L'Autre Monde 15 avril 2013 : Développements majeurs en Asie et dans l'économie / Les pièges du contrôle et criminalisation de la pensée
L'Autre Monde 15 avril 2013 : Développements majeurs en Asie et dans l'économie / Les pièges du contrôle et criminalisation de la pensée
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L'Autre Monde 15 avril 2013
90 min / Radio de l'UQAM, CHOQ FM
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Nombre d'émission: 231 Diffusion en direct : Lundi à 15:00h
Au programme cette semaine:
réfléchissons à la manière dont opère le contrôle, la manipulation et
la criminalisation de la pensée. La peur, les tabous et le politiquement
correct nous pousse à l'auto-censure pour éviter de dire des choses qui
choquent, même si c'est la vérité. Nous en profitons pour répondre à
certains auditeurs qui doivent comprendre dans quelle réalité on se
revenons aussi sur la situation de l'actualité mondiale,
particulièrement sur le cas de l'économie où nous sommes témoins de
mouvements extrêmement révélateurs et annonciateurs de grands
bouleversements à venir, de la Chine qui représente une menace pour les
É-U, la Corée du Nord et la fausse menace et ce qui se cache réellement
derrière tout cela, des dessous du passé du nouveau Pape François et qui
lui mérite le titre de Pape de Washington pour l'Amérique du Sud.
en rendez-vous le lundi dès 15h pour l'émission la plus écoutée de
CHOQ FM, la radio officielle de l'Université du Québec à Montréal !
***Hyperliens vers les sources des informations discutées sur l'émission d'aujourd'hui:
“You know
very well, and the stupid Americans know equally well, that we control their
government, irrespective of who sits in the White House. You see, I know it and
you know it that no American president can be in a position to challenge us
even if we do the unthinkable. What can they (Americans) do to us? We control
congress, we control the media, we control show biz, and we control everything
in America. In America you can criticize God, but you can’t criticize Israel…”
Israeli spokeswoman, Tzipora Menache
Rick and ZENN Car
Did you Know that the ZENN car (Zero Emissions No Noise) is made in Quebec.
Cost approx $12,000.
Plug it in like a toaster, and is illegal to sell in Canada (except in B.C.)
An Inconvenient Truth
Finally, proof that the United States has lied in the drone wars.
It turns out that the Obama administration has not been honest about who the CIA has been targeting with drones in Pakistan. Jonathan Landay, national security reporter at McClatchy Newspapers, has provided the first analysis of drone-strike victims that is based upon internal, top-secret U.S. intelligence reports. It is the most important reporting on U.S. drone strikes to date because Landay, using U.S. government assessments, plainly demonstrates that the claim repeatedly made by President Obama and his senior aides -- that targeted killings are limited only to officials, members, and affiliates of al Qaeda who pose an imminent threat of attack on the U.S. homeland -- is false.Senior officials and agencies have emphasized this point over and over because it is essential to the legal foundations on which the strikes are ultimately based: the 2001 Authorization to Use Military Force and the U.N. Charter's right to self-defense. A Department of Justice white paper said that the United States can target a "senior operational leader of al-Qa'ida or an associated force" who "poses an imminent threat of violent attack against the United States." Attorney General Eric Holder said the administration targets "specific senior operational leaders of al-Qaeda and associated forces," and Harold Koh, the senior State Department legal adviser dubbed them "high-level al-Qaeda leaders who are planning attacks." Obama said during a Google+ Hangout in January 2012: "These strikes have been in the FATA [Federally Administered Tribal Areas] and going after al-Qaeda suspects." Finally, Obama claimed in September: "Our goal has been to focus on al Qaeda and to focus narrowly on those who would pose an imminent threat to the United States of America."
As the Obama administration unveils its promised and overdue targeted-killing reforms over the next few months, citizens, policymakers, and the media should keep in mind this disconnect between who the United States claimed it was killing and who it was actually killing.
Landay's reporting primarily covers the most intensive period of CIA drone strikes, from September 2010 to September 2011. "[T]he documents reveal estimates of deaths and injuries; locations of militant bases and compounds; the identities of some of those targeted or killed; the movements of targets from village to village or compound to compound; and, to a limited degree, the rationale for unleashing missiles," he writes.
While he provides few direct quotes from the documents, his most important finding is this:
At least 265 of up to 482 people who the U.S. intelligence reports estimated the CIA killed during a 12-month period ending in September 2011 were not senior al Qaida leaders but instead were "assessed" as Afghan, Pakistani and unknown extremists. Drones killed only six top al Qaida leaders in those months, according to news media accounts.
