Alerte terroriste en Angleterre - Bombes liquides
Tout le monde a entendu parler dans les mass medias de l'alerte terroriste racontant que des individus en partance de l'Angleterre voulaient faire sauter une dizaines d'avions en cours de route vers les Etats-Unis. Les gros titres et la couverture mediatique a la TV furent enormes et menacant.
Avez-vous eu peur?
Moi je suis partis a rire sur le coup. Je me suis meme permis de me rouler a terre un peu. Je ne sais pas si vous voyez le pattern depuis quelques mois, la serie d'alerte terroriste dans une multitude de pays comme l'Angleterre, les USA, Canada qui a chaque coup sont monte en mousse par les medias et qui sont tous demontre par la suite comme etant des vraies jokes, des purs coups de theatre organises par nos gouvernements.
C'est l'outil de controle social le plus a la mode en ce moment, utilise par nos gouvernements, qui sont evidemment des paravents des vrais controleurs.
C'est extremement efficace contre une population ignorante. Ca permet de creer de l'insecurite et ainsi pousser les gens a demander plus de securite de la part de leur gouvernement. Ce faisant, les tyrants se servent de cette excuse pour demander aux gens de sacrifier leurs liberte pour plus de securite, ce qui semble logique pour bien des gens... ignorants de la reelle equation historique de cette facon de penser.
Moins de liberte n'a jamais ete egale a plus de securite, mais plutot a encore moins de securite. Pourquoi?
Parce que ce cree ainsi un mecanisme de transfert de pouvoir des mains de la population vers quelques mains controlantes seulement. Et de toute l'histoire, on remarque qu'un pouvoir absolu corrompt absolument. C'est la naissance d'une tyrannie a tout coup. Naissance d'un super gouvernement qui au nom de la protection et la securite devient tout puissant et se place au-dessus des lois.
La peur illusoire d'un ennemi exterieur s'interiorise et chacun devient un suspect, son voisin, le gars de l'autre cote de la rue, tous deviennent de "potentiel terroriste".
La police secrete procede a des arrestations arbitraires durant la nuit pour arreter les dangeureux dissidents politiques, qui on a bien peur, collaborent avec l'ennemi, ou du moins represente une menace a l'ordre etabli. Car dans cette logique, comme celle de Rumsfeld tout recemment entendu dans les medias, si vous critiquez le regime, vous aidez l'ennemi! Si vous contestez les politiques du gouvernement, c'est l'ennemi qui gagne! C'est exactement ce que le regime Bush declare partout dans les medias.
C'est par cette passe-passe que le peuple lui-meme devient "l'ennemi" selon le gouvernement, ou la clique qui controle nos pays. C'est tres vite resume, mais c'est une constante historique, faites vos recherches et vous verrez.
Dans le cas present, nous avons une serie d'alertes terroristes bidons sense nous preparer a de quoi de gros. Nos gouvernements sont en train de perdre controle de leur guerre, de l'information et de NOUS, et ils le savent.
Remarquez a quel moment precis se produisent ces "alertes". C'est toujours soit apres une debacle des autorites dans leurs guerres imperiales, un grave scandale, des statistiques desastreuses ou des elections. La connection politique avec le moment des fausses alertes est indeniable.
Pour supporter tout ce que j'ecris, vous avez une liste importante de documents et videos a consulter plus bas. Pour explorer cette question du timing des alertes, voyez ce reportage paru sur MSNBC Olbermann Exposes Nexus Of Politics And Terror
Nos gouvernements tentent de nous convaincre qu'ils font tout pour arreter les attentats terroristes, pour nous proteger. Mais devant l'abondance des pretendus complots terroristes, un jour un complot va finir par leur passer entre les doigts et se produire pour vrai. Et tout comme les attentats a Bali, Madrid, Londres, New-York WTC en 1993 et 2001, Oklahoma, et autres, ils seront en realite orchestre par les services secrets comme la CIA, MI5, MI6, MOSSAD, ISI et cie.
