the FBI to electronically monitor suspects. They were also generous with granting “national security letters," which allow the FBI to force credit card companies, financial institutions, and internet service providers to give confidential records about customers’ subscriber information, phone number, email addresses and the websites they’ve visited. The FBI got permission to spy on 14,000 people in this way.
Do they really think there are 14,000 terrorists living in the US?
That's just the beginning....
A fifth
state – South Dakota – has decided that guns made, sold and used within its
borders no longer are subject to the whims of the federal government through
its rule-making arm in the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, and two
supporters of the growing groundswell say they hope Washington soon will be
taking note.
Dakota Gov. Mike Rounds has signed into law his state’s version of a Firearms
Freedom Act that first was launched in Montana. It already is law there, in
Tennessee, Utah and Wyoming, which took the unusual step of specifying criminal
penalties – including both fines and jail time – for federal agents attempting
to enforce a federal law on a “personal firearm” in the Cowboy State.
their quest for the truth ~ over 60,000 infuriated Greek citizens take to the
streets in central Athens because the cash strapped government faces a
financial reckoning. The Obama administration has prepared itself for
eventually the same demands for the truth with HR 645 which is, in essence,
militarized FEMA internment camps.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Greece, Iceland, Thailand;
nation after nation sees the emergence of a popular rage against corrupted
government that loots the poor to give to the rich. It is inevitable that it
will happen here sometime soon.
Just remember that the side
that resorts to violence first will be seen as the villain in the eyes of the
world. Remember how Gandhi defeated the British Empire with non-violent
non-cooperation. Remember the National Strike on the 15th!
20,000 Troops To Deploy In CONUS For Civil Unrest – Possible Threats
The pentagon announced to deploy a 20,000 strong internal troop force into the CONUS that was set to be trained by 2011 — thus, dovetailing into the current troop and equipment movements reported around the country reported by truckers and many more sightings by others.
It is openly admitted that the internal force will be used to quail civil unrest due to massive large scale terror attacks and/or economic purposes.
Many people admit that it sounds like this will turn our country into a total militarized police state, some wonder what will happen in the future once the sheeple are conditioned to the military rooming the streets in America — others are asking “why all of the pre-positioning of troops equipment and (NOTAM) No-Fly Zones in the CONUS over the last few months?”
have speculated that this is the beginning phases of REX84 (Readiness Exercise 1984) being activated due to
a catastrophic event that is yet to take place.
this event be a threat from afar?
seems to think so. NASA recently released a warning to all employees regarding
living near large bodies of water that seemed rather suspicious, take a look
for yourself;
seems even more suspicious is the fact that the White House was prompted by NASA late last year that there was
a threat from outer space now facing the nation and a deflection campaign would
need to be implemented. This document was signed by Eric P. Holdren.
White House document was released October 15, 2010 a few months prior to the so called “discovery”
of comet C/2010 X1 (Elenin) discovered by Leonid Elenin with a 18″
strange thing is that only a select few sources worldwide have seen the object
a few of which we traced back to DARPA directly.
appears the ELENIN is some type of advanced warning system (used in
conjunction with NASA’s JPL) for the elites, upper echelon military, and
people in-the-know to decipher upcoming earth change events prompted by another
object (classified) that has entered our solar system.
has been many documented earth changes that have taken place on or near ELENIN’S
alignment dates (when ELENIN is in alignment with other objects) including
the Japanese earthquake and Tsunami disaster of 2011.
JPL orbital diagram and data seems to be fictitious and reverse
engineered into some type of advanced encrypted database for the upcoming event
ELENIN, according to some researchers stands
for Extinction Level Event Notable Impact November — also
encoded into the name is Elevin Nine (Nov. 9), and LEONID
(a meteor shower that peaks in November).
also ties in with the massive gearing up of underground bases worldwide at a rapid rate and mass graves for U.S. citizens which were exposed worldwide on March 25, 2009 on the
Alex Jones Show by Shepard Ambellas.