Forty-three of 95 drone strikes reviewed for that period hit groups other than al Qaida, including the Haqqani network, several Pakistani Taliban factions and the unidentified individuals described only as "foreign fighters" and "other militants."...
At other times, the CIA killed people who only were suspected, associated with, or who probably belonged to militant groups.
This scope of targeting complicates the Obama administration's claim that only those al Qaeda members who are an imminent threat to the U.S. homeland can be killed. In reality, starting in the summer of 2008, when President Bush first authorized signature strikes in Pakistan, the vast majority of drone-strike victims were from groups focused on establishing some form of Sharia law, attacking Pakistani security forces, and destabilizing Afghanistan by supporting the Taliban and attacking U.S. servicemembers. The United States essentially replicated the Vietnam War strategy of bombing the Vietcong's safe haven in Cambodia. In addition, the CIA was engaging in "side payment strikes" against the Pakistani Taliban to eliminate threats on Islamabad's behalf. This was not a secret to anyone following the CIA's drone program. As I wrote as early as March 2009:
The covert program that began as an effort to kill high-value al-Qaeda and Taliban officials responsible for previous international terror attacks (and who continue to provide strategic guidance to the global jihadist movement) has since led to the CIA's serving, in effect, as a counterinsurgency arm of the Pakistani air force.
Obama warned Thursday that the United States will take "all necessary
steps" to protect the American people as he urged North Korea to end its
belligerence -- amid fresh concerns that the regime is preparing for a missile
"Pleeeeze attack us, Kim; we reallyreally need a war with
China to save the dollar!" -- Official White Horse Souse
So it
seems, in answer to the paranoia question at the beginning of this piece: the
U.S. appears to have a comfortable lead in maintaining delusions of being
While the
threats to North Korea are real and existential, that doesn’t preclude some paranoia
at the same time: consider the suggestion [13]that[13] the 2010 torpedo-sinking
of a South Korean ship – blamed on North Korea and raising war fears – was
actually a false flag operation by the Israeli navy using a state-of-the-art
German submarine [Israel [12]has[12] a small fleet, armed with nuclear-warhead
January 29, 2002, in his first State of the Union address, President George
Bush declared that North Korea was part of “an axis of evil” along with Iraq
and Iran – nations that, while not an axis in the usual sense, got grouped by
President Bush’s belief that they were all developing weapons of mass
destruction with which “to threaten the peace of the world.”
Any military conflict against North Korea is simply a prelude for a US
war against China. And why?!? Because China, and other countries, are dumping
the US dollar in favor of trade with other currencies, particularly the Chinese
gold-backed yuan.
I would, however, respectfully like to point out to the adults in the
room in the bowels of power in DC that the US government doesn't have the troop
strength, the money, or the manufacturing to insure a successful outcome of a conventional
war against China.
Activist Post
Activist Post
needs enemies. When none exist, they're invented. A previous article said North
Korea's straight from central casting.
threatens no one. Media scoundrels say otherwise. So does Obama. On the one
hand, he claims no one wants war on the Korean peninsula. He urges Pyongyang
"to pursue peace."
On the other,
he's heightening tensions. He accused its leaders of "bad behavior,"
"threats," and "provocations." He's creating crisis
conditions that didn't exist. He's spoiling for trouble doing so...
So far
the conflict between the USG and North Korean is a virtual false-flag only. A
major Psyops designed to deflect attention away from a seriously failing US
Administration which is pulling out all the stops to pass gun-control laws
which are designed to eventually lead to complete confiscation.
current conflict with North Korea has been engineered and portrayed as a real
state of conflict when it is virtual only. In practical terms, North Korea and
America are now only involved in a state of virtual war which is unlikely to be
followed with an actual real shooting war.
war is an imaginary war fought only in the major mass media and the enemy is
the news consumer or the public which is psychologically managed. Virtual war
is a newer type of warfare which is a major Psychological operation, (aka a
Psyop), that is, an act of Mindwar against the people.
Dollar Collapse In Process: Four Big Nations Have Signed A Currency Deal With China IN LESS THEN 2 MONTHS!!
- UK
- Brazil
- Australia
- France
American power was necessary during the Cold War. Now that capital moves freely around the globe, capitalists do not require a specific national entity for any particular role. In other words, the American working class will have to pay their way in future. There are no more freebies.