L'attaque sera blame sur nos ennemis prefabriques du jour, les gros mechants arabes, et une autre raison pour installer leur etat policier et couper dans nos droits et libertes.
Alex Jones, le seul gars a predire les attaques du 9/11 quelques mois d'avance comme etant un coup qui serait monte du gouvernement mais qui serait blame sur le dos de Bin Laden, apres avoir observe les evenements recents a fait sa deuxieme prediction: un gros attentat terroriste encore organise par l'elite s'en vient d'ici novembre si le gens ne font pas tout pour les arreter en informer le plus de gens possible et en ecrivant a tous les medias, question de les demasquer.
Alors si c'est le cas que nous vivions un autre 9/11, posez vous des vraies questions et cherchez a qui appartiennent les traces et a qui profitent vraiment ces attaques terroristes. Qui a la capacite de mener a bien de telles operations techniquement financierement et logistiquement.
Dans le cas de l'alerte en Angleterre, c'est Bush qui a appele Blair pour lui demander de partir la vague d'arrestation des suspects. Completement politique. Les suspects n'avait aucun materiel pour faire des bombes, plusieurs n'avaient ni billet d'avion ni passport, donc n'etait vraiment pas proche de pouvoir embarquer sur un avion, et de plus cette histoire d'explosif liquide est completement absurde.
Consultez les documents plus bas qui explique comment on peut en arriver a produire une telle bombe sur un avion et quelle quantite il faudrait reellement pour faire s'ecraser un avion. Les faits demolissent toute leur pauvre histoire pseudo-epeurante. C'est une grosse farce et de voir nos medias tous fiers de nous presenter des "nouvelles" comme ca revient a prouver que Falardeau dans son film Elvis Gratton III avait bien raison de montrer les journalistes en laisse a 4 pattes et Elvis qui represente les mass medias a la fin qui explose de marde tellement ils sont pleins de marde.
Excusez mon langage, mais je n'en peux plus de faire rire de nous et de nous faire prendre pour des criss de caves qui vont tout avaler leurs mensonges et propagandes sans rien questionner. Les journalistes ne font que repeter ce qu'on leur dit d'ecrire, et la recherche de la verite, la garde de la verite a pris le bord des poubelles il y a belle lurette.
Ils sont tellement absurdes qu'en meme temps qu'ils nous disaient que les liquides etaient potentiellement dangeureux si melange ensemble, dans les aeroports ils interdisent toute une panoplie d'articles et demandent aux gens de les deverser tous ENSEMBLE DANS UN CONTAINER!!!???? C'est debile!
Ca faisait plus d'un an qu'ils suivaient les suspects et avaient intercepte des e-mails dans lesquels certains "plans" de faire des bombes liquides etait apparement apparu.
Alors pendant un an les autorites n'ont pas craint pour notre securite, dont ils se foutent bien en realite, et soudenement, sans aucune evidence ne pouvant supporter un cas en cours de justice, sous un appel de Bush a Blair, le tout devient dramatiquement dangeureux et urgent, splashe dans toutes les premieres pages des mass medias occidentaux.
Tout de suite apres nos autorites soutiennent que le "nouveau normal" dans les aeroports et points de controle va etre beaucoup plus intrusif. Fouilles, rayon-X, nouvelles machines de detection des terroristes, beaucoup moins de liberte de circulation en toute paisibilite. On est habitue a etre des bons esclaves. On entend des gens declarer que c'est bon pour nous, que c'est correct qu'on soit mis a poil a l'aeroport par la securite, parce que maintenant le profil du terroriste selon les autorites et publie dans les medias c'est le gars de la moyenne qui porte des jeans et qui a l'air normal.
Vous comprenez ou ca va ca? Tout le monde devient suspect.
Ils ont interdit les femmes de porter des soutient-gorges avec gel et ils demandent meme aux meres de vider le lait pour leur bebe parce que ca serait tellement une bonne cachette pour cacher une bombe liquide!
Ben oui, ben oui, la mere va faire sauter son bebe dans l'avion avec elle. Je crois a ca. Ce n'est pas une theorie de conspiration completement farfelue, tout comme la version officielle du gouvernement a propos du 9/11 d'ailleurs...
