L'Autre Monde 25 février 2013 : La guerre de l'information

L'Autre Monde 25 février 2013 : La guerre de l'information
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L'Autre Monde 25 février 2013
90 min / Radio de l'UQAM, CHOQ FM
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Nombre d'émission: 224 Diffusion en direct : Lundi à 15:00h
Au programme cette semaine:
Une véritable guerre de l’information se déroule et le mouvement pour la vérité en est souvent affecté. Découvrez pourquoi dans cette émission. Les plans du NWO pour faire dérailler l'économie mondiale, semer le chaos, pour ensuite pouvoir faire passer "leur solution", va bon train. Nous explorons aussi comment se déploie la nouvelle tyrannie des temps modernes, la technocratie d'une élite finie se voulant être une suprématie mondiale par le contrôle complet de nos vies.
C'est en rendez-vous le lundi dès 15h pour l'émission la plus écoutée de CHOQ FM, la radio officielle de l'Université du Québec à Montréal !
***Hyperliens vers les sources des informations discutées sur l'émission d'aujourd'hui:
Dans l'article de
Piper du 16 janvier dernier: How Disinformation Becomes History il donne plusieurs exemples de faux documents et fausses
citations qui sont cités dans le mouvement de vérité, et termine avec cet
exemple :
- "A much-heralded report, supposedly approved by U.S. intelligence agencies, predicting the demise of Israel;"
Selon Piper donc, le rapport prédisant la disparition d'Israël "Preparing for a Post Israel Middle East" n'existe pas, on peut le trouver nulle part. J'ai l'impression que Franklin Lamb (qui reçoit bcp de pub, comme le douteux Gordon Duff) a tendance à fabriquer des fausses nouvelles, mais le fond de ce qu'il dit est vrai. La citation de Kissinger aussi est probablement fausse, en tout cas non prouvée et rien ne permet de l'étayer (un staffer de Kissinger nie tout), elle a seulement été rapportée par un commentateur (pas journaliste) d'un journal prestigieux. Le chroniqueur/blogueur a rapporté la nouvelle comme si c'était confirmé alors que c'est pas le cas.
C'est pas bien grave, puisque si tu veux tu peux faire la correction durant la prochaine émission, une tite correction ou sinon du moins un bémol/avertissement disant que cette source n'est pas si sûre finalement. En soi je trouve ça très bon de faire ce travail de nettoyage de sources, ça contribue au travail de défrichage de l'info et c'est toujours bon d'inviter les auditeurs à toujours faire preuve de prudence/circonspection vis-à-vis leurs sources.
Ça fait toujours réaliser à
quel point le mouvement pour la vérité est de plus en plus infesté de fausseté
pour mal faire paraitre les truthers. On dirait bien que les plans de
"Cognitive Infiltration" de Cass Sunstein fonctionnent à plein
C'est une véritable guerre de l'information qui a lieu...
C'est une véritable guerre de l'information qui a lieu...
Actualité :
NBC: New fault on seafloor may have opened up after BP disaster in Gulf, says oceanographer — “Potential for an indefinite release of oil”?
21st, 2013
20th, 2013
18th, 2013
16th, 2013
January 29th, 2013
New Photos: ‘Odd Ribbon Ripples’ Near BP Deepwater Horizon Disaster
January 28th, 2013
Video: Huge slick at site of BP disaster in Gulf of Mexico — Visible rainbow sheen and weathered oil not seen for months
15th, 2013
15th, 2013
Osama Bin Laden Photos Found By CIA After Freedom of Information Request
The Central Intelligence Agency recently found additional photos of Osama Bin Laden's corpse, the Department of Justice acknowledged in a Friday letter.
After almost 2 years, maybe these will be better quality fakes than the last batch of fakes they shoved at us!
But they will be fakes, simply because of the impossibility that photos of the supposed death of the super-villain of the century just happened to be misplaced for all these months, like they were snaps of a little league game your team lost!
Australian National University Professor of Strategic Studies Predicts War in East Asia
The disputed islands, administered by Japan and contested by China and Taiwan, have been the stage for the steady escalation of political tension. Until the recent radar-locking incident, the most chilling incident occurred on January 10, when Chinese and Japanese fighter jets simultaneously took to the air. Fortunately, a skirmish was avoided.
The United States has been tip-toeing a delicate diplomatic line concerning this dispute.
Before these recent events however, Professor Hugh White bluntly commented, “don’t be too surprised if the US and Japan go to war with China next year” in his December 26, 2012 column in the Sydney Morning Herald.
Professor White summarizes the situation as a face-saving dilemma for China, Japan and the United States stating, “This will be difficult, because any concession by either side would so easily be seen as a back-down, with huge domestic political costs and international implications.”
Unfortunately, I fear that Professor White's assessment may be correct.
And the problem here is that if the US does engage militarily with China, such a confrontation may go nuclear in a heartbeat, because the US government does not have the troop strength, the money, or the manufacturing to insure a successful outcome of a conventional war.
US-Saudi Funded Terrorists Sowing Chaos in Pakistan
Quetta, the capital of Pakistan's southwest Baluchistan province, bordering both US-occupied Afghanistan as well as Iran, was the site of a grisly market bombing that has killed over 80 people. According to reports, the terrorist group Lashkar-e-Jhangvi has claimed responsibility for the attack. Billed as a "Sunni extremist group," it instead fits the pattern of global terrorism sponsored by the US, Israel, and their Arab partners Saudi Arabia and Qatar.
The terrorist Lashkar-e-Jhangvi group was in fact created, according to the BBC, to counter Iran's Islamic Revolution in the 1980's, and is still active today. Considering the openly admitted US-Israeli-Saudi plot to use Al Qaeda and other terrorist groups across the Middle East to counter Iran's influence, it begs the question whether these same interests are funding terrorism in Pakistan to not only counter Iranian-sympathetic Pakistani communities, but to undermine and destabilize Pakistan itself.
Report: Israeli Subs Spotted Off Lebanese Coast
http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/165385#.USMwemdm-AiIsraeli submarines have allegedly been spotted cruising off the coast of Lebanon between Sidon and Nakura, according to a report in Lebanese media.
French tracking installations informed the United Nations that the subs had been detected, according to the report, published in the Al-Dayar daily newspaper.
BREAKING: Hezbollah invades Syria!! FSA spokesman Luay al-Miqdad called the alleged Hezbollah operation an "unprecedented invasion"
“It’s a coordinated ground invasion,” the Free Syrian Army spokesman said. “Hezbollah has started a war against us.”
US-led West pours arms into Syria as al-Qaeda mass slaughters civilians
Repeat a lie often enough, and hopefully people will begin to believe it. That is what a concerted effort by Western media houses hopes to achieve as they claim the recent flow of heavy weapons from Western nations and their Arab-Israeli partners is boosting "moderate rebels" and "tilting" the balance of Syria's conflict against the Syrian government.
The Washington Post in particular, sets the tempo for this coordinated propaganda campaign, claiming in their report, "In Syria, new influx of weapons to rebels tilts the battle against Assad," that:
A surge of rebel advances in Syria is being fueled at least in part by an influx of heavy weaponry in a renewed effort by outside powers to arm moderates in the Free Syrian Army, according to Arab and rebel officials.
Top Democrat on Foreign Affairs panel calls for arming Syrian opposition
The top Democrat on the House Foreign Affairs panel on Sunday called on the White House to arm rebels in Syria, raising pressure on President Obama to ramp up U.S. involvement in the two-year-old civil war.
“I will be introducing legislation to allow the president to arm the rebels,” Rep. Eliot Engel (D-N.Y.) said on ABC's This Week. “I think it's time to do that. I think the Free Syria Army needs help. We know who they are and I think it's time we make that move.”
YNET: Syria rebels present IAEA with demands over captured nuclear facility — “We’re willing to cooperate if our conditions are met” — ‘Special security parameter’ set up
Russia sending planes to Syria to deliver aid, pick up citizens
Russia will send two planes to Syria on Tuesday to deliver 46 metric tons (50.7 tons) of humanitarian aid and pick up citizens that want to leave the war-torn country, an emergencies ministry spokeswoman was reported as saying on Monday.