Yuan reaches record high against the US dollar
Apr 13, 2013Further appreciation predicted, which would fuel inflation on the mainland and in Hong Kong
China Takes Another Stab At The Dollar, Launches Currency Swap Line With France
04/13/2013“One more domino in the dollar reserve supremacy regime falls. Following the announcement two weeks ago that “Australia And China will Enable Direct Currency Convertibility“, which in turn was the culmination of two years of Yuan internationalization efforts as summarized by the following: “World’s Second (China) And Third Largest (Japan) Economies To Bypass Dollar, Engage In Direct Currency Trade“, “China, Russia Drop Dollar In Bilateral Trade“, “China And Iran To Bypass Dollar, Plan Oil Barter System“, “India and Japan sign new $15bn currency swap agreement“, “Iran, Russia Replace Dollar With Rial, Ruble in Trade, Fars Says“, “India Joins Asian Dollar Exclusion Zone, Will Transact With Iran In Rupees“, and “The USD Trap Is Closing: Dollar Exclusion Zone Crosses The Pacific As Brazil Signs China Currency Swap“, China has now launched yet another feeler to see what the apetite toward its currency is, this time in the heart of the Eurozone: Paris. According to China Daily, as reported by Reuters, “France intends to set up a currency swap line with China to make Paris a major offshore yuan trading hub in Europe, competing against London.” As a reminder the BOE and the PBOC announced a currency swap line back in February, in effect linking up the CNY to the GBP. Now it is the EUR’s turn.”
Australia, China strike deal on currency
April 8, 2013Trade between Australia and China just got a little easier.
The Australian dollar is set to become only the third currency to trade directly with the Chinese yuan — a move that will help internationalize China’s currency and smooth transactions between the major trading partners.
Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard announced the deal Monday during a trip to Shanghai.
“Australia’s banks, superannuation funds and financial houses will be even better placed to help in the growth of China’s service economy,” Gillard said. “This is good news for the Chinese economy and good news for the Australian economy.”
China and Brazil sign $30bn currency swap agreement
26 March 2013China and Brazil have signed a currency swap deal, designed to safeguard against future global financial crises.
The pact, first announced last year, will allow their central banks to swap local currencies worth up to 190bn yuan or 60bn reais ($30bn; £20bn).
Officials said this will ensure smooth bilateral trade, regardless of global financial conditions.
Along with being the world’s second-largest economy, China is also Brazil’s biggest trading partner.
UK and China poised for currency swap deal
22 February 2013The Bank of England is in negotiations with its Chinese counterpart on a deal likely to boost trade between the UK and China in the yuan.
The Bank and the People’s Bank of China are close to signing a three-year currency swap arrangement, governor Sir Mervyn King said.
LEFT IN THE DARK: Secret U.S. military flights carried officials, equipment to N. Korea
Sherry questioning all found this last month!
Senior U.S. administration officials held secret talks in North Korea on at least three occasions in 2011 and 2012, The Asahi Shimbun has learned.
Although the visits had potential implications for Japan, Washington did not inform its security partner at the time and only informally confirmed one of them when the Japanese side pressed, government and other sources in Japan, South Korea and the United States said.
The U.S. State Department even warned the Foreign Ministry against making further inquiries, saying they would harm bilateral relations, the sources said.
U.S. military planes flew from an air base in Guam to Pyongyang and back on April 7, 2012, and again on a longer visit lasting from Aug. 18-20, the sources said.
The REAL Reason With What's Happening In North Korea - A Hidden Agenda - Hillary Clintons 'America's Pacific Century' Strategic Do
The real reason is hidden and could be to do with a stategic plan called ‘America’s Pacific Century’ , by US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
“The future of politics will be decided in Asia, not Afghanistan or Iraq, and the United States will be right at the center of the action.”
They (the U.S government) are using the latest North Korea threats as a hidden agenda to move it’s military troops into the far east and the surrounding areas.
It is also one other reason why western countries are moving all military troops out of countries in the middle east, Afghanistan etc.. They want to take control of far east asia.
The latest goings on in North Korea is a hidden ploy, an agenda, of what they are planning on doing which is taking control of centre politics in far east Asia.
In a November 2011 article for Foreign Policy, the term was recast as America’s Pacific Century by US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to succinctly describe the leading US foreign-policy goal of the 21st century
“The Pacific Century (and the associated term Asia-Pacific Century) is a term that has been used to describe the 21st century through analogy with the term American Century. The implicit assumption underlying the usage of the term is that the 21st century will be dominated, especially economically, by the states in the Asia-Pacific region, in particular China, Japan, India, South Korea, Taiwan, the ASEAN members (particularly Indonesia, Vietnam, Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore), Australia, Russia, Canada, Mexico, and the United States..”