C'est la raison de la photo de cet article: bien vite il va falloir se mettre a poil pour prendre l'avion!
Selon les sondages au Canada et en Angleterre, les gens ne croient pas en cette derniere alerte terroriste, et je dirais avec raison. Et c'est la bonne nouvellea saisir aujourd'hui. Le monde se reveille et il se cree un mecanisme de protection mentale contre la propagande et la desinformation, ce qui est genial, une genre d'intuition individuelle et collective.
Si l'on appuit cette intuition avec de la bonne information, on devient hors de portee de la manipulation constante dont nous sommes les objets.
Je cris au loup! Le loup est a la charge de surveiller les brebis, l'ennemi est de l'interieur. Nous devons evoluer comme humains et cesser d'etre si facilement controle par nos egos et notre vanite. Nous sommes tous responsables de ce qui se passe dans le monde et de ce qui s'en vient.
Reprenons les choses en mains, car en ce moment, ce sont des psychopathes meurtriers qui controlent le systeme, et nous sommes considere leurs ennemis.
Ils nous font la guerre psychiquement et physiquement.
Qu'allez vous faire??
Red Alert For Staged Government Terror Attack
Red Alert For Staged Government Terror AttackTerror alert a trial balloon for invasion of Iran, World War III
Today's red level terror alert in symbiosis with escalation of conflict in the Middle East is the trial balloon for a massive staged false flag terror attack, blamed on Hezbollah or Al-Qaeda, that will light the blue touch paper for World War Three.
Radio host Alex Jones, who predicted a staged attack on the World Trade Center involving the use of Osama bin Laden as a fall guy in July 2001, has now gone on record with a second prediction that a staged government terror attack will occur before the end of October unless a gargantuan effort to prevent it is launched.
Only through a massively increased counter-propaganda effort on behalf of all truth activists can prevent an imminent cataclysmic horror show that will make 9/11 look like a walk in the park.
We have exhaustively documented that criminal elements in control of major western governments have carried out terror attacks and deliberately manufactured fake alerts for political purposes.
Seven Morons In A Warehouse
Sears Tower: US Government Creates Another Al-Qaeda Cell
Cooked Canary Wharf Terror Plot Recycled
Canadian 'Terror Plot' Begins To Unravel
Hyped Terror Raid Proves To Be Paper Tiger
Toledo Terrorists and Government Entrapment
Twenty-Three Intel Experts Say LA Terror Plot a Sham
Bush Plays Terror Card With Bogus LA Attack Plot
NYC Subway "Plot": Just Another Fake Terror Alert
LIQUID TERROR: Training People To Act Like Subservient Slaves
Terrorists planned to mix liquids so why are they all being poured into airport bins?
Steve Watson / Infowars.net August 11 2006
The latest terror plot facade is nothing more than an exercise to assess how subservient the general population has become and a primer to making permanent the panicked and ridiculous freedom crushing security measures we are seeing being rushed into implementation at the moment.
Whilst the government is saying there is no going back on these measures and that they will become permanent, the media is bleating about rushing in biometric retina scanners and Orwellian behaviour sensing technology. This is the only way they can do these things without backlash and protest, just have a major terror alert and rush them through.
How is it that people can still deny that our governments are forwarding a big brother control agenda? ID cards, Biometric databases, retina scanners, face scanning cameras, behaviour sensing machines. The list goes on. It has been proven over and over that these measures will not help prevent terrorism, the government itself has even admitted this, so why do they relentlessly push them?
The latest mind bending terror stupidity has every passenger at airports pouring their potentially explosive liquids into bins inside the airports.
How stupid can things get? How far does it have to go before people start asking simple questions about what they are being made to do in the name of security?
If these liquids are potentially explosive what the hell is the good in pouring them all into large bins inside overcrowded airports and mixing them all together?
The Asheville Citizen Times interviewed a mother who was forced to pour away her baby's milk(!!!)