Nov 9, 2011 the earth will supposedly cross the threshold of the debris tail of
ELENIN on the same plain (assuming ELENIN is a real object that
would be catastrophic)
this, according to our sources as well as independent researchers, is some sort
of military code and ELENIN is not a physical object.
is not a real object we might be expecting a major earth change, a solar event
caused by another space object, (possibly 2005 YU55) or a staged attack.
must also be open to the idea that this is all a psyop for an event that the
elites are going to purposely cause and blame on Elenin.
is equally important to take into consideration the FEMA/FCC Take over drill happening on November 9, 2011, the
very same day that asteroid 2005 YU55 threatens to hit earth and/or the moon.
seems almost surreal that this information all lines up the way it does,
and is still currently under a full scale investigation by The Intel Hub.
one most ponder the fact that if there was some catastrophic event that is
destined to take place in the near future, would the governments of the
world plan to have us in martial law and populations under control before the event,
or would they wait until after?
plan fits all to well, keep your ears to the ground.
send any Tips or Intel on domestic troop and equipment movements to
VIPR Searches and the American Citizen: ‘Dominate. Intimidate. Control.’
Incredibly, in the absence of any viable threat, VIPR teams–roving SWAT teams, with no need for a warrant–have conducted 8,000 such searches in public places over the past year. These raids, conducted at taxpayer expense on average Americans going about their normal, day-to-day business, run the gamut from the ridiculous to the abusive.
The TSA and the VIPR programs are not about "protecting Americans"; they are about cowing citizens to accept any indignity the Federal government wants to inflict upon them, like that incident where a 95 year old cancer victim had to remove her adult diaper recently.
That must have REALLY gotten some completely mentally unhinged TSA worker their jollies for the day!
Senators propose National Guard general given Joint Chiefs of Staff seat far, thirty senators are sponsoring legislation that would give the National Guard a voice in final resource decisions at the Pentagon.
Despite the name "National", the guard is supposed to be the armies of the states, answerable to the state governors. But following operations CABLE SPLICE and GARDEN PLOT, President Bush (the elder) federalized the National Guard to strip the state of their right to defend themselves against inappropriate invasion by the Federal Government (such as the TSA). This move to put the head of the National Guard in the Joint Chiefs is the last step in transforming the state armies into yet another Federal Force, transferring their control from the governors to the President.
New leader types may help prevent Katrina-like chaos
The Defense Department is grooming a new type of commander to coordinate the military response to domestic disasters, hoping to save lives by avoiding the chaos that plagued the Hurricane Katrina rescue effort.
The officers, called dual-status commanders, would be able to lead both active-duty and National Guard troops.
This completes the process of transferring the National Guard, which was created to be the states' armies under control of the state Governor, to the control of the Pentagon, leaving the states unprotected against military invasion by the Federals. This is most assuredly not what was intended by the Founding Fathers, who created a nation of separate states aligned for purposes of economy and common defense only.
Google-NSA Secrets Can Stay That Way, Judge Rules
It might sound like tilting at windmills, but a privacy organization says it will appeal a federal judge's ruling that the super-secret National Security Agency (NSA) doesn't have to disclose its relationship with Google, or for that matter whether it has or ever has had such a relationship.
The Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) began its quest for information following press reports that the NSA and Google had formed a partersnhip of some kind after hackers in China launched a cyber attack on the U.S. government in January 2010.
EPIC first filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request seeking any documents that would reveal whether NSA and Google were developing technical standards that would enable greater surveillance of Internet users.
BREAKING: Secret FBI Storage Drive to Shield Evidence from FOIA?
James Corbett, Contributing WriterActivist Post
A recent court case in Utah has uncovered yet more evidence that the FBI is hiding key documents from the public by placing them in a separate, hitherto unknown electronic storage medium known as an “S-drive.” The fact that this drive was previously unknown has raised the specter that the FBI are using it as a place to hide requests for sensitive documents through the Freedom of Information Act...
This document is a classifed (SECRET/NOFORN) 32 page U.S. counterintelligence investigation into WikiLeaks. “The possibility that current employees or moles within DoD or elsewhere in the U.S. government are providing sensitive or classified information to cannot be ruled out”. It concocts a plan to fatally marginalize the organization. Since WikiLeaks uses “trust as a center of gravity by protecting the anonymity and identity of the insiders, leakers or whisteblowers”, the report recommends “The identification, exposure, termination of employment, criminal prosecution, legal action against current or former insiders, leakers, or whistlblowers could potentially damage or destroy this center of gravity and deter others considering similar actions from using the Web site”. [As two years have passed since the date of the report, with no WikiLeaks' source exposed, it appears that this plan was ineffective]. As an odd justificaton for the plan, the report claims that “Several foreign countries including China, Israel, North Kora, Russia, Vietnam, and Zimbabwe have denounced or blocked access to the website”. The report provides further justification by enumerating embarrassing stories broken by WikiLeaks—U.S. equipment expenditure in Iraq, probable U.S. violations of the Cemical Warfare Convention Treaty in Iraq, the battle over the Iraqi town of Fallujah and human rights violations at Guantanmo Bay…
yet another example of government overstepping its bounds, the Obama
administration is preparing to ban fishing in coastal areas around the country,
as well as the Great Lakes and other inland water resources.