“Clinton’s remarks were translated into official policy at the start of 2012, as the Obama administration outlined a new China-centric military strategy.[5]The preceding year, Clinton had already “grabbed Beijing’s lapels” by declaring the South China Sea as a vital American interest.[6] The policy shift was denounced by Chinese state media, which declared that the Americans should not “recklessly practice militarism”, nor engage in “war mongering…”
What better way for the government to create and use the North Korea threats as an excuse to move it’s troops and position their military might towards far east Asia in order to gain control.
It’s all part of the plan.
There is more about this North Korea business than we know.
“In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.”
- Franklin D. Roosevelt
I will make this clear once more….
It’s all part of their global plan.
Obama introduced a new defense strategy on Thursday, aimed at creating
a leaner, more dynamic American fighting force with an enlarged presence in
Asia and the Pacific. ”
the administration is seeking to trim hundreds of billions of dollars from the
Pentagon budget, the president and Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta have said
the United States will shift resources to the region because of its growing
economic and military significance.
United States had signalled its intention to bolster its military presence in
Asia last month, and analysts say that has heightened concerns here that Washington is
trying to counter China’s rise.”
while boosting its military presence in the Asia-Pacific, the United States
should abstain from flexing its muscles, as this won’t help solve regional
Obama Sending
Defensive Missiles To Guam
F/A-18 Warplanes Sent To Philippines For Military Drills:
sends F/A-18 warplanes to Philippine military drills
The Pacific
Century (and the associated term Asia-Pacific Century) is a term that
has been used to describe the 21st century through analogy with the term American Century. The implicit assumption
underlying the usage of the term is that the 21st century will be dominated,
especiallyeconomically, by the states in the Asia-Pacific region, in particular China, Japan, India, South Korea, Taiwan, the ASEAN members (particularly Indonesia, Vietnam, Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore), Australia, Russia, Canada, Mexico, and the United States. This
idea can be compared to the historical Eurocentric/Atlantic viewpoint, which has
dominated for the past five centuries.
A Chinese
military official has blamed the US government for the new strain of bird flu
affecting China, calling it a secret biological attack.
Liberation Army Senior Colonel Dai Xu said America released the H7N0 bird flu
virus into China, in an act of biological warfare, in a blog on Saturday.
on Sina Weibo, a Chinese microblogging site similar to Twitter, Dai alleged the
new bird flu strain had been designed as a weapon, similar to severe acute
respiratory syndrome (SARS), that affected the country in 2003 and which he
claims was also developed as a US bio-weapon.
asks UN and international community to put an end to repeated violations of
from the 3rd Battalion, 321st Field Artillery Regiment, XVIII Fires Brigade
train last December to “respond to an escalating civil-disturbance situation
caused by unhappy simulated hurricane victims.” According to an article
produced by the 82nd Combat Aviation Brigade, the training was designed to
prepare the soldiers “for their upcoming assignment as a quick reaction and
rapid response force for U.S. Army North Command in support of emergencies in
the United States.”
Translation: posse comitatus
is dead, and this government is preparing for a very nasty war against its own
citizens, soon to be brought about through the same economic collapse
this government is creating through its financial policies.
Please do not give this government what it is expecting! Don't panic, folks: please plan accordingly.
Please do not give this government what it is expecting! Don't panic, folks: please plan accordingly.
Over the
past decade, April Arctic sea ice area has been increasing – with four of the
five highest years occurring after 2008.
sea ice area has been increasing and above normal for more than 500 consecutive
days, so the experts chime in with a claim of record melt.
Weddell Sea (adjacent to the Antarctic Peninsula) had double the normal amount
of sea ice this summer. That is because it was exceptionally cold.
“Videla était l’un des généraux condamnés pour crimes contre l’humanité, dont des “disparitions”, de la torture, des meurtres et des enlèvements. En 1985, Videla a été condamné à une peine d’emprisonnement à perpétuité à la prison militaire de Magdalena.”
Wall Street et le programme économique néolibéral

(photo: de gauche à droite: Jose Alfredo Martinez de Hoz, David Rockefeller et le général Jorge Videla.)