Crying Wolf: Terror Alerts based on Fabricated Intelligence
by Michel Chossudovsky
This is certainly not the first time that brash and unsubstantiated statements have been made regarding an impending terror attack, which have proven to be based on "faulty intelligence".
Complot terroriste au Royaume-Uni : que se passe-t-il vraiment ?
The UK Terror plot: what's really going on?
Aucun des prétendus terroristes n’avait préparé une bombe. Aucun d’entre eux n’avait acheté un billet d’avion. Beaucoup ne possédaient même-pas de passeport, ce qui compte-tenu de l’efficacité de l’Agence britannique de délivrance des passeports signifie qu’ils n’auraient pas pu devenir pirates de l’air avant un bon moment.
En l’absence de bombes et billets d’avion, et bien souvent de passeport, il serait assez difficile de convaincre un jury, au-delà de tout doute raisonnable, que des individus ont eu l’intention de commettre des attentats-suicide, peu importe de quels actes saugrenus ils ont pu se vanter dans des salons de discussion sur Internet.
De plus, nombre de ceux qui ont été arrêtés avaient été placés sous surveillance depuis plus d’un an – comme des milliers d’autres musulmans britanniques.
Et pas seulement des musulmans. Des gens comme moi.
Latest Terror Threat - More Government Foreknowledge
This week's cross-Atlantic terror alert has all the markings of an orchestrated incident to maintain public support for the ongoing US-British war on terror. White House spokesman Tony Snow admitted that President Bush had not been awakened by the dramatic news of Britain's air traffic shutdown because "Bush had been getting regular briefings on the developments for days."
If they knew so far in advance, why the dramatic shut-down of trans-Atlantic air traffic inconveniencing thousands, as if they intervened just in time?
Source: U.S., U.K. at odds over timing of arrests
Some of the suspected terrorists didn’t have passports, British officials say.
See video sidebar.
If the "terrorists" did not have passports, then they were not planning to get on an airplane to the US any time soon.
M.Rivero WRH
Olbermann Exposes Nexus Of Politics And Terror
A voir absolument pour comprendre la connection politique avec les "menaces terroristes": moyen de diversion puissant.
During a prime time segment on his MSNBC show last night, anchor Keith Olbermann presented ten clear examples where the Bush administration had issued terror alerts days after politically damaging revelations and questioned the credibility of each of the alleged plots' authenticity in light of astounding evidence to the contrary.
Olbermann overwhelmingly documents the staged timing of terror alerts spanning back four years and ends by scrutinizing the latest alleged liquid bomb plot - an operation infiltrated and surveilled for months by intelligence agencies, yet announced to the public on a carefully scripted pre-arranged schedule.
The politics of the latest terror scare
Five days after UK authorities arrested 24 British-born Muslims and announced that they and their American counterparts had thwarted a plot to blow up trans-Atlantic flights from London to the US, neither the British nor the American government has produced any facts to substantiate their dire claims.
No details of the supposed plot have been provided, and no hard evidence that would justify the arrest of so many people or the imposition of chilling security measures that had wreaked havoc at airports in the US and Britain.
Contradictions, anomalies, questions mount in UK terror scare
A British court on Wednesday extended the warrants for 23 people held since August 10 in connection with the alleged plot to blow up commercial airliners flying from Britain to the US. An additional person was arrested Tuesday. The judge issued his ruling late in the evening following a closed-door hearing that lasted most of the day.
Under Britain’s recently passed anti-terror law, suspected terrorists can be held for up to 28 days without being charged. Amid growing indications that the authorities lack firm evidence to back up their claims that the arrested men and women were on the verge of executing a terror attack on the scale of 9/11, there had been speculation in the press that at least some of the prisoners would be ordered released.
The Liquid Bomb Hoax: The Larger Implications
Fabriquez vous-mêmes votre bombe au TATP
Le complot terroriste déjoué le 10 août 2006 par le gouvernement Blair n’a guère de crédibilité. Non sans humour, le romancier Tom Greene imagine les difficultés d’un jihadiste pour embarquer discrétement son matériel à bord d’un avion de ligne et s’isoler trois heures dans les toilettes pour fabriquer son explosif.
what a fucking crock
"Because the plot involved taking liquid explosives aboard planes in carry-ons, passengers at all U.S. and British airports, and those boarding U.S.-bound flights at other international airports, are banned from taking any liquids onto planes."