All of these
proposed changes aimed at our ability to produce our own food seem to fall, in
part, under the United Nations’ Agenda 21 initiatives which are touted as
“sustainability development” programs. It seems, however, that the UN’s ideas
for sustainable living focus more on collectivists ideologies than they do on
the individual.Rather than teaching individuals to become self sustaining, the goal of the UN’s Agenda 21 initiative is for the government to provide sustainability to the population. And according to Michael Shaw, president of Freedom Advocates, Agenda 21 can be summarized by three points and are supported by the documents prepared by the United Nations.
The goals of the UN include the abolition of rural and suburban private property, global citizenship education, and population control. It sounds scary, perhaps even unbelievable. But don’t take our word for it, read the Agenda 21 Core Publications at the United Nations Division for Sustainable Development.
Based on this evidence, it is important to note that it is not only Barrack Obama that is pushing for restrictions on your ability to fish, or grow food, or manage your own livestock for personal use. This is a global effort with the dictates coming from the United Nations, and it has been happening for several decades.
Terrorism against our food supply and unsanitary conditions during food production are only minor issues to our food security when compared to what may be the greatest threat facing sustainable living – our very own government.
advocates and environmentalists are outraged that the government resold
products it deemed unsafe to live in, saying warning stickers attached to the
units will not keep people from misusing them.
formaldehyde, units may be plagued by mold, mildew and propane gas leaks, FEMA
with caution, extreme caution, if you are tempted to respond to what appears to
be an attractive offer for a travel trailer or manufactured home,"
Arkansas Attorney General Dustin McDaniel wrote in a consumer alert.
Webmaster's Commentary:
group of primary schoolchildren were left traumatised after their teacher told
them they were to be taken away from their families during a bizarre Holocaust
classroom 'game'.
became hysterical after a number of them were separated and told they were
being sent away or might end up in an orphanage.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Do we need to make slaves of our children to teach them slavery is wrong?
No, we do not. Not only do we all know slavery is wrong, but slavery no longer
exists in the US (not counting the 1040 form).
Likewise, the Nazis are all gone. Hitler is gone. And Nazi style war
crimes are gone (not counting Gaza).
This "game" was little more than a blatant attempt to brainwash
children, to emotionally scar them in a manner which benefits the present-day
government of Israel.
Webmaster's Commentary:
are down to four-day school weeks here in Hawaii. Utah has gone to a three-year
High School program. Los Angels just fired 5000 staffers from the school
system. Kansas City just closed half their schools.British school kids are being told to work at McDonalds to get their grades!
We cannot teach our children the basic skills to compete in the 21st century technological world, but there is always time and money to indoctrinate them about the first half of the previous century.
MOTHER is calling for three teachers to be suspended after her daughter and her
classmates were subjected to a “cruel and unethical” Holocaust role play game.
at St Hilary’s Primary were “hysterical” after deputy head teacher Elizabeth
McGlynn segregated nine youngsters in Gerry Blair’s P7 class and told them they
were being taken away from their families.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Fri, 26 Feb 2010
Fri, 26 Feb 2010
© fliegender
In recent years Britain has become the "Willy
Wonka" of social control, churning out increasingly creepy, bizarre, and
fantastic methods for policing the populace. But our weaponization of classical
music - where Mozart, Beethoven, and other greats have been turned into tools
of state repression - marks a new low.
We're already the kings of CCTV. An estimated 20 per cent of the world's CCTV cameras are in the UK, a remarkable achievement for an island that occupies only 0.2 per cent of the world's inhabitable landmass.