L’ensemble des politiques macro-économiques néolibérales adopté sous Martinez de Hoz était la copie conforme de celui imposé en octobre 1973 au Chili par la dictature de Pinochet et conseillé par les “Chicago Boys”, après le coup d’État du 11 Septembre 1973 et l’assassinat du président Salvador Allende.
Les salaires ont immédiatement été gelés par décret. Le véritable pouvoir d’achat a chuté de plus de 30 % en moins de trois mois en Argentine, suivant le coup d’état du 24 mars 1976 (estimation de l’auteur à Cordoba, Argentine en Juillet 1976). La population argentine a été appauvrie.
Sous la direction du ministre de l’Économie Jose Alfredo Martinez de Hoz, la politique monétaire de la banque centrale a été en grande partie déterminée par Wall Street et le FMI. Le marché des devises a été manipulé. Le peso argentin a été délibérément surévalué, menant à une dette extérieure insurmontable. L’économie nationale en entier a été précipitée à la faillite.
Wall Street et la hiérarchie de l’église catholique
Wall Street appuyait fermement la junte militaire qui menait la « sale guerre » pour son compte. La hiérarchie de l’église catholique a quant à elle joué un rôle central en soutenant la légitimité de la junte militaire.
La Compagnie de Jésus qui représentait la faction conservatrice, aussi la plus influente de l’église catholique et étroitement associée aux élites économiques argentines, appuyait fermement la junte militaire contre les soi-disant « gauchistes » du mouvement péroniste.
« La sale guerre »: Allégations contre le cardinal Jorge Marion Bergoglio
Qui est Jorge Mario Bergoglio?
En 1973, il a été nommé « Provincial » de l’Argentine pour la Société de Jésus (Ordre des Jésuites).
À ce titre, Bergoglio était le plus haut représentant des Jésuites en Argentine durant la dictature militaire menée par le général Jorge Videla (1976-1983).
Il est devenu plus tard évêque puis archevêque de Buenos Aires. Le pape Jean Paul II l’a élevé au rang de cardinal en 2001.
Lorsque la junte militaire a renoncé au pouvoir en 1983, le nouveau président élu, Raul Alfonsin, a organisé une commission de la vérité au sujet des crimes de la « sale guerre » (la guerra sucia) argentine.
La junte militaire argentine a été soutenue clandestinement par Washington.
Le secrétaire d’État étasunien de l’époque, Henry Kissinger, a joué un rôle en coulisses dans le coup d’État militaire de 1976.
L’adjoint en chef de Kissinger en Amérique latine, William Rogers, lui avait dit deux jours après le coup d’État: « Nous devons nous attendre à une bonne dose de répression, probablement pas mal de sang va couler rapidement en Argentine »(National Security Archive, 23 mars 2006.)
“Opération Condor”

Pour plus de détails, consulter: Operation Condor: Trial On Latin American Rendition And Assassination Program, Carlos Osorio et Peter Kornbluh, 10 mars 2013
Photo : Henry Kissinger et le général Jorge Videla (1970)
L’Opération Condor et l’église catholique
L’élection du cardinal Bergoglio par le conclave du Vatican pour servir l’Église en tant que pape François aura des répercussions immédiates sur le procès de l’opération Condor en cours à Buenos Aires.
L’Église était impliquée par son appui à la junte militaire. Cela émergera durant les audiences. Il ne fait aucun doute que l’on tentera d’occulter le rôle des autorités de l’Église catholique ainsi que le rôle du nouveau pape François, chef l’ordre des jésuites en Argentine pendant la dictature militaire.
Jorge Mario Bergoglio: « Le pape de Washington au Vatican »?
L’élection du pape François a de vastes implications géopolitiques pour toute la région de l’Amérique latine.
Dans les années 1970, Jorge Mario Bergoglio soutenait une dictature militaire appuyée par les États-Unis.
Les autorités catholiques en Argentine soutenaient le gouvernement militaire. Le programme de torture, d’assassinats et de disparition de milliers d’opposants politiques était coordonné par Washington dans le cadre de l’« opération Condor » de la CIA.
Les intérêts de Wall Street étaient maintenus par José Alfredo Martinez de Hoz au ministère de l’Économie.
L’Église catholique en Amérique latine a une grande influence politique. Elle a aussi un pouvoir sur l’opinion publique. Les architectes de la politique étrangère étasunienne le savent.
En Amérique latine, où de nombreux gouvernements défient maintenant l’hégémonie américaine, on pourrait s’attendre, au vu des antécédents de Bergoglio, à ce que le nouveau pontife François, en tant que chef de l’Église catholique, joue de facto un rôle politique clandestin pour Washington.