Russia has been one of the biggest foreign protectors of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, but in recent months Moscow has given signs it may be preparing for his possible defeat.
The planes carrying tents, power generators, furniture and 11 metric tons of food will fly to the port city of Latakia in northwestern Syria, emergencies ministry spokeswoman Irina Rossius said, according to Itar-Tass news agency.
She said that as well as Russian citizens, the planes would pick up citizens from the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), a regional group of post-Soviet states.
"Citizens of Russia, as well as CIS countries, who want to fly out of that country, will be able to leave Syria on the planes," she said.
It appears that Russian leadership senses the end-game coming near for Al-Assad's leadership of Syria.
Israel awards US oil firm license to drill in Golan Heights
http://www.presstv.ir/detail/2013/02/21/290141/israel-licenses-us-oil-co-to-drill-in-golan/The Israeli regime has awarded a US energy company a license to drill for oil on Syria’s occupied Golan Heights.
Industry sources said on Thursday that Genie Energy won the license following reports last year that Tel Aviv had decided to allow oil and gas exploration on Golan Heights.
That oughta ratchet up the push for a regional war a bit!
Russia Begins Evacuation of Citizens from Syria, Issues Warning to Assad, & Sends 4 More Warships!
“Our current task is to make registrations for the returned nationals. Then we will send them to airports or railway stations in Moscow or Moscow oblast. So far, all the people who want to leave Syria have arrived in Moscow,” said Yuri Besedin, deputy director of Moscow branch of Emergencies Ministry.
Car bomb kills 53 people and injures 200 on busy road close to Russian embassy in Damascus
A car bomb killed 53 people and wounded 200 in central Damascus on Thursday when it blew up on a busy highway close to ruling Baath Party offices and the Russian Embassy, Syrian television said.
TV footage showed charred and bloodied bodies strewn across the street after the blast, which state media said was the result of a suicide bombing by 'terrorists' battling President Bashar al-Assad.
Extremist Jews Seek New Purim Massacre in Iran
By David Duke. The twenty-five hundred year old Jewish celebration of Purim approaches on February 23. Purim is the Jewish celebration of the murder of the Persian Prime Minister, Haman for supposedly plotting a conspiracy against the Jews. Haman was hung along with all of his ten sons, and 75,000 hapless Persians were slaughtered.
Ironically, the time of Purim in 2003 was chosen for the launch of the Iraq War, a war orchestrated by Jewish extremists and Israeli partisans in the American government and media against a nation that posed no threat to the United States.
Lebanon may be new front in Syria’s war
Lebanon seems to be moving closer to becoming a major new front in Syria’s 2-year-old civil war after a series of deadly clashes in Syrian between rebel forces and Hezbollah, which backs the embattled Damascus regime.
The Free Syrian Army, one of the leading groups within the overwhelmingly Sunni Muslim opposition, threatened Tuesday to strike at the Shiite Hezbollah in Lebanon after the Iranian-backed movement sought to extend its control of Syrian territory along the border.
The Hezbollah offensive, which began last week, appears intended to protect vital supply routes to Syrian forces loyal to the regime from Hezbollah’s heartland in the Bekaa Valley in northeastern Lebanon.
Hezbollah also needs to maintain its own supply route from Syria along which it has been reportedly receiving advanced weapons, such as surface-to-surface missiles capable of hitting anywhere in Israel, and Russian SA-17 anti-aircraft weapons, from President Bashar Assad’s regime and Iran.
Hezbullah leadership may be many things, but stupid isn't one of them.
I have a hard time believing that they would deliberately strike Israel by air, because they understand that this is precisely what the Israeli government would love to have as the excuse to re-invade Lebanon, and this time, all the way to the Litani River.
A far more likely scenario would be for Israel to create some kind of false flag at the Syrian/Lebanese border, to be blamed on Hezbullah and/or Syria, and use that as the pretext for invading Lebanon and Syria simultaneously, with Israel subsequently chewing up bits of these countries' territories, and claiming them as their own, as happened with the Golan Heights.
But remember: the real prize for the US and Israeli governments is regime change in Tehran, but not for the same reasons. Israel doesn't want the competition in peaceful nuclear technology, and the US government wants regime change because Iran refuses to sell all of its oil in US dollars.
Syria downs Israeli drone
An Israeli drone has been downed near the Syrian border with Lebanon, the Mayadeen TV station reported Wednesday. Syrian forces allegedly shot down the aircraft over Deir al Ashayer, a village near Lebanese border, the TV channel said quoting local websites.
Imperial Jockeying in Africa: U.S. Intervention Sets to Deepen
As “the peril of guerrilla war looms” for the French in Mali, the United States prepares to step-up its intervention across Africa.
As was first reported by the New York Times, the U.S. is currently in the midst of establishing a drone base in Niger. The base will reportedly host up to “300 United States military and contractor personnel.”
“U.S. officials say they envision flying only unarmed surveillance drones from the base,” the Times reported, “though they have not ruled out conducting missile strikes at some point if the threat worsens.”
But according to the Wall Street Journal, “at some point” is a moment which fast approaches, as senior U.S. officials are pressing to expand the U.S. “kill list” to include targets from northern Mali.
Although the coming aggression in Africa is wrapped up in a pretty flag as the next logical extension of the US's alleged "war on terror", this is a war on people who have the gall to be living over, or adjacent to, resources the US and West want to expropriate for themselves; in Mali' it's the gold, and in Niger, it's the uranium.
Sen. Coons: U.S. will likely have more active military role in Mali
Washington has been providing intelligence, transport and mid-air refuelling to France, which launched its intervention last month, but cannot work directly with the Malian army until a democratically elected government replaces current leaders who came to power after a coup, said Christopher Coons, chair of the Senate foreign relations committee’s Africa sub-committee.
“There is the hope that there will be additional support from the United States in these and other areas, but … American law prohibits direct assistance to the Malian military following the coup,” Coons told journalists in the Malian capital.
“After there is a full restoration of democracy, I would think it is likely that we will renew our direct support for the Malian military,” added the senator, who led a bipartisan congressional delegation to Mali to meet with interim president Dioncounda Traore and French and African defence officials.
Mark my words: we will very likely see US troops on the ground in Mali in the not too distant future, starting out as "advisors".
This is the alleged "war on terror", devolving into a war against people who have the gall to live over, or adjacent to, resources the US and the West want to expropriate for themselves. And in Mali's case, this is about its gold production; who develops it, and who is able to buy it.
French war on Mali to clinch warplane mega deal
A “sale of the century” hanging in the balance involving fighter jets to India worth $12-14 billion? Now, that does make sense.
France’s claim of combating terrorism in Mali does not add up. Re-conquest of this former French colony and control of rich natural resources in West Africa are some of the more plausible reasons for this criminal offensive that began on 11 January.
Yet another plausible reason is to showcase the Rafale, France’s new fighter-bomber.
Hot on the heels of France's Hollande’s visit last week to New Delhi, British Prime Minister David Cameron was in India precisely to convince Premier Singh on the benefits of the Typhoon.
Économie :
WRIST SLAP: Justice Dept Settles Robo-Signing Fraud Case
Non-prosecution agreement... Yet again the punishment for the crime becomes a tax, or cost of doing bad business. Therefore the frauds and thefts will continue.
Mortgage servicing company Lender Processing Services agreed to pay $35 million to resolve a federal criminal investigation into foreclosure fraud, the Justice Department said on Friday.
The settlement resolves allegations over the company’s involvement in what the government called a six-year scheme to prepare and file more than 1 million fraudulently signed and notarized mortgage documents in property recorders’ offices nationwide from 2003 to 2009. The practice became known as robo-signing.
Lorraine Brown, the former CEO of DocX LLC, was found guilty, November 20, 2012, for conspiracy to commit mail and wire fraud. Sentencing for Brown is scheduled April 23. She faces a possible sentence of a maximum of five years in prison and a $250,000 fine, or twice the gross gain or loss from the offense.
RBS To Pay $800 Million Libor Fine, No Criminal Charges
No criminal charges - sound familiar?