A few years ago some local authorities introduced the Mosquito, a gadget that emits a noise that sounds like a faint buzz to people over the age of 20 but which is so high-pitched, so piercing, and so unbearable to the delicate ear drums of anyone under 20 that they cannot remain in earshot. It's designed to drive away unruly youth from public spaces, yet is so brutally indiscriminate that it also drives away good kids, terrifies toddlers, and wakes sleeping babes.
Police in the West of England recently started using super-bright halogen lights to temporarily blind misbehaving youngsters. From helicopters, the cops beam the spotlights at youths drinking or loitering in parks, in the hope that they will become so bamboozled that (when they recover their eyesight) they will stagger home.
And recently police in Liverpool boasted about making Britain's first-ever arrest by unmanned flying drone. Inspired, it seems, by Britain and America's robot planes in Afghanistan, the Liverpool cops used a remote-control helicopter fitted with CCTV (of course) to catch a car thief.
Britain might not make steel anymore, or cars, or pop music worth listening to, but, boy, are we world-beaters when it comes to tyranny. And now classical music, which was once taught to young people as a way of elevating their minds and tingling their souls, is being mined for its potential as a deterrent against bad behavior.
In January it was revealed that West Park School, in Derby in the midlands of England, was "subjecting" (its words) badly behaved children to Mozart and others. In "special detentions," the children are forced to endure two hours of classical music both as a relaxant (the headmaster claims it calms them down) and as a deterrent against future bad behavior (apparently the number of disruptive pupils has fallen by 60 per cent since the detentions were introduced.)
One news report says some of the children who have endured this Mozart authoritarianism now find classical music unbearable. As one critical commentator said, they will probably "go into adulthood associating great music - the most bewitchingly lovely sounds on Earth - with a punitive slap on the chops." This is what passes for education in Britain today: teaching kids to think "Danger!" whenever they hear Mozart's Requiem or some other piece of musical genius.
The classical music detentions at West Park School are only the latest experiment in using and abusing some of humanity's greatest cultural achievements to reprimand youth.
Across the UK, local councils and other public institutions now play recorded classical music through speakers at bus-stops, in parking lots, outside department stores, and elsewhere. No, not because they think the public will appreciate these sweet sounds (they think we are uncultured grunts), but because they hope it will make naughty youngsters flee.
Tyne and Wear in the north of England was one of the first parts of the UK to weaponize classical music. In the early 2000s, the local railway company decided to do something about the "problem" of "youths hanging around" its train stations. The young people were "not getting up to criminal activities," admitted Tyne and Wear Metro, but they were "swearing, smoking at stations and harassing passengers." So the railway company unleashed "blasts of Mozart and Vivaldi."
Apparently it was a roaring success. The youth fled. "They seem to loathe [the music]," said the proud railway guy. "It's pretty uncool to be seen hanging around somewhere when Mozart is playing." He said the most successful deterrent music included the Pastoral Symphony by Beethoven, Symphony No. 2 by Rachmaninov, and Piano Concerto No. 2 by Shostakovich. (That last one I can kind of understand.)
In Yorkshire in the north of England, the local council has started playing classical music through vandal-proof speakers at "troublesome bus-stops" between 7:30 PM and 11:30 PM. Shops in Worcester, Bristol, and North Wales have also taken to "firing out" bursts of classical music to ward of feckless youngsters.
In Holywood (in County Down in Northern Ireland, not to be confused with Hollywood in California), local businesspeople encouraged the council to pipe classical music as a way of getting rid of youngsters who were spitting in the street and doing graffiti. And apparently classical music defeats street art: The graffiti levels fell.
Anthony Burgess's nightmare vision of an elite using high culture as a "punitive slap on the chops" for low youth has come true. In Burgess's 1962 dystopian novel A Clockwork Orange, famously filmed by Stanley Kubrick in 1971, the unruly youngster Alex is subjected to "the Ludovico Technique" by the crazed authorities. Forced to take drugs that induce nausea and to watch graphically violent movies for two weeks, while simultaneously listening to Beethoven, Alex is slowly rewired and re-moulded. But he rebels, especially against the use of classical music as punishment.
Pleading with his therapists to turn the music off, he tells them that "Ludwig van" did nothing wrong, he "only made music." He tells the doctors it's a sin to turn him against Beethoven and take away his love of music. But they ignore him. At the end of it all, Alex is no longer able to listen to his favorite music without feeling distressed. A bit like that schoolboy in Derby who now sticks his fingers in his ears when he hears Mozart.