Sir, I'm going to have to take this bottle of water away from you since it might be a liquid explosive, and I'm going to have to mix it with all of these other bottles of possibly liquid explosive, and I'm going to have to dump them all in this trash can... together. Nevermind that the plot specifically mentions mixing chemicals and/or nitroglycerin... which explodes if handled too roughly.
Who's Afraid Of The Big Bad Baby Milk?
Who's Afraid Of The Big Bad Baby Milk?
British Government Says Mothers With Babies New Terror Threat"You're either with us, or you're with the babies."
Authorities Warning Women Not to Wear Gel Bras As Worries of Possible Female Bombers Increase
Aviation chiefs may make liquids ban permanent
Terror Plot Mirrors Bojinka: Run By US Government Agent
Prison Planet August 10 2006
Associated Press reports that the dastardly new terror plot is a re-hash of Operation Bojinka - a 1995 plot to blow up 10 Western airliners simultaneously.
What they don't report is that its ringleader - Ramzi Youssef - was protected by the US government in 1992.
In September of 1992 Youssef entered the US with Ahmad Ajaj. Ajaj's luggage contained documents on how to make bombs and was stuffed with fake passports and ID's.
Ajaj was arrested - amazingly Youssef was released.
Youssef later masterminded the WTC '93 bombing after FBI agents provided the terrorists with real explosives under cover of a supposed sting operation.
Ramzi Youssef is a US government agent and his Bojinka plot - supposedly foiled by his intelligence agency bosses - is now being used as the latest monster under the bed to scare US and UK citizens into surrendering what's left of their rights.
Isn't it amazing that US government officials claimed ignorance of any Bojinka style plans before 9/11 and yet now they re-hash one for a faux terror alert.
Government enforcers and frightened slaves are all hot and bothered about the latest supposed terror plot targeting UK flights inbound to the US.
Ridiculous restrictions have been slapped on travelers, with mother's having to taste baby milk before they board planes and all hand luggage, including liquid drinks, being banned.
The new alert arrives with the 9/11 truth movement on the cusp of a wave of media exposure.
Evidence of government sponsored terror and how they use the fear of terror to control society is bursting out at the seams as editorials nationwide in the US are uniform in attempting to debunk research that questions the official version of 9/11.
Latest London Terror Plot a Blair Hoax?
Aug. 11, 2006 -- UPDATED. According to knowledgeable sources in the UK and other countries, the Tony Blair government, under siege by a Labor Party revolt, cleverly cooked up a new "terror" scare to avert the public's eyes away from Blair's increasing political woes.
British law enforcement; neo-con and intelligence operatives in the United States, Israel, and Britain; and Rupert Murdoch's global media empire cooked up the terrorist plot, liberally borrowing from the failed 1995 "Oplan Bojinka" plot by Pakistan- and Philippines-based terrorist Ramzi Ahmad Yousef to crash 11 trans-Pacific airliners bound from Asia to the United States.
In the latest plot, it is reported that liquid bombs were to be detonated on 10 trans-Atlantic planes outbound from Britain to the United States.
The Foiled UK Terror Plot and the "Pakistani Connection"
by Michel Chossudovsky
The initial reports of the Home Office point to the active collaboration of Pakistani Military Intelligence in uncovering the alleged terror plot. From the outset, most of the intelligence which led to the arrests in the UK was apparently gathered by Pakistan's military intelligence (ISI), which is said to "have tipped off MI5": While actively collaborating with the British police investigation, the Inter Services Intelligence (ISI) is known to have supported and financed a number of "Islamic terror groups" including Al Qaeda.
In fact the terrorist training camps in Pakistan were set up in the early 1980s with the support of the ISI and the CIA. And the leaders of these various Islamic organizations were also indoctrinated in the ISI sponsored madrassas.