REPORT: Another Secret Bailout For Bank Of America
http://www.nytimes.com/2013/02/17/business/dont-blink-or-youll-miss-another-bank-bailout.html?smid=tw-share&_r=4&The existence of one such secret deal, struck in July between the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and Bank of America, came to light just last week in court filings.
That the New York Fed would shower favors on a big financial institution may not surprise. It has long shielded large banks from assertive regulation and increased capital requirements.
Still, last week’s details of the undisclosed settlement between the New York Fed and Bank of America are remarkable. Not only do the filings show the New York Fed helping to thwart another institution’s fraud case against the bank, they also reveal that the New York Fed agreed to give away what may be billions of dollars in potential legal claims.
Here’s the skinny: Late last Wednesday, the New York Fed said in a court filing that in July it had released Bank of America from all legal claims arising from losses in some mortgage-backed securities the Fed received when the government bailed out the American International Group in 2008. One surprise in the filing, which was part of a case brought by A.I.G., was that the New York Fed let Bank of America off the hook even as A.I.G. was seeking to recover $7 billion in losses on those very mortgage securities.
It gets better.
What did the New York Fed get from Bank of America in this settlement? Some $43 million, it seems, from a small dispute the New York Fed had with the bank on two of the mortgage securities. At the same time, and for no compensation, it released Bank of America from all other legal claims.
When I asked the Fed to discuss this gift to the bank, it declined.
"The United States, from 1970 to 2005, increased its prison population by about 700 percent, according to statistics gathered by the ACLU."
The United States, from 1970 to 2005, increased its prison population by about 700 percent, according to statistics gathered by the ACLU. The federal Bureau of Justice Statistics, the ACLU report notes, says that for-profit companies presently control about 18 percent of federal prisoners and 6.7 percent of all state prisoners. Private prisons account for nearly all of the new prisons built between 2000 and 2005. And nearly half of all immigrants detained by the federal government are shipped to for-profit prisons, according to Detention Watch Network.
Iran: Death Sentences for Fraud
An Iranian court on Monday confirmed the death sentences for four people convicted of participating in a $2.6 billion embezzlement scheme, the biggest fraud in Iran’s history. The four bankers and businessmen, including Mahafarid Amirkhosravi, the chief executive of the Arya Investment Group, were convicted of “disturbing the country’s economic system through collusion and corruption in the banking network.” They cannot appeal the court’s decision.
Now there's a good idea!
Sterling strikes seven-month lows amid calls for further weakness
Sterling struck seven-month lows against the dollar, before later recovering some of its losses, as a Bank of England policymaker said the pound may need to weaken further.
uring morning trading on Monday, the pound fell 0.5pc to $1.5438 - its lowest level since July last year - before recovering to trade around $1.5483.
European Bank CEO Admits: "The Whole Thing Is Doomed"
As the European parliament attempts to create a budget and Draghi repeats how the temporary lull in European growth is merely a prelude to a growth renaissance in the second half of the year (not to be confused with the verbatim lie rehashed by European dignitaries in 2012, 2011, 2010 and 2009), it appears a few leaks of truthiness are seeing daylight in the disunion. In a shockingly frank interview, the CEO of Saxo Bank describes the Euro's recent rally as illusory and that "the whole thing is doomed," as the continent is not supported by a fiscal union. As Bloomberg reports, Lars Seier Christensen says he would be a "seller of the EUR at anything near 1.40," noting that "right now we’re in one of those fake solutions where people think that the problem is contained or being addressed, which it isn’t at all."Central Banks Are About To Completely Lose Control: World's Top Economies Shrink For First Time In Four Years Despite Massive Money Printing Around The World. More Currencies Are Risk Of Large-Scale Devaluation As Countries Are Entering The Currency Wars.
“There is this huge chaos going on in the financial business which I think we all sense. They are using desperate measures here to hold it together. . . . at some point it blows.
A Currency War Has Broken Out And Is Intensifying: Japan Will Keep Printing Until Nikkei Hits 13,000, The Fed Is Buying $85 Billion A Month Until Unemployment Hits 6.5%, ECB Launched Unlimited Bond Buying To Cap Governments’ Borrowing Costs, Venezuela And Egypt To Devalue Their Currency… Banks: G20 Must Act To Avert Currency War!!
Norway Enters The Currency Wars
The Rest of The World Is So Nervous: Moody's strips U.K.'s Coveted AAA Rating, Chancellor Warned On Inflation, Euro Crisis Returns - In Italy, Spain And Cyprus, A ‘Steepening Downturn’ Across The Euro Area, And Berlusconi Is Coming Back!
there are 3 scenarios that could shock the world.
They are:
Berlusconi wins: Berlusconi is running probably between 3-5 points in the polls. That’s a pretty consistent deficit, so he’s clearly in 2nd place, but you never know how things could break on election day. We’ve seen insiders put his odds at winning at maybe just over 10%. If he won, Italy’s reform path would be shot, its relationship with its neighbors blown, and markets would tank.
Looming Economic Crisis: 75% of Americans Cutting Back On Spending, Steep Spending Cuts Coming, Unfunded Federal Pension Liabilities Head Skyward, Fed Risks Losing Control Amid Budget Deficits
The second the Fed enters open deleveraging mode, everyone will sell everything they can to lock in the profits generated from the past 4+ years of Fed balance sheet expansion....
George Soros Is Going After The Two Most Hated Currencies In The World
The two most hated currencies in the world right now are: The Japanese Yen and The British Pound.
In the case of the yen, the new Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has come into power with an aggressive easing agenda (both monetary and fiscal). The yen has been getting slaughtered since November.
In the case of the British pound (which has been getting hammered all year) the currency is weakening on a combination of weak economic prospects, a worsening balance of trade, and the expectation that newly incoming Bank of England chief Mark Carney will be inclined to ease policy further.
And George Soros is apparently going after both currencies.
200 Million Ounces of Paper Silver Traded in 1 Minute Friday During Cartel Silver Raid!
Over a 5 minute period from 10:32-10:37 AM Friday, a massive volume spike (approximately 40,000 contracts) coincided with silver’s waterfall to $29.75- a fairly common occurrence during major cartel silver raids.
Astonishingly however, 2 minutes after silver marked it’s low at $29.75, approximately the same volume traded over the next minute- spiking silver .15 off it’s low.
It appears that a major buyer stepped in and took on the cartel at exactly 10:39 am on Friday 2/15 as nearly 40% of the day’s volume traded over a single minute.
To put this number in perspective, 200 million ounces is 26.2% of 2012?s world silver mine supply of 761 million ounces!
Treasury Releases Results of NY Fed Gold Audit, Inadvertantly Reveals US Gold Stores at NY Fed Are Only 466 Tons!
The Treasury Department has released the results of a gold audit on the Treasury’s gold holdings stored at the NY Fed which began in 2010. Not surprisingly, the Treasury report claims that the audit found no issues with the quality of the gold held at the NY Fed, or in any policies or procedures by the NY Fed.
The audit reportedly claims that in 3 of 367 tests of the gold’s purity, the gold was more pure than Treasury records had previously indicated, and as a result has increased the book value of the US’ gold holdings by 27 ounces.
The most newsworthy revelation in the report however was that the US (which is supposed to hold the vast majority of its gold reserves at the NY Fed) holds a total of 32,021 good delivery bars on deposit at the NY Fed:
As part of the audit, the Treasury tested a sample of the government’s 34,021 gold bars in the New York Fed’s vault five stories below Manhattan’s financial district.
Why is this so significant? As anyone with a simple calculator can discover, the Treasury department has just inadvertently admitted that rather than the official 8,133.5 tons the Treasury reports as the US’ official gold reserves, the Treasury’s actual physical gold stores at the NY Fed are a measly 466.57 tons! While the Treasury does reportedly also hold gold at Fort Knox, several reports have claimed that up to half of the US Gold is held at the NY Fed!
No wonder it will take the Bundesbank 7 years to repatriate 300 tons!
Damage control time- guys, the gold is more pure than even we thought! As the LA times reports:
As part of the audit, the Treasury tested a sample of the government’s 34,021 gold bars in the New York Fed’s vault five stories below Manhattan’s financial district, according to the inspector general’s office. Auditors drilled tiny holes into the bars to remove samples that were tested for fineness in a process called assaying.