The weaponization of classical music speaks volumes about the British elite's authoritarianism and cultural backwardness. They're so desperate to control youth - but from a distance, without actually having to engage with them - that they will film their every move, fire high-pitched noises in their ears, shine lights in their eyes, and bombard them with Mozart. And they have so little faith in young people's intellectual abilities, in their capacity and their willingness to engage with humanity's highest forms of art, that they imagine Beethoven and Mozart and others will be repugnant to young ears. Of course, this becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.
The dangerous message being sent to young people is clear: 1) you are scum; 2) classical music is not a wonder of the human world, it's a repellent against mildly anti-social behavior.
We're already the kings of CCTV. An estimated 20 per cent of the world's CCTV cameras are in the UK, a remarkable achievement for an island that occupies only 0.2 per cent of the world's inhabitable landmass.
A few years ago some local authorities introduced the Mosquito, a gadget that emits a noise that sounds like a faint buzz to people over the age of 20 but which is so high-pitched, so piercing, and so unbearable to the delicate ear drums of anyone under 20 that they cannot remain in earshot. It's designed to drive away unruly youth from public spaces, yet is so brutally indiscriminate that it also drives away good kids, terrifies toddlers, and wakes sleeping babes.
Police in the West of England recently started using super-bright halogen lights to temporarily blind misbehaving youngsters. From helicopters, the cops beam the spotlights at youths drinking or loitering in parks, in the hope that they will become so bamboozled that (when they recover their eyesight) they will stagger home.
And recently police in Liverpool boasted about making Britain's first-ever arrest by unmanned flying drone. Inspired, it seems, by Britain and America's robot planes in Afghanistan, the Liverpool cops used a remote-control helicopter fitted with CCTV (of course) to catch a car thief.
Britain might not make steel anymore, or cars, or pop music worth listening to, but, boy, are we world-beaters when it comes to tyranny. And now classical music, which was once taught to young people as a way of elevating their minds and tingling their souls, is being mined for its potential as a deterrent against bad behavior.
In January it was revealed that West Park School, in Derby in the midlands of England, was "subjecting" (its words) badly behaved children to Mozart and others. In "special detentions," the children are forced to endure two hours of classical music both as a relaxant (the headmaster claims it calms them down) and as a deterrent against future bad behavior (apparently the number of disruptive pupils has fallen by 60 per cent since the detentions were introduced.)
One news report says some of the children who have endured this Mozart authoritarianism now find classical music unbearable. As one critical commentator said, they will probably "go into adulthood associating great music - the most bewitchingly lovely sounds on Earth - with a punitive slap on the chops." This is what passes for education in Britain today: teaching kids to think "Danger!" whenever they hear Mozart's Requiem or some other piece of musical genius.
The classical music detentions at West Park School are only the latest experiment in using and abusing some of humanity's greatest cultural achievements to reprimand youth.
Across the UK, local councils and other public institutions now play recorded classical music through speakers at bus-stops, in parking lots, outside department stores, and elsewhere. No, not because they think the public will appreciate these sweet sounds (they think we are uncultured grunts), but because they hope it will make naughty youngsters flee.
Tyne and Wear in the north of England was one of the first parts of the UK to weaponize classical music. In the early 2000s, the local railway company decided to do something about the "problem" of "youths hanging around" its train stations. The young people were "not getting up to criminal activities," admitted Tyne and Wear Metro, but they were "swearing, smoking at stations and harassing passengers." So the railway company unleashed "blasts of Mozart and Vivaldi."
Apparently it was a roaring success. The youth fled. "They seem to loathe [the music]," said the proud railway guy. "It's pretty uncool to be seen hanging around somewhere when Mozart is playing." He said the most successful deterrent music included the Pastoral Symphony by Beethoven, Symphony No. 2 by Rachmaninov, and Piano Concerto No. 2 by Shostakovich. (That last one I can kind of understand.)
In Yorkshire in the north of England, the local council has started playing classical music through vandal-proof speakers at "troublesome bus-stops" between 7:30 PM and 11:30 PM. Shops in Worcester, Bristol, and North Wales have also taken to "firing out" bursts of classical music to ward of feckless youngsters.