Liquid Bomb Pakistan Link Is False Flag Smoking Gun
Revelations concerning the origins and connections of the alleged liquid bomb terror plot to Pakistan and the 7/7 bombings in London provide a strong indication that the operation, known for months yet deliberately timed for public release, was a synthetic ruse concocted by the Bush/Blair cabal to re-package the flagging war on terror.
Media reports in the days following the alert cite Pakistan's ISI as having identified Rashid Rauf as, "the link between the plot's planners and British-based Muslims who were allegedly preparing to carry out attacks on transatlantic flights."
According to former NSA official Wayne Madsen, the Lashkar-e-Toiba terror group, to which Rashid Rauf is affiliated, is wholly operated and funded by the Pakistani ISI.
To understand why the Pakistan link strongly indicates that Thursday morning's terror alert was a manufactured ruse, it is necessary to understand the the nexus that connects Pakistani intelligence, the CIA and terrorist organizations.
In October 2001, under the headline 'Pakistani Intelligence Had Links to Al Qaeda, U.S. Officials Say,' the New York Times reported, "The intelligence service of Pakistan, a crucial American ally in the war on terrorism, has had an indirect but longstanding relationship with Al Qaeda, turning a blind eye for years to the growing ties between Osama bin Laden and the Taliban, according to American officials."
The ISI has received CIA funds to create and control militant organizations, including the Taliban and Osama bin Laden in Afghanistan.
Funds transferred from Pakistan bankrolled the alleged 9/11 hijackers before the attack. Ahmad Umar Sheikh wired $100,000 from Karachi to alleged lead hijacker Mohammed Atta at the behest of ISI chief Mahmoud Ahmad. If this isn't a direct link from the ISI to Al-Qaeda then nothing is.
Current Booga Booga sparked by "informant".
'Airlines terror plot' disrupted
Read this carefully. Despite the claim to have arrested the "main players", this report is full of extreme vagueness. "It is thought", "they believed", "revolved around liquids of some sort", and "found 'interesting items'". They don't really have anything here. This is a pathetic booga booga hoax to save Tony Blair.
M.Rivero WRH
Londres : terrorisme fictif, guerre réelle
Terror 'may force freedom curbs'
Here's your motive for the latest booga booga. You British folks reading this; if you let them get away with this swindle, you will get the dictatorship you deserve.
M.Rivero WRH
Chertoff discusses new security measures
UK bomb suspect a "normal, average guy"
Screeners step up surveillance at airports
Shifty eyes, beads of sweat and hesitant speech have long been some of the clues that police look for to read thoughts.
Now federal officials are stepping up efforts to use the tactic -- called behavior detection -- to spot nervous people at airport checkpoints and pull them aside for questioning or additional screening.
Every airport traveller 'will be fingerprinted'
Which Travelers Have 'Hostile Intent'? Biometric Device May Have the Answer
Just being screened like this could cause an ordinary person's blood pressure to skyrocket, even thought they have absolutely no hostile intent.
M.Rivero WRH
Airline Insanity Merely A Beta Test For Police State Caste System
Police in Britain find suitcase with bomb parts
The BBC quoted an anonymous police source as saying a suitcase holding “everything you would need to make an improvised device” had been uncovered in a stretch of woodland in High Wycombe, 30 miles northwest of London. The wood is near the home of one of two dozen suspects arrested Aug. 10 in connection with the foiled bomb plot.
The Metropolitan Police refused to comment on the BBC report, saying it could not discuss anything found during the searches, which reportedly have uncovered several firearms and other items of interest.
UK Terror scare starts to fall apart
Prescott lets slip that some suspects won't face serious charges.
An officially induced panic
More than a week after the US and UK announcements that an alleged terror plot to blow up commercial airliners flying from Britain to the US had been foiled, the official claims are unraveling. Authorities have been unable to provide any concrete evidence to back up the story that police raids and mass arrests in Britain thwarted an imminent attack that would have taken the lives of thousands of transatlantic travelers.