In three of the 367 tests, the gold was more pure than Treasury records indicated, according to the Treasury’s inspector general. As a result, the government notched up the value of its gold holdings by approximately 27 fine troy ounces – or about $43,500, based on gold’s market value Monday.
Unfortunately for the Treasury Department and the NY Fed, the timely release of their internal audit (a month after the Bundesbank’s gold repatriation request) reeks of a desperate attempt to put out a loss of confidence contagion among the world’s Central banks.
Got PHYZZ (in your own vault)??
The Treasury Department’s full audit findings can be found at the link below:
This is our first hard core confirmation of what has long been suspected. The New York federal Reserve has been using the gold that belongs to various governments, dumping it on the market to suppress gold prices, and leasing it out to cover gold futures contracts that come due to protect the commodities market.
And now they can’t get it back.
Which means that if the US Government succeeds in taking away your guns, they will come after your gold (and probably silver) next.
This "audit" by the US Treasury (as untrustworthy as any other Federal Government agency) was supposed to provide a false-sense of security in the financial system, but will in fact only worsen global suspicions that the NY Fed has played very fast and very loose with other peoples' gold.
The only way to prove the gold is really there is to count every single bar in every single vault all at the same time, and to run every single bar through an ultrasound to check for tungsten. Testing just three bars out of 32,021 is hardly convincing.
For the average American, all this couldn't be happening at a worse time: Large home heating bills, smaller paychecks, looming budget cuts and skyrocketing gas prices... Gas prices rise 32 days straight, Increase 51 cents in 2 months. Some Drivers p
$5.00 a gallon gas hits California…32 days of higher gas prices comes at tough time…
Increase 51 cents in 2 months
Consumers are taking another huge hit in 2013. First, the two percent Social Security tax hike began the year. Now, gas prices are soaring ever closer to $4 a gallon and have jumped 51 cents a gallon since Dec. 20.
According to the Oil Price Information Service, the national average for a gallon of unleaded was $3.21.9 on Dec. 20, 2012. Today, that price is $3.73.0. While there has been a steady increase, prices shot almost 9 cents just over the weekend.
This President’s Day also marked a full month of rising gas prices every single business day, following a very small early year drop. Gas prices began rising Jan. 18, from $3.29.3-a-gallon, and have soared since. If this increase continues, gas prices could threaten or even top the all-time high price of $4.11, set in 2008.
Up 96% under Obama…
(CNSNews.com) – The average price of a gallon of gas has increased 96 percent since President Barack Obama first took office in 2009, according to figures from the Energy Information Agency (EIA).
$5 Gas Returns To Southland
LOS ANGELES (CBSLA.com) — Gas prices in Southern California rose again on Monday, leaving some drivers paying over $5.00 per gallon.
Gas Prices Set to Spike in the United States reports Baltimore News Journal
Gas prices are set to take one of the largest jumps in decades. At a rate expected to be $4 a gallon, the average drive is likely considering just how important many of the possibly weekly trips to stores and banks are necessary.
2013 is likely on track to being one of the most expensive years for someone to fill up their automobile. Prices in Maryland are up 16 cents overall within the past month. According to AAA, the 17 cents that the price has risen on average is just the start.
“The way prices have been increasing over the past few weeks we wouldn’t be surprised to see prices approach near $4 a gallon here in Maryland,” said Christine Delise, AAA.
Italian lawyer demands public prosecutor investigate Bilderberg Group
Italian lawyer Alfonso Luigi Marra has requested that the Public Prosecutor of Rome investigate the secretive Bilderberg Group for criminal activity, questioning whether the elitist organization’s 2011 meeting in Switzerland led to the selection of Mario Monti as Prime Minister of Italy. Mario Monti, a former international advisor for Goldman Sachs, the European Chairman of David Rockefeller’s Trilateral Commission was a leading member of the Bilderberg Group. Many believe that Monti was merely the latest of a growing list of ex-Goldman Sachs technocrats selected undemocratically to seize control of European economies.
In 2010, former NATO Secretary-General and Bilderberg member Willy Claes admitted that Bilderberg attendees are mandated to implement decisions that are formulated during the annual conference of power brokers. If this is the case, it would violate laws in numerous countries that forbid politicians from being influenced by foreign agents in secret.
The Bilderberg Group is an annual confab of around 120 of the most influential power brokers on the planet from the world of politics, business, banking, academia, media, and even royalty. Mainstream press reports routinely downplay the significance of the meeting despite the fact that it has proven its kingmaker status on numerous occasions in the past and is clearly not just a “talking shop,” as some have characterized Bilderberg.
Alfonso Luigi Marra
Marra’s full request that the Public Prosecutor of Rome investigate
Bilderberg, a translation of which is posted here (original version in Italian here),
identifies the organization as a “secret world government seeking to
destabilize democracies through carnage,” that has relied on “institutional
collusion” to keep its agenda largely secret.Marra cites article 18 of the Italian Constitution, which explicitly bans secret societies from engaging in political activities.
Guerrilla Surveillance Camera Destruction Hits The U.S.
It started in Berlin: Anarchists, donning black bloc attire, hit the streets at night in pairs, small groups or alone to smash and dismantle the CCTV surveillance cameras adorning the city streets.
They posted videos and photos of their exploits online and called the guerrilla project Camover. The German collective gave a playful interview to Vice U.K. in which they explained that they are “a diverse group of people: Shoplifters eluding capitalism who don’t want to be monitored, passengers who don’t want to followed step by step and anarchists fighting everything that wants to control us.” Vice noted that the Berlin-based anarchists then laid down the gauntlet:
have also recently announced a competition encouraging others to get involved.
All you have to do to enter is think of a name that begins with the words
“Brigade…” or “Command…” and that ends with the name of a historical
personality, recruit a mob and smash up cameras. Then you send pictures and
video evidence to their website, and they declare the winning footage.
Guerrilla Surveillance Camera Destruction Hits The U.S.
[continued]Feds Buying Enough Bullets for '24 Year War'
Federal, non-military agencies, noted radio host Mark Levin last week, have purchased enough ammunition recently to not only shoot every American five times, but also engage in a prolonged, domestic war.
The numbers are based on recent reports that put the total federal ammunition buy in the last 10 months at approaching two billion rounds.
“To provide some perspective,” Levin noted, “experts estimate that at the peak of the Iraq war American troops were firing around 5.5 million rounds per month. At that rate, the [Department of Homeland Security] is armed now for a 24-year Iraq war. A 24-year Iraq war!”
The government’s only official explanation for the massive ammo buy is that law enforcement agents in the respective agencies need the bullets for “mandatory quarterly firearms qualifications and other training sessions.”
The staggering number and lack of details in the official explanation, however, has led to rampant speculation, including concerns the DHS is arming itself to fight off insurrection among Americans.
“I’m going to tell you what I think is going on,” Levin offered. “I don’t think domestic insurrection. Law enforcement and national security agencies, they play out multiple scenarios. … I’ll tell you what I think they’re simulating: the collapse of our financial system, the collapse of our society and the potential for widespread violence, looting, killing in the streets, because that’s what happens when an economy collapses.
“I suspect that just in case our fiscal situation, our monetary situation, collapses, and following it the civil society collapses, that is the rule of law, they want to be prepared,” Levin said. “I know why the government’s arming up: It’s not because there’s going to be an insurrection; it’s because our society is unraveling.”
Barack Obama Openly Hints At Desire To Kill Citizens With Drones Inside America…
In a very oddly worded public response to a question posed to him during an online interview, Barack Obama dances around the topic of using military drones to kill Americans inside of the United States. Watch the following response and as you do, keeping in mind at no point does President Obama simply say NO we would never do that…
Feds Buy 2 Billion Rounds of Ammunition
Something strange is going on. Federal non-military agencies have bought two billion rounds of ammunition in the last 10 months.
The Obama Administration says that federal law enforcement agents need the ammunition for “mandatory quarterly firearms qualifications and other training sessions.”