In Holywood (in County Down in Northern Ireland, not to be confused with Hollywood in California), local businesspeople encouraged the council to pipe classical music as a way of getting rid of youngsters who were spitting in the street and doing graffiti. And apparently classical music defeats street art: The graffiti levels fell.
Anthony Burgess's nightmare vision of an elite using high culture as a "punitive slap on the chops" for low youth has come true. In Burgess's 1962 dystopian novel A Clockwork Orange, famously filmed by Stanley Kubrick in 1971, the unruly youngster Alex is subjected to "the Ludovico Technique" by the crazed authorities. Forced to take drugs that induce nausea and to watch graphically violent movies for two weeks, while simultaneously listening to Beethoven, Alex is slowly rewired and re-moulded. But he rebels, especially against the use of classical music as punishment.
Pleading with his therapists to turn the music off, he tells them that "Ludwig van" did nothing wrong, he "only made music." He tells the doctors it's a sin to turn him against Beethoven and take away his love of music. But they ignore him. At the end of it all, Alex is no longer able to listen to his favorite music without feeling distressed. A bit like that schoolboy in Derby who now sticks his fingers in his ears when he hears Mozart.
The weaponization of classical music speaks volumes about the British elite's authoritarianism and cultural backwardness. They're so desperate to control youth - but from a distance, without actually having to engage with them - that they will film their every move, fire high-pitched noises in their ears, shine lights in their eyes, and bombard them with Mozart. And they have so little faith in young people's intellectual abilities, in their capacity and their willingness to engage with humanity's highest forms of art, that they imagine Beethoven and Mozart and others will be repugnant to young ears. Of course, this becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.
The dangerous message being sent to young people is clear: 1) you are scum; 2) classical music is not a wonder of the human world, it's a repellent against mildly anti-social behavior.
McGCSE: Work at McDonald's for two weeks and get equivalent of a B grade exam pass who complete two weeks' work experience at a McDonald's restaurant will be awarded a qualification worth up to a B grade at GCSE.
Youngsters will be offered the 'certificate in work skills' for completing a ten-day programme which includes flipping burgers, serving customers at the tills and cleaning the dining area.
parents are furious at what they say is a "total invasion of privacy"
and claim some pupils are so anxious about being watched they are refusing to
use the facilities.
She told the
Sunday Mercury: "She came home from school and told me security cameras
had been installed in the girl's toilets but we didn't know anything about it."You would expect the school to have consulted parents first yet we received no information and no letters have been sent home explaining this decision."
In 2007 it was revealed schools had fingerprinted thousands of primary school children without their parent's consent.
The Department for Children, Schools and Families later ruled that if schools want to obtain and store biometric data from children, consent is not required from parents.
Campus police officers take food from café
Worcester State University police officers working the overnight shift routinely used their security keys to get into a locked campus café and help themselves to food and drinks without paying, according to university records and officials.
So, remind me again why having my house/business keys in a lockbox where the police can get at them is such a great idea?
careful who you frag. Having eliminated all terrorism in the real world, the
U.S. intelligence community is working to develop software that will detect
violent extremists infiltrating World of Warcraft and other massive multiplayer
games, according to a data-mining report from the Director of National
Webmaster's Commentary:
Are you @#$%ing kidding me?
The DHS people are so desperate to find terrorists (real ones, not the CIA
and Mossad phonies) that they are now spending YOUR tax dollars to search for
people merely PLAYING terrorist in computer games?!?!?
wars and cyber security are no longer fictional plots from science fiction
movies. They are very real and very serious concerns for the American people,
being tracked by politicians and the government in Washington. Webster Tarpley
gives his opinion on the seriousness of the cyber threat.
Ted Gunderson Former FBI Chief - Most Terror Attacks Are Committed By Our CIA And FBI
Former FBI Chief, Ted Gunderson, discusses terror attacks and who is behind them.
Anonymous continues the work of LulzSec, proving they actually didn't disband
M. Ruppert, Contributing Writer
Activist Post
Regardless of what you think about the illegal immigration laws in Arizona, you must take notice of the fact that the group known as Lulz Security or LulzSec has targeted the state more heavily than any previous target. You might also notice that even though LulzSec allegedly disbanded several days ago, their attacks on government cyber-infrastructure has continued unabated.