Avec Jorge Marion Bergoglio comme pape au Vatican, un homme qui a servi fidèlement les intérêts américains à l’apogée du général Jorge Videla, les autorités de l’Église catholique en Amérique latine peuvent à nouveau être manipulées efficacement afin de miner les gouvernements « progressistes » (de gauche), non seulement en Argentine (le gouvernement de Cristina Kirchner), mais dans la région entière, au Venezuela, en Equateur et en Bolivie.
L’installation d’un pape « pro-étasunien » s’est produite une semaine après la mort du président Hugo Chavez.
« Changement de régime » au Vatican
Le département d’État fait régulièrement pression sur les membres du Conseil de sécurité des Nations Unies dans le but d’influencer les votes des résolutions.
Des opérations clandestines et des campagnes de propagande sont appliquées régulièrement par les États-Unis afin d’influencer des élections nationales dans différents pays à travers le monde.
La CIA a des liens secrets de longue date avec la Vatican
Le gouvernement étasunien a t-il essayé d’influencer l’élection du nouveau pontife ? Fermement engagé à servir les intérêts de la politique étrangère des États-Unis en Amérique latine, Jorge Mario Bergaglio était le candidat favori de Washington.
Est-ce que Washington a secrètement exercé des pressions, directes ou indirectes, au sein de l’Église catholique, sur les 115 cardinaux membres du conclave du Vatican ?
Cyprus forced to find extra €6bn for bailout, leaked analysis shows
http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/2013/apr/11/cyprus-bailout-leaked-debt-analysis-billCypriot politicians have reacted with fury to news that the crisis-hit country will be forced to find an extra €6bn (£5bn) to contribute to its own bailout, much of which is expected to come from savers at its struggling banks.
A leaked draft of the updated rescue plan, which emerged late on Wednesday night, revealed that the total bill for the bailout has risen to €23bn, from an original estimate of €17bn, less than a month after the deal was agreed – and the entire extra cost will be imposed on Nicosia.
Visiting Athens, the Cypriot parliament's president, Yannakis Omirou, said the tiny island nation had been "served poison" by its EU partners.
Cyprus's politicians had already faced intense domestic political pressure for agreeing to impose hefty losses on savers at two struggling banks to fulfil its eurozone partners' original demand that they contribute €7bn.
But after a more detailed "debt sustainability analysis" showed that the black hole in the island nation's finances is far deeper than first thought, the total cost for Cypriot taxpayers and depositors has now been set at €13bn, with €10bn to come from its eurozone partners and the International Monetary Fund. The €23bn overall bill is larger than an entire year's output from the Cypriot economy.
Jonathan Loynes, of thinktank Capital Economics, said the rising cost echoed the pattern in other bailed-out states. "They don't know where there might be more black holes: I wouldn't be that surprised if there were to be another shock in the next week or so," he said.
The new draft bailout plan, which will be discussed at a meeting of finance ministers in Dublin on Friday, underlined the botched nature of the initial agreement, which was hurriedly cobbled together in March and had to be redrawn after the Cypriot parliament rejected the idea that depositors holding less than €100,000 – whose savings are meant to be insured – would face deep losses.
A new decree that will remain in place for seven days lifts all restrictions on transactions under €300,000 to re-energise cash-starved domestic businesses that had difficulty paying suppliers and employees. Moreover, the daily limit on transactions outside of Cyprus not requiring prior approval is raised from €5,000 to €20,000.
However, a daily cash withdrawal limit of €300 remains in place, as well as a ban on cashing cheques. The decree also introduced a new restriction on opening new accounts in banks where customers had never done business before.
Much of the extra €6bn is expected to come from savers – though Cyprus is also expected to be forced to sell €400m of gold reserves, renegotiate the terms of a loan with Russia, and impose losses on Bank of Cyprus creditors. There was also a suggestion that holders of €1bn worth of Cypriot government bonds could be urged to agree to a debt swap, reducing the country's repayments. That could signal a messy period of negotiation and uncertainty.
Sunday, Prime Minister Pedro Passos Coelho reaffirmed Lisbon's commitments to
its fiscal tightening goals under an EU/IMF bailout, promising to compensate
for the court decision with other spending cuts.