Radio show host Mark Levin is suspicious. He commented:
Obama Moves To Authorize Domestic Drone Strikes: “The Rules Outside Of The United States Are Going To Be Different Than The Rules Inside Of The United States”
The Department of Homeland Security recently advanced a plan to deploy “public safety” drones in the skies over America, an action Congress authorized last year and called for the deployment of 30,000 drone surveillance vehicles by 2020.
While DHS head Janet Napolitano says the primary mission for domestic drones is for situational awareness in “large public safety [matters] or disasters”, President Obama may have a different idea for how best to implement this next generation of frightening surveillance technology.
Well known for his obsession with remote drone attacks, reportedly going so far as to personally sit in on unmanned aerial vehicle missions, the President was recently asked about concerns from American citizens about the possibility of extra-judicial military drone strikes within the borders of the United States.
Invasion! DHS Source Tells Why Military Train in U.S. Cities
I was once stationed at Camp Lejuene, NC. As a Navy Corpsman, I helped care for Marines. I tell you this because inevitably there will be those that assume I hold some anti-military motive. Quite the contrary. This writer is a Navy veteran, receiver of a Navy Commendation medal for lifesaving, Fleet Marine Force Expeditionary medal (2) and several letters of commendation – among other ribbons and medals. I also spent time at Camp Lejuene.
Realistic Urban Training is happening all over the U.S. In Miami, Florida on January 26, 2013, Army Blackhawk helicopters swooped through the city at night, firing door-guns and chasing make-believe bad guys like something out of an action movie. The fired blanks echoed off of the buildings, scaring many residents into taking cover. The local news reported excitedly about the exercise, stating it was only a drill and for residents not to be concerned. However, there was no journalistic follow up asking hard questions. Such as, who authorized an exercise without informing the public? Why conduct this type of training in a populated U.S. city and put citizens at risk? Isn’t this a violation of Posse Comitatus? No hard follow up questions were asked, and to my knowledge, have not been since.
Not even when the same exercise occurred in Houston, Texas on January 29, 2013. The U.S. Army along with other agencies took over the Carnegie Vanguard High School in Houston on Monday. Alarmed residents called police and complained about gunshots and helicopters. No details were provided about the training. Watch the KTRK-TV Houston report and hear how alarmed residents responded after hearing gunshots and seeing military helicopters flying over their homes.
Wednesday, January 30, 2013. The same types of exercises were conducted in Galveston, Texas. The Houston Chronicle reported The training involved about 80 soldiers from the U.S. Army Special Operations Command in coordination with local law enforcement. According to Sgt. 1st Class Michael Noggle, an Army spokesman based at Fort Bragg, N.C., “We were invited by the city of Galveston to conduct joint training exercises to enhance the effectiveness of both services in order to better protect the residents of Galveston.”
He went on to say in an email that “The purpose of the realistic urban training is to give our Special Operators an opportunity to hone their skills in a controlled, but unfamiliar, realistic urban environment that cannot be replicated with the bare-boned facades found on military installation ranges.”
I’ve highlighted a few examples, but there are more. In a search I came upon these others. Los Angeles, CA, Plainville and Worchester, Massachusetts. As reported in the other stories, residents were unaware of the drills until helicopters swooped over their neighborhoods. And here’s more: Minneapolis, MN, and this in East Saint Louis, MO. There are many more, but these links provide a foundation for further research.
I spoke with a high-ranking, military source in DHS. Preferring to remain unnamed for obvious reasons, he told me, “DHS and DOD are conducting desensitizing exercises all across the U.S.,” he paused, then added, “we’re being prepared for mass civil unrest in major U.S. cities. DOD will be expected to help – when we’re requested.”
I asked if there was a timeline for expecting civil unrest in our cities and why should we expect it to begin with. I was told that there were many reasons, but that the continued devaluation of our currency, the predicted history-setting prices for gasoline this summer and the continued gun control debate are forming a perfect storm of civil discontent. When this storm hits, it will most assuredly produce mass casualties. When does DHS expect this to happen? This summer.
From a high-ranking source deep within DHS, who has strong DOD ties, we are being told that joint DOD-local law enforcement exercises are to desensitize us to military occupation. When asked if there was any concern about violating Posse Comitatus, he stated “no concern at all,” and added, “That’s been a non-issue for a long time.”
Reuters recently reported Jesse Jackson’s request for armed TSA in the streets of Chicago. Is it no longer a question of IF we see armed soldiers patrolling U.S. streets – but WHEN? And notice the way most mainstream media presents these training exercises. They are presented nearly like entertainment. The ones approaching public service announcements mostly center on what areas to avoid because of traffic closures.
US senator says drones death toll is 4700
It was the first time a politician or any government representative had referred to a total number of fatalities in the drone strikes, which have been condemned by rights groups as extrajudicial assassinations.
The toll from hundreds of drone-launched missile strikes against suspected Al-Qaeda militants in Pakistan, Yemen and elsewhere has remained a mystery, as US officials refuse to publicly discuss any details of the covert campaign.
But Republican Senator Lindsey Graham, a staunch supporter of the drone raids, openly cited a number that exceeds some independent estimates of the death toll.
"We've killed 4,700," Mr Graham was quoted as saying by the Easley Patch, a local website covering the small town of Easley in South Carolina.
White House Builds Underground Super Bunker–Took 4 Years To Complete–What Are They Preparing For?
A massive 4 year White House construction project has finally been completed. The deep, underground project continues to be shrowded in secrecy and has reportedly been planned for 40 years..
Given that the president has so many fortified hidey holes, why was this one built? What does it’s construction really mean for the security of the most powerful man in the world?
Video: TERRIFYING Bug-Sized LETHAL Drones Developed By U.S. Air Force
Brennan Refuses to Rule Out Drone Assassinations Within the US
http://www.globalresearch.ca/brennan-refuses-to-rule-out-drone-assassinations-within-the-us/5323542In written responses to questions submitted by the Senate Intelligence Committee, John Brennan, the Obama administration’s nominee for director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), refused to rule out drone assassinations of American citizens on US soil. The committee on Friday released a declassified version of Brennan’s responses.
As I have been warning our readers and listeners for some time now, those assassinations in places like Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia and Mali will not stay in those places; they are coming to the homeland, and - most probably - sooner rather than later.
Now that Obama believes that he has the legal right to assassinate any American extrajudiciously, it is no small leap of "logic" for him to believe that those extrajudicial assassinations can be performed right here in the US.
Pelosi Backs Obama on Secret Execution of Americans Without Trial
House Democrat leader Rep. Nancy Pelosi of California is under fire from across the political spectrum after admitting in an interview, among a host of other controversial positions, that she was not opposed to President Obama’s secret executions of U.S. citizens without a trial or even charges. She also claimed that, depending on the timing and situation, it was acceptable for the executive branch to simply “disappear” Americans and keep it secret — a wildly unconstitutional notion that even most Third World dictators would never dare support publicly.
The Obama administration, of course, admits to believing it has the power to legitimately murder anyone, anywhere, anytime — no charges, trial, jury, or due process are needed. Americans have known about the murderous program for years, but more facts about it were exposed recently when an apparently leaked memo from the Justice Department “justifying” the murders hit the headlines earlier this month. The incredible document purporting to legalize extrajudicial assassinations shocked even the president’s most slavish supporters.
Obama admin won’t say if they claim authority to assassinate US citizens on US soil without charges
Perhaps the most disturbing aspect of the Obama administration’s assassination program is the fact that they simply refuse to address if they claim the authority to kill Americans on US soil without charge or trial.
While they clearly claim the authority to kill Americans abroad without requiring any clear evidence based on secret meetings and a classified legal justification, they dodge any and all questions around assassinations on US soil.
Individuals in the Obama administration – including Obama himself – have chosen to simply answer a question that was never asked when they are confronted with the issue.
This recently came up in a series of written questions and answers (original without notes here) from Senate Select Committee on Intelligence to John Brennan, Obama’s nominee for the director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).
The problem with extrajudicial assassinations of Americans abroad is, that extrajudicial assassinations of Americans here at home becomes not so far a leap, in the "legal logic" embraced by the Obama administration.