Sure, now they are operating under the banner of Anonymous (the same group that they emerged out of), but their activities have not changed a bit. They have continued their "Operation Anti-Sec" unabated, despite the clear warnings that these attacks will be used to justify a draconian crackdown on the Internet freedoms we have all grown to enjoy...
It was an open secret that the National Security Agency was bolstering a Homeland Security program to detect and respond to cyber attacks on government systems, but a summary of that program declassified Tuesday provides more details of NSA’s role in a Homeland program known as Einstein.
The current version of the program is widely seen as providing meager protection against attack, but a new version being built will be more robust–largely because it’s rooted in NSA technology. The program is designed to look for indicators of cyber attacks by digging into all Internet communications, including the contents of emails, according to the declassified summary.
Homeland Security will then strip out identifying information and pass along data on new threats to NSA. It will also use threat information from NSA to better identify emerging cyber attacks.
Elvis Presley’s Ultra-Secure, 2008 Passport?
But that didn’t prevent hackers from inserting his digital photo into a U.K. passport, and using it at a self-service passport machine at Amsterdam’s Schiphol airport to gain clearance to board a plane.
This incident occurred in September 2008. But this security vulnerability persists, as proven by the recent assassination of Mahmoud al-Mabhouh, a senior Hamas operative, in a Dubai hotel on January 20…
The alleged killers of Mr. Mabhouh included 11 people holding U.K. and other European passports. All of the killers used passports containing fake photographs and signatures.
Naturally, this wasn’t supposed to happen. When governments began issuing digitally encoded passports a few years ago, it was supposed to improve border security. For instance, Maura Harty, former U.S. assistant secretary of state for consular affairs, told a Congressional hearing in 2004:
“Embedding biometrics into U.S. passports to establish a clear link between the person issued the passport and the user is an important step forward in the international effort to strengthen border security.”
Only, the technology doesn’t work.
Indeed, the “ultra-secure” RFID chips digital passports contain can be cloned with about $100 worth of off-the-shelf electronic equipment. As a result, we have teams of assassins and who-knows-who-else roaming the world with digitally modified passports. Indeed, digital passports actually are far less secure than their predecessors.
The reason is that digital passports—and indeed digital data in general—suffers from an inherent security flaw…
If you take a non-digital passport and try to modify it physically, it’s very hard to do so without leaving some evidence of what you’ve done. There might be smudges, ink marks, or microscopic impressions of a razor blade used to cut out an old photo and insert a new one.
But with our new “ultra-secure” digital passports, if you figure out how to change the data on the RFID chip, the earlier data vanishes. There’s absolutely no trace of the tampering.
Now of course, encryption is supposed to protect us from this type of tampering. But even before governments issued the first digital passports, hackers cracked the encryption codes. Indeed, as far back as 2006, hackers demonstrated how a simple microchip reader purchased off the Internet could clone all the information in a U.K. passport’s “ultra-secure” RFID chip.
Surely, the governments that assured us that RFID passports represented a huge security advance knew the risks of relying on digital technology. The only possible conclusion was that they had a hidden agenda for introducing them—an agenda having nothing to do with security.
What was that agenda? I believe it is to create a “global travel database.” The purpose of the database is to create a “lifetime personal travel history” of anyone who holds a passport. Your photograph, your fingerprints, and details of each entry, exit or transit will be part of your dossier in a “biographic and biometric travel history database.” This data can be shared with anyone your government chooses. Potentially, it could be shared with any of the 150 countries that have introduced, or have promised to introduce, RFID-equipped passports.
Internet cannot be something open where anything is said and done. Every
country has to apply its own rules and norms," Chavez said. He cited
German Chancellor Angel Merkel as having expressed a similar sentiment
Chavez is
angry with Venezuelan political opinion and gossip website Noticierodigital,
which he said had falsely written that Diosdado Cabello, a senior minister and
close aide, had been assassinated. The president said the story remained on the
site for two days."We have to act. We are going to ask the attorney general for help, because this is a crime. I have information that this page periodically publishes stories calling for a coup d'etat. That cannot be permitted."
France, UAE: Speed Cameras Disabled
Vigilantes yesterday disabled a speed camera in Ras Al Khaimah in the United Arab Emirates, Emirates 24/7 reported. The device had been issuing tickets on Rams-Shaam road. Officials have no idea who might be responsible...