Coelho's pledge to meet targets with more spending cuts means Lisbon will now
have to find another 0.8 percent of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) to satisfy the
'troika' of lenders - the EU, European Central Bank and International Monetary
Fund - which demand austerity in return for bailout loans.
has already promised its lenders to cut 4 billion euros progressively in
spending between 2013 and 2015 - and the pace of the cuts will now have to
government now plans to cut spending in areas like the healthcare system,
pensions and education.
unemployment at unprecedented levels in the EU, the risk of social unrest is
rising, says the UN’s International Labour Organization. The ILO is warning
politicians to abandon austerity and embrace job creation.
unemployment is as high as it is right now – as poverty and welfare protection
become worse – then the danger of social unrest grows along with it,” says
Miguel Angel Malo.
Malo is a
professor of economics in Salamanca, Spain – a country where youth unemployment
is at 56 percent. Additionally he’s an economics expert at the International
Labour Organization (ILO), a UN agency seeking to promote labor rights.
It was
for the ILO that Malo co-authored a paper with an unsettling thesis: the
likelihood of social unrest is increasing. Or at least, it’s becoming far more
likely in certain areas of Europe.
What is happening in Europe...will not stay in Europe.
When the money runs out for the US government (and this is a question of
when, not if), we can expect to see unrest in this country as well. The Federal
government is already planning for it; if not, why the purchase of
millions of bullets by the Department of Homeland Security, which is supposed
to have no real purpose outside of the United States domestic borders?!?
I was
able to reconnect for an interview with legendary Quantum Fund manager and commodities
bull, Jim Rogers. This was an especially groundbreaking interview, as Jim
shared thoughts on what governments around the world will be taking next, and
what he’s doing right now to protect his personal bank accounts following the
Cyprus collapse.
towards the frightening implications of the Cyprus banking collapse, Jim said
that, “It’s been condoned [now] by the IMF, the European union, and everybody
else in sight; that a government in need, can take assets. We all knew they
could tax us…but this is the first time that I’m aware of, that they’ve gone in
and taken bank accounts. They took gold from people in the U.S. in the
1930?s…but I’ve never heard of them taking bank accounts. [Now] they’re doing
it. So be careful [because], now they can take your bank account under this
recent bail-in in Cyprus has given the world a glimpse at the future of the
banking landscape. Now, as Canada gets set to hardwire the bail-in process into
law, analysts like Michel Chossudovsky are warning how the big banks can use
this template to further consolidate their monopoly of economic control. This
is the GRTV Backgrounder on Global Research TV.
During the midst of the Cyprus scandal, the
government of Canada released its own proposed budget for the coming year, including language that
suggests a bail-in regime:
“The Government proposes to implement a “bail-in” regime for systemically important banks. This regime will be designed to ensure that, in the unlikely event that a systemically important bank depletes its capital, the bank can be recapitalized and returned to viability through the very rapid conversion of certain bank liabilities into regulatory capital. This will reduce risks for taxpayers. The Government will consult stakeholders on how best to implement a bail-in regime in Canada.”
In response to public furore over the proposal, Canada’s Finance Minister was forced to come out last week todeny that the nebulously defined “certain bank liabilities” includes consumer deposits, but refused to clarify precisely what liabilities would be covered by such language.
As Michel Chossudovsky—professor of economics at the University of Ottawa—explains, the real danger of the Cyprus example is not that this will be a common way of dealing with future bank stresses, but precisely the opposite. With the bail-in procedure in their arsenal, bankers and their political cronies will be able to use this weapon of financial destruction not against the “too big to jails” of the big six megabanks in America or their counterparts around the world, but against smaller credit unions and independent banks that threaten their monopoly of power.
As Professor Chossudovsky goes on to point out in his article on the subject, “The Confiscation of Bank Savings to ‘Save the Banks’,” it is no coincidence that this bail-in regime is being formalized first in Canada.
The Financial Stability Board which has been working on institutionalizing the bail-in process is an international body coordinating the work of national and international standard setting bodies for the financial sector. It sprang from the earlier Financial Stability Forum, itself a creation of the G7 in 1999, and includes bodies like the Bank for International Settlements among its member institutions.
The FSB is currently chaired by Mark Carney, the current Governor of the Bank of Canada who is set to take the reins of the Bank of England in July of this year in a highly unusual move. Before beginning work for the Canadian Department of Finance, Carney spent 13 years at Goldman Sachs, where he was involved in a 1998 Russian financial scandal, with Goldman advising the Russian government at the same time as it was betting against the country’s ability to repay its debt.