Gun Owners Refuse to Register Under New York Law
After Democrats in New York rammed a sweeping assault on the right to keep and bear arms through the legislature that failed to exempt police officers from the draconian restrictions, gun owners and even some lawmakers are planning what has been dubbed potentially the largest act of civil disobedience in state history. According to news reports, gun rights activists are urging everyone to defy far-left Governor Andrew Cuomo’s new registration mandate while daring authorities to “come and take it.”
New York gun owners understand that registration is the prelude to confiscation, and most probably will not let that happen.
But I hope and pray that this will not lead to violence, because violence appears to be just what the Federal government has prepared for.
The Department of Homeland Security recently stoked concern by contracting a company to provide them with 450 million rounds of hollow point bullets. Now the federal agency is also purchasing bullet-proof checkpoint booths that include 'stop and go' lights. A press release from Shelters Direct brags about how they are providing the DHS with bullet resistant guard booths. Images of the booth from the company's website suggest the guard shacks will be used to control checkpoints. "This guard building features a standing seam hip roof, a thru-wall HVAC unit, (2) UL 752 BR Level 3 sliding doors, UL 752 Bullet Resistant Level 3 glass and a Low]E coating. Other noticeable highlights of this prefabricated steel building include metal halide security lighting, decorative window grille frames, and a "Stop & Go" light with controls," states the press release. The purpose behind the bullet proof booths is unknown, but the DHS has publicly announced that it plans to increase the number of unannounced checkpoints manned by TSA VIPR teams and other federal agents beyond the 9300 that were set up last year alone.
I have received word that some people think that simply reporting on what the federal government is doing with our money, especially when it comes to purchases of ammunition on the domestic front that is in excess of a billion rounds within six months, is somehow sensationalizing the issue. That is not my intent. My intent is to inform and in that vein two very curious organizations have also purchased substantial amounts of ammunition. However now we are discovering the Social Security Administration is requesting ammunition. Yes that’s right, The SSA is set to purchase 174,000 rounds of hollow point bullets that will be distributed to forty-one locations across the country. Those locations are listed in a spreadsheet at the FBO website. A solicitation posted by the SSA on the FedBizOpps website asks for contractors to supply 174,000 rounds of “.357 Sig 125 grain bonded jacketed hollow point pistol ammunition.” While we can speculate all day long what in the world the SSA needs weapons and ammunition for, it is even more interesting to find that the National Weather Service is also purchasing ammunition. That’s right, the NWS put in a request for 46,000 rounds of hollow points and 500 paper targets. Read more: http://freedomoutpost.com/2012/08/look-what-other-federal-agencies-have-ordered-huge-amounts-of-ammunition/#ixzz2J6KTJ1e5
I would like to add that hollow point bullets have one task, and one task only: to turn a living human being into a fragmented, dead carcass very quickly.
REPORT: 65 Million Guns Bought Since Obama Took Office, 91% More Than Bush's First Term
65 Million Guns Bought Since Obama Took Office, 91% More Than Bush's First Term
According to data compiled by the FBI, the number of Americans purchasing guns has skyrocketed since Obama was elected. There have been 65,376,373 background checks completed for Americans purchasing firearms since February of 2009, the first full month of Barack Obama's presidency.
This totals 65,376,373 background checks completed since President Obama's first full month in office, or 44,748 background checks per day. By comparison, the number of background checks in Obama's first term is 91.1% higher than President George W. Bush's first-term total of 34,214,066.
If ‘Assault Weapons’ are bad, Why does DHS want to buy 7000 of them for ‘Personal Defense’
The Department of Homeland Security is seeking to acquire 7,000 5.56x45mm NATO “personal defense weapons” (PDW) — also known as “assault weapons” when owned by civilians. The solicitation, originally posted on June 7, 2012, comes to light as the Obama administration is calling for a ban on semi-automatic rifles and high capacity magazines.
Citing a General Service Administration (GSA) request for proposal (RFP), Steve McGough of RadioViceOnline.com reports that DHS is asking for the 7,000 “select-fire” firearms because they are “suitable for personal defense use in close quarters.” The term select-fire means the weapon can be both semi-automatic and automatic. Civilians are prohibited from obtaining these kinds of weapons.
Homeland Security Training TSA Workers For Mass Shootings At Airports
Transportation Security Administration (TSA) checkpoint screeners are receiving training to prepare them for the possibility of a mass shooting at one of the agency’s airport checkpoints, and those TSA personnel are being instructed to “save themselves” should a shooting occur.
1.8 gigapixel ARGUS-IS. World's higest resolution video surveillance platform by DARPA
Or watch the full documentary, Rise of the Drones at http://undergrounddocumentaries.com/rise-of-the-drones-full-version/
USA use of 10,000 pentagon drones.
Homeland security now pushing fear of terrorist cyber attack...are they planning another false flag?
In an attempt to scare the public with a looming cyber attack on US infrastructure, US Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano is once again pushing Congress to pass legislation allowing the government to have greater control over the Internet.
Napolitano issued the warnings Thursday, claiming that inaction could result in a “cyber 9/11” attack that could knock out water, electricity and gas, causing destruction similar to that left behind by Hurricane Sandy.
Now Big Brother is REALLY watching you
In a government-sponsored research project eerily reminiscent of the 2002 film “Minority Report,” the Army’s Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has partnered with Carnegie-Mellon University to create “an artificial intelligence (AI) system that can watch and predict what a person will likely do in the future.”
Max Igan - There's A Coup Underway In America
A must watch IMHO...
Max Igan - There's A Coup Underway In America
ALERT: Ammunition Out-of-Stock, No Backorders
Nearly all ammunition throughout the United States is now Out-of-Stock as the country remains in a buying frenzy from the failed media delivery of the Sandy Hook School shooting. Even corporations themselves are limiting and forfeiting ammunition stocking orders willingly to disrupt the flow of ammunition to the disgruntled populace. What this means is that we as a nation are now seeing an incremental wave of draconian gun control measures that are sure to sweep the nation rapidly as more mass shootings will likely ensue and be exploited for the establishments own gain.The primary focus of our research revolves around the five largest online retail companies in the United States. The data reviewed is from online sales as of January 29, 2013. If you have additional information please email to tips@theintelhub.com
DHS to more than double number of its Predator Drone
Despite renewed criticism from both parties in Congress that domestic drones pose a privacy danger to U.S. citizens—and a report from its own Inspector General recommending to stop buying them—the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has indicated it wants to more than double its fleet of Predator drones used to fly surveillance missions inside the United States.
Perhaps worse, DHS is also flying Predator drone missions on behalf of a diverse group of local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies for missions beyond immigration issues. We know they have lent the drones out to the county sheriff's department in North Dakota and the Texas Rangers, among others, but unfortunately, we don’t know the full extent DHS lending program. DHS, as is their custom, is keeping that information secret.
The normalization of the domestic use of drones concerns me greatly.
As we have seen in Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Yemen, weaponized drones create massive carnage.
I would not want to bet against the coming of extrajudicial assassinations, courtesy of weaponized drones, to be coming home right here in the US, in the not so distant future.
Justice Department memo reveals legal case for drone strikes on Americans
http://openchannel.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/02/04/16843014-exclusive-justice-department-memo-reveals-legal-case-for-drone-strikes-on-americans?liteA confidential Justice Department memo concludes that the U.S. government can order the killing of American citizens if they are believed to be “senior operational leaders” of al-Qaida or “an associated force” -- even if there is no intelligence indicating they are engaged in an active plot to attack the U.S.
The 16-page memo, a copy of which was obtained by NBC News, provides new details about the legal reasoning behind one of the Obama administration’s most secretive and controversial polices: its dramatically increased use of drone strikes against al-Qaida suspects, including those aimed at American citizens, such as the September 2011 strike in Yemen that killed alleged al-Qaida operatives Anwar al-Awlaki and Samir Khan. Both were U.S. citizens who had never been indicted by the U.S. government nor charged with any crimes.
Exceptionally grave damage: NSA refuses to declassify Obama’s cybersecurity directive
The National Security Agency has shot down a Freedom of Information Act request for details about an elusive presidential order that may allow the government to deploy the military within the United States for the supposed sake of cybersecurity.
The Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) reports on Tuesday that their recent FOIA request for information about a top-secret memo signed last month by US President Barack Obama has been rejected [PDF]. Now attorneys for EPIC say they plan to file an appeal to get to the bottom of Presidential Policy Directive 20.
Although the executive order has been on the books for a month now, only last week did details emerge about the order after the Washington Post reported that Pres. Obama’s signature to the top-secret directive could allow the White House to send in recruits from the Pentagon to protect America’s cyber-infrastructure.
That word "adversaries" troubles me mightily.
I am a peaceful, thinking human being; a person of both faith and logic. I never advocate violence, ever. I present my logical, peaceful differences of opinion on both US domestic and foreign policy on this blog on a consistent basis.
But at what point, in this process, will I become considered one of the "adversaries" to this country? And what will this government be prepared to do to silence me? Extra-judiciously assassinate me, with a taser-armed drone? Or, as is now the law in this country, have me arrested and thrown into indefinite detention without trial or due process?
Both possibilities are now codified into US law; the extrajudicial assassination of American citizens has been deemed as having the standing of law, and and has been used by President Obama, and the language in the NDAA, which states that the President now has the authority to have someone arrested indefinitely with no due process for having provided alleged "aid and comfort to the enemy"?
Apparently logic, when it differs from that of the US government, has now been criminalized.
US military seeks to develop ‘subsonic bullets’
Most bullets make small sonic booms when flying through the air, which to our ears sound like a loud, distinct “crack!” For the Pentagon’s special forces, that makes it hard to be sneaky about what they’re shooting. Now the commandos want to be sneakier with slower, quieter bullets, U.S. information telecommunication magazine Wired reported Tuesday.
According to the magazine, the Special Operations Command (SOCOM) under the U.S. Department of Defense plans to develop rifles in the 5.56, 7.62 and.338 calibers, which will travel at low enough velocities to avoid breaking the sound barrier, thus creating no “crack” noise.
In the solicitations, the special forces said the bullet aims to “provide superior covert and stealth capabilities” for not only the military,but police forces and the Department of Homeland Security.
WOW, this is going to make extrajudicial assassinations at home and abroad so much easier!!
And please remember, folks; those extrajudicial assassinations we hear about in Yemen, Pakistan, and Afghanistan are not going to stay in Yemen, Pakistan, and Afghanistan!!
Woman Gets Heart Attack After Being Tasered By California Cops
A 50-year-old woman who went into cardiac arrest after being Tasered by two California Highway Patrol officers is now planning to sue the agency.
Dash cam video captured the June 4 incident. It started when the officers noticed Angela Jones sitting in a car parked illegally on the side of a road in Encino.
They asked Jones to get out of the vehicle. She got out, but refused to put down her purse. The officer told her he needed to handcuff her, but she said she didn’t do anything wrong. Jones ran for her car and the tasing began.
Wiretapping the web: 'Revolutionary' technology could allow governments to listen in on your Skype conversations
Dennis Chang, president of VoIP-PAL, an chat service similar to Skype, claims his system would allow authorities to identify and monitor suspects merely by accessing their username and subscriber data, Slate reports.
According to the patent, they could also be tracked down by billing records that associate names and addresses with usernames.
Such a capability would make not only audio conversations but 'any other data streams such as pure data and/or video or multimedia data' open for interception.
Internet users who are paranoid enough to use false subscriber data and services to mask their IP addresses could be able to circumvent the identification.
Keep the
people ignorant and afraid and control and power becomes a detail – a
self-generating byproduct of the people’s hysteria . . . The universal
methodology of the tyrant is always incrementalism. -- Derek Audette
Smith, Contributor
Activist Post
Activist Post
came the ammunition requests, and now it’s time for the weapons. The incremental creep of arming
government thugs continues one step at a time, one breath at a time, until it
becomes one American death at a time.
Department of Homeland Security has placed an initial order of up to 7,000 5.56x45mm North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) personal defense weapons (PDW), with a contract life of 5 years, to numerous Department of Homeland Security components, which includes Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Immigration Customs Enforcement (ICE), and the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC).
The winner of the contract would receive the assured minimum is $30,000 but not to exceed the maximum ceiling of $9,800,000.
What is the 5.56x45mm?
From Wikipedia:
Department of Homeland Security has placed an initial order of up to 7,000 5.56x45mm North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) personal defense weapons (PDW), with a contract life of 5 years, to numerous Department of Homeland Security components, which includes Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Immigration Customs Enforcement (ICE), and the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC).
The winner of the contract would receive the assured minimum is $30,000 but not to exceed the maximum ceiling of $9,800,000.
What is the 5.56x45mm?
From Wikipedia:
The 5.56×45mm NATO (official NATO nomenclature 5.56 NATO) is a rifle cartridge developed in the United States and originally chambered in the M16 rifle. Under STANAG 4172, it is a standard cartridge for NATO forces
as well as many non-NATO countries.[2] It is derived from, but not
identical to, the .223 Remington cartridge. When the bullet
impacts at high velocity and yaws[3] in
tissue, fragmentation creates a rapid transfer of energy which can result in
dramatic wounding effects.[4][5][6]
Puhanic, Contributor
Activist Post
Activist Post
Australian Government has now been labelled as the most intrusive government in
the Western world.
It has
been revealed that on a per-capita basis, the Australian government spies on
its citizens more than any other Western government.
2010-2011, more than 3,400 Australians had been spied on by more than 17
government law enforcement agencies. This includes state and federal police
agencies, the Australian Tax Office (ATO) and Medicare.
The shocking
truth is that these government agencies can access telephone and Internet data
records without a warrant from a judge...
EU super spies to get right to snoop on your emails, website visits, medical data and police records
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2276282/EU-super-spies-right-snoop-emails-website-visits-medical-data-police-records.htmlA European super-spying agency is to be granted draconian powers to access a vast range of our personal information, including medical data, criminal records, emails and website visits.
The controversial move, demanded by Brussels in an EU directive, will sweep aside British privacy laws that protect UK citizens from intrusion into their personal lives.
Last night MPs, academics and privacy-rights groups warned that the new powers represented a great threat to individual security.
Canadian businesses lobby for the right to infect peoples' computers with viruses and rootkits
A coalition of Canadian industry groups, including the Canadian Chamber of Commerce, the Canadian Marketing Association, the Canadian Wireless Telecommunications Association and the Entertainment Software Association of Canada, are demanding legalized spyware for private enforcement purposes. The demand comes as part of a review of anti-spam and spyware legislation in Canada.
The potential scope of coverage is breathtaking: a software program secretly installed by an entertainment software company designed to detect or investigate alleged copyright infringement would be covered by this exception. This exception could potentially cover programs designed to block access to certain websites (preventing the contravention of a law as would have been the case with SOPA), attempts to access wireless networks without authorization, or even keylogger programs tracking unsuspecting users (detection and investigation).
As predicted, full body scanners now on city streets
In case you felt you
weren't being scanned
New York mayor Michael
"I love Wall Street" Bloomberg
has teamed up with the
Department of Homeland
Security to put full body
scanners on city streets.
Pedestrians don't even
know they're being scanned.
As usually Herr Fuhrer
Bloomberg couldn't care
less about the privacy
issues or health concerns.
America's secret drone base in Saudi Arabia revealed
The revelation came after a news blackout on reporting the existence of the base was broken by two US newspapers. The blackout had been agreed by American media organisations and the Obama administration bceause of the national security issues involved.
There have been at least 64 drone attacks on the unstable Arab state since 2002, though President Barack Obama dramatically escalated their frequency to an estimated one a week at times last year.
The disclosure of the drone airfield will embarrass the Saudi royal family, which still faces anger from powerful conservative clerics for allowing the US to establish military bases after the 1991 Gulf war.
Those bases closed by 2003, but the presence of non-Muslim troops on holy soil was effectively deployed as a casus belli by al-Qaeda leaders.
The Washington Post said several US media organisations knew of the drone base but abided by official requests not to disclose its location because of the risk to counter-terrorism cooperation with Saudi Arabia.