Significant details, in fact, have come to light that indicate the opposite. Not only has it been revealed that no bombs were actually in the process of being assembled, but none of the suspects—British-born Muslims, who at this point remain in custody without having been charged—had purchased airline tickets. Some did not even hold passports.
It is becoming increasingly evident that the government-media hysteria about the alleged plot was prompted not by security concerns, but rather by a politically motivated desire to divert attention from the growing crisis of both the Bush and Blair governments.
Under conditions of a deepening military and political debacle in Iraq, growing domestic opposition to the war, a deteriorating military situation in Afghanistan, and the unfavorable outcome for the US and Britain in Lebanon, the eruption of the latest alleged terror plot has served to “change the subject,” while fostering an atmosphere of fear and panic that both governments hope will disorient the public and facilitate new attacks on democratic rights.
Arrests evoke memories of 9/11 attacks
Canadians don't buy into British "terror" plot
Only 20% Of Britons Believe Blair On Terror Threats
Only 20% Of Britons Believe Blair On Terror Threats. Neo-Fascists need to stage real attack to reclaim credibility and obedience.
Never Trust a Man with a Comb-Over
The just-announced plot by Muslims to blow up "a great many" airliners in flight from London to America using two-part liquid bombs, including the arrest of one of them, allegedly with the makings in a carry-on bag, happens at a very convenient time, indeed. Convenient for Bush, Blair and Olmert, in fact.
It must be just coincidence that the Bush/Blair poll drop due to the Iraqi fiasco suddenly accelerated into a freefall because of Israel's US-backed and -financed genocidal campaign against Lebanon and Palestine.
Also coincidental: both "leaders" were on vacation at the time and saw no need to rush back to the office to deal with this latest "event."
Another coincidence: One day prior to the latest "terrorist" announcement, pro-war Jewish Neocon (but I repeat myself) Joe Lieberman unexpectedly lost an important primary election to a nobody in an early demonstration of just how the public intends to deal with all pro-war elected officials in the upcoming November congressional election.
Just last week, for the first time, facts disputing the official 9/11 story were broadcast nationally, again and again, in the form of a taped, two-hour panel discussion on C-SPAN. This was a momentous event that garnered a good deal of attention - much more than C-SPAN anticipated, which is why it rebroadcast the program a total of five times during the week, prompting increased discussion in many quarters throughout America. Just coincidence, of course, that such a program got such attention just prior to unveiling of the "liquid bomber" plot.
Police evacuate Seattle terminal over possible explosive
Explosive Liquids Scare In W. Virginia
Saved again, thank the Lord, saved again
So now we've (choke) just been (gasp) saved from the simultaneous blowing up of ten airplanes headed toward the United States from the UK. Wow, thank you Brits, thank you Homeland Security. Well done, lads. And thanks for preventing the destruction of the Sears Tower in Chicago, saving lower Manhattan from a terrorist-unleashed flood, smashing the frightful Canadian "terror plot" with 17 arrested, ditto the three Toledo terrorists, and squashing the Los Angeles al Qaeda plot to fly a hijacked airliner into a skyscraper.
The Los Angeles plot of 2002 was proudly announced by George W. early this year. It has since been totally discredited. Declared one senior counterterrorism official: "There was no definitive plot. It never materialized or got past the thought stage."[2] And the scare about ricin in the UK, which our own Mr. Cheney used as part of the buildup for the invasion of Iraq, telling an audience on January 10, 2003: "The gravity of the threat we face was underscored in recent days when British police arrested ... suspected terrorists in London and discovered a small quantity of ricin, one of the world's deadliest poisons." It turned out there was not only no plot, there was no ricin. The Brits discovered almost immediately that the substance wasn't ricin but kept that secret for more than two years.[3]
From what is typical in terrorist scares, it is likely that the individuals arrested in the UK August 10 are guilty of what George Orwell, in 1984, called "thoughtcrimes". That is to say, they haven't actually DONE anything. At most, they've THOUGHT about doing something the government would label "terrorism".
Airlines set to sue for £300m over terror losses