As critics like Matt Taibbi and others have exhaustively documented, Goldman Sachs has been at the heart of every major market manipulation in the US since the Great Depression, and has been the key cheerleader for the austerity measures that are currently tearing the Eurozone apart and creating the banking crises in Cyprus and other European countries.
Concluding remarks“The Government proposes to implement a “bail-in” regime for systemically important banks. This regime will be designed to ensure that, in the unlikely event that a systemically important bank depletes its capital, the bank can be recapitalized and returned to viability through the very rapid conversion of certain bank liabilities into regulatory capital. This will reduce risks for taxpayers. The Government will consult stakeholders on how best to implement a bail-in regime in Canada.”
In response to public furore over the proposal, Canada’s Finance Minister was forced to come out last week todeny that the nebulously defined “certain bank liabilities” includes consumer deposits, but refused to clarify precisely what liabilities would be covered by such language.
As Michel Chossudovsky—professor of economics at the University of Ottawa—explains, the real danger of the Cyprus example is not that this will be a common way of dealing with future bank stresses, but precisely the opposite. With the bail-in procedure in their arsenal, bankers and their political cronies will be able to use this weapon of financial destruction not against the “too big to jails” of the big six megabanks in America or their counterparts around the world, but against smaller credit unions and independent banks that threaten their monopoly of power.
As Professor Chossudovsky goes on to point out in his article on the subject, “The Confiscation of Bank Savings to ‘Save the Banks’,” it is no coincidence that this bail-in regime is being formalized first in Canada.
The Financial Stability Board which has been working on institutionalizing the bail-in process is an international body coordinating the work of national and international standard setting bodies for the financial sector. It sprang from the earlier Financial Stability Forum, itself a creation of the G7 in 1999, and includes bodies like the Bank for International Settlements among its member institutions.
The FSB is currently chaired by Mark Carney, the current Governor of the Bank of Canada who is set to take the reins of the Bank of England in July of this year in a highly unusual move. Before beginning work for the Canadian Department of Finance, Carney spent 13 years at Goldman Sachs, where he was involved in a 1998 Russian financial scandal, with Goldman advising the Russian government at the same time as it was betting against the country’s ability to repay its debt.
As critics like Matt Taibbi and others have exhaustively documented, Goldman Sachs has been at the heart of every major market manipulation in the US since the Great Depression, and has been the key cheerleader for the austerity measures that are currently tearing the Eurozone apart and creating the banking crises in Cyprus and other European countries.
What is occurring is that the bank bailouts are no longer functional. At the outset of Obama’s Second term, the coffers of the state are empty. The austerity measures have reached a deadlock.
The bank bail-ins are now being contemplated instead of the “bank bailouts”.
The lower and middle income groups which are invariably indebted will not be the main target. The appropriation of bank deposits would essentially target the upper middle and upper income groups which have significant bank deposits. The second target will be the bank accounts of small and medium sized firms.
This transition is part of the evolution of the global economic crisis and the impasse underlying the application of the austerity measures.
The purpose of the global financial actors is to wipe out competitors, consolidate and centralize bank power and exert an overriding control over the real economy, the institutions of government and the military.
Even if the bail-ins were to be regulated and applied selectively to a limited number of failing financial institutions, credit unions, etc, the announcement of a program of confiscation of deposits could potentially lead to a generalized “run on the banks”. In this context, no banking institution would be regarded as safe.
The application of Bail-in procedures involving deposit confiscation (even when applied locally or selectively) would create financial havoc. It would interrupt the payments process. Wages would no longer be paid. Purchasing power would collapse. Money for investment in plant and equipment would no longer be forthcoming. Small and medium sized businesses would be precipitated into bankruptcy.
The application of a Bail-In in the EU or North America would initiate a new phase of the global financial crisis, a deepening of the economic depression, a greater centralization of banking and finance, increased concentration of corporate power in the real economy to the detriment of regional and local level enterprises.
In turn, an entire global banking network characterized by electronic transactions (which govern deposits, withdrawals, etc), –not to mention money transactions on the stock and commodity markets– could potentially be the object of significant disruptions of a systemic nature.
The social consequences would be devastating. The real economy would plummet as a result of the collapse in the payments system.
The potential disruptions in the functioning of an integrated global monetary system could result in a a renewed global economic meltdown as well as a drop off in international commodity trade.
It is important that people across the land, in the European Union and North America, nationally and internationally, forcefully act against the diabolical ploys of their governments –acting on behalf of dominant financial interests– to implement a selective process of bank deposit confiscation.