The Post said that when it learned that another news organisation - the New York Times - planned to break the agreement, it decided to publish what it knew.
President Barack Obama's decision to nominate John Brennan as CIA director has brought into focus the quasi-official lethal drone programme, which has killed an estimated 3,000 militants and civilians in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Yemen.
Unprecedented Demand: Americans Purchase a Gun Every 1.5 Seconds
http://investmentwatchblog.com/unprecedented-demand-americans-purchase-a-gun-every-1-5-seconds/For the last two months Americans have been lining up in unprecedented numbers at gun shops and gun shows across the country. In fact, demand has been so massive that the FBI’s background check system in a number of states crashed as a result of being overwhelmed.
In January, some 2.4 million requests were sent to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS), which ranks last month as the second busiest in U.S. history.
It was second only to the 2.7 million people who purchased guns in December 2012.
Even before the mass shooting in Newtown, Connecticut last year, which prompted government officials on all levels to introduce legislation that would restrict access to semi-automatic personal defense rifles and other firearms deemed too dangerous for America’s streets, demand had been rising at a rapid pace.
In the last twelve months, over 20 million background checks have been performed by the FBI.
That amounts to a gun being purchased in America about every 1.5 seconds.
DHS Insider: Obama’s cyber warriors & preparing for collapse
The following information was provided to me by my DHS contact on two different occasions. Information from my first contact was previously published in two parts (here and here). I was asked to withhold the final portion of the information that was provided to me at that time until after the inauguration. The following resumes where part II left off. At the request of this source and for the sake of continuity, the following combines the information withheld and the information from our most recent contact on 4 February 2013.
So, what is being planned?
RB: The DHS will oversee the domestic crackdown that will happen when the perfect storm bears down on us. And the perfect storm is the economy, meaning the U.S. dollar collapse and hyperinflation, racial or class riots sparked by a high-profile incident, and another mass causality event involving guns. Watch for these three things to happen all at once, or in close succession.
The polarization caused by these events will be sufficient to cause a second civil war.
DH: When? How soon will all of this happen?
RB: I don’t have a crystal ball, but I have seen various reports referencing unprecedented “drills” to take place in later March and April. I’ll mention this because I know a lot of people on the inside at DHS have seen this. A document called “Operation Thunderdome.” It’s maybe 50 or 60 pages, I’m not certain. It describes an economic collapse in the U.S., followed by an attack on the government by “a made-up patriotic group.” It combines gun owners, Constitutionalists, and even Christians into an enemy group that pulls off an attack in Washington.
But don’t fall into the trap of trying to pick the time of these events. Their plans are flexible, but their objectives are carved in stone.
DH: Sounds like a Reichstag type event - sometime.
RB: Exactly. Maybe not just one. They have plans and back-up plans and back-ups for the back-ups. And in spite of the warnings, and history, enough people will be outraged and side with the government. This brings me to my final point. What do you think all of the prepositioning of paramilitary assets, caches of ammunition, and the opening of non-descript buildings owned or leased by the federal government are for?
It’s for you and people like you. It’s for those who are turned in by their neighbors, friends, co-workers, and others who are hungry, broke and broken. What we are about to experience will be like it was during the Civil War, only worse. People will be outgunned, surveillance will be everywhere, and it will be much more difficult to hide and fight back. Not impossible, but more difficult.
DH: So you’re painting a picture of a Mad Max scenario, hence the reference to Thunderdome?
RB: Believe it or not, part of the model, or at least one of them, includes the depiction of a somewhat “normal” society, at least after the initial “hostilities.” People will be controlled by the national government, centralized – in order to escape the chaos. Think of it this way. You want food and medical care? You will not be able to own a gun, period. The current federal legislation is all window dressing – a distraction. No one expects anything meaningful to pass. It won’t have to. States, yes, but those states are lining up for federal money. The elected leaders are of the same ideology as Obama, but aside from those, we’ll see many people turning in their weapons for food, shelter, medical care, and false guarantees of safety. That’s what the new normal will look like.
As I said, you’ve got to think bigger – much bigger. The lies are bigger than most people can imagine. The people at the top are laughing at us. Think about that. They are laughing at us because it’s right in front of our noses. And you know, the bigger the lie…
Software that tracks people on social media created by defence firm
A multinational security firm has secretly developed software capable of tracking people's movements and predicting future behaviour by mining data from social networking websites.
FBI 'Stops' Yet Another Of Its Own Terrorist Threats
Well, there they go again. We've talked a bunch about how the FBI has gotten really good at stopping its own terrorist plots and they've gone and done it again. Right here in the San Francisco Bay Area, the FBI has gleefully announced how they've stopped an attempt to bomb a Bank of America building in Oakland. The details are familiar: random guy with no actual connection to terrorists, and no actual way to build a connection with terrorists, is taken in by an FBI undercover agent who works with him to build a "bomb" that was never a bomb. In other words, there was no plot. There was no bomb. There was just a bunch of undercover agents playing dressup, and one Joe Schmo who thought it was all real.
Documents: Alleged San Jose Bomber Suffers From Mental Illness
http://www.nbcbayarea.com/news/local/Documents-Alleged-San-Jose-Bomber-Suffers-From-Mental-Illness-190471061.htmlCourt documents obtained by NBC Bay Area on Friday reveal the troubled past of the San Jose man charged with targeting an Oakland bank because he was waging a jihad on America: the one-time window washer suffered from bipolar disease and substance abuse, along with being paranoid that people were out to get him.
The FBI arrested Matthew Aaron Llaneza, 28, on Friday after they said he tried to bomb a Bank of America in Oakland, not knowing that the bomb was fake and he had been the target of an undercover operation for months. His federal public defender declined comment.
However, one civil rights expert, Zahra Billoo, executive director of the Council on American Islamic Relations in Santa Clara, said that this smells of entrapment and is especially upsetting because the defendant has mental health issues.
I bet his flipping handlers were laughing their posteriors off, back at the shop, for having recruited what they thought was such a perfect mark for this.
They just didn't erase the paper trail on this guy in time, however, and THAT can only be characterized as very stupidly sloppy work.
So now, the whole world (including thinking Americans) understand that the US's government sets up emotionally compromised human beings as the "terrorists du jour" to try to convince the American people that "terror is always going to be with them", and there is absolutely nothing they can do to stop it, except to cave in favor of ever more draconian restrictions in their lives.
I, for one, refuse to be cowed by this US government-created faux terrorism.
Could your phone be secretly taking pictures right now? How hackers could hijack your camera to spy on you (and even read your chequebook)
A new app can 'virtually steal' from your home - by turning on your phone's camera and beaming images back to thieves.
The software can even build up a 3D model of your home, from which the hackers can inspect your rooms, potentially gleaning information about valuables in your home, calendar entries as well as spying on you.
The app was created by US military experts at Naval Surface Warfare Center in Crane, Indiana,to show how cybercriminals could operate in the future.
UNIVISION report connects Fast & Furious to murders of 16 Mexican teenagers
This is the unaltered report to air on Univision with English subtitles. It is graphic.
Univision Full Report On Fast and Furious Oct 1 2012, Graphic
Paul Ryan Calls For Eric Holder's Resignation Over New Details On Fast & Furious
Ryan’s call for Holder’s ouster over Fast and Furious comes a day after he told a sportsmen’s group that gun owners should be worried about Obama trying to infringe on their Second Amendment rights if he is re-elected.
Univision reported today that hundreds more people were murdered with Fast and Furious weapons, including those it decsribed as “16 young people attending a party in a residential area of Ciudad Juárez in January of 2010.”
Cop Caught On Video Beating Man In Wheelchair
A security camera recorded a police officer brutally beating and man handling a man in a wheelchair though his lawyer claims he did nothing wrong.
Philadelphia Cop Caught Punching Woman In The Face (VIDEO)
The Philadelphia Police are in hot water after a video has surfaced showing an officer with the force brutal punching a woman in the face.
Police are monitoring key activists online: The 'next big thing in law enforcement'
"People involved in public protest should use social media to their strengths, like getting their message across. But they should not use them for things like discussing tactics.